(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB


things will get better...

when noah first started cc, i also had zac in the sling. then out in the open, noah would be crying, refusing to go to school. many people actually turned and looked. Very malu...

haha... noah really made quite a scene in the open. Then a few weeks later, when he finally settled down, one auntie whom i din know, actually came to me and said,' hey, he loves to go to school now huh? It was so funny when i saw him crying last time."

anyway, I think nat's temper is just a passing phase. My zac, though not in cc, also throws his tantrum very often now.

Guess I can only try to slowly let her get use and pray hard she will be better.. Even though now she is toilet train I still prefer put her diapers at school as she still not very use to the teacher. She also eating herself even at home & no problem at school so quite independent. I think and hope this is just a temp transition from her. So heart pain for sure and her temper is so spoilt she can just lie on the floor even outside for shopping! Headache... guess this is call terrible 2!!!
Becos of #2 thats why you can't really totally care on #1 thats why you can't stand her temper. You will be expecting more from her to be independent due to you have no time for her anymore. At this age they might still want to be carry when outside as they still can't walk that much. which you never realise that when your #2 is not out yet.

try to be calm with her You need to teach her what to do i am sure she can understand instructions. When my sis in law is here with her boy sometimes i help her to take care of her boy which i also learning to handle two kids. Charlotte can even throws her toys or hit me when she angry i will scold her first and let her cry for awhile then attend to her.
Good morning mummies,

Wow, long post here, took me some time to read all. I've been away last week working in Perth, was really cold there and super boring as the city basically shuts down after 5pm, am so glad to be back home!

Mummies who are about to pop,
Do take care!

Re: Cough and Flu
Hannah has been down with cough and flu for the past 2 weeks. Just when we thought she is recovering, she started sneezing again last night *sigh*, really hope the flu bugs won't come back to haunt her again. She has been misbehaving alot recently too, we're at a loss on how to discipline her, hopefully her behavior is just a passing phase.

Wow, I didn't know that so many of your tods are on singular, its scary that nowadays kids at a very young age have to take all sorts of medications already, hopefully they won't suffer from any side effects when they grow up. Speaking of which, Singular is produced by my ex-company, when I saw all the postings about Singular, I started to miss my ex-company really badly, how I wish I can go back to work with them.

so many postings!

<font color="ff0000">piyo</font>,
see if you have go to parents place after confinement over so you have extra hands to help you? Also, anyone of your parents have maid also? Old maids can teach new maids... and faster to overcome learning curve..

Your new maid, sounds funny.. is there a reason for doing all these? Is she indonesian? Cos, some of them from poor villages and not used to modern living and often go hungry all the time. This might result in over-compensation in terms of food and stress. Be careful how you handle her weird habits, cos, some maids might retaliate and complain to neighbours that we don't let them eat and = ill treatment! Police always believe the maids who complain of abuse first!!

Bathing also not a culture for them.. My relative once had a maid who never washed her hair and soon had lice that spread to the children..

I think you better change maid too!

<font color="ff0000"> HoneyB</font>,

go back ex- company and work = cheaper medication ah for Sherv? keke.
Hi mummies,

Becos my hubby has asthmatic cough, so whenever Justin gets flu and never recover after 1 week, the PD will give singulair which hubby says its a very strong drug. I'm scared to give a young kid such strong med but no choice cos its really effective, so when Justin shows signs of recovery, I would quickly stop.

Justin is a also getting a bit out of hand in discipline. He's emotions will change very drastically, 1 second laughing, next second cry and scream. As a preggie mummy, I have to try to be more patient as I tend to snap at him and then regret later cos we being preggie gets more emotional too. I kept telling myself Justin is still young and is experimenting with things as well as learning to control his emotions so I have to be patient to teach and guide. Sigh, but its a really tough job especially when we are tired......parenting is never easy...we shd all give ourselves credit.

In public, Justin will get very excited and run while we all try hard to chase and grab his hands which he'll struggle free. He doesn't sit in stroller or the trolley for long in supermarkets so its really a challenge to handle him in public. I'm used to inviting a lot of stares from public liao.....hahaha. My greatest fear is not Justin falling sick or falling down, its actually losing him in public.

Last time, before I had kids, I would get annoyed sometimes when I see kids misbehaving and their parents ignoring. But now, I ustand more after becoming a parent myself, its really the most challenging and rewarding job
I'm not Sherv's mummy lah hee, I'm Hannah's mummy, hopefully Hannah will never ever need to have to take Singular. I miss my old work place cos that company's really warm and very structured unlike my current company who does not know what is planning from top mgmt to bottom, sad.
paisay paisay.. i scroll up and type salah names.. sigh..

ok mummies,
think can announce liaoz.. me now 12 weeks with no. 2..

seeing your posts really scaring me, the 2nd time mummies.. keeping my fingers cross that things will all be ok..

I heard got rumour about increasing cost of hiring maid.. and also about 1 yr paid maternity leave..

Congratulations! So, you hoping for #2 to be born in the lunar year as 'rat' or 'cow'?


From your post, I'm getting a bit worry about the rae's reaction to the sister... Expecting it to be difficult but hoping that it won't be too bad.

Hi SL,
How's crisann? Jayden going to MMI at West Coast for 2 weeks trial.
no worries and congrats to your no 2! Think most of us guessed that you are preggie, take good care and enjoy your pregnancy. :")
congrats!!! so happy for u, so u hope for a prince this time?? =P i'm sherv's mummy leh...

sherv also very emotional these days, i dunno the cause.. at first i thot giving in to her will help due to her cough, but i realised we're getting more n more nonsense from her everyday! she continues her stunt into the nite... just last nite, i woke up 4 or 5 times from midnite to 5am! almost every hourly ok, luckily i retired into the room earlier at 9plus but only managed to sleep abt 11plus... so at least, i'm not tired today.

now i know why my mom told me tat she only sleeps ONE hr everyday! and i shared the room with them ystday, and experienced it myself! i will continue to share the room with them for another 2 days since my hubby is not in town. and i will try to stop sherv from throwing tantrum at nite. coz sherv is afraid of me, and she will cry if i threaten to smack her. i hv no choice but to instill fear in her to stop her routine nonsense at nite.

i cant imagine if she carries on this even when DiDi is out.

just this morning,
1- she ordered my sis not to leave the hse(for work) and kept crying!
2- then when i woke up, she ordered me to go back to the room and sit on the bed! i told her i need to work, then she cried n screamed!
3- then i went to the living room, she ordered me to sit on the sofa, but i went to the kitchen, then she cried n screamed!
4- she doesnt allow me to go n brush my teeth, i went ahead, then she cried n screamed!

ur maid sounds like those typical "kampung" maid, and it's equally hard to accomodate them and for them to adjust themselves here... u might wanna consider changing her b4 u n hubby find out more of her secret stunts! think she belongs to those "no common sense" category, i dun mean to insult her here. but there are real cases of them dunno abt hygience, danger, consequences...etc.

and u hv an infant now, think it's impt for your helper to hv a clear state of mind to think n help u out. sometimes it's not abt giving them time and chances to learn n improve, some maids just come here to experience LIFE n find out wat's OUTSIDE their "world". alot of them just CANNOT adjust to city life no matter how long, u noe wat i mean?

i hope u dun feel tat we're scaring u, but just sharing our thots n experience here... we dun hv to learn from our own mistakes everytime, it's good to learn from others. =P
catherine, honeyb, leobbmom, Amy,

thks for well wishes.. i damn blur nowadays.. oh yes.. mine is EDD 3rd day of CNY.. and so likely is first few OX bb..so, no CNY celebration for me this round.. and if like jadelle, i overdue, then likely it will be OX lor.. which was what i planned for, but didn't expect strike so fast and so on the dot.. hope i dun pop on CNY 1st day.. diaoz..
haha this is part of our kids passing phrase, sometimes i just ignore sometimes i ask charlotte she want to follow me or not she will run to me and smiles. maybe you can bring her with you to toilet and brush teeth together. if you happen to walk away to other area of the house tell her to wait tell her where you going and go ahead. if she still cry ignore her let her cry until you come out of the toilet.

Now charlotte knows my pattern she seldom scream and she will wait for me while playing her toys sometimes she still can scream and cry. once they start to learn and more mobilise things they will start to follow us more like even out side shopping they don't want to hold hands but will follow behind.

actually this still not consider tantrum or emotional is normal for them. if they dun follow you then who to follow? strangers? :p

Charlotte also start to change even harder to ask her to sleep i will scold her and ask her to SLEEP" Previously i just moved to new house she came back even worse 12 am still play
make me scold her i told her if she dun sleep i will throw her out of the room. guess she understand now getting use to it already.
hi mommies..

have not managed to log in for a long time.. cos super tired and busy..

firstly thanks for all the well wishes.. sorry but dun take much of Caralisa's photo.. will try to take and post when have time...

will be catching up reading the postings.. will hopefully will be able to post soon..

all mommies and babies do take care..

Congrats! B/G? Yes, most of us wldve guessed you pregnant.

1 yr paid ML? Yes, you are so right - in your dreams! ;)

When are u due?
Hi Jas


Hi Amy

Crisann is dong quite well in school. Thks.

I did hear fm my mum he is going to MMI. Different know is just trial only. Have u visited MMI at West Coast?
Not to worry. For me I also tell myself this is just a temporary stage lo since alot 2nd time mummie explained to me. Once out #1 used to #2 things shld be getting better lo. THink guess need few months bah and no matter how our toddler not even reaching 2yr old.

All the while Natalie is very independent gal. SHe like to do everything herself mayb trained from MIL. I feel she is just been spoilt. Natalie should be feeling v glad cos I neglected #2 and give her all my attention and sometime even put #2 at MIL hse only bring back during fri-sun as I been over stress &amp; worn out lately. I been giving her all my attentions and Now I try to reduce carry her as now i am only past near 6weeks after my birth. My blood stop after 1mth BUT only till lately again send her sch and she keep want to carry even at home AND I cant even cook properly. Carry and cook at the same time! My blood came back again! I feel worried cos dono whats wrong and will anything happen to my womb. Cos recently ask my massage lady to come she mention my womb drop it as compare. ALL tell me to reduce carrying and do heavy chores BUT I tel them one thing. DO I HAVE A CHOICE? SO I rather I suffer THAN my kids.. As a MOTHER really sacrifice alot.

TOday natalie sleep a school. About 1hr. Teacher told me she improve alot today. This morning as usual i send her to school she was clingy to me again BUT better bit. Take off her shoes, hold tight to me. WHen she knew I going off she cry abit and teacher tell her go computer room play play she reach her arms to teacher and say bye bye mummie! HAHA don't know to be happy or what.. Then I tell her mummie go work work later come fetch you she nod ok! Gosh.. wonder she really understand. ABout 3plus i bring her back. the moment she saw me cry again hai... BUT glad that teacher told me she improve alot. She is walking around exploring and able to mingle around lo. Hope she will improve alot more as time goes
Re : sleeping

my ray from born keep sleeping sarong , suddenly this few weeks refuse to sleep in it anymore . And its not a good news lor , cos when in bed , he can run n roll , so he didnt sleep . Every night sleep at 2 - 3 am ! me become panda liao woh ! And he have a very bad habit , when he cry , he will vomit ! so we cant let him cry too long , hai ~
ALL mummies ,

Our august baby 2nd birthday is coming soon .. anyone start planning already ? for me , i have already thought of how to celebrate liao , kiasu hor , hahaha ... care to share how r u all going to celebrate ?
hi everyone,
wow! so many posts these few days. been rather busy and feeling very upset at work recently so din really pop in for a while.

hi cynthia,
Kayden was just like natalie. think it's the adjustment period. Kayden was super clingy and threw tantrums when I put him in half day childcare. he would cry and wail when we leave him, refused to put on his uniform. he would have nightmares on and off and cried for me in his sleep. he would want me to carry him all the while even though he was rather independent and mobile prior to going to childcare.

after 1 month, i would say that he's really much better. no need to struggle to put on his uniform or to see him crying when we leave him. he would still tear a little but will lean forward to be hugged by the teacher and then say bye to us sadly. seems like he understand that we have to go for work. he's still clingy but i think it's almost back to usual liao. must press on ok. just give natalie more attention and love so she'll feel secure. it's a passing phase.
hi whitelady,
re: birthday celebrations
haven't start preparing yet leh. very bz. think will just have a small celebration with family.

re: sleep
i think i'm just like some mummies here. will switch off the lights after he finished watching his dvd show and then let him roll on the bed for a while. sometimes, he'll 'chat' with us in the dark until he sleeps. haha.. usually he'll fall asleep in less than 30 mins after we switch off the lights. perhaps u can try switching off the lights earlier.
is a gd sign that is learning to be independent, maybe whe you cooking put her with many toys or on VCDs Will help.
Since you had stop breastfeeding maybe can try take DOM can help heal ur wombs. Even at 6weeks womb not really fully Heal.

Learn to let go abit of natalie is normal for her to cry when see you leaving or saw you. when she get use to it. she will happily go to school as long as school is a happy place she enjoyed.

Can try reading or singing to Ray before sleeping, Make sure his nap time is not after 5pm.
oh yah erin mention Switche off the lights yup i did it too. My room quite dark so i install night light for charlotte so that she won't feel too dark and scare.

decided just celebrate at home with my families
hi kris,
finally see ur posting. remember to put up caralisa's photo when u r free.

hi jasmine,
congrats once again! take care and don't worry too much. i might be postponing my ttc plan again. haha...
hi erin00,
what happen @ work huh? you ok? vent it out here if u want..

i got to plan for jadelle to attend childcare too.. i don't think my MIL can cope leh.. and i am still hesitating over hiring maid.. i think got alot of extra problems that come with hiring maid..

ah.. EDD is 29th Jan 2009.. no idea B/ G yet lah... so early still leh..
white lady,

I plan liaoz lah.. but relax type of planning.. jadelle confirm want barney stuff, so everything also barney lor.. haha easy manz..

think a lot of our kids crazy over barney!
read you sending your boy to West Coast MMI? Where is it?

now i see so many friends preggy I also think of having 2nd one :p

for birthday I was thinking of barney stuff...
anyone know where sell all those birthday stuff?


can we give our kids yogurt everyday?

as for milk: now that they are older can we just switch milk brands like that? or still need to adjust slowly over a few days?
is it ok to give UHT milk?
can mix? like day time fresh milk and nite time formula?
Hi mummies,
Thanks for concern, both myself and Jay are ok now. Will be extra careful liao.

hee, I also know you preggie liao coz last time when I asked if you preggie but no reply from you then someone sms me said you preggie but pantang so never announce. congrats!!

Think it is a good sign that he dun want his sarong le. For Jay, after his night feed I will off the light and last time both myself and hubby will lie on the bed and sleep together with him and either myself or maid will pat him to sleep. After that we will just wake up to do our work. But these few days after his milk he will kiss us good night and maid will bring him to the bedroom and pat him to sleep.

Re: tantrum
Jay also very stuborn nowadays. Things that he wants he will make sure he cry till he got it, so now I try not to give in and just walk away when he is crying or throw his tantrum. Then when he realise I dun bother he will stop crying and run to me asking for sayang.

His teacher told me twice that he fights with another new boy over some toys/materials. aiyo, one hand I wonder why Jay only fight with this specify boy one (he will not fight with others), who's fault and how should I educate him? On the other hand, mom's instint, I worry my boy loss in fighting and kena bully by that boy. Ha. . . Wonder if you lady have the same problem, how will you do or feel?

Re: birthday celebration
Jay's birthday is on Sat so on Friday we will celebrate his birthday in his school, have prepared/ordered some goody bags, cakes and food for that day. Then on his actual BD, we will bring him out to celebrate with own family members. Tentatively this is my plan and hope I will not deliver earlier lo.

barney stuff, can go to parkway parade, outside kiddy palace, they do sell barney stuff quite affordably.. some of us mummies, whose kids' are crazy over barney did a private BP recently lor.. to get barney birthday stuff from overseas..

ya lah... i pantang, cos l ever posted during my first pregnancy on the forum in another thread and i m/c very fast.. so after that, i scared liaoz.. keke..

Not my boy, my nephew. MMI West Coast is at the Recreation Centre, the one with a Jack’s Place and near Clementi Sports Stadium along AYE.

I’m not very inclined to give yogurt everyday because of the fact that it is cold. I started giving my girl UHT milk usually once a day to replace the FM in the afternoon. Hasn’t give her fresh milk for the same reason that it has to be served cold plus she won’t be able to finish 1 litre of the fresh milk before it expires.
Hi Jas,

congrat to u.... r u hiring any confinment lady? Think very difficult to find one during CNY plus also need to pay more... any one got good confinment lady to recommend?
officially announce liao huh...hehe...Congrats!

oh yes, talking abt their tantrum, they can cry at the slightest thing and become very demanding and i've losing my temper too, but to them we are their everything so no choice...now denise getting a bit better and will stick to her daddy again, juz hope she'll remain like this.

took some photos this morning before she goes CC,

My confinement lady is very nice leh, she's very clean and tidy and she takes good care of Lucien, I can set my mind at ease and dun need to check on her or tell her what to do, she works fast. But she may be booked during the New Year period liao...but if any of you interested can PM me for her contact
good morning mummies!

it's not tat i wanna lose my patience on Sherv, but she's getting VERY demanding! and best of all, no one hits her depsite all her nonsense... just like cocomo and fiona, we're faced with their crying n tantrum every now and then. sometimes it's not tat i'm not sensitive towards her, but she wants to order n command us to do her bidding.

well, today is a GOOD day coz her mood is good. only cried once when she woke up and my mom didnt make it in time for her. so she screamed at my mom! "Ah Por Sit Down HERE!!!"

then b4 i left the house, she even said, "hughug mummy" and gave me a HUG &amp; flying kiss at the door. my mom commented tat the "SUN" is out today, but dunno abt afternoon liao... unpredictable manzz.. @__@|||

my mom said her fren told her tat those preggie mums will go thru the same phase, and only after we pop, then the older one will change for the better! wa lau........ si mi?!?! i still got 9weeks to go leh... how to tahan... =(

long time no hear from you... =) how's JH doing?
Hi leobbsmom,

ya... long time never post in forum but had been reading posts

JH is fine..... but very notti as she get older...hee hee....she finally can sleep on bed instead of sarong....but I must be sleeping next to her if not she will not want to sleep.... recently, she is in love with Barney's show &amp; insists in watching her Barney Let's Go to the zoo vcd non stop.... keep singing the elephant song &amp; I Love U song.....

She also in love with swimming... keeps saying she want to go swimming...
haha Leo,
I believe if you are happy Sherv will be happy too. Sometimes they can be cranky whole day some times can be happy. Might be they are still toothing i believe most of them still have the last four tooth right behind still on the way out. Otherwise can be other things they are up to which they can't express it out well.
Soon after age of 2 they will learn to express more with words then you will be more relax ar.
i've sent you her contact.

i can understand how difficult it can be bcos Denise can suddenly wail loudly even when she's eating her dinner, they are so unpredictable it's stressful for the caregiver. And we who sleep with them at night then know how tiring it can be when they dun sleep well. My MIL always talk cock only so my hubby rebuked her, said she doesn't even need to take care of her at all now so she won't know how hard it is...haha

you hang in there, i heard from my CL they'll usu be better after a month post delivery of 2nd one, now will be more manja for attention.

welcome back to SG.
thanks i like the 2nd pic too, a bit sayang the pic is blur. i'm ok but this week onset of irritating cough so i'm staying away from chicken, and no choice but to drink water instead of red date drink and can't take those heaty food.

why is giving birth after jan 09 good?


zac is off formula milk now. Now on fresh milk and UHT milk. Hubby and I feel that the less man made the food the better. That's why the switch.


Hey, din hear from you for a long time. Is JH in CC yet? I'm sourcing one for zac for next yr. Visited a few but think will most likely put him at his bro's cc. However, will like to visit EB at Safra first before making the final decision.

why are you looking for confinement?


Hi augustmum...

ya lor... MIA for some time.... same reason as jasmine.... hee hee hee...

JH not in cc yet... but most likely putting her at Safra Childcare... think will try half day childcare 1st
ya, Sherv also "barney siao" now! hee... also "Hi5 siao" lah! tat's why now she KEE TUA SIAO!!! kekekeke...... =P Sherv also likes to swim, esp splashing water at us.

ya, she's teething lor! tat's why we also been very patient with her... never hit her even when she's in tat mode.. but like tat hor, we all hv NEI SANG... @__@||

hopefully the folks are right abt our tods getting better when the little one is out. and maybe they feel tat they hv been promoted, so they'll mature a little... keeping my fingers crossed. can cross my eyes if needed!
Jesline and Jas,
Congrats! both EDD about the same? is it b4 or after CNY? Take good care of yourselves during this period ah!

Jesline, forget to reply your sms. My CL told me CL during CNY period is about $2600.

When did RAe start school at MMI wset coast? Hoe is she adapting there?

Nice pics! As expected, Denise so sayang her lil bro! I love the 2nd pic too!

Forget to reply your sms too. I am getting the contact from my mum but keep forgetting to get from her cos everytime she comes to my house is to buy food for my confinement then carry baby then handle megan etc.. evry rush... Will also tt the bal of the spree to you this week.

are you busy with the P1 registration? Take good care of yourself and hope Kayden will settle down in school better soon

Better go visit your gynae about the bleeding.. most of the time, it ccould be our normal menses but just to be sure? I am also having difficulties coping well with 2.. type also dunno how to type out... lots of frustrations.. hang in there ok? hope we get thru this phase soon.. haiz..

Leo, jas, augmum,
u all thk I shd change maid huh? I also dilemma cos this is the 2nd maid I changed so far after my old maid left.. and I am waiting for her to come back, if she really does come back, I will haf to change maid again... in a fix leh...

if she is always under scrutiny by my mum and/or by us, as we are not leaving our kids with her alone like the situation with my old maid, you think I can still hold on to her to do basic chores and handling of kids under our supervision, can still hang on to her?
Hi mummies,
now bfg Nicole and typing at the same time... I am counting down to end of confinement! 4 more days! I really kena depression manz, occasionally will cry over small small things.. dunno how to describe here but sometimes wonder y I have no.2.. might as well just stay at 1 can liao..just feel helpless and overwhelmed.

Megan now watches the leapfrog phonics DVD b4 she sleeps. When raeched the "Z", she will automatically hits the sack and "zzz".. but I dun really fancy her watching DVds b4 she sleeps.. yet I have no choice cos I have to attend to Nicole while my hubby attends to her and puts her in front of TV to drink her last feed (else very difficult to get her to drink) and sleeps.. c my helplessness?

maybe exp mummies can advise me how to combat this...

re: birthday celebration
I started planning Megan's birthday in April cos I know June onwards I will be busy with Nicole, bfg, full mth etc...

Over the last few months, been getting DORA stuffs and goody bags and DORA birthday cake ready cos plan to have DORA theme birthday party in her school on her actual day which falls exactly on Friday. will celebrate with her in school then bring her out to play and celebrate. At night will have mini birthday celebration with family and close friends, that's all..what about you mummies?
Hi piyo,

Thanks for asking. think quite hard to find a CL during CNY... haiz...

my EDD is 18 Jan... b4 CNY

Here's pic of my notti JH

Hi piyo,

Bedtime TV is Justin's routine. I hv no choice, I recokoned this is the only way I can get him to settle down and stop running around. After the DVD which cld be Leapfrog, Baby Einstein or Baby Bumblebee, he'll drink milk then its lights off and sleep. But he'll again take some time to fall asleep, not like ur Megan so fast. So u see? I'm more helpless than u. But as long as he's watching educational videos, I'm ok with it. In fact, I realised he learnt the most from watching these videos.

I have not started planning for Justin's 2nd bday celebration. I'm afraid it'll be very near my EDD and who knows I may be in hospital on his actual bday. So I just intend to get my hubby or sister to buy him a cake with vehicles theme and then celebrate with close family at home. I just hope to be home to celebrate his bday. I think at his age, he still doesn't know how to appreciate a party, as long as he gets to eat cake, he's happy liao.
Hi Jesline,
You c if Fio's CL would like be available? if not, My Cl can help you find a CL for CNy if you dun mind.. let me know

Is this JH's uniform? I bot a similar sailor wear for Megan to wear when she is in school for the afternoon haha.. hiao mum :p

Hi racoon,
This routine is started by my hubby after my old maid left.. cos like you, we can't get her to settle down, drink her last milk feed, take her vits and sleep.. Once started like cannot change liao... I used to read books to her b4 she sleeps last time. My consolation is she is watching educational videos. Megan takes some time to sleep after watching DVds too.. sometimes she will roll here and there for awhile then sleep..headache..

ya, I agree they won't appreciate the parties but since she is in school, tot it would be fun to haf 1 thr


Fio's CL not available during CNY....hee hee... not her uniform....her sailor dress that my sis bought for her

I will let u know tmw.... discuss with hubby 1st on whether to get CL or not
