(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

wah.. so many posts! faint...

i have my own confinement lady.. my auntie.. she from indonesia.. and no charges for me cos my own family.. but i juz give ang pow lah.

Last time, Augbaby, her CL last min. back out, so ask my auntie to help her with jazzele.. so likely she will be with me CNY, she will be so pleased, cos can spend CNY with the extended family in SG (She was my own nanny last time when i was a kid).

love rae's picture! really like she know what she reading!!

denise so sweet with bb.. hope jade will have a similar reaction like denise manz..

re: TV
um, i watch DVD with jadelle before sleeping.. and either flashcards, reading/ drawing in living room before we go to bedroom for final short dvd + brush teeth.

followed by lights off, milk and i tell her a story and sing her songs.. and until she zz lor.

re: birthday

you mummies lucky leh , cos ur child love barney , dora all those , easy to find ... mine love SHREK ! hai ~ very very hard lor ... But i have already plan a Shrek theme , hope eveything turn out nice ... will show a pic here ok =)

Guess mine also celebrate with close friends n family , will be inviting them to my house and order mini buffet lor ... =)
you can on & off talk to jadelle about the baby in you, and encourage her to sayang your tummy and praise her lots when she does, she'll enjoy the attention from you. and when we are outside i would also point out cute babies to denise. one thing is, denise really likes babies lor...
It normal for Gen to feel that way esp u mention she is in hospital for 2weeks (though I not sure what happen to her) BUT I heard frm my friend, her bb after go into hospital, discharge, go home also super duper clingy to her. This can last for weeks. I believe all these are anxiety and need comfort assurance. KNow it kinds of drive us bit crazy and may even get more short temper! Now Natalie also starting her CC and she is also getting not well again.

Today is her 3rd full day in school. Teacher told me today she don wan to sleep! Try make her sleep and when place her down on mattress she wake up crying! Today sure a very tired & busy day for teacher and makes me really feel very pai say. I also cant give up cos she is adapting try mingle, eating very well ONLY prob is unable to really sleep there! Gosh today bring her back she is super cranky and tried make her nap a short while she don't want till about 5plus she nap less than 1hr wake up den angry again! Then just now she take her dinner and start playing again though very tired finally now she sleep... bit late today as normally she sleep around 8plus 9. Trying to let her sleep early so next day morning she go CC able to wake up early too. I need to plan cos I will be going back to work sometime in august so hope she can adjust herself back... Everyday I comfort her carry her. SHe only want me. I don carry she cry so have no choice even though now not even 2mths after birth and I am stress my blood esp after carry her will contd have more. Want to go c gynae but scare.. Hai now is like.. I also dono what to do how to do to make Natalie able to nap n be more bit sensible. This week put Nicole at MIL house as mil need to get e hang of her pattern before I go work. I also find myself so haggard so worn out taking BOTH myself everyday.. till these few days I finally have the time to go out walk or shop awhile! Need a breather..
eh cynthia,

you are going back to work so soon? Are you going back to yr previous co?


Pray Gen will be fine soon. Think he missed daddy and mummy. You take gd care of yrself too.


You let her drink milk after brushing teeth?

Cocomo and racoon,

Auntie here asks bb inside to be guai guai... let mummy has a good rest at nite

aiyoh.. i still trying to wean jade off night feeding.. i had to do it slowly cos i had to move her from my breast to bottle.. then to wean off bottle. tried to fill her tummy up before sleeping and brush teeth, but cannot leh.. she fall asleep.. and really screams when i wake her to brush teeth..

she still get up for night feed 1x leh.. yikes..offer her water she knows leh.. and she will go and help herself to the milk powder and bottle..

how ah?

yaya.. jadelle loves bb also.. always go out find bb to sayang.. and she does sayang my tummy and hug and kiss.. and knows how to listen to tummy to see if bb sleeping or not (ofcourse, still cannot feel anything yet leh)
HI mummies
do u think it is possible for our kid not to be ready for school?
my son's teacher (parent accompanied class) said he may have panic attack. i suspect its cuz i tried him out at a trial class at another school which dun allow me to stay in the class.

Nite feed:
what time is the middle of the nite feed your kids take now?

I intend to just celebrate with some family and close friends with a simple cake which i will do the deco. if not it will be barney or thomas the train cake.

then during his playgroup clas's break time i will let him celebrate there with cupcakes for his friends and goodie bags.

i hope i can stick with the simple format. tho his grandmother says her friends have been asking if i will throw a party and cater... sigh... i wanted a party for the kid not the adults...
Hi jas,

Good to have a relative helping out..... me still thinking whether to hire confinement nanny or not....haiz... if not, will ask my mum to help out but she can only help maybe on the 2nd week onward... so dont know what is going to happen during the 1st week.... really a headache
Hi Racoon,
V area pain could be the pressure from bb. As we are no longer 1st time mummie, more or less womb uterus is season liao and support is not as strong as before. I also been experiencing that when I was expecting #2 nicole. V area pain for weeks! And sometime hardly can move. When I was 36-37weeks already dilated 4cm. Try sit more, walk less now and avoid carrying too heavy stuffs and ur toddler. Best try to get ur hubby or anyone in the family to help lo. For me as I was SAHM with Natalie around so I jsut try not to squat carry her. Will stand up 1st, bend slightly and carry her with less gravity

Re: Birthday
Hmm don't think will have any bash this year. Chalet all fully booked and bit lazy with #2 around also. Mostly just spend time with own family around bah and with her school friends

Recently Natalie seems to be out of Barney! Now she fancy Thomas & Friends. Funny right for a gal like her to like this.. she always say Train Train and must watch playhouse Disney Thomas & Friends 7-730am before she go out to school! Gosh... Headache..
What you mean by panic attack?

For Natalie she started her school not long. Been crying everytime i leave her and when she saw me came fetching her BUT in school she didnt cry & eat well. Now start to sit walk mingle around. Starting 1st few days when i put her half day first, she having nitemares at home, very clingy which lasted about 3days. Then this week i started her full day, let her nap there. 1st day nap still ok about 1hr BUT these 2days teacher told me she refuse to nap! Even nap oni a short little while & gets very cranky. This worries me. These few days night time she keep waking up crying BUT only yesterday night still ok. Think she too tired.

So from what I observe her, from 3rd day onwards after her new trial she start to be better at night. Now she demanding more & more milk during the day and even when at home super clingy to me whereby I can hardly cook or even bath too.
Now she wake up for 1 nite feed BUT sometime not depends...

So I am curious what e teacher mean by panic attack? I think Natalie now is experiencing anxiety separation..
Hi Leobbsmom & Cocomo,

Ya lor...she ho mia and still don't know! Initially asked us permission to use as she wants to e-mail her family members. I said ok...after that, the laptop machem hers already as we don't use it anymore.

I'm also thinking of asking her to make up her bloody mind cos after kena play out then i'll have to source around with limited time. Haiz....

So nice to have a reliable relative for confinement as it’s really the time that you try to recuperate as much as possible.

My girl’s last night feed is between 930pm to 945pm. No middle of the nite feed.

Can you explain more abt panic attack too? The term sounded so serious. I'm very concerned cos I intend to put Justin in half day school in the 2nd mth of my maternity leave. I see that now he's so happy at home everyday surrounded by family members who dote on him and play with him full time, I'm really scared he'll feel neglected when my 2nd one is out. But I have no choice but to put him in school after i pop or else when I resume work, my MIL will be overtired looking after 2 kids, cos I know she's the super dedicated grandmother type.
think u gotta give her a deadline la, or she'll think she really worth alot! my fren's maid also the same as urs... dilly-dally with my fren, until my fren gave her a deadline! who knows she lied to my fren abt going out with her own sister(who's also a maid in SG), but she actually went to the agency herself and told her agent tat she dowan to continue working for my fre anymore after the contract expired. coz she wanna work for ANG MOH family! and asked the agent to help to hook up with one in SG, coz she likes working in SG.

wah......... the agent called my fren up and told her abt it lor, coz as her employer, my fren has the right to know mah! so tat the agent will look for another maid to replace her... then my fren n her hubby so angry with the maid leh...

dunno wat's this world coming to?! is the maid who decides wat we gonna have, not wat we planned for them...sigh... so in the end, the hubby got so angry and told the maid tat she can go back!!

who knows, the maid suddenly said she want to STAY! hahaha....... maybe she was just trying her luck, but who knows, it backfired!

tat's why i will not let my maid handle my kids, and let them feel they're indispensable! at least if my maid plays me out, i only need to look for a part time auntie to do my housework. worse comes to worse, sherv goes to CC.

think we've had to be very positive in our thinkings, or we'll be stressed out by the maid's decision! =P
hi all

well i asked teacher and panic attack is diff from sep anxiety. before the incident last month i used to attend class with him and if i needed to go toilet he was fine staying in the class for a while.

when i tried to leave him for school during the trial week the teachers ask me to leave quietly without informing him. when i came back about 1 hour later he was still crying his lungs out then he clung to me like a koala bear. he went into some kinda shock and didnt move/didnt talk/nor respond to anyone.
subsequently he wouldn let me out of his sight in class and got nitemares during his nap. after a few days now he is better. he even started grinding his teeth during nap time crying.
the next few days at class he refused to go with 1 particular teacher i could not move away or even go to the toilet in the school. so i stopped him from going to that school.

after that i continued the parent accompanied playgroup which he is used to. he was nervous would keep checking back for me. if i looked like i was walking away even to check my phone he would start to panic. its diff from sep anxiety... i also dunno how to describe. cuz he dun have sep anxiety in my house i can go out or leave him with grandparents etc.

What you've said sounds so terribly frightening!

I don't like the idea of leaving the kid quietly w/o informing them that you're leaving. Put yourself in his shoes, if you're not yet familiar with your new environment and mommy just -vanished- suddenly, won't you FREAK OUT?

When I was at my mom's place, I'd sometimes disappear for a short while to go and buy something without informing the boy. He'll know that I went missing cos he doesn't see me when he gets out of the room, but he won't FREAK OUT, cos he's in an environment where he's comfy with and feels safe. So with or without me ard, won't mk much of a diff.

Then again, in your case, I'm not saying that he won't freak out if you had said goodbye to him cheerfully and reassure him that you'll be back and he shld go ahead and enjoy his class and play with his friends. We won't know for sure. But at least there's some form of proper closure to the event - that mommy is -leaving for now- and -will come back later-.

I still don't understd why the teachers would ask you to leave quietly, cos I thought normally they'd ask you to inform the child first before you go, so as not to give them the impression that you've dumped them and will not be coming back for them.

I guess for now, you'd just hv to try to undo the -ve event by giving him more reassurance. And meanwhile, spare him further trauma.
hi leia

ya i also found it weird. sigh but its too late for me now. his current teacher also say its harder for him to unlearn.

at the 'lousy' school i tried to change his impression by going another week with him and staying in the class. however i think he really didnt feel comfortable there. in other classes he will sit on his own for story time on the mat with the classmates and for snack time he would eat and sit on his own. over at 'lousy' school he would need to sit on my lap or have me carry him. if i go to the office to sit and wait he would not join the class.

after that bad day incident i also went back in and told the teacher they should have let me say good bye or prep him... but the principay kept saying he was fine and ready.
after that i had to call back to tell her that grinding of teeth aint a good sign... i rather pull him out then carry on trying out there.

at my mum's place i can leave the flat freely and come and go - he has no problem. even now i am typing on the pc in another room. i am glad and feel lucky that at home things are more or less back to normal.
the initial week he would start to cry if i walked away or go to my room.. his naps were cut short and even in while shopping i couldnt leave him with grandma/maid to go to toilet..

i dun intend to let him try out any other school until i am sure that is the one...i want to give him some more time to adjust back. so for now i have increase the playgroup so i can spend more time with him and build up his confidence again. today he did slightly better. back on the mat again and moving around class on his own. i even told him i had to go toilet. he got upset then i said he could stay and wait for me or come.

and for sure he is not trying out that school again.
What you experience seems very similar to what I experience leh. I send Nat to school in the morning she doesnt will faster cling on to me and at time refuse to take off her shoes. Even take off liao she start crying. I will say BYE infront of her, kiss her and tell her mummie go work after that bring her home. But the moment I step out she stopped crying and teacher was carrying her walking around and slowly she will sit down play with toys and mingle.

Night time for a start she will cry suddenly. At home she will cling to me and even refuse to go playground with HB Which she love to go everytime! Now at home she will cling on tight and I cant even go pee at times unless must realli ask her permission and if walk away quietly to kitchen just to get a drink she will get anxious & cry! I dono if this is panic attack or separation anxiety... what you say do worries me.... BUT I have no choice have to send her to school cos I will be starting back work in Mid August and MIL cant handle 2 and maid is out cos mil hse cant accommodate and she doesnt like maid too so am I.

For the school Natalie is in tell me not to sneak away. Best is pass over to the teacher and say bye to her you go working will bring her back later etc. The teacher will also tel her mummie go work you good girl mummie later after work come and fetch you. I feel this is the BEST way.

SO for nicole, though now she is under care of MIL, and MIL used to do the "sneak away" method for Nat when we go to work! NOW I felt it could be a phobia for Nat that why she now in school is like this. SO I will TELL MIL NEVER NEVER USE SNEAK must let Nicole get use in future! Haiz..
Butter 8,

Hearing ur boy's experience, it makes me scared and nervous now to send Justin to school. I also believe we shd never sneak away from the kid. But the old folks i.e my own mum and MIL always tell me to quickly disappear to do my own things while they handle Justin. This happens every morning cos I'll bring Justin out from my room, then he'll stick to me tightly and refuse to let me go brush teeth and change clothes for work. Even though i repeatedly tell him every morning, he'll still wail when I really go away. But the minute I'm gone, he's happily playing with MIL or maid liao and can later happily tell me "bye bye" when i leave the house for work.

So I keep telling myself to be prepared for this reaction when he starts school.
Hi augustmum,
not worry abt the confinement food ... more worry of taking of the baby.. such as bathing etc... as i will be optiong for c-sect so think the 1st week will be tough for me....

can yr hubby bathe the baby? My hubby did that for the first week.


it depends on the branch. I like the one that my son is in.

They hv optional enrichment progs (kindermusic, el and cl speech and drama and computer) which you must pay extra for in the afternoon. Some like it, some don't. I like it as it means that sat and sun are really family time.

However, they are not very academic based. More hands-on which I like too.

he cant handle small baby lei..... think to date, he only help to bath JH less than 10 times lor....

doubt they know how to handle small baby... they r afraid to handle small baby as baby is very fragile....

Hi butter8,
regarding the pain after c-sect... think depend on yr tolerable to pain.... I went thru c-sect twice b4.... the 1st time imust say quite pain lor....cant move much after the op...but once u start to get down on bed & walk slowly, will get use to the pain lor then maybe 1-2 weeks, the pain will be much lesser....
thanks for the feedback. which outlet is your kid in?
i will pay a visit to one outlet tomorrow.

hmmmm okay.. i have friends who opt for c-sec even if natural is possible... just wondering.. thanks
Hi Moms!

Just want to drop by and say that my 2nd kid is born in August 2006 too!

Now that he's turning two next month I do notice the change in his temperaments recently(ie. wanting to do things 'by himself' and asserting wants very strongly, throwing things for fun, etc). Simply 'new behaviours' and much higher level of curiousity too.

I blog about it here:

I share the ups and downs of my motherhood journey (as well as parenting tips, arts and craft ideas and other inspirational thoughts) on the site.

Most welcome to drop by and/or leave a comment


Our Everyday Things
- Loving life with children, everyday
thanks for sharing - its a lovely blog.. cant wait to read more later when my boy is napping.

makes me wanna learn to blog.. my kids online website is more of an archive of photos...

hope to share more tips with you and also make that jelly fish hat with my boy
Hi Leobbsmom,

Thanks for sharing your fren's experiences and your advise. I also feel that i got to give her a deadline to decide. However, have been putting it off as very busy and tired with work recently that i dun even want to speak to her when i see her for a few mins in the morning. I usually reach home very late, ard 9+ and by that time, she already sleeping with the kids liao.

Hi leonny,
Your blog is very inspirational. Can i add it to my blog? Mine is at http://preciousprincesses.blogspot.com/
Thanks Butter8 and Yoshi!

Most welcome to add the site to your blog.

Oh btw, for easy browsing (eg. activities for kids / arts and crafts ideas / parenting posts ), there's a category list on the right bar ya

Hope the site can be useful to many.

Do drop a line or two and share your experiences there too if you wish!

PS: I'm still in the process of transferring my old posts ... some months in the previous years are still 'missing'
Welcome and thanks for sharing your blog with us. Love the pictures taken, they are all so lovely, your articles are very inspirational too, reminded me of the many things I've thought about but did not follow up upon, I'll have lots of reviews to do this weekend!

Mummies, its Friday! Happiest day of the week! My hubby is out of town again this weekend and I have planned so many activities with Hannah, hope we'll have a good time together. Wishing all mummies a wonderful weekend ahead! :")
Chest of Treasures

Bet you didn't know that breastmilk can do more than just nourish baby. Check out these other uses for breastmilk that'll blow you away!

If you don't want to see your precious, bountiful stock of expressed breastmilk go to waste, Thomson Medical Centre Senior Lactation Consultant Wong Boh Boi suggests some great functions for your liquid gold…

1. Facial Mask

Packed with antibodies, breastmilk is your perfect organic beauty solution.

What You Need

1 egg
Ground oatmeal

What To Do
1. Mix ingredients and stir till you get a paste-like consistency.
2. Chill for 10 minutes in the fridge.
3. Apply to the face, leaving it for 15 minutes before washing off.

2. Ice Lolly

Your munchkin will love this nutritious dessert.

What You Need
1 tin of peaches with a little syrup

What To Do
1. Chop peaches up into small pieces.
2. Mix ingredients together.
3. Place in ice-lolly tray and freeze.
3. Milk Shake

This refreshing drink will give your toddler an energy boost.

What You Need
½ to 1 banana
1 scoop ice-cream

What To Do
1. Blend all ingredients.
2. Garnish with strawberry slices.
4. Footbath

Banish unsightly calluses on your feet with this relaxing footbath, which is made with any sour or expired breastmilk. Talk about multiple uses!

What You Need
Sour or expired expressed breastmilk

What To Do
1. Soak your feet in the milk and watch your breastmilk work its magic.

5. Cure For Sore Eyes

If your baby has a yellowish or creamy discharge from her eyes, she may have picked it up in the birth canal, or because of poor hygiene. Breastmilk is a natural remedy that contains powerful antibodies that help fight infection.

What You Need
1 drop of breastmilk
Sterile cotton wool

What To Do
1. Wash your hands before you begin, then take a piece of sterile cotton wool, dipped in breastmilk, and wipe one eye from the inner to the outer corner,
2. Do the same with the other eye, using a fresh piece of cotton wool.
6. Cure For Sore Eyes

A natural remedy for baby's sore eyes, but who says you can't try it on yourself or the husband too!

What You Need
1 drop of breastmilk
Sterile cotton wool

What To Do
1. Drop a little breastmilk onto affected eye.
2. Wipe with sterile cotton wool.
7. Remedy For Cold Sores And Mozzie Bites

This miracle treatment relieves pain and itch.

What You Need
1 drop of breastmilk

What To Do
1. Clean your hands thoroughly.
2. Add a drop of breastmilk onto affected skin.

Your posts are so very inspirational indeed and ur kids are beautiful, really. Makes me so much want to stay home and look after my kids. I enjoyed reading very much, thanks for sharing.
hi Leonny,

actually I'm a faithful reader of yr blog
as I also subscribe to MumXXXXXX.

Din know your son is born in august too.

Hey, can I link yrs to mine too?
Thanks racoon!
Life with kids - fulltime - has its ups and downs .. but despite the tough parts, I love what I do

And hello to augustmum! And so we 'meet' here

Yes most welcome to link up! Great to know other moms around whose kids are born in August too!

Do drop by and share your thoughts and experiences on any particular blog posts' comment section ya ... it's always nice to read about other parents' stories too!
racoon - i hv actually email the bus cakepic to my sis-in-law & he has ask his auntie hw much will she charge for smething like that...she said ingredients & workmanship will cost max $350 for a 4kg cake
Hi MH,

Thanks for contacting for me. But $350 very expensive.....my budget is below $100 so it has to be just a simple flat top cake with most bus picture or some bus toys on top. But thanks anyway, if I really can't find bus design then i may just settle for cars lor.
racoon - u r welcome..so you want those 2D type of cake ? Hw many kg r u looking at ? I actually email the ecreative 3D bus cake to her & comparing the price,i guess its alot much cheaper. She did a 3D cars cake b4, mebe can show u the pic.
Hi MH,

Yeap, I prefer those 2D type and smaller like 2kg or less cos only family members involved and all dun eat a lot of cake one. Appreciate your help

racoon - no worries..just trying to get more business for the auntie coz she just met with a minor accident smetime back & her leg movement nt so good, husband nt working, son has some mental problem dat requires expensive medication. Lucky she has this baking skill to at least bring back some income for the family.
