(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

morning mums happy weekend

i am using live journal... can we still link up?

may I know what kind of cake your auntie makes? The type of filling or flavor?

Hi MH,
Ya lo.. stress & worn out... Like alot things bothering me.. but just gotta relax as I can... getting very short temper & angry easily.. post natal depression liao

if you feel down, better talk to a therapist (KKH has) or a close friend. Don't hole up yr feelings.

Once again, please take care.

yes, you can still link up with ours
RIght now Natalie still wake up for night feed. Sometime is 1am sometime 3am depends.. she will wake me up and ask for milk. Only once a blue moon she very tired and didnt ask lo. I also try methods like offering her water, dilute her milk slowly also doesnt helps. I think when its time for her to stop she will stop so I don't really want to stress myself on that anymore lo.

Ya I be going back to work most properly sometime mid august. Now negotiating terms with a new company. Wont go back to ex co. Maybe I am those sort when out of that place bye bye lo unless they really offer me very good or I feel SUPER love the job

Its true I been feeling very stress up. HB has been trying to make me feel more relax. I think is mindset. I am putting stress in myself trying to do everythin and ALL the things to be superwoman BUT I cant. I am doing my best and just accept it. I should be glad that HB was able to accomdate this stupig hormones issue and stress from Natalie. Nicole has been quite good but only nite time noti. Can only try to look forward better days when she older.

THink back to work will let me have goals, focus and make more friends and colleagues But still feel bit worried unable to go back to work force after a break of near 1yr and I am so attached to my gals
worrying again hahaha! But I think when need to vent out or share my worries, here can be e right place and must learn to let go not to take all to myself
TRY YOU BEST is the motto
You can try Prima Deli they have 10-20% off for cakes With UOB or citibank credit card i can't s remeber which card Prima Deli design not bad can try.
Cynthia, Maybe you can try telling us ur problems we can help you or advise you might not help you to solve problem but more people here can give you good advise.
Don't keep things to urself all of us here willing to share with you.
dun stress out, can always pour it out here. you'll definitely be able to adapt back to work life, i also stopped working while pregnant with denise for nearly 2 yrs before going back to work,and honestly speaking, although i'm worried but i certainly enjoy the financial freedom and time away from my child, of course i miss her alot at work lah but we should always settle ourselves well first before we can handle our kids better.

me still enjoying my last week of confinement, can't imagine life without confinement lady hahaha...bb lucien cries are anxious and very loud, maciam like kana tortured kind of cries, hear alrdy can make one kancheong kind. can only pray for the better *fingers & toes crossed*

do take care of yourself!
take care ya and anything juz come here to share...

it has been my 2nd wk of being a SAHM..hmm so far i am ok and enjoying spending time wif jay n jaz....thou last wk n this wk stress got new maid came in last tue and now everything she does not know and sometimes frustrated coz now wif 2kids i do need an extra pair of hands to help me coz i cant take care of 2 myself esp when jaz n jay so close in age and when i make jay sleep, make dunno how to make jaz sleep and sometimes i carry jaz, jay want me to carry him instead...next wk worst coz this wk my mum around to help me...sigh...stress....hope this new maid be ok coz she is like a child herself...dun trust her...but so far hav been finding being a SAHM v rewarding..thou hav not gotta down to do creative things wif jay n start baking like wat i plan to do once i am a SAHM...

when at piyo nicole full mth celebrations, she was saying we ought to hav a gathering since alot of the mummies are on maternity leave...i am on for it...anyone else interested....maybe we can hav a get together at someone place...hee hee...

so yr maid how? confirm going bk? better get a new one in first b4 u pop coz if not it be v stressful for u....
Ya my new maid coming this Saturday. She is first time working, total NEW!!! In fact I am a bit gangchiong and panic now coz I can imaging she DUNNO how to use washing machine, on heater, bath Jay, on aircon, use steriliser, wash BB clothes/bottle/pacifier, make milk, pat Jay to sleep etc. I am looking at the worst senario liao, just pray hard this maid can cope well. Wanna get experience maid but then worry hard to change their mindset. sigh. . .
Where are you staying huh see if convinient for me to pass you ur dvds.

i am also interested to gather with you mummies Want my DD to interact with more friends see seems to be very shy towards other people.
That day Joko came she was standing there head facing down so funny.
racoon - i hv checked..if 2D cut out bus cake design (not those normal round or square design)with normal flavour eg Vanilla & chocolate, the auntie will charge $40 per kg. If flavour like strawberry & blackforest will be $50 per kg.
I stay at Redhill area, far from where you stay. Can you send the DVD to me via registered post? If ok, let me know how much and I will transfer to you.
ya i can understand where u r coming from...thou this maid takes care of babies n kids at her country but then its v different how they take care here and there and she dun noe how to use diaper cream n put diapers properly, wash clothes also not v clean and dun even know how to warm up my breastmilk properly so now i ask her to use the traditional method of warming EBM using hot water instead of avent warmer now...sigh...v sian actually abt it but wat to do...

anyone knows where else can i get a cheap barney design cake other than prima deli? Coz thou of getting a small cake for jay but dun wan those e-creative kind...cheap but nice...
i think so far only prima deli have barney but maybe you can go to bangawang solo or other cake shop to ask them to make barney cake i am sure they are able to do it.
Hi MH,

Thanks for your help but I don't think I'm getting from your SIL's aunt cos hubby wanted a very small cake as its just going to be a few family members. Hubby just want to order a simple small cake from a nearby shop. So it'll be a pity if we have a huge nice bus cake then where not many pple will eat. But I'll keep in mind your cake contact, thanks again.
racoon - no worries

augbaby - Whats your budget & how many kg are u looking at ? I have asked my SIL's aunt to help me bake a Barney cake holding a balloon (cut out 2D design) 1.5kg. She charges me $32 per kg for normal flavour eg Vanilla , chocolate. If wants other flavours will be $40 per kg. You can source your own Barney pic & she will customised for you.

Earlier racoon wanted the bus design & the auntie mentioned it is much harder to bake hence the price difference.
Very fast... end of confinement soon! Hmm wonder it seems that our #2 always like to cry their lung out and very gan cheong esp want milk! Nicole cries getting better lo.. hope as time goes will be alot better

Thanks mummies for the console. Ya will find more time here.. Always have alot changes whenever plan things out.. HB trying to change mind and making out alot issue again... THough I haven sign letter employment and Company willing to wait for my confirm reply I feelt v pai say.. so these few days again need cracking brain with HB on recent issue about natalie school and nicole.. Hope really can go through this and back to work rather than sahm... Dilemma! hai.
good to hear your are enjoying being a SAHM. I have been enjoying too... how is your new maid?
mine is also like a kid too but more impt I hope she has kind heart and is honest worker... i guess she cannot handle a no.2 if i have one.
I got called up by my company asking when I am deciding to go back to work... now a bit 'yi yi bu se'. am not sure if i prefer working or SAHM.

i was also worried about going back to work... been at home for few months... planned to go back maybe Jan next year... worried i cant adapt... but i pray it will all come back to me... i try to keep in touch with ex colleagues... msn with my staff and my boss... cross fingers...

getting new maid is very stressful i totally understand... however try to remind yourself when she comes that she is new and cannot compare to the old one 'as yet'. give them a chance to adapt to the new environment and help prepare them with step by step instructions. if the new maid is willing to learn and try - its half the battle won... she just needs guidence and encouragement..
i really dread the day my maid wants to go back. but its part and parcel in like... just like when we work we come and go too..

i was very scared to get fresh maid in the past... so scared i will vomit blood... but if i am unlucky and take naughty transfer maid... i also get problem.. like have boyfriend talk on the phone a lot and love to gossip etc... both ways also must take a chance and hope for the best.
Ya it depends on heng suai one. But also agree with you that better get new maid to train them rather than get cunning ex-spore maid.

I feel so down now. Jay's school just called me said he fall down and his forehead had a baluku!!! Damn xin teng now. Am not feeling well today coz me having flu and very xin ku can't even sit properly coz of my big tummy and heartburn and yet heard about this news. This is the second times he fall and kena baluku in one month time! Last time's bruise dun even 100% cleared and now another one. Damn fluctuated. Ai. . .
relax, as long as jay is fine dun have to worry about the baluku, is normal for kids to fall down as they fall they will learn that next time they won't do it again. You take care ok don't think so much. You must rest more if not your flu will be hard to recover.

Sayang Jay. How did he actually fall? Was it the same way like the previous round in the same mth? Is there any accident prone area that the teachers need to pay more attention to that causes his fall?
Take good care and don't think too much about it, its common for our tods at this age to have multiple falls, maybe can remind the teacher to keep not an eye but both eyes on him...they always say children fall down then will grow up mah, as long as its not too serious, he will be fine, he is a big boy now, no worries ok.
well first u gotta check if its the school oversigh that cause such things to happen again or is it bec jay is juz a very active toddler..coz like wat honeyb says, its v normal for our toddlers to fall down n hurt themselves but as long as overall they r ok its alright...i realise that the more we try to be careful the more they want to break free so now when i am at hm n if jay insist of going under the table, then i juz let him be and if he does hit his head then he knows its painful and knows next time not to do the same thing again...i hav become more relax and realise that kids will always be kids and they will learn thur mistakes n all....anyway do take care of yrself as u shld be popping next mth alr.....plus new maid coming so u be v tired...anything juz come in her to vent ya...

if u n hubby can handle the financial part then y not reali consider SAHM....i still think its gd for us to be there wif our kids if we can coz they grow up v fast n before long, they will not want to go out wif us anymore and have their own friends etc...
Hmm maybe best to check with the teachers how come keep on bumping. Is it them who neglected or ??? But somehow about 8toddlers to 2 teacher I believe sometime accident will happen. Don worry ok he will be fine. Sometimes Natalie fall I let her be. Like what augbaby say the more we protect the more they will wanna let go. So now when she fall I will ask her where pain, why how and must be careful etc...

U gg back work soon.. sometime in dilemma. When become SAHM wanna be working mum BUT when become working mum want to be SAHM haha
Cynthia - Ya true..when im a SAHM i want to be FTWM but when become FTWM i want to be SAHM. I will be going back to work tomorrow..an end to my maternity leave
I think somehow at times we will become uncontrollable when stay home too long managing our bbs cries and sometime freak me out. I am getting more and more impatient than in the past... trying to ask myself whats wrong with me.. maybe I am still getting terms accepting becoming a mum of 2, Natalie adjusting to school as she been very cranky lately throwing alot of tantrums! I dono is it Terrible 2 on the way but when she started her school she changed alot at home though she is behaving ok at school...

Sometime its better to look forward back work for you ah. When you home, your kids are around though will spend less time with them BUT at least sometimes when work there is another type of focus
hi mummies...
nice sleepy weather...

but bad thing is Ryan & I got fever yesterday... and today I lost my voice.. Ryan keeps crying and is very clingy... have to keep monitoring his temp. He has no appetite and is very moody.

poor boy - I would feel as upset as you too...do find out more where and how the injury happen... i guess some are accidents which cant be prevented. but some can be... hope the swelling has gone down.

ya really cant decide... cant have best of both worlds... if i stay at home i dun have time for myself & less income... if i go to work i wil miss out on time with my kid & have to put up with a structured worklife... kekekeke

not sure if hubby can afford for a long time more... anyway its hard to say... he may not always have the current job... some more he got me a car before i quit cuz my workplace was so far so this year we maintaining 2 cars... its really convienient for me now but i think its a bit lavish hehehehe
Well having 2 cars is true very tough to maintain esp no fuel is up and also alot of ERP impose if you happen required to passby there.
Even we didnt own a car, we already feel $$ is always not enough. Maybe we are trying to save more shifting next year and also possible get a car with more downpayment rather than drag the loan... Car indeed alot convenient esp now we have 2 kids liao.. I agree with you hubby may not be able to hang on too long and sometime our savings there is OUT no IN ah very upsetting too

Well Lets get adjusted fast yeah
not only ERP and fuel cost - parking cost can be bad too... we also believe in either not taking any loan for car or if need be only take the shortest possible loan period.. we did meet some car dealer that were not very happy if I did not take loan from them... in the end had to take insurance thru them which was slightly higher... but i guess then need to earn thru some commission.

my husband dislikes marketing and running errands. in a way he got me the car to make me mobile so he would not need to help me so much esp on his precious off days. also where i stay is not so convienient.. not near mrt or buses... so my car is the family bus... supposed to ferry my kid or maid and for family outings which include my parents...

i pray that we will not have too high inflation moving forward.

mummies here...

do any of you experience kid falling sick with fever but no other symtoms like runny nose or cough?
only fever? then maybe it's due to teething? u tried touching ryan's gum? try to feel if the little tooth is protuding out. can apply the melon powder for relieving, and boil some barley water for him.

aiyo, sayang the "baruku" for me, little Jay must be enjoying hmself so much in school until he bumps here and there. dun worry so much, boys r tougher, they wont be bothered by little bumps so much... they'll grow up as a macho & rugged man! =)

u take good care of urself ok, take more rest, and dun worry n feel upset. our kids are tougher than we thot they are. my colleague whose EDD is early Sept is resting at home, heard tat she's experiencing contractions alr. so might be popping anytime...
My sister-in-law's baby just recovered from her fever. She had very high fever (39.8) almost had a fit, was hospitalized. She had no symtom other than high fever, doctor did blood test/urine test but could not detect anything, they deduced that its some kind of unclear virus attack. She actually got it from her maid that was taking of her. She's well and running now. Hope your boy's fever is due to teething, need to monitor his temp yah.
butter8 & Honeyb,

likely false measles... super high temp of 38-40 degrees, mostly at night.. and on 4-5th day, kiddo will break out in rashes like measles..

this is cause by virus..
Natalie only had once high fever without any flu or cough which is false measles as what jas mention. Monitor few days if the rashes will be out.
Thanks everyone... will monitor... dr did say its a virus...
his fever seems to have come done a bit... he is much more happy now..
Any mummies interested in Mandeville's Baby Music class on Friday, 4 pm? It's an accompanied prog for 2-3 year olds. So far, there r 3 mummies, including myself, who r keen on this slot...they need minimum 8 to start the class. Pls call them up at 62501911 to let them know if u r interested. Thanks!


those with 2 or more kids.. can advise how u all go out huh?

i now have difficulty transporting grandparents, 2 kids (my girl, my nephew, my SIL/ BIL) and we still thinking about maid..

Am wondering iz it necessary to change to MPV.. cos, MPV boot space so tiny.. how to fit in strollers?

Any advice?
Thanks for concern. Jay's baluku is really big and according to the principal he fall in the bath room after the teacher bath him and pending to hand over to another teacher to dress him and he slipped. The principal said they will get the floor fixed asap (dunno how they do it, maybe put additional floor mat to cover the whole place) and they will disburse me on the medical fee if I bring Jay to see doctor. I din bring Jay to see doctor la, just monitor him lo. So far he is ok tho baluku still there. I was damn xin teng when see his baluku. sigh...

I know that kids tent to fall a lot la esp when Jay is damn naughty now but then when he kena the head than it really concern me lo.

Anyone has good massage lady to recommend? When shall I book them since the date of delivery not fit yet and also I will be having c-sect so cant do massage till 20 days I think.

I ustand how heartbroken u must be. However much we know and tell ourselves kids fall very often and its normal, we all actually wished that they will never hurt themselves. Just like yesterday, I came home and saw a big blue black on Justin's cheek. He knocked his cheek against the corner of our bed side table when he was running away from my maid and MIL who are trying to bathe him. I also feel so xin teng cos if I had such a big blue black, it must hv felt very painful.

I'm also like u, gets very paranoid when our kid hurt any part of the whole head cos that's the most critical and fragile part.

Justin is also very active and playful and he'll run very fast but not look in front and then suddenly just bang here and there. And i also fear his fingers get caught in the doors cos he just love to open and close the doors since he can reach the door knob now.

At home, we can just try our best to baby proof the house. So in school, we just have to make sure the teachers do their best to address the potential accident areas lor. You may want to take a look at the school's bathroom floor after the teachers have put in extra floor mat to make sure its really effective so u can set ur mind at ease.

I only bring them out once which is Jurong Point for a short shopping. Cos Nicole stil young I do not stay long. I wil put nicole in stroller and Natalie will walk. For sure Hubby is around. If not 2 I cant handle. Handle at home still alright. Other than that, is normal visiting to MIL hse & my mum hse. Now Natalie is accepting her sis so much easier to handle.
