(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

oh dear..u must be so upset.. Is denise ok? U mean she roll down the entire stairs? or just a few steps? Anyway juz monitor her. She be ok...dun worry ya...take care...

was just abt to post abt the gathering..hee hee...we were thinking of suggesting a gathering in march at my place...:0 been a long time since i seen the mummies n babies esp the preggy mummies...n i would love to see baby stella too...
let me confirm the date in march n then i will post here again...

morning mommies..

have not been logging in cos super busy last week at work.. so many posts to catch up..

Hi superdad..

how are things?? Vivian looks so pretty.. her eyes so big.. Dickson grows up alot also.. long time to see u guys lor..

Hi augbaby..

Jay so handsome.. Jaz very sweet.. she is so happy.. see her simile, all troubles melts away lor.. wish my gal also like her...

Hi Kelly..

u recovered liao?? dun be too upset with Ed.. heard from my mother before that the second son will usually be more naughty than the first one.. the first one will be more well behave and honest.. she dun explain why but she said based on experience lor..

Zorian also super notti.. he will throw his plate, bowl, water bottle on the floor from his high chair.. i m very straight with him.. wen he does things he should not be doing, i smack his hand real hard and stare into his eyes and say 'no no'.. he will be guai for a while and up to his notti self again.. at least he knows mommy is angry and wont dare to do it at tat moment lor..

hi Tigerlan..


hi racoon..


hi fiona..

sorry to hear about ure grandma in law..

is denise ok?? sayang her for me ok.. *hugs & kisses* dun be too hard on urself.. accidents do happen.. cheer up okie.. must take care of yourself also..

hi cocomo..

how have u been?? MS over liao?? take care yeah.. i also dun take my pills regularly.. even had ice cream, ice kopi when super tired.. still play and run after Zorian.. he still sleeps with me so sometimes kena kicked by him.. he is less sticky now.. he prefers his daddy for this period of time.. keekee..
hi kris, long time didnt hear from u...

fiona, sorry to hear abt your grandma inlaw.
so how is denise now? did u check if she has other bruises other than cheek? maybe her head? just stroke n check. must be very heartpain to witness the fall of our darling, damn angry with ourselves why we let it happen... but as time goes by, they will fall more n learn from their falls. as mommies, our heart "tong dao......"

sayang her for me, and do monitor her behaviour n appetite...
Hi fiona,
is denise ok? hug her for me ok? no point blaming urself since it has happened. just give her lots of hugs and kisses and hope she's not trumatised by the fall. do take care of yourself too.

hi kelly,
the kids are getting more adventurous and are testing their limits. Kayden's getting more naughtier too. keep throwing tantrums. sometimes don't really know what to do with him. hope ur kids and u r feeling better. do remember to have some time of your own and have a good rest. don't tire urself out.

hi mummies,
our kids have really grown. rather different from their babyish looks liao. was just looking through Kayden's pics and videos yesterday. missed the stage when he's like raising his bum and trying to crawl. haha...
Thanks Kelly! Do count me in.

Have noticed that, I should have come in earlier and vent frustration here.

Fiona, my condolence. For the next 72 hrs, you must monitor her closely like fever, vomiting, lost of appetite. Fully understand how you feel, cause my boy fell off the high chair when he is 10 months old. How worried I was when my mum called me at work and told me that he landed on his head.
My condolence.... Is denise ok now? Dun blame yourself - no point. U too must extra careful now. Sayang denise for me yah and monitor her closely like what tigerlan is saying.


Ed must try out ur patience yah.... or you yourself too stress. I personally admire you, with 2 boys and a gal to take care it is definitely not an easy job.....

Good to hear that stella is back to you tomorrow.... Must be miss her like crazy yah.....
catherine ,

I believe if u have a boy foe the next one , will suit this hair also =) cos ur girl eyes so nice , boy will also have nice eyes =) eyes round n big , suit this " coconut " hair =)

Re: Genting,

Mummies , i thinking of bringing my son go Genting , any mummies had bought them go before ? ACtually wanted to take cruise , but quite fully book already , and will cost $1300+ for me , HB n DS .. ex hor

Don't think if i have a boy he will be suitable for this hair cut. Cos me and hubby have Wavy hairs. my ger already have wavy hairs so curly at the back can be very messy if never comb. like me haha.

Re: genting
you can look up for those 1 for 1 cruise

Genting also fun but i guess got to take flight other wise journey very long don't think ur son can take it.
White_lady, coincidentally I have been thinking of going to Genting. But when think of the transport decided not to. First my boy cannot sit in a bus for more than 30 mins as he is just too active. So if you are to travel by bus, it will be very tiring. If you are to travel by air, then you will have to catch a bus from KL to Genting. If you drive, then at least can consider. So in the end, have decided to just take a short flight to neighbouring countries for a short trip.
Hi Catherine,
I do give her A4 size paper or majong paper to doddle. However, she has the habit of drawing out of the paper. The more i said no, she'll turn away and draw another spot on the floor. Oh my. . .guess it will be the wall soon
Testing my patience right? Sometimes, i'll just ignore that i've seen her drawn on the floor lor.

Hi white_lady,
Wah...How much? Got to save more diligently for the deposit liao. Hee hee

Have also tot of Genting as a short trip for the family. However, I dun really like the hotel rooms there. The last trip there was in 2004 with my eldest dd who was 18mths then. We drove up and luckily she was able to sit in her car seat for a few hours with the help of portable DVD player
She loves the merry-go-round so much that she refused to alight. Ended up my hubby and I took turns to go round and round from 4pm till 11+ when the attendant switch off the electricity! No amount of coaxing can get her off! Well, story aside, now the problem is I can't really take leave lor. Haiz....the last time wanted to take 2 days to bring eldest dd to kindergarten on first 2 days of school also kenna question! Was asked to changed to 2 half days instead. MUST really look for greener pasture already

Hi Fiona,
My condolences to you and your family. How is Denise now? Pls dun feel guilty anymore.

Hi Kris,
How's your leg huh? Still itching?

Hi Erin,
Kayden seems to have put on some weight since the last time i saw him at my house? or is it the angle of the camera
Catherine , tigerlan ,

Am planning to drive up lor .. own time own target lor ... But driving up with toddler , guess have to drive slow n stop , will need 6 hr to rach , sooo long leh ...

plan to take Star Virgo , but she is leaving after march , so got to rush to go on march , but mostly fully book , left the package abt $1300 for 3 of us ... i think not worth lor ...

I have not been on a cruise so not sure whether is it worth it.

Since you are driving up to Genting, can consider. At least you can make some stop and the toddler is able to look at different things. During the ride, you might want to get ready a few CDs with his favourite songs and all of you can sing along! If you don't mind the extra effort, why not try to plan some stopover along the way? Then it will be adventurous for the whole family. I have not been to Genting for a decade, so not very sure whether is it safe or not to drive to Malaysia after reading news about it.
hi mummies,
thank you so much for being here and all the concern for denise.
so far she's been good, she's still her usual self, the only thing is the bruise on her cheek which is not too bad(juz got all the visitors asking)...and of course now she wouldn't let mummy out of her sight(bcos not used to having so many ppl in our house), can only be carried by either me(now tummy big big still carry her for long hours) or hubby now, and will on off arouse from her sleep to check whether i'm still besides her. hope after the funeral, everything will be back to norm soon.

ya sometimes really very pek chek but bo bian lor...i seem to have lost weight too, pregnant face was rounded but now sunk in liao...after settle everything must "bu" back to my little one inside.

Same Here my ger doodle until my bedsheet all with pen mark. but i just let her doodle since she is happy. if she doodle out of the paper i will point to her here here... then she will continue or give her a new pcs even she did not make full use of it. actually if give them a book better they will flip the pages and doodle very funny. thats what my ger did flip and doodle and flip another page and doodle.
If she happen to draw on the wall i will not stop her. When she grow older she ask mummy why the wall like tat i will tell her is her artwork.

Is good that you can Drive in own time own target.

take care ya..
Hi yoshi,
think it's the angle. Kayden din gain weight since dec. he's 11.2kg now.

Kayden also the same. I gave him crayons to doodle on the mahjong paper but he'll end up doodling outside the paper. have to scrub the floor after that.
Tigerlan ,

For driving up , should be ok , my parent have been driving up quite offen ... just that is abt 5-6 hrs , scare my son cannot tahan lor ... Maybe have to bring dvd that he like to watch ...

For cruise , i went with HB sometime back , nothing much actually , just that i think the whole place is full of carpet , so is safe for son to walk around , haha ... And best is the eating lor =)

catherine ,

ya , own time own target lor ...
hahaha... yes, I did heard about cruise that one do nothing but eat and eat... right now, I need to lose some stubborn weight, have yet to lose the extra 2 - 3 kg
NO cruise for me till I lose them.
kayden is becoming such a handsome boy...he has those cheeky but act innocent look...so cute...
Dun worry abt the wt gain yah..coz jay went he went for his last 18mths jab in feb, he is just 11.5kg...
Hi Catherine, Erin,

I guess to let the child be lor. I'm also not very particular that she drew on the wall or floor. Just have to scrub away after that. Hmm...have not try the book thingy although my eldest dd always doodle on book. silly me did not hink of giving one to younger dd!

Erin, Augbaby,
I think around 11+kg is normal for 18 mths old. Just brought kieira to PD this morning as she's having fever. Weigh around 11.8kg. Supposed to have her 18 mths jab + pneumoccal booster this friday but got to postpone liao.
My condolence. Hope Denise is fine.

I am ok now, MS almost gone except when I take milk then will feel nausea. Will visit gynae this sat, hope can know the sex by then. hee. . .

I also wanna go cruise as i cant travel via flight now.
which travel agent to go to huh? My friend advice that if get those non barcony type will be boring and not worth. That's why I am thinking to enquire the travel agent on cruise one of these days. You have any idea if barcony type roughtly how much per person for 3-5 days maybe Singapore-Malacca-Langkawi-Phuket trip?

Finally u are trying for 2nd one!!! Welcome to our preggie club soon!
Kayden look very guai le, not much changes to his look but more handsome now.

Jayden looks cute and cheeky!!! You always take nice pictures of Jayden!!! ya, you mind share with us your cruise experience?

Yo, hope can meet you all at your place soon. So sian I have missed last few gathering
Hi yoshi, augbaby, ceceilia and cocomo,
thanks. think he's shy in front of the camera. haha... he's cheeky most of the time and knows how to manipulate my family members and I. now his favourite trick is saying 'Please...' in a pitiful manner so we will give in to him. haha...

hi cocomo,
not trying yet la but shd be ttcing in a couple of months time. excited but fearful of ms. i had bad ms (for the whole day) for almost 4 months. still afraid to think of the process. urgh...

hi yoshi and augbaby,
oic. think the weight is in the normal range. just that i'm worried cos no gain for the past 2 months. hope he's not undernourished.
My condolence, sorry to hear about your grandma-inlaw. Hope Denise is fine now, rub some Zembak on her cheeks and her bruise will be gone in 2 days.

Cruise is fun only when you love the sea and yes, if you are going, please take the balcony class, you won't regret it. The view is superb and the room size also feels more spacious. I brought Hannah on a cruise when she was 7 mths old, I think that cost about $1.5K (for 3 pax) and 3D2N to Redang. The price depends on whether you are going at peak or non-peak season and whether there are any credit cards promo, best to check with an agent. I booked mine with Chan Brothers last year at Natas fair. If you want to venture to the islands (like Phuket or Redang) will have to check on the sea condition first cos it can be quite choppy at times and may not be suitable for a pregnant lady. Have to warn you that you can forget about the tiny swimming pool cos its often invaded by the Chinese and Indian tourists. The most enjoyable is of course food, you practically eat non-stop and of course the sea view too. I love to go on cruises because its stable, relaxing and not too much expectations but it can be boring if you are someone who likes activities. I can spend hours just sitting at the balcony looking at the sea and chatting with my family :")
hi leobbsmom..

how u been?? MS over already?? remember to keep us posted on the baby gender okie..

hi erin..

how u been?? keep us posted okie..
Kayden so handsome...

hi Yoshi..

thanks for the concern.. my leg much better now after seeing the skin doc... not as itchy as before..

hi cocomo..

good to hear tat... u take care yeah.. keep us posted on the baby gender yeah.. so excited for u..

hi fiona..

it is like tat one lah.. Zorian also super sticky and always wake up in the middle of the night looking for me.. sigh.. still have to carry and chase after him now.. but my tummy is much smaller compared to the first time.. keekee..
cocomo ,

Is better to get the balcony class one .. when i went last time , also choose Balcony class , more spacious ... Heard that you straight away book from star cruise is cheaper . But if they full liao , then u got to book from travel angecy . Heard that virgo is going HK after March liao ...

Balcony class package is : Adult $434 x 2 , Infant $155 . Tax is $79 x 3 . Total abt $1260

Those Normal class one is abt $800 - $900 for 2 adult n 1 infant ...

The above rate is For WED ( 8.30pm can board ) to FRI ( 2pm reach spore ) cruise ...

If u need more infor can let me know , i can email you some details =)

For me , i decided not to go cruise , cos i think more pple go is more fun .. if we going , only got HB , me n Raygen and my parent ... so i scare will be boring .. So we decided on Genting ... =)
i realised i 4got 2 reply 2 u.
i checked wif 2GPs n both said it's encouraged 2 continue BFg so tat my girl can get e antibodies in e BM.

i heard fr my GF tat she know of 2mummies who caught HFMD fr their tods n continued BFg too.
Kelly, if you are not too sure about BF, can call up KKH nurse line to check with the lactation consultant. I've BF for a year and during this period got flu and bronchitis and need to take anti-biotics. The GP asked me to throw away my milk as I am taking the anti-biotic. Ever read before that only for certain anti-biotic then will be harmful to baby, so I called my lactation consultant to confirm. Thank goodness I did, if not, I will be wasting 5 days worth of it. I believe you can still continue to do so.

Talking about MS, just the thought of it scared me and is one of the primary reason why I don't feel like to try for a 2nd. Mine lasted 4 months, everday almost about 4 to 5 times and every 2 hr have to eat, if not, will feel nausea.
good morning kris and kelly and mommies,

Thanks for asking after me, i also dunno if MS is over, but i seem to eat beta only ystday. but too full also will feel nauseous, but not due to the dull taste. i really hope it's a sign of MS reduction! at least i feel abit ZHENG CHANG ma... =P just entering into 11th week, hv a gynae appt tmr, hope to see my BB growing well and healthily. will surely inform u all once i know the gender coz i also cant wait to find out!! =P

issit you tat keeps a table of our baby's name...etc? i think i rmb it's u! hahaha... so sweet!

kelly, thanks for sharing the info with us here, at least we will know wat to do, just incase... how's stella reacting to mom after the long MIA? guess you kiss ALL over her, rite! =P the little fingers n toes...aiyo so cute rite!!
tigerlan, aiya, tell u hor, i forgot ALL abt MS until this second preg, i totally totally hate MS!!! i clean forgot abt MS, just hope to give birth this yr coz of my age(33 this yr and i hope to hv 3 by 35), until the MS kicked in... OMG, i tell u horrr... i seriously felt abit regretted!

but once i went for my first scan, saw the little one inside...hmmm... all regret also gone liao! hahaha!!! i'm sure alot of mommies can identify tat with me, rite! the roller-coaster feeling, want, dun want, wan, dun want..etc. afterall, no regrets de lah! i wanna wish honeyB and all mommies who are ttc-ing to share good news with us soon!
leobbsmom... maybe its only 18mths ago, that is why memory is still fresh.

Thinking back of my first scan, you are right about the feeling. It is really amazing to see. Throughout my whole preggie, I didn't want to know the sex of the baby. Which get everyone so curious and my gynae was so mischievious, keep asking me each visit whether I want to know and asked what I prefer so she can throw some hints.
tigerlan, yes only 18mths ago, but i clean forgot abt it liao! hahaha.... =P memory lapse after delivery!

u mean u only know the gender at birth?? wow, how exciting! guess u must hv some bb girl n bb boy hand-me-downs! my colleague also decided tat she wont check and announce the gender of her 2nd BB this time coz she has both genders clothings on hand from her siblings!

i cant do tat, coz i'm the first to give birth among my generation, no one to pass me clothings!! =( but maybe if it's a boy this time, then the third one i will play mystery game liao!! kekekeke!!! =P
Thanks for sharing on the Cruise. If I go will most likely in April as hubby will be overseas for a mth till mid April.
Ya the Virgo going to HK in April but Aquaries coming to Spore.
Hi Kris,
Its good to hear that your leg is much better already

Hi Erin,
Kayden really know how to melt ppl's heart ya! Its so adorable when our kids says "pleeeaaassseee" rite? They know how to manipulate us.

Hi leobbsmom & Tigerlan,
Its really terrible to suffer from ms. I had hyperemises gravidarum for 1st and 2nd pregnancy. Practically hugging the toilet bowl the whole day and night! Worst thing is that I'm so hungry but can't eat anything. Even drink plain water also "merlion". That's explain y my kids age gap is 4 years apart.
leosbbmum - me too, I am the first to give birth among my generation and I don't have any pass me clothings :D Of course I did ask my hubby whether he wants to know, he said no difference, so I play my mystery game then ;) Everyone was so curious, all want to know, all asked what's the matter with me kekeke...

Yoshi - like you, it is EXACTLY what I went through "... hugging the toilet bowl almost the whole day and night". Thank goodness I have an extremely very understanding boss, because during those 3.5 months, I am practically not in the office. I have to eat punctually before the 2 hrs is up, if not, I will be looking into the toilet bowl. Then when finished, I looked so drama with tears and running nose. I have never eaten so much in my life. Imagine, every 2 hrs you have to eat! I have even fully utilised my MC as well till my boss is kind enough to ask me to just work from work, call in when there is a meeting.
Drinking plain water is torturing for me, as I suddenly hates to drink, then have to add juices to give flavour. Then after passing MS, next come the bloated feeling. I have to have 6 small meals, I have developed a strong dislike for chinese food even my favourite chicken rice and ba chor mee. My staple food throughout is MILO, 6 to 8 cups daily :D malay rice and mummy's home cooked food, that is all I can stomach. So see? Thinking of it terrified me.

When I have my MS, I was very worried that I will suffer like some ladies being either lay-off or given bad treatment so that they are forced to quit.
wow yoshi, tat sounds terrible. i also hate the feeling of feeling hungry but cant eat anything, the stomach will groan n groan, but it rejects food at the same time, really killing me.

oh kris, wat happened to your leg??
hello mummies!

been so busy handing over.. think after this posting can only come in on weekends liaoz.. sob sob!

just to share:
i had visits from 2 companies promoting their super ex- vacuum cleaners... rainbow & delphin.
the vacuum cleaners are super power n water based. And since they offer fOC cleaning demo (which they do at home n try to psycho u to pay also!), i took up lor..

jadelle has eczema, and as i also shifted house, i thought will be a good chance to do this vacuuming demo thingy..

imagine my shock at the amount of dust i got manz off my bed.. no wonder her eczema so bad!

Anyway, whahahaha, i fell into the trap and bought 1...

hopefully, jadelle's eczema will be better, as it can also vacuum filter the air!! HAIZ, i spend ALOT on that girl!!

any mummies here who also own one of these machines??
the first preg, the fave food was laksa, i almost had it everyday! and desserts started to appeal to me...when i originally hate sweet stuff.

this time round, i'm still trying to "research" the preference...

tigerlan, sounds like some mommies really went thru a rough first trim... ma ma zheng wei da!!
Hi Jasmommy

Have you bring your girl to a doc to check which type of eczema is she having? Knowing which type, the right treatment given will be effective.

Cause my boy has eczema when he is around 3 months old. He has scaly red patches on his 2 cheeks and on both of his legs as well. Then bring him to see the Private Clinic at KKH, they diagnoise as atopic eczema, after applying cream prescibed by them and they also advised which shower soap, cream to use after bath, his condition improves immediately. Beforehand, I bring him to visit the GP, goodness... bad decision, he mixes steriod med with normal cream and when I apply on my boy, he screamed with pain!
Totally agree with you leobbsmom. Whenever I complain, my mum will always said, "Then you think it is easy being a mum?" hahaha... each time hugging the toilet bowl, my hubby will accompany me and stroke my back and I will always grumble no more after this and blame him for making me suffer :D kekeke...

I have no craving. I used to hate durian, smell and everything, but during my preg time, first time I get to know how durian taste like :D Of course after bomb, I dislike durian all over again.
They called to offer me the free cleaning service, thanks for introducing me hor!!! But I rejected as I bought Rainbow few months before I deliver Jay. This one is good la compare to those osim brand one. very powerful but very ex too! I bought from Msia for RM6,900.

jadelle's eczema is mild.. iz those flakey type.. so, i have to be very diligent in applying alot of lotion and change my sheets every week. if i forget to apply lotion after a cool bath (no hot steaming bath!), the flakey dry skin will be back.. i don't wish it to flare up really bad with those red red marks.. so, trying to balance between extreme hygiene and exposing her to the "dirt"...

luckily for me, i have alot of medical relatives.. so, i have ready access to advice..

not every lotion and cream works on similar cases leh..

jadelle now using the batannical cream from CB.. and it works, but dunno for how long.. the calendula cream don't work on her anymore... and lactycd, QV and that waxy emolient aqueous cream given by PD also dun work..

she is using the sensitive california baby range.. crossing my fingers.. so far so good.
Hi leobbsmom & Tigerlan,
For 1st pregnancy, I was hospitalised twice to be put on drip. It stabilized around 4th months. For 2nd pregnancy, I went to gynae clinic every alternate days for drip till about 3rd month. Think its in my family genes. My sister also hugged toilet bowl. Luckily, when I was pregnant, I was a SAHM
if not i think would be kick out of any company man! My staple food was also MILO with Hup seng cream cracker for the whole 3 to 4 months. Forgot to add instant cup noodle!! Gynae just said to eat whatever i can stomach lor to the dismay of hubby

Hi leosbbmom,
Hopefully your ms is better now.

Hi Tigerlan,
Well, hope that your next pregnancy will be better for you
I went thru twice. . .leh. Looking at your child now is worth it! Especially their smiles that melt anybody's heart
Now, really appreciate our mothers ya.

Hi jasmommy,
Have tried the rainbow brand demo thingy. They are like SUPER psycho and I dun like the way they hard sell! Hubby was very tempted.......with installments thingy. However, too bad for them, I just got a brand new Philips vacuum that was also not cheap then and with many functions as well. Whatever they says, my answer was no, no, thank you and NO! haa haaa....guess they must be fumming mad!
Counting down to go home liao

Bosses not in town tomorrow, so its own time own target. hee hee...

BYE!!!have a nice evening ahead.

i was lucky then, cos the 2 sales people from both are equally good and not pushy..

but i didn't commit straight away.. cos i believe for such expensive products sure got people sell 2nd hand.. i thought about it for 2 weeks before making up my mind and bought a 2nd hand set only 3 months old..

keke, my philips vacuum cleaner surrendered on me, plus a good novita hepa filter air cleaner cost >500 sgd... so i was convinced that i got a good deal...
jasmommy, your gal is similar case to my boy. Let me go home to check what type of cream I used. The bathing soap as well.

Yoshi... everyone also said that, try lah... 2nd will be different. What if it is the same... I will faint! Frankly, its the fear I have to get over it
so no no... 1 is enough. Yes his smile and cheekiness do melt my heart at times, but then, I don't know whether can I share the same amount of love and time on another. I was near to miscarriage on my 14wks and have to bed-bound for 2 weeks. Was scolded by the nurse cause spotting for 3 days and thinking it will go off a few days later hahahaha... dumb dumb me. Then got more and more, panic.
cocomo ,

ya lor , Aquaries coming back , but she is smaller than virgo lor ... and i heard got different package for Aquaries .. for weekday , now is 3 day 3 night , heard that for Aquaries is 4 days 3 night ...

Look like alor of mummy have No 2 liao , or planning hor ... for me , everyone around me , keep asking me to give birth to another one ... they say , my Ray so cute , the 2nd one confirm very cute , if dont give birth , very waste ... but dont know leh , i just find is very sian to start everything once again =P very sian to handle new born again , haha ...

And when i 8 mths pregnant that time , suddenly bleed alot , scare me to death , and rush to hospital and stay for 5 days ! During the 5 days , was bad , keep having contraction according to nurse looking at the machine while i dont feel anything . Then they say , got contraction is dangerous , then middle of the night , sent me to the special ward again and again .. i cry every night , so scary lor ...

Morning mummies,

Its FRIDAY and today's 29th Feb, anyone celebrating birthday? :")

Err..I saw somewhere that mentioned I'm ttc-ing, I'm not leh! Don't think I'm ready now, also hubby is in his 'want to quit job' mood so better wait and see, scarly he decides to take up overseas posting then I can tag along and be tai tai haa *dreaming*...wishing everyone a nice day ahead!!
