(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

thanks. I hope too. I also worry for her as her dad need at least 5 donors to help. she herself and her bro and bf also donated. but not enough.


Can try giving him 七星茶 can be found at people's park can help with constipation my colleague introduce to me saying her ger is better after taking it and also help to improve appetite. i will try it for my girl this week end.
I also heard of this tea. Eu Ren Seng got sell also. I try on Nat she refuse to drink
so I just give her more water & fruits. Now she has less constipation liao.
Hi mummies,

Is anyone interested in enrolling your child in Seimpi MIM Jump Start Programme. They are starting a class in Funan on Saturday from 11:30 – 12:15pm. I will be putting my girl in this class and hope to gather more mummies to join. The website is as follows is http://www.seimpi-music.com.sg/musicmind.html

Age Group : 12 to 23 months
Duration of Course : up to 1 year
Lesson Duration : 45 mins, once a week.
Students per class : max 10 with parent participation.
Course Fees : $100 per month
Location : Funan
Course Details : MIM Jumpstart is designed to develop, enhance and
enrich your child's musical potential through interesting infant games
and play songs, pitch training, speedreading, eye/ear training, rhythmic
training,vocalisation,music perception and music analysis.This program
will enhances your child's IQ Development,Self
Esteem,Creativity,Emotional Intelligence,Musical Geniushood,Physical
Coordination and Dexterity.

It’s a programme more musically inclined which is an area I hope to develop Rae in.
leobbsmon , u r cute =) hahaha ... then let me post also , if not , our thread will break record of only 1 mummy posting !
Hi Mummies

Just back fm holiday yesterday. Crisann is getting v naughty. Really don't know how to teach her. She kept throwing tantrum during the trip. When she wants the things she insisted that she must hv it. She kept crying till top of her voice. Think terrible 2 had started on her. Haiz.

Hi Cocomo

Congrats on your baby gal. So nice to have a boy n a gal.

Hi Piyo

Megan look so pretty in her school uniform. Think she will sure be able to adapt well. Don't worry. Nice and lovely pic of Megan.

Hi Kris

Glad to hear that u are better. My frd has that when she is pregnant. Will go off once give birth. So don't worry abt it.
hi mummies...
pls allow me to interrupt, me from April thread

trying to gather more memberships to enjoy the discount. still need about 10 more members.
do PM if u are interested.

wanna to visit Zoo with ur little ones?

(Friends of the Zoo or Wildlife Unlimited),

Rec'd reply from the Zoo:
* 10% if i can submit 20 membership (combination of both type of memberships)

If u have family or friends are thinking to get the Zoo membership too, count them in too, so we can get the membership earlier.

Any mummies hv better lobang than 10% feel free to share.
Kelly and other mummies,

I read rave reviews about the following and would like to get the following leapfrog DVDs.

Kelly, since you have experience organising spree, do you mind organise an Amazon one for this set of 5 dvds for phonics. I have decided to expose zac to phonics now . Pls say yes...

Item Description: Leapfrog Learning DVDs 5-Pack

Unit Price: USD 44.99
Total Amount in SGD: USD x 1.50 = SGD 67.35

Just heard my friend from mar forum praising this set of DVDs too. I'll be interested to get 1 set if anyone is organising

Justin is watching more and more videos so I may as well let him watch educational ones.

I bought 1 of the new socialisation series of the "Wheels on the Bus" and Justin got so hooked on it. Its quite good in teaching some manners and values and the songs are quite hippy.
hi everyone,
been missing for a little while..things been more settle at home ground now.

Denise is fine and the bruise on her face is gone too, thanks to all of you mummies for the concern.

hi SL,
think all the toddlers are going through the same stage at this moment. Denise has been throwing lots of tantrums too...and sometimes it really gets on my nerve, but i keep telling myself this will also pass.

Leapfrog DVDs,
I'm interested to get a set too. Do keep me informed if organising a spree

Did you change your mobile no.? I've just dropped you an sms regarding nan ha 2 which you asked about.
Racoon, Augustmum,

Charlotte got the 3 DVDs for the wheels on the bus, she love it very much can even ask me to on for her to watch she even know that i use laptop to play for her. she try to pull my laptop out and the other hands holding the dvd. so funny.

Leap frog DVDs,
If have spree i also interested let me know as well thanks

regarding throwing Tantrums,
Charlotte also throw tantrums when she can't get things she want and cry her voice out.
I was very firm with her i did not give in to her until she stop cry and wants me to hug her. then she will totally forget the things she want.

I also found new ways to make charlotte eat her meals. I give her apple & cranberries juice from peel fresh no sugar added. One mouth of food and one mouth of drink i only give her small sip. this helps her to eat more. And also helps with her constipation. I don't know peel fresh can let her drink or not but i think since she is already 18mths can introduce her to more different type of drinks so as to boost up her appetite.
augustmum, racoon, fiona, catherine,
i dun mind organising e spree BUT i find it pricey leh. i remembered e last time piyo bought it, it wasnt tat ex, probably abt S$70+. bcos e item is bulky, e shipping charges may b ex. now e item is already SGD60+ excluding shipping charges.
gabe's attending something like seimpi, at a cheaper rate, smaller student-teacher ratio too. i sending edward 2 e same thing next yr. u interested 2 find out more? pls PM me ur contact. i'll advise u.
also, abt e leapfrog DVDs, piyo shared wif me tat e dvds work her cheaper brand of dvd player but not on her more branded brand of dvd player. u may 1 2 take note. she told me tat megan likes 2 watch some dvds too. not sure which ones though.

i've emailed amazon, asking if i can get it a cheaper price. will await their answer.
in e meantime, i'll start e spree fr amazon. be prepared abt e pricey shipping charges hor...

Leapfrog Learning DVDs 5-Pack fr Amazon at USD44.99
Using USD1 = USD1.50 so it'll b SGD67.49

excessess will b used 2 offset shipping. i using comgateway cos more price-reasonable when it comes 2 big bulky items.
pls confirm ur order by transfering e $ to my posb savings a/c 107470123.


1) kelly
2) augustmum
3) fiona
4) racoon
5) catherine

if more mummies r keen, i only ordering 4sets in tis batch cos i wanna get other stuff fr amazon 4 myself.
i also getting 1set cos i heard many mummies rave abt it. gabe watched e letter factory dvd b4 n he liked it, even watched e whole dvd without running abt. usually if he dun fancy a certain show, he wont sit still.
yes tat'e e preliminary amt. once i know of shipping charges, i'll advise all of u again.

pls do so soon so i can make use of e free shipping amazon has right now.
hihi kelly,

Thanks for sharing the contact. Too far for me for sure. I can't keep up with all that travelling with rae.

And, we are in the same spree for rompers. But, you are getting for Stella while I'm still getting those for Rae. She's still wearing romper whenever she's at home, find them quite useful and don't have to worry about matching 2 pieces.

No prob.

Hehehe, really fast ah. Hubby just bugged me to get more educational videos for Justin cos he's becoming a video junkie already, so ur spree came at the right time. I try not to use TV as a babysitter and I will watch with him and explain to him, BUT TV has become a pacifier to calm his crankiness at times......sigh...how ah? He's barely 2 yrs old and watches more TV than mummy liao!!!
Can include me in the batch 2 (In the event 1st batch full liao). Thanks for organising. Will transfer to $$ to you this evening.
u can take my slot in batch1 cos no hurry 4 me. i can put myself in batch2.

go ahead n transfer. once every1 transfers, i'll order. thks!
sorry i dun hv ur contact no anymore cos i changed my HP n all e sms/new contact nos were gone. can u pls PM ur contact no again? thks!
Leapfrog Learning DVDs 5-Pack fr Amazon at USD44.99
Using USD1 = USD1.50 so it'll b SGD67.49

excessess will b used 2 offset shipping. i using comgateway cos more price-reasonable when it comes 2 big bulky items.
pls confirm ur order by transfering e $ to my posb savings a/c 107470123.


1) cecelia
2) augustmum
3) fiona
4) racoon
5) catherine

1) SL
kelly and rest of the mummies with boys,
i've been wanting to ask this silly question. how do you clean baby boi's "kuku" ar? dun have to pull down foreskin to clean? and what's your idea of circumcision?

oops that makes it 3 questions instead...hehe

you are highly efficient. thanks. I know it's pricy but i heard it's good and we could not get them in sg. Think no choice since i'm really lousy when it comes to phonic teaching.

where did piyo get hers?

Got good thing, din share with us huh?
OMG , i dont know what happen to my boy ! He had beening waking up at 5am for the pass 5 days , is this a passing phase ? by the way , he sleep at 11+ pm ...

Hi , am interested in the DVDs too , but kelly mention that piyo only got them at $70++ in spore ? where to get ? thank

1 more Question , can our toddler drink packet milk ? or packet soya milk ? or fresh milk ? thank
piyo buys fr overseas sprees cos cant b found in spore. i told piyo abt e spree n she got it cos we intended 2 burn e 5DVDs n split e cost of it but she cant burn it at all so she kept e dvds.
how 2 explain 2 u in words huh? i dun really pull down my boys' foreskin 2 clean UNLESS it is stained wif shit, which rarely happens. i didnt tik of circumcision at all leh. probably wont go 4 it cos my boys r big now. they said best 2 do it when e boy is very young, <6mths or something.
Leapfrog Learning DVDs 5-Pack fr Amazon at USD44.99
Using USD1 = USD1.50 so it'll b SGD67.49

excessess will b used 2 offset shipping. i using comgateway cos more price-reasonable when it comes 2 big bulky items.
pls confirm ur order by transfering e $ to my posb savings a/c 107470123.


1) cecelia
2) augustmum
3) fiona
4) racoon PAID
5) catherine

1) SL
hi kelly..
had tt u $67.49.. ref: 1610104849
i am staying very near u so can pick it up at ur place
thanks for organising cos ashley oso had became a tv junkie:p


1) cecelia
2) augustmum
3) fiona
4) racoon PAID
5) catherine

1) SL
2) yoki03
3) leia (to pay later)
Morning mummies,

Kelly, I'm interested too, please count me in, will tt to you in a short while thanks.

1) cecelia
2) augustmum
3) fiona
4) racoon PAID
5) catherine

1) SL
2) yoki03
3) leia (to pay later)
4) HoneyB
Hi Kelly,
I hv juz T/T $67.49 via iBanking to you tis morning.

T/T Ref: 1610352718 on 11 Mar'08 09:12am.

I hv PM you my contact number too.
Kindly send me your confirmation on payment receipt.
Thank for your help
Mummies, me long time never come in to chat!

How's Megan doing so far, hope she is enjoying her new routine. My hubby has been bugging me to put Hannah in CC too cos he thinks she is wasting alot of time at home with grandparents and being spoiled by them...she is such a little terror now!!

Congrats on having a girl!! You must be very happy huh :")

I remember you mentioned before that you were planning to go to Macau, did you just come back from Macau? Hope you have enjoyed it!

How's your new work place, you sound like you're pretty stressed up. I'm also feeling very stress with my work lately cos of the frequent travel, keep telling myself will hang on for 1-2 yrs, after that I will take a break, that kind of motivates me, you hang in there :")
thanks for the info on boi's care...think my hubby would also refuse circumcision for our boi, so just leave it be bah...
harrows mummies...

the last time I posted was for the kindermusik class... after that no time. work has been real terrible lately...

dropped in to thank all for welcoming me. appreciate it

the leapfrog DVDs is good. ash learnt all his phonics from there... no need to go zoophonics or anything.. haha. but some of the sounds might turn our v american.. haha, so sometimes can't really fit into the way we pronouce. But that's cos the Singaporean way is a bit salah too. A good buy, I strongly dig it.

On socialisation DVDs, can try this one called "Charlie and Lola" about a pair of siblings and their everyday lives. v interesting. both sonnies love it too. It's a BBC production. I got it from Blue max but heard that Borders has it too. Adapted from the book by Lauren Hill.

My PD did say that there's no need to intentionally pull back the foreskin unles it smells or has "cheesy" stuff. If its constantly the case, then may have to consider circumcision. hope this helps!
Hi kelly,
can count me in too.

Kelly, I'm interested too, please count me in, will tt to you in a short while thanks.

1) cecelia
2) augustmum
3) fiona
4) racoon PAID
5) catherine

1) SL
2) yoki03
3) leia (to pay later)
4) HoneyB
5) erin

kelly n those mummies who hav the leapfrog dvds...wat is phonics ah? sorry dunno much abt it...i must say i been a lousy mum coz i recently only let jay watch barney disc which i know its not v educational but he loves to watch disc that has songs now...if i try to switch to other channel on tv, he will say no no barney...on....the only other disc that he likes is the wheels on the bus manga adventure...so wat this disc like? dun wanna waste $ to buy n then he hates it leh...anyone can pls advise...i go leapfrog website n they dun hav this boxset leh....
