(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi morning mummies,
ya, it's TGIF. Yeah! So happy today. perhaps it's almost the end of Term 1 so a bit relieved. keke...

hi yoshi,
ya, they really know how to melt our hearts. i had bad ms during my pregnancy. was crying and saying i don't want to have no. 2. looking at kayden now makes me feel like having no. 2 but actually, i'm quite afraid of going through the whole pregnancy process again.

Hi Jasmommy,
Its good to know that you're not "forced" into buying
really hated those kind of feeling.

Hi Tigerlan,
I had the same thoughts as you regarding no.2. Whether can share the same amt of love, time, effort etc etc....However when no2 came along, we as parents just have to divide our time and try to be fair lor.

Hi White_lady,
Scary ya. That's y being mummy is really "liao bu qi"

Hi HoneyB,
Wishing you all the best towards your goal of "tai tai". hee hee...

Hi erin,
Poor thing.....but will still encourage you to try
So any pics! Indeed fast to see our little ones grow so differently from 6mths -12mths - 18mths!!

Hi Jasmommmy,

Hope Jade ezcema will be better don worry. I been using Delphine for sometime and I love it. Ever since the last Nat had bronchities, we decided to buy that after the man has done e demo to us esp the bed. Its so HORRIBLE.... to see those dust mites & alot invisible dust around us. I think the most basic I can do is to create a better environment within the house lo.

Hope you are better now.

Wow... you are stepping nearer been a TAI TAI hehehe!!!! Of cos that is the time you able to spend more time wit ur darling too.

Well I believe now our toddlers are showing their naughtiness now and worrying about terrible 2 stage! It may or may nt applies to all BUT I think for my case, Natalie seems to be the one liao. She is getting so short temper, impatience with doing her things OR even cant accomplish what she want to do. They show us tantrums is a way to express out as they are unable to talk to us well too.. Sometime it do make us run out of patience!
Kelly, I do agree sometime NOTI Corner may not help at all. Even my nephew is been driven there, he stil can laugh there & don bother! I think main is we need to be firm enough and sometime we also doesnt wish to beat them but cant be controlled lo.
hi mommies,

i had my gynae appt today, and BB is growing well.

MH, Cynthia, Piyo, Rachel, Kris, and cocomo,
u all taking neurogain? my sept mtb can get it at $30.50(if i rmb correctly), u all keen to get?? we are consolidating the orders now, pls let me know ok. thanks!
RE: Throwing Stuff

hi hi kelly,

m usually at other smh threads but i happen to surf ard n saw your post abt edward throwing stuff. i hv a 18 month old girl too and she does that as well. just wana share what i do to "correct" that.

i used to smack her hand lightly and emphasize "no no" to her, but realised that she started to treat it like a game and even throw things more often, just to get smacked! So now i'll:

- when i saw she has intention of throwing things, i will ask her to "leave it on the table", or say "put the bowl down please", instead of saying "do not throw". so emphasize on the positive and avoid saying "no" or use the word "throw" coz they usually only hear the word "throw" and not the "no". also, saying "no" so many times in a day is just too frustrating!

- if she still throw the bowl/cup etc, i wil ignore her, and ignore the mess on the floor, and go on to do something else and walk away. so she will not use the throwing as an attention grabbing tactic

different techniques work on different kids, so just got to keep trying! it will pass, hang in there!
hi sharon
thks 4 ur advice. very useful. u r absolutely right tat different techniques work on diff kids. ya, juz gotta keep trying. i also try 2 refrain fr using e word "dont".

things hv improved a lot lately...dunno where 2 start but i've talked 2 husband n we agreed 2 try tis method. whenever edward's into his "bad behavior", we'll look at him n ask him "y r u biting? y r u hitting? y did u throw?" it helps lor.

i heard fr my gynae tat natal care plus is betta than neurogain. mayb u like 2 check wif ur gynae.
sharon,kelly ,

Maybe i will try to use that method also . Recently , when Ray sit in the high chair , he will keep pushing the table and his chair move back. When i beat his hand , he also think is funny , keep giggling and do again . BUT , if i stare at him with a black face , he is scare ! stare is better than beat ! hah

can i ask if denise still taking nan ha 2? last time u give me the sales pax number, they dun entertain me leh.. trying to find cheaper source for nan ha 2...

Any ideas? very leh chey to keep going into JB leh.
Hi Mummies,

Justin has attended 2 lesson of Julia Gabriel's billingual and he didn't enjoyed it at all. I'm not sure of its just too long, the pace is too fast, the environment is just not right to him or he's just feeling insecure becos of the 2nd one along the way. He never has problems adjusting to new classes but this one, he just cried and cried until I feel so paiseh. The teacher told me to let him cry and not bring him out cos will let him know crying means he can leave the room, but his crying is so inconsolable until I feel I'm disrupting the class and have to stop after 1 hr and leave the school. When he attended the holiday pgm at Evans rd, he loved it so much till he doesn't want to go home so i thought maybe its good for him, but again that's playnest so maybe slower pace and shorter hours and I always find Evans rd a more pleasant environment. This time round is at Forum cos we can only make it for Sunday and I find the classroom dull and darker, and playblub seems more stimulating and faster pace. Lucky I only sign him for 3 lessons cos its the last 3 of the term, may stop the lessons since its giving Justin and us parents so much stess.Weekends are supposed to be enjoyable so didn't want to add to everyone's stress.
kelly, i also ask Sherv when she's misbehaving, like when she doesnt cooperate and said NO to me, i will ask her, why NO? why she wanna say NO to me? then she will go "huh?" "huh?"...etc after that, she'll be more receptive.

but i realised i cant help it when hv to come out with NO first b4 i tried other methods! haha! guess it's just habitual!

oh, abt neurogain, i heard from other moms tat this is beta... i also dunno lah, coz i never took it b4 as i was taking DHA250 from GNC. any idea DHA250 or this neuro thingy is beta?? which one did u take?
Jay has the SAME situation with Justin!!! He never have problem adopting any classes he attended before, including the JG holidays program but for the JG bilingual class he just keep crying since the moment he steps into the class! I also dunno what's the reason??? But when the classroom is opened up (combine 2 classes and sing songs together) at final 15mins he is ok and he enjoyed a lot! Last Saturday he was quite ok, only fuse a bit at the beginning but I need to keep hugging him and participate the activities with him throughout. I most likely will stop after this term liao.
So the natal care plus is better izit? My gynae said TMC (WC Cheng and asso) now dun give the neurogain liao as a lot of mummies complained it's very stink so now they have changed to natal care plus. Gynae said basically not much diff btw the two just diff manufacturer.

I have visited gynae at 16 weeks last sat and gynae said most likely Jay is right that it is a meimei! Jay used to call didi since two months ago and 1 weeks back he changed to meimei. I so happy that time. Gynae joked that maybe before that the private part not formed yet so he think is didi then later time he can feel that it is actually a mei mei. ha. . . so funny! However, gynae said not not 100% accurate, still need to confirmed during week 20's detailed scan.

1st lesson, Justin cried and din want to enter but i thought maybe its becos he was cranky having just woke up from his nap in the car. But after 1 hr, and the teachers start to do play acting and have to leave and enter the room many times, Justin start to cry pitifully saying "Go Go" and point to the door. It was later at the snack time, playground time and last part of singing that he was ok.

The 2nd lesson, he was ok from the start, din cry but can see he's scared. He wandered around the class and din really participate in the activities like all the other kids. But the moment 1 hr is up and the teachers start to leave the room, he cried liao. This time he cried until so loud till i boh bian have to leave. He continued to cry until everyone in Forum stared at us. This has never happened before.

I think after next lesson which is the last of the term, I'll give up JG already unless he suddenly shown interests. Dun want to put him through so much distress.
Same here, I enrolled him for JG is for him to enjoy so dun want ended he feel pressure and unhappy. Unless he enjoying his last lesson, else I will also drop JG.
cocomo, so happy for u! one boy one girl liao! can consider to close shop or hv another one later liao! no need to chiong chiong chiong!! kekeke!! =P

so u not taking any DHA since your taking neuro plus???
Thanks but not 100% confirm yet le. muz wait till 20wk detailed scan then can 100% assured. hee. . .

I did not take neuro plus but taking "natal care plus". This is fish oil with DHA as well.

so happy for you ! how i wish i can also have a girl next round ! hahaha ... maybe try next year ! haha ...

i m going genting this march ... hope raygen will enjoy the trip =)
Hi everyone,
This will be a long post..

We have finally decided mid last week to send Megan to full day cc/preschool starting today! My hubby brot her to labrador park the week b4 and she ran to a group of k1 kids who were also in the park but they were gathering to go back liao.. hubby told me her face was so crestfallen then that she was back alone with daddy. This incident just striked us that she is ready and badly wanted to play with friends now rather than staying at home playing toys alone/with my maid.

Anyway she started school today and as like other previous visits to the school, she ran into her classroom, started playing with the materials, enjoyed herself during outdoor play. We left her after outdoor play and when we came back, we peeped in and saw the teacher feeding her noodles and she ate very well n happily. Teacher told us she cried for a lil bit after we left but stopped quite fast. But we witnessed for ourselves her crying when they brot her for shower after lunch. To me, that crying altho short was terrible enuf to make me doubt our decision to send her thr and make her go thru the stress
wanted to bring her back there n then but hubby said to stay on, she wld be fine. We stayed with her and gave her milk and patted her to sleep b4 leaving her again..haiz.. me super lousy, while patting her I can't help tearing..hubby told me I am better off busy with work issues than at the cc and worrying..she fell asleep shortly (thk must be super duper tired)& we left. Din go back till 5pm to see how she was doing again. This time was a dif sight, she was playing happily again and smiled and continued to play when she saw us at the door. She din wanna leave and we dragged till 530pm then brot her home. Teacher told us she is 1 kid that wants to be hugged and sayang but did not cry after waking up..and she even haf 2 slices of a kid's birthday cake during teatime, din finish majority of her milk thou. Principal of the school told us she did very well for 1st day, can't ask for more liao.. Let's c how she is the next few days b4 I start doubting my decision again...

Generally I am happy with the school except some things which I can't help but grouse about (as usual, my hubby thinks if I complain so much, then take back the deposit and bring megan back home *&^%)

here's a pic of her eating her bf this morning:

Hi cocomo,
Congrats on your bb ger! I thk most prob it's confirmed and you can start shopping for bb ger's clothes liao!

I am taking Pro lacta DHA, also changed from Nuerogain as per gymae's recommendation

Racoon and cocomo,
JG called me up last week informing me there is vacancy for JG's bilingual class from mid march. I turned them down as I have started Megan on Full day preschool today, thinking if I go to JG on weekend, it's like duplicate activities. I am still sourcing for classes during weekend, most prob gymclasses like Kindyroo etc.. if really cant find, will leave weekend for family time!

Hi jas,
I m using rainbow cleaner since 1 yr agao.. also for my princess.. generally I find $$$ well spent cos we used it for vacuuming and as air purifier at night when we sleep... occsionally use it to clean the aircon too!so far so good! you got it liao?

The message of encouraging them to share in an interesting and musical way!

Bought this DVD on Early Socialization Series @ AMK Hub MJ MultiMedia.
I have one which shares about
Taking Turns & Getting Along and
the other is about Helping & Sharing.

They have another volume on Making Friends, which I have not bought yet.

Each volume I purchased is $13.40
Each duration is 35mins.
DVD is copyright protected

More details:

dun worry too much...sounds like megan is doing very well on her 1st day at school...just monitor for a while and i think she will be fine!! The pics of megan are lovely...she is growing to be a reali pretty little girl liao...love her tops n pants!!Our babies are growing up so fast....
hi cocomo,
congrats on having a minnie! can close shop liao.

hi piyo,
megan looks more and more like u when she grows up. so fair. which childcare did u sign her up? i'm still looking around leh but most prob flex-hrs (only for a couple of hrs for him to play with the kids). may sign him up for cherie hearts or the one behind my mum's place since it's close. Kayden's also very lonely. he wanted to go into the childcare near my mum's place to play with the kids inside. dashed from the playground to the childcare and wanted to open the door to go in. the tr saw and smiled at us. haha... will most start when he's almost 2 yrs old.

Glad to know that Megan adjusted pretty well in school. Can tell from her uniform that u enrolled her in MMI, is it better than other MMI branches? There's 1 MMI in Sengkang and 1 Character Montessori too and I'm thinking how different are they.

I brought up the HDB playgroup to hubby again and got him angry again so I guess that option is out forever liao. He told me he rather put Justin at half day MMI than the 3 hrs at HDB playgroup but I'm reluctant cos Justin is so young.

I guess I hv to scout around for more options.

I also bought the rainbow cleaner 1 yr ago. All for the sake of my hubby who has sensitive skin and asthmatic cough. After the trial session, and we saw so much dustmites on our bed, we bought it immediately cos Justin sleeps with us so can't imagine him getting so close to so much dirt. My maid is the one using it and the salesperson came to teach my maid for abt 2 times. My friend used it clean the aircon and i heard her say its very good for that, I haven't taught my maid that yet so can't comment.

Also, to help my hubby's skin further, I installed the Diamond Spa in my bathroom which removes chlorine and has added vit C serum which is supposed to remove some free radicals from the skin. My hubby likes it a lot and said his skin is now even better. My experience is after bath, my skin does feel smoother.

I invested a lot for the sake of hubby's sensitive problems.
Megan look so grown & so intelligent. Since e last time saw her was very long ago also. She is adapting herself so well in school and it can really be a peace of mind for u too. I believe we tends to worry more than our MAN! Even now for me I am struggling to put her into half day or PG or full day trial. Worries in my mind is if full day, can she able to nap? Cos Nat used of me to pat her sleep during her nap n night. How will the school do it? Its like alot of concern & ???? inside my brain.. haiz...

Congrats! Can start shopping too liao hehehe. Taka BB fair is starting this Thurs also.
Thanks! Very excited to know that it may be a minnie. Before gynae actually said that my heart was pumping so hard! I am happy to clsoe at 2 kids but when I told my hubby irregardless this is mickey or minnie we will close shop and he just keep silent

Most likely I will send Jayden there to join Megan in April but I don't think he can't adapt the environment as well as Megan lo. Really worry. My parents keep saying too early to send him la, wait he dunno how to take care of himself la, eating, sleeping issue la. Make me so uncertain if I am really going to send him before deliver my second one. Maybe I will to see see look look again tomorrow.
piyo, aiyo u made me tear also when i read the part tat u started tearing when u patted megan to sleep... i noe tat feeling, tat shows how much love we hv for our darlings, really a treasure! esp now tat we know no.2 will somehow grab our attn soon... =)

think i will stick to my DHA250 this time coz Sherv has a good memory i find. last nite, i revised with her the flashcards after stopping for 2mths, and she was able to remember all 16 cards without hestitation! apart from that, there are alot of things she can remember after mths, and she really shocked us with her action when we already clean-forgot abt some of the incidents..

another thing to share, i hv just told my boss abt my preg since it's 12th week liao... guess her reaction?! just 3 words..."SO GOOD AR???"

wat can i say? i'm speechless........
you have supportive boss!!

yes, i invested in delphin.. keke, cos i like its compactness.. and also it is less noisy and more versatile then rainbow in adjusting to needs. I have used it on my aircon filter already. happened that i was servicing my aircon at the same time the technician was teaching me how to use the delphin for different needs like clogged sinks and aircon cleaning and aircon leakage.

I think Megan did very well for 1st day! And i fully empathise with your feelings@ I get that alot last time when i had to leave jadelle early in the morning to catch a flight.. really hate that. But now, the stress at new workplace.. haiz. dunno worth it boh.
hi mommies...

good morning.. had been busy and no time to log in..

hi leobbsmom..

all docs I went to said i had eczema only on a certain portion of my left leg.. but it actually started off with a mosiquto bite.. it is much better now after seeing a specialist.. but now i m itchy all over the place cos of pregnancy..

glad to hear that your baby is growing well.. eat well and rest more ok.. keep us posted on the gender once known..

hi cocomo..


hope u r able to eat better now.. me eating every two hours.. so can image how fat i look like now.. keekee...

hi piyo...

Megan sooooo pretty!!!!!

look like Megan copes well in her first lesson.. let her continue and see how she goes before deciding.. think my Zorian will be the type whom will cry non stop the moment we are out of his sight..

hi Cynthia..

so u found any good playgroup in AMK?? me staying near to AMK Ave 3.. so far have not found any good ones..

hi jasmommy..

so where is ure new work place now?? hope all is well for u..
jas, ya lor! i told my mom abt it last nite, she also went......wat??? anyway my boss is abit weird weird de...

kris, oh, so weird to hv eczema only a small portion on your leg. hope it goes away soon. =) my MS is reducing, but everytime i tell someone abt it, then the next day i will feel it coming back again! hahaha... think my little one is playing up on me! =P

i find Sherv's skin abit dry lately, and it feels rough on her legs, but not flaky leh... i've given a bottle of baby's oil to my mom to apply for her after bath, hope it helps... =)

our forum really leng leng qing qing since piyo seldom log on...hahaha!!! =P
Hi cocomo,
Congrats on having a princess

Hi Piyo,
It was nice of you to share your feelings regarding Megan's first day at MMI. Its aches every mother's heart if we ever witness our precious baby crying
. However, I must say that Megan is really strong girl for her occassional tear during her first day in MMI. Our heart were so painful when we first enroll Shauna in Shekinah and to see her cry. I cried too
. Now that its Kieira's turn, I think it will be a more difficult process as Kieira is more introvert.

Hi racoon,
I've been to the MMI in sengkang and dun like what i see there. I think the teachers/child ratio is too high. Guess there's too many kids in the vincinity. My frens have been to character montessori open house and commented that the teachers and principal are quite good. However, i'm still scouting around
if not hubby wanted to enroll Kieira in Shekinah too.
Yo Kris,
Didnt hear frm you long time also. Actually I went to Blk 442 near AMK ave 10. They told me need to waiting list lo. Not bad. Reasonable too & they are going to renovate e sch in June too. But I have some changes so meantime I will jus find school in jurong area as HB was saying till we shift back to AMK next year hopefully Mar Feb ad see if I should contd be SAHM & study Full time or back to work. Still planning in progress.... So again back to square Jurong 1st. Tmr going to view this school Adroit near my house. They have 2 hours play group. So mayb meantime if ok i try to let Nat adjust before sending her t full or half day. Their website www.adroitedu.com.sg. Think no branch at AMK lo.

Hehehe I think we are those start to gain weight when reaching 6mths bah. Now I start to eat better. Sometime 2-3hrs small meals depending also lo. At e moment gain 1kg nia so hope this round also bb absorb all lo..
Hehehe cheers to Delphin. we also find it useful esp not only can be use on our bed, pillows, toys,vacuum etc... though price bit steep but somehow its worth to invest too.

Today very quiet here too.... believe everyone was busy with work too.. seems sometime we organise a meet up lately too hehehe
Hi Yoshi,

Thanks for the feedback on MMI. Have you researched on the Montessori Playroom near Hougang Plaza? But they only provide playgroup sessions and only for above 2 1/2 yrs old toddlers.

Justin was on NAN HA 1 and 2 then switch to Gain IQ. When he was on NAN HA, never had constipation cos the fats are vegetable fats. But Gain IQ, he does sometimes have constipation if he didn't drink enuf water. But depends on indiv kids too, some kids never had problem with Gain IQ.
amy and racoon,

thanks. shall look for these samples and see if zac tolerates them better. Zac's on enfa and has frequent constipation. We have tried prune juice, sweet potatoes, increase fibre and liquid intake etc but still, the stools are very hard. Hence, trying to change milk powde and see how.
Jay's PD told me that NAN HA should solve constipation problem but not all kids like the smell as it taste a bit bitter.
this is no spamming My friend need help.
I have known her for years i feel heartaching for her. I hope those of you can help please help ok...

Hi frenz,

My dad is diagnosed with leukemia recently and had completed his 1st cycle of chemotherapy. He is in SGH ICU ward 45. Currently, his blood cells are very low and is having very severe infection in his lungs which has since spread to his blood. He requires donors for white blood cells on a daily basis with the following criteria:

Blood group: B+
Weight: 45 kg and above
With no major/known sickness

A blood test for compatibility will be conducted prior to the collection. The collection process is similar to blood donation except that it is done through a machine. The donor needs to undergo an injection and an oral medicine to simulate the white cells. Some people may experience slight bone pain after the injection. A normal person can donate white cells once a week.

Pls call me on my hp if you are willing to donate and fit the above criteria.

Kindly help to circulate this msg.
Thank you for your help.

Hp: 9846 0908

Natalie has been taking NAN till she reaches 13mth i switch her to Gain IQ. After 1mth later her constipation started again like last time when she took similac. So I assume she cant take it lo and change back to NAN for her. I also believe different kids different bowels reactions.

Sorry to hear such a case happen to ur dear frd. Too bad I am O+ & Preg and hubby belong to A. Hope they will be more people responding to ur calling... Meantime please send regards to ur frd to take care as she need to stay strong taking care of her Dad too.
