(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

gabe is never like tat at edward's age. tat's y discipling edward is a challenge now. i cant b too harsh 2 him cos he'll c tat y i dun treat gor gor tis way. if i lenient wif edward, gabe'll c tat "wah edward can behave tis way n get away wif it, so can i"


I think it's a mummy's instinct or experience to know if the child did something out of anger (or to get what he wants) or is just finding out the cause or effect. Zac also threw stuff when he's not happy or does not get what he wants.

When zac threw his bowl or about to do so, I would just remove everything and tell him, " okie, I suppose you are not hungry right?" and then just let him down from the high chair.

I was quite shocked when I heard you beat Ed. Not your style. Think you are too stressed by so many things happening to resort to this last measure.

You take good care of yourself. I'm sure you will find a way to handle Ed.

heres charlotte 9mths, 18mths and during cny

Dun throw anger on ur edward. Kids they have temper just how you endure with it. Might be very hard for you with the 2 boys. But try to let them know their mistake b4 hitting. make them stand one corner, or ignore them when they throw temper.Don't talk to them until they come say sorry mummy. this is the way they will learn and realise thier mistake.

even charlotte now only 18mths she already throw her temper and does not want to eat her food as and when. i just put her in her playpen i tell her if you don't eat you are going to stay in ur playpen for the rest of your day. She will start crying for me. after which i attempt to her again and she starts to eat again.

then i will ask her to stand in the living room near the sofa and wait for me. that was the first time i see here dare not move and wait for me. even my mil there she also dare not move.

Many times when she comes home she does not want to sleep and its 11 plus. keep playing and playing. i just put her in her playpen, tell her mummy is going out if you don't sleep.
She will start to cry. Then i will talk to her nicely.

One thing i don't like my mum to look after her becos my mum just give in to what she wants and dun even give her a regular timing to sleep.
which i was very unhappy with.

But don't be too harsh on edward.
make him clean up the mess he did and realise his mistake.
each time he make a mess make him clean up. So next time he will think again b4 he make the mess again.
hope this help.
take care
CNY 2007
Jadon at 5+ months

CNY 2008
Jadon at 17+ months

I think he still looks pretty much the same, just bigger and more hair (and an extra pair or ears. hehehe). :p
cocomo, racoon and other mummies who recently announced their pregnancy,

Congrats!!! Enjoy your round 2/3.


Oh dear, sorry to hear about the HFM. You all pls take care and get well soon!


Yes, Hannah v advanced. Check out the development guide books and see what age do tods do imaginary play. I think it's 2.5-3yrs.
Raygen Even cuter big round eyes with cute hair style very cute. I like the last pic next time if i have boy boy i must cut this hair style for him hahaha.

Leia, Me too agreed jadon looks the same but also slimmer version.
even u know it's not my style.

i do not throw my anger at edward. u misunderstood me.

i need help 2 teach me how 2 teach edward 2 clean up rice grains + meat + fish + veg (all wif gravy) fr gabe's hair, high chairs (both), flr n himself.

as i said, i cant use e notti corner for both boys all e time.

thks 4 ur advice anyway. btw, does ur charlotte throw her bowl of food when she dun get wat she wants?
Hi kelly,

She did it alot of times Either throw her Food or hit the bowl and topper onto the floor Still can laugh happily. Food that she don't like she spilt out. she even throw her bottle until the cover broken got to go and buy a new replacment.

I will just tell her off no food for her today since she does not want to eat. Nowadays even more difficult to feed her she simply just reject. i decided not to force her.

You can try give him a wet tissue or cloth ask him to wipe those on the floor. will still be in a mess but is a lesson learn. or just ask him to pick up whatever he can pick.

Since he is already dirty and need to bath.

re. corner guards

remembered someone asked about corner guards last year. bought some at ikea. Very cute, with a little hand on each guard. Best of all, I have pasted them on the table for more than 24 hrs and they are still there
My previous ones had never lasted more than 4 hours.
Hi Mummies,

MIA for some time liao.....so many posts to catch up ya

Hi kelly,
Sorry to hear that your boys are down with HFMD. Hope that they have already recovered and bb stella is back at your side now. Be Strong and hang on ya
This difficult phase that you're experiencing with edward will pass soon.

Nowadays, kieira also testing my patience. Keep asking her not to draw on the floor, she will do it again and again. Sometimes i will slap her hand gently, and the next thing she does is to call me "mum, mum" hugged and kissed me! How to get angry with her?

Hi HoneyB,
I also think that Hannah is very advanced for her age. I'm impressed when i saw her at piyo's place that she can pronounced lots of words! Mine kieira is still babbling and refused to speak
My 2 cents of tots is to let the child enjoy their childhood. Expose them to more things and continously encourage them with your attention and love.

Hi Mummies who have posted their child's pictures...all the kids/babies are very handsome and pretty leh. And I can also see how much they have grown.

Hi white_lady,
Your Raygen is really a lady killer leh. Can "booked" as son-in-law already? ha ha.....

pls take care and hope you've recovered by now. i wanna check with u, if your BM can be contaminated when u hv HFMD? how long does HFMD last for adults, did doc advise?

i think some no. 2 is more mischeivous than no. 1, coz they know they are younger... and with stella now, maybe he's just trying to seek attn. meanwhile, u rest well, n let hubby "settle" him if he is more scared of hubby.

gosh, Sherv is getting more n more clingy to me lately! this is really a big change in her, so it's taken me aback! and i'm still trying to adjust to it...

just last nite, she held my hands n brought me into the bedroom, asked me to lie down with her. i can see something in her eyes......LOVE!!! i found her staring into my eyes, and so i quickly told, "mommy loves Shervonn ok?" she nodded and smiled at me! then i told her "mommy will always love my baby girl, ok?" she smiled n hugged me....

oooohhhhhh, my heart just melted....

i dunno the reason of her actions sometimes, think she can sense no.2 is coming?????? it's spooky rite??

imagine she can show her love to me in this manner, so touching for her mommy.... =)
i used to really hit Shervonn when she is notti n testing my patience, and i realised tat they like to repeat their mistakes! then i read tat they are experimenting, n things tat really caught their attn, they will tend to repeat them.

but my mom n siblings told me off, and told me tat i shldnt hit her so often or she wont understand or know my intention if i make it a routine.

now i spend more time explaining and reasoning to her, but sometimes she wont budge, so i just walk away n leave her crying. i guess this is working beta coz i dun hv to lose my cool, and she doesnt hv to suffer in my hands!
Give ur DD a Paper or news paper to draw. My DD also loves to draw but she knows that only can draw on paper she will ask from me when she wants to draw.

Yah never hit them when they dont even know whats is right and wrong.
got to explain and tell her what is yes and no.
Charlotte i never even hit her i just tell her NO and she will cry. She use to like to touch my things and throw it on the floor i told her no everytime she wants to touch and she will start to cry. now she just dare not touch or just take and put it back when she saw me.

Anything she don't want i will tell her give to mummy cannnot throw.
Compare to your toddlers, think my Jay's worse. He basically throw everything from his high chair when having meals, even now at 18mth! He distroying everything in his hand as well. Really headache!!!

Jay behave the same nowadays, very clingy to me. My maid used to pet him to slepp then I will carry him to my room after he slept and now every night he will just cry non-stop refuse to slepp until my maid bring him into my room and sleep beside me.
edward is too cute for kelly to 'threw anger at, she will probably throw the food back at him and laugh it off together with him.......(just joking)

I bought the same set of Kitchen set that you have from Taka at $89.90... it's really very worth plus I top up with other stuff to make it $100.00 and they provide delivery service. And, that's the last set that they have.
Hi Kelly

That is what I have read from magazines and books for the estimated age range. Have you considered getting professional help? To me, please don't be offended as this is the first time I am joining the forum, after reading, being a first time mother, for a kid to hit his/her head out of frustration due to communication problem will be best to seek professional help. Have you ever consider baby signing to improve communication? Parenting is different from family to family, work for some and will not work for others. To some, hitting is alright is like the saying - spare the rod and spoilt the child, while others frown upon this method. Just would like to clear some air of mis-understanding (if there is) I am not trying to say anything or mean anything. As in writing, there are times things may put across in a different way as being spoken. So if I have offended you in any way, thousand apologies.
Oh yeah Kelly... just to cheer you up

Frankly I am NOT a "kid" person, more towards animal... sorry if by saying that I will offend some mummies, but that is the truth. I always complained to my friends and colleagues what a handful I have with my son. They always tell me this - recall incidents of his actions that makes you laugh or heart melt... it helps. Moreover, boys are like that... active. Their next question is, do you prefer them to be quiet and obedient or active and mischevious?

Hope you get well soon. God bless.
catherine, my mom will agree with u!! haha....i also agree somehow but sometimes i think Sherv understand, tat why i m harsh to her, i did try to reason out with her, but sometimes i just cant control myself! =(

but now tat she's so clingy to me, i seldom hit her liao... dun hv the heart to do so anymore...

cocomo, think they like to sleep with us somehow, wanna smell us lah! =P do u still carry jay as often? side-track abit, hv u started on taking neurogain? do u also take DHA250 or we can take either one?
Whitelady - I was strongly recommended by my nanny and a few of my friends of this show called the Supernanny and it was on air about 2 years ago (?). It is a discipline technique, whereby a minute for every year of the child's life, so 2 minutes in a naughty area (it can be a step/chair but a special naughty chair or mat etc meant for punishing for self-reflect) and they have to stay there for 2 whoile minutes. if they get up or misbehave in the 2 minutes then the 2 minutes starts again and so on until they are good for 2 whole minutes after which lots of praise for being good on the naughty step. It really does work and fast ie within 7 days of consistency, however, it will be a prob with the caregiver is being soft.

Another method which I have been using frequently when he misbehaves, is to come down to his level, ie squat down, look him in the eye and calmly but very firmly say "no". Always calm but firm, and the keyword is consistent. It will take some time but eventually they will get the message.

Of recent, whenever he knows that I am not please with him and before I come down to his level, he will imitate my tone and said "no no" and waving his little point finger
I want to laugh but can't... they are really very trying!
no worries. thks 4 ur info.
btw, i got "professional help" for my #1. tat's y ended up on tv. no more professional help liao cos still got recognised on e streets when we went out.

u also know me very well. my edward's too cute 4 me. ya, i did throw food back at him b4. it was food fight 4 us. heng, got helper 2 clean up.
Dear mummies

Just to share 2 books which I have read to prepare myself for the "terrible twos" and other parenting methods.

Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn
Raising our children, raising ourselves by Naomi aldort
Hi Kelly
I have only 1 and I am really way below all of you wonderful mummies, it will put me to shame to be standing among you mummies. Sorry, you mean you got featured on TV? WOW... no wonder I have touch a sensitive side of you. Sorry
Poor thing, you must have been too stressed out, I also think you will not beat Ed, I've been reading your blog, you're not the type lah and don't worry about the breast pads dear, I can always keep it since I'm not stopping at 1 child, hope don't have expiry date thou hee. Can you PM me your home address so that I can mail you the clothes I bought for Stella else by the time we meet, she cannot wear already, thanks. :")
Hey kelly
I have read that book.
I read alot in order to prepare myself for the infamous "terrible twos". After reading and sharing with my mum, my mum will always tell me that is what she is trying to tell me. Then I realised the chinese saying of something like - 不听老人言....
hi tigerlan
if u read tat book, u'll know wat kinda parent i m. definitely not a kid-beater. hahahaha

i believe in "ai de jiao yu" (love education = direct translation). my PC dun hv mandarin.

talk talk talk, reason reason reason.
WOW... I didn't know that! May I know which programme is that? Chinese - channel 8 or U? For me I am seldom on these 2 channel, most of the time is on Channel Newsasia or 5.

Yo Kelly, no no... it has never come across my mind that you are one, so please don't think that way. I believe you must have been under alot of stress.
Joined this thread is to hope that I have an outlet to let go of my frustrations, not with kid though but more of adult. Also to hear and learn from other wonderful mums here.
catherine ,

The hair very easy to cut , take a bowl , put on his head then trim ! hahahahaaa ... coconut also can ! haha

yoshi ,

Can book , no problem , but go to pay deposit first ! hahahahahaa

I need some new born baby photos for designing some samples . I m into designing and printing services , thus am doing some " Birth " card , "1st month" card kind of things ... so will need some babies photo as model =) ... Any kind mummy to email me 1 or 2 photo of ur cutie =) also hor , provide me the info like date of birth , time , weight , lenght and baby name =)

email : [email protected]
re: descipline
to me it's a very individual kinda thing...depends on what denise did, at times i have to admit i do lose my cool and raise my voice at her or beat her hands if she keeps touching what she's not supposed to...and during other times i'll talk to her. well...have to see what is the severity of tantrums and damage done by her.

and kelly, i can understand what you must be going through during those difficult moments bcos i'be been a sahm for a period of time myself. not to mention you have 2 boys to handle and now with stella, being on duty 24/7 is no joke. kudos to you gal!
it hasn't been going well for me today. my grandma in law passed away last nite, having funeral in my home now. the worse is, the stupid doctor at my work place called me to ask me stupid questions and refused to take my advice, and guess what. i just left the room for the call when denise is napping(which i never did before), and the next thing i know she panic when she couldn't see me and rolled off the stairs! my heart must have skipped a beat when i couldn't reach her in time to stop her from taking another step...so angry with myself.

fortunately so far she got no other symptoms accept for the bruise on her right cheek...will be monitoring(sob sob)
Fiona ,

Can understand how heartpain it is to see ur gal falling ... BUT dont blame yourself , you also didnt want that to happen right ... just monitor and sayang your gal more =) Take Care =)
u hv my condolences abt ur grandma-in-law.

how's denise now? very pek chek rt? when ur kid is hurt, not bcos of ur neligence but bcos of work related matters (tat stupid phone call). u also must b careful wif ur belly when u rushed 2 grab her leh. aiyo, must take care.
tis is e right place 4 u 2 join us. we share joy, sorrow, frustrations, anger, blah blah blah here. do join us at gatherings if u can.

when is ur plc open again? i love 2 c jazelle.
