(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Re: kitchen sets

Hi Kelly, Cyn and Amy,

I saw the one which Kelly mentioned at toysrus.. now selling $89.90 too.. but the whole kitchen set will move/shift position if we open the cabinet doors and washing machine door etc..This set is not made of the plastic like that of Little Tikes or Step2 right?

I also agree that the models of Little tikes very limited coy... recently saw the Dora talking kitchen set selling at $199 but am worried about the material, wait buy liao regret and ask for refund again? haiz...Step2 or little tikes has 1 selling at $199 too and very sturdy but I dun like the colour...and also bo hua to try the rented sets cos end up the $$ can buy a set liao...

Cyn, Does kiddy palace has quite a few sets to look at? Will the set "like wanna topple" if Nat pulls the cabinet door?

Hi Erin,
Finally you are planning for no.2 liao
Good luck and hope to hear good news soon!

I also think toddlers their age should haf lower child teacher ratio.. The CC I am looking at's ratio for their age is 1:5 and may drop further as a few of them are moving up to Nursery this April
so my 6th sense was correct then!

hmmm, actually din wanna go for the class but "our common friend" told me should go try..carrying megan then was not easy cos I had spotting in the early stage and later she is not growing inside me and finally realised the cord ard her neck 2rounds.. so this time just wanna try and see got any dif not :p I personally feel I can "connect" with this bb better

Is it that once your gynae clear you of chicken pox ricks means closed case liao? If i were you I will be worried too...you should go for the class, think it will benefit you lots

Are you continuing Shichida for Justin next term?
Now that Stella is out, dun think so much abt the cord thingy, stay positive else you get depression very soon! Megan stayed in me with cord round her neck till 39 weeks and now she is growing well so stay positve ok? You must concentrate on getting well so that you are well enuf to receive Stella when she is back!

Btw, did you receive my email on Ros school? let me know ya?
Crisann, Augustmum and mums who haf sent their littles ones to CC,
Wanna chk with you all - how do you prep your little ones for preschool? when do you start?

My megan is not talking much yet.. wonder if I explain and prep her, she will understand or stare at me with blank look...

Might wanna send her from 1st Mar or 1st Apr. If 1st mar, I dun thk i haf much time to prep her liao! how?

the set you posted look good.

i bought this two years ago...


I also bought a big bag of 'food' from elc. Not shown on their website though.

I bought my toy ladles, spoons and bowls etc from ikea though.

Seems that elc has more new products... look so good but now no mood.... just found out hubby has to go overseas reservist. Me gonna left alone in august. Siaz... that's also the period I need to go back to work

i took Noah to look at children in schools very often. Talk to him about life in school. Read books about schools etc.

he liked school so much that he did not cry in the first week. Reality only set in the second week...
Hi Piyo

I have not sent Crisann to CC. Will let her start from mid of Mar. I did ask her whether she wants to go to school. She will knock her head and she will go and take her bag pretend she is going to school. For that CC she is going to attend, she has quite a no of friends. So think should be alright for her. She is actually not talking much as well. Me also duno how to prepare her for it. Just on that day bring her there and see her reaction. Think for full day CC, we should be able to accompany them for few days. Till date me still have not go down to register. Cos still think when to let her start her school.
Morning mummies,

Long time never come in, have been busy traveling for work, feel so tired physically, wish I could just stay home!

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Poor thing, you take good care, must stay positive ya.

All your babies look so cute, love Stella's chubby cheeks, Jaz's beautiful smile and Vivien's lovely big eyes!! :")

With regards to CC:
For me I'm not introducing CC to Hannah at this stage since we're not planning for no. 2 so soon, think she's quite happy with my parents, will let her play and enjoy for a couple more mths. I'm planning to start her on PG when she turns 24 mths. Hannah's overall development is pretty good, her vocab has expanded quite abit and she is able to communicate with us for most things, recently she even started to 'talk' to her bears and even introduce what she knows to her bears like when she's in the car seat, she will hold her bear up and tells her bear "bear bear see cars/motors/trees/flowers, pepud (her short form for neibourhood)/go home, etc" its so funny to see her do that, she's a girl with a very imaginative mind, recently she even started to give me and my mum nick names and we all wonder how she developed this idea...Her PD suggest that we further groom her and my hubby is so keen but I don't really want to stress her now, would prefer her to relax. The only concern I have now with Hannah is discipline, she is become such a naughty child now sometimes I also don't know how to react when she misbehave outside *sigh*...think I must go and find some books to read up, anyone has any good books to recommend?
Good morning mummies,
so many posts this morning...thanks all for yr compliments on jaz...hee hee...she may look sweet but she has a short n fiery temper..haha...yest nite she finally flip...hee hee..from her back to her tummy liao...yeah!! Regarding MPV, my arrangement so far is as such that the maid will sit in the front seat and i will sit in between jay in his car seat and jaz in her infant car seat..but like wat the rest say, if my parents come along, then both kids cant sit in their carseat liao...also i dun tink the car seat shld be placed in the front passenger seat bec of the airbag too...its v dangerous...for me, as hubby dun like mpv n prefer to drive a car, we are still ok wif it but i guess we do hav to change to a mpv sooner or later as well...

hope u will recover soon and cheer up...get well faster and u can hug yr stella soon already...

vivian eyes r beautiful...our babies are growing up so fast...i cant imagine jaz be 5mths soon too already...

poor dearie with all the travelling..must be v tiring...hav a gd rest this wkends ya...

lastly a pic of jay taken during cny n 1 taken during last yr cny...cant imagine how much he has grown...
ya it's so fascinating to compare the pics and see how much they've grown! Jay's a young handsome boy

i actually missed how small and cute denise was, and sometimes really wish she wouldn't grow up, mummy feels "bu she de" alrdy...i'm one of those mummy sure cry on the day my daughter gets marry...wahahaha

vivian eyes is huge! looks so cute on her tummy. and your boy is so big now hor...the last time i saw him he still refused to walk, and now look at him!

must stay positive ok? even now there's still a risk of developing depression, so try to think of the nice things and look forward to it...jia you!

i really pei fu you! got boundless energy, wish i'm half like you...hehe

you very innovative leh...it's a good idea to teach children to be creative and come up with new ideas of making their own toys. denise always gets bored with her toys and fancy the new ones, well...who doesn't. so now i seldom buy her toys liao...maybe i should also learn to make some.
good morning mommies, wow, so many posts to catch up! it's a good sign tat we are all back in action! =P

Sherv has been talking non-stop when she's in the mood lately! and it really tickles us when she just babbles away... sometimes we purposely tease her by passing a phone and she will start all over again! hahaha.... their baby language sounds so cute!

thanks mommies for sharing your opinions on cars, and maybe i need to get a small-built maid lor! kekeke!!! =P
Hi mummies,

Maybe I will try installing the infant car seat and see if my bum can squeeze into the middle seat between the 2 car seats before deciding whether to upgrade to MPV.


I'm still worried, i guess maybe till after all the detailed scan etc etc and gynae confirm baby normal and healthily growing then rest assured. But still, got that worry that will never go away. Keep my fingers crossed.

Re : Playgroup
I brought Justin for his 2nd booster of DPT which is the last compulsory jab this morning at GP. AFter that, we drop by teh HDB CC which I intend to enrol Justin for PG. It happened to be their bfast time and a few kids were running around. There's a new kid there today so was crying non stop, but the rest of the kids in PG settled well and was guai guai eating their bfast.

BUT hor....hubby not happy. He commented the 2 teachers looked like ah soh, and he dun like the place. Sigh, there goes my plans to enrol Justin liao. JG called me yesterday to say there's a vacancy for Justin this Sunday 1130am at Forum and hubby agreed to try. I think after the JG Holiday pgm, hubby impressed with JG liao so can't bother to take a second look at HDB CC. Cannot compare these 2 types lah, but i just thought let Justin try somewhere near as a start for weekdays....but now sigh.....everything back to square 1.

augustmum and piyo,

Actually i oso tot of getting kitchen set to let justin play cos i want to let him do pretend play, but my sister and hubby says its "Gu Niang" for a boy......so angry. I dun mind teahing Justin to do housework when he's older woh. Now just hope if I ever enrol him a PG to my hubby's liking, they hv kitchen set for him to play.
Hi Piyo,
The kitchen set ok wont topple when she tried open and the stand very stable too. Somehow hope she is not gg to be too rough later stage la hehehe. Can look aroung at kiddy palace too. I also bought other set like those food & fruits set to add on. Later on when she can hold properly I will buy those plates lo. I also saw e FP but find the pricing bit steep lo. I think stil up to individual bah

Didnt manage to take much pc during chinese new yr lo.. she cant stop moving haiz..



kitchen set, where got gu liang? My boys played with them. They even set up their own 'restaurant'? Very entreprenuer
Mabbe, another sam leong in the making...


Hubby and I believe in teaching our kids to make or construct their own toys. We invest heavily in LEGO sets. In additional, things which could be made during craft time, we will try to make. I think can see some results in my older son who sometimes would stop me from throwing things away as he claimed he could make blah blah blah from them. I think making their own things or coming out with ideas, instead of just using the ready ones, are very important skills for survival.


Your Hannah is very advance. I agree with yr pd, you should groom her. Grooming doesn't always have to be hothousing... you could make it fun or like a game. Buy (or even make) more puppets and make-believe toys for her.

are you kids seeking for independence now? Zac's driving me crazy with his quest... He's so mobile, climb up and down even onto the dining table, throw tantrum when he couldn't get something, refuses his food when it's not to his liking, want to walk on his own, fight with his brother and the list goes on...
Hi mummies... do pardon me if I do get some stuff wrong. Understand that Kelly got HFM, do take care and don't dwell on it too much... soon you will be able to see your little darling.

Augustmum, my son too is like yours. At 13 when he can walk, he refuses me to hold his hand when walking and since then, he has been extremely mobile, climbing here and there. Right now at 18 months, he literally can unscrew those plastic knobs from the swing and slide set. Last month, he is already in his "terrible twos", meaning they will throw tantrum to get what they want.

It is quite normal. Over at certain stage, they will develop their own likes and dislikes. The tantrum will be more to come

I oso dun think kitchen set is gu niang, maybe my hubby too chauvinistic liao, sigh. Maybe when 2nd kid is older then i invest one for them to play together then more fun.

I love Lego when I was young and i strongly believe that's one of the most educational toys. But I started by buying Justin the Mega Blocks but he's simply not interested, sad.

Didn’t strike (not even any one of the number I bought) the toto last night so today still got to work


My girl hasn’t been really interested in exploring space vertically maybe bacause she’s a bit fat so is clumsy at climbing and she rather explore other stuff. But, what Zac is behaving now is normal isn’t it for their age. Terrible Two phase. I’m also learning how to understand and cope with rae’s tantrum acts which include crying, falling backwards on the ground. When I say ‘No’ to something, and she runs into her drama, i will let it be until she collect herself and find something else to do. As, I want to be consistent to what I say ‘No’ to.

If there’s food that she don’t really like, I will encourage her to eat by shifting her focus away from the food like give her a spoon or fork for her to meddle with but won’t expect her to finish the whole thing. I will give myself a maximum of 30minutes for the meal time. And, make a mental note of the food she don’t like and will try again another time.

If not given a choice, any kids would love to walk on their own once they master the skill of walking and running. I do allow rae to walk on her own on safe walkway, parks, etc. But, in areas like walkways near road, carpark, shopping malls, it’s a no no. She will have no choice, I will not even let her down especially in shopping malls. That’s why we hardly shopped with her.

She fights all the time with her nephew, she’s still too young to understand the concept of sharing and playing together. So, I can only avoid letting them too physically close to each other, avoid letting any one of them to have a particular toy in their hand and distract them when you know a fight is coming up...

It’s both fun and tiring to be mother, isn’t it

thanks for the assurance. Zac's behaviour is a bit diff from his bro (when his bro was at his age), so I was a bit overwhelmed by his activeness.

His bro was not so active and engaged on his own play all the time. He would sit and play with his lego for a long time. He didn't throw his tantrum like zac and would just point to get what he wanted. In the mall, we would tell him to hold our hands (reasoned to him the consequence) and he would do so. He was a bit like a little adult. Zac on the other hand is really different.
u read my blog? i m at a loss abt edward's behavior. i juz whacked his butt very hard 4 e 1st time last nite, after he threw his bowl of rice fr his highchair. he did it on wed nite, threw e bowl of rice & flung his drink. husband beat his butt 6x (wif diaper on). e rice ended up everywhere, even on gabe's hair. e drink ended mostly on me n on e sofa.

last nite, he did it again. i took off his diaper n gave him a hard beating.

i never had 2 beat him, kept talking 2 him. it is not e 1st time he flung food too.

ed's other bad behavior...scratch, pinch, pull hair, bite, beat, kick, slap, etc
augustmum, kelly,
jay is like zac n ed now..how ah? i beat him hard sometimes too but then after a while he will be at it again...he behaving exactly like wat u say zac is behaving leh...how ah???
Got a few Question :

My son have been watching tv all day long .. For SAHM , other than watching TV , what do u all let ur young one play or do ? cos i really dont know what can let him play , pls advise , thank

Travel :
I thinking of either bring my son to Genting ( via car ) or to cruise , any mummy have any suggestion , which is better ? Thank
hi augustmum, kelly, augbaby,
Kayden's the same. He'll take the pail and sit in it or turn the chair upside down and sit. he also does other naughty things like throwing all the folded clothes and then trying to fold them again. don't know what to do with him.

hi augustmum,
i also gave him the real pot, bowls and spoons to play cooking. he even attempted to feed his elmo and chipmumk. haha...

are u affected by the new pay scheme?
hihi white_lady,

There's 1 very very important thing that you need to do first before you engage your boy into other activities...... DO NOT SWITCH ON THE TV AT ALL.

Justin watches TV during his meal times cos that's the only way he can sit still and easier for my MIL to manage. But my MIL switches off immediately after the meal. He doesn't fusses when we switch off cos maybe he sees that as a routine and he'll play with his other toys or just keep running round the house, playing catching with anybody.

Maybe like what Amy says, dun switch on the TV first, and quickly engage him in some other toys or play music for him. If he doesn't fuss at all, continue with the toys for as long as possible.

Justin also watches TV b4 his bedtime cos that's his personal time with mummy where we'll cuddle on my bed and watch with him explaining the things he watches to him. But i limit to max 15min then once he rubs eyes, i switch off and give milk and off the lights to sleep. But sometimes if he never fuss for TV, I try to act blur, play with his toys and then proceed to milk and sleep.

I tried to do reading but he has no patience for that and just snatch the book after 2 pages and run off. I will try reading again at some other times lor.

So main thing is to give him variety of toys and activities to engage in so his world is not just abt TV lor.
Hihi Whitelady,

Some of the activities I do with rae are as follows :

Ball : Throwing the ball to and fro to each other. Throwing the ball up and down and with sound effects. Laugh in exaggeration when she managed to catch the ball. Kicking the ball here and there.

Dance : Switch on the nursery rhymes and dance with her in no specific movements just lots of swinging of arms and sometimes carrying her and spin in circles.

Singing : Singing songs like twinkle twinkle, head shoulder knee toes, spider,wheel on bus songs which involve specific movement and songs which we can anyhow change the lyrics

Drawing : she has a board on the wall which she can draw with erasable markers. This is also the time I use to introduce colors and shapes

Pretend playing : she now has a elmo and doll which i use to ‘discipline’ her like when she’s not drinking water, i will ask her to let the elmo or doll drink water and finally she drink water.....

Matching puzzles : Have some puzzles that match the animals like Dog with puppy, cat with kitten

Construction set/Lego : she does have a set of construction set that she don’t really know how to play with it yet, only like to empty the box

Containers : she also like to carry containers/baskets around, then I will ask her to put this, put that in her containers.

Picking up rubbish from the floor : will tell her to throw this and that into the dustbin

Walking in and out of the room : will ask her to go see if the dad is in the room or take doll to the bed etc..

Reading : got to get her in the right mood and got to read really loudly and in exaggeration.
You think I should groom Hannah too? Problem is I also don't know where/how to start other than look for enrichment courses and like Zac and Kelly's Ed now, she is entering her terrible two phase, she will also throw her bowl of food if she's not happy with them and kicks up a fuss or roll on the floor to protest...I'm at a loss of how to instill discipline and yet still make it a fun environment for her to explore and be interested to learn...

Talking about limiting toys, I have a gf who read somewhere that limiting a child's toys will invoke the child to develop creativity since the child will probably have to keep recycling her toys or find ways to make it interesting to play with again when she's really bored, like using a paper cup for other imaginative fun play, etc. I think I agree on this point and hence, have also stopped buying toys for Hannah to see if that will help her hee. Hannah has a pull-along Chicken with two chicks attached behind and she used to pull it around the house, guess she is now bored with them, the other day I saw her putting her chicks in the pot and insist that my dad 'cook' her chicks while she walk her bears in a little pram which my mum bought from the market 6 mths ago around the house, is this considered as recycling her toys I wonder...
You can also try bringing your son to nearby parks or playgrounds. I make it a point to bring Hannah to the playground around 5pm if I'm on leave or working from home. She gets to interact with older children from the CC at my block and share the see-saw with other kids. We will also encourage her to touch the plants/leaves/flowers (with supervision) and recently my hubby taught her to use a stick to poke on the grass while squatting from the pavement, some of the grass patches have ants and they'll all come running out and into all directions, that usually get Hannah excited and she'll start poking elsewhere to try her luck. Now she's more aware and curious of her surrounding other than just the playground.
Thank mummy for your info , i m trying to bring my business back home , so i can spent more time with him and teach im more things ... will get a ball and try out frist =)
oh dear, why stopping BF suddenly??

RE : Car seat
Right now, we also hav not changed to MPV yet. Our Infant seat is installed at middle seat and toddler seat is behind either driver or passenger seat. so the maid seat at one side. easier to access too, cos v difficult for adult to squeeze into the middle seat. jus make sure dat the older kid not able to open the car door himself.

For MPV, will installing child seats at second row be safer, since third row seat will hav less buffer from any back impact? u bot the Wish is it?
HI Piyo, augbaby,
TQ..vivian indeed very alert baby..when anyone walk pass her or do anything..she will keep staring and follow yr movement to see what you r doing..

Piyo, cj,
I bought the Honda Stream X model(I like Stream more than Wish lor..) cos now only can bring one baby out at a time..so think of upgrade e car, den whole family can hv more outing activities..
As for safety wise...being it is 2nd or 3rd roll...if accident do happen...guess e impact is almost e same..depend on which part impact with others..
Whenever i drive with kids...usually i'll be more careful and not driving very fast type...
onli when i'm driving alone..haha..i'm garang driver liao..

ya..our baby hv grown-up so fast...especially their hair..haha..and they look so mature now..not a baby tat we used to liao..
all type of behavior shown at tis stage..

everyday when I reach hm..sure got new scratches or minor cut here & there one..den he will point & show you where pain pain..faint#@&
Hi Kelly

I am not very sure how old is Edward. But one thing for sure, please don't whack that poor boy
. Any toddler before reaching 3 years old, they will purposely do what you DON'T want them to do. For my boy, he used to throw everything off the table before 1 year old, cause at that stage it is the learning stage. It might be the case for him, as he might be exploring what would happen if I threw a bowl of rice down. In fact the harder you are on him by beating, I believe he will rebel even more. The same goes for my boy. For me, I have always been talking to my boy like an adult but a little adult, trying to explain very simply what his action is if I am not happy with it. When you scold him, try to lower your tone. Tonality is important when we want the kid to listen and know how to differentiate that when we are not please with their behaviour. Guess I can only said that much without knowing your son's age. I am not sure whether have you watched the "Supernanny" series. I am a fan of her. If not, you can borrow her book from the library. Above 1 year old, can instill the "naughty chair" method. Recently, I have done it but with me accompanying him, he got shock. So whenever I am not please with his behaviour, I will just ask him nicely whether does he wants to sit in the "naughty chair" he will quickly shake his head.

My little rascal, knows how to bully me. Things he will not do to my mother, he will do it to me. One of which is to pester me to on his favourite nursery rhyme DVD. He will never ask my mum cause he knows that she will not adhere to his request. These little intelligent people, do know who they can bully and who cannot.

WhiteLady - it is best not to watch too much TV. Watching too much, their brain will not be stimulated but remain domain. Studies have proven that. For SAHM, best to have a timetable drawn out of what sort of activities to do on a daily basis. But of course, do remember to include free play. Each activites best to limit to about 15 to 30 mins due to their short attention span.

my edward's born in jul06, even though EDD is aug06.

i dun agree wif u tat any toddler <3yrs old will purposely do wat u dun 1 them 2 do. i hv a toddler aged 40mths old (born in oct04). he still does e opposite. when i tell him, "darling u cant touch tis" his fingers sure go &amp; touch 1-2x. then when something wrong happens, he looks at me wif innocent eyes, "mom, dun touch rt? sorry". but something has already went wrong.

a few mummies here know i talk a lot 2 my boys. in fact i never even beat my kids until recently when they r misbehaving intentionally.

as 4 my edward who throw everything (not juz off e table - i mean EVERYTHING fr books, remote control, HPs, cordless phone, toys, watch, my glasses, milk bottles, etc), when he was younger, i talked 2 him. "wow when u throw something, c how it falls." blah blah blah

when he threw tat bowl of rice, he WASNT experimenting. he was exhibiting his frustration but when i beat him, i explained 2 him y i did so. i also talked 2 him tat if he's unhappy, talk 2 me (he can speak but not wif a varied vocabulary lah).

fyi, my edward does understand a lot of things. when he's angry tat things dun go his way and/or he cant communicate wat he wants, he vents his frustrations by beating his head or beating himself. i've talked so much 2 him in e past mths 2 get him 2 stop beating his own head &amp; beating. likewise, 4 e throwing of things, i've also been talking 2 him 4 mths.

i've tried notti corner wif my 2boys. sometimes it work, sometimes it dun.

beating my kids is e last thing i wanna do. i dun 1 2 resort 2 punishment 2 prevent a bad behavior (bcos u do tis, i'll beat u).
