(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

erin00 , last time when i was a teenage , my parent hired a maid n also work this way , when the house got no one in the day time , the maid will go my granny place . Then evening then come home . But every month , my parent will give her like 40 - 50 buck more lor =)


Re: Kuih Bangkits
ha... think you should pass me some of yr kuih bangkits. I tried again today and it was an even more terrible disaster. I gave up liao. So much work. Choc Chips cookies, easier to bake.

I read many articles on kuih bangkits. many people failed in their attempts and thus you lagi good to be able to bake two containers of them which look like those sold outside. Thumbs up.

Re. Maids
I'm a very jealous mummy. Think I cannot stand my kids to be closer to others, other than hubby, me and their own siblings.
u 1 2 come by my plc n we bake tgt...or shall i say i get my helper 2 bake, u c how it is done then u bring 1 container home?

i'm at pasir ris n home every wkday. i'm still out on wkends. PM me if u r keen. i shld b baking another batch again next wk cos i got some requests 4 it. my sis loves it so wants 1 container. my GF also requested 1 container. i also need 2 stock up cos i finishing my batch soon.

i'm very tempted but can't make it on a weekday cos' have to send noah to and from school, cook dinner, let zac nap etc... aiyah, you should know... life without a helper means no life... I usually have time only when the kids go to bed... even when I blog or check out this forum, I'm multi tasking at the same time, like watching over the fire, eating my lunch blah blah blah...

I think I really give up on kuih bangkits... really troublesome. The flour 'fly' everywhere during the frying process and the cutting is not easy.

once again thanks...

As far as I know, arrangements where the maid follows the kids to the grandparents' place while the parents go to work is OK. If they can't even be allowed to help out at the grandparents' place, then they'll just be sitting around like vase for a good 5 out of 7 days a week!!!

I've gone through the FDW employer's course and I remembered this is what they say. The idea is really to be fair to them and not to overwork them.
Hi Kelly..

I really 'pei fu' u... think u r a wonderful and super mommy.. now with a maid and pregnant with no. 2, I cant really play with Zorian.. usually my maid will carry him now.. Feel so guilty but with the morning sickness, it is either my bed or the toilet bowl.. sigh.. really looking forward to 2nd trimster while i will feel better..

Hi Erin..

If ure maid is going to do housework only at ure mom's place during weekdays and ure place during weekends, it should be ok.. most important like Leia say, not to over-work them.. they must have at least 8 hours sleep every day.. when hiring, just let the agency know such agreement and the maid is agreeable to this... state on the agreement that the maid will follow where the kids go and do housework as per given should be ok..

Hi Whitelady..

mine is from Philipiness.. her salary per month is $350.00 and the maid levy is $170.. other than this is just her food which she eats wat we eat.. so not much bah..

Hi mommies..

anyone still letting ure toddlers attend BJG?
no worries...i know wat u mean by life without a helper.

ya, e flour was flying everywhere. kinda worse 4 me cos my kitchen very windy n my whole kitchen flr felt 'smooth', helper had lotsa 2 clean up too.

where do u stay? how abt i make 1container n pass it 2 u? i heading 2 sunplaza every wk fr now so probably can drop it somewhere 4 u.

i'll b making a few containers of it cos shared e kueh bangkit wif gabe's friens + parents n they loved it so making more 2 give away.

thks 4 ur compliment. every mummy is wonderful n super in their own ways. juz tik of me as an extreme mummy. i'm 34wks+ now n i still dun let my helper carry edward. i recently stopped carrying gabe (my elder son) when he's cranky cos i strained my lower back while carrying edward. it was hard 4 gabe 2 understand initially but he got e pic e next day. very proud of him being so understanding at tis age.
Morning mummies, its Monday morning and what a wonderful week ahead! :")

I also very pei(4) fu(2)you, infact you know what, after reading your blog, I'm quite inspired to be a SAHM like you ha, sometimes I feel like I need more time to bond with Hannah especially now when she is more interactive but at other times, I can't wait to head back to work cos that gives me time to do my own things as well...so mao(2) dun(4)...

So you have finally decided to let Megan attend full day preschool? When is she starting? Can share what's the school timetable like and the cost? :")

Hannah's BJG class ended in mid-Dec and we did not sign up further. She's getting bored in class and will always head for the door to try to get out. Think I will source for other courses after CNY, let her take a break for now hee...
i m flattered 2 learn tat i inspired u. luckily never scare u off. i dun blog regularly cos very tired but if i do, there's really lotsa 2 share abt wat e boys do n wat we do tgt (e crazy, happy & ugly things).

wif only 1-2kids, it's easier 2 b a SAHM n u can definitely hv ur own time 2 do things. juz need 2 work out something wif ur back-up caregiver. e only sacrifice i feel is e lack of income so betta 2 save up ur own $$ so u can do/buy stuff 4 ur girl. if possible, u can even try 2 work fr home. i know of a few SAHM who work fr home, or do PT work.
Hi Kelly..

Can share how u tell Edward about Stelle? Think it is time to start telling Zorian.. He dun seems to get it and tot the baby i m talking about is my four month old nephew.. keekee..

Hi HoneyB..

Okok.. Zorian still pretty keen but more interested to go gym.. so hubby say just let him continue and see how first.. heard some mommies stopped BJG to go to Babies Inc. Wonder if it is good.. hmmm...
Hi Piyo,

Megan looks perfectly ok to me and so was her weight & height. I think Nat barely weigh 9 kg nw though she stil eat as per normal. Maybe she is like her daddy, skinny one lo. I also don want to stress myself about her weight liao haiz since she doesnt seem to gain at all & I cant figure where I gone wrong. As long she eat, active & no sick I jsut let it be.
i point 2 my belly n talk 2 edward abt a baby growing inside me. he dun quite get it until abt 1mth+ ago, when he started calling my belly "stella". mayb it'll help if u know e sex of ur baby, call ur belly by "di di" or "mei mei".

when u r abt 2 pop, talk 2 him tat u'll b away, who's taking care of him, wat's happening, etc. my elder son definitely understands everything n looking 4ward 2 seeing his mei mei

I feel so paiseh if you are to deliver the kuih bangkits to my place esp when you are already in the 3rd trimester.

I stay near khatib station now. Why don't we exchange? I bake my choco cookies in exchange for yr kuih bangkits? When you visit Dr Ang, let me know, I pop down sembawang...

cannot tired you now
hi kelly and augustmum..i saw the recipe on kuih bangkits...wanna try out soon..can i ask..when the recipe says fry the flour...it means literally to pan fry it?????
i use a wok 2 fry it...20mins as per e recipe in e blog.

i love some choc cookies. u free tis thu? actually we can drive past khatib station. shall i meet u at ur blk? pls PM ur add. i'll drop by tis thu, say abt 1145am?
Hi Piyo, Kris and Rachel,
I'm too slow to read the postings. Congrats on your pregnancy. So happy for all of you :)

Hi piyo,
It's not easy to handle 2 kids in the house. Sometimes, I feel that I'm finding trouble to get pregnant so fast cos' Aden too small and require lots of attention and same goes to the new born bb.

Originally thought of having 2 of them sleep with us in the same room but failed cos' once 1 cried, the other would wake up. Mostly is the bb cried, Aden would wake up cos' bb crying very loud. So, now Aden sleep with my pil. But sometimes, we "fetch" him back to our room so as not to neglect him. If that's the case, we put bb in pil's room.
did u perserve n let e 2kids sleep tgt? husband n i did so abt 1mth later, e boys got used 2 each other's crying so dun get disturbed anymmore. it was very frustrating in e 1st 2wks. we were almost getting no sleep cos when 1 cried, e other sure woke up & vice versa. but 4 us, we hv no plc else 2 move either boy (esp gabe who would refuse 2 sleep elsewhere) so we held on.

it was only when edward was 2.5mths old, we bo pian had 2 move him 2 e other bedroom, put him on a toddler bed so husband slept wif him while i slept wif gabe in e master bedroom.
i didnt get ur PM. either i meet u at 1145am or abt 1pm+ can? cos i worry i may not make it at 1145am cos i picking up gabe at 1115am n my appt wif dr ang is at 12pm. i usually finish wif dr ang by 1pm so will drive home then. i can drive past ur plc on e way home.
Hi CrispyApple..

Thanks for your well wishes..

Hi Kelly..

Thanks for the pointer.. will try it out with zorian next week.. by then hopefully can know the gender lor..

Hi Erin..

Is Kayden feeling better liao??

Hi Cocomo..

Feeling out of the blue alreadi??

On Brushing Teeth

Zorian refuse to brush his teeth.. Any good pointers how to get him to brush his teeth? Is it ok if he dun brush his teeth?? thanks!
Morning mummies,

Ya I do agree, the loss of income is abit daunting, thats why I returned to the work force. Yesterday my boss just told me that I may be required to be stationed in the US for 3 weeks, am so not looking forward to that, feel like quiting my job already *sigh*...Kelly, I may be going to Bangkok end of this month, the hotel where I will be putting up at is next to the Chidlom Shopping center, if you still need the pigeon breastpad let me know, I should be able to get it for you.

Its good that Zorian still enjoys BJG, now I also don't know what other course to let Hannah attend, she's always looking at the door and will want to wear her shoes during weekend cos she wants to go out...

On Brushing Teeth,
I'm still using the First Teeth tootpaste and Hannah likes it only because she can slurp up the toothpaste *grin*...I find it difficult to brush her teeth too, she will often bite me and its so painful cos her 1st and 2nd molar are all out already and she don't like me to brush her teeth at night after her milk, I'm also worried that her tooth may start to decay...mummies, how do you make sure your tods teeth are clean, can share on brushing tips, thanks.
ya think as wat kelly say, they need to get use to it lah..for jay initially he also wake up whenever jaz cry but after a while he can sleep thru it liao...so now both kids sleep wif us...

now jay loves his mei mei alot..haha...so cute to see how affectinate he is towards her...he will stood infront of her when she is in her rocker and say mei mei and sayang her...n bec she loves to put her whole hand into her mouth and i will usually say no and take her hand away from her mouth and jay whenever he saw her doing that, will also use his hand to take her hand away from her mouth and say no no...n yest, my mum say he was eating lunch n mei mei cry and the maid is in the kitchen and din attend to her, he quickly call the maid name and say mei mei and he will call the maid till she attend to his mei mei...so sweet i feel...hee hee...
when shall we have our RP lunch ah??

u move bk to tuas already?

do yr babies talk alot now ah? Jay is communicating wif us and he can make his intention known and we understand him....but he is v quiet outside leh...how to train him to be more sociable and daring outside ah? Now that he knows how to say yes and no, cant pretend we dun understand him liao...he can say no to food and yes to those he wants and the things he wants too...need to discipline him liao coz he is like demonstrating his independent alr...

awww.. jayden so sweet leh to his baby sister.. the good thing about having a no. 2 so fast.. they bond well and bouts of jealousy are lesser as they are less independent..

Jadelle loves her cousin too and will tell us when the boy cries that he needs his "milk milk". if we ignore it, she will run to find a milk bottle to feed him! It makes me regret not TTC sooner, at least Jadelle can direct her affections to her own sibling!

I am constantly surprised at Jadelle's ability to understand what I am saying. Yesterday, I was showering and she "broke" into the toilet, so i tell her i need a towel to dry myself and she actually went to get me my towel. After which she wanted me to carry her, but i tell her i need my glasses first and she actually went ot my bedroom side table to take it for me!

I almost fainted! Their baby talk actually means something and they can't express what they need sometimes, but they definitely understand and is now attempting to learn words by imitating us!

um, do you or parents bring Jayden downstairs for playtime @ playground? Jadelle goes for walks with grandpa or grandma minimum 1 time a day, during which, she gets to pluck flowers, touch leaves, do sand/ water play in her bucket and spade, play on the slides and rocky horses, pat the cats and dogs in the neighbourhood, and interact with the maids, aunties, uncles, sisters and brothers downstairs. I think, this, together with attending JG, helped her to be outgoing and sociable. Jadelle waves and "chats" to people in the lift, and tend to be the conversational opener between us & our neighbours! I know them better cos of jadelle and they are now very sad we moving away!
Kelly, Augustmum and other mummies whose kids are sleeping by themselves,

I need advice!

Now that I am shifting home and Jadelle's playpen is spoilt, I am thinking once shift over, we will put Jadelle into her own room to sleep on a toddler bed. (she is too big now to sleep between us comfortably and she got not much room to turn and toss without waking up.)

We will sleep with her and gradually shift out.

Do you think this is ok?

She has been going with us to see the new place everyday and now understood which is her new room.
hmm jay does go down for walks but not that often coz in the morning, we do not leave the maid alone wif jaz...the thing is he is a terror at hm but outside he tend to be shy...he can understand everything we tell him and can do as we tell him..same as jadelle, jay when i ask him to take a tissue and pass to me coz i am feeding jaz, he knows how to do it...n he now is smart eno to look for ano person to do something if i say no...eg i will tell him, no u cant touch that, that is gong gong one, n he will promptly go into the room to find his grandpa and hold his hand and pull my dad to the thing i told him cant take and ask his grandpa to take for him instead since i say its his...can faint man!! and he now knows how to indicate he want to come down and will say down down to tell us he wan to come down to walk..also if the water is too hot when bathing him, he will say hot hot...nowadays kids r so smart liao...
Hi mummies,
long time no come in cos super busy at work.. coming in to take 5!

Megan is very slow in speech development..only says "pa pa", "ma ma" "mum mum" "up" "aiya" etc other than that, I consider whatever sounds she makes as bb babbling.. Dun pass my standard of "talking".. any babies like Megan? and sometimes she goes "ahhhhh paaaaa" at any man or thing fainted...got to tell her her ah pa is here, next to her..

I also tot she dun understand what we saying but if I asked her pick this and put it inside, she does it perfectly, ask her rtn things to me or share etc, she does it..AND when I SCOLD HER or ASK HER SAY SORRY AND MAKE THE SORRY SIGN, she pouts her lips and starts crying.. so obviously she knows.. guess still dunno how to vocalise?

re: brushing teeth
Megan loves brushing teeth! in fact, sometimes she walks ard our house with a new adult toothbrush in her mouth and refuse to take out.. must bargain with her somemore..I think maybe it's a habit cultivated since she was young?

re: RP lunch
I am ok anytime.. when and where do you all like to haf it?

re: classes
time for trials?? hehe
Hi Jas,
I think it depends if Jadelle sleeps like an acrobat in her sleep? cos if she does, she will definately fall off the bed.. then better dun get a toddler bed so soon, maybe thick and firm good mattress(like seahorse) on the floor would be a better option..but if she is those guai guai ones, think should be ok..

I nearly got a toddler bed from Ikea for megan cos wanna revamp her room to include both of them when I am due in June..but seeing the way she sleeps, we put that off for awhile.. she can even knocked the wall and wooden floor even on mattress, wat more to say about bed? too early for her.. so guess you got to gauge..
HI honeyb,
still thinking whether to send megan to full day preschool in mar/apr/may or delay til after I popped but b4 I go back work..I find half day dun learn much, very fast time over liao..if sending whole day, will be $750 after subsidy...timetable quite std.. breakfast, circle time/outdoor time, montessori work, lunch, bath, sleep, tea time, story telling/art craft/cooking, montessori, free time and go home... main thing is the env, pple, kids profile, meals, toilets etc...

Hi Crispyapple,
Thanks for your well wishes! Taking care of 2 not easy indeed.. now we are transiting megan to the mattress in our room. We are thinking of having all 4of us in the same room rather than letting them sleep in the other room with my maid...so they both, plus us got to get used to each other's crying
hi augustmum, leia and kris,
thanks for the info.

hi kris,
thanks. Kayden's feeling better. but still not much appetite.

re: brushing teeth
Kayden only brushes his teeth at my place during weekends. my mum still prefers to brush his teeth using the cloth even though he will bite my mum sometimes. he loves 1st toothpaste and will bite on the toothbrush at times to slurp it up. haha... but generally, he will want to hold the toothbrush and brush his teeth (even though it's not clean.) I will then brush for him afterwards.

hi mummies,
re: child's development
ya, the children nowsadays seem to be quite advanced in their development. Kayden can also indicate yes and no but he does that by nodding or shaking his head or by using hokkien 'ai' or 'mai'. can also name the items in the house as well as 'cat' and 'dog'. but i have the same concerns as augbaby. Kayden also seems to be rather quiet and reserved with strangers(adults). brings him down most evenings after work for a short walk but still not of much use leh.

hi augbaby,
i'm seriously thinking of putting Kayden in a playgroup perhaps next june. want him to learn to socialise. am considering talentplus (at blk 889A). kelly was saying it's good and I've heard from my friends it's not bad. half montessori as well. it's 1.5hrs daily, 5 days in a week.

hi jas,
when are u moving? most of the things settled?

hi piyo,
Kayden does that too. when my dad scolds him, he will lay his head on my father's lap and keep quiet as if he knows he's wrong.
re: RP lunch
My boss not in this week so can sneak to RP office for half/full day, wanna make it TOMORROW? Think after that I will have to guai guai stay at Tuas office liao.

re: brushing teeth
Every morning (mostly) Jay will brush teeth with me, when he see me brushing, he is ok to let maid do it for him. If he did not brush with me, maid will do it before bathe him.

re: classes
I am interested!! Piyo you organise? hee. . .

Think at this stage our toddlers are starting to understand things liao. Jay can talks a lot nowadays but then same as Augbaby's Jay, my Jay is very shy outside. Whenever bring him out he will like face black black one and very sticky to me. I also dunno how to make him be more sociable and 'da dan'?!
augbaby, jay is such a darling to love his mei mei so much! it's so heartwarming for him to be so understanding and loving lehzz... =)

any moms considering tumble tots?? they hv a class for 18mths and above, mon-fri, 1.5hrs daily. one term consists of 10weeks, $675.

any comment on tumble tots ma? there is one outlet opp. my block, think it would be easy for my mom to go with Sher everyday.. any mommies heard any feedback?
i am ok wif lunch tom..but can be abt 12.30 or later? coz i need to pump at 12....

RP lunch tom:

Talentplus sounds interesting...might want to consider that since only 1.5hrs..but not v sure where is 889A but shld b rather near my place ba..do u know how much is it?

i also want to let jay try sleeping alone on mattress but like megan he also move a lot one so think diff lah...somemore our rm not v bad plus the cot bed for jaz....n no extra rm...need to move hm then can let jay sleep alone on the floor...now we juz hav to kena kicks and slaps n pokes from him thru the nite lor..haha...
HoneyB,erin, piyo

Me also using the First Tooth paste for Jia Hui... only started when a few months ago....and she loves to brush her teeth.... will brush her teeth after milk in the morning & before sleep time.... beside using the finger brush to brush for her, I also bought her a small toothpaste for her so that she can particpate too & it works... so every night after her milk feed, will ask her whether she want to brush her teeth & she will quickly ran to the kitchen area where i normally brush her teeth... she also loves to bite me & sometime quite painful.... she will said toothbrush whenever i hand over the toothbrush to her...& after brushing, she will ask for water to drink as this is what i do everyday to her....

Whenever she see babies crying or when we pretend to cry, she will run to u & said "hug hug" and will put her hands around u...

Re: Child development
is quite amazing to see how babies can process so fast.... she can speak quite a number of words.. such as ah yi, kou kou, di di, mei mei, ah ma, po po, gong gong, daddy, papa, mummy, mi mi, car (english, chinese & hokkien), flowers, cat, dogs.. also able to flip to the page where the pic of duck is...

think it helps alot by communicating with them.... she even recognise the route to the mkt...

RP lunch
dont forget to include me for that
I'm ok for lunch tomorrow, let me know if confirmed yah, I'll kong kong kong all the way from Novena, got no mood to work these few days...

Good that Jay is protective of his mei mei. One of my GF's elder girl dislikes her mei mei (2 yrs apart)and will refuse to let her mei mei play with her toys but will gladly share her toys with Hannah or her younger cousins, my gf at a loss, also don't know what to do. Her younger dautghter is already coming to 2yrs now and her older sister still hates her for taking the attention away...

re: Classes
I'm interested too, what's available for our tods now? I don't mind going for some trial classes for fun and exposure, Piyo you got lobang?
Hmm, seems like I need to start cultivating good habit for brushing teeth, will go and look for a nice toothbrush for Hannah later, thanks for all your tips!

My girl nowadays very manja, if she falls down, she will call out "ma ma, pain pain" and will stay in whatever position she is in until I come over and sayang her then she will happily run along...if I raise my voice at her, she will pretend to cry and will run to her dad or ah gong for comfort, really cannot tahan.
RP lunch tom:

Pls confirm yr attendance..timing at 1pm ok with all of you?
Can lunch be earlier cos 1pm by the time we finished, quite late already. How about 12.30pm? Maybe we can identify a place to eat and we go chop seats first?
RP lunch tom:

Eh, lunch at 1pm then cannot talk nong nong? earlier can not, like 12pm??? welong time no meet sure will run over lunch time one
re: baby's development
megan dun seem shy in front of strangers or family. In fact, she behaves the same be it outside or inside..just waiting for her to start talking properly...

sometime ago, Megan started getting very interested in story books and flashcards..She would bring to me, sit on my lap and asked me read to her or show her the cards.. BIG CHANGE..I think our babies are at their learning stage.. if I leave her at home in the afternoon, i think like BIG WASTE of ther time..

Nowadays, we would shift megan back to in-bet us in the middle of the nights cos recently she tends to wake up and wanna play.. think teething again.. so got to endure her kicks and gongfu stunts.. so scared she kicked my tummy suddenly..

Hi Erin,
kayden is so guai! He will lay his head down on your father's lap.. mine will wail even louder and attempt to beat us.. faint.. think i will be the 1st mummy to buy a cane here..

HI leosbbmum,
I did not hear much good reviews about tumbletots but I think some mummies here brot their kids to tumbletots, perhaps they are in better position to comment?

Hi Jesline,
megan does not like small toothbrush, she likes big ones like ours fainted!

Re: classes
no lobang but tot of going for trial classes for the fun of it..been lazy for a few months liao anyone that you haf heard good reviews so far?
no prob... maybe the rest can meet earlier? then you join us when you are done? ok with that? btw, eat WHERE? Racoon joining us not??

<font color="ff0000">PAGING FOR RACOON-JANE</font>
We also bring Hannah to the playground or garden twice a day and will always encourage her to touch the plants or flowers, we realized that she don't really dare to touch, she will just do it for the sake of doing and will want to move on...

Re: Child Development
Hannah is able to identify almost all the animals at the Zoo already, she can also tell us what sound a cat/dog/pig/lion/sheep/duck/chicken makes when we ask her. She will also automatically call my parents/in-laws/brothers/sisters when we see them, the only problem I have with her is when reading a story book, I can't seem to get her to listen thru, she will get bored after 2 pages and will want to run along, maybe I didn't try hard enough cos I also lazy mummy...
Hi Honeyb,
same same! megan loves to see animals. Then she would take the set of animal flashcards and tell me "ata" meaning open then she will sit down on my laps while I run thru *breeze* last time ask her see loads of cards like killing her...

She particularly likes some animals like "rabbit, squirrel, peacock, dog, cat, bird" etc.. so when I reached those cards, she will lean fwd and kissed the animals on the cards haha.. farni sight...

I also think we'll need a longer time since its been a while...I can be there around 12.10pm, just need to know the location. Can we have it somewhere near the train station so that I won't get lost, no preference on food, you preggie got cravings, you pick lah :")
