(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Afternoon mummiesss,
anyone tried GUG before? think this topic been brought up before....anyone care to share?

thinking of sending my K for some weekend interaction.....

hi mommies

always reading the thread. kelly and all others, i enjoy listening to your advice on mommyhood.

about tantrums, leon dsnt really exert physical tantrums, but he cries lor, n rather pitifully, i guess that is normal right? the key i find for him, and have read, is to DISTRACT him. if he wants to touch eg, the glass of water on the table, i take out his toys/books. of cos it dsnt always work, so he cries, but not the 'terrible twos' kinda cry, but rather pitiful baby cry. so far he hasnt rolled on the floor..

when is our next gathering? think the kids are really starting to appreciate the gatherings
shall we do it at botanics again?

Wanna ask a question, do your babies still drink milk at night? leon is now on a routine twice in a night, he will be closing his eyes throughout the whole feed. i read somewhere it may be useful to dilute the milk to wean them off night feeds, what do u think? leon really eats a lot, but thin still..
Mummies at RP Lunch,
Great to meet all of you again, too bad we are restricted by time, else we can go on and on huh. Its pouring heavily outside, hope you managed to get back to your office without getting the rain. :")
Hi HoneyB & mummies at RP lunch

Nice to have lunch with u all just now.... too bad we are restricted by time....if not think we can go on & on.... hee hee hee

Hope to have another RP lunch again
for me, no choice leh..coz like u last time once he is naughty n throw tantrums n cry n run n hug my legs, i will pick him up straightaway n hug him but then he still will want that time and will still cry non still n if i distract him by giving him something else, he will juz throw that thing away on the floor n say no no n point to the initial thing he want...so now in order to let him know i mean it when i say no, i dun carry him straight when he run to me but instead remove him from my legs n tell him if he is still naughty and wan to throw tantrums, then he can stay there by himself...n only after the 2nd time he run to me, then i carry him up n hug him and explain to him y he cant have that thing and tell him he is wrong to throw tantrums and that mummy loves him...well it seems to work better this way coz after that he will usually calm down n not cry...so i guess it works for me..

piyo, jas, jesline, cocomo & honeyb,
it has been fun as usual for our lunch gathering...hee hee...gd to meet up again since been a while for me especially...:p

thanks once again for all the nice clothes u passed to me!! jazzele is so lucky to have such nice hands me downs...n all the rompers are so cute!! where did u get the gerber rompers ah? dun think can b bought in sg rite? the luvable friends rompers are also from where ah? they r so nice..i love them ;P
You're most welcome, glad you like them. Hannah has way too many clothes. The Gerber rompers are from US, my sister helped me to buy and like I mentioned the sizes are very small, need to wear early, my girl only wore a piece once and cannot wear already, most are brand new. The luvable friends rompers I bought from the overseas spree hee, I like them but too small for Hannah now, some of the tags I cut away cos scared will cause itch so you estimate the sizes hor. Good to wash them again cos they have been sitting in the cupboard for quite a while already :")
aiya i forgot to ask u something earlier..wanna ask u yr blog ah, the nice colourful top part of yr blog the image where u get from one ah? The one with flowers etc...

Trying to do up a new blog for jay n jaz and want to look for a nice pic to place coz the template is so boring...i found one but when i attached it, it only cover half way leh...
Hi pups,
long time no c! ya we were talking abt the next gathering during lunch!. next gathering at Augbb's place but time n day to be determine by the host

Megan does not wake up in the night for night feeds since quite young. We feed her about 260ml of FM b4 she sleeps thru. If she wakes up in the middle of the night, it will be more of playing than wanting to drink..

I rem last time you mentioned you sent Leon to CC? Is he still in CC now? full day? which CC did you send him to? How's the initial part? would like to find out more from you..
Hi RP mummies,
Nice having lunch with you all... lots to talk!!! hmmm din realise Augbb and Jas so young! even when we are walking out, we are still talking haha!continued at Augbb's place ya?

Hi Augbb,
I just search for "blog skins" in Google and went thru the searches to find a nice one and copy into the html template.. then again I add some html codes like chatbox, blog links etc from the old blog and do preview to see how it loks before saving it in...Till now, I still dunno how to personalise the top portion.. if someone here knows, can teach?

I think you may need to play ard with the width dimension numbers to extend the "image" to cover whole page... search the html code, they may have a width/height dimension, play with the number, preview and see if it works? That's normally how I do..
wow...u r so advanced...hee hee...think i need to explore more on blogspot...haha...dun even know what u talking abt...keke...:p
but you using LJ right? You changing to Blogger? Augmum used to use wordpress b4 changing back to blogger.. I find it not bad too, only I dun haf time to explore that.. maybe augmum can comment?
tat's y i said my method may not work 4 everyone. u do wat's best 4 ur kids.

i tot i offer my plc 4 gathering after e intended farm visit? no 1 interested. sob! sob!
let's c when augbb offers her plc cos i doing a small full mth celebration 4 stella, 4 friens only. not doing 4 relatives cos too leh chey
tot you "lurk" ard the thread hehe.. mentioned in one of the older archives.. but cfm b4 the farm visit thingy..

you due anytime right?
augbb mentioned in e thread huh? i must hv missed it. i would love 2 go if augbb holds a gathering cos havent seen her girl in e last 2outings.

ya, me due anytime now. 35wks liao. hoping 2 pop in e next 1-2wks. cant tahan carrying her 4 so long. very leh chey when i hv 2 chase after e boys, do stuff wif e boys. she also dun seem 2 grow well inside so hopefully she can b fattened up outside. she was only 1.8kg+ at 33wks.
Dun worry, sure can fatten up outside with Kelly's milk

Augbb must be "chi chi pom pom" now...wait for her rtn then c what she says...I also haf not seen her ger yet

btw mummies,
can eat oranges when preggie? I got cravings for oranges recently.. cham.. I heard will cos phlegm in bb?
Halo Mummies...
Back from RP lunch already?? How sad, cannot join all of you

Re : Child Development
I was also abit concern regarding my No.2 speech development. It seems that she understand what we're saying but she just din want to open her mouth to vocalise! Her vocab is still very limited leh. Can say star, dada, daddy, che che, nana (banana) bar (bird) and that's abt all. As compared to my eldest child, she can speak in simple sentences around 18 months. The diff is that I look after my eldest one myself and No.2 always look after by maid. Haiz. . . feel guilty that did not spend much time with no 2.

Re: Teeth brushing
My ger don't really like tooth brush. So still using cloth to clean her teeth and if lucky without getting biten, clean her tongue as well. Did try to let her play with her tooth brush but not very successful leh. She "brushes" her teeth after her dinner during her bath time. But at night still drink milk!

Oh ya...check with all of you, which brand of milk powder is your kid on? My ger currently on Nan2 HA cos got eczema but still no diff leh and also I think she got sick of her milk. Made 180ml, sometimes take in only 80-100ml. So tot of putting her on Pediasure.

Hi Piyo,
Re : MIL......hmm think we have lots to share then.

Hey. . mummies that have blog, care to share addy? Mine is at http://preciousprincesses.blogspot.com/
haha...ya lor...u r right..juz finish only...:p hmm okie...i am ok with gathering at my place on either the 19(sat) or 20(sun) or 26(sat) or 27(sun)...juz concern if its on 26 or 27, will it be too close to cny and u all need to start spring cleaning?...maybe we can take a poll to see who can make it on which date ya and we shall choose the date where the most of us can then it be more fun mah...;) Timing can we say from 12-3pm....For those who dunno, my place is in Tampines, East...

19Jan (sat)

20 Jan (sun)

26 Jan (Sat)

27 Jan (Sun)
Hi yoshi!
Think my hubby and I saw you at Vivo on 1 of the days of last 2 weeks of dec! but you walk too fast with colliq, cant catch you :p

I am impressed with Shauna! I think Megan has even lesser vocab than your Kiara..so maybe we got more to share haha...

Eh, can start later like after lunch or I come later? cos clash with megan's lunch.. feeding her outside is a nightmare.. tot of feeding her then roll over :p
Hi Mummies

Long time never login. Super busy with work lately.

Re: Terrible 2

Crisann has also reached her terrible two. She want the thing if she never get it she will cry non-stop. Last sun brought her to suntec. Wana buy a pair of shoe for CNY. She even know how to choose. She choose the adidas one Gave her try but does fit well so decided not to buy that. She throw her trantrum and cry so louding. So i quickly carry her out of the shop. She struggle out of our hands. Gosh. Everyone is looking at us. So paisei. Really don't know how to handle her. Think i also need a cane like Piyo n Kris.

She even pitch and bite me n my mum.

Re : Brushing teeth

She love to brush her teeth. Using the First teeth toothpaste. But stop using e brush. Cos she will bite on it so hard. I'm using the Pigeon toothbrush. No 2. Quite that quite gd.
i did that oranges for both jay n jaz that time..well its gd in vit c so i do take but i dun take too much only lor..shld be ok lah...
IF she'll take my milk...skarly she dun fancy latching or EBM, then siao liao, i gotta give FM. after having 2 very different boys, i m prepared tat tis girl'll b different too. she has already proved 2 b different while inside me.
think I am taking quite a fair bit, everyday will eat apples and 1/2-3/4 orange cos I share share with megan so balance I eat...so I worry..

talking abt biting, I recall Megan lean her head on my thign one time. I tot so nice sayang me.. wah, she bit me on my upper thign leh! pain ah! then she laffed! so perhaps, we can haf a "biting room" in Augbb hse? let them go inside bite it out then see who wins? hhaha just a crazy idea that came to my mind when we were visiting CC and I was asking the CC teachers about biting..
i m also very impressed wif ur shauna n i missed ur food, esp e curry chicken.

i took oranges 4 both pregnancies, e boys still got phlegm somewhere somehow. i heard pp say if u take bird's nest, also kenna phlegm. aiya, juz take 4 vit C n if it's a craving, betta take.

i also taking honey pineapple every wk, 1/2boiled eggs 2-3x wkly since 12wks preggie, tea-c almost everyday...er, wat else i violate huh?
Hi Piyo

For highchair. Crisann also climb up and can even dance standing there.

Btw mummies does your tod shake their leg when sitting down. Crisann has this bad habit.
gathering at augbb's plc

19Jan (sat)
1. kelly + family

20 Jan (sun)
1. kelly + family

26 Jan (Sat)

27 Jan (Sun)

i can only b there abt 2pm+ on sat cos gabe has classes til 2pm.
gathering at Augbb's place:
19Jan (sat)
1. kelly + family

20 Jan (sun)
1. kelly + family
2. Piyo, hubby, megan and maid

26 Jan (Sat)

27 Jan (Sun)
1. 2. Piyo, hubby, megan and maid

Dif to make it within the timing for Sat cos Megan got SM just b4 that.. sure cranky..
Hi Piyo

Oh I can feel the pain for u. She even bite my shoulder. She also try to bite my mum's thigh as well but not able to. Than she hold her hand and bite.

Tried not to eat orange too often. Grapes as well as it will cos baby to have a lot of phelgms.
Hmm then in that case, lets do away with the sat one since piyo and kelly timing not so convenient...

20 Jan (sun)
1. Piyo, hubby, megan n maid
2. kelly + family

27 Jan (Sun)
1. Piyo, hubby, megan n maid
Hi yoshi,
YOu must share with us how you groom Shauna.. she is so angelic!

HI Kelly,
Stella would be easier than the boys when she is out? at least come to feeding I believe! dun thk so negative!

u mean cannot take honey meh? btw, this time I crave4forbidden foods this time like oranges and half boiled eggs... so half boiled eggs can eat? I dun dare ask gynae cos I dun wish to hear the and :p

bake only 1 container???:p

Hi Crisann,
Same for Megan on highchair.. if we do not catch her on highchair, she would be dancing sat night fever there too

megan can bite till blue-black lei! and there I was asking the CC about how they handle kids who bite.. then to realise my megan does that too after that...
gathering at Augbb's place:

20 Jan (sun)
1. Piyo, hubby, megan n maid
2. kelly + family
3. cocomo, hubby, Jay & maid

27 Jan (Sun)
1. Piyo, hubby, megan n maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jay & maid
gathering at Augbb's place:

20 Jan (sun)
1. Piyo, hubby, megan n maid
2. kelly + family
3. cocomo, hubby, Jay & maid
4. HoneyB, Hannah

27 Jan (Sun)
1. Piyo, hubby, megan n maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jay & maid
I'll be there with Hannah, think my hubby out of town. Will drive there rain or shine, I prefer a later timing too cos will need to feed Hannah first else she'll probably leave her food all over your house :")

My girl also likes to bite, she did that to me afew times already and each time either got blood or blue-black, each time I also too shock to react and she ended up laughing at me...
Think after they bite, they wanna c if they get any rxn or responses from us.. so the greater the rxn, the happier they are?

You dun fly aeroplane this time for Augbb gathering huh??:p
Yah, I think so too, I can't imagine if I put my girl with your girl together what will they do haa...

Will be there lah but hor, don't PM me address hor, Augbaby you have my number you sms me ok cos I think the PM here got problem, I never receive Yoshi's PM...
Wanted to ask you, the Kueh Bangkit receipe, there's an ingredient call Spice, what exactly is this spice? Thought Spice is a general term?
u meant e kueh lapis recipe? there's a kueh lapis spice which u can find in ntuc.

i not tiking negative, juz 1 2 b prepared. some gynaes dun recommend taking pineapple. i asked my gynae b4 abt 1/2 boiled eggs. he said as long as after 12wks, it's fine.
gathering at Augbb's place:

20 Jan (sun)
1. Piyo, hubby, megan n maid
2. kelly + family
3. cocomo, hubby, Jay & maid
4. ade,hubby mel and leon

27 Jan (Sun)
1. Piyo, hubby, megan n maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jay & maid
3. ade,hubby mel and leon

In the end i got a maid ...
Ah I see, ok will go look for it, didn't know there is a lapis spice, thanks, think I'm going to try out this weekend, hope it will be successful :")
About biting,
Leon bites, then says byeeeete! i ignored it so it stopped in a week. think all these are phases ... like hair pulling, yanking at my glasses, digging his nose, then MY NOSE, poking my eyes, all done out of curiousity.
Oh ya those with pets, do your babies interact well with them? Leon used to be too rough his my 2 mini schnauzers, u know smacking = petting, i kept telling him gentle and showing him, and now he's SO gentle n loving to them, its v cute! he talks to them also, tells them 'put back' or 'sit' or 'nice' hehe.

<font color="ff0000">y you end up with maid?</font>so you same as me, maid looks after solely while you work??? indo maid?

Megan LOVES dogs, all kinds of dogs.. I think it stems from us having our maxx(goldie) and Russ(JRT) at my mum's place.. she would play 'fetch', throw balls with them... but she also very rough.. this morning just took a DVD cover and wack Maxx on the head.. my poor dog... still teaching megan to 'sayang' them but I think she wont get it so fast

you mean gynae says ok to half boiled eggs? then I can take in ease liao?
edward bites too n it's very painful. e whole family kenna fr him. husband always get very angry n i always remind him tat gabe bit too. it's a phase like wat u said. it'll go away. juz a matter of when...

my gynae said as long as after 12wks, ok hor...tat's my gynae lah.

hi mummies,
gathering at Augbb's place:

20 Jan (sun)
1. Piyo, hubby, megan n maid
2. kelly + family
3. cocomo, hubby, Jay &amp; maid
4. ade,hubby mel and leon
5. erin, hubby n kayden

27 Jan (Sun)
1. Piyo, hubby, megan n maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jay &amp; maid
3. ade,hubby mel and leon
4. erin, hubby n kayden

hi yoshi,
i think being a SAHM really makes a difference. my mum's neighbour has a 19 month old son and he can also speaks in simple sentences when he was 18 months old. she's a SAHM so she told me she can do a lot of things with her son. am also impressed with the way she brings up the kid as he's very well-behaved and intelligent.
