(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

No.. in fact I became very lazy after I found out I am preggie.. maybe tired.. but nowadays I did not purposely do with her anymore.. more like she "asking" me to do, so I will take out some and show her.. I actually get a better response now
what about you?

I PM you again... you give me a message when you are done with Dr Ang. Take yr time, no hurry. 12 to 2pm is zac's naptime, so I would not go out.


Re. Development

Zac's vocab is still limited. However, he could indicate what he wants by dragging you to the stuff he wants. He could also nod and shake his head. Try asking him, "Do you want to sleep?" He will shake his head very vigorously.

Think Zac is approaching his terrible two. Ex. demanding. If he doesn't get what he wants, he will point, cry and hop

He's getting ex notti and playful. Can initiate play. Want us to chase after him. He loves it so much that he would laugh very loudly. Oh, he likes to jump from the sofa and this is really giving us a headache.

Yesterday, he played with his bro. Really screaming the house down. They can really play! Can't imagine how much chaotic it would be when he could really talk.


Re: new sleep arrangement

There's a lot of changes when you move to a new house so be prepared that baby couldn't adjust to it initially. That's what happened to zac.

It may be a good idea to let her sleep in the new room but I suggest you have leave things that are familiar to her in the room.
Me ah, I very pai seh to say actually I have not been flashing cards to Hannah since she was 3 months old...you know everytime after BJG we'll get a set of cards, I never flash them to Hannah, either too tired or plain lazy. I'm glad her development is still ok for now, always very guilty that I'm not teaching her more... :"(
I think Hannah has prematurely reached the terrible two stage, she'll be pointing, crying and 'dragging' her legs on the floor if she did not get what she wants, hubby and I are at a loss how to teach her, at times we leave her to cry but most times we will try to distract her although she will still remember and will try to get back to her original idea... :"(
Augustmum and HoneyB,
Megan has also reached her terrible twos much earlier...She will beat the table if she dun get what she wants and she is like water tap, tears come out so naturally from her. She drags herself and even tries to struggle out of our hands. I am worried she will be one of those that roll on the departmental floor next time.. how ah? I tried talking and explaining to her but I don't think it works for her... maybe the cane works better.. hmmm

I wonder her delay speech development is due to my laziness at times cos I haf really 'left her to her own devices' for past few months..
RE: talentplus

Is it realli good? Can share? I have one next to my blk. I'm thinking of sending zac to some playgroup when I go back to work in sept. This will help offload my mil for mabbe 2 hrs.

Seeing how active he is, I really wonder if my mil can cope. Comparing noah to zac, noah was really mild but she could not handle noah then. Really bu fan xin to go back to work but have to...

hee... dun even dare to update her on zac's latest stunts. If she knows, she may not want to look after him.

I think zac will be those rolling on the floor. We had to forcefully carry him away when he refused to leave the mall and wanna explore on his own.

We have been avoiding crowded malls for that reason... now cny coming, must do some shopping but really dread going shopping with the kids.

Any lobangs for online shopping?
If I attempt to carry Hannah away while she's in a tantrum, she will also try to kick me to struggle out of my hands...sometimes I wonder how come she has so much strength...

dun worry so much abt speech dev. As I hv mentioned b4, noah started speaking only after two and he spoke in two-three word sentences when he first began and then the rest is history.

When he attended a holiday prog, the feedback was he was very vocal and the teacher asked if we would like to sign him up for an older group.

However, he is selective when it comes to the person he speaks to. Dunno why, he doesn't speak to my mil. My mil is complaining esp. after she saw a video of him chatting away.

yah. i know shifting house very big change to them.. i going to put jadelle in her own room to sleep. we will follow too, cos her biggest comfort is sleeping with me! I will change the mattress covers to her favorite cartoon characters and surround her by familiar stuff. I think she will miss her spiders on her current playroom wall (I stuck the itsy bitsy spider stickers on her wall and she loves it).

can sympathise with you. sometimes Jadelle do this too.. for me, if we outside, i will quickly distract her before she work herself into a BIG tantrum by asking her to look at/for birds, balls, balloons, cats, dogs, lights etc. if at home, i try to distract her, but if dun work, i try to explain to her why cannot do this or that.

Don't always work, but so far manageable for me. Speech development, let them develop at their own pace, obviously, megan enjoys words? otherwise won't ask you to flash the cards to her. Let her take time to process. try to speak slowly and clearly to her and repeat some simple words that she likely can grasp with a few tries.. she may surprise you one day!

online shopping ah.. haha.. lots of lobang in singapore motherhood mah..

check out the bulk purchases, business threads and the overseas spree.

I shop online for Jadelle at ralphlauren.com, and also at Bulk Purchase threads, overseas sprees as well as normal shops like fox baby and zara baby.

The kids hv so much stuff already...hee... I'm thinking of online shopping for my own stuff
Used to buy from from overseas but think cannot make it in time for this new year. Need those ready stock and pre. local sites.

Really tempted to ask mil to babysit so I go out shopping but aiyah... dunno what she will think...
Hi Erin..

Glad to hear Kayden is feeling better.. maybe he is teething?? Zorian not eating much also cos of teething and super cranky..

Hi Augbaby..

Jay is sooo sweet.. currently zorian loves kissing my niece who is 4 months old.. but the moment i carry her, he will scream and shout... jealousy.. sigh...

Re : brushing teeth..

how to encourage our toddlers hah?? since young, zorian allows me to use the cloth to clean his teeth.. but come to toothbrush, he will take and brush his tongue then give us back.. we let him brush with us, look into the mirror, still he refuse to let us brush.. help help!!

Re : Terrible 2

Zorian only master the words he use.. words like carry, up, down, stop, go, papa, mami, ah ma, ah kor, ball, milk, eat, bye bye... so that he can give instructions.. anything that dun go his way, he will wail and scream..

also when he is about to do something forbidden, he will look at us and give us his silly grin.. once we say 'no no', he will do that stunt immediately.. if we ignore, he will scream and shout..


think u might not be the only one with cane.. think i will need one too.. haahaa...

Re : Behaviour

he is super active and naughty when at home.. but once outside, very shy and want to be carry.. refuse to come down and dun even open his mouth to say anything.. but once he finds the environement ok, he will run and scream like no one business... feel so pai sai..


U r not the only lazy mom around.. i also never flash any cards to Zorian.. those cards from BJG, hubby says only collect dust.. keekee..

Re : Sleeping..

Zorian still sleeping in between me and hubby.. have been experiencing his gong fu almost every night.. certain nights he will be willing to sleep in his cot.. but very rare.. when no. 2 is out, will shift him to my parents' in laws' room for almost three months.. after that, either shift him to the next room or all sleep together mah..
think jay also the same...he will scream, shout n cry n throw temper if he cant get what he want and will sit or attempt to lie on the floor if i dun give in, which i dun...haha..i will juz tell him you want to be naughty rite, then ok, u stay here by yrself and i will juz let him lie on the floor and i will walk out and the room and stay u stay there...n he will then quickly run out of the room after me and run to me stil crying and hug my legs and i will remove him away from my legs still and say u naughty, you stay there and i will walk away again...he will then run after me again n do the same and after a while then i will carry him up and sayang him...i am very bad hor...but think cant pick him up straight coz wait he think he win the battle already...:p
Hi Augbaby..

no lah.. sometimes i do tat also.. but unlike Jay, Zorian will really lie there and cry loudly till his face turn super red.. my in laws wont be able to stand it and sometimes my hubby also.. then they will go and pick him up.. Zorian will then refuse to get up and scream even loudly.. then i will turn to him and say come here.. only then he will come to me and cry cry cry.. haahaa... then i carry him and try to explain to him.. not sure he understands or not..
At least Jay will run back to you.. Megan will stand there and wail nonstop and looks at us.. so it's a battle of the wits

got BP on canes? hahaha

When do kids start their rolling biz? How do you plan to/deal with that?

B4 Noah started talking, was he babbling b4 2 yrs? or saying any words b4 2 years? Another of my friend's son also spoke after 2yrs and amazes her cos he spoke 3syllable words in perfect prounouciation..

Megan does not fancy my MIL too.. I think Megan treats her like an alien cos she sees her less than 10 times since she was born? She used to cry when my MIL comes to visit her now she only gifs unfriendly stares..hope it will get better..

Try Taiwan sprees? I quite like TW stuff hahaha but now I preggie got to stop buying quite a fair bit of stuff?

Maybe she will.. guess she may be under "inputting stage" still..
Megan dun seem to like "elderly" pple. She will cry when she sees them but she is ok to strangers or our friends whom we meet occasionally...

if there is BP for canes, i will definitely buy.. think might need more than one.. in case in laws / hubby / zorian hides the canes.. :p
Talking abt naughty , recently my raygen also very very naughty , so pai sei to bring him out . Normally , he will sit in the baby chair n eat n when tired , he sleep in pram. But recently , he wont want to sit in the baby chair , keep struggle wanting to come out , if not , will cry and throw what ever is around him on the floor . I can tahan , and beat his hand n buttok , he cry even louder ! what should i do .. really dont dare to bring him out liao ! cane really can help ??
White lady,
Megan same rxn. Mine attempts to climb out of high chair and she is a ger, not boy.. so now I only bring her out after she has taken her meals.
if u could pls get it 4 me, i'll b so grateful. a mummy bought it 4 me at THB174 n there r 60pieces in 1 box. u can buy abt 4-5boxes n throw all e pieces into a plastic bag. can help u 2 save space cos i also dun need e boxes.

my suggestion 2 u is DONT sleep wif her in e same room. when i was moving gabe out of my room, i sat at e corner of his bed, patted him 2 sleep, after reading story books, playing some card games, massage his legs+wear socks n doing e usual kiss/hug gd nite routine. i waited until he fell asleep then i left.

i DONT lie down n sleep wif him. cos i know if i do it once, it'll b hard 4 me 2 NOT sleep wif him. u c, kids r very smart. if u do something once, they'll ask u y u dun do it again when u did it for e 1st time. i know wat my gabe'll say, "mom y u cannot sleep wif me? u slept wif me b4"

so 2 pre-ampt such situations, i dun sleep wif him. i tell him tat tis is his bedroom, i hv my own bedroom n we sleep in our own bedroom. 4 me, it was easier cos edward was already sleeping on his own n gabe knows abt it. i also started gabe off wif letting him sleep wif edward during his afternoon naps.
So I'm not alone huh hee...

Hee hee...Hannah used to dislike her nai nai since birth, she is ok with everyone else carrying her except for her nai nai, everytime my MIL carry her she will cry...so one day my mum asked me is it because I always complained about my MIL and hence my daughter picked up the bad vibes and disliked my MIL...that got me thinking and I started to come to terms with my MIL's behaviour, I stopped complaining, and surprisingly, Hannah is ok with her nai nai now, she will allow her to carry her around and will look for nai nai for food to munch...is that coincidental or my daughter has grown out of her whatever fear for nai nai??? :")
About social-bility of babies/toddlers, I think it's partly innate. Of cos, we can always try to increase their social-bility by exposing them to more people through classes, playgroups, etc.


I'll ask Jadon to "look at the birds/dogs/cats!" to distract him from his tantrums. 99% of the time, the birds/dogs/cats don't exist. Hahaha!
Talking abt MIL reminds me of my G-MIL. For some strange reason, Jadon always crys when he sees her... until recently. I feel quite bad cos the G-MIL must be wondering what's wrong with her. Perhaps the wicked witch in Jadon's dream resembles the G-MIL. Ho ho ho!

But honestly, G-MIL looks fine and normal lah. Not ugly and definitely does not hv a hooked nose. :p
HI Honeyb,
Hmmm, perhaps Hannah followed your vibes? I seldom make any comments about my MIL in front/behind Megan..I think till now, I just keep my views to myself, apart from 1 or 2 good friends.. If I open my mouth, no end. So to me out of sight, out of mind
Wonder if megan can "feel" from me too? Nevertheless, what do you expect from a toddler who sees her nai nai less than 10x since she was born? What more to expect her to call her "nai nai" when she haf not started to call my mum and dad "ma-ma" and "gong gong" whom she sees everyday without fail?

Hi Leia,
We used same tricks to distract her too but wondering how long can we used the imaginary animals haha
Yah, I think she picked up my vibes cos I made it a point not to complain about anyone infront of her. As for calling, what I do is I print out pictures of my immediate family members and some close friends taken with Hannah and everyday I'll point to her who is who, she got it thru the days and now when I ask her where is so and so, she will point out the pictures to me and when she sees the actual person, she auto calls them as if she knows them very well already, I find this very helpful, maybe you would like to give it a try.
Hi Honeyb,
Idea! Will go try it! Thanks! Was your MIl in one of the pictures too?:p

re: RP lunch tomolo
on ah! Just can't figure place still... anyone got any suggestions? if not, we decide tomorrow ok?
Yes, I printed out more than 1 pictures of my MIL so that Hannah gets to see her more hee, think that helps her too :")

after reading every mummy's anecdote abt their kid, i can say my edward is no different. he must hv reached his TT even <1yrs old cos got a bigger gor gor at home 2 imitate. e usual stuff like every kid here...kick, slap, throw himself on e flr, roll on e flr, pinch, pull hair, hit his head, bite, throw things, etc - everything possible tat a monster kid can do.

btw, my husband dun believe in using e phrase terrible twos on his kids. 2 him, terrible sounds so bad n his boys r juz going thru a phase. i must agree. every kid is growing up n they hv their own way of expressing their emotions.

every parent has different parenting methods so my methods may not work 4 ur kid and/or u may not agree wif my method. i dun use a cane but i use a metal spoon 2 beat gabe only when he continues 2 ignore my instructions.

i let edward throw his tantrums on e flr, as long as he's not hurting himself &amp; others (like beating his head, biting himself, pinching, etc). mayb i'm a SAHM so i know when i shld let him do so, when i shld hold him in my arms 2 soothe/comfort him n find out wat his needs r.

i dun do wat augbb do. if my boys run 2 me, i'll hug them, talk 2 them, ask them wat's wrong. hard 4 edward 2 express but sometimes he juz 1 me or husband 2 hug him, then he stops crying n will try 2 tell us wat he wants. gabe can talk now so much easier.

if edward struggles out of my arms, i'll let him down n c wat he wants. no point 4 me 2 continue holding him cos he'll b hurting me.

if edward dun 1 2 sit in his highchair when outside, i'll explain 2 him tat gabe is sitting in a highchair, there'll b food n i'll offer him some toys. if he persists, i'll let him sit in my lap or chair then try putting him in again later when he's comfortable.
adding on...

i usually listen 2 wat my boys want, esp gabe. 2 me, it's not abt giving in, letting them win, it's abt giving him a right/choice. if it's a reasonable want/need, i c no reason y i dun let him do so. if it's unreasonable or dangerous, i wont accomodate n i explain y.

if gabe makes a decision, something wrong happens, i'll explain 2 gabe tat "u c, u made a decision n tis is wat happened. u shld listen 2 mummy" tis helps gabe 2 learn.

my parenting method a bit ang moh, my parents find it hard 2 accept.

I don't remember noah throwing tantrum at this stage. I remembered he would point to what he wanted and would get it. He was also very independent, could play on his own quietly for a very long time.

Zac is really diff from him. This boy seeks attention a lot and likes to be hugged. Perhaps, I'm staying at home now, that's why...

Noah was very quiet before two. So quiet that I was worried that he was autistic. My pd also got concerned that he was so quiet and took out books and pic to test him. Fortunately, he could recognise what she showed him and could follow instructions very well.

Ya, like yr friend's child, once noah started to speak, he could use some big words too. He started late but caught up fast. I'm rather pleased with his vocab at the moment.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">RP lunch today:</font></font>

<font color="119911">venue near MRT :
Coffee Club (greenhouse),
Bao Jin Tian (OUB Plaza),
BK (OUB Plaza),
Soup Spoon, (Raffles MRT),
Asian Kitchen(Basement Republic Plaza)
Restaurant on Arcarde 3rd floor
hi augustmum,
My friend's son's like Noah. Some teachers commented he is more visual but he is absorbing.. after age 2, he opens his golden mouth
i am ok with coffee club, bao jin tian or soup spoon...

how abt the rest of the mummies...??u all decide already then 1 of u sms me ya...i join u all abt 12.30...
Hi mummies morning,

RP lunch, I'm ok with whatever food, no cravings no dislikes today...

Mummies check with you, there used to be a cart selling baby shoes at RP, do you know if its still there? I'm hoping to get some shoes for Hannah and her two cousins, any idea?
Hi piyo,

i am also fine with whatever food..... u got any craving or not??

when i went last week, the cart selling the baby shoes not there lei.... not sure abt this week
I think the cart selling shoes now selling Ariel T shirts... I bot a pair of red shoes 4 megan there that time...hmmm later, I may wanna go buy some clips and rubber bands for megan.. running out liao

Hi RP mummies,
Let's mt at Bao Jin Tian? You all know where?
Bao Jin Tian, is that the one we ate the last time? Hmm, maybe later if got time I'll go browse thru too to see if they have any shoes thanks.
RP mummies,
OKie lunch at <font color="0000ff">bao jin tian- OUB plaza</font>

Cocomo and I should be there at 12 to get the seats 1st.. hopefully can get the round table

C you there!
Morning Mummies,

Long time never come in liao cos super busy at work. Sneak in here to make some noise !@##$$%%%^*(. to let all of you know that i'm alive but drowning in work ha ha.....

Sorry mummies that came to my house. Haven't load the pics yet. Give me some more time ok. But don't think that hubby managed to capture any nice shots leh. Haiz.. . he's really lousy in camera thingy!

GTG....back to work
Have not gone thru' all the posting yet. Will do it when I got spare time.
ya i will be there..thanks for bringing for me the clothes for jazzle

will see u all there when i arrive...haha...u all go ahead n order 1st ya...

where r u going to get for megan rubber bands n clips? me also wanna get in advance for jazzele...haha....

ok, me onz later.. but as usual, i come from orchard take longer during lunchtime, so someone juz order for me whatever u all eating to save time!

ehh.. where iz bao jin tian?? i very gong in RP.. only know BK... aiyah.. will call augbaby/ piyo/ cocomo if i cannot find!

Hi Jas,
Same bldg as BK- take escalator next to BK to ground floor walk all the way to the end n turn left is Bao Jin Tian

Hi augbb,
got pushcart that sells such clips and rubber bands..$1-2.. dun wanna get too ex cos they get lost or spoilt by megan very fast!
