(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi mummies,
wah, the thread moves so fast. very bz recently so not much time to post. just managed to scan through the postings. phew!

re: COD
Kayden doesn't like COD. Tried giving him since he turns 1 yr old but he always spit out. in the end, it's sitting in the fridge until now. Any suggestion on how to get him to take it?

re: meals
Kayden's eating our table food nowsadays for dinner on weekends but they are usually not so oily. Other than that, he is usually given porridge for lunch and rice for dinner. I've bought an electric steamer so it's more convenient to steam eggs, fish and veggies when i cook on weekends for lunch.

But his appetite is quite bad recently. Still refusing to take in solids and milk. Not sure if it's due to his teething or flu. He has been sick after X'mas.

Hi cocomo,
is everything ok? Why not happy? I'm a bit sian. a bit can't breathe liao with all the work at this point of time.

Hi Kris,
did u manage to contact the confinement lady?

Hi kelly,
I would love to have all of you over at my place but am staying with in-law so might not be very convenient. so sorry abt it. perhaps can organise one at my place during one of the weekends when she goes back to m'sia for ching ming.

hi cocomo..

what happens? cheer up okie..

hi erin..

thanks so much for your help! but unable to contact her.. how is Kayden? hope he gets well asap..

re : food

Zorian will usually drink milk between 8.30-9.30am and that will be his breakfast.. but sometimes he will still want wat we are having.. just give him abit of our noodles, carrot cakes, etc.. for lunch and dinner, he is having rice with 'liao'.. usually are fish, meat, steam eggs.. if we are out, i will usually buy him fish porridge...
Morning Mummies,

Wah, school reopened and you are still up at 3am...don't be too stressed okie, take care yah

What happened, meet us for lunch lah, we tell you jokes you happy happy liao :")

As promised, here's a picture of Hannah n her tum tum, we had bee hoon for breakfast on Sat and she insisted on feeding herself, is she looking at her big tummy or the mess she created? :")

What do you use to edit your pictures such that you can post them bigger and yet the file size is below 50KB? Everytime I compressed the file and reduce the size, it becomes too small and ends up blur...any tips on how to resize it?

Leia, your pictures are always very big, how do you post that?
HI Honeyb,
Hannah's tum tum so cute and she is so chubby! what's her weight now? Can sor sor her tummy for me haha..

The dress very pretty but hides her tum tum liao!

I use Microsoft Office photo manager to crop and compress..

re: COD
I tried the white Scotts Emulsion on Megan.. she hates lei! so end up the small bottle(heng I bot small one) still lying there.. so I tried others.. now giving Nordic Naturals COD, got some strawberry smell.. I use syringe gif 2.5ml cos if use spoon sure will waste...pinch her nose, it will go down...Kelly, dun thk you will like my mtd but it works.

Hi Augmum,
Thanks! will go try out the meals soon..
Hannah's weight is about 11kg now I supposed, she's not very tall thus I think thats why she looks abit chubby.

I also use Microsoft Office to edit leh, hmm, maybe I didn't do it correctly, will explore further, thanks.

Hannah is currently taking the Scotts Emulsion too, surprisingly she loves it, most of the time she even ask for second helping *faint*...
ok, u used e syringe? i'll try tat wif edward. i know CLO is gd but probably hv 2 give it 2 him 1hr after he ate. if not, he may puked it out, tgt wif e food.

u not happy wif ur work? cos saw ur MSN msg...u looking 4 a job?
Hi HoneyB,
she looks 11kg and dun look short actually.. that day I brot Megan to take chicken pox and the last pneu jab, took her weight, went down to 10.2kg..at 78cm, short right?

She taking the white or the orangy one? I used to take the orangy and hated the white.. so maybe megan is like me in this aspect...

Hi Kelly,
ya cos I saw the label says 2.5ml, fits the syringe perfectly. We got to pinch her nose else she can keep in her mouth for 100yrs.

Hi cocomo,
TGIF! Today will be a better day ya?
She's taking the white one. I used to hate the white one too, the fishy smell is very strong, thats why I'm surprise she likes it. 78cm not short lah, the last time we measured her (in Nov), Hannah was 10.5kg and only 76cm leh, PD say her height average only...
happy new year, everyone!

so many postings! Great start to new year!

I never give Jadelle any CLO or vitamins or whatever leh.. so far, um, heehee, she seems fine.. but yes, i think i should start.. thanks for all the tips (saving me time running around to find the suitable ones!)

Anyone knows if CLO will affect eczema? Jadelle have eczema leh..
You mentioned Megan took the Chicken Pox and last pneu jab, did she take them together? Hannah needs to take her second pneu jab end of this month, can take both jabs together?
Hannah is so cute...and i like her hair...u can tie it up in a ponytail liao...so nice...i cant wait till jazzele hair grow long eno to clip...hee hee...think its still a very long way...

thanks...will check my email..
u also asked if taking jabs like flu vaccine help? i only know my PD told me b4 tat flu vaccine helps 2 prevent tods fr having high fever. cant prevent e flu bug.
HI jas,
Long time no c! Happy new year!

I dun thk CLO will affect ecezma.

ya, took 2 at the same time, one on left arm, 1 on right arm, ok for the whole day and week.. PD says 2 more weeks bring her come take MMR jab..only MMR he dun rec take together...

I let megan take chicken pox cos scared she kenna in CC then bring back virus then I preggie dunno will affect bb inside...

When he heard bringing megan to CC, he asked me next time shd take flu jab... I still thinking wanna take or not...

prevent high fever but will still kenna? u know how many jabs to take? anyway, I tot of not taking...

can share how's taking care of 2 kids like? any tips?
Hi all,
Thanks for concern, I am fine, just that nowadays dunno why very moody lo. Lotso concern and worries in mind make me very easier fluctuated and bad temper also, wonder my staff can stand me?! Lazy to do anything also, Jay's blog has not been updated since last Oct! Lotso things to do at work as well. sigh. . .

I am giving Jay Scotts Emulsion. First taste he rejected but second day onwards he likes it liao. I also so surprise that he actually like the taste. Initially I wanna buy the orange favour one coz I worry he dun like the white one but cant see there is any contain of DHA (the white one has stated big big DHA). But I hate the smell le. Everytime after he taken I sure cao far far one, he smell so fishy!!

Jay seems not gaining weight and height for one month le. He just like Kayden, don't like to eat especially milk. Wah, nowadays he always can't finish his milk or just take ages to finish.

No la, I am not looking for job. It is for my niece. She is now second year senior in KPMG. Looking for an accountant or Assistant FM job. In fact one month ago I just employed an accountant, so can't help her. You got any lobang?

One thing make me quite siaz is that we have moved back to Tuas as my boss think that our City office is a waste so I will not able to meet you gals for lunch liao!!! Damn sian

Ya, TGIF!! But I am working from home ytday and today, so make not much difference. Maybe bcoz of that it makes me lazier!
I am a kia su mum, so far Jay has taken all the japs including MMR, Hep A, Flu jap, last pneumo jap and chicken pox.
I see, maybe I'll let Hannah take both this month, was worried that she may develop fever cos quite near to CNY by then. Hannah took the flu jab back in Jul last year, the flu jab only covers certain virus strand, not all thus there's still a chance to kenna other flu virus. My PD suggest to take only if tod is traveling to cold countries since the flu jab expires after a couple of months.

I don't like Hannah's hair, too thick and she has curly fringe, very super messy...she look like sha has bad hair day everyday unless we tie up her hair, then again, she will pull out the rubber band and mess up her hair every few hours so quite tiring... :"(
HI Cocomo,
Maybe Jay is teething??? Megan just has 1-2 more teeth sprouted out inside and like 2 more coming out at the bottom.. so I attribute most of her crankiness to teething..

ya now I got no one to lunch with here so sian!

You let jay took flu jab liao? is it just 1 jab? how much?
Hi HoneyB,
megan also will pull out her nicely done hair! so sometimes I dun wanna tie and just let her look like DORA...

hmmm so flu jab not lasting.. then no point taking...btw, dun take MMR jab too near CNY cos nurse says will develop fever...
Cheer up, still got option to work from home so not too bad. My previous company also the same, want to save cost so all moved back to Tuas already, my ex-coliq all complaining Tuas very boring, no shopping and heavy traffic, thats why I opted out, I went to look for another job instead cos Tuas is definitely not an option for me.
Jay develop some rash after MMR jap. After the jap nurse actually told me might have fever or rash and it's normal. Then the next day I saw the rash but no fever, I applied calendula cream and it subsided.

Ya, Jay's teething now. Maybe that's the reason.
I also heard MMR will develop fever thats why I'm pushing this to after CNY. Actually alot of people kenna flu recently and nowadays it seems to take a long time to heal compared to last time so in my opinion I think its still good to take, some protection also good mah, Hannah did not have fever when she took this jab so should be quite ok.

My pd said no... however, someone I knew who has an autistic kid encouraged me to try for separate doses which not many clinics in s'pore provide.

Anyway, Zac has taken his a week ago as after observing him, I think he has no traits of autism (keeping my fingers crossed though). How I check? He interacts very well with others... not unusually well-behaved. Hopefully, I'm not wrong...


share a pic of Zac... He's greedy but somehow doesn't gain weight. Think he's too active liao...

Can I ask whether your friend's child already has autism before or after taking MMR?

My PD insist that taking MMR will not lead to Autism since there is currently no scientific research to prove the relationship. She said its still better to take the vaccine for protection.

Here's an abstract of what I found from the Autism Society of America:

The question of a relationship between vaccines and autism continues to be debated. In a 2001 investigation by the Institute of Medicine, a committee concluded that the "evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship.... between MMR vaccines and autistic spectrum disorders (ASD)." The committee acknowledged, however, that "they could not rule out" the possibility that the MMR vaccine could contribute to ASD in a small number of children. While other researchers agree the data does not support a link between the MMR and autism, more research is clearly needed.

He was diagnosed when he was about three... anyway, autism symptoms are usually detected when the child is about two and that's when the kids happen to take the MMR jabs. Thus, it's not sure if it is a coincidence or a cause.

My friend gave me the advice as she just wanted to help to eliminate a possibility. All of us really do not know what causes the autism. Btw, the parents are both high flyers...

Anyway, the child was unusually well-behaved when he was a baby and toddler... dunno if that's a indication. However, he achieved the milestones of crawling, walking very early too...
actually wat are the signs of autism? i thou autism is like when a tod is superactive and cant sit still and attention span is v short...??

jay also took his MMR but not together with his last pneumo jab...din wan to do it together coz he develop this fear of lying down on the examination bed in the PD clinic...Once he know we r trying to put him down, he will start struggling and crying...but he din develope a fever after that...PD say fever might appear a few days after the jab or even the wk after the jab...

how to take care of 2 ah...i am still trying to figure it out..haha...try my best lor..but bec i feel that jay is older and hence more aware of things, i prefer that the maid dun interact with him much coz i dun like him being too close to maid and bac jazzele is still young, hence the maid take care of jazzele more now over the wkends, feeding her ebm etc...coz at hm, only she can feed jaz ebm now...hubby cant coz jaz super diff to feed...for me is direct latch and on wkdays, i will latch her at nite and morning lor..hence wkends are alternating bet pumping, latching jaz some time and rest is spend playing wif jay, bathing him etc lor...but i hav to start spending more time wif jaz at nite and she turn 3 mths n think she shld be recognising pp voice and think the maid rock her to sleep, feed her quite a bit too hence dun wan her to b too close to maid as well...2 kids is reali a totally different ballgame man!! I admire kelly for bring able to do so and both kids super close to her...
Hi Augbb,
YOu still on TBF?
You can't compare yourself to Kelly lei, She is SAHM, got alot of times to bond with the boys, unlike FTWM...

Have you tried bringing the 2 of them out together? do you put Jaz on car seat too?
Thanks for the encouragement..

did u PM me? Coz i also like never rec PM nowadays leh..weird...pls email me at [email protected]

Ya jaz is still on TBF till now...i am more diligent wif jaz...pump 4x in office as compared to jay that time only 2x...n jay that time feed FM at night..jaz i persist on..at nite also latch...Ya we do bring them both out together...hubby will push jaz in stroller and jay will walk...i hold or carry jay...but not that often yet coz also worry too crowded place not too gd for jaz..jaz is currently lying in the maxi cosi infant car seat...but if car no space then sometimes i carry her instead of putting in car seat..
also this round, i bought nursing tops while for jay that time i din coz i only latch in the car n outside i will feed ebm coz he is not as impatient as jaz and hence can wait for ebm to be warm up but jaz cant so i latch here instead if she needs to feed...no time for myself much with 2 kids...everynite i sleep at 12+ n no time to go shopping..sigh..
haven even bought my cny clothes...sob sob...
augbb, piyo
i'm a paranoid, possessive & pyschotic mummy so definitely cant compare. i dun let my helper handle e boys when we r out, dun let her feed edward at all (unless i'm busy which is very rare), dun let her lull them 2 sleep, dun even let her show concern 4 my boys. i must stress i'm a SAHM. i know a FTWM cant achieve all these.
does your milk come in faster this time? any engorgement? wow you sounded more diligent this time... I am not sure this time I will be as diligent as megan's but I do hope to bf longer cos this is my last one liao :p but thinking of running long bfg marathon, I phobia hahaa..

Ya nursing tops are much easier.. you bot from momsinmind?
I fully agree with you on your description of yourself hahahaa....I am not like that else I will go mad..I told you b4 I was glad to be back at work after my maternity leave.. gif me some time for myself b4 going back home with my hands full and mother role again...
Hi augustmum,
ya, when can we tell whether our kids are hyperactive? I'm so worried that Kayden is hyperactive. He's always moving around, can't sit still for even 5 mins, always busy touching things. When i compare him with augbaby's jayden,etc during gatherings, i'm a bit concerned cos the rest can generally behave unlike him.

I'm not an expert in special needs. Know a bit abt autism as I have seen a few cases. Autistic kids are actually in a world of their own. They have difficulties relating to others. They usually have speech delay. Hence, if the kids do not talk by 3 years old, they could be referred to specialists.

Some have exceptionally high IQs actually. They could also be obsessed with certain things, eg, straight lines or numbers. One child I know is obsessed with computer programming books and is in Chinese High now.

These are what I know so far. However, it's very diff to handle a autistic kid. Thus, if you see one and the parent is having a diff time, pls try not to stare or be more understanding. Having an autistic kid is a very expensive affair and sadly, there's a long waiting list for special schools to help them.

As for hyperactive cases, I really do not know. Ya, when I went to the gathering at Botanic gardens, I realised most kids were very tame as compared to mine who were running everywhere...


if i hv a maid, I would do so too... that's why dare not get one... may end up more tired than before

saw yr blog on kueh bangkits. Wow, yrs look so successful. Mine cannot make it. Did you follow all the steps in the link you hv provided? Did you use a cake mixer or you hand to whisk? Must we knead the dough? When I read her instructions, there's no kneading but she said kneading is very important.

Quick, pass me some of yr kueh bangkit baking gungfu. Want to try tomorrow.

Wow, even Ed can help you. Have not let zac try yet.
i followed e recipe very closely n even got my helper 2 watch e video. i used a cake mixer 2 beat e eggs + sugar. e steps said 2 whisk in 1 direction but i dun tik i wanna trouble my maid cos i know pressing out e cookies is lotsa effort. i did make sure i beat e eggs + sugar long enuff until it looks not so yellow.

i did get helper 2 knead e dough as long as it seems ok. i tik i must hv finished 1 small container while waiting 4 it 2 cool.

when helper packed e kueh bangkit into e 2containers, husband was even impressed cos it looks like those bought outside.
oh...i did baked longer than 20mins at 150C. cos when i tried e cookies at 20mins, e inside of it still wet. i guess my kueh bangkit is rather thick so needed a longer time. e 1st batch of kueh bangkit (which took abt 30mins) were very soft. they really melted in my mouth but i was concerned if e inside got really cooked so i baked e 2nd batch abt 50mins. e 2nd batch ended up crunchy on e outside & slightly burnt below but after e initial bites, everything juz melts in ur mouth.

i guess if u roll out e dough thinner, u'll only need 2 bake 20mins?

gabe loved it very much. he ate a lot until i was concerned. he kept saying, "cookies very nice, mom". btw, e kueh bangkit do turned out very fragrant too, wif e coconut smell & not so sweet. u know i m concerned abt e sugar & salt intake 4 my boys so it had 2 pass my standard b4 i gave it 2 them.

ya, i do let edward get involved. he's rather advanced in terms of motor skills so i let him b.
4 me, wif a helper, it's more a relief 4 me cos i dun hv 2 do e mundane chores like making milk, preparing meals, packing up toys, etc. it's juz tat i have 2 constantly remind helper 2 b hands-off wif my boys n not 2 show concern 4 them, esp edward.

my helper adores edward cos he's impossibly cute.

i guess ur stand is e same as mine. a helper is no matter wat an outsider 2 e family, not a permanent fixture unlike grandparents or aunties/uncles. i've seen a few GFs whose kids got so attached 2 e helpers until it was hard 2 separate e kids fr them. very sad but cant help it cos my GFs are FTWM.

4 me, i even intend 2 change helper every 2yrs once their contract is up, 2 minimise any further attachment.

crazy mummy rt? like wat piyo agreed, i know i'm possessive, pyschotic & paranoid.
Talking about renewing maids contract, my maid's contract would end this oct, still thinking if she will be renewing, and if not what will be our plans cos by oct, no.2 will be 4mths and I will be just back at work...so hope any arrangements done can be earlier...

One reason I am sending megan to preschool full day is for her to "de-link" with my maid too
hi all mummy with maids , how much is the expenses every month huh ? cos i thinking of getting one too ... but wonder how much will it cost ... i m looking at indo maids =)

hi mummies,
talking abt maids, heard that a maid can't work in 2 households right? am thinking of getting one if i'm pregnant with no. 2 in the future so that she can offload my mum with the household chores while my mum takes care of the kids. but my mum's place is too small for the maid to sleep over. is it possible to employ one but she goes to my mum's house to help out but come back with me every night? will not ask her to work after we come home.
