(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Ceceila,

Ya horrible monday and week start for me. She is still very active just she is super skinny type. I learn to accept and treat her as high metabolism rate & inherit from hb side. Just hope milk is a must in her diet no matter what cos even for me till now i stil drink milk at least once a day hehehe. Esp Nat she is stil young too.. haiz.. hear too many stories of bbs drinking less milk and start worrying..

Thanks for the great hug! It does make me feel alot better...

Hi Cynthia,
Yah very tiring to be chasing her around, in Genting she practically walked non stop, gave me a headache man! hahaha

Dun be stressed out ok? Every child is different, as long as she's healthy & happy, we can rest our case ;)
Hi mummies,
sorry MIA cos injure my right hand some time ago... quite pain so din come in and post.. getting better liao but can be better!

All the babies look so cute!

Augbb's hubby just sms me that she's in hospital now. Checked in at 8.30am, broke water bag at 9.30am now only 4cm dilated... on epi and sleeping now
Hi Cynthia..my son used to drink v lil milk too..and he is skinny lor..i think they hve mood wan lor...there will be a phase they hate milk...the impt thing to do during tat phase is not to force it down their throat..cos it will backfire and made them really really HATE milk..u just continue to offer her..once my shyanne oso like tat...but i just let it be..after two weeks...she is bck to normal and drinking slightly more...as for my skinny boy..he is now a milk pot..asking for milk at every chance...but i restrict him lah..cos he is coming 4 yrs old oledi...
just my two cents worth...so dun worry k...
Hi Handi,

Thanks for the advise. Hope to see her drink back as normal and this problem been for 1mth liao. Keep my finger cross.

U take care too. Glad to hear ur arm alot better and fast recovery too yeah!

Ya, give her cheese. But mil one kind too.. Don give her. Tel me she don like it. Funny is she eat infront of me! Mind never think alike. What to do. When she is back with me I try give her what mil didnt give, Like SCOTTS she sometime still ok to take it though the taste is real awful.

Its Augbb turn! Lets wait for her good news.
I am thinking we can organise an outing this weekend, anyone interested? If there is no rain we go to VIVO for water play and if rain then to Go Go Bambini.

1) VIVO - for water play - No rain
2) Go Go Bambini - if rain

1) cocomo, hubby and Jay

If not the above, any other suggestion?
1) VIVO - for water play - No rain
2) Go Go Bambini - if rain

1) cocomo, hubby and Jay
2) kelly, hubby, edward & gabe

thks 4 ur sms. i do prefer vivo. hopefully no rain.
Congrates! Update BB photo when you got time.

1) VIVO - for water play - No rain
2) Go Go Bambini - if rain

1) cocomo, hubby and Jay
2) kelly, hubby, edward & gabe
3) Piyo, hubby and Megan
Re : Milk

Crisann love to drink milk. She is drinking more and more.

Hi Augbaby


Hi Cocomo

Can't join u all this sat cos we are planning to bring Crisann to Bird Park.
Augbaby way to go!!!!

Not going too. This sat going to a friend 1yr old party... cant seems to stop all these events maybe during this age haha.

So good.. ur gal love milk so much! Envy.
hi cocomo,
aidan enjoyed the waterplay at the zoo yesterday! thanks for your earlier posting on bringing swim attire along... Wud love to join VIVO outing but have a full mth party to attend, not sure what time yet...

i've recently read an article re. "balls pit" for kids... and became quite paranoid after that as it mentioned all sorts of things that were found underneath... dun think i'll bring aidan to GGB... unless i know how often they clean up the place!
Hi mummies,
augbaby's princess arrived at 3+pm today. Baby is healthy and weighs 3.14kg. Anyone wants to visit her tmr?

just got augBB's sms...

are you going to organise a visit to augBB and princess? who is getting gift n flowers?

her girl weighs almost the same as Sherovnn at birth, only 100gm apart.. =)
I got the sms too. So you gals going tomolo? I will need to check if I can make it tomolo coz will be at my Tuas office tomolo.
me got the sms too... fiona smsed me saying she going down tomolo afternoon... very excited...can hear fio very excited... but i working leh...if go can only go in the evening?

who is going?

btw, fio just sms again suggsting to set diapers and sent it to her place...haha
piyo and mummies,
If I can rush back to my RP office in the afternoon then I might be able to fetch some of you tomolo. Who's going?

Mummies to visit Augbaby Tuesday evening:-
1. cocomo (tentatively)
you roll over and pick me up ok? but need to cfm with you again tomolo k?

Mummies to visit Augbaby Tuesday evening:-
1. cocomo (tentatively)
2. piyo (tentatively)
me too but will be going down on my own unless there's someone working in the east too.

Mummies to visit Augbaby Tuesday evening:-
1. cocomo (tentatively)
2. piyo (tentatively
3. erin (tentatively)
Hi Cynthia,
Aden also refuses his milk. I've no choice but to feed him milk while he's asleep. I've been doing so long time ago, think when he's around 6 months old. Here's his meal schedule (All the milk intake is given while he's aleep, except the morning, just wake up one, thus, that's lesser):

Morning upon wake (7am+): Milk approx 10 ML
8 am - Nestle Cereal
10 am - nap, then approx 180 ML milk
11.30 am - 3/4 bowl of porridge. Fruits dependent if I got buy or prepare. My pil don't give him fruits one.
1.30 pm - nap, then approx 180 ML milk
4.30pm - 3/4 bowl of porridge. Fruits dependent if I got buy or prepare. My pil don't give him fruits one.
10 pm - sleep, then approx 180 ML milk

On the whole, during weekend, I would calculate his total milk intake for a day. It's roughly about 500 ML per day, sometimes lesser and sometimes more.

Jasmine is right. My PD also say the same thing to me whenever I told her Aden dun drink milk when he's awake. She told me to try cheese or other milk based products too. I sometimes give Aden banana for fruit and I mash and add in milk for him. Like that, he want it.

Mummies to visit Augbaby Tuesday evening:-
1. cocomo (tentatively)
2. piyo (tentatively
3. erin (tentatively)
4. jasmine @ 6:30pm (confirmed)
5. cynthia (confirmed rite??)
Hi crispyapple,

yah, i heard also that once bb passed 1 yr.. mostly can get by on 2 milk feeds morning & nite x 150ml min each feed.. ( and preferably not in bottle, which i muz say i am lazy to wean off!)

Of cos, if bb can drink more, iz good too.. but iz not compulsory..

So Cynthia & other mummies, please dun worry ok?
Hi mummies,
Denise isn't feeling too good after back from the trip, just now i came back from dinner found her voice hoarse and she was so cranky, wouldn't even let me put her down. This is the 1st time she got sick, hope she'll get well soon.

i may not be able to go wif you gals in the evening to visit augbaby tmr since denise is sick. i'll see how she feels tmr, or else i'll most probably go in the afternoon. thks cocomo for arranging the pick up.
i've bought a newborn gift set for augbaby, but if mummies here still want to go along wif my previous suggestion of ordering diaper for her, pls include me hor...TIA



i know a few of you follow my blog. i hv privatised it. those interested, pls list yr email addy below so i could send u the invite.

Hi Fiona..

Welcome back.. How is Denise?? A big hug for her okie.. hope she gets well soon..

Hi piyo..

glad to hear that your arms is recovering.. take care..

Hi augbaby..


Hi cocomo..

reg this sat, i check with hubby and let you know okie..

Regard to visiting augbaby, i might go tonight but check with hubby first.. have to go back and fetch zorian if going.. wat ward is she in hah?? thanks..
Morning mummies,

My girl is having a fever these two days, you know what, this is the first time after her birth that she has fever, hope its not too serious. I'll probably pop over during lunch to visit Augbaby since I'm pretty near to TMC, won't be joining you mummies in the evening.

Augustmum, if you don't mind, please send me your link, I enjoy reading your blog, like the way you express your thoughts:") Can mail to me at [email protected]
Hope Denise get well soon.

Please add me, [email protected]

I not sure if I can go to visit Augbb coz got meeting,let you know later if I am able to rush to my PR office.

aiyo, now you say then I a bit worry liao. Ya lo, all cover dunno what will be at the bottom of the balls hor. . . hope this Sat sunny day so go vivo! hee. . .

ok, you let us know. hope u can join coz long time never see zorian liao!
Mummies to visit Augbaby Tuesday evening:-
1. cocomo (tentatively)
2. piyo (tentatively)
3. erin (tentatively)
4. jasmine @ 6:30pm (confirmed)
5. cynthia (confirmed rite??)

Any of you buying anything?wanna share? or we go with Fio's suggestion to send diapers to her house?

Hi Cocomo,
Alamak! I just sms Augbb that we going down tonight lei... jia lat! you chop chop mtg lah! hahaha

Hi Fio,
How's Denise now? Bring her go c pd?

Hi Kris,
Thanks! recovering

Hi Augustmum,
My email address: [email protected]
morning mommies,

aiya, i cant make it today, coz i've got cell group mtg tonite. any mommies going another day? dunno if she will discharge tmr noon.. since it's 3D2N stay at TMC.. can those mommies visiting her later check for me?

maybe i'll see her at the princess' full-mth liao la, coz dowan to disturb her confinement.

Here is charlotte feeds,

Morning 7am - 180ML of milk
then she go back to sleep. then around 10pm she will wake up i will feed her cereal.

12pm- 180ml of milk

4pm - porridge (1 full bowl of porridge)

6-7pm- 180ml of milk (sometime only 150ml)

10.30pm - 180ml of milk.

i was wondering am i feeding her too much but sometimes she very cranky so i just give her milk then she will be happy liao.
Hi fiona and honeyb,
hope ur babies will recover soon.

hi piyo,
i shd be going down but will readh around 7.10pm if i can get a cab. if want to send diapers to her place, i can do that cos i'm staying near her.

hi cynthia,
Schedule of Kayden's food intake. Generally, his routine will be like this but sometimes might change depending on his appetite.

8.30am: 180 - 210ml of milk (he'll also eat bread afterwards with his grandfather)
10.30pm: 120ml of milk
1pm: 3/4 bowl of porridge
4pm: 180ml of milk
7.30pm: 1 bowl of porridge
12midnight: 240ml of milk


Mummies who are visiting Augbb,
pls send my regards to her as I won't be able to go visit her in the hospital.

Re : Justin food & milk intake
Very very flexible timing
9am : 1/2 bowl porridge
10-11am : 150ML milk
1pm : 1/2 bowl porridge
2-3pm : 150Ml milk
5-6pm : 1/2 bowl porridge
6-7pm : Mashed fruits or yoghurt
9-930pm : 180ML milk
3-7am : 180Ml milk (His night feeds returned but can't help it cos if dun feed him mlik he will cry and not go back to sleep, but if he sleep through the night, then will give him 180Ml milk upon waking around 7am)
Most likely ok to visit her. I am at extremely low mood now coz of my boss. . . my boss and this job is really driving me mad everyday! Really really really sian.

Jay's schedule as follows:-
4-6am 120ml-180ml milk
8-9am 210ml milk
9-10am steam egg/yoghurt (change alternate day)
11-12pm 1 bowl of porridge
12-3pm nap time
2:30-3:30pm 210ml milk
5:30-6:30pm 1 bowl of rice
8-10pm 150-210ml milk
hi..i would love to join u mommies to vivo on sat..but then my son has swimming lesson until 10am...so by the time i go...v late oledi...sigh...no chance to meet all of u...

hi augbb...congrats...rest well and do post pictures of princess...

augustmom..can add me to ur blog...email me at [email protected] thank u
To anyone who is visiting augbaby later,
Please send her my regards, cant go cos got appt liao.

If u dun mind can send me the link at [email protected]

Hope Denise is ok now...

Aiyo... what did u do till u hurt ur hand?? Take care y...
To anyone who is visiting augbaby later,
Please send her my regards, cant go cos got appt liao.

If u dun mind can send me the link at [email protected]

Hope Denise is ok now...

Aiyo... what did u do till u hurt ur hand?? Take care y...
jadelle's makan schedule:

7:30am: 120ml + latch in middle of night
8:30am: cereal + water
10am: snack (biscuit / fruit / bread/ yogurt)
11am: latch or milk x 5 oz
12:30pm: lunch ( porridge/ pasta/ steam egg yolk/ or whatever i try to conjure up!)
2pm: snack or fruit
3pm: milk x 4-5 oz or latch
5-6pm: porridge x 1 bowl
8pm: milk x 5 oz plus latch

at night still wake up to comfort latch leh.. trying to stop.. but hor.. i can only lun until 3am, then i really tired liao and give in.

Hi mummies,
thanks for all your concern. i've brought denise to c PD juz now after visiting augbaby. PD said it's viral and her throat & lips is red, so she's on med now...hope she gets well soon.

nice meeting you at the hosp, hope your gal recover soon too!

And now to share the good news of augbaby & her newborn...they looked great! Princess is so cute, make me wanna haf another baby ;P kekeke
share a few photos taken (sori piyo no pic of the pressie, hope you went down and saw it hehehe...nicely wrapped up)



