(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

congratulations on arrival of ur little princess! got a nume yet? and u look v gd altho' jus given birth!

wld love to be able to read ur blog too. can send me the link?

Hi cj,

I will need yr email addy to add you in...

Rest of the mummies,

I've sent the invites
Hi Hi!

Soory was busy at work didnt log in & feeling unwell too.. stomach flu for many days too..

Thanks mummies for sharing with me... but still lotsa milk into it. But anyway I will try to find soy-based to have add on to her.

Seems you have not intro 3 meals a day yet? PD ask me to intro cos he mention that now toddler need more than just milk. Maybe you start try give her rice? Nat she only have 2 teeth but surprisingly they are very smart to chew!

Too bad couldnt make it down to see Augbb..
cos mil prob again la.. haiz sian la Jasmine you know la.. Her bb so adorable! Shermeen look so full of POWER & ENERGY hehehehe.

Augustmum add in me okie.
i know a few of you follow my blog. i hv privatised it. those interested, pls list yr email addy below so i could send u the invite.

[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
This list just keep going!!!!
cos if i feed charlotte milk she will not take her porridge if i give her porridge she won't take her milk. i know i got to introduce her 3 solid meals. but if she don't want i cant force her..
hi mommies,

i was on MC yesterday, down with fever, but am okay liao.

thanks for the uploading the pics for us, Fiona! wow, augBB sure looks good! received her sms telling me tat she was discharging yesterday noon.

thanks cocomo for informing her! guess we'll meet during the princess' full-mth party liao! wow, so excited!!
Hi whitelady,
not sure if she has updated the blog but she said she'll post some pictures at a later date when she's free.
got your blog link, thanks.

yup, me n crispyapple both due in December. although her EDD abt a week later than me but not sure who will pop first leh? depend on our bbs lor.

wanted to ask u again the Lasinoh milk bag u bot can't fit into avent nurser but can it fit into normal bottles to pump milk? me now looking to find alternative to store EBM since now no more avent liners available. any recommendations? i will probably be using ameda pump again. must share how your breastfeeding turn out to be so successful.

btw, maybe other mummies can also share with me wat brand of nursing bra used the last time is most comfortable? ( for outing wear cos at home is not a problem ).

wen i tik about going to start the process -- give birth, confinement, breastfeeding--- is a mixed feeling. i really dislike the confinement part but look forward to holding bb in my arms again.haha..
hi mummies,
denise is feeling better already. she's a really strong gal, this is the 1st time she got sick and we were surprised she got over it so fast!

hi leobbsmom,
u r most welcome! i was juz so excited to share, augbaby looks really good rite eventhough she juz delivered...hee

hi augustmum,
Pls add me too...thks

[email protected]
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10. [email protected]
11. [email protected]
hi CJ,

lansinoh milk bag is the ziploc one right? i just pump into a bottle and pour into the milk bag and zip it up leh.. no pump in direct! It sure can store alot! at one shot can store like 200ml min!

otherwise, something similar to avent liners is playtex brand one.. i put it over the wide neck AVENT bottle and pump straight in.. but then, i hand express leh.. i dunno the playtex one, will screw on ok or not with your pump..

Ya, i really hate confinement part.. and the getting to know your baby initially is tough cos no pattern one!! I know cos, sigh.. my SIL juz pop and in confinement now.. i been eating confinement food with her for 1 month liaoz.. cos i have dinner there every weekday leh.. over heaty.. and YIKES! I hate it manz..
Good morning mummies, TGIF!! :")

Nice meeting you too, sorry I was rushing off that day, else could have spend more time chatting. Glad that Denise is better now. Augbaby always look so good huh, preggie or no preggie, think she didn't put on much weight this time round too.

Thanks, Hannah is better now, her temp is back to normal already, I discovered rashes on her body last night, hmmm...sounds so familiar huh, glad she is ok now, will still bring her to PD later to make sure she's fine.
Kelly and mummies,
Tomolo ON for VIVO at 10AM, meet at BURGER KING.

You do not have my blog link? My blog opened for public liao.But my hubby complained so might just make it private again. If i do so will add you in. hee. . .
hi mummies,
hvn come in for the pass few days and realised Augbb had popped
Gong Xi... gong xi..... I agree she still looks very good though just after delivery and..... she's look soooo YOUNG!!!
hi cocomo,
dun have the link leh. can pm me? thanks.

hi cocomo, piyo, kelly and jasmine
how was the gathering on sat? we din go cos was rather busy that day. are we having any more gatherings?
hi mummies,
finally free for a day so posting up kayden's photos.


naughty daddy putting a flower behind my ear. hey! i'm not a girl!
sure shall keep u all posted wen pop. me delivering at Raffles Hosp. wat abt u this time round? christmas n new year we gonna be doing confinement, so poor things cant go out.

hb said saw u at JL yesterday. quite a good sale rite? did u buy a lot of things?
Have PM you my blog address. Kayden's very cheeky but getting more and more yan dao liao!!!

itsy bitsy,
Soon or later!!!
mommies, thread is moving slow lately, why not just post the pics of our babies to keep each updated then!

here's a pic taken previous Sun, Shervonn(right) with her god-sister, Vanny.
At the end only 3 families there, ours, piyo and kelly's! I have updated Jay's blog with sime photos and video.

Sherv so cute! Her god sis looks like a mix?
hi cocomo,
received ur pm liao. seems like u bring jayden to a lot of places hor. kayden so ke lian. everyday, stay at home. the most only go downstairs or shopping malls only. haiz...

just saw the video. the kids are so cute. also saw ur video on cycling at ECP. talking abt it, why dun we organise one there? something like a picnic and the kids can play with the sand?
Helo mummies!

Do agree e thread is running slow. Maybe everyone is busy with work.

Very fast. Another 3mths like that a new year started! Thinking back when we all start chatting about our unborn till newborn till now toddler and even 2nd 3rd one. Its always a great joyous to enjoy been here sharing & stree relieving too.

Ok.. breaking a new. I am pregnant! Just tested. Cos was feeling funny.. appetitie still ok. As per normal. Hope wont have terrible MS like having Natalie. Hubby is the most delighted one cos we been trying to have one. Hope this 2nd one will bring us more joyous less worries yeah
Ha . . . I very 'huei ka', every weekend sure kaciao my hubby to go out. Think we enjoyed those places more than Jay did tho

Can organise for August babies gathering but then nowadays our August thread like wanna mati like that, not much response if organise outing le!!! sianz. . . . Anyway, let's try it out see if we can get this round successful:-

August babies gathering at ECP (picnic/cycling/sand playing - porkluck)

27 Oct 2007 (Saturday)-4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon

3rd Nov 2007 (Saturday)- 4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon

Will fix on the date with more response
ok Pups suggested Botanic garden. . . so now 2 places and 2 dates to choose liao. . .

August babies gathering at ECP (picnic/cycling/sand playing - porkluck)

27 Oct 2007 (Saturday)-4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon

3rd Nov 2007 (Saturday)- 4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon

August babies gathering at Botanic Garden (picnic - porkluck)

27 Oct 2007 (Saturday)-4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa

3rd Nov 2007 (Saturday)- 4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa

Will fix on the date with more response

CONGRATS!! haha... more babies on the way!!

our thread where got dying? u should see next month's thread. almost mati liaoz..

August babies gathering at ECP (picnic/cycling/sand playing - porkluck)
27 Oct 2007 (Saturday)-4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle

3rd Nov 2007 (Saturday)- 4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle

August babies gathering at Botanic Garden (picnic - porkluck)
27 Oct 2007 (Saturday)-4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa
4) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle

3rd Nov 2007 (Saturday)- 4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa
4) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
Morning mummies,

Cynthia, Congratulations!! Me very tempted to have second one but just change job, think its not very nice huh, maybe next year, take good care.

Cocomo, 4.30pm on Sat I cannot, Hannah has got BJG class, this semester abit xian cos all of you not around, the only kiddo that signed up other than Hannah is Hao Rei, the other 3 don't know one. Think after this semester will quit BJG liao.

congrats!!! so happy for you... keep us posted okie..


thanks so much for organizing.. so sorry cant make it last weekend cos maid just arrived.. hopefully things will settle down fast..

August babies gathering at ECP (picnic/cycling/sand playing - porkluck)
27 Oct 2007 (Saturday)-4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
4) kris, hubby, Zorian (tentatively)

3rd Nov 2007 (Saturday)- 4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
4) kris, hubby, Zorian (tentatively)

August babies gathering at Botanic Garden (picnic - porkluck)
27 Oct 2007 (Saturday)-4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa
4) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
5) kris, hubby, Zorian (tentatively)

3rd Nov 2007 (Saturday)- 4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa
4) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
5) kris, hubby, Zorian (tentatively)
hi mommies...

zorian has been getting up at nights crying.. dun want his milk, dun want his pacificer.. even carrying him might not stop his crying.. any ideas why??

hi honeyB..

zorian also still at BJG.. but he not very keen in those fleshcards anymore.. keep on looking at others babies walking around.. sigh..

hi cj..

how are you??
Maybe Zorian has a tooth popping out, thats why wake up and cry? One of my aunt told me if you touch baby's gums and its hotter on one side that means that area is in pain, not sure how true cos every time I tried to test for Hannah she will end up biting me.

Hannah is still ok with flash cards but now when she play at the gym, she doesn't want to get out, I think its more of me being very bored haa cos I find the sequence quite repetitive but no choice hubby likes it hmm...maybe next time I'll let hubby bring her in and I go and relax haa...
hi cyn,
congrats! Take care of yourself and have a smooth 9mths ahead!

Hi cocomo,
Thanks for organising! I can't make it on the 27th oct weekend but the following weekend ok!

August babies gathering at ECP (picnic/cycling/sand playing - porkluck)
27 Oct 2007 (Saturday)-4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
4) kris, hubby, Zorian (tentatively)

3rd Nov 2007 (Saturday)- 4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
4) kris, hubby, Zorian (tentatively)
5) Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid (I will think of what to bring down)

August babies gathering at Botanic Garden (picnic - porkluck)
27 Oct 2007 (Saturday)-4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa
4) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
5) kris, hubby, Zorian (tentatively)

3rd Nov 2007 (Saturday)- 4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa
4) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
5) kris, hubby, Zorian (tentatively)
6) Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid (I will think of what to bring down)

same same.. Zorian simply bites whenever i put my fingers in.. now very sleepy.. luckily the audit was over.. now have to close up the non conformities.. sian...

haaha.. ask ure hubby to bring lor.. then u can go relax... there is a cafe near the swimming pool.. can go there and drink kopi....
hi cocomo..

forget hubby out station on 27-Oct and that night got wedding dinner.. so cant make it on tat day.. 03-nov is ok for me..

August babies gathering at ECP (picnic/cycling/sand playing - porkluck)
27 Oct 2007 (Saturday)-4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle

3rd Nov 2007 (Saturday)- 4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
4) kris, hubby, Zorian
5) Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid (I will think of what to bring down)

August babies gathering at Botanic Garden (picnic - porkluck)
27 Oct 2007 (Saturday)-4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa
4) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle

3rd Nov 2007 (Saturday)- 4:30pm
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa
4) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
5) kris, hubby, Zorian
6) Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid (I will think of what to bring down)
Thanks mummuies for the concern. Hope this round will be smooth sailing as when I had Nat was not easy too.

I cant confirm any of the dates now lo... maybe set a deadline when to confirm? Discuss with Hb too and see which location is easier for us since we not driving yeah.

Sorry cant make it tis time cos we r still stuck in pasir ris on 27oct 430pm (gabe'll juz finish a class then)

i'm out of town on 3nov. husband babysitting e boys so i doubt he'll 1 2 bring them anywhere cos hard 2 handle without me around.

there was some spare funds left fr e aug bday bash. i need 2 check back how much was left. can i transfer tis $$ 2 <font color="ff0000">piyo</font> n let her buy something 2 e gathering?
