(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi, Crisann

same same here... Jia hui loves to eat what we eat lor....

during her mealtime, we cannot eat our meal at the same time cos she will reject her porridge or food we r feeding her & will ask us to feed her our food....

Jayden wishing all Aunties HAPPY AUTUMN FESTIVAL!!!!

jes & crisann,

my girl has 5 laterns liao...hahaha!! i guess i see the privileges of being the FIRST bb in the families! ^_^

our BBs seem to enjoy the "new" food ya! my girl used to be so innocent, but of late, she will cry even at the slightest issue! buey tahan her... esp when it comes to food and drink, she seems to love to "sample", and we gave her some to try..

my inlaws mentioned tat it's good tat she is "tam jiak", then she wont be picky at food when she grows up! dunno true anot lor...
Hi leobbsmon

Wah she has so many lanterns....

Let hope so. I also give Crisann those food i ate except for those which are oily. Cos don't give her she will cry. Last wk, she even eat fish with some chill. She don't even fill hot at all.

Hi Cocomo

Thks for Jadyen. Happy Mid Autumn Festival to Jayden too. Hope he enjoy playing with his lantern.
It's nice that your bb like to eat and tam jia. Jay used to be very tam jia, eat whatever we gave but dunno why last few days when we gave him he just spit out. I really buai tahan. Dun give he scream and cry but give he dun eat and make his clothes so dirty. Damn sian he developing bad habit.
thanks for the welcome again kekeke.... I didn't report here for 1 day, already so many posts, read till I blur hahaha.....

Your bb popped earlier arh, mine too. My EDD was actually 9 Aug on my 1st scan (was secretly happi that I'm gonna have a National Day bb) but who knows popped on 3 Aug -_______-"

My bb prefers to crawl than walk too. She'll only walk when holding onto support like table, chairs etc...but that does not include my arms hahaha.... when I hold her arms to support her, she'll bend her legs & want to crawl. This few days she refuse to walk again after that few steps few days back haiz...

Maybe ur bb is teething? Gums pain so when u put food in he'll spit out or he's bored with what you feed him

same here.. zorian also eat non stop and whatever we give him, he will bite big piece.. then he will hold on to your hand like scare we will finish up everything and he dun have any left.. but dun dare to give him too much cos he is still have slight diarrhoea.. his PD said some babies will have that which last for a few months..


Jayden so cute & handsome.. hope he enjoyed himself yesterday..

is he sian of his food??? zorian will split out food from his bowl.. but wen we scoope from our bowl, he will eat and eat.. see whether you want to try this out..
jay fever came bk again..
damn sian....juz brought him bk to the PD and PD gave him antiboties...so worried...sigh..somemore now bb may pop out anytime and dunno how too...so now hoping bb be good and dun pop out till jay is feeling better n fever no more...then at least i dun hav to worry abt him n can concentrate on the bb....if not difficult lor...

yr jay is reali v cute looking leh...u bought crocs for him to wear? look so nice....was still thinking our bb feet is still too small to wear crocs...
Hi Jas,
Sorry for the delay.. just back to office today cos injured my elbow. Here's the tt details:

26 Sep 2007 01:49 PM Singapore
To Account DBS Savings Plus
064-0-001778 Jasmine Lau
Amount S$205.44
Transaction Reference 1368550627
itsy bitsy/kRis,
Jay will eat his own food (cereal/porridge) but not those solid/hard type like rice/meat from us. Last time he used to eat but now even grapes and mango he spit out! It looks to me more like he purposely doing it one lo.

Hope Jayden's fever will subside soon. That sandle not crocs brand, it was 'qiong' one with same pattern/design, I bought from one of the neighbourhood shop cost me $5 and it is the smallest size. ha. . .
hi mummies,
so envy all yr bb got the chance to carry the "Lantern"..to bad dickson sleeping time is too earlier for this..(his routine sleeping time is abt 7:30pm..) hence no chance to enjoy this..

Jayden's look so enjoy with his lantern lei..and he can stand-up so stable..haha...dickson not able to stand up or walk at this moment yet..
still waiting for this day to come..

Hope jay getting well..and you too...take care both mummy and bb..not to worry too much now..
just nd to make sure Jay got enuf fluids and rest..
Hi augbaby,
hope jayden's fever will subside soon. do take care.

Hi cocomo,
jayden looked so steady on his feet holding the lantern. Looks like he's fascinated by the lantern.

i also bought the same shoes for kayden. they are still too big for him yet so it's still lying in the cupboard.
Hi superdad,
Kayden din get a chance to carry lantern yesterday too. his aunt came over for dinner and i ended up teaching her son. by the time we finished, kayden was already asleep.

luckily, i brought him for a pre-midautumn celebration last sun. Kayden seems to enjoy the paper lantern more than the doremon one (plastic type) which i bought for him. think he's scared by the music. haha...

Sher also spit out the food if she doesnt like or is full liao.. make her clothes dirty lor, so ma fan. but i dun scold her, coz she still doesnt know anything i guess.. maybe she doesnt know how to express herself yet, but if she does spit out her food, i will check with her if she still wants, she can express by nodding and shaking her head now.

but sometimes it's so funny when she shakes her head then realised tat she meant to say YES, then faster nods her head vigriously! kekeke!!

the rest of the mommies, how are your BB teething? Sher seems to stop teething leh, it's only those 7 teeth few mths back, and still those 7 teeth until now..

maybe u can share, coz i dunno if this is normal..
Jay likes to look into the lantern for the candle. Maybe he is curious how come the light moves!!! Then after a while he will throw the lantern into the floor and his mummy gotta 'qiong jiu' (save) the lantern from burning. We played with a group of kids under our void deck with lanterns and fire crackers.Think Jay enjoyed quite a lot coz he seldom play with so many gor gor and jie jie lo.

Jay scream for food so dun think he is full lo. He likes mango and grapes a lot but nowadays he just spit out and will do that 'pui pui pui' action. *faint*
Bought my gal to the temple near our house whereby they celebrate Mid autumn fest with lion and dragon dance. DD enjoy the whole process of lion dance and she got the chance to 'sayang' the lion.

Leobbsmon, Cocomo,
DD oso have the tendency to spit out her food. Always dirty her whole clothing during the makan time. She like Cocomo's Jay wanted to do the 'pui pui' action.

How is Jay's fever? Subside? Dun worry too much. Most importantly give him more fluid.
/b{check with all mummies} ,

when my baby open his mouth , is smelly , haha ... he got bad breath , what should i do ?? help help
white lady,
hm... give him chinese barley water to drink... not bad breath.. it's due to heaty.. my Elysia kena last week.. at first fever, then later gums swollen due to teethin, and somemore she's heaty too.. almost 1 week later then recovered... sigh... really make us worried... if u still feel unsafe, go to ur family doc to let him check on ur kid..

your boy so cute holding the lantern.. mine more interested in the battery operated "Star" (frm National day goody bag)...let her hold the paper lantern, she not really interested.. haha.. btw Elysia also wearing the similar shoe that Jay's wearing.. haha.. v comfortable.. somemore her feet wont sweat.. haha
hi augbaby..

how is Jay now?? hope he is much better.. dun worry too muchie.. all will turn out just fine..

hi piyo..

wat happen?? do take care and wish you speed recovery..

hi lebbsmom..

Zorian has a total of about 16 teeth.. 8 front teeth and 4 at the back of the mouth.. can see the spaces in between the teeth.. keekee..

hi WhiteLady..

Zorian's mouth also has smell when he is too heaty.. give your baby lots of water... overheaty can lead to cough and fever.. so whenever his mouth got smell, we kept on feeding him water every half hour.. must make sure they have sufficient water..

hi cocomo..

glad to hear that Jay enjoyed himself very much.. like Dickson, zorian still cant walk unassisted.. nowaday he love to stand and will always look for support.. so wonder when he will walk....
Hi Doris..

Zorian also love to play the "Star".. a friend of mine bought it for him during the NDP preview.. we happen to be around One Fullerton area.. wat is your color?? Ours is Green..
anyone giving ur baby Gain IQ? I have bottle of sample if you interested can get it from me.
I will also pass you the $3 discount voucher for Gain IQ.
Hi Kris

Wah Zorian has so many teeth already. Crisann only have 7 teeth. Out of 7 teeth, 3 just grow out.....

Hi Catherine

Crisann is taking Gain IQ now.
hi Doris..

wow.. she has so many of them.. keekee.. zorian loves his green one also.. but he only play for 5-10minutes..

hi crisann..

yap.. cos he love to eat.. keekee.. :p
the back four just came out also.. kept on bitting us.. leaving lots of marks on my hands and legs.. keekee..
Hi Catherine

Had PM u. Thks.

Hi Kris

Crisann also love to eat. V greedy. Wah the back four came out all at 1 time? Is he v cranky? Think is because of the teething that why Zorian is having fever and diarrhoea right? Crisann also also having diarrhoea for few days already. My mum say is due to teething. Her bottom was v red and is painful for her. So poor thing. heart so pain to see that. That day i was brushing teeth for her. She bite me. So pain due i almost cry out.
Hi Crisann..

it does not come out all at the same time.. once in morning, twice in afternoon and one before bedtime.. he not cranky.. checked with PD and PD said it is toddlers' diarrhoea.. he said some babies are like that.. dun know why also..

yeah lor.. bottom red and painful.. see already heartache.. so apply cream for him...
Hi Kris

Oic... Maybe depend on individual child. Cos Crisann is cranky when her teething is coming out.

Ya lor... really poor child....
Wah Zirian has so many teeth!!!! Jay only has 5, 2 top and 3 bottom. No wonder zorian fever and diarrhea. My PD said teething will not cause diarrhea and fever but because when teehing the baby tent to bite whatever they see coz itchy so will get virus and ended up diarrhea and fever.

Please sms me your address so that I can send the VCD to you. But will be maybe mid of next coz will not in Spore till monday.

How's your Jay? hope he's ok liao. My Jay oso fever last Thursday morning after taken chicken pots injection. After given medicine he was fine 3 hours later. Initially I was hesitate to bring him for the chicken pot jap but then the nurse told me I signed up the package previously which includes CP and MMR so bo bian gotta take lo.

our thread like moving very slow hor. seems like all are busy like me nowadays!
Good Morning mummies!

Hope everyone's doing well! Glance thru the updates, have to agree with Cocomo that our thread is moving very slow :")

I've also been busy with my new job, not much time to drop in for a chat. Have also set up my blog some time back and it has been there for weeks, no time to touch up and update, will share with you mummies when its done.

Wah, Zorian sure has lots of teeth, Hannah has 4 on top and 4 at the bottom and they are very lethal. Was bitten by her last Friday and it was so painful loh, when I checked the spot, it was bleeding, scary teeth, can't imagine when all her teeth are out...

What happened to you, hand ok already?
Hi kris,
sent u an email liao.

re: teeth
kayden has 8. 4 on top and 4 at the bottom. seems like 2 more sprouting out soon from the lower gums. a bit reddish and swollen and he's drooling again.

hi cocomo,
ya, thread's moving rather slow hor. guess all busy with work.

how's jayden now? hope he's feeling better. am bringing kayden down for his chicken pox jab this sat. now a bit worried when u said will get fever.

hi piyo,
oh dear. ur hand better?

hi augbaby,
how's jayden and u? abt to pop?
hi mummies,
ya our thread moving so slow liao...jay better...he has false mealses indeed...the rash appear on friday and he is super cranky at nite which PD say its normal bec of the rash...me still no signs...guess bb din wanna be a premmie coz i am today officially 37wks...jay was born on 37wks n 4days so gynae say if girl girl follow her gor gor then i will pop this wk lor...hee hee..dunno too lah...let her choose her own bday date lor...u all must try to visit me in hospital ya...if not i be super bored there..hate to stay in hospital one.. Jay now has 7 teeth...haha....2 already out top n botton and 2 more on top where u r see clearly the white part of the teeth coming out n the bottom got another one wich is sprouting out...so fast suddenly...
hi mummies,
when do we start brushing their teeth? i brought oral b stage 1 toothbrush yesterday. tried and he enjoyed the brushing part. but he doesn't like the toothpaste and dun really know how to spit out the water leh. in the end, i just brushed his teeth without the toothpaste and used cool boiled water in case he swallowed the water.
Hi augbaby,
wow!! sound fast..just 37wks pop out liao..
ya..agreed wif u tat staying at hospital is very boring..tat's y sophia wanna discharge next day after deliver..(no refund for remaining 1day @ RH)..KKH count by no. of days u stay n charge accordingly...

hope tat jay is fine b4 u go deliver..take care
hi mummies,
do far dickson only hv 8 teeth..(4 top & 4 bottom), guess most babies abt the same for this stage..

Oh ya..check wif all mummies here..
I do observe tat dickson will hv funny action whenever i introduce him with some food/snack wif oil..like soup, fried egg, french fries..once smell..he will turn his head away or push away the spoon..
last wkend try to feed him with fries..after one bite..he like very itch inside his ear..keep scratching it..and crying like un-easy lor...
tat's scaring me..

any mummies having this problem..?

n may be we an start to update our baby photo here..since we can't meet up frequently..at least we can see how's their progress..haha
see all e handsome boy and pretty girl here..
hi cocomo..

thanks so much for your help!! had sms you my address this morning..

Wow.. Jay recovered very fast.. For Zorian, it will usually takes a few days before his fever is gone..

Hi HoneyB..

totally understand.. Zorian bites me a lot also.. he will bite and pull.. very painful...

hi Erin..

thanks.. reply you email lor.. thanks so much for listening..

for brushing, we also bought Zorian a toothbrush but he dun like us to brush his teeth.. how you teach Kayden?? thanks..

hi Augbaby..

how is Jay now?? much better?? do take care and let us know once you pop.. cant wait to see your little princess..

hi superdad..

how are things at home?? Post some pictures of princess Vivan lah..

zorian simply eat everything.. so far eating not much an issue beside afraid he will overeat...
HI all .. me so stress , hai ~

my son having high fever for 2 days liao , the fever still no go down ... have been seeing PD for 2 time liao , then he just ask me to odserve , my son whole body n head is very hot , and hand n leg super cold .. i m sooo worried =(
White lady,
sounds like yr boy might hav false mealses coz his signs r v similiar to jayden...coz i also rem his legs n hands like not hot n only his neck n head...n when the fever finally go down, his body will hav rash...cant do anything much abt it for now juz monitor his temp and if its above 38.7degree then sponge him...too high temp not gd for bb now...n bec he is not well its natural that he will eat n drink less milk...

for me i use the First toothpaste bought from spree overseas that time organise by jas..maybe u wanna check wif jas if she has any left...for this one, the paste is edible and its banana n apple favour n jay likes it leh...its rather easy to use n i brush his teeth n his gums too...

our babies r growing up v fast hor...dickson look so cute still...

sure...will inform u ya...must come visit me hor..hope zorian will feel better soon too
hi Whitelady..

dun be too stress.. u must take good care of yourself..

when zorian had fever the last time round, his temperature is almost 40oC for two to three days.. i kept on sponging him and fed him with lots of water.. his hands and legs were cold as well.. he dun eat well but drank his milk.. try to give as much as water as possible.. if need to, force the water in by using a syringe..

hi augbaby..

will try my very best.. now have to take public transport.. keekee..

btw, how u train Jayden to brush teeth?? Zorian refused to brush his teeth..

hi whitelady,
hope ur boy will recover soon. can get a wet cloth and wipe him to cool down his temperature. repeat it for a few times.

hi augbaby,
i used the 1st toothpaste leh but kayden doesn't like the flavour. was initially enjoying the brushing process until i added the toothpaste. then he refused to open his mouth. so in the end, i brushed his teeth without using the toothpaste lor. is it ok if he swallowed the tap water? i used tap water at the beginning and realised that he din spit out the water so changed to cool boiled water.
