(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi whitelady..

wat i did is to wet my sponge/towel in a ice water and hold it on his head.. after 5-10 minutes, i will rewet the sponge/towel.. as it is cold, Zorian kept pushing my hand away.. so i district him with his favourite VCD and talk to him softly.. kept telling him it is ok and it is cold but will bring the fever down.. think my voice calm him down and he stop pulling my hand away.. i sponged him about 3 times a day, half an hour every time..

kris, erin,

I intro brush and paste to my boy when he was about 3+ months old. I use the finger brush with the First Teeth toothpaste everyday before his morning and evening bath. I think the earliest recommended age to intro First Teeth is 3 months according to the package. Last time only brush gums and tongue. Now there's 3 teeth to brush. He's ok with it and will open his mouth whenever we bring the brush to his mouth and tell him "brush teeth".

I was advised to intro brush and paste early cos my friend intro late and had problems getting his boy to accept the brush and paste in his mouth.

erin, you may want to find another brand of paste. My friend managed to find one that his boy agrees with and he was ok with brushing from then on.
the first teeth toothpaste with the finger brush, think dun need to get the child to rinse the mouth leh..juz brush can liao...can the toothpaste is edible lor...for me i straightaway add the toothpaste onto the brush and then brush his teeth n gum leh..he is ok..

PD and my friend advise me sponge is to use normal tap water and not ice water leh...

White lady,
we need to bring the temp down if its too high...so u shld sponge areas like under his armpits, his neck and then place the towel onto his forehead as well...n drink lotsa water like barley too...once the fever is down it shld be ok already...
hi mommies, good morning!

i just bought the pigeon stage 3 toothbrush for Sher, and she seems to enjoy brushing her teeth! she even can animate the action when i asked her, and went "shhh! shhh!! shhh!!" hahaha!! so funnie!
think tat's the sound she hears when my mom brushes her teeth, so she is sharing with us. =P

cocomo, i've seen the new pics taken at the zoo. great job at your blog, and those chinese words, do u write them urself?
calling superdad...
i wanna ask u abt adding lemon into water for bb when they are hving runny nose...wat's the portion??? Just once a day?? me need help lor..v sian leh..gal just recovered from flu and cough two weeks ago..then this morning...like got abit of mucus from the nose...so wanna try out the lemon water method..pls help..

I also use the 1st teeth enzyme toothpaste on Justin. But i din use the finger toothbrush cos he will bite my finger very hard, so i used the pigeon stage 2 toothbrush and coat the bristles with the toothpaste.

Kris and White lady,

I read from the baby magazine that we cannot use ice water cos the too low temperature may constict the blood vessels that bring blood to the brain. Its best to use lukewarm water or just tap water cos the rationale is to let the water evaporate from the skin and thus bringing down the temperature by doing so. I also just use a wet towel to wipe Justin if he's having a fever. Last time i use this water mat for Justin to lie on but now that he's walking and more active, he won't lie still on the mat. This mat is also recommended by KKH.

long time no pop in !!

<font color="0000ff">hi piyo</font>,
i got ur payment.. hehe..

<font color="0000ff">Hi whitelady</font>,

I agree with augbaby, i think ur DS having false measles, which is actually... SORE THROAT! So, that is why he rejecting hot milk and dry food like biscuits. If you got sore throat, i think we prefer cold milk rather then hot milk. My PD advise us to give jadelle colder milk instead for that period, true enough, cold milk, she drink leh.. hot milk, she threw it FAR FAR AWAY..

More signs:
1) High fever mostly at night > 38.5 degrees with cold hands & feet. Daytime, fever is controlled between 37-38.5 degrees with normal fever medication. This fever will last between 4-6 days.
2) Nape of neck will have 2 swollen lymph nodes to indicate body is counter attacking virus.
3) Rash will appear after fever for 2-3 days. Looks like heat rash type (pimply) and starts from back and spreads all over. PD says, the more it comes out, the faster the recovery.
4) DO not put anything on the rash. For fever, use Kool fever or sponge head with normal tap water. muz feed fever medication regularly.
5) Fever medication got 2 types, one for high fever, to be administered immediately when fever is more then 38.5 degrees. the other type is the normal fever medication to be taken every 4 hrs..
6) Feed lots of water (barley water, rice water, plain water, cool milk etc)

<font color="0000ff">hi erin</font>,
You try to give Kayden his own toothbrush? I give jadelle the pigeon one and we both brush our teeth in the morning together. This way, she learns what is toothbrush for. I am trying to teach her how to spit out the first teeth toothpaste and rinse her mouth with water..so far... haha...zero success!
Hello mummies,

Jadelle has starting walking a few steps yesterday from mummy's arms to daddy's arms.. Made me cry leh.. my princess no longer a baby liaoz.

Here iz updated photo of Jadelle @ IKEA Tampines. She played there until refused to come out.

<font color="0000ff">raccoon</font>,
thanks for updating us on GUG programme. It seems similar to JG's playnest. 1.5 hrs.. ~15 min iz playing with toys.. and waiting for the rest of the classmates to come.. and followed by cleaning up of toys..
There is also snack time and special playitem of the week and playground time with hand washing in between.

Jadelle learnt alot from JG.. I am glad to see her interacting with other kids and being so generous and sharing her toys too.
and here's an update pic of my little emperor who can be a little terror at times and drives u mad but also a little angel who melts ur heart with his big hugs and smiles.
Hi Hi everyone..

Natalie only have 2 bottom. slow right. she keep drooling but no sign of top. sian.
Toothbrush & Paste. I haven start on this.. maybe cos she only 2 bottom so i usually use cloth to clean for her. I heard as long more than 4teeth out, its time to brush..

She is walking stable by herself now.. sometime will fall for sure. But m glad is she v brave, cry n stand up herself phew.
hi handi,
i'm using the big lime juice..(lemon is for beauty e skin..hehe), just add/squeeze a few drop of lime jusice to the bottle will do..

for me..sometimes i do feed dickson with small spoon of lime+honey...his face change straight away...guess is too sour for him..but funny is he wanna it again and again..haha
hi superdad...i gave ah girl lemon juice wif water...so it is the green lime isit?? okie...maybe later i go get it..
thank you.
<font color="0000ff">hi cynthia</font>,

wah.. nat is so brave and smart yah? Jadelle now has 6 teeth still leh..

<font color="0000ff">raccoon!</font>,
you ah boy so handsome! your shelving behind very pretty leh.. where you buy it?

The book shelves u saw in the pic are built in shelves. This room was previously my hubby's study room so the shelve are for his books but now we turn it into a playroom for my ah boy lor. Not nice lah, white white very plain, the contractor designed it to look like the wardrobe in the same room.

Dunno why but up till today, still got pple ask if my ah boy is a boy or gal. Just brought him for his 4th hair cut, and the hairdresser still ask if he is boy or gal. Sigh...i tried my best to dress him like a boy liao.....sad rite.....
hi augbaby, leia, leobbsmom, jasmine and racoon,
thanks. am using the 1st teeth toothpaste. used to use a wet cloth to clean but now introduced the toothbrush. he enjoyed holding the toothbrush and brushing his teeth but without the toothpaste. perhaps will try out a few more times with the toothpaste to see if he's more used to it.
Hi racoon, augbaby..

oh.. i use ice water at that time.. opps...

hi whitelady..

glad to hear your son is much better.. sorry but understand from other mommies should use normal water, not ice water..

Zorian also super cranky after his fever and super sticky to me.. have to tahan okie.. they are unwell and cant tell us.. so have to try our best to tahan them.. sayang sayang him hor..

hi mommies..

any suggestions on improving our babies' immune system?? Zorian pretty weak and fall sick easily.. plus he cant take apples cos will sure to diarrhoe the next day.. so need your advise!! thanks!
GUG vs JG,
jasmine and racoon, i saw your posts abt GUG and JG and thought i'll make some comments here coz i've attended trial sessions for both. jasmine u're right that the activities are similar in both, the songs, story telling, snack time, art and craft etc, even the action songs are almost exactly the same! however, i think the major difference between the 2 is teachers. in JG, the teachers are really warm and friendly, they remember the names and quirks of the little toddlers, even during break/play times, they will walk around and interact with the different kids. in GUG, i find them very animated and they try really hard to be very upbeat when doing stories etc, but they are just not as warm nor friendly. also, JG has bigger studio (the one at evans road, not sure abt forum) and it doesn't feel crowded despite abt 12 pairs of kids plus helpers/mummies.

i do agree that a lot of things in gug (or even jg) can be done at home with the kids ourselves. but i think it's hard for kids nowadays to find playmates (like in our days) so unfortunately we hv to "pay" for playing. also, i hv to b frank tat i hardly find time nor energy to do full 1.5hrs of play with emma, so gg to a class ensures that she's entertained, and hopefully learn something in the process.

i guess different types of playgroups offer different learning opportunities, so mummies, do have a trial before signing up. i was gg to sign up with gug directly coz of the good feedback i've heard, but thankfully i didn't coz emma wasn't responsive to the class at all.
Latest pics of Jadon, taken on 29 September 2007 (Saturday) at exactly 13 months old. He was having a slight fever from flu then


This is taken on 30 September 2007 (Sunday). Much more alive now.



The Elmo stuff toys actually belong to me from many years ago. Now they are his. Not bad, eh? Hand me down toys from mummy... :D

agree with u. I was glad i went for the trial. I also heard lots of good feedback abt GUG so was on the verge of signing up straight away. But maybe Justin was already with Shichida so if i were to sign him for another class, it has to be very different if not depicts the purpose. Both GUG and JG are still good but we only have so much time with our kids over the weekends so really have to be selective in the classes they attend.

I'm now really looking forward to the JG holiday pgm in Nov with Justin

Is Emma attending any classes now?

Wow, ur Elmo was really in good condition. I also passed down some toys to Justin, my organ, books and some toy cars. Hoep he can take care of them the way i did......but looking at the way he torture his toys.......sigh
Hi White lady,

Hope ur darling is doing well now.. when bb sick we are the most worried and esp fever! scare..

Ya maybe she very tomboy bah. She daring also good so she learn all by herself. Maybe for me i let her go n learn fall n stand. As long dont fall on head etc so jus look out. BUT mil they will prefer to faster carry her.. haiz this is call spoilt or over-pamper?

SOmehow feel mil like to always compare Nat to other bb. Recently she keep telling me whoever bb is abt 10mths old can call ppl like ah ma papa mama those v simple and say Y nat so dont. Sometimes dono to stress or just let it be.. feel that been a mother is so hard nowadays like facing compeitition outside with other bbs. Still feel each has its own capability n growing stage.. sian.

Today not a day. LS! since last night.. now is super zombie at work..

Didnt see augbaby online.. wonder she go birth birth liao?
Hi White lady,

Hope ur darling is doing well now.. when bb sick we are the most worried and esp fever! scare..

Ya maybe she very tomboy bah. She daring also good so she learn all by herself. Maybe for me i let her go n learn fall n stand. As long dont fall on head etc so jus look out. BUT mil they will prefer to faster carry her.. haiz this is call spoilt or over-pamper?

SOmehow feel mil like to always compare Nat to other bb. Recently she keep telling me whoever bb is abt 10mths old can call ppl like ah ma papa mama those v simple and say Y nat so dont. Sometimes dono to stress or just let it be.. feel that been a mother is so hard nowadays like facing compeitition outside with other bbs. Still feel each has its own capability n growing stage.. sian.

Today not a day. LS! since last night.. now is super zombie at work..

Didnt see augbaby online.. wonder she go birth birth liao?
Sorry ah post 2x.. click wrongly.

Augbaby doing fine.. tot she go pop so sms her.. she is taking care of Jay at home lo cos her mum sick.. Cant wait for her to pop!
leia ,

how much did u buy ur son car ? so cute .. thinking og getting for my son . but the car can only move by their leg right ? cos my pd say , no more walker for my son , cos his walking progress too slow , he too lazy , thats y no walker for him . so i thinking of getting him this car , wonder will it help him in walking faster ??
Dun stress on nat baby development are different so cannot compare one..

like charlotte only just learn to walk a few steps only and she also dunnoe how to call papa n mama. but MUM MUM (eating)she know lar...

So dun worry about it.

just let ur son practise walk when holding to furnitures by himself.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Sharon,</font>

agree with you on JG's teachers being really warm and friendly.. I am very pleased with them so far. Jadelle was sick for 2 weeks and they allow me to carry forward her classes she missed to next term.

Forum's studios i think are quite big. but still abit crowded leh. I guess shopping centre locations tend to be crowded lah.. aircon mah..

<font color="0000ff">raccoon</font>,
ooh, your cupboards are built in ah.. got this classic look leh.. keke.. I am also looking forward to JG's holiday program, will get to spend 1 week of afternoons with my DD alone, without MIL!

<font color="0000ff">Cynthia</font>,
I was just wondering how come augbaby no see her online too.. keke.. imagine it was more then 1 yr ago when we smsed one another when we pop! Time really flies..

You feel better boh? btw, if u LS, better wash hands carefully before carry nat.. cos the LS bacteria really li hai, according to PD and will spread to bb fast.

<font color="ff0000">new rotavirus vaccine</font>
Saw in Mind your Body today about a new vaccine against more rotavirus strains.. cost 200 sgd.. what do you mummies think? I thinking to bring jadelle for the dosage leh.. cos she haven't taken rota virus yet..

The car (from Little Tikes) is his birthday present from some relative. Don't know how much.


Yes, Elmo in good condition cos I only use it for display. It's about a decade old. The eyes are somewhat yellowish with age. Can't be help I guess.


If I have a MIL like yours, I'll tell her straight in the face "Ya lor, my boy is slower than other babies lor. So?" That should shut her up since it's prolly what she wants to hear - you affirming her, that is. Anyway, my sympathies to you. I have v little patience with people like that. You will be richly blessed for your patience. :D

Ya lo.. I don dare to carry her or even feed her since yday and she is very very unhappy and keep crying and beat daddy! So poor thing.. but m glad cos it shows she wants me more than other ppl and mil always jealous BUT life tough for me cos I cant do my things.. Took med at least it stops for sometime.. hope faster recover..

Still remember 1yr back we sms each other.. chatting and so anxious about how our newborn will be. But I think if for me to have 2nd one.. the kind of excitement may not be that much bah. Nevertheless, we must be fair n give equal love too...

Leia, cath,
Think i stil have that patience to tolerate her at time. IF others I think cant stand it as keep saying listen also 'sick' I just smile to her say different baby different pattern cant be force. Since she walk as she like, play and though she drink less milk dono what reason also.. but she love rice n soup which I m glad too.. hope she grow fatter cos she still super skinny.
Augbaby wants me to thank all for concern and inform all that she not yet pop. Her mum sick so she need to take care of Jay. She will inform all once she pop.

Sorry still no time to burn for you, was MC ytday. Will burn and send out this weekend.

Reg the chinese wording in the blog,those comments I wrote it but stories and poems I copied one la. I do not have so much ink.

My Jay dun like to brush teeth le although I started the finger toothbrush when he was 5mth old. Everyday he will cry till very cam when come to brushing time. How huh, anyone can help?

Jade getting more and more xiao jie liao!!

I always find your Justin is very gor gor in this thread. I dun mean matured look, but very clever and 'jing' look.

Jadon so cute and I like the car very much, too baf my house too small to accomodate big size toy
hey cocomo,

Maybe u try to give him his own toothbrush? and brush with him side by side?? Jadelle also dun like me to rudely insert stuff into her own mouth. I think she wants me to be polite lor..
nowadays she also dun like the finger toothbrush.
I think more to come leh.. more tantrums and tempers thrown over stuff we think is not important to us, but important to them. e.g. removing their toys without asking permission or giving them warning.

Yah.. finally she looks like a girl.. so boyish last time.. haiz.. now, everyone says "girl ah?" to me.. last time, always "boy ah??" hahahaha.. maybe the old wives tale will be true and my next kid will be a boy! sigh.. no worries, not preggie yet.. will ttc only end of year to boost our chances to get a boy.
i signed emma up for jg right after the trial. what really won me over was that when one of the teachers carried emma, she didn't protest! tat has never happened before with strangers. she even let them kiss her! the holiday program is at evans road right? am sure u will enjoy!
I just bought pigeon second stage toothbursh for Jay, tried to brush for him and he just bite hardly on it le. very difficult to brush and after sometime he dun want liao.

nice to hear the good feedback abt JG
. Justin loves teachers who sing, i realised whenever i bring him for trials and if the teacher starts the class with singing, he will go to the teacher and get close with them. He also allowed his Shichida teacher to carry and hug him.
hi cocomo and jasmine,
i bought the oral b stage 1 toothbrush. Now he likes the toothpaste, kept biting the toothbrush and sucking on it. very difficult to brush his teeth? how ah?
cocomo, i bought the stage 3 brush liao... Sher seems to like it.. maybe it's novelty la, she seems to like the "shhh shhh" sound she hears while brushing teeth...

this morning, she stood outside my bathroom and watched me brush my teeth.. so i went near her and let her see clearly. Scarly she was afraid! she reversed and said she was scared(use her hand to pat her chest)... @___@|||

i tot maybe the vigorous action, plus the foam from the toothpaste scared her liao!! =P coz i hvnt started the baby toothpaste on Sher ma... =)

Leia, is Jadon's fever gone already? the first pic seems to be taken at teck chye terrace... issit?? =P
here's a lastest pic of Sher taken last Friday. my inlaws took her out after she cried whole morning, pestering my mom to go outing..

think she looks more like a girl liao...rite?
wanna ask if our bb shld be using NO. 4 or Variable flow now?

mommies using avent products, can share??
i'm currently using no. 4. =)
Ya lo, I also dunno how to teach him brush also as he just bitting the toothbrush!!! I got see one automatic one, maybe easier? Any comment?

Avent got variable flow one huh? I always tot No 4 is the highest level liao. I never see anything more than No 4 le. Jay's using No.4 now but flow too slow so I need to use niddle to make few more holes. Else he will take forever to finish!
hi Cynthia..

can understand how u feel.. my mil also compare my son with my nephew whom start walking from 10 months.. try to one ear in one ear out lor.. just let our little darlings grow up at their own pace..

R u feeling better from your LS already?? take care okie..

Hi Whitelady..

Is ure kid drinking Dumex?? Dumex having promotion.. if spend more than S$300 buying their milk powder, can exchange for the Little Tikes for $30 top up.. if not think the car is selling at $169..

Hi cocomo..

wat happen to you?? must take good care of yourself okie..

Hi erin..

thanks for the email.. reply you lor.. I also bought the Stage 1 oral B toothbrush for zorian.. but now the toothbrush is collecting dust cos he dun want to brush his teeth.. *sigh*

hi mommies..

anyone heard from piyo?? long time dun see her log in lor.. wonder if her hand has recovered....
hi mummies,
thanks all for the concern...me haven pop instead...maybe princess want to come out on 6oct...haha...coz 6aug is gor gor bday n 6sept is my dad bday...anyway now i am the one who is sick...sigh..seems like there is a bad virus going around my family...first its jay and then my mum n now its me...
me having the entire works...flu, cough, sore throat...hope i can recover soon and i wont pass it to jay...wearingt mask at hm now..anyway will sms the mummies when i pop hopefully soon and they will help me post online...
bought a t-shirt with a En Word on it meaning blessing and my girl's name got En as well so bought it for her..
Yesterday packed my girl's clothes realise i have got her too many clothes haha some only wear 1 or 2 times only.. shall not buy anymore..
Hi Mummies & Daddy

Long time never login. Was busy at work.

Re: Brushing teeth
Crisann enjoy brushing her teeth with 1st teeth toothpaste. Think maybe the toothpaste is sweet i guess. I also use the pigeon stage 2 toothbrush.
Kris ,

no , my son is on enfagrow ... =)

augbaby ,

have u pop ? =)

All mummies ,

i thinking of looking for courses for my son to take part in .. any suggestion ? cos i feel that , he cant learn much at home ... thinking of bringing him for those weekend class every fornight ?
Have been busying with my business , so stress , haha ... who need printing services , look for me ok ! haha

Long time no post my son photo ... =)
no long no update too...

took this pic with Bukoh Mary (93.3 DJ) on our trip to the zoo last weekend, and happened to be the charity event hosted by the chinese radio station.

Denise has been walking since last 2 weeks, manage to take this pic of her in Genting yday, we just came back today...

Hi Fiona,

Wow welcome back to Singapore hehehe.. Its always fun Bt tiring at time to chase after our DD when they are able to walk. They just cant seem to be tired at all.

Check with everyone... does all ur darlings drinking the amount of milk till now even after intro about 3days of solid a day? Getting so freak out. Nat she taking less n less milk. She prefer to take food instead milk & mil is giving me a big headache. She say want to stop her milk I SAY NO WAY. Its the 1st time I quarrel with her. Think it had reach to my limit since birth of Nat.

She been taking less milk. Now sometime not even 3oz WORSE than a newborn bb. She used to take 7oz every 3.5hrs. Now she also refuse her cereal. I try cornflakes or even museli cereal she also don wan esp when she see there is milk in it. This is how her time table is like:-

Morning upon wake (7am+) - Milk 1-2oz
9am - 1 pc WHite bread with Cheese
11am - 2oz milk and nap
1pm - Porridge
2pm - fruits
4pm - 3oz milk
630pm - Rice with soup (others + fruits)
9pm - 3oz milk before sleep.

She used to drink 6oz milk each time about 3x a day but now is cutting lesser. she only want it when she feel (ni gian). I give her Nan stage 3. Was thinking to give her Pedisure. Not sure can just switch? Cos i try to taste Nan mix with Pedisure its taste damn awful!

Its monday and sorry to hear my complains again... its so tiring & even quarrel with Hb. This makes don even dare to have 2nd one though we are trying now too. I told him, if 2nd one really comes I believe I am that type very YIM GIM again worrying and will rather scrimp n b a SAHM...

Cant work well today...

Monday blue har.... poor gal... <hugs>
My gal did drink lesser milk when she is starting got some solid. I think is ok lor cos she still active like before. Nat's timetable look perfectly fine to me lei... dun over-stress yourself. Nat still active as before rite?
