(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

cocomo/jas/all the other mummies,
we are all good parents with good hubbies and we all learn together to be a good wife

aiyo...stella very cute! feels like kissing her chubby cheeks

i don't haf experience with nose bleed too, do send zorian just for a check.

me same as cynthia, also will end up buy something for denise if i see her engross with it, but so far she nvr asks for anything. only if we are buying a loaf of bread, must not let her hold before paying at cashier bcos she'll kick a big fuss if we try to take away from her to scan at cashier booth...very pai sei :p

my son also , keep nose bleeding . Last month , he nose bleed in the middle of the night , alot , till he got choke and the blood come out from his mouth ! me n hubby hurry rush him to the A & E at KKH . End up , the doc also say is nothing . I ask for blood test or x ray , he say no need . But give me appointment for checking up 2 month later.

Before this incident , he had nose bleed quite offen , some time 2 week once ... i had bought him to see PD n GP , both say is ok . As long as they do not have bruises all over the body then its fine . Normally it happen cos they sleep in air con room , so too dry . And they tend to put their finger into their nose and they might poke the blood vessel , so it start to bleed . The PD ask me not to worry , as for a infant , there wont be any illness that will cause nose bleed . So there is nothing to worry .

When it happen , what we can do is , use our finger and press hard at the nose ( helps to stop the blood flown ) . Another is , try to stop our toddler from poking their nose ... =)

Another is, u can buy a humifier for ur aircon room

you dont have to worry much =)
Stella is so cute, love her cheeks, feel like kissing them haa, I bet her two gor gors must be fussing over her huh. :")

Thanks for sharing all your stories and tips! Its great to be able to learn from each other.

I enjoyed reading the story your posted, will use that to remind myself when I talk to Hannah...and I need more patience :")
Hi mummies,
I just back from my Detailed Scan. Doctor confirmed is a girl and everything are fine, so happy!
Will start to stock up pink colour clothes liao! hee. . .
cocomo ,

congrats ! 1 boy 1 girl , complete liao ! so good , can go and buy all those cute pink clothes =)

see so many mummy preggy , me so excited also , but next year is OX year , pple say no good ... so i think i got to wait till tiger year =P
hi mommies...

finally has the time to log in.. manage to finish reading the posts..

To all mommies & toddlers who are sick..

Hope all of you have recovered by now.. take care and drink lots of water.. weather nowaday super unpredicatable..

Re : balance between hubby & motherhood..

thanks to jasmommy for her advise and articule.. feel super guilty after reading.. i never have the patient with Zorian whenever he gets too sticky or noisy.. tend to lose my patient.. guess needs to brush up a lot on that..

as for wife, think i m the worst here.. always complaining to my hubby.. hubby is very much a family man.. he takes good care of us and his parents.. when things are not 'right' in my opinion, i will complain non stop.. guess have to learn from you mommies how to crub all these complaints and give him more reasons to come home.. haahaa..

hi cocomo..

congrats!! one guy one girl.. just nice..

thanks mommies for all ure concern and advise.. especially to White_Lady for sharing.. Zorian tends to nose bleed very frequent also.. last night he nose bleed alot again and after tat vomit out his milk and blood.. brought him to KKH emergency and same thing.. Doc say he has sensitive nose and nothing serious.. too dry cos sleep in air con room.. before that, brought him to two PDs whom also checked and confirm he is ok.. but just worry cos he tend to nose bleed every two weeks.. hope he will recover fast fast.. now thinking of letting him sleep with fan on will do... sigh..

To mommies who are pregnant..

how are you mommies?? guess i m the one who gain the most weight.. think i put on coming to 10 wks lor.. but recently feeling very depressed.. everything see already also upset.. sigh.. must tell my gynea the next time i see her.. the itchiness is not helping.. make me even more 'fian'.. work is busy cos this is the business time.. should be better after April..

thanks for listening.. all mommies and toddlers, enjoy your weekends..
Kris ,

you are welcome . Guess both our prince is the same pattern ! i came across someone saying , dont know cook what to drink will be better . i go check with my mum and let u know =) take care !

Should our DS/DD be toking now ? cos mine like cant tok much , i m thinking that he is slow learner . So just wanna check . What he can do now :

When we ask whether he want to do certain things anot , if he want , he will knob his head , if he dont want , he will keep quiet n wont move .

He can only say words like : dada , mama , gong , fish-ss . If we say cat , he will go " meow " ...
that's all !

I often see other kids that r smaller size n shorter and they can speak alot . So i m wondering is my DS normal ?
PLs share .. thank
Hi kelly,
stella really looks like her bros. she's so chubby n cute. hoping to see her soon.
can't confirm whether i'm attending the gathering yet cos my mil might want to go n pray to my fil. waiting for her to confirm the date.

hi cocomo,
congrats. seems like this year quite a lot of princesses being born. so many 'hao's.

hi whitelady,
why is the year of ox not good? was thinking of trying for next year aug (so baby can have same birthday month as gor gor) if possible. haha...

kayden also can't speak a lot. he can parrot what we say and name things or pictures in books but he can't express himself very clearly in sentences. He blabbers quite a lot and i often find myself having to guess what he''s trying to speak. Rather worried too.

hi kris,
don't worry so much about weight gain. the most, ask hb to pay for slimming package after giving birth. keke...
white lady,

zac can't say much too. Boys are usually slower in speech dev than girls. So, don't worry much.

You should be concern only if by age 3, he still doesn't speak.
erin00 ,

i also think of trying this nov then will have a bb next year august , also hope can same birthday cos i epi c sec one . haha ... But pple say girl born in OX not good .. i not sure ... but if wait another year , i old liao ... hai ~ if we give birth next year , is a 3 years gap , still ok ... if 4 years , abit much hor ...

Augustmum ,

For speaking , Raygen cant speak much , except keeping saying this baby talk , evryone say what he tok sound like Korean ! hahaha ...
hi all mummies,

Elysia jus kena HFM... so shack as she cant sleep well, luckily still able to eat, active as usual.. the red spots r jus like chicken pox... does any1 noe whether it needs 1 week to recover? Hope everyone takes great care of our troddlers... recently HFM goes up again...
congrats for having a gal

denise's not speaking much either accept alot of blabbering in baby language,..haha her daddy also said she sounds like korean

dun worry as long as they can understand us more than we can understand them at this stage, which is norm.

oh dear how did ellysia get HFM? Hope she gets well soon.
i think she got HFM is when we went to baby contest to support my bb nephew on last sun.. or maybe at playground.. cant really confirm ley.. but too sudden.. first mild fever, follow some blisters on her lips... then next day red spots like chicken pox all appear on her legs.. first 2 nites really cranky..now better liao..

same here.. elysia same as denise.. full of 'korean words'.. haha.. jus recently finally called my dad 'gong gong'.. my dad so happy..unlike my neice who is 2 weeks younger than Elysia, can speak so well...so hard to compare.. haha.. now my main concern is Elysia grows healthily.. ^^
hi White_lady..

Zorian talks only one word at a time.. like dog, cat, disc, go, carry, etc... but cant form sentense yet.. if we dun understand wat he is trying to say, he gets really angry.. if we repeat to confirm tat is what he wants, he will be super pissed and reply 'yes'.. haahaa.. his favourite and most clearly pronouned word is "No" (both in English & Teochew)..

dun have to worry too much lah.. I have a friend whose kid start talking at 3 years old.. the moment he started to talk, he talked in full sentense..

Hi Doris..

Hope Elysia gets well soon.. u take care also..

Hi Erin..

thanks.. but dun think hubby will pay for the bills from slimming centre.. he will accompany go jogging around our block instead.. haahaa...
hi, handi
sorry for the late reply. didn't log in after my last post. it's the branch at ridgewoowd. according to them, it's only 2 cases (brothers) and they have no other new cases after that plus they hv sterilised the place. so it's lessons as usual.
hi whitelady, fiona and doris,
Kayden too. sounds like korean and my family said it's because i watched too many korean dramas during my pregnancy. lol.

hi doris,
hope Elysia will recover soon.

hi kris,
u don't worry too uch abt the weight gain. must eat more nutritious food for u and baby. weight gain is normal during pregnancy. i'm the one who's putting on a lot of weight. feel so fat. somemore, i'm not pregnant. haiz... feel like going to slimming centres for some help but everyone's telling me not to do it. say it's a waste of money but i just can't seem to lose any flesh around my waist leh. so pek chek. hb also asks me to go jogging. perhaps will try slimming after no. 2.
Hi mummies who bought leapfrog learning system,
can i get feedback abt the system? does ur child enjoy using the system? is it value for money? TIA.
Thanks. Will start my shopping for pink clothes now!!
However, she is a small baby. Doc said her size is small to avg only. Compare to my Aug thread's other babies, mine is the smallest! But dun worry I believe she will catch up soon!

Hope Elysia gets well soon.

Dun worry about the weight gain, as long as baby and yourself healthy then just eat whatever you feel like. You BF later can lose a lot of weight!! I also just eat whatever I want, esp I like durian! Doctor just told me to be careful with my diet esp carbo food as she found out my suger level a bit high.

Jay can point and tell what the pictures on the leapfrog learning system mean whenever you ask him. However, he still dun quite discipline as he like to just flip the pages without patiently going thru page by page. I think the system is only good for their age now if you have the time to sit down and go thru with them. At this age if you let them play the system by their own they will just anyhow flip and press I think.
erin & cocomo,

i like the leapfrog learning system! I showed jadelle that she must press the green GO button 1st.. and she learn it very fast. although she anyhow flip, she know that she must press green GO button 1st to activate the page's properly!!
hi erin..

u always look good to me whenever we meet.. dun go slimming centre lah.. feedback from friends also not too good... since u r trying for no. 2, then just slim down after tat lor..

hi cocomo..

like u, i love durians.. but dun cant get any good ones.. where u usually buy yours from?? i eat very unhealthy this time round.. lots of ice cream and cold drinks.. dun know why but the urge very strong for these foods.. also been drinking coffee at least twice a week... i eat every two hours non stop.. going for my check up next monday.. hopefully wont get into trouble.. keekee..

u take care okie.. all will be fine.. dun worry.. just eat healthy lor.. keekee..

if you are buying the system from spree, remember to buy the books as well cos the books are very expensive in singapore, nearly $30!!! It costs about $13 if you buy from spree.

I bought read and write for my older boy. Just ordered one little touch leappad from a spree for zac.
um...now HFM very scary hor...denise will start cc in a mth's time, kinda worrying for me. sayang elysia for me.

dun worry abt the weight gain, me also gained more than 10kg liao hahaha...now munching something while typing this post some more kekeke.. i also love durian, mine bought by mil in jurong west blk 500+ fruit stall, those bittersweet kind...nice

and i just asked a colleague to help me buy goodwood park durian puff(she got 20% discount), the whole box is in the fridge now, can't wait to go home and attack it...hiak hiak hiak

ya i'm sure your princess will catch up with her weight in no time.

aiyo you look so good, try for 2nd one then decide later lah

denise doesn't own a leapfrog learning system but something similar bah...not sure. she's the other way round, always like to press the red button which goes "bye bye" and she'll reply after it...hahaha
fiona, jas and erin,

Justin loves to remove the cartirdge from his little touch system and also press the "on/off" button. At his age, its better to sit him down when he's using the system, can't leave him alone to use it, cos he'll flip the pages so hard and rough.

Preggie mummies,

I'm now into 5th month like cocomo but only started to put on weight cos I din put on any up to 4th mth plus. I have no specific cravings so just eat 3 normal meals. Moreover, I've been badly hit by flu 2 times during this pregnancy so my MIL was basically cooking me very healthy dishes every day like I've been eating noodle or bee hoon soup with vegetables for 1 mth almost everyday. Tomorrow is my check up with gynae, will see what he says.
Hope Elysia gets well soon. do take care!

now then i know wat is "chi de shi fu", coz it really feels terrible when i wanna eat but i cant swallow it. like racoon, i'm now 4mths liao, i never gained any weight. but weight is not an issue to me since i put on 19kg for Sherv. but is the eating issue tat gets me down, i'm a glutton yet i cant wat anything tat i like or hv craving for.

but luckily BB has been growing, tat's enuff for me liao. glad to know BB is growing healthily. i'm due for my detailed scan next appt, so excited!

oh yes! CONGRATS to cocomo on having a baby girl! after this u can "relag one corner" liao! see if u wanna continue for no. 3 or not... =P
Usually I will go Gaylang to buy at Sat night. I buy till I know that seller liao so he always help me to choose nice durian. yummy! I like ice-cream and cold drink as well, taking almost everyday. Cannot huh? Cold stuff still ok right as long as not 'han 寒' in nature type?

ya lo. Most likely will stop at 2!!
anyone travelled last time while breastfeeding can advise me whether any place to pump milk at Changi Airport after check-in? this weekend going on short trip, i worry after the flight plus transfer to hotel, overdue timing for pumping. will appreciate if anyone can advise?

lota of handicap toilets.. try those. more private. cleaner. and got wash basin to put stuff/ wash hands/ bottles. got ledge behind toiletbowl also to put things and hooks behind doors.

make sure u put lots of those dry hands type of napkins before u dump ur stuff down on the ledge!
hi fiona..

think i more like you.. always munching away but my tummy super small.. haahaa.. i just eat whenever i feel like lor.. if go hungry, i become very very light headed..

hi racoon..

u take care yeah.. keep us posted on the baby gender...

hi leobbsmom...

so sorry to hear tat.. as u say, baby is growing.. that is most important..

hi cocomo..

sure ure princess will catch up in no time..

my MIL said better dun take cold stuff.. including ice cream, ice water, etc.. cos she said might cause phlegam in baby after birth.. so controlling lor..

hi cj..

where u going?? enjoy yourself okie..
me too also worrying about pumping leh....We are going to melbourne end of this mth and i gotta pump onboard the plane...sigh...worrying abt it now coz not bringing jazzele go...How long will u be continuing yr bfing ah?

Anyone using medela pump and have pump abroad when travelling b4...coz i do not know if i can find a electrical point esp if i am travelling in the car....n i have a battery pack but not sure how to use it...any mummies can advise..
hi mummies,
thanks for ur advice about the leapfrog.

hi fiona and kris,
guess might try after no.2 then. recently put on a lot of weight. colleagues and family members have commented on it. now trying to exercise and reduce my carbo intake.

hi kris,
i took ice-cream everyday during the 2nd trimester cos got craving. think it's ok cos not the 'cooling' stuff.
can i check if u all feed yr todd with multivitamins? Coz i feel that jay is falling sick rather often and would like to start him on some vitamins etc.. He is currently only taking cod liver oil in original favour. Those that can be bought in NTUC kind...is it gd eno? Can you please let me know wat are u feeding yr todd if any...coz i got a friend in US and coming bk and i though can ask him to help me buy directly from US since some of the spree is from US for vitamins etc...thanks...
Yoz Cocomo,
Congrats with a bb gal!!! Start stocking up hehehe.

Ya recently HFMD is up again. Don worry. Believing Elysia can overcome & recover real fast! Meantime U must take care of urself too and rest more don fall sick.

Kris, Fiona, Racoon & leobbsmom
Hmm now 29weeks and I gain about 3kg so far... Eat as per normal but lucky bb is growing. Now she weigh 1.35kg
hope she be more than 3kg when out. Recently having cramps & gynae mention can be early contractions & now taking medication lo.. Gynae say REST MORE don walk so much
hai.. i cant stop walking even @ home must find things to do! Jia Lat... So now scare liao, try to rest more & delegate Nat with mil at times lo cos she always want mi to carry esp when we are alone at home. Also don't know why she like to be carried so often arrghh...

I also don have much cravings. This round also alot junk like cold drinks! Mayb due to e weather too.. & not regular taking my fish oil folic too.. sometime even lazy to tk my meals try to catch some sleep! Getting tiring day by day.. everyday seem to need chicken essence & pao sheng.. WOnder why this round I seem so weak.. hai. No matter how much weigh gain we had, just remember to take more nutrition foods shld be ok liao. Craving must curb too hehehe
cyn cyn,

i also find tat when we are busier when we are at home!! hahaha! dunno why, will hv things to do no matter wat. sigh... "lau lu ming"...

glad to hear tat u r eating per normal, dun put on so much is the best but BB can put on inside! =P oh, is 3kg an ideal weight for NB? coz Sherv was 3.13kg, and i find it so hard to deliver liao... i hope this time the BB can be lesser than 3kg... 2.5kg the best! =P if it's healthy la, coz i dowan to compromise BB's health also.

when i can eat normal, i hope to control my intake. dowan to "fang si" like last time, eat all i wan, dun care at all. coz i dowan my back to look like a white board anymore... =( my siblings used to say my back can be used as a white board at school... BIG AND HUGE.... so sad!!!!

Realli "lau lu ming" hehehe. Maybe for me I felt 3kg abv is what I wan. That time Nat out was 3.3kg so hoping this one will be around that too. And I cant recall which article I read mentioning NB with weight 3kg abv when birth can be more easier to manage & also less health issue. I not sure how true applies to everyone else, but for my case, TOUCH WOOD, Nat hardly fall sick with flu or cough etc even though sometime she stil get contact with my super prone to virus nephew whom been sick almost every mth... I think no matter how is how we going to take care of them when they are out ba.

I try to cut down high carb or fried food lo. Sometime i stil take cos u know.. craving : I try break into small meals cos been experiencing heartburn. Normally will every 4hrs have sometime to eat bah. Luckly this round taking milk is not an issue hehehe.

Aiya don bother what ur siblings say. No matter how after birth our bone will expand for sure & also slight look bigger than normal. Most impt HB don mind yeah
All mummies,
Tks for the concern.. Elysia is doing fine.. jus not comfortable looking at the red marks on herself.. kept pointing at the marks to show me.. wanting me to sayang her..being a very very 'guai' darling ...wanting me to apply cream for her.. haha.. appetite no problem.. drink lots of water...
Now is hopefully the marks quickly dry up so that she wont wan to scratch herself when sees the marks..
All mummies, do take care of urselves & toddlers... ^^
Kris, Racoon, leobbsmom & cynthia,
me also very glutton kind...i know what u mean when during MS can't eat...was so terrible.

i'm not sure but is my baby on the big side if he weighs over 800gm at 24-25wks? denise's birth weight was 3.68kg, and i had a hard time inducing for more than 20 hrs, hope this round won't haf to go thru the same thing.

my tummy now very big leh...can really feel the weight on my legs when i walk around, very easily tired too...looking forward to the big day alrdy hahaha...

last time when i was on flight, i brought my avent manual pump instead of the medela, bcos pai sei got motor sound when i pump on board mah... what i did was, tied a shawl around me and i just pumped then went to toilet to throw away the milk bcos didn't bring denise along during that trip.
Cynthia & Augbaby,

get Vitamin C when you are sick still can look after her and prevent sickness to pass on to her.

Which i did last week when i was still having flu, I was afraid of pass the flu to her but becos of hubby want our DD to come home so no choice i get DD Vitamin C to prevent Passing virus to her. Its really help and i checked with pharmacy child below 2 yr old give them 30g of vit C is more then enough.

I also got the product with is made of goats milk it is sweet type but its not sweet at all same goes to the vit c.

Goast milk have some vitamins in also can help with baby skin allergy.

you take care of yrself okie and pls rest more and no housework pls... and try to avoid curry and spices which my trigger off labor...
hi erin..

thanks.. i see how lor.. i also have craving for cold stuff like ice cream.. trying to take once a week only.. keekee.. m sure u have no prob cutting down.. then bf no 2 will definitely help.. hope to hear ure good news soon..

hi augbaby..

i only give zorian fish oil.. will also make fresh orange juice for him at least once a week.. so far he is ok beside his nose bleed whenever he refuses to take water..

hi cynthia..

must take care and rest more okie..

same lah.. zorian also wants to be carried everytime.. he dun like to come down to walk whenever we go out.. also dun want my maid to carry him.. sometimes i too tired just go by force lor.. keekee.. let him protest but my maid will distract him to look at things lor..

hi leobbmom..

just eat normally and healthy lor.. usually pregnant mommies' bone will grow slightly bigger.. but dun worry ok.. as long as hubby dun mind will do.. after tat, then cut and maintain back our figures lor.. keekee..

hi fiona..

glad tat u r eating so well.. keekee.. my tummy super small compare when pregnant with zorian.. maybe it is a gal lah.. when board train / bus, ppl usually give me a funny look.. wondering i m fat or pregnant.. haahaa
hi, augbaby
regarding expressing onboard the plane. no prob. no need to worry so much. u can just tell the stewardess that u'll be using the toilet to express so will take long inside in case other passengers thot someone fainted inside cos take so long. that's what i did when i went to south africa last year without bb. they are very understanding. think i expressed twice while onboard cos of the long flight. used my avent electric uno with battery pack while onboard. dun worry abt the motor noise. think the other pple can't really hear cos the plane engine also got some noise. but u'll feel very saiyang...each time u pump u throw away the milk very wasted. each time i pour away i feel so sad. ended up throwing away so much milk. enjoy the trip...
Hey mummies..a quick update..went for my checkup last week & gynae says my baby still very small desptie me being 34 weeks already..onli 1.8Kg..but i hv oredi put on 10kg...Hopefully babay can gain somemore weight before he is out..else same like gengen..birth only 2.1kg.

I hv to admit im getting old..this pregnancy like making me really lethargic..makes me wonder if im goin to hv #3.

hi jas n mummies, thanks for advise.

me too not bringing Langyer along. It's jus a short trip with hb's company to Ho CHi Minh. Luckily it's a short flight so i wont need to pump on board. Hate the plane toilets, always got to balance myself using the toilet, cant imagine got to pump milk inside. We not gonna extend the trip cos will miss the kids n also afraid not enuff frozen BM supply for Lang. Will feel very saiyang throwing away the milk too but too bad cant bring back for her lor.

Now my worry is becos Kaefer is ill. He's coughing badly n crying about the phelgm in his throat. Nose also running terribly. Hai, jus wen about to travel he fell ill... probably will be thinking abt kids more than enjoying the trip. hopefully dun pass to Lang.. keep my fingers crossed. As for Vitiamins, i asked PD before, but he told me only cod liver oil. As for others, if the toddlers are taking their milk n balanced diet, no need lor. But i m also keen to try out some if anyone got good recommendation.
