(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hope rachelle's feeling better already....ya very siong for everyone when child's not well.

same as you, i would clearly prefer CC which allows me to spend some time wif my gal rather than tell me straight not to come in. i'll excuse myself one lor...dun tink it's a good idea to hang around too much too...remember i told you we spent half a day at this CC within my workplace? the CC does allow parents to accompany but some just left their child alone on the very 1st day, and she was crying non-stop wif a few others until i cannot stand it man! so i think it's also up to individual lah, must act according to the child's temperament and characteristic. So happy for you that megan is adapting so well now

do you send jay for any classes? just concern that recently he's been falling sick quite often. hope he gets better soon

is zoophonics gd?

i totally agree wif u abt educating e kid is a must. husband n my jaws juz dropped recently when we r signing up e boys for an enrichment class starting in jul, on top of their swim class & music class (for gabe). edward's music class, gabe's art class n stella's enrichment class all starting next jan, not 4getting e usual classes which r ongoing. *faint*

noah enjoys it very much and he does pick up the sound of letters, though he's still mixing up the name and sound of the letter. However, find the centre very crowded all the time, with so many parents and kids around.

you can try out their holiday programs first...

Ya, it's really expensive to educate them. That's why I'm very reluctant to have a third one. If have a third one, then I would sign up for master in childhood edu and then apply to be a principal in a cc, then put the kids there, monitor the teachers closely to make sure they are the types of teachers i want my children to have, plan programs which are good... but I hope that would never happen...

But truthfully, I really admire you... sometimes really wonder how you can cope
hi erin, piyo,
guess not much interest in the JG hol program... now i'm also checking out CC for aidan to start in Sept once my maid's contract expires... will be visiting the centres tomorrow... went to two few weeks ago and dun really like them so hopefully i can find a suitable one tom...
Hi fiona,
i gave the vitamin c directly. he's ok with the flavour though he dislikes it at the beginning.

hi augbaby,
my sis bought for me from kkh pharmacy. think can get from guardian around $6+.

hope jayden will recover soon.
Hi erin and mummies,
are you giving any multivit on top of vit c?
Necessary to gif?

Hi jokojoko,
Haf you explored Josiah Monte at milennia Walk since you walked ard there? you not renewing your maid? or getting a new one?

hi kelly,
how much you spending on such classes? like a lot...*faints*
That's y I admire you for having 3!

hi augmum,
me like you, will stop at 2.. dun thk I can manage with 3

Hi Fio,
have you cfm Denise's CC liao?
the enervon c is a multivit

the CC hasn't call me back, should be still awaiting news from mcys. i'll call them to find out by this coming week, hope got good news.
currently it's $500+ per mth for gabe's swim, music, phonics, kindy & enrichment (ros) classes & edward's 2x wkly enrichment class (at ros too).

if i let my boys join the prog (which i like very much), it'll increase to $800+ per mth. then if i let my girl join in jan09 (e only enrichment she'll hv) n my boys'll hv e following...

gabe - swim, art, music, kindy, enrichment, phonics?
edward - swim, music, kindy, enrichment
stella - 1x wkly enrichment

in jan09, for 3kids' enrichment classes + proper 3hrs daily school for e 2boys, it'll hit $1300+ cash.

sigh! tat's y husband did e sums 2nite n dropped me e news tat i betta dun consider tat new prog. i very sad leh. u call me 2mrw, we chit chat lah.

we also planning 2 change our car 2 a MPV (probably honda stream) so instalment'll increase by abt 20%, so will rd tax & ins. sian man!
Am gv my children Nordic DHA strawberry flavour beside the GNC multivit. DS is ok with it bt my rachelle....sigh..... hate it. Only started them for a month.

butter8,am over at the west too.Actually saw u quite a few times at HV shopping ctr & vivo city.. just that you were too far for me to call out to you.... : )
maybe we can even start our own playgroup with cocomo, superdad, piyo ... anyone else??

Piyo,i went to visit megan's school on friday. Thinking of sending keiran for halfday PG. Didnt see your megan in school. the principal didnt allow me to peep into the kitchen, did you manage to have a look at their kitchen? Thought that was quite unusual as i visited quite a number of schs, and they allowed me to have a look.
hi, i'm also an august/06 mum.
thinking of letting my girl go for a playgroup when she turns 2 yrs.
any good recomendation here?
My in-laws told me about one in blk 30 bedok south ave 2. anyone has any info? care to share?

hi piyo,
hubby dun wanna extend the maid... cant put aidan ard work place cuz i need to OT sometimes.. so headache, only can look for those near home... just went to Kovan MMI thought ok but quite noisy with planes flying ard.. now considering bestcare montessori but dunno if good so gotta do some research...
hi mummies,
anyone knows whether it's necessary to get training pants? i've bought potty as well as the toilet seat for kids but he doesn't know how to indicate he needs to use it leh. he only removes his diaper when it's very wet. i'm so confused about potty training. for boys, do we get them to sit or to stand? hb says stand but some books say to let them sit. any advice? TIA.

training pants din work for my older son, hence they became white elephants. Potty was useful initially but very soon, he was using our toilet bowl. Child's toilet seat is a must esp when they are pooing. My boy stands to pee...

Anyway, he was toilet trained only when he was near three and could speak very well...

For zac, since he would go to cc once he turns 3, I would let the school do the job...
Hi Mummies

Thks for all your concern and advise.

Hi Piyo

We really face the same problem. I'm like u almost give up.

U are right abt not allowing parent to accompany the tod to CC as they have experience too many cases that tod will take longer time to adapt. Cos I also know that if I will to accompany her for few days she will sure stick to me like superglue. So that why I didn't insist. But feeling v bad.

I didn't want to change the CC is due to this CC is a small scale CC which hardly find. The teacher and principal there is v caring and patient. I went to talk to the principal on Fri about wanted to withdraw her. So the principal talk to me and tell me I should try for another wk. So today she went to school after 3 days of resting. The principal had transfer a teacher fm the HQ to solely take care of crisann. She looks happier today. So will let her try again and see how she is before deciding to withdraw or continue.
Hi augustmum,
thanks. guess will not get them then. he's going to playgroup at a cc this june. guess will let the school do the job then and i follow up.
morning mommies..

how is everyone?? hope all mommies and babies are growing up well...

just an update and need some advise.. Zorian fell off my bed this morning at 4am wen i was making milk.. cried only for a while and the moment he saw his milk, he just stopped crying and asked for his milk.. hopefully the fall dun hurt him much.. sigh.. after tat, he insisted to sleep on my arms and at 6am, when my alarm clock went off, his eyes were super big and refuse to let me go bath and get ready for work... asked my MIL to handle but he cried super loud and kept on asking for mami.. feel so heartache but not much choice.. it is as if sending him to day-care but the good thing is he was with his grandma..

Zorian been super sticky and naughty.. hit his hand with ruler last sunday and he told everyone tat mami hit him.. now he dun allow anyone to carry and insist on me.. any advise to give to reduce his stickiness?? cos me tired after a day of work and sometimes just want to rest.. another issue is that he keeps on wanting to go out.. if we refuse, he will scream and cry.. any advise?? thanks mommy..

on the other hand, baby Caralisa is growing well.. she is 1kg as of yesterday.. hopefully she will be a healthy and happy baby.. pregnant mommies, keep us posted of ure baby latest development okie.. BTW, has MH delivered yet??

hi augbaby..

how is jayden?? hope he gets up and wont get fever.. zorian also tend to have fever whenever he refuse water.. try to give Jayden more fluid.. now i will give him some sweet drinks and ask him to drink water before giving him the rest.. u take care also yeah..

Compromise a bit on your expectations with regards to the enrichment prog for the 3 kids, they will not be very short-changed going 1 or 2 programme less. Having a happier mum at home is better than a stressful mum bothered by the money issues.

I did read up quite a bit on RB methods, unfortunately it is true that the programme has to be done on a long term basis in order to see the results. Personally, I cannot keep up with it myself and cannot afford to send rae to such programme long term so currently only doing GD.

Joining those expecting mummies officially, EDD in mid-Nov and get to hear baby's heartbeat yesterday.
hi babyboy,
really! thats great! let's organize some playgroup for our kids

where do you get the flavored vitamins for your kids? I think i need to boost my boy's immune system.

where is megan's school?
If you send Kieran there then Jay, Megan and Kieran will be classmate next time. I am going to delay Jay's enrolment to May.

Kinda quite sad over the weekend till now. One of my colleague actually send me an email accusing me on something which is not true and she has cc my boss as well. When I replied her and denied what her accusation she said I am creating unpleasant colleagueship through that email. Feel so wu gu coz she was the one started it and bcame my fault. Dunno why nowadays I feel like tearing very easily. Cried when I think of the emails. Hate office politics but cant help it. Worse thing is my boss side this lady a lot as she is her PA. Really feel stress nowadays, feel like quiting. My baby keep kicking these few days, wonders if she also feel the stress?!

Jay is also very sticky to me now. Although feel very tired now but since hubby not in town so have to play with him everyday after work. That's why I will feel like forever sleepy and tired one. My Jay also very spolit, whever he wants he will make sure he gets it else he will keep crying. Every night I have to fight with him on my computer one then at the end I have to off it and let him play with it. sigh. .

Glad to hear that your gal is growing well. Even have name for her liao! Doc said my gal is healthy but size small to average only. That add on to my stress.

Kris, Cocomo,

I think no choice for them been very clingy to us now. When I was in 1st tri, Natalie already super glue.. now I am in 30weeks, over few weeks she has been really super! Must sleep with me, only I can feed her food/bath her, i cant get away frm her sight and her separation anxiety is increasing than previous! She only want me to carry not even her ah ma or even HB! End up now life is not very good for me having those cramps & pain that gynae strongly advise me to rest in case due too early...

Old folk tales again. Our toddler are very sensitive now esp we are having one in our tummy. Some say they are fighting as when bb born liao they will feel neglected. I am not sure how true this is la as I have other few friends share e same experience to me when they are expecting no.2 inside... Just pray hard will get over fast and meantime must try to rest & take care yeah
hi Amy..

Congrats!! let us know the gender yeah..

hi cocomo..

try to ignore such ppl okie.. dun be too upset.. i also tear very easily.. so guess we belongs to the more sensitive type mah.. but no need to cry over such ppl.. try to stay cheerful for the baby gal in ure tummy.. there are many such ppl every where.. at work place, at home, etc... if really upset, then tahan for another 4 months plus.. wen baby gal is out, look for another job.. with ure capability, no prob one okie.. cheer up..

yeah lor.. Zorian also very spolit.. wat he wants, he must have.. if not sure cry non stop.. sometimes cry till vomit.. dun know wat to do with him.. sigh.. In laws say try not to let him cry too much.. also wen he cries, the whole world knows.. so pretty stressful also.. on one hand dun want to spolit him by giving in, the other heartache when see him cry.. sigh.. dun know wat to do with him..

i also have to handle him cos hubby also out of town.. trying to keep up as much as i can but super clingy.. stronger than super glue..

hi cynthia..

yeah lor.. tat is why ppl tell me also.. ask me to tahan till baby come out.. now giving him all the assurance that we will love him unconditionally even with the arrival of baby Caralisa.. the funny thing is he will sayang baby in my tummy every day.. even say good night to her.. sigh..

u must take good care of yourself.. rest more as doc say yeah..
Normally it is the case, i could feel it even for my boy who is at 4 when i preggie rachelle. Take good care of yourself and rest more.

Congrats to you.

Some preggie woman will tear easily, read from book it is due to the hormonal thing.
same situation here with denise, been super clingy too...fortunately very early into this current pregnancy i encouraged hubby to bathe her and to build the bond with his daughter, so now only at times when she throw tantrums then will insist i bathe her. but every morning she'll be very reluctant to be passed over to her grandma, wants to follow us.

and she's been behaving badly too, raise her voice and hit things to show that she's displease, touch things when we repeatedly told her not to. she'll only stop when we show her the cane or when she knows i'm really very angry.

dun be too upset over these idiotic ppl at work, we mustn't let them succeed bcos that's how they want us to feel. your conscience is clear as long as you did your job and didn't harbour any ill intention like her...if you are still not happy after your maternity leave just quit the job. i agree with kris that with your capabilities, i'm sure you can find other opportunities.

and it's our hormones making us all teary...on and off i would feel vulnerable and gets all sensitive about certain things too.

poor cocomo,

Very sian right when we have to be affected by work & colleague matters. And, nowadays with mobile phones, laptops to work from home, boss can reach me very easily during non-office hours and discuss about work, I will also be affected especially please don’t tell me work stuff on Friday night, inevitably I will be thinking about it over the weekends. So, sometimes I ignore boss’ call especially the first call. In my mind, I’m thinking if it is really important, he will call again. If it is not important, I rather not know until when I get to the office and can work on it.

When the thoughts of those stuff come to your mind, quickly close your eyes tight tight and shake your head. Hopefully this will snap the thoughts away.
Hi Amy,
Congrats! Enjoy your pregnancy.

Hi mummies,
re: tantrums
Kayden has also started throwing tantrums. Will cry or shout when he can't get his way. When my father scolds him, he will raise hi voice back too. we also smack his palm to teach him that this type of behaviour is undesirable and then to talk to him afterwards but it doesn't seem to work. he'll stop for a while and repeat it again. yesterday, my dad said he want to beat him for being naughty and Kayden became agitated and hit his own hands a couple of times before my father hit him. so in the end, my dad din hit him. i told my dad to stop using this method of punishment for a while and we see whether he's better. tried the quiet corner but doesn't work. he'll run away. don't know how to discipline him.

hi cocomo,
don't be too upset. try not to think about it. guess she 'bo liao'(not capable) so trying to faind fault with you in front of boss so she can appear to be better. the most, resign after you deliver if you really can't stand it.
Thanks for your advice. Sometimes really feel upset on all these ppl lo plus my boss not supportive enough. My boss had a major renovation on his office (his room just next to mine) and I told him I am pantang so I want to take 2-3 days off. But my boss insist me to work from home. Then this PA shoot me an email said using superstition to work from home is most absurd thing she came across. I was like huh? what the hell to do with you??

Really feel sick of her lo. Bo liao yet ya ya! But then I am those very easily affected by others one so everytime will be affected and sometimes feel really breathless. However, for the good of my baby, I will try not to think too much. Thanks.
Nat also throw her temper like screaming n throwing things! Sometime i let her cry awhile den she wil stop n i try explain to her. Bt again she throw temper again hai. Can drive me crazy at times. Cant blame them as they are unable to express out properly with words bt only use those 2 show us..

No choice bt to come accept n bear til our 2nd 1 out.. Wow u chosen name 4 ur gal? We tot of few bt see if any most preferred come across or not. Time being hb named nicole. Now is e best time to teach our tod abt unborn. Like nat, she c bb on tv she wil say mei mei n after tat touch my tummy! Haha. So sometime no doubt hw tiring she makes me or even anger, her little doings make me happier than angry haha.
she's the absurb one! what has it got to do with her?! anyway, the more bo liao she is ,the more you should ignore her ok? she's just attention seeking... but next time to deal with your kind of unsupportive boss, dun be too honest with him. not that i'm being bad, if it's me i wouldn't tell him about my superstition, i would just say i have something urgent to attend to at home...bcos thru the years i work, i learnt that some ppl can stab you behind your back for no reason one lo..

yup they can't find other way to express so can only lose temper lo...but there are times when you know they can fully understand what you are saying but still act very stubborn, that's when i show her the cane lo(but dun hit her)...but i only show her occasionally when she gets out of hand lah...

denise also does alot of little things which makes us very happy de...that's why we love our kid so much mah...
hi augustmum,
ya, moving to potong pasir in Q3/4. most likely MMI kovan, even tho many aeroplane flying above, coz hubby say no to the rest haha

moving house - a big project. Did you try posting in the forum to ask for recommendation in the area?


this thread is so quiet today. Must be boss breathing down your neck and the little hands tugging onto you like koala bear
. Hope everyone is fine.

Hope mummies second-time to be would have ample rest.

Cocomo, hope yr work matter improves. Hopefully, the PR is not trying to make you quit before you pop. You try to stay cool okie?
Hi Erin and Augbaby, saw tat both of u have ordered shoes for ur princes. But i realised the sizes tat u ordered quite big. I measured my gal's feet..toe to heel...abt 14.5cm...so i ordered size 25. Am I correct?
Hi Handi,
I bought quite a lot of shoes for Kayden at his current size (size 24) already so now buying bigger sizes cos i like the designs. stocking up since their feet grow rather quickly. i'm very kiasu
Hi Mummies,

Thank you all for your concern and well wishes. My dad is finally out of ICU today after more than 2 weeks there. However, the road to recovery is long as his lungs capacity is only about 20% even though he's a non smoker!

I've not much time to read or post but hope all mummies, toddlers and especially preggie mummies well
hello mommies & augBB & Jasmommy,

i'm back from Perth liao!

Thank God that the new tin of gain IQ was able to pass customs! the trip was good coz Sherv enjoyed herself alot! but her air is so dry in Aust tat her skin dried up the first day we reached, she even has a wrinkled nose now! hahaha!! so must rmb to bring moisturiser & sunblock(very bad UV index in Aust) and caps & long sleeves tops for our tods.

for food, we bought pre-packed rice cereal from NTUC, and baby pasta and brocoli from Perth. and we prepared her meals before we set off for the day every morning and put in the tiger food jar. must say the baby pasta tasted good. be sure to give enuff fruits/veg & water to our tods to ensure tat they poo poo everyday.

an umbrella stroller is so handy there! all the travelling n sight-seeing really tired them out, and they will keep taking naps here n there. also bring extra pair of shoes/socks there.

a bib will come in handy coz they tend insist to feed themselves at this age and will create a mess out of their meals. one thing i realised is tat Sherv cried alot over once she doesnt hv her way! maybe bcoz daddy n mummy are always with her and she knows she has ALL the attn! so be prepared to give in alot during the trip ok.
i am also rather confuse hence ask the lady...coz i measure jay feet n its 15cm but if measure his shoes size then its 17cm...so not too sure too but i do tend to buy a little bigger coz he outgrow his shoes v fast..hee hee
congrats!!! my EDD is mid Sept, 2mths b4 yours & 1mth after cocomo. =P do take care and enjoy your preg ok! =P

sorry to hear tat you hv to deal with a nasty colleague everyday, and this has strained the working relationship for sure. but bear in mind tat we cannot control or change how others feel, but we certainly can for ours!

so chin up now, and do not let this episode rob u of your joy, ok. tell urself tat she is NOT worth it and u will only care for urself, BB and your beloved family! i'm not too good at words, but i hope u will feel better now. =) hughug***
u r bk...wat brand did u buy the prepack rice cereal from NTUC? so all the food items u brought into aussie r actually all brand new n unopen? how do u pre-prepare sherv meals b4 u go out? the tiger food jar is it the one where u put in rice n then after a while it will become porridge kind? is the porridge u prepare plain? wat do u add in? coz i am concern abt jay food when we r in aussie...i b going on the 25th this mth...also wat type of med did u bring for her? Wat is an umbrella stroller? Also wat moisturiser n UV did u use for her?

glad to hear yr trip turned out well. How's Sherv on the plane? Day or night flight?

We are going to sendai, japan in june... still worried despite the fact that we have been given so many good pieces of advice.
Previously have ur blog address too but i think cant link.. maybe you can give me again to add..

Ya recently back to my interest in trying out baking n nonsense cookery... will try to share n updates more whenever i try
augBB & augustmum,
there's only 1 brand of rice cereal at NTUC, i go n check the brand out. it costs $3.11 per box, consisting of 2 packs inside. got 2 flavors, fish or veg. yes, the rice cereal n milk powder i brought was brand new n sealed in order to get past the customs.

every morning, i will use the stove to cook the rice cereal n add broccoli in it. after tat, i pour the piping hot rice into the tiger food jar and close tightly to allow it to simmer(add a little more water b4 closing it). yes, it's the kind tat we can turn rice to porridge type. but this rice cereal is hard to cook, so we need to cook it on stove first, instead of just pouring hot water in the food jar.

i brought her flu n fever medicine tat we got during her last PD visit. also nappy rash cream, lu yi oil, n baby johnson's lotion. and i let her use my avene SPF 50+ sun screen. and i let her wear long sleeves n jacket all the time.

umbrella stroller
mine it's a light-weight stroller like a maclaren volo.

also, pls bring along a foldable umbrella just incase, coz the weather could be rainy at times.

air pressure
i took a 9am flight to perth, so Sherv was asleep when we landed. but the return flight at 3.30pm, and she was awake when we reached SG at 8pm! so she experienced the pressue during landing and she cried n said "pain pain" for abt 10mins... luckily i hv some warm water in her milk bottle, so i let her hv it and it helped coz she was sucking quite hard. and tat cleared up the pressure.

so pls bear in mind to get tat ready when the landing takes place.
