(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

i am also intending to pump at my seat n juz use a bfing shawl to cover myself...i dun care abt the noise..pp look juz ignore lor..haha...

i dun think i wanna pump in the plane toilet...so small plus i dunno how to put my medela pis there leh...

how long will u b away? i need to find someway to pump during my car ride too...or outside...sigh...i shld hav eno frozen for her but i dunno how to defrost it for her leh...anyone knows? n defrost alr how soon must consume? wat pump r u using?

hehe i also won't pump in toilet.

how to defrost FBM,
bring down the frozen breast milk to defrost in the normal fridge column. and if it's a total of 8 feeds a day over 24 hrs, you can take out 4 feeds the night before to thaw in the fridge then early morning then take out the remaining 4 feeds to thaw in the fridge. i hope it doesn't sound too confusing, or you can always call me on my mobile then i explain to you ok?
i saw the weight chart, nearly toppled out of my seat hahaha...i must watch what i eat liao...

hope kaefer get well soon. next weekend me also bringing denise to genting to join my colleagues for a short trip, and both of us seem to be getting a slight flu, pray it won't get worse too.

ya it's very sayang to throw away the milk, and it seems that i always pump out more milk while travelling so even more heartache.

Hope your baby will gain more within these few weeks. You take care
mummies and preggie mummies,

do u all give your tods DHA oil? i heard we can feed them once they turn 2.5/3. just use a needle to poke the capusle and feed them using a spoon or put into their milk or soup.

am currently consuming DHA for my current preg. didnt know tat we can continue to feed them DHA after they arrive... just something to share just incase some mummies wanna raise an Elite! =P
AUGBABY, i pumped in the toilet the last round, but i made sure i clean the toilet seats n the sink n table top b4 i opened my ziploc bag which i put my avent manual pump in the toilet.

if u dowan to throw away your BM after pumping in the hotel room, use it to bathe urself! or use a facial cotton to absorb the BM and do a mask on your face! i heard BM can get rid of freckles or "lau ren ban". no harm trying leh! =P

MH, i'm also feeling so different for this secOnd preg. i feel tat my machine is old liao, dun feel tat agile like before anymore... i also did think how i am going to be able to try for #3 if i'm already this tired with no. 2... really gotta assess the situation liao, if really cant handle even with a maid, then i might really close shop after #2. but i will be so sad lor... =(
I also feel that I am old liao, last pregnancy I very energetic one but now I forever feel tired!!
cocomo/leobbsmom - Sigh..only abt 2yrs difference but our body oredi feel so old...haha. This pregancy i oso not so on the ball, baby stuff oso hvnt even finish settling when my 1st pregnancy 2 mths b4 due date everything already settled...& most of Gen's clothes are brand new..but for my 2nd baby..most are hands me dwn...
thanks mummies 4 e concern. These few days was on bed rest n really make e effort rest n don walk too much even at home. Shall reduce curry n spice too heehee.
Don worry abt bb weight. I believe wil b abt e same when u have gen n range from min 2kg. Sometime is bb unable 2 absorb inside bt they grow healthy n alot after they r out! I learn n heard from some nurses tat bb below birth weight 3kg wil tend to grow mre faster n drink alot when they are out. 4 those 3kg abv may b slight slower as they have been absorbing inside our stomach.. Wonder how true

Don worry abt big bb. Sometime is e food we consume. U try cut down high carbo food. Take more soupy, oats, wheat. 4 myself i took mre fish soup or other soup. 1 day stil a normal bowl rice, wholemeal bread, oats, cereals, less fried, drink only anmum milk n sometime milo, mre vege bt sometime tk alot beef
. Durian wil make bb bigger too mayb cn try tk less of it. Hope it helps to ease ur worries

Cocomo, leobbsmom,
I tink our body don seem e same after birth of 1st. Can b our age too. Sometime even take chicken essence wont help. Mayb during our last confinement we didnt rest mre or even rest well ba. Breastfeeding sure less time to rest n cant eat certain food too as compare to those didnt breastfeed i suppose. Cos 1 of my gf she totally no bf 4 both her gal n son, she took plenty of ginger, dom n tonic! Seems she is mre energetic than me even we e same age! Haha wonder is it true..
Hi Mummies,

Long time never log in to read liao.

Hi Kris,
I'm not sure whether its abit late to share. My eldest dd, Shauna also nose bleed every often since baby. Till now, she's also suffering from it. Just had a session last night. Brought her to PD to check up when she was a bb but PD assured us that its ok. Just that they have very thin blood vessels in their nose. Even a "AH-Choo" yesterday night causes her nose to bleed. Other then that, its because they tend to put their finger in their nose or dig too hard. Her PD did prescribe a cream to apply on the inside of her nose but I've forgotten what is it called. Got to go back and check it out.

Well, eating is "fu" lah. Consider yourself lucky when you can eat. I'm like "merlion" like mad!

Hi Cocomo,
Congrats on having a gal. Just nice to have a "HAO"

Hi White_lady,
I was quite worried initially when Kieira seems slow in her speech development as compared to my eldest dd and HoneyB's Hannah. I was impressed with Hannah the last time i sa her speak. However, give them some time....they'll eventually speak when they're ready. Now, kieira can pronounce Einstein, flower, Daddy, mami and some body parts clearly. Last time used to ignore us when we tried to speak to her. It was sad but i think don't give up speaking to them lor. They absorb more than we think

Hi Kelly,
Stella has really grown and look so pretty now. Your babies all have the "trademark" look! ha ha....I dun think i can attend the gathering session leh. Don't feel well and my dad's in Gleaneagles ICU. Haiz.....

Hi Doris,
Hope that Elysia have a speedy recovery from HFMD.
before ur trip perhaps u wanna test out the battery pack at home, make sure u know how long the battery lasts per charge n so on. As for BM, like wat Fiona say, i also bring down the frozen milk in 2-3 batches into the chiller section of the fridge. The actual defrosting time depends on your fridge so its actually good to try out before u travel, especially your care giver may not be familiar. My fridge takes 24 hrs to fully defrost. After that, best to consume within 24 hrs. I use the Avent warmer to warm up the milk, takes about 5 minutes to warm up so its not instant like breastfeeding.

i will bring the ameda pump which is lighter n uses those AA standard battery if power socket not available.

i tik there is DHA in liquid form sold at Nature Farm if i not wrong. no need to buy the capsule n poke with needle bah.

i concede old anytime...keke.. Also, with the second pregnancy, dun forget we hav to take care of the elder child so cant eat n rest well as well during 1st time. A lot of things are neglected like food nutrition n selection. I also packed the hospital bag later than the 1st time. Second child naturally will be wearing some hand me downs la.. you expecting a boy right so he will be wearing a lot of pink. Langyer uses her brother's blue stuff n we got asked her gender pretty often alto' to me she looks girly enuff. perhaps we can swap clothes hehe.

Cocomo.. mo. mo. mo. mo.( echo effect )
Your wish come true! started buying your girl stuff yet? btw, did u receive my PM? Din get your reply yet ley.
i agree with CJ...jazzele also wears alot of jay hand me downs...blue colour n when we go out, pp also ask if she is a boy...haha...2nd pregnancy its like that one...no choice...when bb is born its also a little diff to juggle both as the elder one now needs a lot of attention as he is absorbing and i find myself not giving as much time to jazzele as much as when i had jay....no choice but juz hav to do the best we can...

ya think i need to do a trial run with my frozen BM...coz it will be my maid who will be warming my bm...i also use avent warmer to warm my milk one...
wat happen to yr dad? Hope he gets well soon and you take good care too ya...

must take gd care n listen to yr gynae ya abt bed rest...
hi MH..

dun worry.. continue to eat and rest well.. m sure ure baby will put on more weight before arriving..

hi cj..

how is Kaefer?? hope he recovers soon..

hi fiona..

u and denise ok?? must take care hor..

hi MH, leobbmom, cocomo..

i also super tired and sleepy during this pregnancy.. dun even have the strength and energy to bring zorian out during weekends.. just bring him to my mom's place on every sunday so that he can play with his cousins... m also getting old lor..

hi Yoshi..

is ure dad ok?? wish him speed recovery.. in the meantime u also take care yeah..

thanks for the advise.. that is what the KKH doc says about zorian's nose bleed.. at least he still allow me to put med into his nose.. hope he starts to drink water.. he lost his voice yesterday cos of insufficient water.. sigh.. headache...
Hi Augbaby,
Thanks for your concern. He was not able to breathe and by the time my sis send him to hospital, he was in pretty bad condition. Doc admitted him in ICU instantly. Guess its old age and his lungs is failing him. Just warded out of ICU yesterday but guess will be staying quite some time in hospital cos he still can't really breathe on his own. Needed machine to breathe for him.....sigh
hi kris,
kaefer still cant eat n sleep well so my mom bringing him to PD at the moment. do u give zorian barley water? hav to giv them more alternative fluids if they dun like water.

hope ur dad gets well soon.

ok i pm u again now.

tik i forgot to reply u abt this. i intend to stop breasrfeeding wen my ger 6 mths. becos i find it tediuos to do pumping, washing, sterilizing n hav to plan outings around pumping times n places to pump. Also, i tik babies will be less reliant on BM for immunity after 6 mths. so hav less than 2 mths more. hopefully can keep up till den. however, i feel my menses coming back already... so sian.
thanks, i took alot of fruits to detox myself, seems to work hehe...very happy tmr i'm on leave bcos mil gg to pray(ching ming).

i also admit old liao...my body keeps aching from this pregnancy..and i walk super slow like a snail...i want to close factory after this liao *waving a white flag*

me this round also not so enthusiatic leh...never buy anything to prepare for newborn, intended to use all hand me downs from denise, alrdy told hubby "didi" prepared to wear pink stuff liao...hahaha
hi all , my son just had a fall and follow by a nose bleed , i try to press hard at his nose and the bleeding stop . Does anyone had this experience before ? Do i need to bring him to a doctor ? thank
Was your son fell, knocked something then bleed or after sometimes he bleed? Jay's PD gave a checklist said if you notice the child has ear or nose bleed must bring to see doctor asap. If the bleed is bcoz he knocked his nose then should be ok la. But if just anyhow suddenly bleed after the incidence then play save you shd bring him to see doc.

JG open for registration liao? I am not sure if to register for that program again as he dun like JG's playclub le.

Hi Mummies,
Anyone staying at NORTH (woodland area) or NORTH EAST side (etc pasir ris/senggang/punggol side) know any good infant care center? My gf need to send her daughter to infant care urgently as she just sent her maid back and no one taking care of her daughter. Any recommendation? TIA.

Actually is my parent bought him out and he fell , i not with them . What i heard from my mum is , immediately after the fall , he nose bleed . Think he knock on to the ground . So i guess i no need to bring him to PD ba ... he's alright and active when i saw him last night ... Thank =)

Just to share, my MIL will give Justin barley water once in a awhile, not only when he's sick. She kind of will watch the colour of his urine in the morning, since he's potty is white, its easier for her to gauge, if the urine is very yellow, she immediately ask my maid to brew barley water for the whole day to bring down his body heatiness as that can make kids fall sick easily.

On supplements, I'm only giving him the Nordics Natural Cod liver oil (Strawberry flavour). I'm thinking of multivitamins but not sure which one yet so din start on that.

Think my 2nd one quite confirm is gal gal so I'm now stocking crazy on gal's stuff.


So hv Jat stopped JG's playclub already or still continuing? I have stopped Justin since I dun think he enjoyed. As for the Holiday pgm, same thoughts like u, dun think I'll enrol him lah. I think he enjoyed the previous holiday pgm cos its playnest and maybe that pace suited him better, so i think playclub too long and fast pace for him.
White Lady,

Not sure how effective is this. I had frequent nose bleeds when I was young, maybe Pri Sch years. When it happens, my mom will ask me to put some tap water on my forehead and true enough the bleeding will stop. Maybe it kind of cosntrict the blood vessels and stop the bleeding. It happened a lot of times in school so I just run the toilet and put tap water on my forehead.
On nose bleeding...

I was prone to nose bleed when I was younger. Strangely, the doc gave me medication for runny nose, but it worked. I was nosebleeding rather often till I was about 7 and somehow outgrew it. My parents say it's "heatiness" (my dad nosebleed even at his current age). In any case, it's prolly bcos the blood vessels burst when I sneeze or dig my nose, or they just burst. It can bleed a lot but the doctor say to apply pressure to the nose and that should stop the bleeding, just like when you have a small cut or you peel the scab off a mossie bite that hasn't heal completely. Applying pressure will cause the blood to clot and sorta "patch up" the vessels.
high 5! I also stocking like crazy on girl's stuff now!!! I know waste money as she can wear gor gor's clothes and can't resist not to buy le. However for those wear at home clothes I will still let her wear part of Jay's (last time I purposely bought mostly white and yellow colour. hee...). Now I m also busy sorting out those blue clothes to give away!

I stopped Jay's JG liao. JG actually refuse to refund me the deposit as I only told them on Jay's last class. But I told them his daddy need to go overseas for short term and I have difficulty bring him for class as I am preggie now. Then only they ok to refund me the deposit. Not sure if Jay dun like JG playclub coz of the duration or what but ever since he step into the class he already started to cry liao le *heahache*

I enjoy our weekend now more than when he has class (but I still let him attend right brain training class as I think it is good for him). Now I always look forward to weekend and plan where we go etc. He has no stress but look happy now as well. But then if there is any music class I am willing to let him try as I realise he likes music and will dance whenever listen to music.

For multivit, Jay's PD just changed to Pharmaton Kiddi yesterday as the previous one Jay dun really like the taste.

My niece who is a doctor told me whenever nose bleed muz head down and press the nose 1-2 min then the bleeding should stop. It is dangerous to press and head up as the blood will flow inside and cot some where.

Hahah, u oso stocking like crazy ah, cannot resist right? Gal gal really got more variety. I oso sort only those whites and greens for the 2nd one, those very blue and obviously boy boy deisgn, i just ziploc them up and keep. For memory sake mah, can show Justin when he grow up that mummy bought him such nice clothes hahahah.

I still get some new clothes for gal gal cos i want to be fair lah. Even the infant bath towels i oso buy new pink ones cos Justin's ones are too old liao.
ya lo ya lo. wah those girl girl stuff so cute!!! Ya all changing mat, towels, bed sheet and other accessories are new in PINK! Same as you I want to be fair to my girl and want to dress her like little pricess. hee. . .

My hubby wants to give away those Jay's blue clothes to his sister's new born. I very 'bu she de' le, sort out put aside then see see decided to put back to the ziplock bag again. I told my hubby I want to keep then hubby said siao our place no space to keep.

Even for home wear, I oso buy nice nice ones for Justin so must be fair for his sister cos I like to take pictures mah. Dun want next time his sister see the photos of her wearing same baby rompers as the brother. Hahahah, I think i just finding excuse to spend money lah...But i try to get those cheaper and reasonably priced ones from the BP loh and also chiong those sale loh.

My hubby lagi worse, want to look for pink milk bottles !!!! Hahaha, I let him be cos at least it shows he's excited abt his little princess.
I am also very excited on my little princess. ya can I check with you on romper, you will let her wear romper for the first 3 months or just buy those 2 pieces top and pant with front open one huh (for home and sleep wear)? I like romper coz the belly button will not expose thus reduce colid?! For Jay last time I only let him wear romper after 4th mth so dunno if first few months approriate or not as their head still too soft so dunno if it wll be difficult for us to wear the romper coz need to head in first.
Wow that is fast stocking up all e Pink items! Sometimes it seems to have alotto buy for girls items rather than boys... This round I wil be using back the same. All pass down from Natalie to her little sis. So save alot and bascially I only buy 2 set new clothing for discharge & full mth lo.

I never try rompers till Nat reach 4mths.. all the while using those buttons type. I not sure n scare if wear rompers after 1mth is it fine? I agree with cocomo as e belly button wont to expose easily...

I did let Justin try rompers below 3 mths cos my SIL bot him a pack of newborn Carters, but then a bit difficult to wear cos have to slip over his head in a lying down position.

That time, I let Justin wear those 2 piece i.e long sleeve top and long pants separate for sleep when he was below 3 mths. And for day wear, i let him wear 2 piece top front button and shorts. But again i found a newborn too fragile to be liftiing their bums and back up for me to wear the pants, so that time very careful lor. Moreoever, I always find the elastic band too tight over their fragile tummies. Rompers are easy and more comfortable but just have to be careful on the slipping over head and neck part lor.

This time round, I experienced liao so i intend to get those long sleeve long pants front buttoned rompers set for sleep so just need to place baby on it and slip their limbs through. I find that easier and won't expose tummy too.

See.....more clothes to buy :p
Bo bian la, I just cant resist to buy for my kids. Some of Jay's clothes actually only wear once and some dun even wear b4! A very bad habit of me spending on my kids.

high 5 again! We have the same thinking, get front button open rompers!!
hi cocomo,
yes, the registration is open... not sure if I want to enrol too as aidan dun seem to enjoy the class very much... just tot if u guys r keen then maybe i'd join too... anyway realized that he likes adults not kids so tot must let him hang ard with other kids more often...
cocomo, racoon,
happy shopping gals! now you know what it's like to be having a gal leh...every shop you goes into, it's always the gals stuff with more variety and very cute hor(pink & flowery patterns)...so hard to resist right? me now still keep buying stuff for denise instead of for the unborn boy...so guilty :p

me only giving denise multivit called "Enervon C for kids", it's half a teaspoon daily and i serve it in yogurt. i bought the original flavor of cod liver oil, but i myself nearly puked when i opened the bottle, so i can't bring myself to give her.
Hi Mummies

Been quite stress out this week. And v busy at work due to my colleague on maternity leave. Need to cover her job.

Crisann had started school on Tue. On Monday received a call fm NTUC CC that the school have 3 kids suffering fm HFMD. So was asked not to send her to school 1st.

So found another school and send her there on Tue. The school was inside the condo. E school doesn't allow me to accompany her at all. So on the 1st day, I follow the school bus to bring her there. She was quite excited. So I left her there and watch her outside the school. She was quite alright at 1st but later on she cry to look for me. Me so sad and thought her bringing her bk. The teacher was quite nice saying that they will carry her and talk to her.

So on wed and thur, she went to school but at night she is having nitemare. Crying non stop and doesn't want to sleep for 2-3 hrs. She doesn't want to stay in the rm and insist me to carry her walk here and there.

So today she was v tired and otw to my mum's place she slept so never let her go to school. So this afternoon brought her to school. Wana know what is happening. When she was driving near the school she started crying and insist that she doesn't want to go to school.

So heart pain. Don't know shd I stop sending her to school but problem is my mum don't think can handle her and my dad. My mum insist she don't want a maid. really headache.

Sorry for such a long post....

Hi Piyo

So envy that megan adapt to the environment so well.
Hi yoshi,
hope ur dad will get well soon.

hi jokojoko,
won't be registering him for the hols prog. he'll be starting his playgroup then. Kayden is also the same. he likes adults and older kids but not kids of his age. my neighbours' boys of around the same age wanted to play with him and hold him but he just treat them as if they are invisible and ran away. so bad right. dunno how to get him to play with them leh. i'm so worried cos now he's getting more and more reserved these days when there are strangers around.

hi cocomo.
i also spent a lot of money on Kayden. bought so many clothes for him and some only wore 1 or 2 times. some rompers not even worn. haha... but i think i will shop if i have a girl. Girl Girl's things very nice leh. I always 'bio' when I go shopping. Always feel like buying.

Hi augbaby,
I also bought Enervon Vitamin C for kids and Cod Liver Oil but Kayden refuses to take the Cod Liver Oil. Din force him to take it cos I also can't stand the smell.
Hi SL,
I also have the same worries. Afraid he can't adjust to playgroup. He was crying badly for me when I went into the office for registration. The supervisor said we have to be
heng xin' a little as it's normal for kids to have separation anxiety at the beginning. My mum said I took 1 month to settle down during kindergarten (Cried for my mum all the time when she left me). Hope Kayden will not behave like his mum.
Hi SL,
Maybe you wanna consider changing another CC? I think it's not right to disallow a parent to follow the child for the 1st few days leh...it's like forcing both child and parents into separation anxiety...just my thot.

aiya...sorry to say but the old folks always say things which makes us "fan" one... my mil said she can't cope but now always takes the chance to tell me not to send denise to CC, but honestly, i can't wait to send her to CC instead bcos i reckon i won't feel so vexed as i am now once we get over the starting phase.

hehe we giving the same vit, so how does kayden takes to it? so far denise seems alright with it but i dun dare to give direct so put in yogurt, scare she rejects.

prep before entering CC:
i was worried abt denise immunity and finally got her vaccines updated. over the past few weeks she had her MMR and 1st Pneumococcal vaccine. fortunately she was very well on both occasion and didn't get any fever which the doctor said will most likely happen...*phew*
Hi everyone - Good Weekend! ;)

About vitamins,
What can i give my boy and where can i get them?
Thinking of helping him build up his immune system.

About CC,
any SAHM still consider sending kids to 1/2 day playgroup for our kids to mix around? Or only send to CC if we are working?

So far ryan enjoys his classes but usually i have to be around. only left for short while to go toilet. have to say tho, just by going for a few classes the last week, he learns a lot. our kids are really a sponge now...

any mummies stay central or west?
Had the same tot as Fiona, as normally childcare did allow at least 3 days to settle down/separation period. Do find some school with environment that crisann comfortable with (it is v important).

Cocomo, Racoon,
Happy shopping for ur minnie. Gal's things definitely is more tempting than boy's.

Rachelle is not as fortunate as Denise. Oso going for same jabs as Denise last saturday and my gal got fever for 2 days. So siong lei.
Hi butter8,
I thk a few of us are staying near you, like superdad, cocomo, me etc?

Hi cocomo and racoon,
happy shopping! I agree with Fio! Think it's very hard to resist cos gers' clothes are more exciting
I am still buying lots for Megan and although I can use Megan's hand-me-downs, I find myself still buying new clothes for no.2
can't resist! Now I am trying to get "pair" clothes so that both sisters can wear similar clothes when they are out! then look so cute!

Hi jokojoko,
how haf you been? I received JG's brochure via snail mail some weeks ago but not intending to join cos Megan is attending school and now thk the school is covering quite similar activities as those in holiday prog... maybe some other mums in our thread may be interested? I am looking at signing Megan up for baby music class at mandeville sometime in Aug or Oct

hi yoshi,
you must take care of yourself during this period. Hope your dad will get well soon.
Hi augbb and mummies,

re: multivit
Megan has been taking Nordic Cod Liver oil and Sambucol on a daily basis since mid Feb(b4 she started school in Mar). Previously, i let her try Usana Multivit for kids when she turned 1. During that time, she dun really like. I may try it again. Anyone taking that as well?
Hi SL,
I can emphathise with what you are going thru now. You are not alone. Megan went thru quite similar experiences. She refused to sleep on the 1st 2 nights. We have to carry her here n there and even drove her out for a spin and she din sleep till 5am in the morning. Next day, still go school. We left Shichida class after 15mins into the class the wk she started CC cos she dun wan to be kept in a classroom. She lost her smile and looked quite lost and depressed when back home everyday that we tot she lost her "innocence" and got into "depression". If you read my blog, you would realise I went thru the same or perhaps worse than your experience in the beginning cos I wasn't as "hard-hearted" in the beginning, actually pulled megan out for 1day after 1 week in school and even cried when I spoke to the principal then...

I know it's easy to say, esp at the point when Crisann leave your arms to the teacher at the start of everyday crying for you, arms stretching out for you but you have to turn and walk away (if u r confident she is in good hands). The longer you stand/drag there, the worse it is for both of you. The faster you leave, the faster she will adapt. End up, maybe yo will start crying too. (happens to me)We must realise that we as parents are experiencing separation anxiety too. If we can't get thru it, our kids won't too cos they know. The thing is you will be surprised that after 1week or so, she will be happily playing with the materials/friends once you are out of sight but once you appear, their crying starts again. Megan enjoys herself in school now, back to her normal self as if she is at home, poos 2-3 times in school, drinks her milk, walks and plays around, go ard making funny and smiling faces BUT she is still having short cries either on the way to school or when she leaves her dad's arms to the teacher's but she half cries half plunges over to teacher's arms.. farni right? then the moment dad leaves, she is happily playing around... so you c still have separation anxiety but she continues to improve over the days..

You try to be the one who bring her there and fetch her back so as to neutralise the effect of "leaving her in the stangers' hands". I am not sure for Crisann but teacher told me Megan was smart for her age as emotionally she was on silent protest of me and rejected me whoever they sent her to school, be it my parents or me cos we were not the ones who brot her back cos her dad is always the one. There are times I left office earlier to "pick" her up b4 her dad to "reconcile" with her.

hi SL and Fio,
Some schools thk that it's best not to go in with the child right from the beginning cos it helps in adapting faster. As much as I agree with them, I still feel we can't get thru ourselves and need to be there to see what they are doing, are they in safe hands etc.. Depends if this is your criteria in school hunting cos for me, I can't let go so the school must let me go in the 1st few days and as and when I wanna to in future. Megan's grandparents go down practically everyday to "peek" at her. At times, kena spotted by her and principal did call me to tell me it will disrupt the child and not good to let megan keep crying.. did tell me politely to not come so often.. but at least they do allow

re:prep b4 going CC
Megan still haf 1 flu booster jab and MMR jab to take..still outstanding.. going to take soon

my older son's childcare also doesn't encourage parents to stay even for the first day, as it will prolong the separation anxiety. However, they will update me very frequently by sending smses.

My older son also refused to go to school in the beginning. However, after a while he was alright.

RE jab

Have been delaying the chix pox jab. trying to avoid clinics if possible at the moment. Anyone else let their kids take the flu jab? If I'm not wrong, flu vaccine must be taken every yr right?

RE playgroup

Will not be sending zac to any before I return to work. Now, investing very heavily on my older one. He alone spent abt $1300 plus a month on his cc, kindermusik, EL speech and drama, CL speech and drama, phonics and coming soon, Art. Can't believe it, i kept saying I would not hothouse my kids but ended up, signing him up for these prog. which are included (although optional) in the CC. as he enjoyed them so much.

Art is not included, but my son is showing a great interest in it so will enrol him in the art centre which informed me there may be a possible vacancy. As for phonics, I'm not confident in this area so sign him up.

Wow, can you imagine when zac reached this age, the total cost will be doubled. Kids' education really not cheap.
Hi Augmum,
Long time no talk! ya I agree education is the sucker on our $$$! wow my eyes very big when I saw the $1300!! it's added school fees for the optional classes in the cc you mentioned to me last time? When did you start Noah on the extra classes? I already find Megan's CC fees a bit ex liao.. if pay $1300 per mth, it's equivalent to etonhouse liao!

How long did Noah's separation anxiety lasted?

Megan's childcare also took videos on what she did for me to see. then got weekly e-newsletters with their pics to show what they did too.. I am so excited when I see megan guai guai working on the materials cos she cant seem to sit still in shichida. On top of that, the teacher would write daily comments (I thk this is std in all CCs) on what they did and their progress and I can feedback in the communication booklet if I wanna convey anything to the teacher. Overall, quite happy with the school

PD almost immed gave Megan the chicken pox jab and flu jab on hearing that we are sending to CC. Actually he dun encourage and even scolded me for sending... told me learn nothing only bring virus back home
Flu jab (taken 2x) last for 1 yr. After that must retake again if nec.

yah, the cost includes cc fees, enrichment courses by external agencies but held in cc, phonics class at zoophonics and the future art lessons...

ya lor... cost abt the same as eton but eton is too far... and not a cc which we need...

but i think it is good to sign up for these prog conducted by external cos i realli do not have much expectations of preschool teachers when it comes to teaching Art, music, and speech and drama. For the cc teachers, I only wish they are warm and loving to my child...

haha.... you go work out yr investment in megan .... add her cc and shichida plus whatever music and speech and drama and see what it tallies up to.... yr eyes would pop
Are you using the CDA account for noah's cc fees so far?
Aiyo! thinking of my investment plan I will faint! and now everything must x2
PD recently prescribed the same vit c that kayden is taking...where did u bought yrs from? think it shld be cheaper to get it from outside then from PD...

Any mummies know where else can get the nordic natural DHA CLO strawberry favour other than from vitakids? me not going to town n thou of letting jay start taking that b4 we go to aussie...he has been having fever on n off this whole wk alr....v v worried...brought him to see PD on mon alr n PD gave some anti virual med coz too near for antibiotics leh...Nowadays alot of case of HFMD...i v worried...wat r the signs ah? other than the sores and red dots on hands n feet??


ya... using the cda to pay the cc... but won't last long... must put in $$ whenever there's additional cash from bonus, payout etc.

No matter how bad times is, education is a must. Won't die forgoing dining out, wearing cheaper clothes, not updating wardrobe, taking the public transport, staying a smaller house but educating the child is a must.
