(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi jas,
long time din see ur posting. how's everything? settled down in ur new job. missed u too.

hi honeyb,
i agree with u. think i spent too much time on work and hardly have personal time with hubby. we do try to have dinner together once a week. most of the time we have together is usually spent with Kayden. am thinking of alternatives such as working part-time during Kayden's early years.

Butter8 - I send Gen for the Sat class only, once a week coz i stay in Tampines and the sch is at Farrer there . This Sat , Gen is starting her 2nd term as i see she has learned something from Lavina & she qte like attend the play group. And yes, i am still working..i guess i hv to slog till i gave birth to #2

HoneyB - The class Gen attend is 1.5hrs but usually will exceed. 1st 15min is free play follow by sing songs,story telling, arts & craft, tea break where the teacher will ask all the toddlers to say "May i have some,pls" but Gen only know hw to say "May i, some, pss" haha. After tea break is Zoophonics then music & dance. All activities are planned accordingly so not at all cramp tho' it sounds like alot of activities going on.

I like Lavina, she started teaching way back in 1990s..but she look qte young & i think alot of parents send their kids there through word of mouth.

Alot of people says Gen looks like her dad but when i see Gen i dun see my hubby's resemblance leh. U still rember hw my hubby look like ar ?

i also used to feel tat way too, so i involved hubby more during the playtime with Sherv. we will hv playtime/bonding time after dinner everyday, I will ask him to do those strenuous part like carrying and chasing coz BB will tire him out and he would appreciate the quiet time more, just to watch tv and relax on the sofa with me when BB is asleep! haha!

to me, it works fine, coz it involves all of us, and the bonding is stronger now. hubby used to involve himself lesser at the beginning coz he doesnt know how to handle a small baby. i think another good point is tat when no. 2 arrives, Sherv wont feel neglected tat much coz daddy still plays with her the same!

racoon, think when we are going to experience motherhood from the top again, we just tend to think and plan more. =P always got tat feeling tat time is running out, when no.2 is here, we will surely neglect no. 1....etc. but at the same time, we wanna always stress tat no. 1 is always the special one in our hearts...etc. rite?? hehehe... i also always tell hubby tat no matter wat, Sherv will be our special bb and our first love coz she taught us abt parenthood.

guess we hv to somehow remind ourselves abt tat... but at the same time, relax and breathe in....breathe out... hahaha! =P
Hi Mummies,

Sorry....MIA for so long. Have been feeling under the weather.

Mummies & Child who are sick, hope all of you recover speedily.

Hi Piyo,
great to hear that megan adjusted well in CC. That leaves you peace of mind when the second one comes along.

Hi racoon,
I'm also looking at CC for kieira around sengkang area soon. Most probably will let her enter when she turns 2 years. MMI in sengkang still as bad huh? The last time i visited them was abt 2 years ago scouting for cc for eldest dd. Now second one's turn already. Guess can skip MMI liao. Hubby wanted Shekinah but i'm still considering as the cost is rather high

Thanks for your tips! Guess my problem here is 1. hubby has to work late everyday, no time to bond on weekdays 2.Hannah is ONLY ok with daddy when mummy is NOT around. Think I should get hubby to work part-time instead of me reducing my working time huh hee

Thanks for the info on Kids Loft, sounds pretty similar to GUG. Yes Gen looks like her dad, saw his photo in your blog before mah so can remember. :")
I admit I did neglect my hubby a lot. I know I put a lot of pressure on myself to be a good mummy, end up I also gave him pressure to be a good Daddy so I unknowingly set high standards on him. My hubby is very busy at work so he expects to have personal time to unwind which is during late nights after me and Justin sleep then he'll watch his movies, surf the web, weekends leave us at my parents place then he go for his massage. Sometimes I feel unhappy that he doesn't spend enough bonding time with Justin but I know he needs his "me" time cos we are very different in our mindset in parenting lor, so maybe that's causing conflicts sometime.

Hubby always want to buy things for me but i always feel could have saved for Justin. He wants to have nights out with me alone but I always dash home to relieve my MIL and I'll miss Justin too. These are areas where I need to let go.

Sigh, when i become a mother, I'm still a wife.

I also realised its pointless to keep nagging at hubby to come and play with Justin. Cos only Justin can influence his Daddy. When my hubby saw Justin reach out to him to carry, he felt wanted. When Justin called "Daddy" first b4 me when we both reached home together, my hubby actually said that makes him want to come home earlier everyday.


I also leave the strenuos activity to hubby like chasing after Justin. I just sit at the same spot and let either maid or hubby lead Justin back to me....hahahah. Its really tiring to sit on the floor then suddenly have to stand up and chase after the kid.
hi racoon, honeyb, leobbsmom,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It helps to learn from each other.

I’m definitely the kind that neglects hubby because the remaining time from work goes to my girl plus I also need my ‘me time’ when she sleeps to unwind in front of the tv and a can of beer (that’s how bad i am) plus sometimes playing mj during late Friday’s night...

I always joke with my hubby between being a good mother and a good wife, I can do better as a good mother because it is more manageable and has less expectations in the role. To be a good wife is too tough because got to handle man’s demands, deal with their ego and pride... Too difficult..:p

Its good to cultivate "me" time actually.

For me, if I really have to have "me" time....it would be a teabreak where i can enjoy my cuppa kopi plus cookie or cake or toast. That's the lifestyle I enjoyed with my family(kopi culture since I was 6 yrs old,,,can u believe it)before I got married.

Sigh, but after got married got so caught up with married life and I kicked kopi becos of planning for pregnancy, then I stayed away from kopi becos of breastfeeding. Just when I'm back to tasting my kopi c again, got preggie again with 2nd one.

I once told my hubby the 1st sacrifice I made for Justin is my kopi.
oh yah... I also like to 'la' kopi too and preferably in hawker centre or kopitiam. It is very therapeutic to stir the small cup of kopi and drink slowly.

You so good, sacrific your kopi. I only manage to cut down to strictly 1 cup per day when I'm pregnant.
ya amy,

it's healthy to hv our own time-off as mom and wife! b4 this no. 2, i used to go clubbing on fri/sat nites, sometimes without hubby. i love to drink, so i will wine myself at home but hubby not into drinking. if we are at home, we will just watch DVD n chill out while BB is at my mom's for the wkends.

think this motherhood thingy is getting more serious as time goes by...esp with this no. 2 coming, i cant possibly go clubbing n drinking anymore until this smaller one can walk or i stop BF-ing. my colleagues ever praised me for being a good mommy! hahaha...maybe she sees how crazy i am abt my Sherv, but din know i hv my own time-out too.

but i think we shldnt struggle too hard with the parenthood or when they grow up and lead their own life one day, we will lose that pillar of strength! must always rmb to be good to ourselves as we only live once! and dun forget why we get married! haahaa...to seek companionship with someone we love, and until death do us part... n__n
Racoon and Amy,
Hi-5, am glad to know that I'm not the only one who is struggling between the role of being a mum and a wife. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :")
Hi HoneyB,
last sat class at Pat's was a trial i think. If I am not wrong, you can join in as a trial next week, and if you like they will prorate the term.

Blanche & Amberlyn,
ooooh so nice! I can meet you all there next week then

your elder boy is good to have in the class
the younger kids can learn from him. he also very nice, held my boy's hand during the forming of circle time.

Kid's loft format is pretty similar, just that the school is a lot smaller with no place for outdoor. However, the teacher Lavina is very good.

Ideally, if i dun work, I wouldnt mind letting Ryan go for Kids loft on weekdays, and Pats on sat

wow you travel so far to send your gal for classes!
I go to those classes cuz its all pretty near to my place...Lavina told me most of her classes are full now, but will get back to me soon.
Hi Butter8,
Thanks for the info, think I'll call them up for a trial lesson.

I'm quite interested in Mandeville music class, looks very professional, heard Yamaha has Music Appreciation classes too for 2yrs and above. My SIL was just telling us the other day that there was a report that says if we expose our kids to music at a young age, it will trigger their music senses and they will be able to pick up any musical instruments easily when they are much older (sounds like Sichida in musical notes form huh haa). Let me know if you are going to sign up, we can form a class and ask for discount hee. :")
HoneyB - Oh..GUG oso similar prog..but i guess GUG charges more expensive

Butter8- I was like confuse which play scho to send Gen to..so i chance upon Kidsloft while reading Young Parent, then i enquire & it happen that week got trial so i sent Gen there & she enjoyed it even 4 a 1st lesson. So now she is into her 2nd term already. Not so far lah, coz i usually stay over at my mum's plc in clementi on Fri nite so its ok.

But i think Lavina's classes qte popular. She even persuaded me not to withdraw gen out from the 2nd term coz slots are limited.
HoneyB, Piyo,

Am also looking ard for music class for my boy. Let me know if you mommies like to form a class. Thanks.
hi hi,
Relationship with hb do changes 4 me after birth of natalie. Cos as a mum, we tend to focus on them rather than our man. We wan to gv more love than to our man
like we used to go club on fri or even watch movies during weekdays evening also totally impossible cos in mind tink of our kid. Startin hb also complain to me but as time goes when she becoming older, hb wil miss her more than miss me! Haiz. Nw expecting no. 2 totally changed more. After been a sahm 4 sometime nw realise felt no love from hb. Mayb due to long time facing noti nat n stress wit no. 2 n hb was getting busier wit his work n can b late home too n cant help me much too... Tat y sometime wil feel no love. I tink stil need ourselves to try rekindle while we can ba. So tiring..
Hey mummies,

this topic about juggling hubbies and babies.. very interesting..

Would like to share my hubby's words with you all:
" Always remember that at the end of our parenting responsibility when the kids grow up and move out, it will still be the 2 of us together alone"

I agree that time with hubby is much lesser then last time.. and definitely, the hanky panky slow down ALOT for me.. cos i am really tired and i really hate it when both baby & hubby attack my body consecutively! especially when breastfeeding JAdelle still!

What we do have.. min 1x a month.. on the 9th of each month, is OUR time..we catch movie or makan or walk by the beach and chit chat.

At home, we catch a DVD after bb is asleep.

When i was still travelling at old job, hubby will call me after putting bb to bed and we chat over MSN/ Skype.

My work is my ME time.. and when i work, i unwind from bb jaga-ing time..

Would like to share with all mummies with busy hubbies:

I work with the men on work trips for so long, um, they really play very hard after work when overseas. Temptations are constantly around us, especially when in developing countries! And, working trips are actually very lonely and tiring. Sometimes, in weak moments, a neglected hubby on such trips will succumb very fast. THe only insurance: To keep the love alive and communications lines on all the time. Cos, it is true the men stray very fast especially when their wives neglect them due to babies and work-life juggling...

I have learned to face the facts that men are of a different make from women. They are such visual creatures!

From my work trips, i learned and picked up the following in order to keep hubby by my side, emotionally and mentally and physically:

1) Keep your looks! = continue keeping yourself updated with fashion and do put on make up when going out.
2) please don't do so much unsexy stuff in front of them like letting off gas etc. it turns them off in terms of attractiveness quotient!

3) DON't undress in front of them casually. Men prefer to have peek-a-boo when it comes to our bodies. especially, they hate seeing us breastfeeding and some guys will get turned off sex with wives.

4) We need to tease them occasionally when carrying out our day to day activities with our suggestive words, tones, touch and visual.. enough said.. men are visual creatures, remember?

5) Keep his eyes trained on you.. ensure he is still besotted with you! Pick up refreshing ideas for the bedroom!

6) Lastly, If you don't wish to do the above, don't pretend that when they travel for work, after work it is only drinks and dinner.. harmless fun will be inevitable, but dun allow it to move further..

FYI, i don't allow my hubby to travel like my old job yah.. and previous job, i travelled with more then 500 colleagues in total over the last 10 yrs.. and the men never fail to live up to their reputation of being weak in front of temptations..
Ya, before we bought the SLR camera I am very unsatisfy with those photos we have taken, none of them we can develop and put in the photo alburm as Jay always walk and run around so difficult to catch his movement in time. I like to take close up photos, but at the same time will also take some big big scenary photos. when develeop the photos that time the theme will be the scenary one followed by those close up one so that can show the venue/place and Jay's expression.

Re: Weekend programs
As I am going to send Jay to CC soon, I am not intent to let him go any class during weekend, ecept for right brain traning (Shichida). I don't want to stress him with too many learning to pick up. However, I am interested to let him go for music class or some gym class just for fun. Anyone organising please let me know ya! TIA.

Re: Neglected hubby
So far my hubby never complain that I have neglected him. We enjoy spending time with Jay after work together, bring Jay to playground together, play hide and seek with him together etc. We will try play and talk to Jay without involving my maid as I don't like my Jay too dependent on the maid. Both of us like to watch tv/movie but now there will be no tv at all time (except when there is a live Man U soccer match during weekend
), unless Jay is sleeping. We will only catch a midnight movie coz that's the only time we have for ourselves as Jay is definately slept liao. I think if compare to you all, I am definately not a good wife as most of my time are for Jay only.
Thank you Jas for posting the tips!

Cyn, i empathise with you, and I used to feel tat way too. but tat was bcoz i used to think tat when men promoted to become father, they WILL also put baby first like we do! i hv a colleague here who is totally obsessed with her kid, until she neglected her hubby. and she even made an agreement with her hubby tat both shld put the son FIRST in all things they do. they will be no more marriage so to speak...only parenthood.

but in long run, i m certain tat it strained the marriage... and why some mommies can treat the hubby like a baby machine only! (last time is we women being treated as a baby machine!=)

my advice is tat yes, we shld focus on the little ones first, but only for a yr or so... after tat, we shld do something for ourselves liao. start to find/create those sparks in our lives, n learn to relax abit on the bb issues.. it took me a while b4 i can relax coz i felt so guilty n miserable when BB is not with me, i dun enjoy being with hubby alone...etc.

but now is different, i manage to balance my mind as both a mother n a wife. hopefully i can do the same for the second BB, and can play a healthy role this time.

i'm so glad tat we hv each other for support here and learn from each other's experiences. this makes our motherhood easier... =)
Tod shoes
As i'm bringing Sherv to Perth next Thurs, expect her to walk alot... so wondering if her usual shoes are alright for walking..

Can mummies pls advise me the kind of shoes you feel is right for our tods now? TIA!!
sometime to share when the tods make us fume!!!

An article titled "A Father Forgets" by W. Livingston, written more than
100 years ago. Very relevant to the fast paced Spore lifestyle....

W. Livingston Larned
condensed as in "Readers Digest"

Listen, son: I am saying this as you lie asleep, one little
paw crumpled under your cheek and the blond curls stickily
wet on your damp forehead. I have stolen into your room alone.
Just a few minutes ago, as I sat reading my paper in the
library, a stifling wave of remorse swept over me. Guiltily
I came to your bedside.
There are the things I was thinking, son: I had been cross
to you. I scolded you as you were dressing for school because
you gave your face merely a dab with a towel. I took you to
task for not cleaning your shoes. I called out angrily when
you threw some of your things on the floor.

At breakfast I found fault, too. You spilled things. You
gulped down your food. You put your elbows on the table. You
spread butter too thick on your bread. And as you started off
to play and I made for my train, you turned and waved a hand
and called, "Goodbye, Daddy!" and I frowned, and said in
reply, "Hold your shoulders back!"

Then it began all over again in the late afternoon. As I came
up the road I spied you, down on your knees, playing marbles.
There were holes in your stockings. I humiliated you before
your boyfriends by marching you ahead of me to the house.
Stockings were expensive-and if you had to buy them you would
be more careful! Imagine that, son, from a father!

Do you remember, later, when I was reading in the library, how
you came in timidly, with a sort of hurt look in your eyes?
When I glanced up over my paper, impatient at the interruption,
you hesitated at the door. "What is it you want?" I snapped.

You said nothing, but ran across in one tempestuous plunge,
and threw your arms around my neck and kissed me, and your
small arms tightended with an affection that God had set
blooming in your heart and which even neglect could not wither.
And then you were gone, pattering up the stairs.
Well, son, it was shortly afterwards that my paper slipped from my hands and a terrible sickening fear came over me. What has habit been doing to me? The habit of finding fault, of reprimanding-this was my reward to you for being a boy. It was not that I did not love you; it was that I expected too much of youth. I was measuring you by the yardstick of my own years. And there was so much that was good and fine and true in your character. The little heart of you was as big as the dawn itself over the wide hills. This was shown by your spontaneous impulse to rush in and kiss me good night. Nothing else matters tonight, son. I have come to your bedside in the darkness, and
I have knelt there, ashamed!
It is feeble atonement; I know you would not understand these things if I told them to you during your waking hours. But tomorrow I will be a real daddy! I will chum with you, and suffer when you suffer, and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when impatient words come. I will keep saying as if it were a ritual: "He is nothing but a boy-a little boy!"
I am afraid I have visualized you as a man. Yet as I see you
now, son, crumpled and weary in your cot, I see that you are
still a baby. Yesterday you were in your mother's arms, your
head on her shoulder. I have asked too much, too much.
Hi leobbsmom,
Now we can only try to do our best to be wife, mother, maid & DIL & DD to our mil & mum. Realise everything is not easy to juggle & so impressed & peifu with my mum how she really manage everything. Sometime most impt is to have an understanding HB. I agree wit Jas those tips & men ae easier to temptations than WOMEN!!! Have gone through it b4 in the past & hope it never comes.. As a wife we need to do our part & of cos man also have too help rekindle everything lo. So now basically trying to spend more time alone with HB like put Natalie @ mil hse or my mum hse so we can go for movie or hanky panky la (definitely lessen alot compared to the past!) The rest of time is spending with Nat together playing etc as a family.Sometime must let men realise e joyous of family & e purpose of them bring e bread home too & how hard we are doing as mother wife too.

As now everything is done by me, managing e house, handle e kids, handle HB.. so when he come home he smell of nice home cooked food & for sure most impt smile from wife & kids is what they also wanted to see... so xiao nu ren! hahaha

haha, i'm also a xiao nu ren. Everyday, minutes before hubby is home, i would quickly neaten up the house, put the toys back, make the dinner look more presentable and find something for the kids to do so they would not be fighting, just to let hubby come home to a peaceful house. Ya, also neaten my hair and clothes, so I look less auntie

Perhaps, I have worked before and really dread going to my mil's house just to see how messy things are, and listen to how she complained she had not cook or eaten, or how tired she was and thus, I tried not to give hubby the same treatment now. After a hard day work, won't be nice to hear and see these.
cocomo, clarks ar? i always think it's meant more for boys, i shall go and check them out! hope to find a nice sweet pair. thanks!! =P

cyn cyn, you are such a sweet xiao nu ren... think i cant handle tat cz i'm a big woman... >__<

rain, congrats!!!
Think I must learn from you all on all the tricks liao. but then my hubby and I knew each others since Uni and he knows I am very tomboy one suddenly change to 'iao nu ren' dunno he can accept the change or not?? Skali he think I have fever!
Nevertherless, after hearing what you all treat your hubby think I must change and put more 'nu ren wei' on myself liao.

My hubby is currently overseas for 1 mth, your posting worry me!!!!
the article touches my heart...*tear*

you very farni...actually you and your hubby always give me the feeling of role reversed. he is like more kan cheong over jay kind of father, for example when you mentioned how he'll disagree with you over some of the parenting issues and stuff, while you like more steady and relax

so do i click the "Buy Now"? Then what's next?
Ya he is a 'hao ba ba' and good husband type. He did all house works (ironing, washing, cleaning etc) when I preggie with Jay and b4 we got the maid. So sometimes feel bad that I am taking advantage as he treats us really well
Hm. . . must really treat him well after he back from Oman liao. . . hee. . .
congrats! one of our june mummies also pop with twins on same day!!


yah, i like it.. so thought wanna share with you all! Cos, sometimes, i get cross with jadelle but gotta keep reminding myself not to be like my mum... sigh..

My hubby &amp; I dated since we were 16.... but even then... i think not advisable to take anything for granted..

I think of it this way: everyday might be my last day on earth, so i try to maximise and ensure all my loved ones are not neglected. THis came from the constant travelling.. I hated those planes.. every turbulence freak me out actually and it doesn't matter if we are in business class or economy class if anything happens! I don't wish to end a day with harsh words to hubby or jadelle cos if really my last, wah lau, i think i cannot bear it bah..

BTW, i think your hubby good hubby lah.. and very "well trained" in housework helping out! Great for both of you!!

Ah, OMAN lah... maybe not to our men's taste.. keke... still, I say this. if hubby is not neglected and feel loved and wanted... they really won't stray casually..so, believe in yourself! I don't see any harm on small improvements.. and most of the time, they don't really realise what is the difference..

hmm.. except if i buy bags..
hubby sure know immediately! DARN!

augustmum &amp; Cynthia,
um, like leobbmom, i actually cannot be a xiao nu ren leh..
i know at the end of the day, i will be yelling at my kids and my hair is all messy and wearing home clothes, looking hassled and very frazzled.. i can try on weekends, but 2 days is enough.. and more exhausting then working!

So, really peifu!!!

we also going australia leh.. but i very confused over what food can and cannot bring.. can refresh me?

regarding shoes,
um, dun whack me, but i think for good grip and light for outdoor walking and trekking, aside from clarks, go for crocs too... cos very easy to wash and maintain especially when walk on sandy beaches etc.
hi all,

regarding keeping hubby happy and travelling for work + temptation....
in the past in my APAC role, I travelled more then my hubby. i mostly travelled with males, my bosses or colleagues. I have been blessed to see that married men with kids, actually spent their time when overseas, looking for gifts to buy for their wives and kids. In fact my bosses took me to jewellary stores to shop for things for wives and daughters. during the waiting time in the airport, the men would talk about their families. At nite during entertainment, it was purely drinking and talking. I know of some singles adjorning off for massage and all that, but i have to put in a good word for the 'Kuai' men, they opted out. I guess it also depends on the industry and culture of the company.
I have also worked with Japanese culture company, that one is a little bit worse, usually the very rich and big bosses pay for company of pretty ladies. If the younger local sales guys are not strong willed they would be influenced. But my colleagues did not 'shit' where they work. They feel that this image is not good. Its better for their career to look like a stable man, with happy family.

Anyway, in every situation, there will be good eggs and bad. i agree with Jas and the rest, we need to keep on our toes, and make and effort to be good wife and mother. Strike a balance.

nonetheless, when my hubby goes to KL for his management meetings, I still worry. cus every nite they go for drinks, and in KL every simple pub has girls, and the gals are working gals and just approach men esp foreigners very blantantly.
last time, when we were younger, we went to party there, and i saw gals approaching the guys in our group. terrible

Re: KidsLoft
There is a trial class next Wed morning at 930 - 11am, i have signed up for it as I am taking leave next week. Any mummies free to catch up next week? I am going to be 'SAHM' for a week kekekeke

I got my boy shoes in perth too, there is a good variety there. but like what jasmommy says, crocs is not bad, then i got a few good shoes from Colette.
jas, basically no food/diary product allowed la... =( but i will still bring :
- brand new rice cereal
- packed milk powder into ziploc bags
- tiger food jar
- compact steriliser
- bibs (so tat i dun hv to keep changing her soiled top)
- umbrella stroller
- hats
- fever/flu medicine
- diaper rash cream

you can refer to this link to see what applies to Jadelle. =)

i will also buy Sherv shoes from Perth, infact i bought her one nike shoes from Melb last yr, but dunno if her feet is big enuff to fit.. =P

wanna ask if your tods have started to tell u to buy things for him/her??
and if they will create a scene if u dun relent? how do u handle such situations?
hope u can share your views/experience with me. TIA!
I am not totally 'xiao nu ren" Can b damn fierce esp with Nat.. imagine a day of nonsense from her at times can feel real frustrated lo. Just that I try to be more "yang oh" &amp; soft. Sometime HB also cant stand it cos he can be v used to me been "da nu ren" handle everything @ home &amp; even issue with mil hahaha! I also look super duper auntie at home. Now worsen esp preg this round seems totally don bother about my outlook! Jus tired everday and totally ignore &amp; simply put simple make up when go out with my glasses &amp; normal top! Maybe I not working so I don bother so much &amp; don't feel making myself prettier this round HAHAHA! Now just cant wait to pop.

Hmm I haven come across Nat to ask mi buy anything. She will prefer to explore around herself @ toy R us &amp; Kiddy palace. I will tell her not yours and bring her to another side to see other toys. Sometime when she refuse I will wait for another 15mins to try again. When they are playing very hard they do not wish to be disturb or even carry them away. This sure makes them create a scene. I think end up is me buying toys for her when I see her love playing that very long!!! HAHAHA now reduce buying liao... always kana frm HB
milk powder in ziploc bags is not allowed into aust. u hv 2 bring unopened FM tin. tat was wat i was told by my bro who is now PR in aust n fr friens who went 2 aust.
venue: kelly's plc at pasir ris
date: 6apr, sun
timing: 1130-2pm
itinerary: lunch followed by a brief baking session (cookies)

any1 interested?
kelly, but i hv heard tat even new tin is not allowed... i might waste more tat way... =( anyway i dun need so much, so i dowan to pack a tin in my luggage. hubby said if they wan u to throw, they dun care if it's a new tin or opened tin. thanks for sharing! =)
hi leobbsmom..went to mel last june..new and unopen fm is allowed to oz...
at tat time..i oso brought along a 1kg bag of rice..
hope this helps
Please remember to bring some diarrhoea medicine for adults and kids. My nephew who studied there recently diarrhoea for 10 days non-stop and doctor did not prescribe any medicine for him. At the end he lost 8kg during this period. If you sick in Australia very troublesome, they will not give antibiotic but only ask you to take panadol. I hate that when I was there for my degree. I am not sure about the opened milk powder but opened food (rice, cereal etc) definately cannot. Herbs also cannot. They thrown away my 'dong chong cao' last time!!!

venue: kelly's plc at pasir ris
date: 6apr, sun
timing: 1130-2pm
itinerary: lunch followed by a brief baking session (cookies)

1) cocomo, Jay and maid (will go if I can get Jay awake and 'tong' till after the session)

Your xiao nu ren actions really makes me laugh.

Before i had Justin and only me n hubby staying together, I'll knock off on time if i can, rush to supermkt, dash home n cook. Then call him to find out if he has set off for home, then i estimate what time to steam the fish so it'll be just nice when he reaches home. And I'll be over the hill if hubby praise my cooking n finish all the food. The kitchen used to my territory, now its been invaded by somebody else lor.....maid n MIL lor.

But of course, there's always many other ways than through the kitchen lah
hi, blanche &amp; butter8,
my hubby called pat's this morn. was told they had 2 cases of HFMD discovered on Mon from the nursery class. pat's said they are sending the memo to all parents today and they will call the d'story club parents this afternoon too (guess we may not get the memo since we are not from their regular nursery/K class).

my hubby abit paranoid. wanted to skip tmr's class as our boy just recovered last wk from stomach flu plus recently already cranky with teething. so likely i'm not going for class tmr. was really looking forward to bringing him for the class since he enjoyed it alot, and of course hoping to meet up with you gals.
hi mommies..

have not logged in for a long time.. lots of issues at home.. work stress as well.. need time to catch up on the posting..

just need mommies' advise.. any of your toddlers are prone to nose bleeding?? how to prevent?? thanks..
Hi Kris,
I never come across nose bleeding.. What happen? Is it Zorian? If really so better just bring him to PD for a check e root of the prob...

Hope ur issues are settle at home &amp; work... Relax okie. If u feel comfortable we are all here to lend pair of listening ear.

Just read today newspaper on the Report of HFMD. There could be a possibilities whereby if getting too serious of outbreak, may have to temporary closure of Pre-School.. OMG.. hope e outbreak will stop soon..
