(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

No worries la. Sometime we just need extra brains to help us too ah.

U also staying around AMK? Actually I have called other few centres lo. So mostly this Fri I try to view some near my mil hse at AMK Ave 10 there... 400 plus. Fees are reasonable too.
For example:
PCS AMK Child Care Centre Blk 442( waiting list)
A) 4hr (9am-1pm) flexi program includes morning snackes & lunch. Fee $295 aftre $25 0ff for working mum. Program like story telling, learn through playing, colouring.

B) Full Day (7am-7pm) $385 after $150 off.
They also provide half day.

3hr Program (9am - 12pm) Speak drama, simple colouring. Fee $130 standard

Think I will give up Little skool hse cos I find the teachers v cold... and HB also don like the place. Think will look into neighbourhood ba.
I called & they advise me the same things. Send when ur child reaches 24mths for PG.
1st, able to learn more things and intro more to them.
2nd, adaptability will be much easier for kids too.

Just sharing lah hehehe.

cyn, ya lah! sometimes really stretching when we hv to think so much when we hv so much brain cells rite! hahaha...

leobbsmom, I think now main concern for us is the SCH for our kid. And later part will be after 2nd one born liao how to handle all sort of issue...
Hi Fiona

I'm fine. Thks for your concern.

Hi Tigerlan

Welcome to the thread.

Hi Mummies

I'm going to send Crisann for full day CC from Mar onwards as I don't have a choice. I'm so worry that she is not use to it, don't eat well, don't sleep well and cry every morning when send her there etc. Haiz... Think i also think too much liao....

Hi Rain

Wah so fast u going to give birth liao. Take care.
Hi Mummies,

Actually I never really think too much b4 I decided on PG for Justin. Just that MIL told me abt Justin's longing to play with kids and I remember there's 1 clean and new CC within walking distance from my hse, then i decided on it liao. After all, its only max 3 hrs per day and I hope Justin enjoyed this new play activity lor. If not, its playing with his same toys over and over again everyday.

My fear of course is the falling sick part, but will go with Justin's flow lor, if he falls sick too often until we can't manage or he simply doesn't enjoyed it, then I'll withdraw him lor, no harm trying.
My MIL and maid quite happy with the idea of the PG. MIL even said she can go drink kopi and shop while waiting for Justin to finish class. My maid upon hearing Justin going to wear uniform, became excited too like seeing Justin turning into big boy like that.

If everyone in the family gives me the support on this idea and thinks favourably, I feel more rest assured actually. Now I just hope everything turns out well.
welcome 2 e thread.

mummies & a dad
thks so much 4 ur concern. stella's now wif my mum's since sun so hopefully can "siam" e virus. my boys r recovering, esp edward who starting drinking/eating 2day. on mon & tues, he refused everything. BIG headache then!

NOW i m down wif high fever. my whole body aching since last nite, tis morn e fever came. saw GP tis morn. he said either i caught a flu or HFMD, juz need 2 watch out 4 ulcers/blisters in e next few days.

i miss my Stella soooooooooooo much.
Hi Racoon

So nice that your family is so supportive. Mine is opposite. Everyone say she will be so poor thing this and that.

Hi Amy

Are u refering to Blk 438. Actually quite like the CC at Blk 438. But they only take in toddler from 30 mths onwards. That CC is quite clean and envirnoment is gd. U staying at Clementi?

So i have no other choice but to send her to NTUC CC at Blk 428.
presenting my stella, at 4wks old.

Hi Kelly

Glad to hear that your boys are recovering. U take care. Hope your boys and u get well soon.

Stella is so chubby and cute.
hey Crisann,

Saw your girl on Monday in your mum's hands. No wonder, find her so familiar. My nephew attends the NTUC CC at Blk 428 and he actually knows Crisann as mei mei. My sis's MIL knows your mum and she mentioned to me that Crisann is born 3 Aug and is going CC next month.

In future, my nephew and Crisann going to be classmate.
Hi Amy

Your nephew is it Jayden. Think I know who he is. When she saw Crisann, he used to call Crisann mei mei and say I'm gor gor. But not now after he attended the school. Crisann is born on 2 Aug.

Yeah they will be classmate soon.
kelly, why all your kids can be so chubby ar??? i wanna bite her cheek lehzzz!! can or not??

oh my...stella sure resembles her kor-kors!!

u take good care n hope u did not kena HFMD or u hv to quarantine urself from the boys liao since they are recovering..
Yap. That's him. And his grandma will refer Crisann as the mei mei who is also 'pang pang de' like my rae. So, qiao.

I went to that CC quite a few times to spot check on Jayden for my sis. The teachers there see me more than see my sister.
oh dear..hope its juz a flu virus ya..take gd care..N stella is such a sweet n chubby girl...she looks like her gor gors...;P

here is a pic of jazzele taken during cny...babies r growing up so fast n i cant believe my girl be 5mths soon liao...

jazelle is such a pretty & sweet girl, juz like mummy. she is very smiley n her smile is like megawatts 1 lor.

crisann, leobbsmom, amy
only cheeks chubby lah. e rest of her still small small. e chubby cheeks runs in e family.
Hi Amy

U working near Clementi? Jus like to check why do u need to go and check on Jayden?

Hi Augbaby

jazzele is a cheerful baby.... Nice smile.

Hi Kelly

Oh no.... U take care... Hope u get well soon.
Hi mummies,
Long time no log in! miss you all! so many postings.. taking time to slowly read...sorry for long post, cos can only pose 1x a night haha!

Long time no c superdad, rain and babyboy! Hi! hope everything is well with you all!

Superdad and babyboy - do you mean Carpe Diem at Royal Rd (off AYE), wa lao! that one CMI lah! lots of greenery but so "dim dim, orh orh " inside.. dun haf good feeling abt it and equipment in the outdoor playground so dusty and old looking... If ard that area, can consider Lorna Whiston which is definately much better!

Depot Rd is the Zion Babies right? I surveyed there when I was preggie with megan.. nice, clean and new place! can consider

The one at lengkee - what's the name of the CC? or is it a playgroup?

There is a talent plus at radin mas cc too if you all wanna consider 2hrs playgroup

Been very busy last week till now.. my staff on leave hence swarmed by work so much that even coy din ban SMH, I dun think I haf the time to come in...really 100% productivity... haiz

Btw, I cleared my detailed scan ytd and confirmed it's a minnie!!

re: JG classes/playgroups/ccs
Will be sending megan for bilingual class over the weekends if she does not end up in daily playgroup/half/full day cc within the next few mths...

I agree with racoon that for us with maids, our kids will benefit better if they go for daily playgroup etc... I went to the potential CC I wanna put megan in look c again ytd... I think the principal must b thinking I am the most niao parents ard haha! I like the managament and teachers there and each time I go c, the more "fang4 xin1" I feel...personally I think Megan will benefit from full day there cos lots of activities for morning and afternoon.. they haf outdoor in the afternoon too, so if I were to put her in half day CC, she will miss the chance of interaction n playing in the outdoor with her friends... and all of her age toddlers are there full day and you know what? they really look very happy!.. wonder if I send her halfday, will she not haf a sense of belonging and bonding with the kids? end up odd one out cos everytime come b4 lunch, she will be out of there... dilemma...hopefully by the next time I post, I can tell you all I haf made the decision...can't wait to see megan in uniform hehe

re: toys
Mummies, wondering anyone of you haf bought/going to buy kitchen set for your toddlers? I am scouting ard for one but found most very flimsy, even the Fisher Price set! I bot 1 set from toysrus but after fixing it, I felt so flimsy that I actually dismantle and send it back to Toysrus for refund! If anyone has the experience over kitchen sets, pls share with me? wanna invest in a good one since will be utilised fully by megan and her sister!

hi mummies who are preggie,
Congrates!!! take good care of yourselves okie? hmmm... I think I am the odd one out here... me still equally excited over this pregnancy (perhaps knowing this is my last one, so m treasuring the preggie times)...I take my pills diligently almost everyday, will think think what to eat for bb's sake. Hopefully wont gain too much weight tis time round..and do spend time talking to her inside..you all won't believe it, I even took time to attend shichida prenatal edn.. learn quite a bit there.. same time telling myself to spend as much time as I can with Megan cos she's left with another 5 mths of being an only child? I know I will be very busy when no.2 is out so now enjoying my pregnancy

But come to being careful, me also just play and sleep with megan and forget I am preggie at times.. I still sleep with megan next to me at night so will kena wack by her kungfu kicks still hehe..

stay cheerful mummies! cos happy mummy = happy baby
and dun forget to play classical music for your unborn ones

Hi Tigerlan and blanche,

Hi Racoon,
Good to see you post again... I suspected you are preggie but din expect so many things to happen at your homefront.. glad to know all is well now!! and CONGRATES!!!

Hi kelly,
How did you end up with HFMD? Hope you get well soon...and stella is so chubby!

Btw, did you get my email on Ros schoolhouse?

Hi Augbb,
Jazelle is so smilely.. hopefully my 2nd princess also as smilely as yours!

Sign off now, will come back tomorrow night and post again
Hi all , last night , my son suddenly have terrible nose bleed , so many blood that he even chock and blood coming out from his mouth ! me n HB so shock , at 2am , hurry drive him to KKH ... End up , dr say is nothing wrong .. but i m still worry .

Re : Food

Can mumy share what do u all cook for ur kids ? Cos Raygen always eat porridge cook by my mum , so i thinking of letting him try more food , but he refuse to eat , he will kep all the food in his mouth ...

Food i try : Mash potato with carrot, corn n mince meat ... Macaroni with chicken n cheese ... Steam eat with mince meat , carrot , tomato n brocoli ... All he dont like ... so stress ... Cos seeing him lose so many blood , me so stress , want him to eat well
Dear Mummies

Thanks for the welcome!

I have no #2 to share as mentioned before, presently my little rascal is 18 months.

After reading through all the postings, a question came to mind since all of you have more than 1 child, are all of you considered to be a "kiasu" parents in the area of academic? Like, right now with having more than 1, are you willing to spend say S$1k of getting flash cards, buy lots of books, educational toys? Just a thought, cause for me, I am not, instead my mum is
asking me how come didn't get those right-brain method of flash cards for English, Chinese and Maths. For me, right now till 3 years old, physical well-being is more important as in physical development in area of fine/gross motor skills. Of course I do get flash cards but only those from popular or DIY. Books I do buy but selectively. As in the area of learning, I rather show him in actual real form than pictures! I am a classical fan, so have been introducing lots of different instruments. Keep track of what he is to know in each stage of his development.

Hi White_Lady

Don't worry too much about food. There is a talk by KKH that if show more than 15 times to a kid, ultimately he/she will eat. It has been proven. My boy is a fussy eater. Right now, he has been eating "broken rice" which is similar to porridge but not too mashy if you know what I mean. Like you can literally see the rice grains. Presently, he eats mutton, beef, fish, all green vege, brocolli, carrot, corn, oat, noodles (yellow and tang hoon), macaroni, sweet potato and tofu. My boy do not like to eat fruits. I fret initially, but after attending the talk and show him consistently more than 15 times orange, star fruit, mango, papaya, chiku and apple, realises that he prefers them as juices. During those developmental check, the nurse told me that as long as the weight has been constant and he didn't lose weight, don't worry about not eating other type of food. My mum also said that. Eventually they will eat. I have tried showing cheese, he will make the throw up movement.

As for blood coming out from his mouth, as the throat is connected to the nose, it could be a back flow of the blood down to the mouth so much so that when he got choke which could be due to the tickling sensation that causes him "cough" in a way. Read this articles on nosebleed http://www.babycenter.com/0_nosebleeds_11263.bc. I have quite frequent nosebleed during toddler stage.

Toys, have you guys ever rent toys before? Toys as in those big bulky ones, like swing, slide, Little Tikes car/tricycle, even kitchen play set. The kitchen play set are those from Little Tikes. For me, I do rent these, as his attention span on any toys are not for long. The minimum rental period is 1 month, so it is more than enough for him to play. In that sense, also spare me the trouble of thinking where to store them or to re-sell
Hi kelly,
oh dear. hope u will recover soon and see stella soon. she looks so much like her bros. so chubby and cute.

hi blanche and tiger,
welcome to the thread.

hi raccoon,
hi mummies,
re: playgroup
still considering whether to send him to playgroup or 3 hrs childcare. talentplus's activities sound alright but the teacher-pupil ratio is 1:8. would like to have a smaller teacher-pupil ration cos i think the tr would be able to focus more on the kids. will most send him in june cos i can go down and monitor how he's adjusting.

re: #2
think will start trying in june if hb is ready and if i clear my thyroid test. I waited for abt 2 yrs for my thyroid to stabilise b4 i can try for Kayden.

but i think i will have a girl this time cos when we asked Kayden whether he wants didi or mei mei, he will reply meimei most of the times. but not sure whether he wants a sibling now or not cos he'll sometimes refuse to answer and point to himself instead. hb says Kayden only wants himself and not a sibling. haha...

hi augbaby,
Jazzelle's growing prettier and prettier. have girl so good. can doll her up.

When u sms me then, I wanted to tell u then but thought maybe let the gynae clear me of the chicken pox risk first b4 announcing, but glad everything is ok now.

Wow, u so on, even attended the SM prenatal class, Justin's classmate's mum attended and she saw great results but mainly in terms of motor skills. Her gal is very expressive and alert at newborn stage, started to walk at 8 mths. I thought of attending too but its 3 hrs on weekday nights leh, so the thought of taking time away from Justin plus very tiring after work, i gave up. But you jia you ok.


Shd be alright lah. I always suspected I hv thyroid and tested machiam like 4 to 5 times to date. GP say I dun hv but chinese sinseh say I hv, but talk to ur gynae lor, if he/she gave you the thumbs up, shd be safe to try.


Take care and get well soon.

Stella so poor thing, cannot see the mummy for so long.


I don’t work near there, just that I was clearing leave thus has more time to spare to do spot checks for my sister. And, I adore Jayden very much (almost like my own son). Too bad, he and my rae don’t really get along. She wants me to check stuff like
1. how the caregivers there coax the kids to sleep
2. what are the activities that follows after the nap time?
3. What the kids are having during snack time? Is it according to the menu?
4. How the caregivers there interact with the kids?


So ‘qiao’, I’m also looking for a kitchen set for nephew. So thinking whether to rent before confirming which brand to buy but the rental alone is around $50plus, like not making economical sense. Also, thinking whether to wait for Robinson Sale for discount like they did for the Fisher and Price Cook & Clean Set. I also prefer buying sturdy set so that it last from Little Tikes but they don’t carry a lot of the models here in Singapore.
hi racoon,
thanks but my gynae will still advise me to see my endo dr 1st b4 trying. must take blood test again. really dreading to go for it. super sian.

my bro got e boys a FP kitchen set in dec 4 e boys. very sturdy, very gd. e boys love it. it comes wif a ironing board, oven, washing machine, sink & stove. i'll try 2 find e pic in e boys' blog n post it here.
stella's mummy even more poor thing. i miss her so much until i cry at times. so hard 4 me 2 hv a girl (accidental pregnancy), almost lost her cos of e umbilical cord round her neck 2x (gynae frightened me by saying if my girl stayed in me longer, she may hv died), then she was away at 1wk old 2 stay in MAH for 3D2N bcos of jaundice, now she's away fr me 4 so long.

sob! sob!
dear kelly,

pls dun be sad, do take care and maybe u can pass your digital camera to your mom, and ask her to take pics of stella for u. at least it helps to ease the "xiang si" alittle... =)

hi piyo, really long time didnt hear from u during office hrs, sure miss your posts.. =)
do take care! fortunately you've only caught it after you've given birth, so think of it in a better way. dun be sad, you can be with stella once everything's cleared.

ya so long no see...how's things?

hope your boy is alright now, i would haf freaked out too to see so much blood. the last time denise fell and her lip got cut by her teeth and was bleeding so much i panic...should haf been more calm...hehe

yoz...you really very onz leh...my energy level the most reach home play with denise nia..no time or xing qing to do anything else...recently also very stressed at work, now can't wait for my colleague to be back next tues, finally after nearly a month away...

me also not kiasu kind...i dun read, flash cards to my gal at all or insist on showing my gal educational videos. i only on the video if i remember or feels like it. but i very particular about using the correct pronouciation when talking to her. so on & off i get a little pissed with my mil for trying to speak in broken english to her, which i'll tell her off.

but now really wants to bring her for some classes again to expose her a little, since she's at home most of the time. but think i won't send her to any PG or CC till later.
I bought those normal one at Kiddy Palace. Natalie enjoy playing & we teaching her how to cookwill jus dump eerything in the pot cos there is sound of cooking too. At time she will cook & use hand to give us and Eat. Kids are so full of imagination.

Wow Jazzele grown up fast.. 5mths just pass like this. Realli having kds around us is different and everyday is hectic, fulfilling & sometime even crazy!

So impress of ur energy level. For me though my 2nd tri is ending soon but this preg makes mi extremely tired. Maybe becos of Nat around and getting so restless chasing playing with her lo. This round i hardly take more vitamins. Just those fish oil & once a week cook "dong cong cao" & bird nest. Chicken essence is my energy builder now..

Do take care. I noe you sure miss stella esp these period. Just bear with it. When you recover, there is more time for her. Now is stil both u & sons health before bringing her back. Recover Fast!
Hi Mummies,

I have a qxn on car seats and cars. Now that we are going to hv 2 kids, hubby saw a need to upgrade car to MPV but he's unwillingly to give up his current one cos he likes it very much.

Our current one is a sedan so Justin sits in a toddler car seat behind the driver. If our 2nd kid comes along, will hv to put back the infant car seat but where ah? behind the front passenger seat? I'm always the one who sits beside justin but with 2 car seats behind, I'm too big size to squeeze in the middle leh.

If we are to buy a MPV, then is it still Justin in his car seat behind driver's seat and baby behind front passenger seat? then is it difficult for the others to get into the last row cos got to move the 2nd row seat near the door in front a bit then can go to the back row right? with the infant car seat there, is it inconvenient? For MPV, is teh middle seat in the 2nd row as narrow as the sedan huh such that I'm still too fat to squeeze in between?

I'm troubling over this arrangement for a long time liao and never figure out how families with 2 kids manage leh.

Any advice?
Same as you I also keep thinking of this problem recently. Just wonder can we place the toddler car seat at the front passenger seat huh? My car sticker only said cannot rear facing car seat le.

Front seat is still dangerous becos of the airbag.

I heard even put in the middle seat behind is dangerous too becos the kid can be flung forward out of the car. Its too narrow too.

With 2 car seats in a sedan car, i can't ferry my MIL back on Sunday anymore cos no space unless its MPV.

I dun like to carry newborn in arms cos its dangerous too so will definitely use the infant car seat.
racoon and cocomo, i also hv the same concern lately... esp when we go out with my mom and maid(in the future), how is the back seat going to accomodate 2adults n 2 car seats??? @___@
Hi mummies,
thanks for the concern..with the #2 baby..time flies even faster..busy..tired..tough..but enjoyable too..

re: new MPV car
just book e MPV b4 CNY..
price @ $66.8k on e road price (with CNG function)
would place the baby seat at 2nd & 3rd roll..
1) Air-con will be very weak for 3rd roll
2) with CNG..3rd roll seat will be @ 90 degree & no boot space
3) baby seat at 2nd roll...still can slide the car seat..(cos the sliding is side by side..)

pray yr boys and you will be well soon.


Ours is a sedan too. I sit in front. The two car seats are behind. No problem so far but ya, very true, cannot give rides to others. However, if you have maid and need to ferry yr mil, I think upgrading is a need.


I bought my cooking set and toy food from elc. I was very particular about the quality for cooking set as the kids would most likely put the stuff into their mouth. No offense to some mommies, but I boycott the cheaper range from China. Actually I'm also not sure if elc's stuff are safe but their brand somehow gives me a bit of assurance.

I used an ikea table as a cooking table top. I drew my own stove (actually just three circles and coloured them black) and laminated them. It serves my kids well. I made the oven and fridge using boxes from ikea. Didn't want to buy everything as they take up a lot of space and couldn't be reuse for other purposes when the kids outgrow them. I also want to teach them that they could make their own toys too

Anyway, Zac has been helping himself to my real pots and pans, ladles etc from my kitchen. Anything missing just have to look for them in his playroom.

Hi Superdad,
Vivian has such big eyes! very alert looking!very pretty! Which brand of MPV did you get? My hubby loves his car...and he is not for MPV so hopefully this car will serve us weel for a while more b4 we change...

Hi cocomo, leosbbmum and racoon,
re: carseats
When can our big ones change to booster seat? I understand that we can't place car seats at the front passenger seat if there is an airbag there.. very dangerous..

My no.2 should be using the infant car seat while megan continues to use her current ones, 1 on each side of car with maid sitting in the middle bah...

Hi Fiona, cyn, racoon and preggie mums,
My last amount of energy now is here, typing this post haha!

Any of you are eating bird nest this time round again?
