(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Cynthia,
I also left ear in, right ear out from mil's "kind advise".

Re : Child Care/Playgroup
Planning to send kieira to one only after she turns 24 months. Would want her to join some playgroup to stimulate her mind instead of facing my maid(main care giver) the whole day. As I'm not preggie like some mummies here, there's no concern that i've to sent before next bb's arrival

Hi kris,
no problem. will surf the net and see if there's anything that pop up

Hi Jaz,
Thanks for including my order! Do you want me to pay you together with the vpost charges or wanna me tt 1st? Let me know ya?

Hi Augbb,
me on the road of recovery only this week! now voice back to normal!
I got a really bad virus this time round.. hope hubby, Megan and bb inside dun get it from me...

Hi Fiona,
You feeling better liao?

Hi kris, augmum and yoshi,
Me cfm stopping at 2 but not sure wanna insert foreign object into my body.. still thinking of taking external precautions.. going for detail scan next week.. maybe can ask gynae...

Hi Cynthia and Yoshi,
this childcare/playgroup thingy has been on my head all the time this week.. thinking whether to start with playgroup (2-3hrs daily kind) till I am abt to go back work(near end maternity leave) then send half day CC then extend to full day cc or straight send cc b4 I pop. If I choose playgroup, most prob she will be in this playgroup for about 8mths max? quite a long time b4 switching to CC.. still haf come not to a conclusion...
Just found a playgroup just 2mins walk from my house..prog quite standard - 1-1.5hr chinese, 1hr english, remaining time music&movement, art&craft etc. Tot of letting megan go there 1st then c how..cos find most playgroup progs all abt the same routine..This is good cos very near my hse, clean and new, cheap and teacher to student ratio is 1:6 - lower immunity issues.. concern is I think they may teach longer hours of chinese (abt 1.5hrs) and it's not montesorri.. another good thing is Megan can continue to take her meals and sleep at home and my maid will still be busy with my ger rather than staying at home for 4mths doing nothing b4 no.2 is out??

The other playgroup I can consider is 2hr daily montesorri playgroup with 20mins Chinese, abt 5-10mins drive away. Cost wise, 1.5* the 1st playgroup.

If I go for half day cc, find a bit stupid cos pay 2* more but prog effectively starts from 9-12 plus meals which I can happily do without.

If straight send to full day CC next mth, heart pain cos she so small.. then wait sick lagi worse
haiz... headache...
Hi Cynthia, Yoshi & Piyo

Me also headache. Don't should send crisann for 3 hrs playground or full day CC. Like what u say is so poor thing & heart pain if she will to go for full day cc. So much worry..... Haiz.
Hi Jasmommy,
Maybe Jade used of latching that is why so. Slowly let her get use to it. Even I feel bb at this stage also v unstable in their routine cos they start playing, and very "hong sim" one... refuse to sleep

Yoz Kris,
Thanks for ur good luck. Been talking to bb last nite think bb get so irritated didnt move this morning hehehehe.

Ya no choice. E more now 2nd one is comingand we are making some plans to move near mil! No choice... so e more must REN REN REN..

Piyo & Crisann,
I found a playgroup program at little skoool hse AMK Hub. Put her in waiting list lo. I think 3hr prog shld be ok for a start. Slowly when she adapt to the teachers and environment den I will consider put her into Full day. Lucky fil only work half day morning. So i send Nat to morning 3hr, den afternoon when fil is back he can help mil with 2 kids. Mil also refuse maid. She say she can handle ok lo let her handle
I so bad hehehe. I cant imagine if I straight away send Nat to full day she will burst in tears & crazy for me too.. so hope e 3hr prog helps.

Think my plan abt the same with piyo. Hopefully ard July she be able to start and I can monitor her while I rest and find job lo. So keep our finger cross! I believe Megan her adaptability is high. Nat she still... haiz. Slowly bah
Hi Cynthia, Piyo & Crisann,
Its really a difficult decision on CC/playgroup thingy! We still have to source around for one that we feel comfortable and can place our precious child in.

Another point to note regarding this whole issue is whether are you looking for a care giver or programs to stimulate your child. I understand that by putting your child in CC, time are taken up by eating, bathing, napping etc. That leaves limited time to focus on structure play or leaning. However, if you were to put your child in a enrichment centre, the programs are more focus on learning. It all boils down to our individual family arrangement. If you already have a care giver, then i would suggest enrichment centre. If not, then a CC would be better.

Hi Piyo,
As to whether you would like to slowly intro Megan to 2-3 hours playgroup to full day CC, it all depends on Megan's ability to adapt. Its really personal decision. Some parents prefer straight to full day CC whereas some prefer slow intro. Aiyoh....very confusing and frustrating to make a decision.
Quite agree with ur point if we already have caregiver, is there realli a need to send for CC. Now I can only wait for 2nd one born cos I also doesnt wish to tire my IL in taking care both. So 1st step if 3hr prog and slowly we gotta see from there liao.

Sometime find so tiring. Life seems so different & more headache & mroe white hair coming out after getting married, having kids.. and I m figuring why my hb doesnt seem to be worrying and I am the one doing e decision & jus tell him he say go ahead & here e $$$.
sometime i jus wan thoughts from him ma.. haiz..

Yda is valentine but seems slient night hahaha. No gift no candlelight dinner. Ya cook by me for Hb & Nat
Hi mummies,

Long time no come in. Hee... Come in looking for help.

My electric pump is spoilt. I still pumping milk for Avelyn. Can any mummy lend me your pump for a few months. Really don't feel like giving up so soon.

how do you find little skool hse? It was one of my options when I was looking for a cc for my older son. I visited the one at Orchid Country Club. Love the environment but find the teachers rather cold and the children rather rowdy. We popped in unannounced. Maybe that's why the principal's face was black but the class was really messy.

However, diff branch is diff. You let me know abt the AMK branck ok? Btw, I think little skool house is run by NTUC. It is actually a high end NTUC CC.
Hi Augustmum,
I just went to AMK Hub Little Skool hse.. somehow really feel the people very cold and doesnt seems as impressive. They are increasing their prices also. Though I have put in the waiting list but I will search around for others too lo. My mil live in AMK, I live west hahah but we are making plans to move..

Hehehe I am expecting a Minnie!
Close shop liao.. think 2 is enough for us. So many factors to consider..

amk has quite a no. of good chidcare right? Have you visited learning vision at grassroot club? I find it not bad but the price... very steep.
thanks for the concern. my flu turns into gastric flu, and i was vomiting like mad from thurs till my small blood vessels on my face broke, now looks like i have bad rashes on my face...but at least the vomitting has stopped but appetite's really bad. hope it goes back to norm soon.

sorry abt it, i can't come for stella's full mth liao...

congrats on knowing the gender of your baby.
Re: sleeping ...

I dont know why my son sometime still wake up middle of then night , like he will sleep at 11+ then 3+ , wake up and play till 7+ ... think he is the only one like that ! dont like to sleep one . And everyday , he only nap once , so i also dont know what is the problem ....

Have Been very busy this week. My hubby side family are coming for steamboat later .. got so much to prepare ... Got to prepare dessert too ...
Any mummy here like cooking ? I prepare the mango n pomelo dessert , yummy ! haha
hi mummies,
i'm also considering CC when my maid's work permit expires this sept... most likely will be full day instead of playgroup though my FIL is at home..

btw, just brought aidan to JG bilingual 2hrs playgroup at evans today.. conducted in english & mandarin one hr each. jay likes music right? quite a number of song singing... today the chinese teachers do story telling/acting thus quite interesting... outdoor play include sand play, water play, swimming & playground during the term... similar to the holiday prog that you went for previously?
Congrates! one boy one girl just nice! My MS reducing liao but still have a bit la esp when I am hungry . . . .

I started Jay with JG Evens Rd (4:30pm) 3 weeks ago but skipped last week and today's lesson
Jay dun really like JG le, dunno izit bcoz of the teachers or the environment? He just kept crying during his first 2 lessons and this never happened before le. Even he enjoyed a lot during JG's holidays program! Dunno what's reason thos round?! I will let him try this term and see how thing goes, if he still the same then will not continue.
i see. dunno if this is just a phase. aidan has also been crying for the past few weeks when we went to tumbletots (even though he's been in it since months ago!). even worse, he just cried the moment we entered the premises... so initially quite fearful that he will get cranky at JG (cuz first time there)... think i can only hope for the best every week...
hihi, jokojoko and cocomo, jadelle should join u all after her playnest this term..cos I change job, decide will go 1x a week for bilinggual playclub@ evans.
it takes a while to get used to environment..I see lots of new kids entering programme, will settle down only on 4th lesson.. my jadelle ah. once she see familiar teachers, will make herself at home liaoz
hi , check with those mummy that let their kids go for 1 time per week session . Do u all need to accompany them in ? Cos i m interested in GUG programm , and they require 1 parent to go in with the kids . Is 1 session per week , think is 1.5 hr - 2 hr ... Any by the way , where is evan ? or JG ?
Hi all mummies...

A little intro - my younger boy is also born in Aug 06. Have been a passive reader of this thread all along :p

I'm intending to put my younger boy on some trial classes and hopefully find somethine that he likes. First up is Kindermusik at Turf City (it's becoming quite some enrichment hub over there!). It's by this enrichment centre called Terrific Tikes (www.terrifictikes.com). I've enquired and they are willing to have a session on Sat, 10am, provided the minimum nos of 7 is reached.So was wondering if any other mummies are interested, so far, we've two Aug bbies.

Info on the trial:

Kindermusik Our Time (from terrifictikes.com)

Age Range : 18 months - 3 years
Class Length : 15-week term
Duration : 45 minutes per class
Focus : Building the child's self-esteem
Curriculum Content : Our Time encourages your child to uncover an engaging musical world while building confidence, self-control, and communication skills. Singing, imitating sounds, rhyming and object identification foster language skills. Creative movements to various ‘moods’ develop a sense of balance, timing and spatial awareness. Listening and turn-taking encourage blossoming social skills.

Date: 23 Feb (Sat)
Time: 10am
Venue: Turf City, #01-26 (website has details on how to get there)
Cost: $26 per pp

To register for the trial, call this number:
6466 2622

Maybe, can leave our nick here if register so we can roughly know the nos

1. Blanche
2. Blanche (on behalf of friend)

hi kelly,
you're right
elder boy is born in Jan 05.. hee, you've got the link to my blog on yours
Guess, u know who I am now ...

oh no. hope stella and the two boys are alright. I understand how tough it can be
take care, will keep ur family in our prayers.
hahaha, i know who u r know since u mentioned ur elder boy is born in jan05. hey, we must really meet up 1 day. i tik we communicate more via sms than mtg up. hahaha!

thks so much 4 ur prayers! i'm extremely worried 4 stella now. hope she can "siam" tis HFMD.

too bad, edward's down wif e virus too. if not, sure bring him 4 e trial. will love 2 meet up wif u & ur boys.
morning mommies..

it is Monday again..

hi cynthia..

me also thinking of putting Zorian at AMK Hub Little Skool house.. we staying near there.. but still considering lor..

congrats on a minnie..

hi Fiona..

u better already?? take care of yourself...

hi cocomo..

glad to hear tat your MS is getting better... keep some snacks on hand.. me eating like a pig now.. every two hours.. keekee.. getting fatter and fatter.. :p

u take care and let us know the gender once u know.. Intend to go back to BJG?? keekee.. Zorian still attending.. dun know where to place him and he seems to enjoy there.. so just leave it for the time being...

hi White_lady..

yap.. for BJG, parents have to accompany the kids for the one hour...

hi Kelly..

oh no... hope edward will get well soon.. will pray for stella.. take care...
hi mummies,
long time din pop in. really very bz with work. today on mc so can pop in. haven't had time to look through the previous posts except for the recent ones.

congrats cynthia and kris on having princesses.

hi kelly,
hope gabe and edward will get well soon.
hi mommies, good morning, it's Mon again. let's get each other thru today together!! n__n

aiyo Fiona, are u getting beta today> on MC??

cynthia, think AMK is somewat central and easier for travelling. esp after no. 2 comes along rite... i stay at punggol, inlaws at SK, and my mom at bedok. thou not central but at least we r near each other.. but inlaws not helpful at all la.. =P

kelly, will cover stella n kor kors in my prayer, the boys will be fine in His healing grace!

cocomo, u in week 14 now? glad to hear tat ur MS has reduced. mine is still on n off, and i feel so abnormal! >__<
Hi kelly,
Hope your boys will get well soon.

Kris n cynthia,
Congrats to both of you....

Feel betta today.... rest well...
What's your JG timing for Sat? maybe we in same class? Jay enjoyed his Shicida class le, dun cry at all the most walking here and there! Dunno why he just keep crying during his JG class lo
This make me wanna bring him there every dat also sian coz he dun seems enjoying except for last session outdoor.

Welcome. Quick join us la, maybe when Jay see lotso familiar faces then he will not cry liao! Think Megan also joining soon, if Piyo decided to let her join in. Then it will be fun if all of us in same class, think the mummies will enjoy as much as the kids. ha. . .

Hope all your kids are fine!!! God bless them.

Never tot of going back to BJG le. but my deposit still with them, will ask for refund one of these days.
thanks for the concern, feeling better now althugh appetite's still kinda poor. today back at work, got audit and so many other things to catch up at work...i agree, monday is certainly blue...

oh dear...hope the boys get well soon, and pray that little stella is safe from it.

re: classes
i've also stopped BJG classes for a while liao...been thinking of anywhere else i wana send denise for some program. any good recommendation? considered JG too, is it really good? where's evans &amp; how much is the lessons?
Where is JG and BJG ?

Cos i thinking of letting my boy go GUG , but heard that the teacher is not good .. so change my mind ...

And 1 more question , i want to cook something special for my son , cos he eat porridge till sian liao , just to check , what kind of cheese n yougart can they eat ? normal ones can ?
white_lady, u can try babybel cheese with macaroni. but b4 that, u might let ah boy try abit of the cheese first, coz my girl didnt like the cheese taste! @__@
JG = Julia Gabriel and BJG = Baby Jumper Gym. JG located at Evans Rd (near botanic garden) or Forum. BJG at Bt Batok.

Jay also dun like western food such as creamy pasta (just like me)!!! What i did is I will put a layer of babybel cheese on top of his biscult and bake it, once the cheese melt I take out the biscult. Jay likes it very much!!!
thank leobbsmon n cocomo ...

i just went to buy normal low fat Kraft cheese . Is that ok ?
I m trying to cook for him cheesy macaroni ...
For tonight , think cooking Mash potato with meat n corn . Hope he like .
My son , recently cry n scream when he urine . i brought him to a PD , PD say the foreskin there got a scatch , that explain the pain , i see him scream n cry , i so heart pain .... =(
Hi Kelly,

Sorry me MIA for awhile, came back from my CNY family trip totally exhausted and no time to login to check for updates, pai seh, miss your girl's full month party. Hope your 2 bao bei recover fast fast and the small bao bei stay clear of all illnesses. You take good care too yah!
did u go earlier to let him warm up? can go to its library first... mine 2pm leh... studio 3 i think

i paid $255 for 4 lessons including $50 depo (cuz joined in the middle of the 1st term)...
Hi Cynthia

Congrats on knowing the gender of your baby.

Hi Fiona

Hope u get well soon. Take care.

Hi Kelly

Oh no. Hope your boys get well soon and the virus don't pass it to Stella. U do take care as well.
hello blanche,

welcome to thread! Saw @ turf city last nite there is one centre offering trial class from 18-22nd feb. maybe you wish to consider it??

playnest is 720 sgd for 10 weeks, 2x a week, 1.5 hrs per session consisting of free play, story telling, special event of the day, music &amp; movement &amp; outdoor play..

oh yes, Julia Gabriel now has a new outlet at the former big splash.. but no bilingual playclub there..
Hi Mummies,

First of all, congrats to all mummies who are preggie.

MIA for a long time liao. Been very busy since christmas till CNY. Just a little update on all the happening things during this period.

Christmas Chicken Pox Saga
I took 2 weeks leave to take are of Justin in Dec 07 so MIL can fly to HK to help my SIL who just gave birth. But MIL contracted shingles on the 2nd day there and spread to my SIL's newborn and later to my SIL. MIL was sent back on urgent biz class the very next day and recuperate at her home. I was also worried Justin may have gotten chicken pox so waited for 3 weeks and finally cleared that he did not get it. Sent hubby and maid both for the vaccinations cos cannot afford anymore pple to fall sick. After my 2 weeks leave, MIL still not well, and no caregiver for Justin. Lucky my mum and sis took leave to help out. Finally the saga is over by end of Jan, super worried then and just hope everyone in the family is well. My SIL's newborn very poor thing cos have to be hospitalised becos so young but turn away by hospital so end up in some communicable disease centre, SIL very heartbroken. Her confinement lady walk out on her after seeing everyone catching chicken pox. So poor SIL who also got chicken pox (altho she was vaccinated 1 yr ago)has to handle newborn alone. Her hubby works very late every night and even on weekends so no one to help her. Lucky everything is over now and everyone is well. Health is really the most impt thing in life.

I had a lot chirstmas plans then but all cancelled cos din want anyone to come near us as scared they may get chicken pox if we already hv the virus. Really like quarantine.

Good news
Amidst all the saga, I'm proud to share I'm now 14 weeks preggie, due in Aug 08. No mood to share then cos dunno am i infected by MIL's shingles or not and everyone was just concerned abt the chicken pox saga then to ask abt my pregnancy. Lucky I din contract any chicken pox again cos i got it b4 but relieved that everything went well and baby appears to growing well. Really very worried then cos its a long period of wait and see wat happens. To add on to the saga then, I was supposed to take care of Justin during the 2 weeks, but down with bad MS and cough, flu etc etc. Super frustrated and angry at myself. Want to spend time with Justin but sick and tired all the time, and scared spread the flu to Justin, but lucky he din get any. Sigh, I'm just relieved everything is over liao.

Then after my 2 weeks leave, back to work, a lot of mess to clear cos i was away during the critical year end period and my accounts were all messed up. Angry at myself again for not doing my job well....sigh. That time nothing seems to go well.

I'm contemplating sending Justin to 3 hrs playgroup at a CC near my house. Its abt 10min walk so MIL and maid can bring him there every morning. I never thought abt it until MIL told me Justin loves to play with other kids and i saw he was always longing to mix with other kids. I so heartbroken to know that cos its like Justin has everything we can provide him but no friends or playmates. He's getting bored playing with the same toys everyday and keeps bugging us to bring him out or downstairs. MIL also commented she can't teach him much but he may learn more at playgroup. I dun intend to let him join the bfast there cos its just cake and mantou so he'll hv his usual porridge bfast at home then join them. I'm visiting the CC this Friday and shall see how b4 i enrol him.

Sorry for the long grandmother stories update, really so busy and sian to even log in at the forum then, till now after CNY then can finally do so.

Hope all mummies and babies will always stay healthy and happy, that's the best anyone can ask for
cocomo, really? jay likes it when it's baked cheese, then i shld try on Sherv! coz cheese has alot of nutrients ma, so i hope they can benefit from it. =)

whitelady, the normal kraft might have higher salt content, not healthy for our tods.

blanche, welcome to join us! =)
dear racoon, hey long time no hear from u man! thanks for updating us abt urself n family. thank God tat the ordeal is over, and everything n everyone is safe.

now at week 14, still hv MS? did u get it also when expecting justin? btw, i'm in my week 10, and MS still comes on n off, and i feel shitty coz this is my first time kenna MS.

u must take good care and i know how u feel u wan to spend quality time with justin and at the same time hv a good rest for urself n the little one inside. rest if u need to, n maybe u n hubby can take turns to spend time with justin so tat u wont be exhausted at the end of the day.

btw, when is your EDD? cocomo also in week 14 i think... =P
Crisann, leobsmom



My MS has improved, somehow subsided after the 1st trimester. Basically same symptoms as when i was having Justin, mainly no appetite, but this time i do feel giddy which i never experienced last time. A few times got fainting spells when taking MRT and has to stop halfway to rest, but better already.

Still picky abt food, maybe its psychological but my MIL tried to cook to my liking and that's basically noodle or bee hoon soup. Compared to having Justin time, now much luckier cos got MIL to cook home cooked food for me every night
racoon, so u prefer a girl for this preg?? =P how many do u wish to try for b4 closing shop? i hope for 3 but scared i cant handle...

i also had those dizzy spells at my early stage, but now beta, coz i hv sour plums n sweet with me! =P come prepared manz!

glad to hear tat u hv your MIL to take care of u, my mom is staying with me on wkdays, coz she also cooks healthy food for me, but i cant eat much... i feel like a weirdo, i tell u... my whole life has changed since the preg started n i feel so abnormal at times. but i know it's all worth it!

how time really flies when it feel like recently that we were just sharing everything under the sun in 2006... hahaha!!

I hv no preference for boy or gal. I only wanted the baby to be healthy and normal. As a parent, It pains too much to see baby sick so i dun mind any sex.

Not sure if want to stop at 2, will see how things go. I luv children, if family circumstances like finances, availablity of caregivers, energy level etc etc are favourable, i dun mind going for more. But of course, age is another consideration too, me not young anymore too.

I'm those kind of mother super gan chiong over my kids, Justin cough or sneeze a bit, my alert is on liao. He fall down and knock here and there, i sayang non stop. Everytime Justin is sick, i always take leave to care for him myself, even if its 1 day of sneeze or cough. I'm not sure will i still be so gan chiong when 2nd one comes, maybe too tired to be handling too so become relaxed, maybe end up more gan chiong, will see how things go.

Me also keep popping sweets when in the train but doesn't help leh.

Agree pregnancy changes ur life, ur body, everything. its a major change for a woman.

Same as when having Justin, this pregnancy, i hv to go for hormone jabs every 3 days in the 1st tri and now everyweek once till 16 weeks, cos i had a miscarriage b4 i had justin, and the jabs are just to play safe lor. For the sake of baby, have to endure the pain of the jabs, and this time round, the jabs give me fever so I'm basically feeling weak and terrible every few days.

Maybe after going thru all these, my only wish is a safe pregnancy and delivery, healthy and normal baby, everything else like sex of baby is not priority to me.
i'm sure the other mommies also the same, dunno if our love can still be stretched to the second anot. if we will love more or become more relaxed..? i also asked myself the same question sometimes, but i admit tat i m more relaxed with this preg, n i bochap so much abt food or activities like i did.. =(

i do feel guilty n i know it's wrong of me... but maybe it's due to my MS... God knows.

Hi racoon,
CONGRATES!!!! My second one also Aug 08!!! So both of our kids born in same month and year. ha. . .

Ya I agree that it's painful to see our kids fall sick, most important is they are healthy. I also taken few japs during this 1st trim this round due to spotting, lucky everything is fine now. Do take care of yourself ya.

Sometimes I feel really guilty over my second one as I am not as cautious as when I had Jay that time. I just take whatever food/drink (but not coffee/tea/coke) I like this round, I used force myself to drink a lot of milk last round but this time I dun drink at all. I talked a lot to Jay last time but this round I seldom chat with the baby. So I so worry whether the second one will feel love gor gor more than him/her? Hope later they dun feel that we neglected any of them.
