(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi joko/jas,
thanks for the info on JG. i'm very keen to sign denise up for the programme. 2 x a week does that means 1 lesson must be on a weekday?

thanks, how haf you been lately?

so long no hear from u...very happy to hear good news abt your pregnancy! Congrats! Now i'm into my 20th wk liao...going for detail scan next friday...looking forward to see bb

actually i felt exactly the same as u leh...been thinking whether i can love the 2nd one as much as i love denise, but i think it will be alright once we can phsically hold our bb in our arms. and i've also been more bo chap this round...take it very easy....hahaha

Hi mummies...busy reading ur the post.

Me has been feeling rather stressed & tired out. Trying to find a maid & playsch for Gen.

Last Sat, brought Gen to a trial at Kidsloft for their 1.5hrs prog..1st time bring Gen to such prog so was abit scared that she will cry, my husband kept nagging at me saying bringing Gen to play sch is a waste of time & $$..nag nag nag till we reach the sch. Luckiky for Gen, she adapted qte well..already her mischief self when she was there. Me & hubby were qte impressed with the environment & the teacher.Most imptly, Gen enjoyed herself very much. Decides to put her on 5 sessions then see how. Tot of enrolling her to JG @ Evans too for its bilingual playclub..but heard there is a waiting list ?

For those mummies whose little wan is with JG, can share if it is worth it to send your little one there ?

Thanks. I'm also guilty of not being as cautious in this pregnancy as the 1st one. 1st one, i make sure i dun carry heavy things, i never take train and its cab everywhere i go, take anmum, force myself to eat fish, stayed away from keropok and coke, listen to Mozart most of the time.......sigh this time round, all never follow. In fact, i still played like crazy with Justin and carry him and sometimes risked him kicking my tummy.
cocomo, fiona and racoon,

so i guess wat we are feeling now is normal lor, tat's only how much a working mom can do, rite?

but we shld be thankful tat we tods are somewat indepedent now, but just need to make sure they are in a safe environment.

wow, i just had herbal chkn at sims ave for lunch, it was nice.. =P
Ooops, just saw yr earlier post, COcomo.. Jay is in the 4.30pm class. Signing Keiran up for the 2pm class... Anyone in the 2pm class?
Your boy same day as Rain's girl Reina and Babyboy's Kieran I think.

I also wanna send my boy to parttime playgroup/CC coz second one out in Aug 08 but no one can help to bring my boy for those hourly one during weekday. I very bu fan xin to let my maid bring him daily as I dun want her to mix with outsider/other maids and learn bad things. Dunno what she will do later since she's the only one at home with my kids! nowadays maid torture baby case very scarly ah!

So bo bian need to send him to either half or full day CC liao. Very bu she de, worry he will feel mummy and daddy dun love him liao.
Sometime feel very wu nai that the first kid need to give way for his/her little bro/sis.
and same date as Jesline's Jia Hui.. : )

Cocomo, there is a childcare at leng kee CC, a walking distance for you from yr blk.. my colleagues send their kids there...so far so good..can have a look there for Jay...
WOW... babyboy, mine is KKH.

cocomo, I have the same worries as you! As my boy is being looked after by my mum, that's why I feel safe with her bringing both my son and my nephew for their playgroup while my maid looks after my nephew. Both of the only 3 months apart. With my mum around most of the time to supervise the maid. Frankly, maid cannot be trusted. My boy under my maid's care, have 2 major fall - 1 from the high chair and just only recently a knock on his crown which results in some slight bleeding!!!

When he is 16 months old, he is already feeling very jealous whenever I carry my nephew and when I feed some food to my nephew, he will push my hand away preventing me to do so. That's why when thinking of putting him in cc just so he can be in playgroup, I have to think for weeks. But he is quite alright when in a group of kids, he will play with them and don't bother if I am not near but must be in sight.
sigh. sending our precious ones to PG seem to be a big challenge. how quickly they grow up and now we are sending them off to school....
guess that's life too.
Hey babyboy,
Nowadays seldom see you liao le. I like to bring Jay to the playground beside your block. He likes the slides so much!

Ya lo, really a bit worry for me esp no one at home to supervise my maid. The most I can do is not to let her mix around and ask her to keep 100% of her time on my kid, only do house work or cook after we are back. That's why everytime my mum come from Msia I so happy, not only can help see see look look but also have nice home cooking. Feel so xin fu!!!
You are so right cocomo! However, it will help if you get your neighbour to help to monitor too.

So nice that both of you are staying close by.

kelly & piyo,
send to your email liaoz your lucky vitamin spree. pls check yah.. yahoo account!

cocomo,babyboy & other mummies in JG bilinggual class..

i have feedback that need time to adapt to the class schedule even for us mummies coming over from playnest.. really hard to adapt? My june mummy friends are advising me to put 2x a week bilinggual.. can anyone share with me the schedule? so i can see what's the diff?

while JG classes have good feedback, it really depends on your tot.. and also, distance! now, taxi fares quite ex leh..

And if they fall sick, you must know that they cannot attend class, just like school/ childcare to avoid spreading to other kids. so you see $$ going down drain!

JG only weekdays classes mostly and limited on sat. normally sat. waitlist very long lah.. but other weekdays r ok!

i feel that as long as teachers are caring, concerned and our kids feel comfy, it doesn't really matter if they are in wat playgroup..in fact i know some playgroups, much cheaper and similar programmes...

My 2 cents worth

Actually CC may be more beneficial for Jay than spending time with the maid. At least at CC, the teachers interact with Jay with proper English and Mandarin and he gets to make more friends.

For my Justin, he whole day interact with my maid and MIL. My maid's english is limited, MIL speaks Mandarin but not perfect promoununciation and she sometimes include some broken English. I'm not picking on their language ability cos its always good to have grandparents around, but its my MIL who is concerned that she's not teaching Justin properly and its better to let the teachers do it. Justin watches a lot of TV, basically at every meal and bedtime, but i only give educational ones so that's where he picked up proper english, but again too much TV is no good.

I have a very good maid who dotes on Justin, but I also dun leave Justin alone with her at home at all, there's always either my MIL or FIL or us around cos really bu fan xin lor, dunno wat they do to them behind my back. I ustand for ur case u hv no choice that's why leave Jay with ur maid full day, but now that he's bigger, maybe even a few hrs with the CC can give him some benefits over ur maid.

As for u scared ur maid hving the oppties to mix with others and turn bad, maybe get her to call u from home the minute she returns from sending or picking Jay from the CC so u know where is she spending her time.

My maid go church every mth once for like 5 hrs, my hubby will send and pick her cos scared she wander elsehwere. But what she do there, we hv no control so there's a risk she may hv pick some bad habits from her countrymen.

Would u consider any CC near your workplace so u can send and pick Jay up yourself instead of ur maid?
Ya I agree with you that it's better for Jay to go CC to make friends and learn things rather than staying home with maid doing nothing, just that his mummy bu she de. Think the problem lie on me, think too much liao.

When Jay's at home I can monitor him from my office via the live cctv although most of the time I bz with work. But at least when I free I can still 'see' him lo. Putting him in CC whole day I bu she de le, but have no choice think will need to start putting him at CC before I deliver in Aug liao. Most likely will start in April, now thinking of whether half day or full day. I prefer half day as he can come back for lunch and nap but no one can pick Jay back home as the CC I like not really within walking distance from my home, headache! I just got to know from Piyo that CC dun have school bus for half day so now dunno how liao.

My maid actually not bad but she is that kind easily influnce by others one so really worry that she will easily turn bad if let her mix around.

I work at Tuas le, here dun even have birds where got CC!
fan fan fan ah. . .
hi cocomo,
i stay in jurong west ext. which is kinda just 5-10mins drive to tuas. there's CC within the area where i stay, maybe you wanna consider sending jay there? i try to find out more 1st. but the problem is if you put him there, it would haf to be whole day liao since you can only send and pick him before and after work.

Not sure if I heard correctly, but someone mentioned to me there's cc at Arena Country Club which is opp the army camp (i think Safti)
Hi cocomo

I am in your shoe when I went searching for either cc or playgroup. I rather start with half day first, get him to adjust going there, then slowly advance to full day.

As for your maid, think you will have to monitor and monitor and have frequent communication with her. Don't worry too much, things may work out well.
seems like there's only 1, but i'll take a walk around the area to check...

Address 8, YUNNAN WALK 2, SINGAPORE 638139
Telephone 67914832
mommies, i also headache abt sending Sherv to PG. but my hubby has to fly every mth for work, and whenever he flies, Sherv n I will move back to my mom's place. Coz my workplace is nearer to my mom's place, and my siblings will be there to help out after work.

my mom is staying with me on wkdays, and only goes back to her own place on fri nite till sun nite.

my worry is tat if i sign Sherv up for PG, then whenever my hubby flies, then Sherv will hv to skip tat whole week class...?? =(

maybe my prob is easier to solve coz i just need to consult my mom, to see if she is okay to stay put at my place even if hubby is not around. coz i know my mom misses her own home, n whenever there's a chance, she will want to go home!! hahaha... =P

ANY mommies here wanna send your tods after 20mths or later??? coz i hv some frenz who are doing this coz they dun think it's a must to send their tods to PG or CC after 18mths, coz tat's just a guideline..

Any opinion??
Hi mummies
Long time didn't log in. Happy Chinese New Year. I can see a few mummies preggie again. Congrats to racoon, cocomo and who else??
Kayden is down with cough and runny nose. I need your advise.. He always has bad runny nose in the morning compare to the afternoon and night.... Any advise?? Help help.
hi mummies,
wow so many news today ah...

wow no wonder din see u online for a long time...glad to hear that all is well and ok already..congrats on yr pregnancy and enjoy the journey ya...so nice that yr 2nd one is due in aug too...

Mummies who r expecting no 2,
for me, the 2nd round i also more relax and not so cautious etc like wat cocomo say, i read stories to jay every night, make sure i take my vitamins n fish oil etc. But for jazzele, i dun drink much milk, dun take vitamins regularly etc and basically make sure i dun neglect jay during my pregnancy...i also hav the same concerns if i will love no 2 as much as i love jay but dun worry ya, coz when jazzele comes along, thou at first i do kind of feel upset that bec of bfing her, it takes my time away from jay and i get frustrated n resentful abt it but over time when she gets more responsive and smile at me and i spend more time with her, my love for her grow and sometimes i am actually surprised that i do love her so much as well...I guess each kid is unique and has their own ways to capture our hearts...jazzele is v smiley and she smile more often than jay that time thou she has a more fiery temper than jay...haha...Thou i hav to say that bec our 1stborn is still rather young when yr no 2 comes along, hence the 1st few mths will be v tiring and diff coz we hav to try to juggle 2 kids at the same time n u might feel frustrated coz no 2 need yr attention much more when born and u r caught in the middle of wanting to spend time with yr firstborn yet also dun wan to be unfair to yr no 2...so mummies hang in there ya...
Hi leobbsmom

PG is not complusory. I have friends too that just go directly to nursery. So it depends on one's own way of bringing up kids and what is your objective in the end. As mine is the only child and he is so active, my mum advised that it will be best to send him to PG to learn then at home. At least spending 1.5hr learning new things.

However, I do know of a PG that do conduct on weekends in downtown. Frankly, if cannot to PG, why not consider gym? Those that are structured teachings like My Gym, which I have signed up only for the weekend.
Think I will check the CC you gals provided and also check out other CC at Jurong area. I never think of putting Jay at Jurong side as I worry if i resign then how?

Thanks for sharing your experience!!! Release some of my fear.
Good day to all mummies here...
MIA for a long period.. onli able to pop in to "quick peep" awhile most of the time... as work load being increase a lot for this year..

So happy to hear that a few of mummies here is preg with 2nd/3rd baby..Congrates!!

hope yr boi recover soon & dun spread to yr ger..

Yr Jay always keep the smiling face..I like it..haha, Jay seem like enjoy a lot at the play ground there..same as Dickson, he can keep running non stop for an hour..once reach hm..knock out in 15mins time..haha..
Do bring Jay to e play ground more often, so that they can play together..

Oh ya,
there are few CC near our place (Dowson, Alexandra, Leng Kee CC, Depot Rd and near e junction of AYE), guess can find out from there..

and there is a PG at Blk 48, Lengkok Bahru..9am to 11:30am

There is an Indian maid fr our Blk keep "teach" bad thing to others maid when e maid is alone downstair with kid, do take care..
augbaby - Tks for sharing too. I oso dunno if im able to handle no. 2 when he arrives in 2mths time. I think me & hubby will tend to compare #2 with Gen..coz Gen was a very happy baby when she was young..see how things go.

Now more important is to source for maid, decorate Gen's & baby room & settle my MIL issues...Haiz
Hi Mummies,
been passive reading...

Hi Tigerlan,
Welcome to this thread

Hi leobbsmom,
I would most probably sent kieira to PG or CC after 24 months due to various reasons.
- able to articulate better (hopefully)
- has a care giver at home
- able to follow instructions better (hopefully)
- rather put her in enrichment class before 24 months
- Hopefully by then, able to communicate need to use toilet
- Can more or less self feed herself if in CC
- fear of getting sick freqently in CC
(Had experienced frequent sickness in first child when I enrolled her in half day CC when she was 22 months. Seems that she only attended 2 weeks or less out of four most months!

Hi augbb,
I also agree with you regarding loving no 2 more or less. That's why age gap of 4 years apart. Initially was worried that no 1 won't have my full attention, won't be able to love no2 as much, sibling rivarly, etc... However, when no 2 came along, i guess we grew to love them more as the days goes by. The only concern I have now is how to show equal treatment to two of them
Quite difficult but we try. For example, no2 snatching no1's toys. we will try to ask no 1 to give in but if that toy is really her favourite, then we will not force her to give way la. No 2 also very notti. Will pulled no 1's hair and hit her. We will tell her that she cannot hit back but to let us know and we will reprimand no 2 in her presence. Haiz....tough job being a parent!! But rewarded by our kids smile and laughter
Thanks Yoshi!

So nice for most of you living near to each other

After reading, was just wondering, if there is a care giver staying with you, will it help to lessen some load off? That is, the mummy will look after the new-born?
Hi Superdad,
Ya, Jay really enjoying himself at that playground. Keep running around, for the passed two days I went with him myself, cant cope so asked his daddy to go together. I have no energy to catch him
Will bring him there everyday after work if possible. But as I working at Tuas so by the time I reach home already 6-7pm so can only let him play there for a while only.

Thanks for the info, I will check out Leng Kee CC and Depot road one. The one at AYE junction not good as the place not clean and teacher like dun bother type. In fact I intent to let him go the one at PSA building if going to send him for full day as they dun have school bus for half day. But I intent to het him go half day for initial few months so if can find a good one within walking distance then bo bian ask maid to pick him up after class. Have not check up the one at Blk 48 le coz everytime I go there they closed liao
Hi hi hi all mummies,

Have been MIA since don’t know when, the last I remember is went to BG gathering but cannot see any of you all way way before Christmas....

Our thread seems very lucky with so many mummies sharing #2 and #3 (actually only Kelly’s Stella) experience. Hopefully,one of us will win the TOTO 10million draw tomorrow....hahaha.

Has Kayden seen a GP or PD? How does he sleep at night, meaning did you switch on aircon or fan? Runny nose is generally caused by cold/flu and usually it is colder in the morning. So, make sure Kayden finished his prescribed cold medicine to cure his running nose. Do not switch on the air-con throughout the night especially since the weather is not so hot these days. Ensure that he is warmly dressed or cover with a blanket when he sleeps at night. And, if you need to bring him out in the early morning , make sure he wears a jacket as an occasion wind blow can worsen the cold/flu.
Yoz Augbaby,
Thanks for sharing the thoughts
This round I also didnt tk my vit & folic acid regular. When having Nat hardly drink milk cos wanted to vomit, this round more than her lo. Jus try to tk more natural sources (like for folate esp) too lo. But this round this little one is slightly smaller than Nat. Never mind, now tryin to tel myself try to balance love for both but seems so tough too.. haiz..

Hi Leobbmom,
Think I will place Natalie when she is more older. Sometime when she reaches after 20mths-24mths lo. Hope she can be more sensible & more adaptable frm that time before 2nd arrives in June.

RACOON wellcome back to us! Do take care meantime!

Hows ur bois & stella doing? Take care too esp I noe u will get so worried with 3 of them together and spread easily too. Meantime U also mus try to rest too ad its jus abt 1mthplus after ur birth too okie.
Hi Cocomo,
ya..i do agree tat the one at AYE junction no gd..as their room & toys is share will others group of elder kids, just play the toys at diff timing onli..scare if one get virus..wil spread to all..and the fee is expensive oso..
I like e one tat at the Depot Rd..quite new lor..

I bring Dickson to playground oso about tis timing...but if i'm going back hm late..den skip tis..cos e moment i reach hm..Dickson would point at his sandal ask me to bring him down..haha.

Most likely will enrol Dickson to the PG for a year/half before enrol him for Leng Kee CC half-day den full-day at later stage..by tis time..his mei-mei shd be starting to run ard liao..else my mom will be very shiong looking after them..
hi Superdad, is it? there is a indian maid that teaches other maid 'bad' things? I have to see any ard, can give me some description of her? Then I keep a look out. Thanks!

The childcare at Leng Kee CC has PG as well… I am planning to send Keiran there after he turns 2 for half day first…. So that he can adapt slowly to full day & hopefully go on to nursery… if Cocomo also send there, then all our 3 kids will be in the same class…haha..
Let me go check out the Leng Kee CC one. If can be in one class then good!!! Hee. . . but the LK CC one are open concept type or class room type? Meaning are the PG/nursery/K1/K2 in difference rooms or just split them by cabinets/partitions? I dun like the open concept one le.
Hi babyboy,
yup, but not sure which flr e indian maid stay(wat i noe is onli 1 indian maid is working at our blk onli..), usually she will bring e little girl(ard age of 5) and sit quite long time at downstair, while e girl is playing there, cos the employee usually not at hm one..cos one of the neighbour tell us tat her maid started to make noise like request for hp, ask for a day leave every mth, and how to "keng"...end up she had to send the maid back..

heard from my maid, the indian maid did chat with her...but luckily my maid dun like to chat one lor..so still ok..(cos my maid do bring dickson downstair alone)
Cocomo,unfortunately, PG and N1 share one big classroom but it is divided by partitions. N2, K1 and K2 have their own classrooms. However, i feel that the principal is very involved in their activities and even gives feedback to parents.
My colleague's daughter had difficulty in adapting the first few days of N2, she kept crying and my col was so worried that she kept calling back and the principal was very assuring and patient.

Superdad, O dear. Will keep a look out, thanks!
Hi ladies!!

Long time didnt chat!!

Great to knwo so many mummies is pregnant again!!

Yoz cocomo!!!
You pregnant?! Congrats!!!

I have been sending my gal to 2.5hours play group too.from 9-11.30am so when i gv birth, my mum is able to take care of both of them.

now she wake up at 8.30am, then change and feed her. she goes to school at 8.55am. She come back home at 11.45, feed her porride, bath and she sleeps until 3pm.. Easier for my mum to cope with my 2nd one...

My EDD on 6th april!! Cant wait to gv birth. So shag out. and Reina is being so cranky, probably i am going to gv birth soon.

All the best to all. :)

cynthia, tigerlan, augbaby & yoshi n mommies, thanks for the confirmation of sending or tods to PG or CC later is also a good option.

thanks yoshi for sharing with me the concerns tat i did not consider also.. phew! am i glad to hv the support here!

so maybe i shldnt trouble my mom since she's just having an easy time when Sherv is more independant.. beta let her enjoy b4 this second one pops! alrite, i shall go for tat! =P

rain, take good care and rest as much as u can.
