(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

abt bb bottle food, i only feed jay once from bottled food so i cant comment but i guess its not too gd to feed bottle food if u can prepare yr own lor..that is wat i feel lor.. n i never feed jay wif instant porridge..also think self cooked one is better..

Hi Butter8

Oh really. that is v fast. Crisann only has 1 tooth since mid May.

Think should be ok to feed baby with bottle food and instant porridge. But maybe not too much. Cos the food is not fresh. My mum say teething drooling is v normal.
my neighbour was telling me after the 1st tooth is out the other beside it will come out also. But don't understand why till now 1 mth+ coming to 2 mths the other teeth still not out yet.
I am ok with the timing for Mygym.

I tried to force him sit in it but he keep on crying and shouting lo. Heart pain le. Jay kind of sticky to me lo, when eat/milk/bath I must go hide one, if not he see me always want me to carry him. Inside car when he hear my voice he will shout and dun wanna sit in car seat liao. quite jia lat lo. Headache that he dun like car seat and stroller.
Jay did not drool so much but he bites a lot.
Hi butter8
My boy also has 6 teeth. He always bite his teeth. Making the sound. Yours will do that?? He started drooling again. I felt his inner tooth is coming out. Mine not so active. He sometimes will sit and 'read' books or play toys or analyse things. I know quite tiring to take care active babies..esp when they r learning to walk. My sister's son is like that....very active. When he knows how to walk....worse.. he starts to climb.
Crisann is v active. Whole day round want someone to hold her walk here and there. Can't even seat still for 10 mins. Can't imagine if she starts to walk. Think need to chase her all the time. Now already feel v tired looking after her.
hi mommies..

finally got time to come in during office hours.. very busy cos a colleague left and me took over for the time being..

all babies are sooooo cute and fast.. can stand and some even walk without support lor.. Zorian can only crawl on his tummy and that is all.. haahaa.. but he has 6 tooth and another 2 coming out.. so drool non stop..

Hi piyo..

i check with hubby and sms you.. should be no prob for us since now Zorian's BJG class is from 1-2pm... No prob.. thanks so much for organizing and going down to make payment for us...

hi cocomo..

Zorian is like Jay.. very sticky to me.. morning must hide from him.. if he sees me, cry for two hours and dun want to sleep.. but i have to go to work.. so cant help it lah.. heart pain but sigh..

I tried cooking pasta and Udon for Zorian.. he love it.. but nowaday he very sticky.. so dun cook any other stuff.. he had porridge every day.. just different vegetables added in..

Re : BJG

i check with Hubby and let you know..

Hi mommies who babies are using Pacificer..

when do we change the pacificer?? every three months or when the pacificer turns yellow??
Hi Piyo,
e timing is fine for me too..

Dickson hv 6 teeth oso..like to pull my finger and bite it..very pain lei..

Car seat,
He can't sit there even 5min..so onli very short trip den bring him along, as he can't sit into e rear facing car seat aredi..
How you cook udon huh? you blend it or just cut into pieces? I changed his pacifier every 1-2 months for hygeine purpose.
Justin's Daddy also very strict abt car seat. When he was 1 mth old, he has to go back to in laws place to pray to ancestor, he was so young and cried initially when placed on the seat. My MIL heart pain and asked me to carry him, it was Daddy who said NO and will wait for him to stop crying then drive off. Sometimes Justin still make a fuss, but its a strict NO NO cos its for his safety. We will not even remove him from the seat even for short round the corner trip cos however careful we drive, can't guarantee other drivers would drive safely. Imagine 1 car speed and collide at the junction even if we are stationary, the baby will be thrown off my arms just like any object in the car if my natural reaction is to reach out my hands and block something or the baby will be crushed by me.

When Justin cries and wants me to carry him, I'll just bear with the cries and kept talking to hom. Soon he'll stop and goes to sleep. I know its not easy so sometimes all of us in the car just kept quiet and all bear with his cries throughout the whole journey.
racoon - I share the same sentiment with u...safety 1st. We will also let Gen cry & cry in her car seat till she is tired. Tho' its heartpain for me to see her cry till so jialat but i hv no choice.

Crisann - I feed Gen bottled food everyday when i was in France leh coz thats the only convenient thing to get & i wasnt good at cooking porridge then & fish r hard to buy in France. Even till now i still feed her bottled food qte often esp when we r out. I tink Angmoh oso feed their baby bottled food since they dun hv porridge such thing.
But of coz cooking ourselves is much healthier
Im a 100% lazy mum..
Piyo - im ok with the time..sorry ar...i forgot the trial is hw long ie 1230pm to ??

Butter8 - Gen oso nap at Odd time..but i tink still can go ahead. So do u wan to meet me 1st or meet Leia all tog ?

Crisann - Pardon me..wats BJG trial all abt..muz hv miss it smewhere.
On babies in Car Seat...

There are times in the past when I put my boy in d car seat (rear facing type) and he will start wailing. By the time I gave him a toy to play, it'd be too late cos he'd not be interested as his wailing momentum had kicked in and he'd continue to cry.

Since I've changed to the front facing type, once I put him down, I'll IMMEDIATELY give him a toy to distract him BEFORE I begin to strap him up. I could also sing him a song or recite a familiar nursery rhyme to take his attention away from the fact that I'm fastening him up. That seem to work.

Once the engine is started, will be playing the Sesame Street cd (only play this cd in the car). If I'm the only person with him, I'll occasionally wave to him through the rear view mirror or turn around to say hi (at the traffic light when it's red lah).

For short 5mins journey like from my place to my parents', I'll just carry him while my HB drive. Not safe I know. Am taking a v. big risk here. Tsk tsk...

Personally, besides the safety factor, I would want to get my boy used to the car seat cos often during the weekends, I'd need to travel with him alone. So bopian. :p
hi mummies going to the Motherhood Fair @Expo on 7/6 Thur Afternoon

1) MH & Gen - From 1330hrs
2) Leia & Jadon - From 1430hrs
3) erin - From 1430hrs

hi crisann,
where's the venue for bjg trial?

hi piyo,
I'm fine with the timing.

hi cocomo,
kayden too. dunno if he's sick of porridge. he'll either have fish/pork porridge with carrots, pumpkin and potato (occasionally add in others such as spinach, corn, sweet potato, egg yolk. realised he doesn't like green leafy vegetables.

hi honeyhaven,
kayden likes to grind his teeth recently too.
hi augbaby,
yepyep...been busy at work...always log in at night when its quieter in here and abit lazy to post...heh...so just skim through posts to see wats happening wif u guys and ur babies =)

think i owe u the brand of the cheese i've been using for evan...=P its Horizon organic cheese with red packaging. bought it from Cold Storage Parkway...

havent had time to try out new recipes lei..think i will hv to find time soon tho cos the maid taking care of evan is going back to Indo for 2 mths...dunno wat i'm gonna do..sigh..there's another maid at home but so much housework...and doesnt help that my little monkey is happily crawling up the stairs liao ...my MIL work till 2pm only lah but even then...i think i hv become horrendously dependant on the maid!

It all depends on individual. Cos my aunty was telling me not to give her so much cos she say is not v gd. But for me I seldom give her. Only once in a while. BJG is Baby Jumper Gym. U can refer to the website to know more. www.bjg.com.sg

Hi Honeyhaven

I had fed Crisann with Kiwi. I just scope the side without seed for her. She love it. Cos maybe is sweet. As for grapes i read fm book only have fed after 1 yr old. I fed her with dragonfruit as well. But she don't like it.

Hi erin00

Is at Bukit Batok. Heard is v hard to enrol for the trial. But no harm trying. Heard fm Rain the class that she attended was quite gd.


Yes the lady say is better to enrol in the website 1st while she can consolidate our group.
My maid told me Jay can't finish his porrridge and cereal again today! ai. . .

I have registered for the trial b4 and waited long time so at last I register for the class straight away. If you gals wanna just try for a term then perhaps can enrol in our class? I am trying to fix a date which suit piyo's megan and my Jay (maybe for kRis's Zorian and Rain's Reina as well).

I have given Jay both kiwi and grapes. Same as Crisann, I fed Jay kiwi with the side without seeds. As for grapes, I just take out the skin and break the grapes into few small pieces and feed him. I think when the book said we can't give grapes bcoz it's too small and baby will choke? My PD asked me to give Jay grapes le.
this is the photo that shown on the motherhood mag.. Elysia has 8 teeth liao.. 4 top and 4 bottom.. very fast.. think 2 teeth come out at one time.. so poor thing.. sometimes really cranky.. i even let her bite my finger, but hor she dun wan.. hehe.. maybe dun wan mummy pain pain..
cocomo, i also feed her grapes too.. but jus abit as i afraid eat more will cause phlegm...
Hi cocomo & augbaby.

I chop the udon up into small pieces (slightly bigger than the ABC pasta).. i use the ikian bi-lis (sorry if wrong spelling) soup to cook.. once the soup is boiled, add in the udon.. let it cook for about 5 minutes then i add in the fish and pork (already chopped up in fine pieces).. after that add in carrots.. dun cook till the udon is too soft.. still have some crunch in it.. then feed with soup.. Zorian loves it.. he loves to eat..

Hi cocomo..

how long has Jay been eating this brand of cereal?? maybe you can change the brand or add in some fruits in the cereal.. One month back my MIL also told me that Zorian refused to eat his cereal.. so i change from Nestle to Heinz.. then he starts to eat again.. sometimes i add in some bananas too.. try and see if Jay will eat his cereal..

for porridge, it is usually fish plus two vegetables.. once every two weeks, my MIL will add in beef as well.. Zorian loves his beef porridge.. i think it is simply beef and fish and one vegetable..

if me not lazy, certain weekends will feed Zorian Udon or pasta.. thinking of trying to give him bee hoon and noodles (egg noodles sold in supermarket)..

understand that babies still cant have fried food yet.. so i dun try lor..

For BJG, which day do you prefer?? still have not ask hubby yet.. Zorian down with fever after his jab.. sigh..

Hi Doris..

Elysia so cutie.. Zorian is having 6 teeth coming out together.. four on top and two below.. so he is extremely cranky and drooling like no one business.. keekee..
tks tks.. cranky rite.. anything she manage to get hold will ends up in her mouth.. so hav to pay full attention.. haha.. wow.. ur Udon meal looks delicious.. think will try this weekend.. so tired cooking porridge.. haha..
MH, Erin, Leia,
I should be able to be there at 130pm onwards.. i have pm Leia with my mobile...

how to meet u al and where?
Hi MH,
It's 45mins so will be from 12.30-1.15pm

Hi Doris,
Elysa is very pretty!any more pics?

Hi Augbb,
you bot the ABC pasta for me huh? if no one takes then I take it else wasted lah! I just collected my polo spree stuff! yes the skirt very nice! and I bot matching tops too hehe!I am waiting for the next batch of spree to arrive!

Hi Kris,
where and what brand of udon did you get?

Hi cocomo,
later I call BJG and ask the timings... megan got SM on sat morning... I really dun wan to over stimukate her by putting BJG on same day but then again if I place her on sunday class liek tis term.. wah we notime do other family things liao

HI mummies,
re: car-seat
we haf not changed her to sit in front facing carseat. She used to wail alot when we put her in when she was younger. What I do is I make high pitched sounds and let her like slide into the seat.. then she will laff and once she is in, like Leia, I quickly gif her toys to play with to distract her while I adjust her seat belt...then when the car moves off, sometimes she wil fall asleep in the car seat
most of the times it worked! but sometimes cranky then jia lat lor...

btw, any of you bot front facing car seats liao? which brands apart from britax is good? comments?

re: teething
I am not sure if any of you encountered this prob or haf brot it up b4.. megan only drank very little milk last nite like only 40ml? and refused to drink the rest..waste my EBM! haiz... is tis due to teething? Recently, she keeps poking her fingers into her mouth to touch the gums and keep using the tongue to do that too... she got another4 spouting out on top... wonder if it is painful for her...
hi butter, Leia and MH
ya, where to meet huh? have also pm leia my mobile number.

hi cj, MH, crisann and crispyapple,
think we won't be joining u gals for the BJG cos it's too far for us liao.
hi piyo,
kayden does that too. kept putting his fingers into his mouth and touch the gums, using his tongue to do that and biting his lips too.
Hi erin,
Your MIL seems like dun know how to intro food at the correct time. I think have to continue the 3 days rule for any new food loh.

Hi mummies
We fed grape for my boy last nite. I think 1 only. He got 1 small red patch at the mouth area this morning. Dun know is mosquito bite or is he not ready for grapes yet. I have told my MIL to stop feeding him grape today. Haizzz

Hi piyo and doris
Your daughter so adorable.
Hi mummies
Have u heard the song 'Special to me'?? I dun know by which singer?? Its abt the love the mothers have towards their babies.. I teared whenever I heard the song. I hope I will be able to upload in my blog and share with u all.
hi honeyhaven,
ya lor. i changed my posting liao cos i wasn't thinking clearly when i wrote abt my frustration. have promised my hb to ignore her liao so better stick to my promise (though it's difficult).
Hi cocomo

I don't mind enrol for a term. When will the new term start? Can Crisann join yr class? Will try to give her grapes than. But try not to give too much cos grapes will cos phelgm also.

Hi Doris..

Elysia so cutie

Hi Mummies

Instead of Udon can our baby eat marcoroni?

Hi Piyo

Crisann also like that when she is teething. She totally don't want to drink milk at all. Than cry the whole night. And also poking her hand in the mouth. What u can do is used a cloth to massage her gum and apply the teething gel. She will feel better. Megan is so cute as well..

Hi erin00

No problem.
Hi, Doris

Elysia is so cute.....
likes her smile....

Jia Hui 2nd teeth is slowing coming out already....

Hi, crisann

had tried apply the gel on baby gum... but think the taste a bit funny .... applied on her gum & she gives me a funny expression....

then yesterday, Jia Hui crawls her way from living room to study room to look for me.... hee hee...
Motherhood Fair @Expo on 7/6 Thur Afternoon

1) MH & Gen - From 1330hrs
2) Leia & Jadon - From 1430hrs
3) erin - From 1430hrs
4) Butter8 - From 1330hrs

I'll consolidate the HP and send the complete list to you by SMS by Wed.

Those arriving at 1330hrs can decide on the meeting point. Once erin and myself arrive, will sms you guys to see where you are. Good?

Anyone else going? Add to the list and PM me your HP.
Hi Crisann,
For new food if got rash then stop right. Should try again a few wks later. I thought only when baby has no reaction then continue for 3 days to check for allergy. This is the first time he develop rash for trying new food.
Hi Jesline

Is it. Crisann likes the taste. Wah she can crawl so far. Crisann crawl a while she already shouting for help. Yesterday she manage to sit up on her own once.

Hi Honeyhaven

Yes if rashes appeared have to stop if not have to continue for a wk. Cos sometime the rashes will not appear immediately.

Ya lor... me also envy leh. Wana join also can't. haiz....
no worries lah..lets see how lor...see if any mummies here want to buy the abc pasta from me..:p i also like my polo items..hee hee...so nice..so tempted to get more but decided to hold on till next Mon after my detailed scan..

anyone want to buy the abc pasta from me? I got an extra packet...

thanks for the brand..will go look for it this friday or wkends..oh by the way, the cheese is from the frozen section or from the counter where u can get fresh cheese from one ah?

mummies who are looking for front facing car seats..robinson now have special price for the ferrari car seat special price for members, usually $359, sale price is $305 and member price is $239. Hubby thinking of getting it..anyone have that or tried that? Most likely we will bring jay down to robinson on friday to let him try sitting in the car seat to see if he ok in it lor b4 deciding..anyone interested to get too, let me know..mayb can help u buy too..
Hi, Crisann

dont know that she can crawl so far... cos surfing net in study room & hubby watching TV in living room & heard crawling sound coming nearer & nearer.... & then saw JIa Hui at the door already... hee hee... initally, when placed her on floor, she only knows how to move herself using her buttock in sitting position but once daddy teach her how to get into crawling position she keeps doing it lor... need to watch her closely lor....

she still cant sit up on her own....
hi augbaby,
oh ya, do keep us updated abt ur bb's gender next wk. v. tempted to get clothes and accessories for princess rite? all so nice.
Hi Jesline

Jia Hui learned v fast leh. Ya lor... We also watch Crisann v closely cos she turn here and there so scare she knock onto something.
Mygyms Waddlers Trial 2 Great World City - $29.50


1. honeyhaven, hubby, kayden - Paid
2. butter8, hb & ryan - Paid
3. jasmine, hubby & jadelle - Paid
4. jokojoko, hb, aidan & maid - Paid & details received
5. mrschng, hb, Jordan - Paid
6. net,hubby & evan - Paid
7. Amberlyn, hubby, Jor - Paid
8. jojos, lucas - Paid
9. smlow - Pending payment
10. SI, hb, Crisann - Paid & Details received

smlow, please transfer the payment to my POSB Savings 126-17092-0 when available.

Mummies, please take note of the revised timing which is now from 12:30 - 1:30pm. Email your name, baby's name and contact number to [email protected] so that I can consolidate and submit to My Gym.

Megan always look so graceful. You probably need to get her grandpa to cut her hair soon. I need to cut my girl's hair once every month otherwise always see her scratch the hair near her ears.
HI, Crisaan

dont think she is fast lei..... hee hee... still dont know how to stand but had been trying to pull herself up... still not stable... think each baby develop at their own unique pace...
Oh btw, the My Gym's Trial should last for an hour, so from 12:30 to 1:30 unlike Gymboree class which is usually 45minutes.
