(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

JIa Hui holding milk bottle herself too...

Hi mommies..

wen do we need to change our babies' pacificer?? every three months or when the pacificer turns yellow??

Baby in Car Seat...

Lately switched car seat from the carrier back facing type to the bigger and more comfortable front facing type for my boy. He's not all that keen to be in the car seat oftentimes. So what I did was to play the same cd (Sesame Street) in the car when he's to be in the car seat, and give him a toy to play with. Tested out on 3 different days last week. Seems to work.
thanks for helping me find the toy...
jesline has managed to help me buy it already...:p

thanks for helping me buy..i arrange 1 day to meet u at raffles pl area maybe during lunch time to pick it up from u okie..

my hubby bought an extra pack of abc pasta, does anyone one wants it? Actually help piyo buy one..coz was talking hubby if he got go sheng shiong help me buy for piyo but then yest morn, piyo sms me she bought liao and i din manage to tell hubby in time...
so if anyone looking for it but cant find, let me know..

I also manage to borrow a v gd recipe book from NLB..there is so many interesting n yummy recipe for our babies for dinner time..hee hee..gonna start trying a few this wkends..the book is by annabel karmel cal the healthy baby meal planner...think a few of u might hav heard of it..mummies can go check it out at library..
i wanna start trying baked salmon wif abc pasta wif cheese for jay this wkends..:p
jay dun even like sitting in his car seat at all!! i am still currently using the maxi cosi infant car seat..sigh...i wan to change to a front facing type but i reali dun noe if i can make him stay inside..sigh...
jadon reali look v cute ah...getting cuter n cuter n he looks like u leh....i doubt i can get jay to wear the shrek ears coz sometimes when i play wif him n put a hanky on his head, he will promoptly pull it off his head...
hi mummies,
wow! all the babies look so cute with the shrek headband. kayden is just like jayden, will pull it off if i put things such as cap, sunglasses on him.

are we still meeting on thurs to go to motherhood fair?

hi crisann,
ur gal is so chubby and rosy.

hi leia,
jadon looks more and more like u. very fair hor. their looks change as they grow older hor.

hi jesline,
jia hui looks slimmer now hor. her features look sharper. still very pretty.
Hi mummies
I went on leave, so last 4 days took care of Kayden by myself. I enjoyed my 4 days. I fed him half a egg yolk for 3 days. He is okay and shall wait till he is 1 year old to feed him egg white.

He is not talking yet, but seems to understand me. When I ask him things he will react by saying arr and I asked he again. He will arrr again. Is like having a conversation with me. When he sees people, he will aaaarrr to get people's attention. So funny.

Physical skills
My boy also crawling on his tummy but backwards sidewards and can turn round. Same pattern as yr girl. At least yr girl can move forward, he still can't. He has been with this moving backwards for a very long time. I wonder when he will move forward. He can pull to stand and walk a bit holding to the side of the furniture. He still prefer walking around holding my hands.

Your babies are so advance.

Hi leia
Your boy is cute. He is quite fair hor.

Can try the front facing type. Bigger, spacious and more comfy to sit on. I bought the Maxi Cosi Priori during the Robinsons sale in Feb this year for abt $199.

Jadon's ok with ears and hats/caps. But if it gets too hot, he'll have the tendency to pull them off. But if he's distracted enough with his surroundings, he'll leave them alone. :D
i thou i saw the lauren chino skirt we both bought from polo spree selling at forum polo boutique at $66 leh...but it is in different colour of pink..hee hee...
u rec yr polo items alr or not ah? the skirt is v nice i feel...
Hi catherine24,
I am using nuk and avent. I bought the avent according to baby's age. I thought 4 holes are suitable for babies above 6 months.
Hi erin00

Thks. That was my 1st impression when I saw her. Cos my mum is e 1 who brought her to cut e hair.

Hi Augbaby

Thks. Jay is so cute too.
i also dun noe how tall is jay now leh..din bring him for his 9mths assessment checkup n he is coming to 10mths liao..now PD clinic alot of bb sick so dun tink i will bring him there so soon yet lor..wait a while more then bring him for a checkup..also dun noe how heavy is he now liao leh..he now love to walk...like us to hold his hands n walk around n he walk v fast..he can walk around his pen n cot rather well but think he is still rather scare walking without support..hmm wonder if he can walk by his 1yr old...hee hee..

hi mummies,
anyone knows where to get the 5pcs rompers from carters? wanted to get 18mths but the online stores doesn't carry it leh.
Hi, augbaby

just let me know when u need it, i will pass it to u... just happened bring baby to Toy' R us & saw the toy that u want...

Hi, erin00
ya... looks thinner now... last time more chubby...
think do too much crawling.. hee hee hee

hi, honeyhaven

dont worry, last tiem jia hui also move backward & we need to put her in tummy position then she knows how to crawl....now in sitting position, she knows how to get into crawling position...
crisann - ur baby realli chubby leh..her arms remind me of Michelin...

Talking abt carseat, Gen doesnt like to sit in it for long oso...i guess she doesnt like to be 'tied' down.

So mummies who are goin to the expo pls indicate ur name & time u can make it below can

1) MH & Gen - From 1330hrs.
Motherhood Fair @Expo on 7/6 Thur Afternoon

1) MH & Gen - From 1330hrs
2) Leia & Jadon - From 1430hrs

Pls PM me your HP no. I'll consolidate and send it to those going for easy meetup since we may be arriving at different times.
so nice..u all can take leave to go tog...i got not much leave left for this yr liao...sob sob..update us all here ok after u r back so we know if there is anything gd to go there after work...


Hi Mummies

Can't join u all for the Motherhood fair as don't think can take leave. If there is a great deal, pls let me know. Thks in advance.

Hi Jesline

U found it at which Toy rus?
All the babies so cute with the shrek ears!!!

Car Seat
So you mummies let your baby sit in the car seat everytime when travelling? My Jay dun like to be in the car seat as well. Everytime putting him down he will straight cry loud loud liao. So sometimes no choice gotta carry him out as he really cried till non stop and tears dropping one lo.

Anyone mind sharing your recipe for baby food with me? My Jay has been eating very little nowadays dunno if he too sian with the food or what coz everyday he seems like eating the same thing, steam potatoes/pumpkin/sweet potatoes with fish porridge
hi mummies,
dat time someone suggested consolidating to order party decor from birthday direct website, is it still on? other than concourse wher can we find decors for our bb birhtday parties anyone noes?

r u organising anymore desitin spree? let me noe if u r cos i need to top up stock liao.

me also very limited receipes for kaefer. but he's taking pork as well. Plus other vegetables like brocolli, keng chye, spinach, carrot that's about it.

BTW, do u mummies still blend the porridge for ur bbs? i still blending but kaefer's first teeth just popped out yesterday. YEAH! so wondering how long we need to blend their food?
i also face the same prob wif jay sitting in car seat...must think of ways to let him sit inside liao leh..anyway i haven bought a new car seat yet...hav u? wat is gd ah?

on friday, i let jay try wolfberries n some scallops...n he seems to like it leh..thou after 3 days, he again seems sian liao..sigh...
me..i am the one who suggested if we r getting party decor to get from birthday direct..but no one reply me leh..
i also trying to find out where else other than concourse to buy the deco..any idea wat time the party shops at concourse close ah? thou of going 1 day after work leh but dun noe if close alr or not
Hi augbaby,

I realised that ur boy looked a little like ur Dad leh


Last week, Justin leart to stand up on his own without any support. He will get on the squatting position and then suddenly just stand up. He will smile or grin when he stood up like he's happy with his new found achievement. Very proud that he's so strong and has good sense of balance...but scared too....cos once he happily stood up and then free fall and bumped his head on the tower fan.....oh boy...he cried so hard and me so heartbroken. I always so bad mummy, never catch him in time.

Also he loved to climb up the Thomas Engine toy rack i got for him. He'll use his hands to grib the top 2 trays and then use his legs to step on the big box below to get up. Of course, I'll put my hands around him just in case he falls. But again, he'll give that grin to show his victory. He's really like a monkey.
hi all mummies...

somethings sweet to share with u all!

So happy that Elysia won and got featured as one of the "Star Baby" in the June issue of "Motherhood" magazine.
So you just steam the vege or what? Everyday I just give Jay fish + pork/chicken porridge then add side dish of steam pumpkin/sweet potatoes/potatoes + cai sim/spanich/asparagus. So maybe to him everyday's menu is the same lo. Did you bake/fried the food?

I have not buy the new front facing car seat yet. Tot of buying the Aprica one but very ex lo. Then I find the seat's not as soft as the maxi cosy one le. Any good recommendation for car seat? Now Jay also dun like to use the stoller liao le, he likes to be carried lo. Tot of changing the car seat one to the toddler setting (Hope you understand what I mean as we are having the same stroller) so he can face front when we push him around. Then, I found that Jay too small size for the toddler's setting (he like want to fall out of the stroller like that!!)

You know I am thinking if I got preggy like you now, I will get a twin type lo. Hee. . .

conglates!!! Post the photo here and let us share the joy le!

your boy so brave hor, my Jay very kia si one, he just dare not let go of his hand. Everytime I try to let him stand w/o support, he will grip very tight else he will just sit down instead! Buai tahan!!!

You gals going to let your baby continue with BJG rite? which day and timing u prefer huh? tot if better all of our baby can stay in same class?
i haven been to concourse shops before so not sure. if u gonna order from website, i may join in, hav not surf the site yet.

Other than spinach which i blanch separately, the other vegs i jus throw inside the slow cooker, the cooking duration depend on which veg. Lazy hor? but i tik cooking together adds to the taste of the porridge as well. for the rice, i mix in some brown rice with white rice, i oso add in the SiSen powder from EYS during blending stage. So far, kaefer manage to finish his porridge but i tik will try out more variety of food/ cooking style soon.

Car Seat
From day 1, hav put kaefer into car seat on every single trip, so he gong gong jus sit in without too much fuss. currently am using both front facing one and rear facing ones he did not reject. maybe u can put the car seat at home and let jay get used to sitting inside while doing something he likes as a reward so he get used to it? otherwise, check if anything causing him any discomfort-- heat, fitting etc.
me too..i am thinking of not using the maxi cosi infant seat for the stroller liao n using the orginial zapp seat lor..coz he hates to sit in the stroller in that car seat n also in it when in the car..i am also looking for a gd but not that exp car seat lor..but problem is i am concern he still dun wan to sit in it lah..Hee hee..i dun like the twin type one leh..so most likly bb will be in sling or if worst bring out 1 stroller lor..n hopefully jay can walk by then lor..he also prefer to be carried leh..
Hi cj

Raffles City 3rd level and Centrepoint think is 5th level do sell party stuff. All along I never blend porridge for Crisann 1 leh.

Hi Jesline


Hi Doris

Oh really.... Ya lor post the photo so that we can view.
ya i saw those shops b4..but dun noe if its exp..but tink the shops at concourse shld be cheaper....
hello there

tryin to post my cheeky boy here... nothing stays on his head for long, he pulls out sunglasses, caps, hats, and of course shrek ears... sigh...

MH and Leia,
I should be able to be there by 1.30pm bearing in mind sometime ryan naps at odd times.. but should be ok..


For the BJG trial, u can submit it online and give me your details. Will call them to confirm the date. But 1 trial class must have 5-6 babies. So far Crispyapple, u and me interested.

Hi Mummies

Anyone else interested in the BJG trial class?
Hi Augbaby

Yes u are right. Just fyi concouse is quite quiet at nite. Think maybe they are closed at around 8-9 pm. Maybe u can call them up to check.

Hi Butter8

Ryan is so cute. Love his smile. So fast he already have 4 teeths.
Hi mummies and daddy going for the My Gym trail on 30th June,
I have made payment for 30th June only to realise that there is a miscommunication and the trial is only available at 12.30pm (same as the trial Amy organised) and not 2.30pm..as they are having the waddlers class at 2.30pm, they are unable to gif us the trial at 2.30pm. Only available slot is 12.30pm... I feel so bad over the miscom... Can you all make it still or try to make it? Pls let me know...

Mygyms Waddlers Trial 1 Great World City

30TH JUNE, SAT-<font color="ff0000">12.30PM</font>
1. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - paid to piyo
2. Doris, hubby & Elysia - paid to piyo
3. MH,hubby & Genevieve - paid to piyo
4. augbaby, hubby & jay and maid - paid to piyo
5. Kris, hubby & Zorian - Paid to piyo
6. piyo, hubby & MEGAN - Paid
7. racoon, hubby, justin - paid to piyo
8. fiona, hubby, denise - paid to piyo
9. erin00, hubby and kayden - Paid to piyo
10.cocomo, hubby and Jayden - Paid to piyo
11. Superdad, Sophia, Dickson - paid to piyo
i am ok wif that timing...
no worries...

i called concourse and most of the part shops there close at 7.30pm...so if u all going down, dun go down too late ya...

ryan's dad is very strict about baby car seat.. when he was young must sit in it... he had a rear facing one and now changed to front facing. When he was younger, he cried non stop once, papa dun allow him out for 10 mins... so heart pain.. but it was for his safety...
now ryan is ok in car seat.. as long as we entertain him when he get tired of sitting too long.. music, toys and food...

Ryan has 6 teeth now hehehe dunno if that is fast.. but he is constantly drooling and biting.

Some things to ask the mummies here:

Baby bottle food..
is it ok to feed baby with bottle food once every few days?

Instant porridge by nestle,
is this ok to feed also like once - 2 times a week?
any mummies using such 'instant' foods?

my boy is constantly drooling.. any other baby oso like this?

Hyper active baby,
anyone know the definition of this?
