(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

in case i can make it

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel
6. fiona, hubby, denise
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden
11. superdad, sophia and dickson
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
13. cheers, hubby & gwen
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac
18. butter8, husband, ryan
19. net, husband, evan
20. leia, hb, jadon
21. honeyhaven, kayden
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid
24. smlow, husband, Joshua & Louisa
25. vel, (hb yet to confirm), jovie,
26. jokojoko, hb, maid & Aidan
27. MH, hubby & Gen
28. Rachel, Ashley and Rachel's sis
29. Buffer (cynthia), husband & Natalie
30. Yoki03, hb & Ayden
31. catherine, charlotte & hubby (to be confirm on july again)
32. Rachelle, Hubby & Reina
33. Mrschng, hubby and Jordan
34. SL, hubby and Crisann
35. sharontay, hb & Kaeden
36. pupsandcups, hb & leon
37. sharon, hb & emma (to confirm in july again)


sorry have been MIA, really busy... my boy sleeps less n less in the day... constantly needs entertaining
but i dun flash him any cards or educate yet... just play n play... haha

anyway, here is my blog or journal of some sort..
i am not good at blog just put up the pix...

Consolidating blogs.. I added mine in as well.

Aug06babies blogs:
http://augdinoegg.blogspot.com - Augzboy
http://sherjohn.livejournal.com - Augbaby
http://www.mylittleprincessdiary.blogspot.com - Rain
http://www.maybellicious.blogspot.com - MH
http://www.frances-diary.blogspot.com - Piyo
http://www.babyjiahui.blogspot.com - jesline
http://natea.multiply.com -catherine24
http://www.cedann.multiply.com -honeyhaven

mummies pls add on...
Hi babyboy

Maybe u can buy the Gerber Vanilla custard for yr baby to eat when travelling. That 1 quite nice. Thks for the information for Similac promo. Will go and buy. Quite worth it. Usally I brought 1 can at $29.

Hi Augboyz

Ya lor. Had scolded her.

Hi Butter8

Crisann also sleep less. Only nap for once for ard 2-3 hrs.

Hi Mummies

Happy Holiday. Enjoy. I went to e motherhood fair once last yr. Nothing much 1.....
Hi, babyboy

she kena one mosquitoes bites at mil house on the hand & yesterday kena 5 mosquitoes bites on her left legs.... now legs red red.....

hope no more bites

u must be enjoying life now...
Hi, Crisann & Rachel

think they had only left with my branch which is at Bukit Batok... the one at Yishun Orchard Country club is closed as their lease had expired.... had enquired on that before.... not sure whether will they reopen the one at Yishun...
i dun mind goin to the expo on thurs afternoon but hor i hvnt bring my baby out alone taking pte transport so far leh..dunno if i can handle ? Must bring diaper bag, pram etc..

Any mummies bring out their baby alone b4 ? tell me hw u all do it can ?

Talking abt custard & yoghurt..actually heinz bottled ones are not bad leh..
hi mummies,
I don't mind going to expo on thurs afternoon too.

hi cj,
i din do any flashcards or send kayden for any classes too. dun worry la. the most impt thing at this point is to ensure that our baby know that they are loved and are in a safe and secure environment. They will then be more willing to learn and explore from their surroundings and the everyday stimulus.

Did a course on language acquisition long time ago and found out that routines like bathing are excellent opportunities for babies to learn that language can be used to transmit info and for them to pick up the language. I don't even have that opportunity to bathe him except for weekends and public hols.

hi piyo,
will update my blog perhaps next wk. Have a no. of meetings this wk and the beginning of next wk so am rather busy.
hi MH, i have been bringing my son out alone for shopping or gatherings since he is 3mths old. I sling him so less hassle for me. Tried pram n i give up, and its only to the neighbourhood shopping centre!

Ya have to bring
1. dipaers; depending on how long u go out. when son was young, i packed 6pcs, now only 4, sometimes 2 (forgot to top up haha)
2. Hot & cold water; dun depend on baby rooms in shopping centres, some dun have. Sometimes i only bring cold water den request hot water fm Mac or food court or coffee beans.
3. exrea set of clothes; incase they merlion or make a mess out of themselves
4. hanky
5. wet wipes
6. baby powder and/or diaper rash cream
7. a jacket in case cold
8. a hat

Think thats about all.
wow....small world instead..n u know my dad name!! Haha...i must reali tell him then...so u r from Coca cola as well ah..wat yr real name? If not convenient here, PM me leh..then i can go tell my dad...:p
MH, am at Redhill side..whr are u staying?

will be bringing my boy alone ..kinda used to bringing him out by myself...but i usually sling him - hands free.
will be driving there, so let me know if u need a ride...
and currently a SAHM for the next 3 weeks, till i start work again... sobbbbb

jesline, mil's place is really a mosquito breeding ground ahhh..how abt getting those pants with plenty of holes for Jia Hui to wear?
weekend is coming......... enjoyyy ! : )

Butter8, you going for the fair?
Hi Jesline

Jiahui v poor thing. The mosquitoes patch doesn't work? Anyway I interested to go to Bukit Batok branch which is nearer to my hse. Had enrolled for the trial class.


I do bring Crisann out alone. Just bring the stuff she need but she don't sit pram so I have to carry her all the way. If tired just go and find a place to sit n rest. At least yr baby willing to sit pram than easlier. U can hang yr stuff at the pram.
hi crisann tts great!! take video n post in blog!

my boy dunno how to crawl, only do tummy rub with the floor haha~ or crawl "gos-tan". However these few days see him like trying to lift his heavy butt n tummy off the floor n support the weight on his knees, few tries but fail...
Mygyms Waddlers Trial 2 Great World City - $29.50


1. honeyhaven, hubby, kayden - Paid
2. butter8, hb & ryan - Paid
3. jasmine, hubby & jadelle - Payment pending Piyo's transfer
4. jokojoko, hb, aidan & maid - Paid
5. mrschng, hb, Jordan - Paid
6. net,hubby & evan - Paid
7. Amberlyn, hubby, Jor - ok
8. jojos, lucas - Paid
9. smlow - OK
10. SI, hb, Crisann - Paid

Hi mummies in Trial 2, I have already gone down and make the payment for 10 mummies. smlow and Amberlyn, please transfer the payment to my POSB Savings 126-17092-0 when available.

Mummies, please take note of the revised timing which is now from 12:30 - 1:30pm. Email your name, baby's name and contact number to [email protected] so that I can consolidate and submit to My Gym.

Yipee! Weekend coming!
Hi AugBoyz

Haven't even started to do her blog at all. Will try to get it done soon. That a gd sign. Initially Crisann also like that. Slowly she learn to crawl after few try. What I do is take a toy that she like and ask her to come over to take it. Find it work. Maybe u can try.
Hi Amy

Had sent u the email. Kindly advise if you don't receive. Really appreciate your help to organise this trial lesson for us.
Mygyms Waddlers Trial 1 Great World City

1. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - paid to piyo
2. Doris, hubby & Elysia - paid to piyo
3. MH,hubby & Genevieve - paid to piyo
4. augbaby, hubby & jay and maid - paid to piyo
5. Kris, hubby & Zorian - Paid to piyo
6. piyo, hubby & MEGAN - Paid
7. racoon, hubby, justin - paid to piyo
8. fiona, hubby, denise - paid to piyo
9. erin00, hubby and kayden - Paid to piyo
10.cocomo, hubby and Jayden - Paid to piyo
11. Superdad, Sophia, Dickson - paid to piyo

Hi mummies in Trial 1, I will be going down to make payment this weekend. Cheers!

Hi Amy,
I have just tt Jas' share over:
01 Jun 2007 09:21 AM Singapore
To Account POSB Savings
126-17092-0 Amy
Amount S$29.50
Transaction Reference 1200164598

Pls chk and cfm receipt.

Just to add on. Crisann love to take public transport as she get to look around. Maybe u can try it out. I'm bringing her for shopping alone today.
posting some pics of what megan has been doing recently:


After buying the float for a long time, we finally brot her for a short swim ytd evening.. heng she can still fit into the swimsuit we bot b4 the Aquaducks trial :p
Hi augbaby,

Small world huh......you ask ur dad if he remember probably 4 yrs ago got 1 cost accountant called Jane or not.
Mummies keen to go Motherhood Expo fair:

From the looks of it, most prob Thursday afternoon...cfm timing again..
Anymore mummies wanna go?
Mummies keen to go Motherhood Expo fair:

From the looks of it, most prob Thursday afternoon...cfm timing again..
Anymore mummies wanna go?
Mummies keen to go Motherhood Expo fair:
erin (will confirm again depending on the time. have to bring my grnadma to eye centre for check-up in the morning. hopefully, will end early.)

hi piyo,
megan so happy swimming. where did u bring her for the swim? i'm bring kayden for a swim perhaps on the 11th but just worried abt the bathing. so still deciding whether to go public swimming pool or my friend's condo.

kayden can also hold his own bottle and drink from it a couple of weeks ago too.
Hi Racoon,
Ya my dad rem u..he says he has a group pic of u all when u all went bintan together for a co trip i think..:p
erin, piyo,
kayden n megan can hold bottle liao ah..jay refused to hold his bottle..he v lazy one..he prefer to hold his toys in his hands instead..haha

i went to Toys r Us at Suntec n still cant find the toy that i posted from the gathering at cocomo house...cocomo says her friend bought from TOys r Us at united sq..any mummies if u happen to see it, can pls pls help me buy 1st and maybe during gathering i can pick it up from u..thank u..
Am going shopping alone with dd since she is 3 mths ol'
(we are going to orchard for wholeday shopping when dh n ds go HK). Me using slings which i find it convenience. Thingy that i bring is similar with wat augboyz bring.

DD oso the same. Furthermore when take mrt try to 'sell off' her smile to stranger who sit beside us... buay tahan.
hi augbaby,
kayden sometimes can be lazy. if he's lazy or playful (play with his bolster or want to move around), i'll hold for him. if not, he'll hold it most of the time.
crisann - u sling ur gal when u bring her out shopping alone ?

Wanted to let my gal take public tpt since we came bk but my hb dun wan, he is too dependent on car haiz.

Tot of bringing her out today but the sling is in my hb's car so kinda handicap. Else bring pram i dunno hw to get into the bus man..
i finally manage to find the ABC pasta at Sheng shiong at bedok..heehee..but hor now i need to know wat type of cheese i can use for bb to eat to bake the pasta leh...any mummies can advise..i been to cold storage n i seen all types of cheese n dun noe wich one to buy n it seems like all got sodium one leh..how ah? how to bake pasta for jay if i dun noe wat cheese to buy..haha
hi mh,

unlike the other mummies, i use a pram when i bring emma out. emma doesn't lik being cooped up in the sling, and there's the problem of... how to go to the washroom when baby's in the sling? any advice fr sling mummies? i find pram beta coz emma sleeps more soundly in it.

think yur better transport options are the mrt or taxi if u use pram. mrt is the best, they r so pram/wheelchair friendly now with the lifts.
taxi drivers will usually help to fold up yur pram n put in boot, so no worries!
Megan so cute... must be enjoying her swimming yesterday rite? ... hm.. i also long time never bring elysia for a swim.. my ger too lazy to hold the bottle.. always hold a while then let go..recently like to bite the teats.. got 1-2 teats spoilt liao.. luckilu now got sale.. can buy and stock up.. haha...

I've only brought Justin to Compass Point once but hehehe...with maid, I just put him in the Baby Bjorn carrier and bring a small bag. Maid help me to carry grocery shopping.

Other times, hubby insisted Justin can only be allowed in a car cos got car seat and thus safer.

Justin also doesn't hold his bottle, he prefer to pull my hair or poke my mouth. If not Daddy will have to flip book for him to see to distract him. When I bf him, lagi worse, he'll close his eyes and enjoy but at the same time pinch and scratch me.


I remember the teambuilding at Bintan, really miss those days at Coke. Your parents are a very loving couple right? Can tell from the pictures
hey racoon,
hee hee..my parents r not bad together..they usually go travel tog as well..they juz came bk from perth recently actually..
So u left coke already too ah...

long time never see u in this thread liao..how things wif u..any new recipe to share? i will be trying the sheperd pie thing that kelly suggested for Jay this wkends..either that or the pasta if i can find the cheese..haha...

we can use normal pasta sauce for our bb? wont there be too many unhealthy ingredients inside it? will the homemake tomato sauce u say to do, will it be too sour for the bb since its only juz tomato?
i bring ryan out almost everyday... last few weeks when i am not working, i either bring him to the supermarket, malls or just to visit a friend. I dun bring him out the whole day, mostly short trips...i wait for him to take one nap at least. once i brought him for gymboree.

i usually bring the pram.. when he is in good mood his sits for a while, other times, i carry, if to market, i carry him in baby carrier.

Motherhood Expo fair,
next thurs? I should be free, what time in the afternoon? early afternoon can? i dun wan to rush with the crowds.. even if there is nothing much to see or buy, i dun mind just hangin out with you mummies and the babies

its a bit far ( i stay near dover) but it should be fun for ryan

let me know oki..

i've been workin parttime for about a month and now with my project finished, i've been free for a week. so far i enjoy it.. but i just got called for interview, and prob offered a full time job again.. discussed with my hubby and he did say dual income will be much more comfortable..
a bit stressed and confused... gotta decide on what to do soon...
will my stint as SAHM be short lived?? sigh...
anyone know of any gd book that has bb meal recipe to get or borrow ah? i am running out of ideas to feed jay...he tried brown rice recently but i think he does not reali enjoy it v much as well...
Hi Piyo

Megan is so cute and enjoy the swim. Me n hb kept saying wana bring her for a swim till now still havent. Crisann know how to hold her milk bottle but so lazy. Will play with it rather than drinking e milk.

Hi erin00

I also have the problem abt bathing her in the public. Think the public toilet don't have heater rite. Than now so many virus and hand foot mouth disease. So my mum stop me fm bring her go.

Hi Cecilia

same same lor. she even touch and kick ppl b4 her. So paisei leh. can even play with ppl watch.


I don't use sling. Cos Crisann don't like. I will carry her all the way. That why my frd say I already have muscle. Hehehe. Somemore she is 9kg+. Sometime is quite tired but seeing her so happy is worth it.

Hi Augbaby

Can baby eat cheese? thought that can only eat after 1 yr old.

Hi Doris

Crisann also bite her teat until spolit. Think is it becos of teething.

Hi rocoon

Crisann also have the habit of pinching me. So pain. She even pull e daddy ear.
crisann - wow..*salute*..no sling & pram. Wun u find it hard to shop ?

I used to bring Gen ard in bb sling or pram to go shopping when i was in France coz lesser cars & weather permits. But here, i only bring her dwn to the neighborhood centre opposite my hse. Going to MRT station for me is out of qns coz need to take feeder bus

My SAHM status is also changing soon..starting work FT in mid June..am i goin to miss my babygirl or wat..
Leia - My girl nt yet baptised leh..wait till my sis get married end of the yr coz asking her to be Godma & she is rather tied up wif her wed prep.

Butter8 - Heard from Leia..U oso Catholic ?

Regarding the motherhood fair..wld u all wan to meet for lunch or wat ?

Hi babyboy,
I would love to go but that day dunno can take leave not.... let you know again...

hi erin, crisann, doris and augbb,

same like Kayden, sometimes she wanna play with other toys then we hold the bottle for her.. or she holds halfway wants us hold the rest of the time for her...

I brot her to my parents' condo, got baby swimming pool. I think better to bring them to private pool where you can bring up to bath else like the aqauducks time aiyo!!! I faint ah!

I actually asked my maid to "Re-train" megan to hold bottle cos I rem she was holding the bottle at 5mths cos my mum trained her to do that then. Over time, my maid took over and megan seems to be know my maid will hold her bottle for her and let her play with toys while she drinks her milk, so I told my maid to jot her memory for awhile...

HI augbb,
try cottage cheese. I just read the Super baby food while pumping milk.. they say we can intro cottage cheese now..
