(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB


Nice read, I always remember doing things behind my parents' back like rode the bicycle on the streets without mummy's permission...hahaha..those were the days.

cj and SuperDad,

Justin also like to throw things. Lately, he discovered the joy of dropping things on the floor. He would pick up the big packet of baby wipes and drop onto the floor, and he'll stare at it on the floor and smile. Then I'll pick it up and put back onto the table, and he'll do it again. We'll keep repeating this till he gets tired.


Can share with me Megan's blog so I can read too?

cj, superdad, racoon..
haha.. so cute.. so mischevious.. think all babies are the same.. my ger once she aims something, she will make sure she gets it.. if not she will 'grrr' until her face redded... cute.. but stubborn.. when say her, she 'tutu' mouth and cry for help..
superdad, racoon
haha seems like bbs enjoy this game.
superdad,dickson throws his milk bottle ah? luckily u not using the glass type...

hey all mummies,
list all ur blogs here la so we can refer bah.

which show ur bbs appearing on? which channel? i wan to watch leh.
Hi AugBoyz

We tried but can't. She wanted to go downstair everyday. To use to it already. Don't go downstair don't want to take nap. So before going down have to tell her after come back u must sleep.

Hi cj, superdad, racoon, Doris

Same same lor...
Hi cj, superdad, racoon, Doris

Crisann even throw all her toys on the floor which is on the table. Headache. Soon the toys some will spolit soon.
hi augustmum,
Nope, it's my friend's friend's child haha...

can I find out more about your sis art school too? next time if I bring megan there, got disc not?

Hi MH,
yes very true! we are like "lah sa chia, lah sa dua!" Can I link to your blog too?

Hi CJ, superdad, crisann and racoon,
our babies are now at the stage of being fascinated with "gravity" mine throw toys, big and small, plastic or soft toys... some toys spoilt liao... oh yes now she also plays with her mouth alot... will throw to create "water fountain" and shoot out saliva by pouting her lips, even spurt out the food very notti! I think I must start discipline liao!

Hi rain,
Megan missed last Sunday class too cos we sent a friend to airport that day.. haf not arranged for makeup hehe..if you think you dun haf time to do home practice with her for now, then better hold on SM 1st esle waste $$$.

Hi CJ,
now you better take good care of your health lah, dun do too much things now ok :p

Hi Doris,
wah lau! your cousin's boy only less than 2yrs leh! of cos no output lah! we were told dun expect output so soon but when the time is right, they will surpise or amaze us... did she send her no.2 to SM too? I dun expect from megan, I just enjoy the classes and home activities with her, taking it as quality time I spend with you as long as she enjoys it..

hi cocomo,
sms you the contact no liao... you receive? megan taking the sat 10.45am class in Springleaf tower nearer to your house and my house :p started in april and continuing in July.. not sure if we can be in the same class, you call n chk? but my class full liao max 6 babies not sure the rest of the babies continuing not...

btw, so your that 1set panel includes both door and activity panel? is it blue and yellow and red colour? I wan leh! I reserve ok! any more disc? *runs away*
luckily my ger dun throw her toys.. or else sure alot toys broken.. but she perfers real stuffs like hp, remote control, keys...do ur kids do that too? how to control?
haha.. i noe la..think all courses is for parents with babies' bonding .. but hor really ex ley..
anyway wow.. u all really send babies for art lesson meh? my sister is a art teacher, she say dun need so early ley.. say i kiasu ley.. i ahv to wait till elysia older abit then will ask my sister to teach her.. i also book my ex-colleague-chinese teacher to teach her hanyu pinyin liao.. hehe
hi crisann, my son also likes to throw toys onto the floor. and i think he did it purposely. pick it up for him, he hold den stretch his hands side way n let go his fingers, the toy go "piakz" on the floor.

How i wish he is lie doris' ger... so scared 1 day the toys breaks into pieces...

sms you liao! which floor and tower your hubby on? sekali same office! we can mt for lunch very soon, say next week?

Do you print words via the printer? if yes, what colour? I DIY leh.. i write in big red felt pens..the movie effect, 1,2 3,4 sounds silly leh

you just reminded me of the photobook! I plan to do that in time for Megan's birthday! you order the 30 x 30? is it difficult to do? you finsihing liao?

oh you din attend the PEC? I went with my hubby then we both look at each other thinking which of us shd go into class to make SMARTER hahaha...end up it's me! I m more alert nowadays and try to rem the cards and activities they do... so maybe they do make us smarter? you leh?

no lah, just asking augmum got disc not cos I no artistic juice:p so tot maybe megan may need.. hmmm hanyu pinyin ah... my dad can teach hahaha

Err, I am a blur wife, dunno which tower or floor hubby is in, only know which company he is in, he works in a bank.

I printed on printer in red words, but gotta print at my mom's house cos the card cannot feed into my HP printer. All in all, I only printed abt 80 cards made up of words the baby will come across or hear in their first year.

I doing the 30X30 cos got more template, very fun but tiring. I've exhausted all my photos but still got blank pages left....so nagging my hubby to take more pics of Justin...or else wait for the studio shot which we are going for mid June.....spend a lot of $$$$ hor.....

I have to put Justin to sleep so only hubby can attend the PEC lor. But I'm the one taking Justin in class cos my hubby cannot handle him lah.

Next Mon and Tue I got training, so free for Wed, Thur and Fri. U pick a date lah

I spend a lot of $$$ online shopping for Justin, always tell my hubby to lock the laptop away or tie my hands up...hehe
Hi Piyo

Crisann also like that. will throw to create "water fountain" and shoot out saliva by pouting her lips, even spurt out the food. She even make funny faces and even make those funny noise that the daddy teach her. Can't stand her.

Hi Doris

Crisann also throw her toy onto the floor which is on the table. Than we have to pick for her lor. Same lor. She like to play with my bags, HP, remote, keys and even my spectacle. I stop her from doing that. I will not let her play with that lor. If not use to it next time alway want to play. Miss out even wana play with the fan. When she sit walker, she can knock the fan down and even pull her heavy Elmo gym toy.

Hi Mummies

Seems like a lot of u are doing the blog. Me really don't have the time for that.

Hi AugBoyz

Crisann also purposely 1. Just want to make us busy. Scold her she will smile at me. Don't know want to laugh or angry.
re: flashcards
how many sets of cards do you mums flashed a day? i used to flash 3-4 sets at the beginning.. but tink too much for her.. so now only flash 1 set of 5 cards each session.. 2 times a day lor.. cos i still got the math flashcards ley.. though i m a SAHM but i always itchy backside.. cant stay at home de.. will frequently follow dh car out when he go work:p so i din actually follow GD method.. i was like.. got flash can alr la.. haha
Hi Rocoon

Me also spend a lot of $$$ on Crisann. My hubby kept nagging me buying so much clothes and toys for her. Ur hubby v gd leh. Never nag while u are the one who suggest him to stop u.
re: shichida
hmmm.. their class oso need home practice ah then i tink better not join 1st since i so lazy.. later waste $$ ley.. haiz.. i really tink dat i have not been doing much for my gal ley.. i oso not creative de.. so now looking for some class for her & preferbly not so ex de lorz..
Hi, crisann

me also spend alot of $$ on baby... hubby nagging at me lor asking why buy some many toys for what... buy stories book, toys, flashcard, clothes & etc....

Hi, piyo
everytime i do the flashcard with Jia Hui, she will be very excited but when i flash to her, she will see me flashing the cards & laugh & after that, keeping looking at what i am doing... not concentrating....after that, i will play with her the games of eating berry lor...pretending to eat the red dot & then also feeding her & she will open her mouth,.,... hee hee hee
Read all your blogs liao..hw come all ur babies look so big wan ar..like progress very fast like dat wor..some of your babies can stand so steady wan.

Mine look so petite..

Piyo - can i pinch megan's cheeks hehe..so cute.

Cos my hubby also shops online for his hobby....hahahaha....so he all the more encourage me to buy buy buy........he's a bad example lah
Hi Rachel

Me too. Cos Crisann only go hm on wkend. Don't think have the time to practice. Rain has been going to BJG. Think that is cheaper. So will consider that. Waiting for their response on the trial class.
Hi Crisann,
Trial class in BJG will take a very nong nong nong time... that's what I heard from the mgmt..

what's your hubby's hobby? i kpo hahha i also working in bank leh! the photobook really fun huh? me going to play with it soon! hopefully haf lots of pics to put in... wanted it to be ready for her birthady celebration... which printer you use? epson? how thick the paper? you print on gloss or matt surface?

your baby's cheeks are chubbier k! we zoom in mah! that's y look so big!

so the eating cherry works huh? megan sometimes wil start bouncing and clapping when she sees cards/pictures she likes!hope this will continue haha

so not only megan does that! heng ah! my parents are complaining she is so rude haiz
crisann & jesline..
so sorry.. watz BJG? got trial class? int to noe which branch too.. keke.. any branch near pasir ris or hougang??

re: advanced iq congress
i had registered for the congress too
going with my friend whom gal is a Jun06 bb.. hope to bump into u mummies ther
saw yr blog liao..haha..i need to go find the info liao leh..haha..been a while n i cant rem!! :p

anyone ordering party deco from birthday direct? I am keen to get 1 or 2 theme big huge balloons..haha..but hor overall i find that the stuffs there r v exp leh..anyone has any idea if places like in the concourse that sell party deco, do there hav nice cartoon character balloons ah? long time never go there liao..also forget..:p
hi augbaby..
my friend is preparing for her gal 1st birthday.. heard she will be getting her things from SPOTLIGHT.. maybe u can try ther..
My hubby got old man hobby, like to read fengshui books and collect crystals and stones e.g/ citrine, amethyst, ammonite etc etc. So he frequent tha S'pore Handicraft Center next to Chinatown Point, he very ah pek lah....got anyone's hubby got the same type of hobby or not?
read ur blog liao...will post 2nite...die die must stay awake 2nite...lotsa stuff 2 do. u read e boys' blog 2mrw. will explain gabe n edward's name.
Hi Augbaby,

I was reading ur blog and saw a family pic of ur family taken during chinese new year. i recognise ur father, his name is Eddie Teo right?
Augbb's dad is someone famous ah?

hi kelly and augbb,
I just updated my post in my blog so got time read again cos I updated some parts of the chinese name part and added the instructions at the end as to what you are supposed to do haha!

My hubby and I may be going for the congress thingy
hope to see u.. ur dh & pretty megan ther
hmmm.. any idea wat is the making money from internet all about?? keke.. browse thru ur blog.. & went to ur link.. saw dat the boy's parents work from home thru internet??
Hi Jesline

Haiz.... Our hubby is the same 1. JiaHui so cute... Yes already called BJG. But the lady say I have to apply online for the trial lesson and they will get back to me on the date. They have 2 outlet. 1 at Yishun and the other 1 at Bukit Batok. I will be going to the 1 at Bukit batok cos is nearer to my hse. U interested?

Hi racoon

No wonder. Seldon seems hubby engage wife to buy buy buy 1 leh.

Hi Piyo

Oh is it. I called them to check they was saying last yr there is a promotion for the trial class is quite long. Think is normal for baby to do that leh. Seeing a lot of baby doing that.

Hi Rachel

BJG is Baby Jumper Gym. They only have to outlet. 1 at Yishun and the other 1 at Bukit batok.

Hi Jesline and Rachel

The website is www.bjg.com.sg
Leia...thanks for the tip on instant porridge...just too used to cooking everything from scratch and fresh for Keiran, so suddenly feeding him can food makes me feel uncomfortable...will keep that in mind...

COCOMOOOO....yes la, that must be meee.. walked downwards to wait for keiran's daddy to pick me up..waited so long until i decided to take a walk..

SIMILAC FOllOW-ON promo at NTUC XTRA AMK - 2 tins of 900gm + 400gm Gain IQ @ $59

Jesline,Bb Jia Hui kenna mossie bites again???at mil hse or at home? arghh..all these mossies ah too much~! have they gone away yet?

mummiesss, public holiday tmrw...ENJOY!!~~ : )
hi Crisann, better dun laff otherwise they'll think its funny n will keep doing tt. At least tts wat my son did lah, till i gave him an expressionless face then he will stop... for a while.

my husband oso interested into fengshui but not to the extend of buying crystals etc. jus read some fengshui books/magazines then place the bed, table etc based on what he read.
haha...same here... if my ger notti, i will gve her stern look and tell her the reason..but hor b4 can tell her reason, she 'tutu' mouth and cried for help..bo pian..


u r not a lousy mum! wat's most impt is tat u do spend time with yr bb.

if it's any comfort to u, i too m not sending emma to any classes, nor doing flashcards, nor blogs, not even reading books to her (coz she kept trying to snatch them away). PLUS I M A Sahm so supposedly sPEND more time at home n can "teach" her.

there are lotsa other ways to stimulate our babies other than those structured learning methods, eg. go to the zoo (or shopping mall), let her explore by herselfinstead 6f holding her back. lik rite now she's typing away on my keyboard (which explains the caps n spellin errors). wat's most impt is tat they (n mummies n daddies) hv fun!
