(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hihi..sorry MIA-ed for awhile..was supposed to revert abt the catering contact i hv...i compared the menu and i think YLS has a better selection with the extra 1 dish that Kelly can get...i think this has to be the best deal arnd cos i checked with a few places.

As for the party entertainment, i got a quote for the following :

1) The Prof Popcorn's Magical Showtime (With Live Animals)
2) Prof Popcorn's Balloon Show
3) Ventriloquist Surprises- Showtime with The Amazing Puppets

1 Colourful Confetti Shower worth $88
Hosting of Cake Cutting Ceremony
Balloon Sculptures for All!

Duration : Approx 1 hr
Cost : $288

Shared out, the cost is not much and we prob dun hv to worry abt bringing too much toys and stuff...Then again, like some mummies said, this may not be fair to those babies who happen to be sleepy/cranky during the 1 hr...But anyways...just throwing out ideas =)

Hi kelly/cynthia,

ur babies look so adorable! Evan looks very cartoon right now cos my mum trimmed his hair over the weekend and she lost 'touch' liao....been years since we let her go near our hair...heh..
Hi mommies..

Sorry busy busy and no time to log in only till Zorian sleeps..

Hi piyo..

me not going to the congress this sat.. zorian got class from 1-2pm.. so not going.. cant meet up with you mommies..

Hi cocomo..

Is Jayden much better now??

As Rain said, Crawler I only have Fri and Sat class.. I went to a friday class for make up.. all the babies are about 2-3months younger than ours.. You remember Galvin, the baby which attend our Sat class twice?? he is from Fri class.. So far, there is no Sunday class for Crawler I..

Hi Piyo, Cocomo and Rain..

Think i will let Zorian continue to Crawler II.. Shichida very expansive.. so most likely give it a miss..
piyo, cocomo, rain...
shichida really good meh? cos i see my cousin's son went thru liao still the same ley.. started as early as 3 mths old, now almost 2 yrs old liao.. my cousin dun really matter whether he learn a not as her main concern is to occupy some of her son's playtime only..
last yr my sister was working in shichida company in PS..(quit the job as pregnant- the boss dun like pregnant staffs) she told me not really necessary to bring baby to the class as it's v ex..can self-learn at home.. somemore some products they recommend is made frm taiwan.. so better check as not really that gd lor.. pai seh.. jus my tots..
haha.. my ger also paper/tissue eater.. sometimes jus few secs away frm her sight, the paper/tissue areadi in her mouth.. buay tahan.. (luckily got fibre, easily digest..haha).. now she aiming my keys, my wallet.. gosh.. dunno when will stop..
by the way, my Elysia show me a stunt today,she can climb up the sofa chair liao..
..hm.. me thinking i jialat liao.. hav to observe her playing, standin, climbing 24 hrs during weekend... so tired.. especially start working.. really shack.. can i noe all working mummies, do u encounter these problem?..maybe i havent get used to yet..
Looking for Butter8~~!!
Check with you, did you cook porridge while on yr trip in Perth? What did u feed him? thinking of going on a short trip but now that he started on porridge, just wondering where to get the raw ingredients...

Any mummies who travelled recently can help??

hi all mummies..
can pls pm me ur blogs so dat i can noe more bout u all & ur bbs
keke.. wanna start my blog oso but no time & kept dragging.. guess i m jux too lazy.. hope after browsin ur blogs will get me motivated.. thanks in advance..

re: bb classes
wow.. so many bbs here had alr started going 'school'.. & i don even have any ideas wat these classes r all about:p guess i m 1 of those slackers.. keke.. guess mux change myself to be more hardworking & let my gal get involve in something alr.. if not afraid dat she will be withdrawn le.. so any kind mummies can gif me some recommendation of 'schools' to go to?? i only show her GD flashcards at home..


I brought my boy with me to the hospital everyday for a week cos my mom went for operation and there's no one to look after him. He only ate cereal for that week. Sometimes, just 1 cereal feed a day. Occasionally he gets bananas, yogurt and baby biscuits. I don't think he lost weight. :p I just let him latch on as much as possible.

If you're going for a trip, and a short one, too troublesome to be cooking porridge lah. Anyway, I've seen instant baby porridge at NTUC (Rivervale Mall branch).
Thanks for your concern, Jay ok now, no diarrhea no fever.

I always know Rain goes BJG but duuno which class and also dunno she is Reina's mummy ma!! HOw much is the playyard huh? I cant remember how much I bot in BP liao. Is it $157.70? Anyway how abt whatever price selling I give u 10% disc(I really never use it)?

Hope Kayden's also fine now. Jay is 73cm only, think Kayden higher than Jay. The PD said Jay maybe more to my side, siao liao la, I so petite!!!

I dun remember Galvin, I oni know Yi Jie, the baby who just cried from the beginning of the class till the end from first lesson till now
I will still let Jay continue Crawler II, they can still be classmate, with Megan (maybe also Reina) as well.

Do you know Friday BJG class started what time huh?

I am not sure abt Shicida le, not good huh? Beside learning, the reason I bring Jay to these classes is to build up his social skill, to learn to interact with ppl. bcoz beside me, hb and maid he seldom meet others lo!!

You can get instant porridge at NTUC Tiong Bahru too! That day I saw you carried Keiran in a sling at ard 7-8pm walking down the hill towards the main road (Think it was u la).
Hi cocomo..

Glad to hear that Jay is much better now.. you must also take good care of yourself okie..

The friday class is from 7-8pm...

The Galvin is the baby boy whom keeps on 'talking' whenever the teacher talks.. he also very cute one.. keekee..
Hi Mummies

That day i went to my frd's daughter 1st birthday. She did engage Prof Popcorn but think is more suitable for older children. Cos don't younger 1 seem not interested. My daughter as well. Just some comment but I'm alright if all mummies wanted to go ahead to engage him. Where can I get those flashcards? Cos had brought a number of book for her but she is not interested at all. Crisann can't sit and concentrate. Must think of a way. Anyone got any suggestion.

Hi cocomo

Glad to hear that Jay is feeling better now.
hi cocomo,
thanks. actually, i wanted to measure his length but he always can't lie still so give up liao lor. my hb and i are not tall too. still too early to tell whether they will be tall next time. guess time will tell.

i also have the same concerns as u. want kayden to socialise more cos now he's not so sociable compared to when he was abt 6 months old. perhaps i'll bring him to join a playgroup near my place when he's 18 months old. am still looking out for those that offer once a week session and parents can join in.

Are there any BJG outlets that are in the east? no transport so want to find somewhere nearer?
Hi Leia

Kaeden wanna join the birthday bash too. count us in...

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel
6. fiona, hubby, denise
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden
11. superdad, sophia and dickson
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
13. cheers, hubby & gwen
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac
18. butter8, husband, ryan
19. net, husband, evan
20. leia, hb, jadon
21. honeyhaven, kayden
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid
24. smlow, husband, Joshua & Louisa
25. vel, (hb yet to confirm), jovie,
26. jokojoko, hb, maid & Aidan
27. MH, hubby & Gen
28. Rachel, Ashley and Rachel's sis
29. Buffer (cynthia), husband & Natalie
30. Yoki03, hb & Ayden
31. catherine, charlotte & hubby (to be confirm on july again)
32. Rachelle, Hubby & Reina
33. Mrschng, hubby and Jordan
34. SL, hubby and Crisann
35. sharontay, hb & Kaeden
Hi morning mummies,
Had been busy this few day so never post in here, i am going to resign and change job soon i guess will even have no time to log on here.
Anything u all can msn or email me.

Charlotte now can crawl can sit up by herself and pull to stand by herself now she also know how to wave tata when we wave to her so cute. her Top two tooth is coming out i guess she is a damn fast growing kid. everything come at one go.
she also know how follow us making sound and when dog bark she will also follow like "ARR"
Hi, mummies

came across this acticle on pneumococcal disease.... Hope is useful to all mummies who had not brought babies for the jab


Hi, rachel

me too had not enrol baby for any 'school' yet... only flash GD dots card for her at home once at night...when point to object & said out the name for her when carrying around the house.... so now when daddy said where is fan, she will look up at the ceiling....

anyone facing baby who cried suddenly when still sleeping? carry out of yao lan & walk around also cannot stop her cry.... not sure whether is it cos of her teething...
Hi augboyz,
cos when dickson standup holding on our dinner table..his head touch the bottom of table...so i measure the table height lor..but somehow when measure at polyclinic, it seem shorter when e nurse lie him down..may be is leg a bit bend..haha..

Dickson too..like to eat watever he can reach..tissue, magazine, bed liner...even my finger..he will grab n put it into his mouth..

Now he learn new thing liao..like spider man..can claim up(pull up) himself, whenever his hand can hold something is higher..den he start to pull up liao..my tv rack, behind e chair, cabinet and even my door grill..so need attention when he is active at day time..
Hi net and mummies,
I agree with Crisann that the Prof Popcorn is more suitable for older kids... that would be a good idea to use him when our kids are older? maybe 3-4yrs old birthday bash? But it's a good suggestion
Other mummies' view?

Hi Jesline,
Jaihui cries with eyes shut or open? Megan sometimes cries very loudly when sleeping but with eyes closed.. think having nightmare? maybe over stimulated during the day?

Hi Erin,
Kelly mentioned the BJG branch at Pasir Ris called her on the classes so I think they do haf a branch at Pasir Ris. You may wanna check with Kelly?

Hi Erin/cocomo,
BJG has lots of chances for interaction as babies and parents have the whole room to themselves and play and learn while sitting on the floor and there is 15mins gym activities. Not for Shichida. Shichida is classroom setting so there won't be much chance of interaction during the class. So if you are looking for social interaction, Shichida not the class.

Hi Cocomo,
Your play-yard is the one without door right?ask a stupid question, so if I wanna carry megan out, how ah? I bend down and pick her up ah?
Hi, piyo

Jia Hui cried with eyes closed....cried until very bad.. with tears rolling down her cheek.... so heart pain...

Hi, mummies
just to check, the teething gem u all using is detinox?? (not sure abt the spelling)

Jia Hui kena mosquitoes bited again.. this time on her arms... the bite is so red... but the swelling gone.. left with one red round patch...
Hi Leia,
I know which boy you talking about in my link...ya he seems a bit too smart for his age.. I know what you mean by scary...but he sure loks like a bright boy..

Hi racoon,
Same tots! I enrolled megan for morning classes so that I can keep afternoon free and megan is very alert in the morning, best time to play and learn
what do u mean you dunno how to flash the lang genius? they are all words? There are some categories I dunno how to flash for the favourite genius cards. What abt u?

Where do you work? yes SP is springleaf, just 5 mins drive from my house hehe.. if only our babies can attend same class...you attending same class as my friend's boy leeuwin?

You got the 24*6" GD blank cards for GD words? actually you shoud keep them, still can use, just cut them up into smaller pieces and you can flash words still with pictures.. if you notice our sensei will flash pic then followed by words sometimes..

Do you do home practice everyday? What do you do in home practice? btw, the 65day is the 65day maths dot programme. Did the sensei start with you all? ours did 2 weeks ago then we continue on our own at home but every lesson she will do the 7th day, 14th day, 21st day programme while flashing cards if you know what I am saying...
Hi Catherine

All the best to your new job. Wah Charlotte can sit up on her own. That fast. Crisann still can't. Only know how to cry for help.... As for Tata, it all depend on her mood. Happy will wave.

Hi Jesline

Thks for the information. Me too also have not enrol any class for Crisann. Cos don't know which to let her join. Where u get the flash GD dot. Here is v gd for them. Have the sample problem. Crisann will cry suddenly when she sleep especially nite time. My mum say is due to she play and laugh too much in the daytime. So nightmare. So asking us not to play to much. It can also be teething. If is due to teething u can apply the teething gel to let her feel better.
Hi Jesline,
most prob is nightmare in her sleep.. my megan cried so badly with eyes shut sometimes but no tears so far... maybe your pils played too much with her in the day?

Hi cat,
All the best in your new job! Megan now keeps doing tata and sometimes with both hands too! fun sight to watch!

Hi Doris,
How old is your cousin's son now? What outputs do you expect to see from the boy? We were told just to input into our babies for now, dun expect output yet..Did your cousin actively do home practice with your nephew? cos that's the essence of the programme.
Hi Piyo

Crisann is her eyes is closed when crying. Think u are right over stimulated during the day.

Hi Jesline

Yes I'm using that brand. Think u should bring the mosquitoes buster to put in the living hall during daytime.
hi mummies,
I promised to share on SM:

It will be a waste of $$$ to put your baby into shichida if you are not prepared to do home practice with your baby. Shichida emphasizes alot on home practice ... so if we are not prepared to do that and would just like to bring our babies for the class and period, eh then not advisable to enrol them in... I think in any class we go, 1x/week won't do wonders to our babies.. we have to do homework with our babies bah? even BJG gives DIY flashcards for us to go back flash to our babies...

One bad point - No make up classes for SM if you miss the class...BJG can make up max 2 times..

in a typical shichida class, babies go through energy ball,baby massage, ESP games (6th sense),eye exercises, photographic memory (this is similar to image training in BJG), linking memory games, finger/sensory play (eg 1 exercise we did , different boxes of paper, styrofoam, rubber, netting etc), speed reading exercises, songs on basic concepts such as shapes, numbers, colours, phonics etc, foreign languages via songs,sawako, flashcards etc and of cos flashcards on lots of topics and finally class observation within the 75mins... time flies very fast in the class..

all these are done in a classroom setting but our sensei is good to sometimes let them haf some crawling exercise during class or move ard if baby is cranky etc...

bascially, just input input and input... when we go home, we are encouraged to try to emulate what they do in the class on a daily basis...

To me, the 75 mins is a bonding time between megan and me to play and do exercises with her...Some of you knowing megan, she fusses big time sometimes but so far she is very particpative in SM classes which I am surprised...of course there are times she dun wanna do some activities cos now she is in the exploration mode, wanna crawl wanna climb wanna wriggle etc but overall it's fun for her... supposedly, we haf to do all activities with our abbies with love, then they can learn and bond with us.. and over this term I have attended, I think it's true

so mummies interested must be prepared to commit themselves to do home practice and that woudl involve preparing the materials prior to the home practice etc.. preparing can take some time but home practice finishes like within 15 mins?
Hi rachel,
Actually GD flashcards are sufficient for our babies for now... I enrol megan into Shichida cos I totally lack creative juices on how to play and interact with megan... we ran out of ideas apart from reading, singing, dancing and bringing her out to look at the "world"... I just wanna know are there any other ways of bonding with her and so far, now I can get more ideas lor
hi mummies n daddies, my son's blog http://augdinoegg.blogspot.com/, link me pls :D

my son is now teething, his 2 lower teeth finally decided to show face after months n months of drooling n biting.

When the gum is irritating my son, he will scream n cry, reject milk n cereal/porridge. So helpless now *sigh*
hi Crisann , my son also have the habit of screaming in his sleep with his eyes closed. He will be sleeping soundly den suddenly next min he is screaming. But when we pat n swing him (he sleeps in sarong at nite then we will transfer him to bed when we turn in) n put his pacifier back he will zzz back.

frens told me he is over stimulated during the day but i checked with my mum who takes care of him, he does not have any excitement so now we are confused. But since he is able to fall back to sleep we are ok with it.

I'll PM you my flash cards measurement when i go home to measure, can't remember now.


The language genius cards are meant for you to insert into your own picture cards i think, so u create a category with a story and the language cards will be inserted in between to make up the story with the pictures. I still dunno how to do it leh.

Agree some of the fav cards quite difficult, like the foreign language, dunno how to read korean leh, and i think got some must paste photos or pictures right?

Justin missed his lesson last Sat becos he was sick so dunno the sensei got start the 65 dot pgm or not. I agree must do home practice then can give ur child the holistic SM approach, but I'm working leh, every morning wake up can quickly flash those same old fav genius cards then dash for work liao. Moreover, Justin is super active, never sit still, difficult to do home practice with him too......i really wish to be a SAHM....then got more time with him to coach and nurture him myself...

I'm working at Captial Tower, how abt u? Leeuwin's mom told me she and you were ex colleague.

Dun think my those cards are exact GD measurement, just close to it.....long long ones, but i still flash here and there but never follow GD method of what retire some words and add new words..i just flash when i hv time lor....
Hi AugBoyz

Thks for sharing with me your blog. Find children teething alway having the same problem. Mine even fever and diahorrea. Seems like a lot of children have this problem. Maybe is normal? At least yr son cry already will sleep back. Mine to carry her than have to feed her with milk. My daughter think is over stimulated cos daytime she will ask my mum to bring her go downstair. Than play with those neighbours.
maybe is mosqitoe bite tats y jia hui keep crying.

I think u got to do something in the room to clear the mosqitoe. Or put a mosqitoe net to prevent it.

I normally will spray baygon those without smell one b4 baby get into the room. i make sure i clean the playpen everyweek also to prevent dustmites.

Crisann & piyo,
Thanks Hopefully everything goes well.
Crisann soon ur baby will sit by itself.
piyo yah fun to watch them doing that so cute. Charlotte also keep smiling whenever i smile to her.
Hi racoon,
yeah, some cards are quite difficult to flash.. like movie effects.. I mean what do we say when we flash? 1 2 3 4? foreign lang is challenging, think must ask the sensei how to pronounce?

I also FTWM so every night after megan sleeps, I will go prepare the materials for the next day then flash b4 we leave house and at night do 1 more time...but sometimes i see she is tired or not in the mood, I dun do at all...I dun follow GD strictly too I follow Megan's flow... after flashing like the 4th or 5th day, she tends to look away then I will take the cue from her to change the cards. maybe you can try that too?

is Justin better? We haf a baby down with chicken pox in our clas. the mother came alone..

Yeah, Leeuwin's mother and I were ex colleagues, just met up with her for tea ytd hehe. I am working in One raffles Quay now..maybe we can do lunch sometimes?mt in between like uncle sam's claypot? or hans? haha

for the lang cards, how about you get pics of the words, then flash the pic then followed by the word? like what the sensei does in class?

Our sensei asked us if we wanna start the 65day progr as a class so we all agreed...maybe you can chk with my ex-colliq what you missed?

Justin has almost recovered liao, thanks

Sure, we can meet up, my hubby also working at ORQ.......so many company there hor. Hans and Uncle Sam all ok with me, so when? I PM u my contact then u sms me to fix up ok?

Mmmm....think i must flash the GD cards more diligently too, maybe print more new words, cos i think the fav genius cards too boring liao leh. Yah lor, the movie effect, i just go 1,2 3,4 lor....so silly rite.

Now everynite while Justin sleeps, i busy doing the photobook, saw u also in the BP for he photobook, u started already?

Do u think attending the SM also make the mummy smarter hah? cos we also stimulate our right brain. Thats' what my hubby told me that was said in the PEC which he attend alone.
leia and piyo,

hee...me KPO...went to search for the smart child...he's about 4 right? Aiyo, if he's noah's age, i'm sure worried. My noah's turning three and is still playing a fool.

Wow... the parents invested really heavily on him. So many enrichment classes, basically everyday has to attend class. Gosh he's so smart, must home school. Don't think can go mainstream primary school. He will sure get bored to death.

Haha... he's attending my sis's art school. Must go see this genius one day. So amazing!
Hi racoon and augmum,
yes I think he is abt 4yo. It's the 13th link in my blog... not nice to post his name or link here...

August mum, you know him?
I have 1.5 sets of playyard, one door and 2 activities panels. Can fit one single bed in it.

Yes, PD given Jay Dentinox too.

I may want to enrol Jay for Shicida for one term see how. Which class Megan taking and starting when? Can enrol now? Can sms me the contact no? Thanks.
wow.. u must be very very hardworking on doing home-based teaching on ur Megan..
my cousin's son is almost 2yrs liao.. so far she buys alot stuffs frm Shusida.. whether got teach a not i not too sure ley.. cos her second son out liao.. she's busy with 2 kids.. luckily got her mum and maid to help when she work lor.. her main concern is like u too.. the bond with her son during the 75mins lesson..
As for me, i will wait till she able 18 mths then decided to entrol her to playgroup or any kids prog.. now hav to save $$$.. hehe.. but i will bring her to the library .. at least read 2 story books with her .. show her pics.. but now work liao.. lazy liao.. hm... hehe
*salute* to FTWM who still takes time to teach ur babies. Im a SAHM (till dunno when) yet i dun really teach Gen..only play with her & bring her gaigai..which makes me wonder if it is so necessary to bring our kids now to these type of enrichment classes or not since i dunno how proven or effective since our babies still qte young.

Anyway the following is for your reading pleasure

50's and 60's / early 70s

First, we survived with mothers who had no maids. They cooked /cleaned while taking care of us at the same time.

They took aspirin, candies floss, fizzy drinks,
shaved ice with syrups and diabetes were rare.
Salt added to Pepsi or Coke was remedy for fever.

We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention .

As children, we would ride with our parents on bicycles/ motorcycles for 2 or 3.

Richer ones in cars with no seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a private taxi was a special treat. We drank water from the tap and NOT from a bottle. We would spend hours on the fields under bright sunlight flying our kites, without worrying about the UV ray which never seem to affect us.

We go to jungle to catch spiders without worries of Aedes mosquitoes.

With 5 mere pebbles (stones) it would be an endless game.

With a ball (tennis ball best) we boys would ran like crazy for hours.

We catch guppy in drains / canals and when it rain we swim there.

We shared one soft drink with four friends,
from one bottle and NO ONE actually worry about being unhygenic.

We ate salty, very sweet & oily food, candies, bread and real butter and drank very sweet soft sweet coffee/ tea, ice kachang, but we weren't overweight because......


We would leave home in the morning and play all day, till streetlights came on.

No one was able to reach us all day. And we were O.K. We would spend hours repairing our old bicycles and wooden scooters out of scraps and then ride down the hill, only to find out we forgot about the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem .

We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's, X-boxes, multiple channels on cable TV, DVD movies, no surround sound, no phones, no personal computers, no Internet.

WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and found them!
We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and we still continued the stunts.

We never have birthdays parties till we are 21.
We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and just yelled for them!

The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law!

Yet this generation has produced some of the best risk takers, problem solvers and inventors ever!

The past 40 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.

We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned


And YOU are one of them!

You might want to share this with others who have
and the luck to grow up as kids then,before the government regulated our lives style for our own good. and while you are at it, forward this to your kids so they will know how brave their parents were.
1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel
6. fiona, hubby, denise
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden
11. superdad, sophia and dickson
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
13. cheers, hubby & gwen
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac
18. butter8, husband, ryan
19. net, husband, evan
20. leia, hb, jadon
21. honeyhaven, kayden
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid
24. smlow, husband, Joshua & Louisa
25. vel, (hb yet to confirm), jovie,
26. jokojoko, hb, maid & Aidan
27. MH, hubby & Gen
28. Rachel, Ashley and Rachel's sis
29. Buffer (cynthia), husband & Natalie
30. Yoki03, hb & Ayden
31. catherine, charlotte & hubby (to be confirm on july again)
32. Rachelle, Hubby & Reina
33. Mrschng, hubby and Jordan
34. SL, hubby and Crisann
35. sharontay, hb & Kaeden
36. pupsandcups, hb & leon
u r right. tis kinda kid must homeschool. if he goes 2 pri1, he'll b so bored n e curriculum'll stifles his creativity.

ya, i wanted 2 ask u abt ur sis' art school. keen 2 consider gabe 4 it. can get discount?

i'll reply 2 u later abt ur earlier posting.
hi mummies,

Piyo, thanks for sharing abt the shicida classes. Wow, real ex hor. Wen i read abt all u mummies doing for ur bbs i feel dat i m a lousy mum. i oni hav some flash cards but v inconsistent in using. wen i start flashing, Kaefer will look at my face and giv me a blank expression, as if asking 'mummy, wat r u doing?' So, got no choice i got to giv up. i really pei fu all the mummies who put in so much time n effort cos i jus cant seem to find the energy to do all these. not to mention set up a blog. Till now i hav not learnt how to do it.

Well, jus to share on Kaefer's development too. caught a glimpse of the white color under his gums few days back, but his first teeth is taking its own sweet time to come out. Jus hope dat it wont be giving him too much discomfort wen it does.

He is also fond of tearing paper-- magazines, and also wanted to put into his mouth. Luckily managed to stop him that time halfway chewing. got lots of black ink dots in his mouth n i quickly cleaned his mouth.

Also, a few days ago, he starting to 'release' things from his hands outside his cot-- bolsters, pillow, toys he is not interested in. Wen i pick up for him, he will take the thing and release it over n over again. Maybe to him it seems fun to see mummy keep picking up his things.
haha.. any bb also behaving this way?
hi cj..
my boi too...will throw out his milk bottle after finish it out..and look at you with smiling face..haha..like very happy looks lor..
Hi cocomo and Kris,

I will be going to this friday classes as I am going to the Advance IQ congress on saturday. Are you guys going on friday too? I missed 2 lessons as my ger was down with very bad flu.. After this term are you going to enrol for another term???

Hi piyo/cocomo,
I am interested in enrolling to SM also. But I scare I dun hv time to apply it at home as my ger is at my mum house during weekdays, I bring her back only at weekends. But we do visit her in the weekdays everyday. If 3 person enrol then can get 10% off... If we really interestered then can enrol together for the next term

hi Crisann, must be tough on u. Maybe tell granny bring her down on alternate days?

Hi MH, i linked u too. ur ger so cute~

And who is this wonder kid?? *curious*
