(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

i stay in Punggol too.. Rain, hope ur ger get well soon.. luckily my ger only see our family doc at AMK.. so far so gd.. since birth has been seeing the doc only..
Hi, Crisann

thanks for the reply..... bought a few different brand patches.....

Hi, augbaby, doris & mummies who bring babies home everynight, how do u all wake up baby in the morning when it is time to bring baby back to mil house if baby is still sleeping soundly???
To all mommies and babeis who are unwell,

Hope u will recover soon.. Drink lots of fluids and keep warm..

Hi Rain.

How is your girl?? better??

Sterilizing of Milk Bottles

Hi mommies. when shall we stop sterilizing the milk bottles are babies are using?? can anyone advise?? thanks..
Hi Rachel

U can refer to below.

Advance IQ Congress 2007,
Date: Sat (2 June 2007)
Time: 11.30am - 4.30pm
Venue: Stamford Ballroom, Raffles City Convention Centre

Seminar Admission fee: S$15 per person
FREE Goodies Bag worth over $300
For more info, you may go to www.abbott.com.sg/family

How yr gal get well soon.

Hi Jesline

U are most welcome. For me if sometime when I need to wake her up I will just carry her and go.

Hi Kris

Think it depend on individual. For me now I only sterilize the milk bottle once a day.
Hi jesline,
Usually, he will wake up before I brings him over to my mum's place. His usually wakes up at 7plus and I leave for my mum's place around 8. However, there are times when he still wants to sleep so I just carry him and let him continue sleeping.
Hi mummies,
when are we finalising the details for the birthday bash? would like to know the colour theme though cos would like to go shopping for his birthday clothes and the gift for gift exchange. It's the GSS and I haven't even gone shopping. so sian. hoping to start my shopping spree next week. keke...
u r most welcome 2 join us.

i juz sms-ed piyo last nite n told her tat we shld get started. she knows so she'll do something. i'll help her along e way. me bo eng wif my boys now. gabe's on holiday so needs 2 find things 2 keep him entertained n edward's very cranky cos his upper 2teeth is cutting thru soon so cries n fusses for no rhyme or reason. *headache*
Hi Kelly

Thk u.... myself (SL), hubby and Crisann will be attending. If need any help on the birthday Bash let me know. Will try to help up if possible. Btw have u ladies found the buffet catering? I got lobang and is nice. Order their buffet for Crisann full mth. All the guest likes the food. Will order again for her 1st birthday. This catering is v popular almost the mediacorp. Below is the website. If interested let me know. Will try to get better food.

For teething, maybe u can try buying carrot. Put in the fridge for it to cold and remove the skin and let him bite it. It will help him relieve the pain.
I'm v happy yesterday seeing Crisann able to walk 2 steps without me holding her to walk. Seems like she will skip crawling. Sigh. Waiting n waiting to see her crawl. Find babies crawling is v cute. As per GP, nowadays some babies will skip crawling and proceed to walking. Think she is 1 of them.
hi kelly,
thanks. if u or piyo need me to help, can sms me. kayden's 2 upper teeth popped out liao but still very cranky. somemore, just realised his temper is very bad leh. when do i start disciplining him? i will say 'no' to him if he wants to do something that he's not supposed to do such as pulling tissue from the box and tearing it to pieces. but once he sees that i'm not looking at him, he continues leh. also he'll threw tantrums if he wants to talk to us and we ignore him. how huh? we will lightly smack his hand and tell him it's not nice to do that but it doesn't seem to work leh. chum liao. when will they start to understand or to reason out huh? TIA
Hi, erin00

cos i need to leave the home @ 6.30am... so will need to wake baby up at 6am....had started to bring baby home on sunday.... yesterday was ok.. she wake up at 6am.. so feed her milk, change diaper & bring her to mil house... for today, she is still sleeping at 6am... so i told her mummy going to bring her to mil house... so she needs to wake up... so i slowly carried her & once she is out of her yao lan, her eyes wide open.... so feed her milk... when hubby saw that, asked me why i wake her up... so told hubby that she is waking up already lor...so carried her up....

she finished her milk & was ok.... feel abit bad lor as not good to disturb her sleep ...
Hi Jesline

That what I do to Crisann also if I need to rush for time. Cos really no choice. I find normally for babies sleeping at yao lan once we carry them up they will wake up.
mummies & babies who are sick, pls take gd care..alot of virus around...anyway wanna ask you all for advise...jay now is cruising wif support in his playpen and cot. He now likes to walk all around in his playpen using 1 hand on the bar to support him and also can walk around the table when i put him on the floor..can i know how can i "teach" him to try to walk without assistance ah..i tried once over the wkends and he did take a few steps without assistance but he is like rather afraid leh..but he simply love for us to hold his arms and walk with him..

kelly, piyo,
need any help for the bash, juz let me know..i also haven started thinking of ideas to celebrate jay bday as well..haha...

hmm for jay, usually he will wake up by himself at around 8am every morning and then i will change his diaper and sleepsuit...n by the time we are ready to leave for work at 8.30am...he b ready to go...he will take his first feed at my parents hm only at 9am...if there r times that he is still sleeping, then i will gently wake him up lor..coz need to change his diapers and clothes mah...
hello Aug mummies~
came fm Singapore Brides to here :p
Hope to get to know more mummies.

I have a nottie son who is learning to walk.
Dear all,

Thank you for your concern. I think my ger is getting better but her coughing still there

Seems like alot of babies has flu now..

yesterday night my ger wake up in the middle of the night and drink 200ml of water and 100ml of milk.. after that then can settle to sleep..
this morning, her diaper is so heavy!
i am trying to find this toy for jay that i saw from cocomo house at the last gathering..anyone knows where to get it? i went to toys r us n they dun have...cocomo says her friend gave jay for christmas pressie one...so she not sure..

To mums who bb is sick, do take care....

Am staying at Sengkang, beside rivervale mall. I usually bring my gal to kids' clinic.

How many teeth ed hv now? my gal only 2 bottom lei. I find it v slow.
Hi Rain

Glad to hear that. Is gd that your gal is drinking so much water.

Hi Cecilia

Yr gal at least hv 2 Crisann only has 1 bottom half way out only. Already 1 mths+ still have not come out. But my mum say come out slowly is better. Let hope so.
Hi kRis,

I stopped streilizing milk bottles when my girl is 6 months. By now, their immune system is less vulnerable now plus they practically put everything in their mouth so can stop the sterilizing process.

Hi Kelly,

Thanks. Missed seeing Edwards photo, upload of his latest one when you are less bo eng.

Hi Erin,

My girl loves to tear tissue into small small pieces. I used to want to stop her from doing it then I read from Shichidas book that sometimes should let them explore with such materials and Shichida laterally says let them tear paper if they want. So, I relax a bit in this area. Now, at their age, discipline them equal to avoiding doing things that we know it will lead to them resisting and throwing tantrums or using distracting them techniques first.

Hi augbaby,

I bought that float thing at Mothercare before.
Hi, augbaby

think if can bring baby to mil later, then maybe dont need to wake up baby lor... cos she will wake up at 7++

Hi, Kris
not sure when to stop sterilizing milk bottles ... me still continue to sterilize .... to make sure it is sure for baby lor.. dont want to take any risks.....

Hi, erin00 & Amy

Jia Hui also likes to play with tissue box.... even when i squeeze all tissue into the box, she will dig it out & then will tear up the tissue.... & then to put them in the mouth & eat them.... caught her eating tissue twice.. stufffing her mouth with tissue... told her cannot eat & put the tissue box to the original place but once i walked away, she is up to her mischief again.....

Hi Amy

where u get the Shicida book from??? did u sign up for the courses???
Hi erin00, Amy & Jesline

Crisann also same. Like to play with tissue paper and magazine. Tear and play.

Hi Rachel

U are most come. Thks....
Hi Jesline,

I didn't sign up any Shichida course. Too expensive for me. Shichida books are mostly in Mandarin translated from japanese thus you can hardly find any Shichida book in English.

I read a few of his books borrowed from library. Recently, bought 2 Mandarin books on his methods from Kino.

Think piyo's megan attending Shichida course so you can check with her.
i have to leave home at ard 6.45am as my hubby is bringing us to my parent's hse.. normally i will well prepared myself first then lastly get ready her milk, then i will slowly whisper to Elysia to let her noe 'Mummy wans to change ur diaper liao, later we are going to mama's hse..' then she slowly open her sweet eyes and let me change.. i will feed her during the journey in the car.. when reach my mum's hse, she will sleep again.. so far so gd lor.. my ger also enjoying this arrangement..
Hi, Amy
Shichida course also too expensive for me..... hee hee... no english book.... thot there is ...long time never read chinese books.. wait buy already but dont know how to read.... haiz

Hi, doris
same as u... i will wake up much early & prepared myself, look at baby, talk to her to see whether she wake up or not.... then went to make milk for her & carried her up for milk.... once she wake up, eyes wide open.... change her diaper & into long pants & tell her going to mil house.... then at mil house, will ask mil to rock her to sleep once we went to work lor.. this morning, when reached mil house, mil wanted to carry her but she cling on to me.... so told her mummy & daddy going to work... fetching her at night.... & give her pacificer & she went to sleep
just bring my boi to polyclinic for 9mth check up..
here is e update

weight : 8.8kg
height : 78cm

Pd said he is very tall..seem like lor

my boi hv some funny action when wake up..
we would wake up and play in his baby cot quietly, but he like to bite the side wooden on baby cot...until his face all stain wif the baby cot colour..guess he must be eaten the colour as well..chia lat lei..nd to think of some solution..
btw..he got 4 teeth on top and 2 bottom.
Welcome all the new mummies! So many posts. . . no time to go through all so just roughly scan thru!

Hope all babies recover soon!! My Jay had fever last Friday, up to 39C! Really scared me off when received a call from my maid. Then on Sunday, he diarrhea 4 times. Worse thing is there's no PD open on Sunday!! Brought him to see PD and he lose weight again. Really feel sad and down past few days when Jay fall sick.

U have signed up for the congress as well! I remember there's one mummy highlighted that at Raffles place got one place selling babies shoes and all very cute. Is that u? if not, u know where huh?

I will help ou to ask my friend. I dun have her HP no with me now. Will sms u k.

Just called u but no answer. You have any idea if we can change BJG time to sunday if we cannot make it on Sat?

Your Edward accept solid liao? My Jay started to reject solid after he fall sick le. Only last night taken a bit of plain porridge. He can't finish his milk also. Dunno if due to teething? Dunno why he did not gain weight last month le and now lagi worse he loss weight after fever. jia lat!
Hi, Rain

my gal only has 1 tooth coming out... also very worried the past few months worrying when her teeth coming out... & out of sudden, notice some sharp edge when touched her gum... so noticed that teeth coming out.,.....
Hi augbaby

Can I have the link for Jay's journal.

Hi Rain

Think is ok 1. Just be patient and wait.

Hi Superdad

Yr son is consider quite tall and his action is so cute. Maybe u can consider buying something to cover the side of the cot.

Hi Mummies

Seem like most of u had brought yr child for the 9 mths check. But I didn't. Cos fm birth till now she went to GP only. Think only polyclinic hv this check right?

me too same with u... bringing baby to see GP only.... when visit GP, doc only measure weight lor...doc got do 2 check up when baby is 3mths & 6mths... think next one is 1yr... also not sure... will ask doc when went for the last jab for pneumococcal jab

not sure whether PD also do 9mth check up???
Hi Mummies,

I read that some mummies got this harmin (dunno spelling) playyard which can surround the play area. Any idea where to get it? I'm thinking of using that to surround Justin's mattress and let him sleep on the floor beside me every night. Last night, his daddy almost suffocated him with his bolster cos Justin sleeps with us on the bed, I woke up in time to save my son......so scared......

He's still battling his cough and runny nose, very heart broken to see him having blocked nose cos he can't sleep well. Plus his top 2 teeth still sprouting out, so super cranky..
Hi cocomo

Thks. How yr son get well soon. Yes had signed up for the congress. Oh the shoe is at Raffles Exchange. Had brought 1 pair last week too small so change it today. Today there is new stock think just arrive. More design now. Think maybe is due to teething. That time Crisann also having that problem.

Hi Jesline

Our daughter same same. Only 1 teeth. Same also lor only check when she is 3 mths and 6 mths.

Hi Racoon

So scared leh. Think Toy n rus got sell that. How he get well soon.
HI augbaby
Link me to yr journal leh.

Hi mummies
My son wake up 3am last nite to play. OMG. I walked him around the hse etc till 5 am plus until my maid wake up to take over. Then I went to sleep at 5am plus. After that 7am plus when i wake up to prepare to go to work..he is still playing and looking at birds etc...I reminded him abt his milk then he finally took his milk and slept at 7am plus. I guess he played to much yesterday and is over stimulated. Hope he will not play soo hard today..or else mummy will be very tired.

Hi cocomo, racoon, amy and rain
Hope all u babies get well soon.
hi mummies,
ya..i guess the 9mth check up is for polyclinic onli, cos the follow the small booklet when our baby was born..and the doc said is not compulsary, just additional monitoring on baby growth..tat's all.
but those check we can actually do it or monitor it by our own lor..like e height, weight, eyes site, earing test, hand movement..etc
so long as we know our baby is growing each day..and most of all..if they are healthy, i guess as parent, we are more den happy liao..
hope those baby tat's falling sick to get well soon..and mummies, do take care of yourself, as u need extra energy to look after yr sick baby..
Thanks Honeyhaven..

Cocomo, I just change the BJG to friday.

I ask for sunday, they say little crawlers only have fri and sat, so no choice got to rush after work

Hi Rain,
is onli $4 for the registration fees..but you need to make appointment in advance..if you walk in..guess might need to wait for hrs..
my boi check up just less than half an hr..
(my boi injection is all done at polyclinic)

thx, i'm thinking using some towel or cloth to cover tat's too. hope it will work lor, else he will keep eating e baby cot paint liao..*faint*!!
