(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Really hope a miracle will happen for Sabie..poor little girl.. hope she will be strong enough to pull through...

Hi Doris,
I remembered when I was preggie, she told me her friend preggie ard same time as me... must be you! haha! the world is so small! I knew her online when we were both preparing for our wedding then!

Hi Crispyapple,
I registered for a BJG trial too but Annie told me their waiting list is quite long and another of my friend told me it's good no need to go for trial. That's y I signed up in Jan this year for the whole 1 term and continue into this term

hi piyo,
oh ya lor...world really small... she also mentioned to me her aug mummy ask her abt weaning... she's really a gd teacher...haha... taught me alot...
i finally bot the calendula cream
hope my ger's face and skin r as smooth as toufu.. haha..
I dunno how much is the mug cup stage 3 le, I bought some other stuff together and my maid throw the receipts liao. Lotso place got sell single one. I bought from Isetan, got 3 colours to choose, green, blue and orange.

After stop BF our tummy will become bigger ya??? Dun scare me le, then I dare not stop liao.

I signed up straight away, nvr attend the trial.

BJG - Baby Jumper Gym
Gathering prayers...pls pray for baby samantha pls...

Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 1:03 am:

hi everyone, just wanted to give an update on Sabie, she was in surgery from 3:30 pm till 11:30 pm today. Operation went well but she bled a lot during the surgery (much more than expected) and she lost a lot of blood... doctors are a bit worried about it. so far they say she is in very critical condition for the next 2-3 days and they are hoping the bleeding will stop by tomorrow. They did not close up the chest because the heart is swollen and due to the bleeding.

Please please pray that the bleeding will stop...

Thank you.

Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 11:40 am:

Hi everyone, just a quick one...just came out of ICU, sabie is much more stable now than last night. The bleeding has stopped but now the problem is her kidney is in shock and she isn't passing urine. They will do dialysis on her later and also infuse more blood trying to get the kidney back up working.

She looks ok, still heavily sedated. X-rays are better than last night and for now the lungs are clear.

We're praying for continued recovery with no more complications.

Thank you very much for the support, James and I really apprecaite it very very much!

Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 10:06 pm:

Hi everyone... thanks for all the jia you!!

Just got home after being chased home by hb and my dad. The doctors have been able to find the source of the bleeding and have stabilized it, and the blood is starting to clot normally already, so we're hoping past that hurdle. Doctors also said renal failure isn't unexpected so they're not worrying about that (as per what Jules said above, thanks!)

we're hoping for continued progress and no more unexpected complications. doctors have warned that we are not yet out of the woods but are a bit more comfortable with her position now. Please continue to pray for her.

Posted on Friday, April 13, 2007 - 11:29 pm:

hi everyone, it's been a tough day... from seeing sabie doing well this morning, she's not doing so well now. her left lung has collapsed due to fluid buildup, most likely caused by renal and liver failure. her kidneys had too much of a shock and she has not yet pee'd in 2 days, and her liver is not functioning and not making the blood clotting agent so she is still bleeding. The doctors have decided not to close her chest yet because her heart is swollen again due to too much fluid.

chenoa: i went to but but slept on and off... until about 5 am then i slept and woke up at 8 am and jumped up to go to the hospital! haven't filed for leave, my boss told me to stay off for as long as i needed.

thanks to everyone for their prayers. we really need it now. they don't dare take sabie off the paralysis medication because her chest is still open so she's still drugged out. please pray for her kidney and liver to start functioning soon...

Sms from Patsy as @ 9.10am

They are (surgeon) closing her chest now. Hoping its a good sign

please keep those prayers gng! tks a million

Sms from Patsy as @ 1.41pm

Just want to share some good news, the Surgeon has closed Sabie's Chest, lungs are ok now and she is gng to be off anesthesia also. Kidney and liver still not functioning. Please continue to pray.

Posted on Saturday, April 14, 2007 - 11:17 pm:

hi everyone, thank you for your prayers, we need them now more than ever, she's not doing well... doctors not sure if she'll make it.

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 - 12:12 am:

Latest SMS from Patsy as @ 12am.

They just had to shock Saby's heart 3 times because the heart rate went up to 200. Meds given to bring it down. Please pass on msg and help pray

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 - 1:05 pm:

Sms from Patsy @ 12pm

We really need alot of prayers now. Sabie has deteriorated more and the blood acid is destroying her organs due to poor circulation. She is going on a bypass moachine now to help the situation but now we ran the risk of her bleeding out. Please pray for her

another update from Patsy...

Saby on bypass machine now, the next 48 hours are very critical. Please pray for no bleeding & no infection.

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 - 6:50 pm:

Sms for Patsy @ 6.30pm

just to update, Saby seems to be responding to the bypass and hemo dialysis. She is still in critical condition but least her blood chemistry is better than this morning

Sabie's heart is stil not working, BP is dangerously low, blood chemistry going down wards again. Doctors saying it looks bad but I'm hoping prayer can intercede.

Sabie is having multiple organ failure now. We need a miracle.

All medication to saby has exhausted and bleeding everywhere. Hoping
bleeding does not occur in her brain, and will lead to brain damage.
Its not really a piece of good news compared to now. I choose not to
reveal a moment ago, worrying mummies would not be able to take it.
That is why we are asking for a Prayer with Miracle.

Saby is now on 100% oxygen but only taking in 10%. Her grandparents
are worried sick and so are Sarah & James.

We needed a turn badly tonite, please pray for a miracle to happen.
Pray for our Merciful & compassionate God to heal Saby

PLS PRAY & GOD... pls hear our prayers!!
baby whisperer worked for jadelle up to an extent. she will be willing to pat to sleep, but she must have her last latch! and even if I don't latch her, I must be the one with her! and if she finally go to sleep, she wake up 2-3 times a night to look for my boob. if I don,t give her, she wail herself awake!
Hi Mummies, has been reading ur thread... my gal born on 31-jul-06...

The mug cup stage 3 cost around $9.90

mummies interested in einstein DVD, not every bb likes to watch this disk... so mayb can borrow from someone to test test first... my gal belongs to the dun like group... but brainy bb is good...
Hi Fiona and piyo..

let me know when you mommies going to shop okie.. me working in Jurong.. so if keen, might take the day off to join you ladies in shopping..

Hi piyo..

will u still be organizing another trial for MyGym.. m keen to let zorian try.. if not, can give me the number?? might check with them directly.. thanks..

Hi crispyapple.

we dun attend any trial also.. had actually booked for a trial but waited for a few months.. then decide to go down and take a look.. end up signing up for a term cos feeling comfortable..

Re : bash together

sound fun.. shall we all do that?? all august baby.. maybe we can even have 31 babies on each day.. keekee..

God bless baby Saby..
i also read abt bb saby...had said a little prayer for her yest n will say one for her today too...reali hope she will pull thru..was tearing when i read abt her too..pls help regardless of religion...
Hi mummies, don't know if anybody experience a similar problem.

My boy used to be able to sleep at least from 9 pm to 3 am, wake up for one feed and slept through till 7.30 am, where we are getting to go out.

This week, he started to wake up at 2 am, then 5 am again...and seem to be hungry and finished all his milk.

should I increase his solid intake? He is now on porridge for lunch and dinner? Any suggestion?
Hi jas,
try putting her in separate room from you. That's what I did...and occasionally I let her suck on pacifier it works!

Hi kris,
haha! I think I might need to take half day off to go shop too if we decide on the date! Yes! I am planning to organise trial but not too soon as they can't do much at our babies' current age.. a bit waste of $$$...when they are 10 mths would be good
so most prob in June?

if we hafing this, must choose a weekend and venue?
i've been reading abt bb sabie too...been praying for a miracle.

let me know if u all decided to go shop hor...i PM u my no. first.
hi piyo..

pm u my mobile no as well..

thanks.. let me know when u organizing for the mygym.. definitely keen..

Re : August Baby Bash..

Think weekends is better right?? shall we choose a date?? any one staying in condo can offer their function room?? or shall we go gymbaroo instead??

hi .`.eeyore.`.

sorry.. me not doing.. btw wat is bp??
Hey Julie,
My baby has been waking up several times in the night too. Its really tiring, as our sleep is being disrupted. For my baby i do not feed him when he wakes up at 1-2 am, my hubby will pat him to sleep. But I will feed him for subsequent waking up. He will drink then fall asleep. I increase his solid food intake too in the evening.
hi mummies,
any mummies let babies using pigeons pacificer? my ger has been using stage 2 pigeon one(up to 8mths)..by rite now will need to change to stage 3 pacificer (8mths onwards) but she does not like to suck as it has shorter and flatter teat... do ur bbs hav this prob? i even buy advent ones (6-18mth) for her to try today, she also rejected...wat should i do ley? mummies with babies suckin pacificer, can i noe wat brand u r using for ur bbs?
hi doris,
my gal is using tollyjoy brand, no choice bcos she only takes cherry shape type, and she's very particular abt the size and length too...fussy baby...hehehe
superdad - Tks for the recommendation on the venue for bday celebration..will keep that in mind. Anyway congrats to u.

cocomo - ya..can finally join the gatherings nex time liao..will be back to SIN on 28 Apr..*tho' i wish i can stay in France longer*

About BF & breast..i oso realise once stopped breastfeeding the boobs oso go dwn in size..so sianz..When the milk 1st came & when i was BF, i was so happy coz i finally like got boobs lor..haha..but nw..back to pre-preg size..super duper sianz.
hi fiona,
oh ya lor... my ger also very fussy abt the size and length... pigeons 3rd stage and avent pacifier seems to be shorter than the 2ndstage pigeon... hm... maybe can try cherry shape type too... do u all mummies often change babies' pacifier, like every 3mths?

tks for the info...
abt breast, after birth..i realised that my boobs r saggy..dunno whether any mummies encounter this a not? hm... no longer so firm as b4.. sometimes wondering if i hav 2nd one, will my boobs even more sag anot...haha..
sms from Patsy @ 12am

Doctors are telling us we may have reached a point if no return for Sabie. Her blood acid level keeps going up and her body tissues still not accepting the oxygen. Please pray a miracle because that is the only thing that can save her now. We will still have faith.

Hi Doris..

Initially was using Pigeon stage one but my MIL says zorian does not like it.. change to NUK one.. he sucks well then.. i dun change it unless have to go to another stage.. using two concurrently..

Hi Whitelady,

thanks.. haahaa..

Hi Julie & smurf@zoh..

yap.. same for zorian.. gets up almost every hour to cry.. my hubby is going crazy!! keekee.. zorian's last feed is around 9.30pm before he sleeps.. so usually feed him at 1-2am and another one at 5-6am... tonight trying not to feed him and just carry him and walk around.. sometimes it works but very tiring..

sometimes he is simply too hot or cold that is why babies get up..

mommies wat kind of blanket do you buy for your babies?? thinking of getting one and hope can help zorian to sleep..
heart breaking to hear tis news..let's hope tat bb Sabie would be able to pull through tis..

if your ger not making any noise without her pacifier..may be u can think of a quit for her..
as for my boi..we quit e pacifier since 1 mth old.

Thanks for informed me abt my car head light..else my car battery would be flat by now..gd thing to hv e same neighbour here and tis thread..but oso pai sei..let u see e "topless" dady at hm..hahah.
keiren still not sleep at tis hour? as you can see..all my family member alredi fall sleep at tis hour..haha, tat y i got extra time at nite..(i guess tat's y we can kena e 2nd bb so fast..haha)
Charlotte using avent just bought a new one for her.
But i seldom let her suck her pacifier unless she is sleeping, after she is sleeping deep i will take out her pacifer.
i bought the 1 set with pillow and boster n blanket one for my girl its those with cotton in between the blanket one i think is gd cause she is sleeping in air-con so it keep her not too warm n cold.
Hi, Doris

Jia Hui is using Avent Pacifier.... usually, i will change it every month ..... cos of hygience reason lor.... tried Nuk before but will leave marks on her face so changed to Avent.... no problems in changing the pacificer everytime i throw away her old one....

Hi Kris
as for blanket, i use the diaper cloth.. & baby loves it... before she sleeps, she must have her diaper cloth & her pacificer...
hahha SuperDad..i walked up to your floor leh, worse thing is that i wasnt sure which floor you were on, i only know upstairs..i walked to each floor & any opened door to peep in...

but when i saw little towels hanging outside, i saw some hope..haha..
Keiran only sleeps after 10pm...little owl..

pacifier -- keiran has been using Nuk all this while,cant use Avent cause the top part presses into his nose.Recently changed to 6mths & above pacifier, but he doesnt seem to take to it well either....
hi mummies & superdad
tks for the info... i let her suck her pacifier when she's abt to sleep, after she is sleeping deep i will also take out her pacifer..advent one she dun seems to be interested at all..
superdad, u r lucky ...ur boi must be v guai.. can do without pacifier... mine cant ley.. will make lots of noise when unhappy,uncomfortable,not enuf sleep outside, so only pacifier can help abit...

i use fleece baby blanket as it's soft, lightwght warmth and comfort.. not too hot & cold.. jus nice... sometimes also use baby Hooded Towels/Receiving Blankets if i wash the fleece one..
anyone interested in getting ergo carrier...there is a bp going on and i was sent the invite thru my email..so if anyone interested, let me know...
BP price is $134.40
i got the tin one leh.. what i do is to call their hotline @ mead johnson instead of registering online... they deliver it to my place leh..
if your gal prefers the longer one, just carry on using it, dun need to follow the stages. i do change the pacifier every couple of mths.

i also uses a fleece blanket, bought from a push cart in china square. the worse thing is, now the blanket has become her comfort object, can't sleep without it!
so poor thing..you got to go up each floor to look for me..and you are carrying keiren on hand..luckily i nvr stay at 18th floor..haha..if not u will be fainted by then..
my boi will sleep ard 7+ or 8+ latest..no nd to force him to sleep...cos he will cry loud..if the time is not rite yet..but when rite timing..just put him down to baby cot with water bottle, he know is sleeping time..in all less than 10min..haha..
tat's gd and bad abt earlier sleep lor..
gd thing is hv more personal night time..
bad thing will be cannot bring him to any night activity or function lor..(not sure tis is gd or bad..)

tat's e decision both me and my wife think off lor..whether to gv him pacifier or without on e earlier stage..and he seem like ok without tat..so i guess partly oso we nvr start it, den he dunno abt this as well..haha

oh ya..
the Friso FM service unit just call me up..they still got provide the sample trial for Friso 2..
anyone interested can call 64198492 looking for Joan.
anyone knows of any hairstylist that is gd wif short hair? i got the urge to cut my hair short....like this few...



Hi Jesline & Fiona..

Where you mommies get the fleece blanket?? I m keen..

Hi Catherine24..

PM u regard the blanket as well.. keekee..

Hi Superdad..

so nice.. my baby dun even sleep till almost 10pm.. then he gets up almost every hour.. Teach us some tips to let baby sleep over night lah..
hi fion, tks for ur advice.. guess will stick to stage 2 pacifier... haha... my mum also say me.. she say how come got so many 'pattern' pacifier one... last time when i was baby, 1 pacifier till big.. no change.. haha..
Birthday Bash
Sounds Great!!! I would join if really have it.

Hi Piyo, Cocomo and Kris,
Becos my hb not quite approve of enrichment classes, that's why I opt for trial class 1st hoping that it would change his mind after he went there. If I ask him to sign up now, he may not be willing to.

Hi Doris,
Aden is using advent pacifier. I actually did not follow the correct month. The newborn pacifier found in the newborn kit, I let him use until approximately 6 mths. I just bought him the one from 8 mths when I went to the Taka bb fair.

Even his teat, I also did not follow the actual mth. Cos' when he is 2 mths, I forgot to change. When he reach 3 mths, then I realise I should change. Then I straightaway jump to 3 mths teat cos thought he's 3 mths so we should follow it, but he reject. So, I give him back his newborn teat and slowly upgrade. So, he's a bit slow in changing teat. Now, he's using the 3 hole teat (think it's for 3 - 6 mths, if I'm not wrong). Sigh... Wat a lousy mother....
Hi kris,
i guess is we practice to let him sleep earli since he was born..when he is abt 2mth old..he already able to diff e day and nite time...(tat's y during dec period he even can sleep at 6pm.., e sky turn dark earlier)..so till now..when the sky turn dark, he knows is his sleeping time...
oh ya...others is i let him play more during day time..he onli sleep 2x during day time 10am & 4pm, 1hr+ each period.

As for nite time,
I guess e bb must sleep in comfort..their shirt,diaper,blanket,light..etc (my boi is not sleeping in aircon room, but he nd fan to blow at him when sleep, i will shift the fan position after mid nite), earlier stage he too will wake up every 2~3 hrs..crying for his milk..but now wake up twice onli 11pm and 5am for his feeding.

so in conclusion is practice tis more often to let him get used to it..(of course e initial stage is tough..and u may nd to be a bit "heng xin" lor..)

sometime i even leave my boi on baby cot with light off..eventually he fall sleep without any patting at all..tis nd more pratcice, but not every tiem will work..still in progress of training tis..
hi kris, jesline,
i bought the blanket from a push cart in china square, and another one from a rented stall selling baby's stuff very cheaply in jurong west blk 504...
hi jesline,
u can go to this website http://www.kidzcottage.net/other/ ...hm.. s for mine, i got it as a gift....
hi fion,
i remember u did mention to me that denise's face eczema too.. quite serious, red patches, then apply calendula..its bcome better...
indeed my ger's face better abit.. but her leg(back of the knee) like outbreak... red patch, got abit fluid comin out.. hm..dunno whether wanna carry on apply on her legs anot.. today never go my parents' hse.. or else Bb Elysia's flying mama and flyin gonggong will definitely lecture me and bring her see family doctor..

hi crispyapple,
haha.. dun say urself lousy... like me.. will always overlooked somethin.. got 1 time after lunch with family, i can happily go off with them leavin my dear ger's pacifier behind, so when needs it, u noe la, my mum will lecture & say me 'Wow Lau, this kind of mother also can..' in chinese.. haha
Hi mummies,
not able to post these few days cos super busy but did scan through the msgs.

re: birthday bash
do count me in if there's one.

re: blanket
I'm using diaper cloth or receiving towel. it's not too hot and is rather soft.

re: babygym
will be interested in the trial lessons.
aug bb birthday bash
me keen 2 join if there's one too, despite edward being born in jul.

u asked abt birthday parties rt? i doing something 4 edward but not those buffet for adults or gathering at function room or chalet. i looking at a birthday party for him, something 4 him 2 enjoy. i checked around so waiting 4 them 2 come back 2 me wif quotes.
denise eczema used to be bad got oozy one as well...didn't help wif the cream prescribed by doc. only fully resolved after i started her on the calendula cream. even the rashes wif rough patches on her body are completely gone.

re: baby gym
i'm also interested, do count me in for any trial.

when u both wanna go shop shop?

Hi mummies,

Baby slept early today so can go through the posting here.

Rae wears sleepsuit to sleep so no need blanket but she needs the diaper cloth for her to meddle with till she sleeps. Like the Linus character in Snoopy.

Mosquito bites
Brought her to Botanic Gardens on weekend and her legs still have quite a few mosquito bites. Using Calendula cream, hopefully it will helps.
