(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi kelly,
can i noe the detail abt the party? maybe can become the aug baby bash too as it's meant for babies to enjoy rather than the parents...
ok.. got ur info, i will determine to use calendula on her legs.. her face really can see improvement...
baby gym
me too.. hopefully not too far... haha

Jesline - Y do u need fleece blanket ? If u dun mind, i got some bb blankets to give away, but may not be fleece, dunno wat material lah. If u r interested, pls let me know by Thurs (9pm SIN time) as i will be officially internet-less frm Fri onwards. So that i can ship them back with my boxes else i will just give it away to the families here in France.
Girl is standing against the wall.
PAGING FOR <font color="ff0000">Fiona</font>!

hey, just realise i don't have you contact number!! The nestle delivering the tins right? Either today or tomorrow?

Problem is, my mum she needs to know when it is arriving.. cos she might be around the neighbourhood (lunch/ lim kopi/ do hair etc). So, can ask ur fren to call me @ 98378755 once on the way? so my mum can go to my place n open the door? also, cheque i dunno fill what name!! so, i left it blank!! Ask the courier guy to fill in himself lah!

Let me know yah!!
i just gave her a call again, should be today deliver but she's check the timing and call me back then i inform u.

on the cheque, it's payable to "Nestle Singapore Pte Ltd"
Hi mummies,
My heart felt heavy when I read about Sabie this morning. Just asking if you all wanna send a wreath & donations on behalf of Aug06 mummies thread? We will use the $$ get the wreath and remaining as bai yin?I am just asking... if not I will pass my contribution over to Morraine directly?

Wreath for Sabie
Singapore Motherhood Aug06 mummies
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian
Wreath for Sabie
Singapore Motherhood Aug06 mummies
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian
6. Fiona & family

u can decide on the wreath, u mentioned sabie likes purple? then get one with the color. thanks
Wreath for Sabie
Singapore Motherhood Aug06 mummies
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)

Piyo, account number to transfer $ to you? Let me knw when you are ready. Will be internet-less later. PM you my hp.
Wreath for Sabie
Singapore Motherhood Aug06 mummies
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)
8. Erin & family

Hi Babyboy,
Dun tt to me yet.. will update here when I am ready to do so... Thanks
Wreath for Sabie
Singapore Motherhood Aug06 mummies
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)
8. Erin & family
9. Jasmine Lau & Family
Wreath for Sabie
Singapore Motherhood Aug06 mummies
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)
8. Erin & family
9. Jasmine Lau & Family
10. CrispyApple (Katherine & Family)

Please let me know the amt so that I can transfer to you.
Hi mummies,

I haf emailed Carole and waiting for her to gif me the address so that I can order the wreath with the delivery address. Meanwhile, any mummies here who wanna contribute, pls add on the list.

Wreath for Sabie
Singapore Motherhood Aug06 mummies
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)
8. Erin & family
9. Jasmine Lau & Family
10. CrispyApple (Katherine & Family)

As Sabie loves purple, I tot these are the nicest out of the selections so far. Let me know which one you mummies prefer..






You can transfer the funds to me if you want to, my DBS Savings Plus Acc is 0122015907. I leave the amount to each of you. Pls sms me or email me at [email protected] once its done and indicate your nick and amt transferred too.. I will inform everyone here of the total collected and forward the balance of the monies to Morraine after getting the wreath.
Thank you.
I think the HL22 - Whispers of the Heart is nice but dun like the pink cloth. If they can change to ligh purple will be great.
Wreath for Sabie
Singapore Motherhood Aug06 mummies
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)
8. Erin & family
9. Jasmine Lau & Family
10. CrispyApple (Katherine & Family)
11. Amy & family
Hi piyo,
ya, was so sad this morning when i saw the news. must really cherish our loved ones.

have checked out the pics. like the one by noel gifts and also Whispers of the Heart. see which one the majority prefers.
Hi piyo.

Like cocomo, feel that HL22 - Whispers of the Heart look better..

Wreath for Sabie
Singapore Motherhood Aug06 mummies
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian (Finian & family)
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)
8. Erin & family
9. Jasmine Lau & Family
10. CrispyApple (Katherine & Family)
11. Amy & family
hi Superdad..

thanks for the advise.. now zorian goes to bed around 930pm each evening.. but still got up to cry for two hours these few nights.. not sure if it is due to teething.. sigh.. can only carry him lor.. dun get much sleep recently..
Hi piyo.

jus online... get to noe news abt sabie... so heartpain.. get to see more photos of her.. my tears jus drop.... http://uk.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/patsy_sg/album?.dir=/2520scd&.src=ph

Wreath for Sabie
Singapore Motherhood Aug06 mummies
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian (Finian & family)
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)
8. Erin & family
9. Jasmine Lau & Family
10. CrispyApple (Katherine & Family)
11. Amy & family
12. Doris & family
i prefer e one fr noel. IMO, e total amt collected fr all e parents involved shld go to 1) e wreath & 2) bai jin or e "fund" which they r setting up for sabie. wat e other mummies tik?
I'm also a August 06 mum, following this thread silently.
I would also like to join in the contribution.
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian (Finian & family)
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)
8. Erin & family
9. Jasmine Lau & Family
10. CrispyApple (Katherine & Family)
11. Amy & family
12. Doris & family
13. Hunnylemon (Pam & Family)
i would also like to join in the contribution.
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian (Finian & family)
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)
8. Erin & family
9. Jasmine Lau & Family
10. CrispyApple (Katherine & Family)
11. Amy & family
12. Doris & family
13. Hunnylemon (Pam & Family)
14. catherine24 & family

send my condolence to saby's family too
I would also like to join in the contribution if I'm not too late...

1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian (Finian & family)
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)
8. Erin & family
9. Jasmine Lau & Family
10. CrispyApple (Katherine & Family)
11. Amy & family
12. Doris & family
13. Hunnylemon (Pam & Family)
14. catherine24 & family
15. Leia (Sharon & family)
Hi mummies,

Since most mummies likes whispers of the heart, we will decide on this. Cocomo, since Sabie loves pink, we will keep the pink cloth as it is?

I have received contributions from Rachel, Hunnylemon, Doris, Fiona and Kris. The remaining mummies can start to transfer over to me today so that when I get the address from Carole, I can start the arrangements. Will show the breakdown of the contributions after everyone has transfered over. We should have some contributions as bai ying after getting the wreath.


1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian (Finian & family)
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)
8. Erin & family
9. Jasmine Lau & Family
10. CrispyApple (Katherine & Family)
11. Amy & family
12. Doris & family
13. Hunnylemon (Pam & Family)
14. catherine24 & family
15. Leia (Sharon & family)
16. Rachel & family
Hi Piyo,

Have tt to you liaoz.

To Account DBS Savings Plus
012-2-015907 piyo
Transaction Reference 1141390194

Transaction Reference 1141390194
Dear Piyo,
Please include me in the list of contributers if it is not late. Sorry for the last minute thing, just browse the thread and i saw this
1. Piyo (Frances & family)
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family)
4. Jesline (Jesline & family)
5. BBZorian (Finian & family)
6. Fiona & family
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family)
8. Erin & family
9. Jasmine Lau & Family
10. CrispyApple (Katherine & Family)
11. Amy & family
12. Doris & family
13. Hunnylemon (Pam & Family)
14. catherine24 & family
15. Leia (Sharon & family)
16. Rachel & family
17. Cecelia & family
Hi mummies,
just saw that there won't be any wake cos Sabie will be cremated today. if we want to send wreath, must send to church. or should we just give bai jin instead?
Am very sad after seeing their family photo , their family is so close , parent , grandparent and baby , all so close ... think they will be very sad ...

Anyone know what happen to baby Sabie ? i mean , when she is born , she is already not felling well or what ? just want to know more , so we can look after of our baby more ...

And i also think Ba jin is better ? how much do we need to give ? cos i want to give a bit of token too ...
Hi Piyo..
I just log in here...sad to read abt this...
not sure too late for me to join..?
As a quick 1..can PM me yr a/c no and amt to be tt..
hope is not too late..
Hi Cecilia,
I received liao. Thanks!

hi mummies,
I also tot bai jing would be better as I was sms-ing fio just now during lunch. Then I read the updates by carole in this thread... do you think sarah would still wan flowers? read that she prefers flowers... so should we change to flowers instead of wreath or give all as bai jing?


Not late. You can transfer the funds to me if you want to, my DBS Savings Plus Acc is 0122015907. UP to you how much you wanna contribute. Pls sms me or email me at [email protected] once its done and indicate your nick and amt transferred too..
din noe dat i can actually post here.. cos i saw dat itz a private posting area.. guess i abit gong gong.. haha.. yeah.. next time can post here liao.. anyway hope u receive my tt done last night

hi all mummies..
i m oso an aug'06 mom.. my gal Ashley was born on 21st aug 2006.. hope to join in ur conversation next time
white lady,
v sad rite after seein the photo...tears jus auto drop... think she's 17-18mths yr old, had a congential heart problem.. not too sure isn't already not feelin well in the beginning... sigh...
v sad for her mum, it's already not EASY goin thru during pregnancy liao... it should be a joyful and happiness moment to hav a little angel comin on their hands... yet hav to undergoin so much stress ,tears n heartpain seein Sabie goin thru the pains, surgery,(unbearable pain that all of us wont be able to experience at all..)
I guess the almighty God has his reason for taking her away from the world. We pray that no matter where Sabie is now, she will be happy.
Hi Rachel,
Welcome! ya post pics of Ashley! Good thing you tried to post, then we saw you here! I posted your name in the list this morning and received your tt

Hi Doris & Whitelady,
Indeed very sad...very trying times for sarah and family and can't imagine the pain sabie got to go thru

Hi Jas and mummies,
I personally prefer bai jing, more practical given the hospital bills and all.. although patsy did mention they can manage..Need to hear other mummies' voices/opinions before we decide.. wat you think?

I will choose to have flowers for little Sabie and remaining as bai jin.

Have transfered the money to your account via ATM, ref no 0656, pls check. Thanks.
