(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

i guess i will oso go wif the flow for the contributions.. cos i tink both r neccessary & sweet nice thoughts from all of us..

piyo & jasmine,
hmmm.. had jux begin my journey of postings & i m an IT idiot.. so pls spare me some time to warm up.. will surely post pics of Ashley later.. haiz.. missed the fun here for the past 8mths.. hope to catch up soon.. so excited.. haha..
yup...transfer to piyo

yah i also read that she got heart problem, but not sure issit birth defect, so need to do op. i was also very sad when i saw how happy sarah & sabie was when i read the postings in oct 2005 thread before she went for the op. if only this op was evitable...

hi rachel,
welcome! do come in often to chat ar...
fiona ,

ya . is really very very sad , think sabie is the only girl of sandy ... She is so cute and lovely ... hope they can really cope , although we all know its really very hard ... thats lifes ~~~~~
hi rachel,
haha...me too jus join the thread... miss the fun too... but will try to join in the Aug babies' fun in future... fun too meet babies and mummies of Aug...
Hi cat and whitelady,
just tt to me, amt up to you

Hi rachel,
ya join in more often! c you wasted good many months just reading the thread only!

Hi mummies,
mummies who haf not voiced opinions,let me know you prefer bai jing only or with the flowers?
Hi cat and whitelady,
just tt to me, amt up to you

Hi rachel,
ya join in more often! c you wasted good many months just reading the thread only!

Hi mummies,
mummies who haf not voiced opinions,let me know you prefer bai jing only or with the flowers? and if flowers, still stick to whispers of the heart?

sorry, busy, juz saw ur e-mail.. i went to meadjohnsonsasia.com and click on "contact us" and there is a hotline number.. and i keep pressing until i get to speak to someone.. and i ask if they give out FOC enfapro small tin to test boh.. cos i wanna try lor.. that is it!!

give bai jin is ok, but you might have to pass $$ to carole izzit? or to morraine? the mummies coordinating sure going to be blur.. so many people TT $$... hope they can cope ah..
pai jin will be fine.. as more pratical...ya, Jasmine.. indeed alot mummies TT$$... 'tian xia de ma ma dong shi yi yang de'
i'm sorry to hear abt Sabie baby..

let's pray for strength for the family to cope with their loss. it's quite a rough patch to go thru.. really very sad.

i'm sure Sabie baby is happy with the angels in Heaven now.

welcome Doris and Rachel on board! =)
Contributions & status:
1. Piyo (Frances & family) -received
2. Kelly (Kelly & family)
3. Cocomo (Joey & family) -received
4. Jesline (Jesline & family) -received
5. BBZorian (Finian & family) -received
6. Fiona & family -received -received
7. BabyBoy (Melissa & family) -received
8. Erin & family -received
9. Jasmine Lau & Family -received
10. CrispyApple (Katherine & Family)
11. Amy & family -received
12. Doris & family -received
13. Hunnylemon (Pam & Family) -received
14. catherine24 & family
15. Leia (Sharon & family)
16. Rachel & family -received
17. Cecelia & family -received
18. Superdad (Encheong & family) -received
19. Whitelady & family (can gif yr real name?)
Haloo.. all aunties.. uncles.. gorgorz.. jiejiez.. didiz.. meimeiz..
Ashley is here to say hihi

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

ashey1.bmp (38.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>

hi doris & leobbsmom..
yalorz.. will try to come often so as not to miss the fun again..
Hi mummies who have not tt over to me,
Pls do so asap as I just received a msg from Morraine that she is heading down tonight and needs to do up accounts for Sarah.

Hi White lady & mummies,
I will go ahead and tt to morraine now . I just gone to the thread and saw this:

Posted on Friday, April 20, 2007 - 3:13 pm:

All Monies for both Wreaths & Donations will end at 3.45pm

Please email all details to Morraine @ [email protected] ASAP

As Sabie is going to be cremated at 4plus, we would suggest the Monies to stop coming in due to religious belief.

Monies collected will be divided equally into 2 portions,
50% for Flowers & Wreaths, 50% for Donations

Hope all mummies will agree with the arrangements on the Monies being used.

Breakdown of contribution:

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Real Name</TD><TD>Amount </TD></TR><TR><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>10 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Superdad</TD><TD>Encheong & family</TD><TD>50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cocomo</TD><TD>Joey & family</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cecilia</TD><TD>Cecelia & family </TD><TD>50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasmine Lau</TD><TD>Jasmine Lau & family</TD><TD>15 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amy</TD><TD>Amy & family</TD><TD>20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>BabyBoy</TD><TD>Melissa & family</TD><TD>20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jesline81 </TD><TD>Jesline & family</TD><TD>20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erin00</TD><TD>Erin & family</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rachel8378 </TD><TD>Rachel & family</TD><TD>20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hunnylemon </TD><TD>Pam & family</TD><TD>20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doris</TD><TD>Doris & family</TD><TD>20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fiona</TD><TD>Fiona Chin & family</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbzorian </TD><TD>Finian & family</TD><TD>20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kelly</TD><TD>Kelly & family</TD><TD>20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catherine</TD><TD>Catherine & family</TD><TD>10 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piyo</TD><TD>Frances & family</TD><TD>30</td></tr></table>

Total $415

Can the mummy who tt $10 over to my account let me know who you are?

Kelly and Cat, I have tted over on your behalf. YOu can tt back to me in your own time when you are available. Those that haf not done so, pls dun tt over liao. Thanks!
Hi piyo,

I did transfer $10 to your account at 16:40 ref. 5897. Please check if you received.

I emailed you regarding this when I transferred.
This has been a shocking news after so long been unable to log in from my new company... hearing this news of sabie.. hope sabie parents and family be stronger than any..

Hi Rachel, wellcome. My gal also born on 21st aug same as u! Lets share more here n enjoy the journey with us.

I dont know what to say cos im still in a shock in accepting a bb jus go like this.. this make us more worried n more protective over our bbs...

Its seem recently alot adults and bb r sick from common flu or cough. Maybe need to temporary cut down bringing bb out and cant figure out how to make their immune system stronger.

Lets get over it soon and live life to fullest...
hi cynthia..
yalorz.. my gal oso jux recovering from fever.. flu.. cough.. combo man.. somemore teething.. very cranky for the past few nights.. made me panda eyes ah.. moreover 1st time sick.. with a 1st time mom & nobody to help.. real stress.. but lucky.. now she better alr.. & i oso deliver at MAH ley..

health is really the most impt thing.. i hereby wish every mummies.. daddies.. & their babes healthy always...
