(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi augustmum,
my baby has just shaved his hair off on sun. initially wanted to do tai mao bi but later changed our minds.

hi augbaby,
are u talking about the black and white / red cards for babies?

i got some from the baby bag at my hospital and some spare from enfa...

my boy just went for check up today, finally his jaundice has dropped to 5.3

he is now 3.82kg..phew...
but guess him drinking for FM then my BM did him better... dad n mum so relieved...

just settled my 1st month catering and cakes...
finally decided on Kyo cakes. now not so stressed.

due to the jaundice seems like i go every week to the PD...sigh.. now next week so fast have to go again for Hep B jab... oh well, it is good excuse to come out.. :p

now i am worrying how am i going to cope when CL leaves... my hubby even ask me if i wan to extend.. but i think not, i have to learn how to cope, wait my bb only know the CL and not me how?
n i am sure there are mums coping fine here w/o help, i should not be that bad rite :p
hi augustmum,
i forgot to add that u can shave baby's hair at any barber or hairdressing shop. my confinement lady was the one who told us abt it. if you are going to a Chinese hairdresser, need to give them an angbao.
hi augbaby,
my baby also cough occasionally and seems to be rather breathless during feeding time. am also worried but talked to some friends and they said it's normal.

got a few flashcards (compliments from enfalac) from my mil's gynae. nursery rhymes cd can get from normal shops selling cds or from mothercare. i also played abbott's free cd for my boy to listen at times too.
hi butter,
we have a lot of similarities huh. my baby also has jaundice and i have to go to the polyclinic initially every day and subsequently weekly. am bringing him for hep B jab tmr.

I also worried alot abt CL leaving. I couldn't sleep the nite before she leaves and cried after she left. I missed her a lot. I was thinking if I missed her, won't my baby feel her absence even more. Am still learning how to cope without CL. can bathe baby but still a little bit slow and baby will cry. feel so useless at times.

also very tired and frustrated now cos have to take over night feeding. baby needs to be cuddled after feeding and burping before I can lay him on the cot and sometimes it takes hrs. I almost fell asleep holding him in my arms. sometimes i think abt it, i shouldn't grumble so much cos i was the one who wanted to have a baby and now i can hold my darling in my arms. but sometimes, i am really stressed up abt the responsibilities and worrying abt whether i can bring him up well. am trying to learn to count my blessings.
Hi Fiona,
Got the contact. Thank you.

Kelly, thanks for your help but saw from the thread that Mdm Mona has been fully booked thru the year and i'm staying at Pasir Ris which might be too far for her.
noe, kelly,
Can't mix EBM together? So far, i do mix the BM which I've collected in the collection shell, and pour them into a bottle. I accumulate then combine with dat I pump out for the day and feed Kayden leh.
Sometx, i oso combine BM collected from 2 days and feed Kayden. Didn't know cannot leh.
Hi peddie,
How r u?

Dun worry too much, taking one step at a time... As mum is nt a perfect person, we try to be the best for our baby and most importantly, dun strees.
hi kelly / other gals,
i hav following 2 questions, anyone can help?
1) abt storage of glass bottles. --After sterilising, i will keep the empty glass bottles in a plastic container. but there will be some water vapour still trap inside the glass bottles, how? Safe to use? becos if i air the bottles before storage will defeat the purpose of sterilizing?
2) Ameda pump parts -- i was told no need to sterilize the bellows n the valves, so i keep these in a plastic container after washing. however, seems like little black dots will appear on them. Are they mouldy? wat should i do, cos afraid the milk pumped out will not be safe for bb to drink.
Talking abt leaking, it always happen during bath time, must be triggered off by the heat...
So no choice lo, will make sure milk is expressed before any real action take place, and use a towel as well...hehehe

hi cj,
yah, the black dots you mentioned is mould leh, but how long did you keep in the container after washing? Mould shouldn't appear within a short time frame.

As for the glass bottles, i also need some advice. If i go back to work and pump, the container i bring to store my expressed milk will be sterilized and wet, does it matter? Or i should rinse the container with hot water just before i start pumping? Bcos usu when i rinse with hot water, it'll take away most of the vapor.

Thanks for the PM and the advice on the qty/size to order

Your earlier comment on my engorgement, well, I don't think my supply is plenty. After 15-20min of latch on, I try to pump with the Ameda Lactaline (at low suction) for another 10min or so and it yields insignificant amount. :p

How would I know if I have a letdown when baby is suckling? Would it feel different? I don't think I ever have one though...
Dear all,

How come some babies have jaundice, some babies don't? Is it due to the food we consume during pregnancy?

Is it die die must shave baby's hair during full month? What is the significance really? My baby got v nice sideburns leh... cut away v wasted lah... :p

I forgot to collect the glass bottles from Mt A before I discharge. Shucks! Any idea if we can still get them from hospitals just like that? How many to get would be a decent amount? Honestly, I've never seen the glass bottles before and have no idea how big how much they can store.

i stay in Pasir Ris too and mona managed 2 squeeze me in last min. y dun u try giving her a call? no harm trying rt? after all she's really cheap & gd.

ya, betta 2 play safe wif kayden since u got e flu bug going around e hse. edward sneezed very often when he was <1mth old. after he turned 1mth, he rarely sneeze. as for his blocked nose, there were indeed a few occasions when i really got very kan cheong &amp; wanna bring ed 2 c PD e next day. husband and/or i kept saying, "monitor another day". then he was ok e next day. then e blocked nose would come e following day...like tat, drag &amp; drag until he was 1mth old lor.

how 2 explain 2 u abt listening out for phlegm in bb? i also dun exactly know how 2 leh...for my elder boy, i listen out 2 when he coughs or talk. for edward, i listen when he's sleeping. i rather kan cheong/panicky abt phlegmy conditions. husband always say i'm like kan cheong spider.

i also went back 2 c my gynae abt 10days after i gave birth. he did a ultrasound scan 2 check on my womb. i'm supposed 2 c him for pap smear 2day but postponed til next wk.

like u, i also worried tat ed will b bored staring into blank space/ceiling so i indulge him wif 2 playgyms, red-black-white flashcards (fr enfalac), some rattle/stuffed toys and a sensory book. i dun do these everyday but try my best. my elder boy joins in whenever i flash cards at edward.

when u get e sling, provide feedback can? i may 1 2 get another sling.
ur question very cute leh...like wat noe suggest, best 2 do it after u empty ur breasts.
i was told by MAH's nurses tat u can mix EBM tgt but e EBM must b fr 1day's pumping. cannot mix different days' EBM. i didnt ask abt e temp of EBM so wat i did was mixed in fresh EBM wif EBM (pumped earlier) presently stored in fridge.

tat's y i told augustmum, heng! my boy is fine fr drinking such "mixed" EBM.

1) abt storage of glass bottles. --After sterilising, i will keep the empty glass bottles in a plastic container. but there will be some water vapour still trap inside the glass bottles, how? Safe to use? becos if i air the bottles before storage will defeat the purpose of sterilizing?
2 play safe, usually i'll rinse e bottles wif hot water b4 pouring EBM into them. there's nothing harmful abt e water vapour but if u r super KS (kia-si) like me, u can try rinsing e bottles wif hot water 1st
2) Ameda pump parts -- i was told no need to sterilize the bellows n the valves, so i keep these in a plastic container after washing. however, seems like little black dots will appear on them. Are they mouldy? wat should i do, cos afraid the milk pumped out will not be safe for bb to drink.
yikes, lil black dots...do u wash e valves &amp; bellows wif detergent? i do tat cos EBM can b oily n u cant wash e valves &amp; bellows clean without detergent.
wat i do is soak e valves &amp; bellows in hot water after i pumped. then i'll put a lil detergent on them, wash thoroughly wif a brush. b4 i pump, i'll put them into hot water again
betta check wif ur gynae abt ur wound. dun play play.

it's best 2 bring ur bb 2 e PD for a check. who's ur bb's PD? there r 2 gd PDs in tamp. i bring my boys 2 e PD at blk139, tamp st 11. i dunno e clinic's name but e tel no is 67838743. e PD is dr cecilia lee. very gd &amp; experienced PD, like a grandmother. i've recommended a few GFs there n they like her. her charges 4 e jabs r very reasonable, can fight wif polyclinic (her charges is only slightly more than polyclinic's rates but i dun mind going 2 her cos very short waiting time &amp; i'm assured of sound advice fr a PD).

e other PD clinic is only walking distance fr ur plc. it's at blk828, tamp st 81. i cant recall e shop name too but there r 2 PDs there. only 1 PD is gd, e other not as gd. i also had a not-so-pleasant experience wif e not-gd PD. this clinic very popular so bear wif e waiting time.

for me, i insists on bringing my boy 2 a PD when he's <1yr old. i had a not-so-pleasant experience wif the "general" docs at polyclinic for my elder boy. when i brought my elder boy 4 his 1st mth jab 22mths ago, i asked lotsa questions abt his development n e doc asked me, "u r a 1st time parent huh?" i said, "yes, y?" she replied, "can tell". after i left e polyclinic, husband n i buay song so we dun 1 2 go back anymore.
hi all, me still in hospital. stayed 1 more day as jadelle is having jaundice level of 9. also, found an extra sound in her heartbeat. turned out that one of the bb blood vessels that leads blood away from her lungs didn't close 100% upon her birth, so, she got extra blood flowing to her lungs.. opening is 2mm.. pd &amp; cardiologist say not big enough to do anything now. juz monitor and see if it closes by itself 1 month later.. i think iz cos' she swallowed meconium in the womb n didn't draw enough air into her lungs to shut the valves 100% in that blood vessel.. thought i did hear her cry... pd called her condition PDA..

crossing my fingers now..

i stayed 1 more day to latch her on whenever required n getting help from nurses about latching her on... feeling frustrated now. she was latching on well initially, but cos passing so little urine, pd advised i supplement her with fm if after feed not satisfied. But it affected her suckling pattern! now, i ask the nurse to cup feed her..
she takes 30ml in every 5 hrs, on top of me latching her on every 2-3 hrs. my breasts still only producing colostrum.. but it is flowing more freely now.. nipples r sore@!! especially after she suckled on the NUK latex teat..how to get her to open her mouth wider?? especially now so sleepy with jaundice.. she feeds on my breasts, n will be contented all wrapped up. but the moment the nurse unswaddle her for the photolight, she yells the place down.. so, gotta give her fm via cup to make her more sleepy..

hope she can go home with me today..

i hook on via gprs on pda lah..;p
Hi augustmum,
My sis-in-law was teling me that those malay barbers dont charge $ (or juz give a token) for shaving baby's hair. In fact, they like it very much if pple bring their baby to shave head.

Will be bringing my boy to malay barber to shave his head tday.

So sorry to hear abt Jadelle's jaundice and PDA. Don't worry too much for now. She'll be fine soon. Will keep her in my prayers.

My boy is 1 wk old and he also puke a lil milk out of mouth and nose on 2 occasions after a bit of coughing while bfg. Prolly drink too fast and choke himself? After that, he will cont. to suckle.

Do you burp baby after bfg? Maybe that'll help?
Hi mummies,

Just wondering if your jaundice baby sleep in aircon room? cuz my nanny suspects its due to this reason (aircon) that my baby's jaundice never goes away... thanks...
Hi Celine,
red and swollen might mean it may be infected. Mine had pus and was red and the skin surrounding the stitches was pain when touched. Was given antibiotics by gynae then the infection cleared... was also instructed to wash with soap and water each time after peeing. At 3 weeks, the episiotomy should have healed by now. Otherwise play it safe and go see your gynae.
hi Jokojoko ,

my baby has jaundice and he sleep in aircon room everyday , dont worry , the jaundice will go off , think there is nothing to do with aircon .. hospital also have aircon mah .. =P
Ningyo and Erin,

Thanks. Was thinking whether the shaver they used is clean or not? Hee...


My son also has nice side burns but his hair has started to fall out, so rather awful.


Better take your darling to see the pd.
Hi Kelly,
Got it. Thanks!
I think i know which PD you are refering to for Tampines cos i always see a super long queue in the clinic even at 9pm.

Hi Jokojoko,
my bb has jaundice and also slept in an aircon room everynight.
Hi Jokojoko,
My bb has jaundice too, was even admitted for phototherapy, but she still sleeps in air con room with me the whole day. Now she's alright, and i did sun her every morning but stopped doing it this wk.

usually when i have a letdown, i have this tingling sensation in my boobs...
And my hubby and i are refusing to have my bb's hair shaved, bcos it's so thick and nice. The most just trim a bit from the back bah...

Hope your bb get well and discharge soon!
You dun have to worry too much about the latching for now, initially Denise doesn't latch well on me either, so i just feed her EBM lor also getting the nutrients mah. But now she can feed on both EBM and direct latch. Anyway if we go back to work they'll still have to be bottle fed, so take it easy! Most importantly is to have our babies' basic needs met then everyone will be happy.

okie dok...i'll post review on my sling once i've received and tried it.

my gal merlioned quite a few times so far, and the amt is really alot! usually happens when she drank too fast or too much or when she fidgets alot during the feed. Now i try not to burp her straightaway, will sit her up or at 45 degree for a while 1st.
Hi lynn,
D clinic nama is 'baby n child clinic'. D popular doc is dr ho who occupy downstairs 1 therefore long q. Dr loke who occupy upstairs nt so much patient.

better Go n c gynae...

Mine oso sleeps in aircon room. Am giving gal diluted fm as mum said infant cant hv plain water.

Hope jadelle recovering soon.

any1 choosing pureen diaper 4 her bb. Mine on pampers prem now bcos its pricey wan 2 change.

I went to see gynae juz now. He say my one not infection, but the wound not healing so fast becoz the cut is very deep. He say he cut pass the anus. So that area very difficult to recovered. Most pple only cut and stop before the anus part. But mine is far far pass the anus. Gynae say will take another 10+ days to recovered. That will be more than 1 month in total.

No wonder he say i should go for c sec. I think next time i will definitely go c sec.
hi kelly,
thanks for sharing. din rinse the bottles n pump parts wif hot water before use. guess i'd better be more careful den. today brought bb to PD n he said bb got bacteria infection at his mouth. need to apply cream at his mouth as well as my nipples too. although dunno how come got infection, but i feel bad about it.

hope ur bb gets well soon.

Cut past the anus!?!?

I am on TWO kinds of painkiller for abt a week too. I asked my gynae how much he snipped, but he kinda refused to tell me. He just said "normal". But I know he snipped TWICE and took a long time to stitch back. My baby's head change from facing inwards to outwards during the last scan, which was on my EDD (he was born on EDD + 1 day).

It has been a week and I'm still feeling funny down there. Somewhat sore and numb. I walk and sit funny. I haven't taken a look at what it looks like down there yet. I'm afraid it will be so frightful that I'd have problems with my bowel movement again (din dare to shit for 3-4 days cos afraid it will tear!). I was joking with my friend that the gynae prolly did a cross stitch or chain stitch down there... stuff that we learn in pri/sec school. Oh horror!
Hi Cecelia,
I'm actually from the July MTB thread. I tried out pureen cos it was cheap, but it leaked a few times. So I've given up on it! You may want to try PetPet, cheap and good.
Hi Kelly ! long time no hear, sama sama bzzzz rite? Hope all's fine with Ed. Me not so gd cos' Reanne was hospitalised for 4 days for a flu virus.

Hi augbaby,

Maybe can share with u my experience. My Reanne has blocked nose (recently hospitalised for flu virus), vomit alot type (frm nose, mouth ) until i almos immune now...
used to be super kan cheong when she vomit, now veri expert liao when she puke, jus remember to put her on her side esp when its coming out frm the nose as well.

why babies vomit? - smtimes, it's wind inside stomach preventing them frm digesting their milk. u prob notice they fuss alot usu b4 vomiting cos' they feel bloated unable to digest their milk. Then when they finish vomitting, they fall asleep almos immediately, like so sedate like that! Phew!
If this is the case, u might want to evaluate if bb is burping well? For my Reanne, burp already also can puke one!

If babies have blocked nose resulting in a cough or got phlegm, they also vomit more frequently cos they r trying to dispel phlegm which in this case it's gd. Maybe u want to observe and examine if the vomit has phlegm in them.

My PD said, babies regurgitate (drip milk frm mouth) is common and if expulsive vomiting is less than three times a day without other symptoms like fever etc, then it's ok. But smhw, to parents, it's never okay, rite?

Well, hope the abv does help abit hor but jus want to add that some babies are just "vomitters" until they grow out of it. (heard frm a nurse one
) Hope ours aren't okay?

Oh yes, when i find Reanne vomiting/regurgitating more frequently in a day, i dilute her FM. Seems to wk leh. Some doctors dun agree with this method though.
Hi Cecilia,

Ya, Pet Pet not bad. For night time, i use Pampers Baby Dry, so far never experience leak. Cheaper than Pampers Premium.
Upie n Jfong,
Thx for d info.

Jfong n augbaby,
I oso hv d same vomitting exp as u. Eventhough 2nd x mum but still kind of kan cheong oso. Now trying to burp her in d midst of feeding or when i saw her uncomfy.
Hi Leia,

For the 1st week, I couldn't sit on chair. 2nd week much better. Now its exactly 3 weeks. But my wound near the anus part is just recovering only.

I think u better eat more vegetables and fruits. It help in passing motion. I was very scare the 1st time i pass motion, but luckily the stools came out soft, so not painful.Cannot imagine if constipation how.

u take care ok. Try to rest as much as possible. Better dun try to see the wound unless u find its healing slow.
hope u are healing well &amp; feeling better, wow reading your post make me feel 'funny' down there..poor you..take care..

my boy had jaundice for about 2 1/2 weeks, just went for check on tues, level dropped from 14.8 to 5.3. Here is what i did for the last week: he sleeps in aircon room at nite and in late afternoon nap when its hot. but, i cut out most of my BM and feed more FM, stocked up my EBM for later. He went for 10mins sunning at about 8.45am each day for a week only.
I oso thot i couldnt give him water, but checked with PD &amp; CL, a bit of water (not exceeding 60ml per day) is ok. Since on more FM can use a bit of water to help.
I am not sure if this is rite method, but just sharing my experience.

my boy merlion too. he has 'qian - wei' according to CL. I notice she has to burp him very very often. I am learning to burp him too, during feeds, like every 30 ml, even after water, and during a nap, if he starts to fuss. It really prevents him from puking up a big glob. but sometimes a little spot of milk is normal

i change so many hankies and towels cuz of that.. hehehe

oh btw, were u asking for glass bottles from hospital? i have the enfalac ones... i can give to who wans cuz i dun think i am using it...

also, i have a spare set of enfa flash cards, can pass to u..

how to put up pix here? I dunno and so havent put ryan's pix.. kekeke

ur gal so sweet, has big lovely eyes!

anyone using Avent breast pump? since i have stopped, I have the unused Nurser and AVent liners I bought 100 pcs only used 2-3, can sell to anyone who wants.... I have so many left cuz i was using the Gerber bags to store all my milk..now no more milk to pump..
Hi all,
Have been MIA for sometimes, been very stress with my postnatal life especially when CL left after serving 28days. My baby has vomit milk problem also and it seems like getting more and more regular. Nowadays very hard to burb him even after a long time patting him thus PD given something to drink before bf.

Sometimes really feel down, stress and feel like crying when baby's not going well.

I brought my baby to PD for 1-mth injection two days ago. I decided to take the 6-in-1 option for his next injection. Anyone has idea how much it will costs? I have paid around $600 in advanced for this!! This is real expensive.

This is Jayden's photo at 1-mth old.
Hi all,

For those who are feeling pain down there because of the stitches, you can try to apply some aloe vera gel to your wounds. My CL taught me that when I complained about sore feeling down there. Bought a bottle from The Body Shop and applied to the wound after shower, two days later, no more pain, it healed very well, stitches also fell out after a couple more days. Do try it out if the pain bothers you.

are you stopping BM already? How did you do that? Did you take any medication to stop?

Does anyone's baby have bad prickly heat rash? Chloe is having quite a lot on her face. It doesn't seem to bother her but my heart pain when I see all the patchy splotches on her face! It's very red and looks a bit like acne. Any ideas how to help it cure faster?
Hi zshih ,

i think my baby also have rashes , applying BM can cures ? maybe ?

And yesterday i bring my baby to granny house , after baby come home , refuse to eat n sleep the whole nite ! wonder whats wrong , maybe there is kids at granny place , too noisy , make my baby angry n stress ! Anyone baby also like that ?
Hey all,

Thanks for your well wishes. Jadelle is back home with me! Her jaundice drops to 8.5 and PD say if below 10, can go home..

Also, her extra heart sound can hardly be heard now.. hope 1 month later, cardiologist will pass her!

She has been latching on well after i stop giving her FM via bottle.. only cup/ spoon feed..

Now, i nurse her every 1-1.5 hrs.. if she not satisfied, will supplement with FM of 30ml. Hope she will pass more motion n urine as PD commented she passing too little.

nursing her with my colostrum helps my BM to kick in leh today is the 4th day.. ! My BM kicked in this morning.. still more sticky then normal milk.. and after i BF her 1 hr, can only pump out 1 teaspoon! erhh.. think her sucking more effective!
I have small aerola and very protruding nipples.. so, heng she can extract the milk easily.. but the only thing is, her sucking is so hard, my nipples are quite sore.. so, i only nurse ~15 min/ breast and keep rotating.. now shoulders are aching!

My baby also has the same pimply look....quite horrific looking, but it will clear in a few weeks, and baby will have flawless skin, until they reach 12, when the real thing sets in (puberty!). Just clean face with cooled boiled water. Nothing we can do!
hi celine,
ouch! sounds so painful. can't imagine the pain u have to bear. guess my gynae's skills are quite good. don't really feel the pain after 2 days.

hi jas,
sorry to hear abt jadelle's condition. hope she'll recover soon.

hi peddie,
long time din 'hear' from u. hope everything's going well.

hi lynn,
u also staying at tampines?

hi cocomo,
we're in the same boat. cl left and i'm so stressed abt taking care of baby esp at nite when he keeps crying and refuses to sleep. i'm becoming a panda soon.

also took my boy to polyclinic for hep B jab yesterday. the 5-in-1 jab at polyclinic costs almost $300 whereas the 6-in-1 jab costs $450. he weighs 4.195kg as at 1 month 1 day. glad he has put on weight.

Hi Erin,

Ya, sometimes really feel very stress when he keeps crying and wanna carry all the time.

Polyclinic much cheaper!! My PD charge so ex one! Your Kayden so cute and sweet. My boy looks very 'cao lao', everybody said he don't look like 1-mth old!
