(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

wow u r very good, can be so disciplined on the bathing with herbs and special water.

actually i cannot take it, so CL help me to boil more herb water so that 1x per afternoon i can have a 'shower'. i soap n wash hair and use the herb water to wash off. :p have been doing that almost everyday since 2weeks of confinement. i try to blow dry my hair after.

actually i have been notti too.. once i gave birth at hospital, i took a long warm shower, cuz i brought my fave bath gel and shampoo and enjoyed a good shower :p my entire room filled with the aroma and the nurses came in to comment what nice smell :p

initially i dunno how to use the herb water to bath or just wipe. so i oso wiped with herb water then, used warm water to wash off hahaha.. then i think about a week later CL told me how to best make use of the water... opppsss..

for those mummies who gave birth around mid aug.. jia you... we just have only less then 2 weeks to go!

oh i have a qns..
when do u gals give out the cakes for 1st month? how does the store deliver? on the day in the morning then you have to give out by the end of the day? the cakes sure cannot keep outside rite.. my fridge sure no space...
i am stressed whether to have 1 delivery on the weekend of the celebration to give some relatives, and another delivery on weekday to give office.??? how?

i use nappies in daytime only and yes sometimes he gets wet all over :p

will u continue to use nappies after CL leaves?
hi butter8, augbaby, skyblue and Fiona and all,
Thanks! I felt better yesterday and finally got the mood to make plans for our baby's man yue celebration, cakes etc! For mummies whose babies are born in the mid month, when are you all celebrating your baby's full month?

Hi Jfong,
I also agree that mother's instincts can't be wrong but like ningyo, I think mother's instincts must cultivate over time! I still feel like a cow still!

CL only allow me to bath in herbal water from the 8th day as I have to go for PD and gynae checkup, otherwise I doubt she lets me bath so early. Ever since then, I have been bathing with herbal water by late afternoon, together with soap and shampoo but I shampoo on alternate days...
Hi ningyo,
I am using nappy with the nappy cover. Need to change the nappies quite often during the day but manageable cos my maid does the washing...

Hi Butter8,
I am giving out the cakes to our relative only during the man yue celebration so that we do not need to go ard delivering prior to that and my relatives are fine with that too. The confectionery will deliver in the morning and we will distribute when the relatives come. As I am dropping by my office 1-2 weeks later, I will get some cakes and cake vouchers later for distribution. Where are you getting the cakes from?
Hi Noe,

Finally have some time to post something here.

Milk was like rice water on 3rd day. Breast does feel somewhat better after baby clears off some milk. But after a while, it becomes full again.

I tried pumping, but it's just so tiring, especially after midnight! Baby feeds roughly once every 2 hrs. Would it be fine to leave it as it is without pumping? I use hot/cold towel to massage my breasts also.

I was telling my friend, these days, besides being milked (by baby) and milking myself, I spend the rest of the time fondling my breasts! :p

P.S.: I think I didn't put my number in the list. Will update *piyo* my particulars.
hi everyone,

my gal now 2week plus, this morning i took her to see a PD near my house, she got difficulty in drinking milk ( tend to puke very easily) and sleeping becoz of her blocked nose. She breathe like a pig and is very easily irritated becoz of her nose full of mucus.

The Pd is good. explain to us very clearly how to solve the problem. He say bb less than a month are too small, should not be given any medication etc. better to leave them alone if just minor issues. And my gal only got nose problem, no cough etc. He say just need to press the sides of the nose(like doing massaging). The mucus or nose shit stuck inside will be loosen, it will go either inside and swallow by baby, or it will come out through the nose. And true enough when he did that, my gal cough very hard and swallow down the mucus. And the nose is unblocked.She can sleep better and eat betta now.

But i think only applicable to baby with blocked nose and no other problem like cough, cold, flu.
Hi Butter8,

regarding the man yue cakes, I have 2 different days and places to deliver also. I tend to ask them to deliver one set to my house on next sunday, and another set to my office next monday. Dun know if they can do it, if cannot at most i pay for the delivery charges.
Hi Ningyo and Piyo,

dun worry, mother instincts come naturally when u need it !

Btw, a pc of advice, u might want to prop up bb when they sleep if u find they hv breathing difficulties. It helps ... wat i do is i put a cushion or a pc of thick bath towel (folded) under the mattress.
Seems like many bbies have tis blocked nose pblm. Anyway, i'm going to monitor for 1 more day. If tomoro not any betta, will bring my bb to a PD. But i suspect the coughing is due to the backflow of mucus. Jus dat i feel uncomfortable seeing my bb cough quite badly at times.

Y not distribute cake vouchers instead? Easier leh.
Anyone here have your menses back to normal now although still BF? I am kinda worry as I thought menses will start after you stop BF. Please advise.

Btw, what does gynae normally check after delivery? I am suppose to see him 6 weeks after delivery but now menses is here, not sure if I should postpone my visit.
U shd have ur 1st check up wif ur gynae abt a wk after u deliver? 2nd visit is to do pap smear.

Forgot to thk u earlier for sharing abt Reanne. Can i check wif u wat is the name of the nose drops u were given?

dun mention. the 1st nose drop given by PD was Illiadin, then KKH gave me Sodium Chloride and Sodium Cromoglycate.

Oh yes, understand hw u feel when u see ur tiny little one cough so badly that the whole body moves rite? It's probably the backflow of mucus like wat u said but dun let the cough prolong, monitor to make sure that bb is still drinking well and nt vomitting to much.
hi all,
juz delivered. typing from hospital bed now. jadelle kwok iz 3.19kg n arrives @ 6.11pm oday. got hubby thick eyebrows. she swallowed abit of her own shit. but iz ok now. was juz fed formula milk n sleeping soundly. i had bad post delivery reaction. was mumbling rubbish juz now n refuse to see bb. but now i feeling ok liaoz..
Congrats Jasmine! Do take care!!

Yo mommies,
I'll be having a full mth celebration for baby by holding a buffet lunch, just wondering whether it's necessary to order cakes for distribution? Where are you all ordering from?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Jasmine,


Wow, u still got energy to surf net from hospital! Try to rest early coz u'll be expecting alot of visitors from tmr onwards.

Hi butter,

I ordered from Choz Confectionery. Free delivery for $200 onwards, buy 10 boxes free 1 box. Orders above $400 and they can deliver to 2 different location on 2 different days. Had my 1st delivery tday to my house for relatives and friends. This Tue they'll be sending to my company. Probably i'm staying near Bt Timah and so my delivery is scheduled in the morning. Their delivery starts from 8.30am BUT they reached my home tday at 8am.
Anyway, my mum was saying its better to give the cakes early than belated.

I also got some Bengawan Solo cake vouchers & Famous Amos cookies vouchers.

Bengawan Solo cake vouchers got 10% discount for $200 onwards.

Not going to be any party or catering, juz small family affair makan at restaurant.
Hi butter & piyo,
I think i give up on the nappies. Try again tday and this time even the wrapping blanket kanna.
Will stick to Huggies diapers. So far no nappy rash *keep fingers crossed*
hi mummies,
me MIA for a while bcos i was busy wif both boys & also got hooked on playing PC games (my only source of entertainment & relief now since i cant go out as often). everytime i read tis thread, i want 2 type something but kept forgetting. now i jotted down everything on paper so can respond.

i'm a hainanese too. do u get 2 savour ur MIL's chicken rice? u mentioned abt moving hse soon. u must b busy wif leon & all the arrangements.

congrats, congrats! tot i congratulated u but realised i didnt. how r u managing wif ur 3boys? lately i getting frustrated wif my boys...gabe being very sticky & getting jealous of edward, edward forever fussing for 15-20mins everytime he wakes up fr his nap (even though he has been fed n diaper changed). things do get out of hand when ed & gabe are both fussing at the same time.

leia, jasmine, honeyb, mrschng
congrats! rest well n do post pics of ur bbs

very pai seh, didnt reply 2 u abt how 2 apply e BM. how is ur bb's rashes? cleared up? juz use ur fingers, make sure they r cleaned. which method did u use? cooled boiled water, fresh BM?

got ur sms, u doing ok wif ur bb? i called u back, wanting 2 chat wif u. it's normal 4 bb 2 behave "notti" wif us but when we hv other helpers, suddenly they behave like angels.

how r u managing in ur confinement now? very sad 2 hear abt ur confinement ladies. who's helping u now?

augustmum, skyblue
hope ur boys get well soon. edward has the exact same problem. when he was 1mth old, i brought him 2 c e PD. I explained abt edward's "blocked nose" (can hear tat he has phlegm n he breathes uncomfortably in his sleep). PD said leave it alone as it's normal n let it b. his condition still bad at times but sometimes ok liao. i do clean his nose wif e tiny cotton bud.

wat's ur Illadin's dosage, as in wat's e percentage? is it 0.01%, 0.05%, 0.1% or wat? i recall my elder boy using 0.01% when he was younger.

glad 2 hear tat u r feeling betta now. do talk 2 ur fellow friens who r mummies, chat wif any of us, come online for support, etc. it definitely helps then keeping it cooped up inside.

i use baby supplies sling. quite gd n i've been using it since my elder boy was 6mths old. i was given a MIM's cotton sling but e material feels very hot. i was told by baby supplies' towkay tat MIM's cotton sling is not 100% cotton, tat's y it doesnt feel tat gd. e MIM cotton sateen sling is betta but of course more pricey.

did u get e lucky bb sling? any feedback? looks gd leh

care 2 share ur bill at MAH? did u find out if u can claim medisave for e delivery fees u paid earlier 2 dr esther ng?

megan could b going thru a growth spurt, mayb tat's y ur BM dun seem 2 b enuff. if i not wrong, augustmum mentioned b4 abt bb's growth spurt at 3, 6wks & 3mths.
glad 2 hear tat u r feeling betta.

congrats, did u manage 2 get mona's contact? if no, i can PM u. y not join us?

piyo, ningyo, butter8
i used 2 use nappies 4 my elder boy but had such a bad experience so stopped using. e nappy cover n his clothes always get wet. i kept having 2 change his clothes n when he was sleeping, he even wetted e cot mattress or my bed. even though my MIL could help me wash, i also heard abt boys getting UTI easily thru nappies IF e nappy isnt washed properly. so since my elder boy turned 1mth, i switched 2 diapers. for my 2nd boy, i didnt bother abt using nappies. i gave away all my cloth nappies.

oh no...hope reanne is all recovered. mummy's instinct is most powerful (i must hv relied on mummy's instinct dunno-how-many-times wif my elder boy).

remember i mentioned 2 u abt edward's blocked nose when we chatted in MSN. it was when ed is abt 2wks old (u havent pop yet). u mentioned 2 me tat bb have sensitive airways. i was in fact very kan cheong abt his "blocked nose", always abt 2 bring him 2 c PD but i reminded myself abt sensitive airways.
my lochia took 3wks 2 clear for both pregnancies.

PNB - Post Natal Depression
i had my share of PND during my 1st confinement (after giving birth 2 my elder boy). conflicts wif MIL (who was helping me wif confinement), low BM ss, pressure fr my own parents 2 feed FM, bb crying, etc. after confinement ended, i almost went berserk wif a crying bb who shits, sleeps, cries all day. i kept calling my husband, asking him where he is, can he come home, can he come home earlier, etc? luckily i seek comfort fr tis forum and chatting wif my frien & cousin who both gave birth at the same time wif me. when my elder boy was 6wks old, i went out on my own, met up wif a few mummies fr e forum n life was never betta since then.

now wif 2boys, it has been rewarding (cos my elder boy very fun 2 b wif n edward more responsive lately) BUT can also b very frustrating. of course i do scream/shout at my elder boy, get pek chek wif a crying-nonstop edward but i've learned 2 breathe and i kept telling myself tat tis is only a phase. it'll pass n my boys r innocent, no point screaming/shouting at them when it wont yield any results. i seek relief by checking out tis forum, going out on wkends (it's a MUST) and rewarding myself (i went 4 a pedicure last sat - shiok!)
i know 75% of e mummies r still doing confinement...jasmine, leia, lala juz started but let's organise a gathering once everyone's confinement has ended.

i juz went for a jul06 mummies' gathering last wed (a mummy who stays in PR, sms-ed me abt it) and i brought edward along. it was lotsa fun though i dun know anyone. a few mummies potluck makan 2 e host mummy's plc. i went empty-handed, very pai seh.
gd 2 put a face 2 all our nicks (though i've know 2mummies here), let our bbs meet n "fa lao shao" (complain) abt anything & everything.

since our bbs r still kinda young & e turnout MAY b big, it's best 2 gather at someone's hse. i dun mind offering my plc but i stay at Pasir Ris - it's like e other end of e world 2 some mummies like cynthia, pupsandcups, etc. mayb we can gather at someone's plc which is in a more central location 4 everyone.
my birth story.. can't upload picture on my pda leh into thread..

4.30am 3rd sept. juz finish mj session. tummyache n got show n think water bag burst. gynae advised to admit as i overdue.
7am: 2cm dilated. walking around delivery suite n given enema to pass out all motion.
10am: gynae arrived. put on oxytoxcin drip to speed up contractions. he wanted to burst waterbag, but it's already gone. 3cm dilated. cervix still thick on 1 side
12:40pm: 4cm dilated. contractions strength up to 127, every 2 minutes. tolerable, but wondered how long i can tahan.. used the gas n yoga breathing techniques helped. cos not sure on strength n length especially no rest, went for epidural @ 1pm. took 1/2 hr to administer.. peace! start to shiver..
5pm:8cm dilated
5.30pm: gynae said cervix open, try to push! he used vacuum as bb facing sideways!
6:55pm: jadelle born! had swallowed her own shit.. gotta ward a while in icu..
7pm: reacted to medication. feel lousy n bad n vomited. reject bb coming near me..backache n cramping starts. gynae bochap me n continue to deliver placenta n stich me up.
9pm: wheel to ward. saw mum n family. feeling better.. cramping in uterus gets stronger.
12mn. bb out of icu. was bathe n fed formula milk. start latch on.
4am breastfeed her again.

kelly, meet up iz good idea.. dun wait for me though.. i can always join the 2nd session of meet up.. keke.

Thanks for the sharing...will monitor Zac more closely now...he still doesn't look good...puked his milk last night.

How did the nurse see that he's breathless??


How do we know baby have phlegm? I don't really know how to listen for it?

I'm keen to meet up with the Aug Mothers but must wait for Zac to recover. Haha...how about October?? Sounds very far hor??
Yep, bbies have very narrow airways. Kayden sneezes pretty often (which is oso normal for bbies). But tis time round, his nose was very congested. Sounds as if an adult having a severe case of blocked nose kind. Can hear it when he's awake. Furthermore, the flu virus was making its rounds in my house, so i wasn't sure if it's the usual case of narrow airways, or running nose.
The Illadin's dosage is 0.01%.

Congrats to u

Yalor, prolonged cough can lead to smthg else... so will monitor for another day then see how.
have been following all the postings since it start and juz got down to registering an account of my own. Mind if i join in? I must say, all the sharing on this forum has been really useful! Delivered my boy, Xavier on 16/8 and motherhood has been OVERWHELMING!!!
Hey mums,

Any lobang for cheaper diapers? I'm really feeling the pinch now as Zac poos many times a day and sometimes, which is actually rather often, I miscalculated and he pooed again right after I changed his diapers.
Hi Piyo,
So glad to hear that you are feeling better now.
I have my bouts of flares too.
Usually triggered by my boys when they were in conflicts.
And I would feel lousy after scolding them, then the tears would follow ...

As for cakes, I tried Prima Deli & Melrose the last 2 rounds.
This time round, we don't want to spend too much so I will be trying Kyo out.
Very affordable I must say. $6.50 for a small cake + 2 Kuehs + 2 Red Eggs.
may continue wif usign nappies if e maid can wash lor. but for convenience, likely to be using disposables most of the time.

anyone hav good PDs to recommend? will ur be taking the 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 jab and at which month? how much ur PD charging?
hi Fiona, Skyblue and butter8,
me distributing benganwan cake vouchers to my colliqs but will buy 2 boxes of fruit tarts/cakes etc for all to share in the office.

for relatives, me also ordered cakes from Choz confectionery. Choz delivering to my house this Sat then we will distribute to the relatives when they come for the celebration in the mid afternoon.

Hi noe,
Any webby for melrose? me wanna c c hehe

Hi Jasmine,
Congrats!!!! enjoy your baby!

Hi Kelly,
I suspect too but still not sure if it's growth spurt... but she does feed every hourly or so which she does not do so last 2 weeks.. I am scared wait she will puke out the milk cos it;s too much!
Wah hah hah Leia,
That's a good one!

And it does sound like you have lots of breast milk. That's wonderful.
Will you be returning to work after maternity leave?
If you are, it will be ideal to continue with the pumping to establish supply as this is only your first week (going into 2nd week) right?
Albeit it's tiring alright. I dreaded those moments when dh and boys + my mother could return to bed yet I had to stay awake in the wee mornings to pump my milk to relieve myself from engorgement.

Otherwise, this is what I am doing now.
(Some sort like what you are saying - leaving it as it is)
I have been latching Jul directly since Day 1.
On the 3rd - 5th day, my breasts were slightly engorged but since I had no intention to return to work (at least for the next few years) and simply because I am lazy to pump, I hand-expressed for relief.
Key Point - Feel for lumps & expressed outwards.

After a few days, the body will take the cue.
My body has more or less gotten accustomed to Jul's feeding schedule already.

Jul's into his 3rd week this and he will most likely go through a growth spurt.
That will mean that I will have to nurse him more often too. Moooo ...

Growth spurt usually happens at 3rd, 6th week, 3 & 6 months of age.
Updated table:
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>MTB</TD><TD>Age</TD><TD>EDDate</TD><TD>Arrival</TD><TD>B/G</TD><TD>Weight</TD><TD>Baby</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Augbaby</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>23-Aug</TD><TD>6-Aug</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>2.8kg</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adelina Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Augustmum</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>12-Aug</TD><TD>30-Jul</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.06kg</TD><TD>Zacchaeus</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Bbnmum</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>13-Aug</TD><TD>27-Jul</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.365kg</TD><TD>Vytoz</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Butter8</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>29-Aug</TD><TD>15-Aug</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3kg</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD>Dr Joan Thong </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Cecilia Tan</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>30-Aug</TD><TD>16-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>2.975kg</TD><TD>Lim Iy Xin, Rachelle</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Christopher Chong </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Celine</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>20-Aug</TD><TD>17-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>2.725kg </TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Cheers</TD><TD></TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>2.99kg</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Chrys</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD>23-Jul</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>2.96kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>CJ</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>10-Aug</TD><TD>8-Aug</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.38kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD>Dr Joan Thong </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Cocomo</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>5-Aug</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.305kg</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr W K Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Cynthia</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>25-Aug</TD><TD>21-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>3.3kg</TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Dino</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>13-Aug</TD><TD>30-Jul</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.325kg</TD><TD>Pierson</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>Erin00</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>25-Aug</TD><TD>5-Aug</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>2.445kg</TD><TD>Kayden</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Judy Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Eugvel</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>22-Aug</TD><TD>9-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>2.4kg</TD><TD>Jovie</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Fio_cms</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>22-Aug</TD><TD>18-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>3.68kg</TD><TD>Denise Ang</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>HoneyB</TD><TD></TD><TD>20-Aug</TD><TD>21-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>3.48kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Esther Ng </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Honeyhaven</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>13-Aug</TD><TD>8-Aug</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.69kg</TD><TD>Kayden Ong Teng Siang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Jasmine Lau</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>30-Aug</TD><TD>3-Sep</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>3.19kg</TD><TD>Jadelle Kwok</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr. Denas Chandras </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Jesline Tan</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>11-Aug</TD><TD>1-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>3.3kg</TD><TD>Jia Hui</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Jfong</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>7-Aug</TD><TD>6-Jul</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>2.68kg</TD><TD>Reanne</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Kelly</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD>13-Jul</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.23kg</TD><TD>Edward</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Leobbsmom</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>7-Aug</TD><TD>5-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>3.31kg</TD><TD>Shervonn Tan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr W K Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Mamaiffah</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>6-Aug</TD><TD>30-Jul</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>3.00kg</TD><TD>Dina Qistina</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Irene Chua </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>Mrschng</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>30-Aug</TD><TD>10-Aug</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.145kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Dr Tan LK </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Noe</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>28-Aug</TD><TD>21-Aug</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.08kg</TD><TD>Julien Ow</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Dr Tracy Lim </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Ningyo</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>14-Aug</TD><TD>7-Aug</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.64kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Kenneth Lee </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Piyo</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>23-Aug</TD><TD>15-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>2.255kg</TD><TD>Megan Tay</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>Dr Fong Chuan Wee </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Rain</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>1-Aug</TD><TD>1-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>2.82kg</TD><TD>Xylia</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Sierra</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>17-Aug</TD><TD>26-Jul</TD><TD>2GIRLS</TD><TD>2.45kg &amp; 2.21kg</TD><TD>Amelie &amp; Kathlyn</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>Smlow</TD><TD>33</TD><TD></TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>3.6kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>Dr Lee Keen Whye </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>Wanli</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD>19-Jul</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>2.77kg</TD><TD>Melody Ho</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>Zshih</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>19-Aug</TD><TD>15-Aug</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>3.3kg</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</td></tr></table>

<table border=1><tr><td>Total Princes</TD><TD>14 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Total Princesses</TD><TD>19</td></tr></table>
Wow Kelly,
You seem like one really organised &amp; neat person!

Thanks for the well-wishes!
Ha ha ... I managed better when they are not together.
When they are altogether, I really need God to rain down patience &amp; wisdom on me.

I understand perfectly what you mean.
In fact, I just lost it with Joe last night.
He carried Jav &amp; lost his balance &amp; knocked Jav's head on the shelf. Jav got a big bruise at the back of his head.
I literally screamed at Joe (prior to that accident, I have told them to stop playing as we were turning in). He got frightened from my reaction. I apologised to him some time later and explained why I was angry with him.
Thank God that he's older so he's able to understand better.
Nonetheless I felt so lousy after that. As I was telling Piyo, I am experiencing flare ups more than teary eyes this confinement. Urgh ... Don't like that feeling at all.

The big challenge comes after confinement ends!
Hmm ... Taking one day at a time for now.
First ... Nurse myself to health so that I have the energy for the boys.
Welcome onboard Lee Leng!
Wow, Xavier is turning one month soon next Saturday ay.
Time really flies.

I am enjoying my moments with Jul.
Threw everything about not rocking the baby, not carrying the baby when he cries etc. out of the window (which I firmly advised to believe when I was a first time mum).
After all he'll be an infant only once and 3 is enough for us.
Parenthood is an unceasing learning journey.
Enjoy Xavier ay.
Hi Augustmum,
Which brand are you using for Zach now?
(I remembered you mentioned it before but lazy to review the archives lah ...)

Jul's still using NB size.
I just switched from Pampers Cotton Care to Nepia as I find that their material is similar &amp; suitable for newborn.

Pamper Cotton Care NB 36pcs @ $15.40 (NTUC) - $0.42 each
Nepia NB 60 pcs @ $15 (Agent) - $0.25 each
It's almost half the savings.
My older boys are using Size L for their night time too.
Hi Piyo,
Here's my homework done!
I did a comparison amongst them.
I don't have good reviews on Melrose though
However, that could be due to the fact that Jav was out during the Bird Flu season and eggs were scarce so the substitue ingredients affected the taste &amp; texture of the cakes.

Basing all on one cake, 2 kuehs &amp; 2 eggs.

Sweet Secrets (Butter/Marble Cake Set - $8.80) - http://www.sweetsecrets.com.sg/baby.htm
Bengawan Solo (Butter Cake Set - $8.40) - http://www.bengawansolo.com.sg/gift.htm#baby
Prima Deli (Butter/Marble Cake ONLY - $6.50) - http://www.primadeli.com.sg/cakes/index.htm
Kyo (Pandan Sponge Set - $6.50) - http://www.kyo.com.sg/products/fullmonth02.html
Melrose (Butter Cake Set - $8.20) - http://www.melrose.com.sg/cakes.htm
Hi Fiona,
According to my mother, we order cakes for relatives, colleagues &amp; friends whom we are not inviting to the full month celebration.

We will be ordering from Kyo this time round.
Ordered from Prima Deli &amp; Melrose the last time.
hi mummies,
wow! a lot of postings to read. can't remember who posted wat topic but will respond according to topic.

re: full month celebration
just had my baby's full month celebration on sat which is a few days earlier cos we prefer to have it on the weekend which would be more convenient for the guests. ordered buffet from neo gardens.

re: cakes
ordered fruit tarts package (with 2 red eggs, 2 ang ku kueh, 4 fruit tarts and 4 glutinous rice) from Choz. The fruit tarts looked good but i din get to taste them. might get vouchers from amos cookies for some of my muslim colleagues.

re: growth spurt
my boy also cried for more milk after 1 or 2 hrs of feeding nowsadays. a bit worried when this happens.

re: blocked nose and phleghm
not sure if my boy has phleghm but could hear like there's something at his throat when he's drinking.
Hi Noe,
Wow! You have done your homework well! how was prima deli when you tried the other time round? Do you mean that you do not give cakes to those relatives who came for the celebration?

Hi lee leng,
hi jasmine,
congrats! i also have terrible side effects from epidural too. but everything is worth it when u see ur baby.

have a good rest. u deserved it after all the hard work. will meet up with u soon.

hi kelly,
perhaps can meet up with u and augbaby 1st. but guess i won't bring my baby out. dunno how to handle him outside. still a bit terrified by the thought of having to handle him alone. just brought my boy over to my mum's place today. can meet up when he's more comfortable with my parents.
Thanks Piyo!
Prima Deli was okay.
They labelled our baby's name on the box (Melrose did too).
Packaging look presentable as well.
Taste wise, we find that so so ...
Price wise is not that cheaper either though you can get 10% discount using UOB card.

Marble cakes are rougher in texture right?
Ha ha ... Anyway we are not eating them. Hee hee ...
Ya, we didn't distribute cakes to those who turned up at the full month celebration.
Of course, for colleagues, we still do.
I had my dh to send it down to my workplace previously.
hi lee leng,
A warm welcome to u!

hi mummies,
my confinement lady just left yesterday so i'm still adjusting to her absence. cried cos she left. only spent 1 month together and I missed her liao. she really took good care of me and my baby and gave me a lot of advice even though she can be a little naggy (such as cannot wash hands with cold water all the time, must use warm water)at times. my hubby was saying i'm really emotional after ny delivery.

feel terribly insecure now. luckily, my hb supports me a lot. wakes up in the middle of the nite to take care of bb with me as he knows i'm insecure. i feel very bad even though he says it's ok with him. he still have to go to work in the morning and i caused him to lose his precious sleep.

re: wat to do with baby when he's awake
i'm not sure what to do with baby when he's awake. will use some flashcards to show him (but he loses interest very fast), sing some songs or rhymes with him. but like not much things to do with him. dunno whether he'll feel bored or not most of the time. wat do u gals do with ur baby as the sleeping time seems to be shorter now?

re: sarong stand
my mil advised us to get a sarong stand as my baby loves to be carried until he sleeps. like now, he'll be sleepy around 7pm but can't get to sleep till 11pm. must carry him until he's sound asleep before we can put him in cot. if we put him down, he'll wake up and cry. the sarong stand would be very convenient for us but i've heard that it's not gd for bb's spine. any1 using sarong to coax baby to bed?
oh ya, somebody was talking abt seeing the gynae after 1 wk of delivery. mine's 6 wks after delivery. strange hor or is it only kkh's practice?
I was the one who mentioned abt seeing gynae 1 wk after delivery. Duno leh, i was asked to go back then to do an ultrasound scan to check the womb or smthg. Then abt 6 wks after delivery, i have another appt to do pap smear.
My boi nowadays oso awake for longer periods of time. Tired of carrying him at times. He can fall asleep soundly in my arms, once put him down, he starts to fuss. Wah piang eh!
Hehehe, i know how u feel when the CL leaving. I felt dat way when my CL left after doing confinemt for my elder boi. It's dat kind of uncertainty, anxiety etc etc...
Yipee, my bb's full mth is tis sat!!!

U have 3 bois? I have 2 now but can peng oredi.
hi erin and skyblue,

I also went back to see gynae 1 week after delivery to check whether the womb is clear well.
As for the 6 wks appointment, like what skyblue say, is to do pap smear. If fall on a day where we having period, then have to change to other days when we r dry. maybe a few days after period.

I will be doing full month for my gal this sunday. About 1 week in advance, as the old folks say baby gals cannot do on actual day, her actual day will be 16 september.

now already 2 weeks and 4 days after my delivery, but i still feel pain in the stitching area below.Is that normal?thought that by 2 weeks should be ok.
hi skyblue,
oh it's u. i din return to the earlier postings to see who posted it. oh dear, is it too late to do the ultrasound scan in wk 6.

so 'qiao'. ur boy is also named kayden and he's also awake for longer periods of time like my boy. How do u handle him then? carry him all the way?

ur bb's full month is this sat? that's great. then can have a feast and shower everyday then.
Hi Erin,
I know what you mean.
I remember my first time with my #1 too.

There was once, there was a swarm of bugs flying outside my balcony (think that's a nest out there).
It somehow freaked me out!
I called dh up and got him equally upset as well.
I still can remember him asking me, "So do you want me to go home now to kill the bugs for you?"
Sound so ridiculous hor now that they are in words.
Hang in there! We will get better with time.

Ya Erin,
It's KKH practice indeed as my GY-OB has explained. As they have a lot of patients, they are not able to cater to having follow ups 2 weeks later after delivery.

In fact, I am visiting my GY-OB this Wednesday for my follow up.

Enjoy Kayden lah ... Don't be in a hurry to occupy him.
If you are thinking of stimulating his development, perhaps this link will be helpful?

Hmm ... #2 been using traditional sarong cradle all along and he's growing physically well and strong (literally).

If you are still concerned, you may like to consider Amby Baby Motion Bed?
(Will PM u the link)
