(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Got advise frm frend to apply d cabbage leaves for an hour 4 few days. I stop mine using dat method, quite efficient n no need 2 take med.

My gal oso like dat. last x when i brought her 2 mil's plc at nite i need to cradle her nite long. My mum said she is kind of pantang.
hi cocomo,
kayden also looks a bit 'cao lao' at the beginning. now got a bit of flesh so looks cuter.
but hor now botak, so head looks a bit big.

going to take a nap now cos baby sleeping. otherwise i can't survive tonight.

hi jas,
ur gal has a lot of hair hor. can't see who resembles now. she's very chubby hor.

My goods arrived last nite. Hmm...Nepia is really good hor, so soft...

Hi BFing mums,

Can roughly tell me how much you are feeding your baby now...the amount and the frequency....and how many weeks your baby is...

Yesterday, left a bottle of 120ml of breastmilk for hubby to feed baby when I was out. Hubby only managed to make baby drink 50ml and had to throw the rest away. Me, very heart pain.

Think he did not try hard enuff cos when I reached home, baby was lying on the rocking chair and he was playing his X-Box
Baby was so hungry that immediately searched for my breast when I carried him. How could he not be hungry. His previous feed with me was about 3 hours ago and when hubby fed him, he only drank 50ml.

Another thing to share, found very comfy bfing tank tops at Spring Maternity yesterday. You may want to check the out.

Two bfing clothes for less than $60. The design is actually two overlapping tanks but the material is soft and cooling. The salesperson taught me to remove the stitches that hold the two tanks together and hence the inner tank could be worn under any of our clothes. Thus, we have more clothes for bfing.
Hi HoneyB,
Stitches fall off? My gynae said it will dissolve on it's own. For me to reduce soreness i bought a plastic potty (kk pharmacy) - mould to place on the toilet bowl. Fill up with warm water and sit on it for 5-10mins. It helps to clean the wounds as well. I can sit and walk around 3 days after my delivery. You can try this method.

Hi Erin,
I'm staying in Pasir Ris but the nanny i've got is staying in Tampines opp. one of the popular PD which you gals mentioned. Think i'll be bringing my girl there for injection ;)
Your boy looks so cute! My CL is also using the napkin as pillow and to swaddle the baby.

Any one already bought baby insurance? Any plans to recommend?
YAlor, tis time round, when Kayden had blocked nose, we monitored 1 day then see him breathe until very cham, machaim like adult got bad case of blocked nose kind, so jus brot him to GP. Then after dat he had cough, we oso kept delaying, telling ourselves to monitor 1 more day. Delay until today, I feel abit uncomfy liao cos cough too long no gd mah, so finally brought him to PD. PD said wat i oredi suspected, dat Kayden's cough is caused by the backflow of mucus. So given another kind of nose drops cos she said, his nose still not cleared yet, but funny thing is we thot he's ok liao, sice we dun hear him sounding very nasal leh, and oso cough medi to cure his cough and phlegm.

I nvr heard of bb having jaundice cos of sleeping in aircon rm leh.

Denise looks so bright eye

My elder boi who's turning 2 soon, was a 'happy' puker. Meaning dat he merlioned very often and somehow it didn't seem to affect him in any way. Gradually he outgrew it and the frequency reduced when he started on solids.

Ur bb looks so happy

Tink it's inevitable dat our bbies hav eheat rash cos the weather is simply HOT these days!!! My bb had a bad bout of heat rash ard his neck and back when he was 1 wk plus ole. So I bought calamine lotion and applied for him. Recovered in no time at all.

Jadelle has such beautiful eyes, with her double eyelids

Kayden wans to be swaddled? Mine will kick and kick until the diaper cloth comes off. :p He looks so qing1 xiu4.
Hi celine,
Wah! it sure must be painful! anyway,so far i havent seen my wound yet, assume it's fully healed since i dont feel any pain.

Hi cocomo,
My boy is juz as cao lao. When i bring him to my office to show my colleagues, some pple thought he's 2mths.
Brought him to shave yesterday & now he looks like a monk. hehee

Hi Jasmine,
Ur girl looks like an oriental doll! So cute & her hair is quite black & thick.

Hi erin,
Kayden looks fair and he seems to know that u're taking photo for him.

Btw, do u use flash when taking photos for ur baby? Will flash hurt baby's eyes?

Hi Augustmum,
I'm feeding 100-110ml to my boy, he juz turn 1mth(4weeks).Frequency is abt 3hrs a feed.
Hi Mommies,
Managed to log on only now, really very tiring today...Denise just seems so cranky since last nite, and been feeding oh so frequently that I hardly slept a wink at all. Now she wants to be carried leh, cry the moment i put her in her bed but sleep almost instantly i hold her in my arms haiz...

The whole morning she's been fussing, latch until my nipples are so sore now, even fed her EBM. Just when i thot she's settled, quickly wash and hang laundry but there she goes again! Really very tired and driving me nuts! Dun even have the time to express milk...arghhhhh

Sorry that i'm complaining so much...just kinda stressed out when not enough sleep.
talking abt our hubby ar...haiz. Though he helps me to feed baby when he's home,but he'll leave the bottle for me to wash one lor, why can't the men help us all the way hor, only can do halfway de...

Dun care liao, tonite he will have to do the changing as well!

BTW, do you all mommies bathe your babies twice? And by what time is your last diaper changing for the nite? I dunno how many hrs can the diaper tahan leh, bcos if i change her too late, she won't go back to sleep. Headache ar...

Noted on the fruits and veg. Gynae also gave me stool softener, and a basin which I shld put on the toilet bowl, fill it with warm water and some prescribed "salt", and sit on for 15-20min, 2 times a day. I haven't been diligently using it. What a chore! Anyhow, he did say it'd take "a few weeks" to heal. So...

I've still got 3 more tablets of painkiller left...

Anyway, I think a bigger wound naturally takes a longer time to heal. Bo pian lor...
I used to pump out and feed my baby last time. These few days I let him latches on without pumping but feel that he drinks very little. After few mins of latching he stopped already. This make me feel very worries oso. If urine a lot oso need to change.

Initially my mum asked me to shave him fully but my hubby dun wanna his son be botak le! so i gave him an army cut

I change the diapers almost after every feed (2 and half hrs) coz if he poo-poo then ve to change ma. If no poo then see if the diaper 'heavy' or not lo.

I did ask abt glass bottles from hospital (re: my post on Wed, Sep 6, 12.02am). If it isn't augbaby who wants the bottles, pls do lemme know. Thanks!

Thanks. My boy is about 5-6 weeks and should be drinking about the same amount.

Going out to settle my no-pay leave thingy tomorrow and shall leave about the same amount of EBM for my mother to feed baby. This time shall put the amount in two bottles so if my mother is not successful in feeding Zac EBM, will not have so much wastage.


I still change Zac's diapers in the middle of the nites, twice some more. No choice as he poos after his nite feeds.
cocomo n augustmum,

thks...i do change after she poos. So no choice lor, still have to change very often then. Another sleepless nite coming my way...
hi gals

how do u clean the bottle teats ? I usually rinse with water and sterilise it. Do we need to use the Pigeon cleanser ?

After sterilised, i will use the teats and bottles without further rinsing with hot water. Is it ok ?
Hi mummies,
I have qn on sterilising as well. I am using Avent 1Q steriliser. How often you guys sterilise all the accesories + pump? Usually I will sterilise them everytime right b4 I use it, so maybe I will use the steriliser > 8 times a day. I dunno if I am usig it correctly? What if when we wanna bring the baby out then? How to handle the bottle and teats?
Hi jfong,
Thanks so much for the useful info regarding bb puking milk..it makes me feel so much more relieved that so many mummies bb r experiencing it and that knowing the various reasons makes me feel so much more better..

Hi cocomo,
Our bb has the same name..n they look kind of alike...hee hee..n yr jayden has such a sweet n nice smile..
Dun get too stress ya...take it 1 step at a time..me too trying not to get stress too esp when my mum now has gone bk to work and in the day time till evening when hubby is bk,i am alone wif my maid and so afraid i cant cope wif everything...

Hi butter8,
Oh u have an extra flash card...u got it from enfalac..how do u get it ah? Hmm think erin mention her MIL gynae gave her a set and her gynae is the same as mine..let me check wif her if she got the flash card as i be going down for a checkup soon..then in this case, i wont need to trouble u to pass to me..

i am also combining my EBM together which i pump out in different day..coz in 1 day, the amt i pump is definitely not eno so i need to combine a few days..so how ah?? N i feed my bb wif the EBM alot of times alr...is it reali unsafe?? Coz if cant combined in a few days then how shld i do it then?? Sigh....
Hi zshih,
My boy also seems to have red patches on his whole face at times..think it is bec he is v hot...but after a while, the patches will go off, but i also heartpain to see it and worried too.other than that, he also have pimple like rash on his whole face and some have appear on his scalp too..how....is it normal? Thou the PD told me it is normal for bb tillo they r 6mths old..but i find them reali ugly and like so uncomfy for my boy...

Hi Leia,
Nope it is not me who need the glass bottle...
Me actually also have quite a bit of glass bottle from the hospital..so if anyone need, let me know..As i am storing my EBM in avent liners...
Btw, i have juz brought jayden for his 1mth jap at the polyclinic today and his weight is now 4.5kg...n he is 55.7cm long..hee hee...anyone juz wondering how much does yr bb weighs when he/she is 1mth old..coz i dun not know if my son is too big or too small for 1mth...
hihi ningyo, cocomo, erin,
thanks for the compliments about jadelle.. she sure is chubby and her eyes don't look like mine lah.. like hubby.. :p

you boy looks like he knows someone taking his photo hor? he sure looks like you...

my gynae also say the stitches will dissolve leh.. i refuse to eat the ponstan painkiller after 3rd day.. now it hurts a little still and i am on my 4th day. I don't wish to eat it cos heard it might interfere with BM production.. haven't had the courage to take a look at it yet..

I need some help.. my 4 day old girl only wee wee 2x a day and poo like 1-2 times only in 24 hrs.. iz this normal? How can i increase her poo and wee wee frequency?

I have been BF her like every 1.5- 2 hrs.. and she is latching on well leh.. 1/2 hr each side until she falls asleep then i put her into her cot and she can snooze for 2 hrs.. if she sleep longer then this, i try to wake her up to BF..
Hi Jas,
Glad to hear that jadelle is better..
N she is so cute and have nice double eyelids..n lotsa hair..hee hee..take good care ya...
Hi Skyblue,
ya, mine elder dotter oso happy puker leh! And now i am "blessed" with another one! Ahhhh!

Hi Augbaby,
No worries, happy to share! Jayden resembles both u and ur HB! So cute!

And here's to all the mummies who are experiencing sleepless nites and countless change of diapers -

TAKE HEART! things will only get better, i had the same experiences as everyone else here too but tell yourself it will be better, and it will! Most imptantly, dun get frustrated esp at nite when bb refuse to sleep (it's hard but try) cos' babies know it when u r and they act up even more! Talk abt clever babies!
hello mummies,

my CL will be leaving soon, n i am so worried i will freak out ... kekeke

wanna ask for some tips:

- when can mums who give birth naturally start exercise?

- 1 month old babies safe to bring out to shopping malls?

- any baby friendly malls to recommend?

- anyone know if can use the MIM sarong now? is baby too small?

thanks for the positive note
i do hope it will get better...

skyblue & jfong,
my boy oso a puky bb... wasting milk man, puke and poop then hungry again. hehehe

btw, anyone can oso share how much bb eat at about 1 month?
hi lynn and skyblue,
no la, kayden doesn't really like to be swaddled but mil insisted that cl swaddled him up cos she says if not, next time kayden will have 'itchy hands'. kayden always struggles and kicks off the diaper cloth or receiving blanket. mil said that long time ago, people even used string to tie around the swaddle cloth. I refused la.

next time, can meet up with me, kelly and augbaby. we are all around the area where ur nanny stays.
hi jasmine and ningyo,
think he knows i'm taking his photo. keeps looking at my direction. Used flash light at times (not purposely cos i thought i've off the flash) to take his photo. not sure if it'll hurt his eyes but think it's ok.

hi butter,
can now share my experiences without cl around. was initially in panic mode after she left. of course, i can bathe(although he cries), feed and change him, it's not the same. my hb says it's because i'm not confident enuf. now after some days, am getting better at taking care of him. of course, i still miss my cl. she called two nites ago to check on me and baby. i teared again after receiving the phone call. also cried again while i was in the kitchen. saw everything so tidied up and thought of her again. hormones really haywire. never cried so much in my entire life b4.
hi mummies,
i'm also not sure abt whether my baby is feeding too much. his weight is 4.2kg as at 1 month and 1 day. gained 1.8kg. he's taking 3 and 1/2 oz of milk every 3 hrly since the start of this wk. mil insisted that it's not enuf cos he'll cry less than 3 hrs for feed. However, this only happens in the evening or nite. Do i give 4 oz at night and 3 1/2 oz during the day?

My baby crying every nite from 7 to 11 or 12 even though we feed him and carry him. also refusing to lie down. dunno wat to do with him until i spoke to kelly. will try out her method. am really glad for this forum where we can get the help of more experienced mummies.
Hi mommy,

I've extra 4 tins Brand new 900g infant similac formula, expiry feb 08. Selling $27 per tin. If buy all 4 tins, will sell at $26, plus a $2 S size mamypoko voucher, expire in 31/12/06. Interested, pls PM me. Collection point: Toa Payoh Central

I am hvg the same prob... and it happen again last night. Can share the method pls? *desperate*
Hi leia,
i suspected it's colic but kelly says most prob it's wind in the stomach. can apply 'ru yi you' and give gripe water. if still doesn't work, then go see pd to get infancol. me also desperate dat's why seek's kelly's help.
hope this helps u too.
Hi mummies,
how do we know we have to change the teat? am using nuk but recently he has been sucking hard and the teat's totally flat. milk not flowing. i have to pull it out or loosen it before popping it back into kayden's mouth. am thinking of getting the bigger bottles now cos think the small bottles will only last me 1 or 2 more wks.
Hi Erin

My gal also had similar prob a mth back. She's now ok. Actually u dun haf to go to PD for infacol, can actually get it from the usual pharmacies. It much much cheaper there. Also, infacol is more for infant and gripe water, older babies abt 3/4 mths.
hi stephanie,
my hb went to guardian yest and they told him to get doc's prescription. In the end, now asked my sis who's working at kk to buy for me. Thanks for the info.
thanks for sharing... so now u are handling all by yourself?
even housework?

augbaby or anyone else using avent liners,
anyone interested I have over 90 pcs left n the nurser.. if wan i sell cheap cheap so that someone else can make better use of it..
PM or email me if interested.
Hi Leia and Erin,

My boy was also crying incessantly for a few nights in a row last week... The crying was like super high pitch kind. Then we tried using Ru Yi You. Seems to work leh. He kept burping and farting after that and seems calmer the past few days, sleeping more as well. So maybe all the crying could be wind.

Just my two cents worth...
hi butter,
now i go over to my mum's place every morn and stays there till even when my hb comes home. it's my 1st wk without cl. not so capable as to handle everything on my own. i'll break down before the week ends. guess will assume usual routine. mil wash and hang the clothes n sweep the floor. my hb and i will mop the floor every weekend. he'll also wash the toilets whereas i iron clothes on sun. not too much stuff at this point cos mil not cooking. otherwise have to wash up after dinner.

hi juz_jewel,
thanks. i tried ru yi you just now after talking to kelly. seems to work and he fell asleep after my father carried him for some time. before that was the high pitch crying too. really at a loss especially at night. will be worried abt whether he'll be crying non-stop at night everyday. hopefully, the ru yi you and infacol will help tonight. praying hard now
Hi Erin

I actually bought my infacol from Unity, they did not require any presciption.For my gal, she refused to sleep and lie flat then. We need to carry her upright or place more nappy cloth for her head before she wld sleep.
hi augbaby,
such a nice family photo!
we were so busy and kept entertaining friends/relatives, during bb's full month didn't hv time to take photos with bb at all!! until now still no family photo leh when bb is 1 month. my girl is 1 month and 3 days old, and just went for injection this morning. she's now 5.3kg and 56.5cm....
jadelle's such a pretty gal. gd 4 u tat ur BM is kicking in.

my boy also had the rashes thingy on his face. it's not patchy but u can feel tiny bumps on his face. i really felt like giving him a facial scrub 2 remove it. wat i did was 2 smear BM on his face a few times in a day. anyway, my BM sometimes sprayed on his face so i juz smear all over his face. somehow e rashes cleared up when he was abt 6-7wks old.

very nice family pic.
dun worry abt jayden's weight. he's doing very well.
did u manage 2 borrow ur frien's PIS 2 try pumping out ur BM?

kayden's a handsome boy. like wat skyblue said, he looks very qing xiu.
gd 2 hear tat my solutions work. remember tat ru yi you is a medicated oil. dun use it too often, if not it MAY lose effect.

r both ur boys betta now? wat's ur caregiving arrangement now tat ur confinement is over? u still continue 2 BF?

me also staying in pasir ris. which part r u at? i'm at pasir ris st 71.

erin, augbb,
we mtg up next wk at ur neighbourhood? u let me know when...i shld b going 2 my mum's plc on mon & thu.

jfong, skyblue,
LOL abt ur "happy pukers"

i started giving my boy gripewater once in e morn & once at nite. 1ml each time. i also give ru yee you if he fusses too much. seems 2 help everytime cos he'll fart or burp a lot after both solutions.

i only bathe edward once a day. i changed him into mamy poko abt 10-11pm every nite. e diaper can last until 7-8am the next day. we stopped changing his diaper in e middle of e nite since we started using MP and since edward stopped shitting in e middle of e nite.

i still nursing edward on demand so sometimes it can b anything fr every 1-4hrs. if he drinks EBM, he drinks abt 90-100ml every 3hrs.

i answer the questions tat i know how 2 answer ok?
- 1 month old babies safe to bring out to shopping malls?
definitely safe
i brought my elder boy out 2 suntec, centrepoint, taka when he was 4-6wks old. edward is reaching 2mths old next wk n he has gone 2 tamp mall, tangs, botanic garden, downtown east, etc

- any baby friendly malls to recommend?
taka, centrepoint, raffles city, forum, paragon, tangs, isetan scotts r all bb friendly malls - they hv nursing/changing rooms for mummies/babies
- anyone know if can use the MIM sarong now? is baby too small?
u can start 2 use e MIM sling once u give birth. bb wont b too small. in fact when edward was abt 5wks old, my husband carried edward in a sling n we went shopping at tangs & had a picnic at botanic gardens
hi, my baby's poo is always watery and the last 2 days it's full of bubbles!! whenever she poos it's always followed by loud farts. hv tried the ru yi oil and also gripe water. told the doctor at the polyclinic abt the bubbles in the poo but he said it's ok, not to worry. any babies also poo like that? the bubbles are like those froth on top of teh-tariks.
white lady
wat's ur bb's name, weight & length at birth? i cant find ur info on the table compiled by piyo. ur bb is of a gd size n length but it's best 2 measure against birth weight & length.

sometimes bb can b upset due 2 different environments. is it ur bb's 1st visit 2 ur granny's hse? mayb u try bringing ur bb out more often 2 crowded & noisy places then he'll get used 2 it.
Hi Erin,
Yes, definitely hope to meet up with you all in tampines! no worries, i've read the baby development book - baby will weigh between 4 - 4.5kg during one month. Still under normal range.
My girl is also facing the same problem - sleeping thru noon and start crying after 7pm. Muz carry her and she'll start again when we place her down in bed. Sigh*

To get rid of colic, there's another brand - RidWind. Available in pharmacy. After taking, my girl keeps farting.. haha..

Hi Kelly,
I'm staying in St 11 ;)

Hi Butter,
Bugis - Seiyu and Suntec also baby friendly. They have facilities like hot & lukewarm water.
It's not gd to use flash when taking pics for bbies. I'm feeding abt the same amt for my bb who's turning 1 mth tomoro.

Is there anyone who can help u with Denise so dat at least u can lie down and catch a short nap?
my mil can help me, but i try to handle Denise myself, then oso pai seh to ask her wash laundry lah. Anyway, most of the time when she's cranky is at nite, so i dun wanna bother mil lah. Anyway thanks, today's not so bad, managed to catch some sleep in the morning when she finally decided to sleep. Just have to keep telling myself things will get better...
Hi Piyo,
Can add me to the table too ?
Age: 33
DOB: 02/09/06
EDD: 30/08/06
Weight: 3.39 kg
Baby: Hannah
Hospital: TMC
Gynae: LC Cheng


u can try this formula to find out how much milk needs (but yet again, babies do drink variable amts so dun get to obsessed with numbers ya? try to read ur baby's needs

"(150ml per kilo of of body weight) divided by 6 feeds every 24 hrs. "

abv formula extracted frm Babycare Book.

Reanne is currently drinking 120ml every 2.5 to 3 hrs. Smtimes when she only wakes up after 5 hrs at nite (Bonus leh!

Most importantly if bb is satisfied after finishing the bottle (ie. bb nt fussing, crying and hands and body r very relaxed), that means they r getting enuff. If hv to feed every 1 hr or so, that means not enuff.
