(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB


Kayden cud be having lots of wind in the stomach, try to burp more often during feed if possible, oso, u can observe if his stomach is veri bloated. If so, tt means got lots of wind.

As wat sm mummies advised, try ru yi oil and gripe water. If bb dun like to take gripe water direct, mix it wz water. I give Reanne 90ml water with one teaspn gripe water every morning after bath.

If both still dun work and bb seemed to cry (high pitched) in the evening till late and legs are pulled towards the stomach, it's probably colic. Can't do much, can try Infacol (easier to administer) or Desitin Colic Drops (my PD say better but i find it difficult to administer cos' gt to give 2.5 ml!)

Reanne and my elder dotter both colicky babies, cry and cry when try to put them in bed, very siong i know, record was 11pm to 6am every day!

U might want to try swaddling, if kayden likes to move hands abt, u might want to try swaddling only the bottom half of the body.

Wrt hw much to drink, check out the formula i posted earlier for Butter
hope its helps.

erin, u mention the teat was flatten, i tink the screw cap is too tight, it's creating a vacuum so baby cant suck, they get frustrated as a result. I had the same problem when i use the NUK btls with my elder dotter.

When u find that bb is not finishing his milk during most of the feeds, that cud be a sign that u nd to chg the teat cos' they are tired trying to finish the milk (nd more effort, u see).

But Kayden is only one mth rite? The teat shd be ok for nw.
hope it helps.

One more thing to share:- found that the wind problem in Reanne seemed better after i used the Pigeon Peristaltic Btls. No issue abt the cap to tight!

Hey erin,

think kayden got wind/ colic lah.. as what the other mummies said..

nice family picture siah.. looks like u leh..

Good news to share with you.. went PD today and although bb still have jaundice, PD say not too bad.. as it should peaked on the 5th day and so far.. the jaundice on lower body izn't that bad.. **cross fingers!

Also, PD cannot hear the extra heart sound liaoz.. which means, the blood vessel has closed! we will still go to the cardiologist 1 month later to double confirm..

She has already regained her birth weight and her stool has changed colour liaoz to mustardy yellow - indication that she is digesting my breastmilk..

I have been latching her on 100%.. cos, so far, pumping doesn't work! collection is so little like 1 teaspoon? yet, my girl can suckle vigorously and i can see her swallowing over 1 hour!
Since her motion and wee wee is now more back to normal, i think i won't be stressing over the amount i pump out.. will use the pump after every feeding to stimulate still.. this way, i can still feed on demand.. hope by the end of my confinement, i can express milk out liaoz for night feeding.. now, it is quite xiong and i try to sleep when she sleeps..

Today is only my girl's 5th day and i have been enjoying every moment.. my hubby's been a great support.. will miss him when he return to work next week..

So, far, been feeling really positive.. especially after the incident post delivery that is sama like severe PND.. crossing my fingers now..
For the time being, my bb only bathes once a day. He's recovering from his congested nose, so dun wanna risk him catching a chill again. But we do clean him up in the evening too. My helper changes the diaper in the middle of the nite too, if it's very wet or when my boi poos. Jus have to do it as quickly as possible and with gentle hands :p
Forget abt doing hsework. Catch a nap when bb sleeps.

Ur bb zhun zhun 2 n half hrs later will nid to drink? Mine if drink BM, machiam any time will wan his next feed.
Last time, I used to bring a few bottles out if I'm going out.

i love bbies,
I dun specially buy those bottle cleanser. Have been using dishwashing liquid even when I had my elder boi. No pblms so far. My CL was appalled though and kept pestering me to get bottle cleanser when she was ard dat time. I ignored her request. I oso dun rinse with hot water after sterilising.

Is ur maid experienced in handling bbies? If so, no nid to worry. I've left my bb with my maid and gone nearby to run errands during confinement cos I see dat she's very capable in handling my bb :p
Hey u look very young.

My boi is going to be 1 mth old tomoro. He last weighs 4.8kg and length of 56cm when we visited the PD on thur.

If pee/poo so little, could it be a sign dat Jadelle is not drinking enuf?

I've used the sling oredi when I brot my boi to the PD on thur. He's less than a mth old.
Hey, my bb oso poos after feeds. Then nid to drink very soon after :p My bb is drinking 100ml now.

My CL oso told me some pple uses string to hold the blanket in place
actually the reason y we shd swaddle bb is so dat bbies dun get startled so easily. Gives them a sense of security.
If bb not drinking enuf, mebbe u'll like to increase by another half oz and see if ur boi finishes? I oso feel dat my boi is not drinking enuf.

My boi oso prefers to be held upright. PD suspects dat he may have slight reflux pblm so he feels more comfy if we hold him uprite.

Kieran has recovered 2-3 wks back. It's Kayden who's still not recovered, cos mummy and daddy kept delaying bringing him to the doc :p
I oso haven decide abt the caregiving part since i'm still on maternity leave. Yes, i'll still be BFding
Dats y can't send Kayden over to nanny, if not won't have much opportunity to latch him unless i go over as well.
hey mommies, it's been way too long since i came here!! =P

wow, augbaby, i finally saw your family pic! ya, think my girl is the same size of your Jayden! =)
hi skyblue,

ya, not enought pee/poo iz a sign that bb not having enough.. so initially, after BF, i supplement with FM..

but yesterday, Jadelle was on 100% BF and her poo and pee went up by lots.. so, all is back to normal now..

only thing is, today, she demands to be fed longer (like 1 hr!!) and more frequent (every hr!).. and still not satisfied leh.. so, i supplement with FM after BF her. but, FM she only take 25-30ml only.. so, i supposed, she is still extracting my BM, but juz that it is trying to keep up with production bah..

I am using the avent iq uno now to stimulate my breasts as i am typing.. not much to collect leh..still only droplets around the pedal cushion.. sigh..hope things will improve.. i go take a nap now.. backache n tired..
hi Jasmine,

dun worry about ur BM supply. It will get more if u continue to latch on ur baby and continue to pump.For my 1st 5 days, i also latch on and supplement FM. After i got sore and bleeding nipples from my gal's bitting, i give her EBM instead of latching on. 2nd week, I can pump 60ml each time. And now 3rd week plus, I can pump 120ml-180ml each time.

The supply will just keep going if there is demand. So i always make it a point to pump every 3 hours without failed, even during the nite.

And now at 23th day, I have collected 20 packets of EBM, 220ml each packet.

Just drink alot of fluid, milk for breast feeding mothers, long gan red dates, oats. Have enough rest too. try to sleep when baby sleep. relax and things will definitely be better
I'll stick to bathing once a day since baby ain't that dirty for the time being...yah now trying to rest when baby's sleeping. Thks!

Wah...you managed to store so much EBM ar. I'm still thinking whether i should start storing in freezer. At the moment i just pump 6hrly and keep in fridge, bcos trying to feed baby milk as fresh as possible.
hi Fiona,

normally if timing is right, i will express and let my gal drink immediately. But she only drink 60-80ml. So I still can store about 100ml each pump. I will keep in the fridge until end of the day then transfer to freezer.Normally one day can freeze 1 to 2 packets.

I guess i am one of the lucky ones having not much problem in milk supply.

My only problem is my epistomy wound. Driving me crazy. wound just too big, the part that is not heal, now its healing, but the part that intially is healing, become pain again.
i get abt 250-280ml if pump 6hrly, but my gal sometimes drink as frequently as 1-2 hrly besides her usu 3hrly feed of 90-100ml each time. So far i always have 6 bottles in the fridge, but dunno how to have extra to store leh...

can understand how distressing the episotomy wound is causing you, hope it get better soon! i've not look at mine yet, but it's healing well but when i touch can still feel the sew up part, but still need to wait till a couple more wks for full recovery bah...when pushing during motion time can feel a bit achy there.
hi lynn,
there's another mummy (linda) also having the same gynae as us.

hi peddie,
how are u coping? going back to sch next month rite? hope everything will go smoothly for u and that u will do well for ur studies.

hi fiona,
try to get ur mil or ur mum to help out (to keep a look out for baby while baby's sleeping)so u can get a nap. My parents will do so but I'm usually too tense (will auto move and check on baby when he makes some noise during his sleep) to do so. My parents keep asking me to go out or do some other things to keep myself occupied rather being too paranoid about baby. Haven't go out yet. perhaps will meet up with kelly and augbaby next thurs then.

hi jfong,
thanks for ur advice. he shd be having wind in his tummy. his stomach was bloated and after applying ru yi you, can hear him fart. also gave him some gripe water and let him drink some water after that. he seems better but dun dare to say too early.

as for the advice regarding the teat, I tried to loosen the cap and it seems slightly better. No longer flatten but he still seems to be sucking very hard at the teat. Like sucking in a lot of air. guess will change to pigeon bottle after this. anyway, have to get bigger bottles soon. he's drinking 100 to 125ml now every 3 hrly but recently might be due to the teat reason, always having a hard time trying to get him to finish the remaining milk (those remaining at the teat).

hi jas,
glad that u are feeling positive about motherhood. I'm hoping I'll soon be like u. I'm enjoying my baby except for the part when he's crying and I'm at a loss to what to do. good news about jadelle's jaundice. all the best for bfing.

yup, my cl also says can eat pears and apples during confinement. no oranges though.

hi skyblue,
ya, that's what my cl says but she says now people don't do that. my mil and i have differing views on how to take care of my boy so the situation was quite tense during confinement month. luckily, i have the confinement lady to help at that time.
hi erin,

jia you.. i understand about the conflicts in views.. i have this problem also during confinement.. no fan, no aircon, must wear long sleeves n socks n drink everything hot hot.. feels so cross.. n i perspire like mad..
worst iz my mum n mil have different views over what food to take at what time...
hi erin,
we tends to be more cautious after having a baby around, a little bit of sounds can wake us no matter how exhausted we are...that's what mommies do. Today Denise is sleeping more, so i managed to take a rest in between, hope it'll be the same thru the nite, but i doubt so lah...

I went out of house a few times le, but short ones like i stayed in the car while hubby went to buy something, at least it helps in making me stay sane hahaha...
1 set of NUK Latex Vented Teat (fr 6mths, medium hole) - 2teats in 1package. This is a brand new set, never been opened. I bought it at $4.60. Will let it go at $4.50, including postage. If u stay in tamp, pasir ris, bedok, simei, sengkang, punggol, I can arrange 2 send it over 2 u or we can meet somewhere convenient.
Confinement is driving me mad also. My initial idea about hvg a confinement lady around is really about the food and helping out with the baby. As it is now, even what I do is restricted... fan, bathing, food, drinks... and what about "getting wind" and all, blah blah. I don't believe in all these, and still, I don't want to be outrightly defiant. But having to humour someone for a whole b***** month is madness! I was telling my hubby before I grow old enough to experience all this arthritis and "getting wind", I'd prolly go mad and end up in IMH first. So what the heck about all these precautions?

In any case, I'm really not comfy with hvg a stranger in the house, though she is a nice lady. I'm confining myself to my room like 80% of the time, except during meals and when visitors come.

Anyway, I'm still hvg my shower twice a day, herbal water or no herbal water. Don't care!
hi there
thanks for all the advice about the rash - realised it was the normal rash that babies get - just that the poor girl had quite a bad case of it! Anyway, my GP friend prescribed her a very very mild steroid cream to deal with the worst of it. Now much better.
Confinement lady also leaving in a few days time!! Very stressed. Don't know if I will be able to soothe baby with the same success that she has! Chloe doesn't really like me carrying her except when she is breastfeeding - sigh!!!
Wow, looks like Celine doesn't have milk problem and can even start on storage now. *envy*

I will be back to work soon in end Sept, would like to kick start on milk storage. How do you gals store the milk? Bottle/milk bag? Which is more economical? Hope you gals can share your experience with me. Thanks!
hi jasmine,
ya lor. luckily, now my mum takes care of my boy. if i disagrees with her, can tell her what i think is correct and we can discuss what is the most appropriate way to do. it's different from dealing with mil where she expects me to listen to her, a more experienced mum. My mum din really come over to my place during confinement cos my mil staying with us, so not much conflicting interests. however, my mil and cl have differing views reg. food. mil says can only eat kailan but cl says there are many different types of veggies that are ok. heng ah, got cl. if not, my everyday meals would be so dull.

hi fiona,
guess i'll be going out next wk. hopefully will be more relaxed after the outing.

hi leia,
my cl is ok when i tell her i don't want to wear long sleeves or long pants cos weather is v. hot. we come to a compromise lor. wear short sleeves rather than sleeveless tops lor. as for bathing, she says can bathe everyday as long as it's with boiled herbal water. can also switch on air con as long as it's 25 degree celsius and that i wear long sleeves and long pants in air con room.

wasn't v. comfortable initially staying with a stranger but later grew attached of her. she's nice and in fact, called twice after she left to check on me and baby.

hi zshih,
i understand the stress that u are having. me still a bit stressed cos can't sooth baby as effectively as her. but hoping to be proficient in handling my boy soon.
hi peddie,
can understand what u are going through. although i may not be of any help, i can 'listen' to u. feel free to share ur feelings here. u will feel better after expressing your thoughts and feelings. anyway, since u have made a choice, do think positively and have a new beginning. no point pondering over the what ifs. ur child is in good hands.

hi mummies,
any1 knows whether 1 month old babies are suitable for baby carrier already? worried that their necks are not stiff enough. i'm going to kkh next wk for baby's visit. worried that the waiting time will be very long and my arms will ache from all the carrying. haven't bought a stroller yet cos dunno whether he'll want to sit in it. he always want ppl to carry hence thinkinhg of getting a carrier.
Now I quit using the herbal water too hehehe, just bathe with warm shower. I thot if really have those backaches in future, the most just go do massages lor...anyway been touching water so often from all the bottles & pump washing liao...

i think it's better to use the sling instead of a carrier, like you said the neck is not stable yet so carrier wouldn't be ideal. Whereas, i've been using the sling for Denise since her 1st week, very comfortable for baby to sleep in.

Hope you have a great outing!
hi mummies,
how do u handle the baby if he insists on being carried? my hb and i really peng liao cos everyday have to carry my boy from 7pm onwards. arms really aching. will a sling or baby carrier replace the carrying?

hi fiona,
was thinking of getting a carrier cos hb also can use mah. dunno whether he'll be awkward using the sling or not.
hello mummies..
hope u al had a nice weekend.
share with u al, my hubby actually on reservist since last week. i actually thot i'd be upset that he cant help me more, further, he will be going for exercise end of the month and won't be home for few nites..

worse, after that he goes back to work and has an overseas trip.. sigh.. why guys can just run back to work and leave us with the baby... :p
really pray i can cope with the baby on my own.. or else i go stay at mum's place :p

wow your confinement is really strict. now then I realise my CL still pretty easy going.. i wear sleeveless/singlets at home, and shorts, and many a time i forget my house slippers or socks..

i think i have only 3-4 days left of official confinement
actually going to be sad that CL will be leaving.

i oso went out with hubby from last weekend, goint to buy stuff for baby 1st month etc.. was so happy to go out shopping

oh ladies,
btw, our baby just has his 1st month.. was so busy talking to friends that i didnt take any photos
silly me.. only took a pic at the end of the day of the CL and my BB. :p

take it easy, the CL is only there to help u and assist with you on the baby and cook good food for your nourishment - only after almost halfway thru my confinment did i finally get along with my CL and value the soups and stuff haha i almost sacked her b4 14 days :p it was not becuz she is not a nice person, i think all the hormones and stress got to me and i was finding fault in everything and getting upset all the time.. i am glad that has settled down now.
i was the same as u, initially i stayed a lot in my room, but that jus got me more depressed. finally by coming online and having visitors made me much happier..

same sentiments here... CL leaving in 3 days boo hoohoo, she can sooth my baby so fast.. as for me its not always successful.. sometimes can, sometimes he keeps on crying...
let's jia you and be positive, so we can be good mummies for our bbs..

i store in milk bags.. lie down and stack up in my freezer, safe space. like milk bank hehehehe

we same same about our CL

my CL oso like yours, same practices. lucky..
we ran out of the herbs today haha, so she say its ok, as long as i bathe warm water and blow dry hair, dun wash hair everyday
only few more days to go anyway.

btw, what is a normal range of the ang pao to give at the end of confinement?

pray we will all be effective and proficient with our own babies soon
take care and hugs to all your babies

paiseh, me so long winded...
erm...think the guys might feel kinda awkward using the sling hor but depends lah...ask your hubby's opinion and maybe get a neutral colour suitable for both of you. The reversible lucky baby sling have a pattern on one side while a bold colour on the other side, which you may consider.
Hi cocomo,
Reali...everything is the same..hee hee...so cool...:p next time we shld meet up so the 2 boys can play wif each other..

Hi fjong,
Can i check wif u, now my boy seems to feed 2x at night..u mention that it will get better, does it mean he will sleep longer or wat? Coz me reali suffering from lack of sleep..reali tired out already...turning to be a panda alr...n huge eye bags...

My bb now taking 4oz alr...n sometimes at night, even 4oz is not eno..dun noe y but he seems more hungry at night..does anyone experience it too?? Worst, when i feed BM, he gets hungry even faster...i feed him 4 oz n it can last him less than 3hrs, which 40z of FM usually last him 3hrs..thou sometimes shorter...I feel like a cow nowadays..always feeding only...Haha

How come u wanna sell yr liners? U need feeding bb wif BM already..me also have too much liners..haha..bought too much..but haven sell yet..

Hi smlow,
thanks..hee hee...talking abt 1mth celebration, we also din manage to take any pics..so sad..sometimes bb is dressed so nice that day, n he refused to sleep the whole day when there r people...wide awake till in the evening when all of them have gone hm..sigh..regret...i must go ask my friends for his pics coz some of them took pics of him..this family pic of mine is taken hurrily when he is awake...
hi fiona,
thanks. will ask my hb's opinion. yest was another terrible nite. wanted to be carried again. mil kept insisting that we put him in the sarong to rock him to bed but we are still waiting for hb's colleague to deliver it leh. somemore hb slipped and fell and he still helped to carry baby most of the time. can see his arm hurts. dunno why kayden prefers his daddy to carry.

hi butter,
The ang bao amt is up to u. I gave her extra cos I find her very helpful and also because she helped to relieve a bit of tension between my mil and me.

hi augbaby,
my baby also taking 31/2 to 4 oz now but these 2 days, not sure whether it's because of the teat or colic, he's not taking in everything. in fact,
he drank 2 oz at 4am this morning then falls asleep during the feed then wake up again at 5 plus to continue drinking. again din complete his feed. will ask pd tmr to see if he's ok. have u changed to bigger bottles yet?

My baby also wakes up 2x (at times 3 x) per nite for milk. i'm also suffering from lack of sleep. daytime can't sleep and nite, want to sleep but can't. seems like i have to get used to day nite reversal. i'm waiting for the day he will only wake up once or none at all in the nite. oh when, oh when will the day comes?

hi ladies,
i din take any photos at all during the full month celebration too. too busy talking to guests liao.
Any recommendation of the brand of the milk bag? Milk bag can only use once, right? Some brand quite ex, esp Medela. Think ~$28 for 25pcs.

The milk stored at freezer is it only for emergency use? We can keep the EBM for next day use in the fridge, right?

Sorry, 1st time mummy.. a lot of questions.. paiseh..
Hi Erin/augbaby,
I also have the same problem. I give my son to latch direct nowadays and these few days he only sucks for a while then fall asleep already. One hour later he will cry for milk again. However this morning he sucked only for a while and go back to sleep then dun even wake up for milk after 3 hours.

I have problem burping him as well. Sometimes I tried to burp him for more than 15mins but nothing came out. Kinda worry and dunno what to do also?!

thanks for sharing on the shopping malls. i am going to ask another silly question.. where abouts are the nursing rooms in:
- taka
- suntec
- bugis
- scotts
- IMM?

sorry... i went looking at tampines mall and couldn find.. i must be blind...

i got gifts of milk bags by gerber and lanolin. those with the sealer, so using up those now. also, i bought the Via cups and converter, so figured i have more then enough so dun need my avent liners no more... in fact, i got extra 1 more pack of avent liners, one pack i used halfway already.

i like to use the Gerber milk bags.. but a bit more ex... avent liners are way much cheaper...
the cups take up more space.. fyi..
i put the extra milk i have in freezer cuz i have more then enough for my feeds.. so the freezer ones are my stash for when i go back to work or when someone else can help me feed..
Hi augbaby,

my ger still wakes up for milk at ard 2 - 3am and for another feed at ard 5- 7am. Last feed at nite cud be as early as 9.30 and as late as 10.30pm.

Wat x ur bb wakes up? Try to hv a routine, like after the last feed, plc bb in the bed and dim the lights. As for daytime, put bb in bouncer or another mattress/playpen to differentiate day and nite.

when i mention it will get better, tt means bb will slowly sleep longer thru the nite and colicky or crying babies do get better as days go by. It is a passing phase (but i know its damn hard! cos; i hv been thru it liao)My ger now smtimes can sleep for 6 to 7 hrs b4 waking up for feed at nite. But nt everyday, NOTHING IS CONSTANT when u are talking abt babies!
nursing rooms in
- taka 3rd flr in Taka itself. All the way to the end, near the lingerie section, next 2 Thyme Maternity. Of course in Taka shopping centre (not e dept store), u can find nursing/bb changing rooms in female toilets
- suntec there's a family centre on 3rd flr, next 2 KidsMall. e nursing room is behind KidsMall
- bugis on 3rd flr in seiyu, there's a changing/nursing room in e corner, near 2 e kids' playarea, where they sell combi stuff & strollers. as for nursing rooms in bugis, i not too sure
- scotts & IMM i dunno
i breastfeed my boy for 8 months (he's now 3.5 years old), and throughout the 8 months, he wakes up abt every 2 or 2.5 hrs for feed!! looking back, dont know how i survived that period, coz next day gotta go to work, and I had to OT till abt 9pm almost everyday. so sat/sun were sleeping days for me during the day last time!! i hope with my daughter, she wont wake up so often. she's now 5 weeks old, and average twice a night, abt 2 am and 5am. still manageable.
try burping ur baby upright, when my baby was newborn i burped her holding her chin, now i rest her on my shoulder and burp (since her neck is more stable now), she burps better that way. hope it helps.
Hi smlow,
I tried to put him at my shoulder b4 but he refuses and keep struggling. Anyway I will try again later. Thanks!
hi cocomo,

smlow is rite, bb burp better uprite. ya, my bb also struggle alot, wat i do is i let her rest in my arms after the feed for awhile until she is more relaxed then i put her on my shoulders.
Hi jfong/smlow,
I tried just now to put him at my shoulder and seems like he's more claim and comfortable that way. I really feel very very stress looking after my boy alone. When he cried I dunno what he wants and I always feel like crying with him. First time mom with no experience in looking after baby and gotta cope with BF. STRESS! I really dunno how long can I take already.
Thanks peddie & kelly!
the info will definately help a new mum with screaming baby..

my boy's cry is getting louder and fiercer now... cannot imagine how i will handle alone...
2 more days count down till my CL leaves...
My hubby ask me to extend, but my mum wan me to stop CL.. she say dun let baby get to used to CL..
how how how...?

my bb now just reaching 1 month, now still on a 2 hour schedule or sometimes even 1-1.5hr...
I dunno when to say its bedtime cuz its just always feed, burp, sleep, change diaper and repeat hahaha...
but at about 9-10pm, we dim the lights in the room and try not to 'play' with him. but if he dun wan to sleep, CL will bring him out to the living room for a bit, while we watch TV.. and try to put him back again, unless he wants another feed...
Hi Erin, Augbaby & cocomo,
My baby wakes up 2-3x a nite for milk too, agree that she seems to be more hungry during this period...when i'm really tired, i can even dozed off while feeding her

hi smlow,
i'm also worried about coping with nite feeds if i ever go back to work again, now already feeling so tired (1st time in my whole life got dark eyes ring le..). i may consider not working for another 6 mths if baby's pattern still remains the same...haiz

Talking abt sleeping, i used to have difficulties falling asleep, must find best position kind, now i can sleep almost instantly in any position the moment i touch my bed...
Same here, bb wakes up every 2 - 3hrs at night. Sometimes I can even doze off.. really exhausted. Can't imagine when I start work.. pray hard..
hi cocomo,
dun stress! lots of mummies here with support for each other
young babies usually hv lots of 'wind', sometimes i just carry my daughter upright and pat her back and she'll just let out a loud BURP, (even after her normal burp after her feed) then she'll feel better and i put her down again n it's alright. check your baby's diaper when he cries. everytime after my daughter poos, she'll be v uncomfortable in her dirty diaper and hv to change immediately, or baby just wanna be carried. sometimes i just carry her a little while, walk around the house a little, sing a little, and talk to bb.
Fiona and Bottle,

Same same, I had dozed off before while breastfeeding at nite. Sometimes, woke up and found baby not in my arms but thank God, in my daze, I had returned baby to his cot earlier.

Second time mother but also very tired. Yesterday, Zac also fussed a lot. Carried him almost the whole day. Now, my hands are very tired.


Anyone whose baby has cradle cap. Have applied olive oil on Zac's hair and tried brushing off the flakes but it came back the next day. Now, it has spread to his eyebrows. How???

Another thing, I know many MTB have piles during the pregnancy but I just realised I have piles after the stitches have healed. How do we treat piles huh?

can fully understand the anxiety and stress level when handling young babies for the veri first time. Babies do cry for a reason, remember it's a way of communictaion for them. As time passes by, u will be able to know the diff type of crying, for e.g. my ger will kick and kick her legs and cry when poo or when diaper is veri wet. Short intermittent cries leading to pathetic crying despite carrying means she want to feed again.

When bb cry, remember to stay calm and collected, hv some humour and start talking abt anyting to bb, it sounds silly but smtimes, bb just wan to here smone's voice. If u kancheong they know. If baby dun nd diaper chg, dun nd to feed, carry oso cannot, try putting bb to sleep in a bouncer or bed if crying not too bad cos' smtimes they r jus tired and need sm space to stretch.

abv r jus sm of my personal experiences with my dotter, may nt be applicable to all bb hor. But remember there r many mummies here and we r all here to support one another, ok?


r u BF or bb on formula? Cos' the 1-1.5 hr feed indicate that the bb is nt having enuff leh.
hi augustmum,

i have piles during my pregnancy and now it's still there... my gynae gave me oral pills and also proctosedyl suppository (to insert into rectum) and in gel form.. you have to push the piles back into rectum if possible... for me, it doesn't heal fully and i guess i have to operate on it for full removal... but i read some mummies have fully recovered by taking/doing the above... guess i'm the unlucky one... anyway, check with your gynae...

hi mummies,

my baby is coming a month's old and also doesn't finish his milk on most occasions... usually ard 40-60ml per feed so he wakes up almost every 1-2 hours for feeding... i know this isn't right as he sud drink ard 90-120ml each time so can sleep longer... just change to 1 mth teat (avent) and thought wud be faster but still the same... any advice how i can make baby sucks faster before he falls asleep again? do i need to upgrade the teat again?
elaine: neogarden's not bad too. Can try, www.neogarden.com.sg

my gals are now more active, sometimes they don't nap too long, which means we can't rest as well.

Finally went out with them a few times, i'm so looking forward to more outings when my prams arrived!
Hi mommies,
guess we are all on permanent nite shift duty for the time being...really very tiring, everytime while feeding can hardly keep eyes open leh, wish can get over this period soon.

Last nite, i told myself must be positive, so sleepy already still bring myself to smile at baby...hahaha

My gal seems to have alot of phlegm especially at nite, should i bring her to the PD? She seems so uncomfortable that she can't sleep for long before wailing to be carried again.
