(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Ha ha Skyblue ...
Wait till your #2 reaches his toddling age.
Life gets more interesting!
You will do fine lah.

I was sharing with other mummies, I will only know how well I can manage after confinement.
I believe with God's strength & mercy, I will survive!

My goal is to be a postive mother to my boys.
No kidding leh ... It's a major feat when #1 & #2 start roughing it out with their fists.

Hi Celine,
It varies from mother to mother.
For my #1, I had it bad.
It hurt up to 4 weeks before the pain tapered.
I had 3-4 stitches then.

For my #2, I insisted on NO EPISIOTOMY.
I had a 1cm tear & 1 stitch which healed in 2 weeks time.

This time round, I still insisted on NO EPISIOTOMY.
I had only 1mm tear which healed on the 2nd day.

Does your baby have jaundice which requires you to get the jaundice level monitored?
Perhaps the moving around slows down the healing process?
It happened to me for #1 too.
hi noe,
thanks for the help. really appreciate your advice and information provided.

not in a hurry to stimulate his development la. just that sometimes just worried that he might be bored lying in bed looking at the ceiling or musical mobile.
hi celine,
i had episiotomy but dunno i had how many stitches. not painful except for 1st day. wound healed within 2 wks.
hi Noe and erin,

I did not really moved about alot. only went out twice so far. One time to see gynae and one time to see PD.

Dun know how big is the cut, but i think should be quite big as the gynae took a long time to stitch. I was on pain killer for the 1st week, very painful. 2nd week betta, but can still feel the pain when i tried to dried myself after washing.
The thread is sure moving fast!!!

Din know that my real name is gonna appear so i changed my profile slightly... its juz_jewel now instead of Lee Leng!

Hi Celine,
think the stitches should normally heal by 2 weeks. I had a bad infection and the stitches had pus and all after 1 1/2 weeks. was warded and on antibiotics drip. Now at almost 3 weeks, it is completely healed and has dissolved (or so the gynae said during my appt tdy). So i think your stitches should be healing. otherwise maybe you should see your gynae?

Re: sarong stand
tempted to get one too... tired from having to carry my boy to sleep. But a bit afraid that my boy would stretch and twist his body and fall... cos that was what happened to all my baby cousins who had used sarong stand to sleep.

Hi Piyo!
Can add me to the table?
Age: 27
DOB: 16/8/06
EDD: 22/8/06
Weight: 3.45 kg
Baby: Xavier
Hospital: SGH
Gynae: Tan LK
Hi Celine,
Perhaps it's your GY-OB stitching skills?
Some mothers rave over their GY-OB stitching skills and claim that it makes a difference.
Any other mummies can attest to that?
i think my gynae stitching skills should be very good. read alot of good comments on forum. I think its just the cut too big, maybe take longer time to heal. becoz my baby when deliver, her head came out quite fast, but body stuck, so end up kena the big cut. thats y the gynae say next time if baby bigger than 2.4kg, i should opt for c section.
Hi Lee Leng,
Why changed? Lee Leng's a nice name!

Twist and fall?
How old are your baby cousins then?
Perhaps the sarong is too short or the closure was pinned too low for the baby/toddler?

As Jav grows taller, we invested in sarongs that are longer in widths (we got them from the shops along Arab Street).
The only time when he fell from the sarong was because my MIL pinned the closure too low.
Thank God it was a short fall as we adjusted the sarong such that it's not too high from the ground after he's in it.
Hi Celine,
That's great!
At least you would have no reservations returning to him/her for your #2.

Ha ha ... My GY-OB for my #1 & #2 was a male.
Great doc but I do not know much about his stitching skills so I opted for no Episiotomy for #2 & #3.
I didn't want to experience another long healing process.

Hope that you will recover soon.
Are you using those surgical floats?
hi Noe,

I only use the float for the 1st week. now i can sit, as long as i positioned myself properly.

Actually i have alot of confidence in my gynae. If i want a second child, i will definitely go back to him
noe, celine,
Hehehe... I'm one of those who'll rave abt my gynae's stitching skills. Imagine, i dun feel pain at all from my stitches. Instead, it was my tailbone which is giving me pblms. Dats y i still went back to my gynae when i have my #2.

To minimise the impact of fall *in case lah*, put mattresses below the sarong? For me, i worry more abt the stand collapsing. Imagine the metal and all hitting our bbies

I dun tink they'll be bored lying there he whole day. Afterall, now still bb stage. Mebbe play some nursery rhymes cd for ur bb to hear? I read from magazine b4, u can can oso read aloud to ur bb with watever material u're currently reading. Can be newspapers, storybooks etc.
Hey Kelly!
Me can't do anything too but surf net and watch tv nia...
Oh ya, the lucky baby sling looks good hor but i haven't got mine bcos the design i want needs to wait up to 2-3wks for stock to come in, still waiting lor...

my gal also feed more frequently recently, and she merlioned on me twice le, now i try to hold her upright or 45 degree for a while after each feed.

Wah, you really did your homework leh! The info is very useful, thanx for the tips!
Hi augustmum,
Regarding cheap diapers, my sis-in-law was telling me its cheaper to buy from Malaysia but can also check out diaper promotion from Sheng Siong.

Currently my boy is Huggies Dry Comfort S size,24 pieces bought from CK dept $6.20. Each piece work out to be $0.26.
Juz bought Huggies Dry M size, 84 pieces from Sheng Siong $16.95. Each piece is $0.20.

Not sure what's the difference between Dry Comfort and Dry though. So far find Huggies quite good though the sizing seems abit bit small compared to pampers.
Btw, any cheap breast pad to recommend? Coz i need to change a couple of pads a day, quite xiong. The breast pad is even more X then baby diaper.

Currently i'm using Pigeon brand, bought from Kiddy palace promotion $8.90 for 36+6(individual wrapped)
hi ningyo,

i also using pigeon brand breast pads, but tried to use slightly cheaper brand now.now trying tollyjoy, cost $7.90 for 40+8 pieces.

But honestly speaking, compared the 2 brands, pigeon brand quality is betta. more comfortable.
Ningyo & Celine,

I find it such a waste to use the breast pads at home that i resorted to putting folded pc of tissues, and only use the pads when i go out. Just change after every feed and pump, so far so good...
Hi Noe,
better not use my real name. Otherwise must always remember to be politically correct. Then also cannot complain about work!
Think my cousins were about a year or less when they fell. Thinking back maybe the sarong was not pinned high enough at the ends that's why they did somersaults!!!

Anyone knows where to get the sarong stands? I've only seen it at kiddy palace and baby hyperstore. The base of the stand like not stable enough for my liking!... Or maybe i'm just paranoid! haha!!
Good to hear that Celine!
Looking forward to hear good news from you some years down the road.
Hi Skyblue,
So the stitching skills do make the difference huh?
Heh heh ... Learnt that too late so I didn't ask around regarding that aspect when I had #1.

Hi Fiona,
So glad that it benefits you too.
Watching our budget lah ... So I didn't check out the premium ends ones.
Noted that Jewel!
You are just paranoid. Ke ke ke ...
Aren't we all? 3 kids later and I am still concerned over the little things.
Haiz ... We are just being mothers lah.

Kidsmall (Suntec & IMM) has it too.
The bell shaped frame compared to the inverted-J frame is more sturdy however can prove to be bulky as well. On top of that, the bell shaped ones do not have wheels like some of the inverted-Js.
If you are not moving the frame around often, then it shouldn't pose you much problem lor.

Tried sending a private message (PM) to you but your PM function is not activated leh.

Tks for e concern.
Now Im taking care of my gal myself.. managing lo n not so depressful liao! My mum came over to cook for mi n i don realli have appeitie to eat too.. think shld be normal.

My gal she seldom wanna latch n refuse.. so i jus pump out breast milk for her n no FM nw.. hope she managing well N I m too.. too tired though she wake up every 3hrly feed. She seems to stay awake for more than 2hrs every morning & evening.. think shld be normal.( i tot NB always sleeping leh)

Im using Nepia for her.. its v soft n she love it. Other than nepia wat other brand? Try premium pamper bt too costy.. HOW abt mamy poko?
Hi Ningyo & Celine,

Yeah, I agree that Tollyjoy Breastpads are more affordable however, the material seems coarse.
I end up having heat rash after using the samples.

Tried quite a few brands and Pigeon is thus far the best. So is its price.

Yeah Fiona,
I am doing something similar too.
I will use the pads when I am out.
When home, I go bra-less!
I am changing my clothes each time the milk leaks lor ...

Very messy but can't help it.
I develop heat rash during confinement due to the food we take (heaty based mah) when I am wearing the bra + pads.
I oso go braless at home. When milk starts to drip, then jus use tissue dap dap, after dat change clothes. Alternative, i use cloth diaper and tie ard my chest area. Usu i use tis mtd when i zzz though.
Wah ha ha Piyo!
For just confinement period, it's not that bad lah.

But truthfully, after nursing for almost 4 years, my boobies aren't as perky as before.
Need to do a lot of toning up loh ...
Hi Leia,
I will PM you the contact to the Agent now okay.
NTUC currently selling at 16.90.
If you get from Nepia Agent direct, it will cost $15 per packet (minimum 4 packets) and they are usually able to deliver to your doorsteps the next day (unless the sizes you need is out of stock).
Noe & skyblue,

i would love to go back to braless days...but the thot of the leaking boobs makes me
And eventhough i sleep in air con rm, the breast pads make me perspire like nobody business leh, like so uncomfy, so bo bian got to use tissue, more breathable.

Hmmm...the cloth diaper is a good idea leh.
forgot to ask le...are we going to leak milk throughout our breastfeeding days? Or eventually will not leak but still has supply?

Another thing is, i can't imagine my breasts leaking when i resume ML with my DH, will be so funny...
so must prepare towel?
Hi Cynthia,
Glad to hear that you are coping better now.
Do eat to nurse yourself to health okay.
It will also help with the milk supply.
(I think I sound like my mother now but it's true though)

That's great right?
I mean your dd staying awake for some time during the day?
Does that mean that she will wake, nurse & return to sleep during the night?

Mamy Poko works out to be little more expensive than Nepia leh.
No doubt the material is just as good as Pampers Cotton Care.

Can pm me the contact for nepia too?


Our lactation expert...need some help...I need to start storing milk for occasions when I need to be out without baby, do I express the milk after each feeding or do I allocate one slot for milk expression on top of direct latch?

How do we pack the expressed milk, according to serving per feed? Can we mix milk expressed on diff days?

Sound very ignorance hor?
Hi Fiona,
you so farni! I think we may be leaking milk still in our bfg days cos imagine you go back to work, if too full our nehs will leak?
Hi augustmum,
You got mail!

I used to store my BM according to my #1's feeding.
The remaining unfinished portion will be disposed of.

Found this excerpt in the book Practical Hints on Breastfeeding by BMSG -

Freeze in small amounts so that the milk is not wasted - 50 to 60 mils is probably a good quantity.
If topping up an already frozen quantity of milk, cover the just expressed milk and leave in the refreigerator for 30 minutes first.
<font color="ff0000">Pouring warm milk onto frozen is not safe because it allows the combined milk to remain at a temperature where germs can breed.</font> Frozen milk onced thawed shoud never be refrozen.

Hope the above helps a little.
Hi Noe,

Can Also PM e agent for Nepia? OR can sms mi? Not sure later i be able to log in..
I realise not all NTUC sell Nepia esp NB size.. Seldom see S BT alot M, L, XL...
I saw e NB size at Seiyu Bugis so I buy.

My gal she wake up at nite to jus for feed n sleep throughout.. sometime when its time for feed she didnt even bother to wake up too! hahaha sleeping like log same as daddy.. deep sleeper.
Hmm.. if that's the case, have to wait for how long after menses to do the pap smear? 1 wk? 2 wks?

The disposable breast pad not veri economical, bought the Farlin washable breast pad, 6 pcs @ $7+. Find it quite good and just change it when it's wet.
ooh ladies... me so silly then... should have asked u all earlier...
my breast were so swollen and pain cuz me squeeze into all the bras so that i wont drip drip... never let them 'air'... was so hot and very umcomfy, until the one side engorged so badly, and got a bit of infection....arggghh
had to take anti inflammatory tabs to ease pain...
now cuz of infection, i going to give up...
Aiyo my dear Cynthia,
You didn't activate your PM function leh!
I will sms you then.

Yeah, you are right.
Not all NTUCs carry NB size.
NTUC AMK doesn't either.

Blessed thou art that Nat can sleep her night through my dear.
Jul still wake twice in the night for his feed.
Hee hee Fiona ...
We will still experience let down while nursing &amp; leaking when boobies are full lah.
Usually, when I am not wearing the pads, I will use the available arm to apply pressure to my non-nursing breast to stop the let down.
It has worked well thus far for me.

And yes my dear, when we do go full monty, we laid a towel underneath.
Yes ... The milk will flow!
If not, I'll be wearing my bra with breastpads lor (which I don't exactly enjoy doing that)

Hint - Enjoy sexual itimacy after we have emptied our breasts works better.
Hee hee ...
Hi Noe,

Oh i didnt activate?
Nvm u sms mi.. tks...

She wake up for feed 2x also.. bt after feed she sleep lo.. hope she remains..!
me not lactation expert lah...juz sharing my experiences. noe is another expert.

when u 1 2 express, depends on u. for me, i do it tis way...eg 12pm = latch, 3pm = pump, 6pm = latch. i've advised 1-2 mummies tat it's ok 2 mix EBM fr different sessions bcos e nurses at MAH told me it's ok 2 do so. i've been doing so since my elder boy's days but havent done so for my 2nd boy.

y do u need 2 mix EBM fr different days? i dun tik it's advisable. wat e nurses at MAH told me was it's ok 2 mix EBM pumped in e same day. wat i do is, store EBM fr 1 session in e fridge. after pumping fr e 2nd session, i mix in wif e earlier EBM. until Noe has shared, i didnt know it's not advisable 2 mix EBM of different temp. yikes! heng, my elder boy is fine, after drinking EBM fr different pumping sessions.
Hi mummies,
Juz finish reading all the thread...my boy is also having some blocked nose and i have been rather worried...thou he seems to feed ok still but he also puke milk out sometimes thru his mouth n nose...got me all worried..n worst is that i latch him on, sometimes after that, like 1 hr later, he will puke alittle of his BM out from the side of his mouth..is that normal??? It is like it drip out..me super worried now...plus when he breathe, like rather noisy...think of the the mummy mention that puking is normal but not too much..how often or much is consider too much..me super worried n stress now.
He cough too but not that once in a day but sometimes it is more like he is drinking FM then he cough or when he is latch on to me, he might cough a little..wat is consider a sign to be worried abt his cough ah..i feel that i am so helpless n like everything also dun noe..feel like crying....
Hi Noe,
can PM me the Nepia agent contact as well? I think i switched on the PM alr (assuming i did it correctly!)

Pampers premium is burning a big hole in my pocket!!! Dunno how come can use like 3 packs of Pampers premium NB in 2 1/2 weeks!!!
Hi augbaby,

i suggest u take ur boy to see PD. It will put your mind at ease.my gal also had the same problem, but after i went to see PD, and with his assurance, i felt more secure and less helpless.
