(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB


I have been tearing everyday for nothing too.. its our emotion.. jus a small little thing we cry. I try to focus on bb n don bother on other ppl. Make ur feeling known to ur hb tat is wat i done n he is trying to make mi feel beta lo ever since so many had happen to mi during this confinement.

Lets try not to cry as tears during confinement is not good... Think of bb n look & see their expression realli drives away all worries!

Then how do we pay the CL if we chose to ask her to go back at 20 days?

dun worry about feeding baby with formula milk.. actually its totally fine! i didnt grow up on breast milk n neither did many of my friends and we all do fine
dun think u r not good mummy cuz not enuf milk...

talking about massage, the only thing i dun like about it is afterwards, i am so oily but cannot bathe immediately, then poor baby cannot be too close to me.. also do u do binding? it just makes breastfeeding a bit not so nice too...

i try not to cry, CL tell me bad for eyesight, but really cant help it...
sometimes i feel soooo bad, cuz feed baby halfway, i cry n cry... i hope baby dun feel my sadness...

anyone know if wan to take the pill to stop breast milk.. when i go back to work say in about 2 months later, do i need to go to gynea or just go to any normal clinic?
hi jasmine,
induced labour might take very long such as my case. u might want to check with ur gynae 1sr whether it would be better to induce on 31 Aug (afternoon)?

hi cynthia and butter,
don't be too upset liao. me also very depressed initially but now as I see baby growing, feel happier and more relieved liao. heard from my friend that if u are still very depressed after 14 days, better see a doctor or those new parent support group. saw the number before but dunno where i threw the booklet.
hi butter,
dun really have to take pill to stop milk flow. u can gradually reduce the number of times latching on or increase the hours during the intervals before expressing ur milk. ur body will then slowly produce milk. unless, u are going to stop bfing within a few days, then see a gp to get a pill to stop the milk supply.
hi butter8,
My breasts don't feel any pain or engorgement, just more heavy to indicate that i got milk. My massage lady mentioned that i do not have any blocked ducts that's why, just massage your breasts on & off to prevent will do.

I have my share of blues when i just came home, that i broke down while talking to my friend on the phone & while confiding in my mil, also "hu si ran xiang" when my hubby go work immediately the next day i got discharged...
try to relax & talk to your close friends who can give you positive encouragement, or even come here to share with us.
Most importantly, since you know you are experiencing the blues, tell yourself to be strong and think positively, things will improve over time. Everytime i want to tear, i tell myself it's the hormones acting up again, and it'll pass.
I also started out supplementing with FM, so it's perfectly fine, dun stress yourself out, the more relax you are, the more successful you'll be at breastfeeding.

Oh yah, and at any point you feel depressed being confined at home, it's alright to just go out for a while rather than make yourself feel more miserable staying at home, some fresh air does help. I was sure glad when i bring my gal to PD as well as my GY appt, can go buy stuff some more...
Hi ladies!

Me @ home now, playing mahjong! keke, gynae appointment tomorrow morning @ 11am.. wonder whether he will insist i'll be induced or not.. anyway, i not going back office liaoz.. told my boss that i likely to be on MC or hospitalisation leave tomorrow.. depends on whether gynae insist i'll be induced the same day or the next day..

so pain, u muz be in labour lah.. at least you have show.. i until now, no loss of mucous plg, no show, nothing..
only thing is, last minute.. under the belly button, super itchy and got like rashes like that.. and reddish marks? looks like stretchmarks to me! boo hoo!!

Hey Cynthia,
don't worry ok? iz the blues...i can understand it, cos i have bad pre-natal blues too.. keep telling yourself all iz ok.. and yes, your girl very obedient and guai.. let her be your strength ok? You very strong woman ah.. so, gambade! Me ah, i depending on my hubby's support now.. especially now, with the occasional attack of the blues.. hope i don't get it bad after i pop..

ya, my hubby thinks iz a good idea if baby pops on 1st sept.. keke.. school holiday for 1st 16 yrs of birthday! My edd is 31st aug leh..so far, baby seems happy inside.. still super active.. hmm... wonder what's her character like.. she seems pretty stubborn like mum n dad and has a mind of her own.. oh dear..
Anyway, will keep everyone updated!
Hi Mummies,

Anyone bought slings or baby carriers? Any recommendations?

Btw, i'm short built so i'm wondering r slings suitable for short built mummies?

Hi ningyo,
I am buying the mim's silk sling and i find it good.

Understand how u feel. Me too got blues n its very bad compare to my 1st 1. What i do is confide my best friend and by going to gynae n pd with some shopping after that, its definitely help a lot. Take care and dun think too much ya.
Hi Butter8

When I read your post I could have been reading about myself. It's really very siong being a new mum. The tears kept flowing the first 10 days and I had been feeling super inadequate. Don't really feel very 'bonded' to baby too. Even when she's breastfeeding, I basically just feel like a cow.

Try and see if someone can come over and supervise baby and confinement lady on the weekend and let your hubby take you out for at least an hour in between feeding - just the two of you. I did that last Sat and felt way better. It reminded me that there will be a life after this totally sian routine of eating confinement food (which I'm totally sick of - I want to eat my sandwiches and ice cream already), feeding and staying home. My outing made me so happy that I had much more milk to express out when I came home after that. Talking to other experienced mums also helps - realised that everyone has gone through it and they got through it somehow.

We can try and get through this challenging time together. You're not alone.
Hi, mummies

Just to check with u all, does your baby have tiny white spots on the cheek & chin?

is there any ways to help clear the spots?

My baby has spots all over his face...Read up...it's milia, most likely due to mummy's hormones still in the baby. Just wipe with cooled boiled water. will go off..
Hi, Augustmum


will try it...

so how r u coping with your baby?

r u letting your baby sleep in 'Yao Lan' or in baby cot?
butter, zshih,
Though i'm a 2nd time mummy, i oso feel inadequate when it comes to handling a newborn. Like wat zshih says, i jus feel like a cow the whole day. At times, i jus feel so tired sitting there latching my bb, dat i caved in to FM. My tailbone hurts from sitting too long oso. My CL left on mon cos i only engaged her for 2 wks, and after dat my helper can take over. Who knows, my helper kena the flu virus and has to stay away from my bb. So i'm handling the nite feeds on my own. Interrupted sleep makes me groggy the next day. Haiz... I keep counting down the days towards the end of confinement which is pretty soon.
Dear Butter8,
Take care dear..dun think so much ya..look at yr bb and all be ok. I was also like u initially as i experience blues v often n cry n feel depressed...i still sometimes now still feel depressed esp when sometimes my BM dun seems to be eno to feed bb n bb will cry...i feel so guilty as well thinking i am not a good mummy if i dun feed him wif BM...as for the massage i also have the same feeling as u..after massage i wont like to hold or carry bb or even BF him till i am able to "bathe" 4hrs later...i was told to put on the binder longer for better effect but i felt that my bb is more impt than me and hence after 4hrs i will remove the binder and use a wash cloth to wipe myself clean coz that time cant bathe at all...I am concern that if i carry my bb or BF him wif the herbs n binder on, the smell not gd for him and when i first started my massage i was depressed n crying n wanted to stop but in the end i decide to continue but only put on the binder for a while...So cheer up oki..hugs for u
As for during the confinement period i also feel v depress as hubby was like working when he reach hm at nite n we r not that close i feel coz we r too busy wif the bb n hence i was v upset and hubby notice it and we talk abt it n it gets better...
During confinement period, hubby also sometimes go out n i get depress that i cant..i guess it is normal..b4 u know it, our confinement be over soon...so hang on n jiayou ya mummy... Btw u dun intend to BF yr bb when u go back to work is it???

My boy have quite a bit of white spots on his face like pimples..is it rash..the PD say it is normal and it will go away and it is normal for bb to have that..sigh... anyway my boy 1mth celebration will be this sun and my confinement will end next wed..yeah..finally...my boy has been throwing some milk out too and BM too wich i feed him by latching him on..how ah? is it normal? N yest he puke quite a bit of his milk out after i put him to bed...feel so sad n worried...sigh...
I have a MIM sling pass down by my sis, so far used once but i keep adjusting it maybe not used to it, but baby managed to sleep comfortably in it. Now i'm joining a BP to buy a Lucky Baby reversible sling which doesn't need to be adjusted at this link, http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449156/499815.html?1156906805

I also swear by the cool boiled water which effectively removes any rash or spots on my gal's face...

Zac sleeps in a cot. Now he likes to be carried. Will wail loudly to get our attention. When we carry him, he will fall asleep but when we put him in the cot, he will wake up and cry. But I'm ok, his bro was worst last time and I'm not so anxious when baby cries now.

How's your girl?


A few possibilities to why your baby throw out milk:
1)Did not burp
2)Laying baby on the bed immediately. Should try to cradle the baby for a while
3) Overfeeding

As for rash,it's very common. You wait, soon many mothers on this thread will be talking about this
hi ladies,
me still around..

cervix only dilate 1cm, very thick still and not suitable for induced labour these 2 days.. but on the other hand, baby is now 3.3kg liaoz.. gynae gotta balance between waiting too long over the due date and having a long induced labour that will be stressful and tiring on me.. so, i was asked to admit direct on monday/ tuesday...unless baby decides to pop before that..

now at home playing waiting game lor.. kanna given mc for 3 days to rest..

Starting to detect irregular contractions between 60-100 on the CTG, but gynae say still considered mild..i don't feel anything leh..
Hi, Augustmum

ya, my baby will also wail very loudly when she is put on the cot but when we carry her, she will fall asleep when we rock her....

me tend to be very kan cheong when baby cries.... dont want her to cry so much... but sometime, really dont know what she wants.... feels like i am not a good mummy... dont know what my baby wants

will be taking my baby for her jab this coming saturday
Hi augustmum,
Oh icic..coz usually after i feed him, i will lay bb on the cot almost immediately...N i try burping him but most of the time like cant seems to burp him..Dun noe if i am doing it the right way..anyone can tell me or any website i can go to, to see how to burp the bb? I dun think it is overfeeding coz bb usually latch on and think not eno coz sometimes he will cry...

Btw regarding the white spots rash on his face, does cooled boiled water reali help? So i can use a towel in the water and rinse dry and wipe his face?? Coz my boy got quite a lot and i think it looks reali ugly leh and it is v worrying leh..anyway kelly mention to use fresh EBM and put on his face...Does that help? N how long after i do that the rash will go away??
Jesline, augustmum,
My boy also starting to want to be carried..Last time he is not like this and recently he started crying and once we pick him up, he b quiet and fall asleep as well...So sometimes i get confuse as to whether he juz want to be carried or he wan his feed...sigh...so stress at times...n he cries more at night as well and eat more too...
Worst is that now like my BM is not eno and at night i have to feed him wif FM that is abt 4oz then he will sleep, if not he will cry n cry..it makes me feel that i am a not good mummy coz i dun have eno BM to feed him...I have tried so many times alr, from taking papaya soup every day, taking fenugreek, eating lots of fish thou i hate fish, pumping to stimulate..dun noe wat else left to do...sad...
Hi Jasmine,
Did not hear from Leia today. Maybe she's in labour liao??..!!

Me too just came back fm GY check. My due date is today. My gal's estimated weight is 3.5kg but head is still not fully engaged. No signs of labour at all. Need to come back on Sat to do CTG scan to check on bb's heartbeat. I hope she can pop on 1 Sep. waiting again.....
Hi Butter8,
Hang in there!
I had my bouts of PNB with my first one too.
We are experiencing a lot of first times all at one time! Not easy indeed.

Lochia can last up to 6 weeks though it varies from mother to mother.
I had it up to 6 weeks with my #1.
Now, I am using normal day use pads as it looks like mine's clearing. It's my 10th day now.
I had it for about 3 weeks for my #2 though.
hi mummies,
think most of us being new mums do have a sense of inadequacy when we have to deal with a crying baby. i'm also worried when baby cries. have to guess and guess whereas my confinement lady can tell what my baby wants. am a bit worried that I can't cope when she leaves.

hi augbaby,
my sis's colleague says it takes some time before fenugreek takes effect. in her case, her milk supply only increase after 1 month of taking fenugreek so give urself some time lor.

if u r not a good mummy, i'm worse. i only bf for 6 days. that's why i was so miserable at the beginning. but now, i've accepted it. think of it as fm is also ok and that not bfing allows me to have more rest and can play with my boy longer rather than staying in my room and expressing milk.
hi noe,
mine lasted for about 3 wks. now seems like no more except for some watery discharge. is it normal? when will our mense come (if i'm not bfing)?
Hi erin,
I dun mean u r not a good mummy..
Juz i feel bad abt not having eno BM for me boy..i am sure that u r a good mummy and dun worry too much abt when yr confinement lady goes back ya..take it a little at a time..me also a little worried as my mum be going bk to work soon alr next wk and i be left alone at hm wif my son n the maid...afraid i will get depressed being alone n not knowing if i can handle bathing bb and all...sometimes i get so stress n luckily my mum is around n i ask her for help..but now i try to take it 1 at a time n hopefully i can..
anything maybe we can give each other a call ya..

My lochia still have leh...sometimes it is like brownish n sometimes it stop n then sometimes it is v redish..is it normal for it to be bright red still??
I was rejoicing when i saw my lochia clearing, as in my pad can be clean for almost an entire day. Who knows, these few days, saw red again. Sianz...

No worries, FM is oso gd
My elder boi on FM totally after 2 weeks. Dat time didn't try hard enuf to BF but was glad after the decision to give FM. Tis time round, i'm still perservering but dun tink will be for long :p Anyway, impt thing is we tried

How many days is ur bb? Drinking 4 oz liao. Wow. Mine 20 days old, drinking 3 oz FM.

U r not alone. BB cries make me turn panicky :p
Hi Jesline & Augbaby,
You are wonderful mummies!
You have your darlings welfare at heart all the time.
It takes time to learn our babies cues so don't be hard on yourselves okay.
All of us will go through this stage.
I had them a plenty with my #1 too.
Yeah Erin,
I think it's normal that your lochia has cleared at its 3rd week.
Mine cleared the same time with #2 too.
With massage, the lochia should clear faster I think.

Aiya! When will menses return ah?
I don't know leh as I nursed both my boys into my pregnancies.
My menses returned when both my boys were 6 months old though.
Hi HoneyB,
So you are Mag ah?
Aiyo ... I was looking through the list and was wondering who I missed!

Heh heh ... Our babies including Cynthia's share the same birthday!
Were you at Mount A too?

Mona is too kind. My mum's doing confinement for me now so I have the extra help.
Let's see how I fare after confinement!

Yeah ... It's amazing. She's 27 years of experience in this service!
I just finished my last session with her today.
I lost 2 inches at waist, 1 inch at thighs and 2 kg with her.
If not for her tight schedule, I would really love to continue the massage sessions with her.
She's fully booked till next year Jan already!
Thanks everyone for your encouragment and sharing. Makes me feel better already that got u gals here to chat

lucky so far i haven't hu si luan xiang, but i do get so upset when hubby has to work late, like today, he has a late meeting at 9pm so i cried n cried this afternoon.. but lucky hubby is pretty supportive or trying where he can.. but he cant do much, cuz, he cant breastfeed or pump for me hehehe :p

i got a 2nd hand MIM sling, but havent use it yet, dun dare to put my boy in yet... any mum's using it now?

thks, so does shopping help?
i always stuck in my house or in my room (we stay in very small flat) n after my/baby check up i go straight home cuz hubby sends me.

who do u gals go with for checkups? cuz of jaundice, i have to bring bb back each week. next week will be my next chance to get out.

we feel the same!
i oso just want to go out for quick coffee session with hubby, cuz he is oso bored to go w/o me. but not feel safe to leave CL alone in our house.. actually we dun know anything about her etc. how if she steals something etc? sigh... oso dun wan to make it tough on my mum... maybe i just have to hang in there till CL goes back..

really looking forward to a simple outing like u described..

my CL said sometimes the spots are due to breastfeeding cuz baby face smack against out breasts, and get milk rub on, so 'dirty'..but if just clean away with water will be fine

oh dear...hope u are coping fine then... is your helper a nanny or maid?

Augbaby - again

thanks for your HUGS... hugs back..

i prob not be BF baby once back to work.. i am not so Wei Da.. cant cope..but i am expressing now and freezing some milk hope can last a few more weeks for bb.

i am into my 3rd week n looks like clearing finally switched to normal pads.. hehe make me feel better too.. n i stopped using the big maternity disposable panties... i realise all these little things make me feel frumpy and upset..
sigh, must slowly find things to cheer myself up and remove those that cause me blues..

good, u should not feel bad at all. i may plan to give up BF even tho my flow is good now. its just not making me any happy.. its so true, i keep waking up at nite now, feelin in pain.. and so sleepy have to look for pump in sterilizer and pump 2-3 times late n thru the nite.
i wan not to cry when BF my bb, i wan him to be happy to if mummy not happy i hope dun affect him.

in fact, at the start, i got sooo Blue cuz i thot i induce my bb out too early, causing him to have lower birth rate n jaundice etc... oso thot i didnt let my bb grow well inside me, didnt prepare properly for the birth, my home not well equip didnt finish my work or even do all the things i wanted to do b4 giving birth. sigh sigh.. all the thot running all over

anyway, another long post for me, sori... i dun get to come online so often so one shot reply as much as possible...

Thanks all again! muakz n hugs
I dont know what happen to me recently ... i got lots of thing to think ! and when ever i pump milk , i feel like crying ... i thik i got something wrong !
today , my baby face suddenly have 3 small pimples ! not rashes to me , is like our pimple , but small sizes one , what should i do ? i try to use breast milk to apply on baby pimple !
i also make use of my baby's follow up visit to PD bcos of jaundice to get out abit, next appt will be this fri evening, after that i'll be dropping by my friend's place (we stay nearby) to pick up stuff. Most likely we'll stay for a while to chat...looking forward to it.

i've tried the MIMs sling once, my gal seems quite comfy in it leh, very convenient for me as well.

white lady,
my gal has pimples on her face too, usu goes away after i wipe with cool boiled water, but new ones will surface again. PD told me it's norm for babies to have unspecified rashes.

Do try and take it easy, it's the dip in hormones which makes us feel so vulnerable. My GY did mention to me the blues will come & go one de, and i had it for a few occasion le..
u do not have anything wrong, if u read my post, me oso cry for nothing, or over small small thing. in fact, if i see my wedding photo, i cry, if i think about hubby coming back late, i oso cry.. hehehe so paiseh...

actually part of me want to do that, go out with baby for a bit, but i scared i dunno how handle bb.. like when he cry for food or poohpooh, i just not sure how to operate when out of the house... so terrible like a scary cat..

i hope to reduce my milk :p today i try to wait 1-2 more hour b4 i pump, but wow when i pump so much milk... i quickly stop when i hit my target.. scared i will encourage more and more milk production... today my milk bags filling up my freezer box..

anyone know, i put some in a freezer box compartment which noone will open, but 1 bag of milk no choice have to put outside, among the ice cream and meat.. the CL and maid do open the freezer a few times, is that ok? my milk does stay frozen....
Hi Jasmine & Lala,
Ur baby will come out when they're ready especially when u least expect it

I have no signs of dilation and no engagement(my tummy was quite high) during my last gynae check up b4 i went into labour.I had book an appointment for induce labour BUT baby choose to arrive a day b4 the appointment.

My baby only got engaged when my gynae burst my water bag during labour.

I kind of miss having baby in my tummy to follow me wherever i go :D hehee
Hi fiona,
The lucky baby slings r so pretty as compared to MIM slings! anyway,i've email to make enquiries abt the max.wt that the sling can carry & it's 16kg.

Anyway, any mummies here try the Ergo carrier? Is it really that good coz seems like there're always bulk purchase for it.
hi augbaby,
no la, i din mean u r implying that. just that we are all trying our best to be good mums so asking u not to be upset. guess i din express myself properly. keke...

hi butter,
we share the same sentiments too. i was also depressed initially as I thought it's becos i din take good care of myself and baby that's why baby had to be induced so early, causing him to have lower birth weight, jaundice n thyroid. I also din have time to prepare myself mentally for the birth and to clear my work. ai yah, but now after seeing baby growing stronger, I dun feel so bad.

hi mummies,
i'm always grumbling nowsadays. dunno why leh. yesterday also got a bit of 'clash' with my mil. we din quarrel la just that i quickly eat my dinner and go into my room but she knew i wasn't happy with her. now my hb very 'ke lian'. stuck between 2 women. feel very bad abt it too but really can't tahan already. knew that she's ok and she's my elder but our lifestyles and upbringing really very different la. sigh... guess my hormones haven't stabilised leh. am very sensitive. hope things will work out cos i'm staying with her n i dun want to put my hb in a difficult position.
hi whitelady,
ya, let's try to be more positive n get rid of the blues.

hi skyblue,
my baby also only drinking 3 oz and he's 3wks +. any1 knows the appropriate amt of milk for babies (based on their age such as no. of wks)?
Hi, Augbaby

dont feel bad about not having enough BM... me too face the same problem... try different method in trying to increase milk flow but still no results.... also feel very bad abt it & cried alot of times but after some thought think as long as baby is growing well, think it is fine for baby to have formula milk plus BM.....
lucky i got u here.. i was just feeding baby with bottle this morning, n felt like crying again. cuz i was thinkin, how if he misses suckling at my breast??? cuz his head would turn to my breast and try to suck my t-shirt.. if i not so blue, i must likely find that cute, but cuz so easy blue, i feel like bad mum.. dun give him my breast..

but now going to have to go pump pump...
bb still has jaundice, so now, i am pumping out milk, cuz he has another week to go for observation. so i start to eat back the ginger food for my health, cuz lately no appetite n mum worried for me. not eating enough.. so in order to prevent his jaundice level going back up, i am stopping the BF and only giving formula till his next check

now i miss BF him !!! argh!!! so maodun/confused.. one part of me sooo wants to quit BF, and now and then, i just wan to make sure bb is happy.. i think he is so peaceful sucking on me... RATS..in the day i wish to feed him, at nite, when i am pumping i just want to stop altogether :p
Hi butter8,

Hope you are feeling much better now. Me too feel quite emotional when I express my BM these days but I tell myself not to cry and to stay positive and happy so that my baby won't be affected by my mood. Sometimes going for a 5 min walk in the park helps.

With regards to payment for your CL, you may want to find the avg cost per day x 20 days and give her an additional ang bao to thank her for her service. My CL also leaving early cos she has another commitement (couldn't blame her cos my baby came out late)but I'm thinking of paying her the full amount cos she's really good to me and baby. She has taught me alot of tips and tricks too so I'm quite happy with her.
Hi Noe,

Yes, I'm Mag! Wow..so many of us popped on the same day, my MIL say 21st is an auspicious day! Good for the babies.

Mona is good, after 3 sessions, my tummy almost flat already, even my hubby also very tempted to try the wrap to get rid of his beer belly...haa
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Anyway, any mummies here try the Ergo carrier? Is it really that good
coz seems like there're always bulk purchase for it.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hi ningyo,
I own the old generation Ergo carrier. It's a good investment.
I used Baby Bjorn before too but it does not provide the same relief that Ergo does.

I sling all my babies too however once they hit 9kg, it can be a strain on our shoulders to sling them for long (a few hours).
My #1 &amp; #2 were 9kg at 6months.
Great when you travel overseas with it too. I went Thailand with EC &amp; nursed my #2 in it as well.
Even my #1 wants to be carried in the Ergo (it can take up to 26kg) whenever I used it for his brother then.

Hi Mag!
Heh heh ... Indeed she's good.
If only I have known her earlier, I would have gotten her service for all my deliveries!

I know what you mean. My mother was also keen to have a massage session with her!
However, due to her tight schedule, she's not able to oblige lor ...
