(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi mummies,

Celine has delivered a 2.7kg baby girl tday at 7pm+.
Hers is also a natural delivery w/o epidural. Both mummy n baby r healthy.

Wait for her to post her labour story n baby pix.


Hi erin,

Thanks for ur advice.. But i very lazy, 3hourly is really too frequent for me.. ekekek.. But the cold cabbage method i think is quite good, though i have yet to try it out. I have the Gerber Breast Therapy, but only used it once, quite troublesome everytime need to cool it and warm it on each pumping.

Can i ask those mummies who let ur babies latch on directly, when ur bb is on one of ur breast, how do u deal with ur another breast that's leaking? My gf told me to use a tissue paper or a cloth to press on anothe nipple.. but err.. i find it very messy.. milk will drip till all over my body.. some more bb is struggling sometimes, holding him with one hand, another hand pressing nipple.. i nearly run mad.. Only recently Kelly shared with me we should wear bra on another breast.. heehee
How about other mummies?
Hi chrys,
Thks for the guideline on the amount of breast milk to feed baby.
After some trial n error, found my boy drinks 80ml n he needs 2 per nite.
Sighz...basically i'm squeezing milk for him.

Hi cocomo,
Those pumped out milk can be stored in the freezer. Even thou the qty is like 20-30ml, if u accumulate a few bottles,can be use to feed baby. Every drop is precious!

I only used those freezed milk in milk bottles for nite feedings.

Thankfully my mum is taking the night shift so i can have soundful sleep.
Hi chrys,
I'm wearing nursing bra with breast pad. So when i'm latching the baby on 1 side, the other side of the breast is covered by the bra and breast pad.

Anyway, wish my milk supply is as abundant as urs! I think if i'm u, i'll want to consider using breast pump on the other leaking breast to collect the milk. hehee
Hi augustmum,

wah.. u really used alot of disposable diapers.. is ur bb totally on disposables? I only let my bb wear disposable at night, morning use cloth..

Hi cocomo,

I seldom let my bb latch on, because I need more rest during confinement, tat's y pump out and let CL bottle feed. But i make sure my bb also know how to latch on by putting him on my breast let him latch sometimes. Yes, after get used to bottle feed, he'll tend to reject nipples when i first put him near mine, but with some encouragement and helping, he will still take it, manage to drink in ard 60ml (estimated) from only 1 breast and sleep. I pumped out the remaining 60ml and keep in freezer/fridge after tat. After 2 hour, he wakes up and only manage to take in 30ml fed by bottle. Compared to bottle feed, he can take in 90ml at one go. After 3 hour, then cry for milk again. Bottle feed more systematic for me, n u know for sure how much he takes in.

However, the feeling of latching directly is very great n satisfying for me,
but my nipple will be sore and sometimes crack for 12 hours. Tis is discouraging part.
Hi cocomo,

I used cup and spoon feeding on first few days after bb's born to feed water, glucose water and BM, reason is same as u - scared bb will hv nipple confusion. But later on i found it very slow especially when bb stil havin jaundice, really need lots of fluid to flush out. With pressure from environment (PIL, CL, etc) i gave in and used bottle feed.

Of course can pump pack by pack and keep in freezer (can keep for 2 months) and fridge for 2 days. Best to store only the amount ur bb can take in each feed. Now during confinement when BM is still alot, try to pump more, supply will reduce when after confinement or go back to work.

I set alarm clock to wake up once at night to pump.. tis is the most sienz part.. cos zzz.. There are few nights i couldn't wake up, couldn't even hear the alarm, end up i got fever because of engorgement!
Now scared liao.
Hi jesline,

Ur baby girl is so chubby n rosy!

Anyway, her chinese name is same as mine. hehee

Hi augbaby,
I'm currently having my massage done by Mona.
Hers is minimum 5 massages. I started mine on tue. So far after 3 massage, lost 1 inch on waist and 2 inch on tummy. No weight loss due to massage.

Im waiting to recover soon and try those slimming belts.
Congrats to Celine!

Thanks ningyo for updating..

hi ningyo
i ever used a cup to collect on another breast when pumping with Avent single pump.. but i also pour away the collected milk.. aihh.. when think of it.. i pengsan again.. too messy lah..

gd nite..
White_lady, Ningyo, Chrys,

Thanks! I will try to pump in the bottle and feed him later and see what's his response. Since yesterday dunno why after about 15mins of sucking my baby will juz stop and refuse to suck. Anyone encounter this problem? I am very worry as he actually did not have enough milk but yet refuse to suck. I already put nipple inside his mouth but he still kind of 'searching' for it and will cry loudly. Really tired especialy middle of night. . . Ai. . .
congrats! rest well & post pics of ur bb soon.

u r becoming 2 sound like me when u advised chrys earlier abt BFg.

"if supply too much also headche, less supply also headache, no supply at all also will be headache when come to choosing FM"

i wear nursing bra wif breast pads at home. for my 1st son, i didnt wear bra then e milk would drip onto my clothes. quite embarassing cos FIL, my parents or friens/relatives popped by once in a while during confinement so i started wearing bra due 2 BFg.

chrys is very right...dun b stressed. juz like what i shared wif u e other nite, whether u r on TBFg, PBFg or giving FM, u have ur own set of problems. juz b positive, give ur bb e best u can. if at e end of e day, really cant give BM, at least u have tried n i'm sure ur bb will do well drinking FM too.

pls send my regards 2 peddie n wish her well.

dun compare wif other mummies how much u can pump out in a day, after u latch or b4 u latch, etc. it stresses u further & may even stresses any other mummy (if other mummy tiks she's pumping out decent amt of EBM but once she learns tat other mummies r pumping out more, somewhere somehow she'll panick & worry abt her BM ss too).
trust me, i've gone thru tat myself. when i was PBFg my elder boy (i was giving FM cos i felt tat my BM ss wasnt enuff & my elder boy was suffering fr jaundice so i had 2 make sure he gets lotsa fluids), i was asking around how much my other GFs (who popped abt e same time as me) was able 2 pump out. my other GFs can pump out abt 150-300ml every 3-4hrs while i can barely pump out 60-90ml every 3-4hrs. i panicked cos i dun understand how come i have so lil BM ss. i also had 2 increase my BM ss cos my boy was drinking more as he grew bigger. i tried all methods (papaya fish soup, lotsa milk, milo, water, fernugreek, etc)...still e same output.

wif some advice fr other friens in e yr end 04 thread, i decided 2 stop pumping my milk out & latch my elder boy all e time. on 1 particular day, i suddenly cut my boy's FM/EBM ss & nursed him all the time. 1mth later, he refused bottle n ever since then, my elder boy was on TBFg til he was 14mths. somehow my BM ss kicked in n my elder boy grew very well. he was one chubby, bah bah bb
white lady,
like wat chrys is doing, i pumped 15-20mins 4 both breasts. i used 2 pump for 30mins for my elder boy, now i cant afford 30mins cos no one 2 look after my 2 boys while i spend time pumping milk (tat's also e reason y i dun pump out my BM anymore - i latch my 2nd son - faster & easier)

if i not wrong, u shld achieve lotsa letdowns in e 1st 10-15mins. after tat, all u get is drops & drops of BM n very few occasions of letdown. even if there is, e amt of BM in each letdown is very lil.

likewise 4 latching, e lactation consultant fr MAH advised not more than 45mins of latching for BOTH breasts.

a pro-BFg mummy will still latch her bb even after pumping <1hr ago. u probably wont hv much milk for ur bb then n will have 2 bear wif a crying bb abt 1hr after u latched him (no matter how long u latch). u may 1 2 try tis (pumped both breasts then nurse bb <1hr later) during e daytime but mayb not at nite, when e bb may b bawling away n causing disturbance/stress 2 u &amp; ur other family members.

btw, when chrys told me tat she can get 240ml in 1hr of pumping, i was very envious n was in fact worried abt my BM output. after hanging up e phone wif her, i worried a lil then i took a deep breath n exhaled. i reminded myself abt not 2 compare n i shall do my best for my son.

abt nipple confusion, unless u r a SAHM n u can nurse ur bb all e time so u dun hv 2 feed EBM wif a bottle OR u hv 2 feed EBM cos ur bb dun latch on well, it's inevitable BECAUSE if u r going back 2 work, some1 will need 2 feed EBM 2 ur son n it'll b very hard 4 ur caregiver 2 feed via spoon (so far i've yet 2 come across any1 who successfully fed EBM wif a spoon as e bb gets bigger. every1 i know resortted 2 feeding EBM fr a bottle &amp; worry abt nipple confusion later)

not all bbs will suffer fr nipple confusion.
i know i've spoken 2 a few of u abt BFg...as advised i'll try 2 help fr a 2nd time BFg mummy's perspective. in areas which i cant help, i'll definitely advise u 2 seek professional help.

anyway, FYI i'll b joining BMSG 2 become a BFg counsellor. www.breastfeeding.org.sg

i'll b given training n i can officially provide advice 2 mummies who need help wif BFg when they approach us. it took me a long while 2 decide abt being a BFg counsellor cos i'm not a BFg nazi. i still believe in giving FM when necessary (esp in e 1st 1-2mths) n i know once i'm an official BMSG counsellor, i cant b encouraging mummies 2 give FM.
Wow Kelly,

You are going to be an expert in BF!!! Good...can give us advice...

BF mummies,

Agree with Kelly...don't compare...only stress yourself up. The best indication whether your child is feeding well is by looking at the no. of soiled and wet diapers and if baby has put on weight...

Hee...mabbe we, BF mothers, shd invest in a weighing machine for babies, instead of a milk pump...everyday, we will weigh the baby and if there's increment in weight, we will be happy


I will die if I use cloth nappies...so many to wash...

wah.. all the discussions about BF... keke..

BTW, anyone tried using breastshells to collect the milk from the leaking breasts? I have a set on standby, but not sure whether it will be useful? still gotta sterilise before using.. like very mah fan leh..

Hm, haven't heard from Noe.. think she go deliver liaoz? anyone knows?

Also, congrats to celine!
Hi hi Jas,
Still here lah ...

I just came out from the bathroom.
A blob (half the size of ping pong ball) of mucous plug came off.
The smaller chunk on Wednesday was a false alarm.
So now monitoring for any show or contractions lor ...
Oh When? Oh When?
hi gals

need your advice. i discharged my mucus plug last nite and this morning as well. So what I shld do now ?
I remembered Noe also mentioned that her plug is out right ?
Congratulations Celine!
Have a speedy recovery ay.

That's great Kelly!
We will be having an expert in our midst!
I toyed with that idea too but wasn't too comfortable with making the commitment to having to man the line.
Hee hee ... So glad that you are taking it on!
Way to go girl!
Hi ilovebabies,
We now wait for consistent contractions!
Ha ha ha ...

Where are you delivering?
Perhaps we might even meet in the hospital!

Yes, I noticed that Noe is missing, and Catherine too. In any case, I'm still around. And I hope to be around till at least 28/8 (edd). :p
Heh heh ilovebabies,
Then we might meet afterall.
I am delivering at Mt A too &amp; opted for double bedded ward.

Dear Leia,
Yes, you are around!
You are having your exam tomorrow!
Wishing you all the best in your papers ya.
Oh Noe, you're still here! :D

Thanks for the wishes. On leave to study at home today. If something happens today (which is highly unlikely I think), then really major sabo. :D

And all the best to you too. Looks like I got no chance to meet you at MAH though our EDD's supposed to be 28/8. :D
Hi Celine,
Congratulations!! Have a speedy recovery and rest well.

Me still around...just told my baby that Aunty Celine's baby's EDD same as her but popped already, don't know what is she waiting for...so tired of waiting already. Have a feeling I might have to induce her out on 21st.

Wow..so many discussions on breadfeeding, making me nervous and anxious to start...but oh when oh when...not even a single sign yet...
Hi, ningyo

so coincidence..... nice name right?

hi, cocomo
I only pump once a day but now, cos baby like to direct feed instead of bottle.... always looking to suck nipples after each bottle feed so think it is better to let her latch instead of pumping it out.....
Hi Kelly,

Thanks for the advice. Actually I am not comparing la, just worry as how can I feed my baby with BM (pump out) when get back to work as my supply seems little.

Also nowadays he will just latch for abt 10mins then stop latching, I don't know what to do also?! Sometimes really feel like crying when he don't wanna latch on. My CL blur blur one and can't really give me advice.

Great to hear that you become expert in BF!!! ;p
I'm using the collection shell to collect the drops of milk while i latch bb on the other side. I'll then pour the milk (watever little amt it may be) into a bottle n store in the fridge. Cos i latch quite frequently during the day, i'll jus accumulate all the drops of milk in the same bottle and feed bb at the end of the day or the next day.

Wow, BFDing counsellor
Is it voluntary or will u be paid?

Re: expressing milk
I dun quite like to pump out my milk cos the amt i get from both breasts is simply pathetic. But i do tink dat my bb is getting enuf when i latch on cos for the last 2 days, he can latch on and then go back to sleep for another 1-2 hrs. But i really wonder y i can't seem to pump out lots. Haiz... anyway, no big deal lor cos small/big amts of BM oso beneficial to bb.
pics of kayden leh?

u r right, small/big amts of BM also beneficial 2 bb. keep up ur gd work. u nurse kayden fr 1breast or both breasts then he sleep for 1-2hrs? if u can, when kayden's bigger &amp; more awake/alert, try nursing fr both breasts. mayb he can sleep longer then. if i nursed ed fr both breasts, he can KO for abt 4hrs.

e BFg counsellor is a voluntary job, have 2 man a 2hr phoneline (dunno how many times in a wk). i told husband, it's like me doing NS. anyway, he quite supportive since i quite "eng" at home.

if u pump, how often do u do so? how much is much? 4 a gd gauge, try pumping every 3-4hrs n c 4 urself how much u get. i'm sure u wont know tat u shldnt latch then pump, u definitely wont get much.

manning e 2hr phoneline dun bother me...it's e part whereby i cant "encourage" mummies 2 take FM.

apologies if i mistook u. dun worry abt ur BM ss now. u still have 2.5mths of ML so can use tis time 2 build ur BM ss.

FYI, edward only latches for average 8-10mins then he KO liao. in his 1st mth, i very worried tat he not getting e hindmilk, how 2 get e nutrients &amp; put on weight BUT my worries were not necessary. he gained abt 1.4kg in 3wks. PD said very gd weight gain.
Heh heh Leia ...

Ha ha Jas,
I would love to!

Anyway, I am making my way down to visit my GY.
Babe's moving too much for comfort.
Will update you again.

Yeah, what's Cyn ah?
Thanks Kelly, really great to hear about your experience on Edward, it really help to calm my worry. FYI, I only have 2 months ML and my company not allow me to take the 3rd mth unpaid, so I left 1.5mths to go. Anyway will try my very best in feeding him. Any suggestion how should I go abt it? Shd I BF him in the day and EBF at night? or vice versa?
I haven d/l the pics yet leh. n hor, I haven manage to capture much shots of him wif eyes open.
Wah, u're handling Ed n Gab alone still can volunteer ur svcs? I can't imagine myself handling Kieran n Kayden alone without help. Dun even dare to tink abt trying.
Oops, I pump after i latch. But hor, the breast dat Kayden didn't latch on oso didn't produce much. But mebbe 2 days ago my milk ss really haven kick in.
Sometx i latch 1 breast, sometx both. Usually after latching 1 side, i'll put him down . Then when he fusses again, i'll latch the other side unless the 1st side he only latches for a short while.
Hi Mummies,
Congrats to Celine with the arrival of her bb..Kelly wow u r going to be an expert on BFing..
Cool...u have reali been a great help to me...Cocomo, dun give up okie..i know it is difficult at times too coz sometimes like no matter wat we do, our BM like not eno..but now i am doing like wat kelly suggested..i still latch on my bb and after that abt 2-3hrs later, i will try pumping..even if the BM is v little but i combined it wif a few pumping and usually it is eno for a feed...
at night i stil let bb latch on but usually only a short while and on 1 side..coz i dun wan him to cry a lot and wake everyone up..so hubby will go make FM and i latch my boy and ask hubby to go bk to sleep...So lets jiayou and hope that my BM will be more over time..but sometimes i can hear my boy swallowing his feed and his mouth wil have some milk..so i know i have BM but juz not eno for him so sometimes after feeding him BM from latching, i still feed him FM so he can sleep longer at night..
Hi Mummies,
Back from GY visit.
Still 2cm dilated &amp; Jul's shifted position though head's still down.
That's the reason why I experienced more movements from him of late.
Looking forward to consistent contractions.
Hi Noe,
I am also juz back fm GY visit. My gal is still not engaged yet. But my GY never do a VE check leh, so dont know whether I hv any dilation or not..

Next fri will see GY again. Think most prob will deliver very close to EDD.
Hi Lala,
When's your EDD again?
Some GYs prefer not to disturb our cervixes I guess.
I will see mine again next Monday as today's was an impromptu visit.
keke.. cynthia went out walk walk.. chey.. make me excited for nothing..

shifted position?? how? my girl now in posterier postiion hor.. lots of movements leh.. my tummy moves like nobody's biz..

Hey Kelly,
you very very onz siah.... thanks so much for guiding us.. keke... next up will be cynthia, me, lala...and the rest who haven't pop!
So quiet nowadays ah ! haha , mummies who have pop , busy with newborns , mummies who have not pop , everyday is excited , so all busy to log in ! =P
Hi Hi,

Im here..still waiting also.
Today go walk walk &amp; pray pray at bugis hoping bb will pop out over this weekend &amp; smooth lo.

Had mild contractions again bt not consistent think shld be false labor lo. CANT get to sleep now.. brain was thinking will i get pain or water bag burst in middle of nite. So envy when looking at hb sleeping so soundly.

Getting tired from all these sleepless nite.. any ways to sleep beta? Think i sleep oni abt 2-4hr per nite &amp; getting headache &amp; runny nose now liao...
Hi all,
i had given birth and back home yesterday.
was having mild contraction on tues morning, so i monitor from morning till nite the pain is consistant. So i decided to go to the hospital for a check. After ctg scan the doctor told me i was 2cm dilated. She advise me to admint into hospital.

On wed 2pm they induce me with the pill. And monitor my contractions
At 5pm was requested to go back to my ward and wait for another insertion of pill at 2am if not dilated.

At 6pm was having more frequent contraction. And the pain was more painful but its still bareble.

At 8pm was even more painful and contraction was every 5mins.
called hubby to come back earlier incase the contraction gets more hurt.

9pm+ Hubby arrived we continue waiting together as i want to watch the 9pm show and 10pm channel u show. SO i bare wih the pain.

11pm finished the show could not take the pain anymore hubby inform nurse to bring me down to delivery suite for pain relief.

was given the gas to breath and was injected with pain relief on my thigh. But i still feel very painful. I continue breathing with the gas which makes me very goggy. I breathe in every 3mins when the contraction is more frequet.

1am, i cant take the pain anymore i scream for help i even throw the gas away cos the more i breath in the more painful.

Hubby heartache i scream so loud he quicky call the nurse in. they asked me do i want epidural? at no choice i say ok. But the nurses says that i anm 7cm dilated too late for epidural.

They called my gynea and while waiting they asked me to push.

I just scream and scream haha all cannot tahan me. was asked to push when pain. while pushing i feel like scolding the nurse hahaha but i continue pushing until gynea came just nice baby is coming out.

at 2.07am my girl was out sucessfully..

the whole process for me is just like pain push pain push other then that i am sleepy and goggly haha..

to be continue.
Hi Lala,
Mine's 28 August

Heh heh Jas,
Jul turned from facing one side to another lah ...
Which can be quite uncomfortable for me sometimes when he does that.

Hi Cynthia,
I try not to sleep in the afternoon so by the time I sleep at night, I will konk off quite soon.
Nonetheless, I will still wake a few times in the night to pass urine.

You take care ya ...
The thread here is moving v slowly these days...

Just saw papers that JL got baby fair also. Good time for more shopping. :p

Just finished my exams this afternoon! Boy am I glad! :D

And Catherine, congrats. Noticed that you've gone missing for a while. :D
hi everyone,

I'm back from hospital today. Delivered my gal on 17th August at about 7pm.

Will share my labour story soon

trying BF but really totally nothing. I see my BB cry very heart pain. She doesn't wan to latch on at all.So give FM for time being.Dun wan to give myself stress also. Hopefully supply will come, then i can pump and give.

My birth story:

17 August 12.30pm- went for gynae visit. VE, about 2-3cm dilated. stomach very tight. Doc say that is contraction. He say if it continue to be like that, have to inform him. He say it should be that day or next day. But i have only stomach tightening and no pain at that time, so I think should be ok. But after the VE check, I bleed alot, and the bleeding continued.

1.30pm- leave clinic after doing a CTG. Stomach a bit pain. But gynae already left clinic to go hospital for delivery.I dao pao lunch back.

2.00pm-reached home. Hubby go out with my in laws to settle somethings.He ask if I ok. I say I should be ok in next 2 hrs. So he went out.
tried to eat. But stomach pain like menses pain.
Still bearable. I eat my chicken rice and go to lie on bed and rest.

2.30- stomach still very pain. Get out of bed. start to vomit and LS.

3.00- stomach very pain. Think should be going labour.Want to open a chicken essence, but no strength to walk to kitchen.Juz lie on the living room floor and wait for hubby to come home.

3.30- stomach pain until i want to call for ambulance. hubby not back yet. I sms him. he say on way back.Call for help using TMC emergency line. I already cannot think in sense. Any number i juz dial. Leave a message for my gynae. But he is doing delivery.

4.00-hubby reached home.my contraction is like 8 min come one time, so still bearable. I tried to walk quickly to hubby car before another contraction come.Gynae call my hubby hp. So he tell him we r on the way to TMC.

4.30-admit in TMC. contraction more intense. stomach very pain. cannot tok properly already, so they send me to observation room and my hubby to admission.change clothes and nurse ask me for urine sample, but i dun have any coz juz now LS already pass urine, one drop also dun have.

5.00-lie on the bed. strap to CTG machine. baby heart beat not very good. So they give me 100% oxygen to breathe. already 5cm dilated. I cannot breathe properly coz too pain, and when contraction come, i always curl up and turn to the side.

5.30-pain until i cannot take it. I keep telling the nurses my contraction very pain. I cannot breathe the oxygen anymore. I wanted painkiller.
Gynae do VE., I pain until my legs all shivering.
They sent me to labour ward.

6.00-pain and more pain. was given the gas to breathe, but totally not effective. my hubby was guiding me and telling me when to breathe, but since the gas dun work, i very pek chek. In the end juz throw aside and groan in pain. The nurse ask me if i wan a jab on the buttock, i tell hubby i want anything, juz to stop the pain. was given the jab, but also no effect at all. Pain until can die.The nurses keep asking me if i have the feeling to pass motion muz tell them. I tell hubby i have that feeling all along. But i thought i cannot push since its so early. I din know i should push. So when contraction came, I start pushing and pushing. I think thats how baby head go down.

6.30- nurse check and say 9cm dilated. But say dun push coz gynae still in another room doing delivery.

6.45-7.15 gyane came. pain and more pain. pushing. I tried very hard, the baby head was out, but the body stuck. 2 nurses came to help. each push one side of stomach. I ask gynae if i can only push during contraction or anytime. He say anytime, but contraction pushing more effective. After many many pushes, my 2.725kg baby was out. kena a big cut i supposed coz the gynae took a long time to stitch. Then he told my hubby I should not go for natural birth again next child if the baby more than 2.5kg. He say he nearly have to push back the baby head and go c section. Luckly manage to come out.

end of story. I think I will definitely go c sec next time if baby more than 2.4kg. Now my below pain until dun know like what.
