(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi whitelady,
Thank you. How abt yr baby's photo?? Can share.
My son also slight jaundice and i was asked to sunbathe him. I managed to sunbathe him twice only. He has to go to PD for checkup tomorrow and see how his condition. My confinement lady mentioned he should be ok. I hope he really is.

Hi Moms!!

I am pleased to announced that piyo has given birth via c-section this morning!!

Megan's stats
Weight 2.25kg
Length 47.5cm
Head circumference 31cm

Megan has lots of hair n big eyes!

Both mom and baby are doing very well and will be going home on Friday.

Piyo will update her birthstory and more when she has settled down.


white lady,
ensure ur bb gets lotsa fluids...BM/EBM or FM. the fluids will help 2 flush out e bilirudin in ur bb's system. make sure ur bb's poo poo is yellowish/bright yellow n ur bb poos poos >3-4x in a day. tis will b a gd sign tat ur bb is slowly getting rid of his jaundice.

both my sons took abt 3wks 2 get rid of their jaundice.

u were asking abt bringing videocam into e delivery suite. did u manage 2 bring it in & video down ur delivery process? was it allowed?
Hi Mummies,
I just came back from my GY visit.

Yeah, Jul is estimated to be 3kg already!
She did a little stretch at the cervix for me and I am now 2cm dilated.

And now back to the School of Patience.
Oh when? Oh when? Oh When?

WOW she do a little stretch for u? Till 2cm? Think soon will be ur turn. Though back to Sch of Patience BUT will be graduating soon..
Think left a few of us in e SCH waiting to be graduate!

Is it painful when she do e stretch for u?
Hi kelly ,

i check with my gynae , he said is not allow , only can bring camera .. so my hubby only bring camera in , but most camera got video function , so maybe can take abit here n there =P

For jaundice , my baby went for the 1st PD check up yesterday , and PD took his blood for test , and ask me to bring him back again on thursday , will the PD do a blood test again if he is still yellow ? cos u mention ur baby took 3 weeks to clear , so during this 3 weeks , how many time ur baby visit the PD ??
white lady,
ed popped on 13jul, saw PD on 18jul (mandatory checkup). jaundice level was 13.2 so PD said 2 come back on 20jul. if on 20jul, jaundice level is >15, must b hospitalised. if <13.2, it meant we r doing a gd job 2 get rid of his jaundice.

for ed, on 20jul his jaundice level was 12 so PD very pleased, instructed us 2 continue feeding lotsa fluids n jaundice shld b cleared by 1mth. so by 3rd wk or so, jaundice all cleared. i can tell cos ed was fair &amp; rosy by 3rd wk.
Hi Cyn,
I was already 1cm dilated.
(According to my GY, our cervixes don't close firmly anymore after our first delivery).
So she just did a little stretch and I am now 2cm dilated lor ...

Yeah ... It was uncomfortable &amp; slightly painful.
Kinda sore when walking after that ... ke ke ke.

Aiyo, I tell you ... I was 2cm dilated for almost a week or two for both my boys before I delivered leh!
Piyo congrats!

Hi Kelly,
I developed a fever at 38.4 last night.
I went to KK women 24 hour clinic last night at 9.30pm, and only managed to see the doctor at 12am! Luckily i only stayed opposite KKH, and asked the nurse to call me when near to my turn. Doctor asked me to pump out my milk more frequently so as not to let the engorgement last for too long, it may turn to infection (mastitis). She said my condition now is acceptable, but have to take care before it turns to real infection. I was prescribed with antibiotics and paracetemol, but i din take it, as i have both the antibiotic and paracetomol at home, and my fever subsided after i reached home.. hehe..
The doctor said it's still safe to breastfeed bb even if i have mastitis.

Sigh.. seems tat my breasts dun seem to agree to change my milk pumping schedule.. from initial 3 hourly to 4hourly and subsequently was trying to stretch to 5 hourly.. so as not to store too much milk in my freezer (the more u pump, the more u get) but from tis incident, i have to pump more frequently liao.. maybe 4 hourly.. i dun wish to get fever again.. and worse still infection in the breast
Hi Kelly ,

so the second time when ur son see the PD , also have to do blood test lor =( meaning my boy also need , so sad , when i see the PD " poke " his leg , my heart so pain ...
Thanks White Lady!
Yeah ... Looking forward to that on top of the changing diapers, nursing on demand etc. Hee ...

Thanks Kelly!
Yeah, actually dh and I are hoping that Jul arrives today as dh has a delayed shipment on Thursday &amp; Friday which can make it very difficult for him to leave office.
Let's see how goes now.
Hi Chrys,
Hang in there!

Not easy indeed.
I have my bouts of blocked milk ducts &amp; mastitis too.
In fact, once I had to have my nipple poke by needle to clear the blockage!
What's worse, it was the wrong opening my LC poked so she had to poke another time!

Urgghh ... Breastfeeding not easy but definitely for a worthy cause.

Good for you! Nearly there liao! :D

I'll prolly be one of the last... I hope!!! But I'm not complaining. Heehee. Easy, baby... easy there... :p
Thanks Leia!
Yes, nearly there.
Unless Jul decides that he wants to be different from his brothers and to stay in longer.
Heh heh ...
Hi Noe ,

have to use needle to poke nipple ?? isnt it very painful ? i pump my breast , pump till my nipple got a small part kind of going to drop off ! the flesh going to peel off like that =(
hi white lady n ningyo,
me also having problems wif BFing still..Yest tried latching on my son to feed at night and less than 1 hr, he is hungry again or if not then after latching on for abt 30mins or more, he will stil cry terribly for food...makes me feel so sad...then i got no choice but to feed him formula..then yest nite he was up so often for feeding that i felt so tired n hardly even sleep and sometimes he only latch on for less than 20 min each breasts n when i try latching him on again he refused..i am guessing my BM is not eno...sigh...feel so discouraged...White lady, not that i hav a prob latching my son onto my breasts but that i dun seem to have eno BM so i dun noe if pumping helps..but i am going to try lor..

Hi Kelly &amp; Noe
Thanks for the advise for BFing..but it dun seems to be working well for me...i reali dun noe wat to do..kelly i mention that my side of my breasts felt sore and got lunmps but after yest when i latch my son, today my breasts dun feel so sore anymore and the lumps r lesser as well... but i am v sure my BM is not eno...how??? In fact my gynae gave me some pills to improve the BM but i also dun noe..
The rest of the mummies,
Jiayou okie...hang in there and b4 u know it, u be carrying yr little one and all is worth it...
Piyo is fine and her bb girl is fine as well..
Hi augbaby,
i'm also facing the same problem with u. My boy sleeps alot in the day and cries alot at nite for milk.

i think it seems to help increase BM by drinking more fluid. I've made an effort to drink more water and milo, seems to help.

And i've start to pump out BM. Pump out a small bottle abt 50ml yest. for my boy's nite feeding and its enough to keep him sleepg thru the whole nite. PHEW!

I've pump out 4 bottles tday to freeze for nite feeding. Hope he dun cry too much tonite.

Juz curious, how much milk shd our baby drink? The qty for BM and FM r different, is itz?

Anyway, any brand of FM to recommend? I've ask my PD for FM samples and she said the govt is promoting BF and so cant give FM samples to babies 6mths and below.
Hi ningyo ,

BM digest faster , so baby get hungry more easily if they drink BM ...

And drink more water really help in increasing BM ? then i must go drink more water !
hi kelly,
thanks for reply call.

augbaby, whitelady, ningyo,
seems like BF giving everyone different kinds of headache. i m giving bb full BM now. seems like the papaya n fish soup cooked by my CL helps in my BM supply. my BM kicked in on 5th night and breast started to feel like solid rock. luckily CL used hot towel to massage for me as i pump.
my bb suckle very slowly too and feeding time is oso very long. my nipples were oso sore and painful wen he sucks. but no choice, i m afraid supply will drop so i still let him suck or i pump out. now slightly better n BM supply seems improved.
Hi cj ,

i pump my BM out and my breast didnt feel like rock at all , think maybe my milk supply not enough , think better drink more water .. But some people say , during confinment , if drink too much water , will have water retention ... is it true ?
Hi ningyo,

I asked the PD, and he said 60-90ml each feed should be fine. I asked how frequent should we feed bb, he said on demand. But i try to feed at a fix timing, eg 3hourly, but my son always cry after 2 hour, will feed him water, he doesn't like it, will continue to cry when he realise it's not milk, so compromise and feed at 2.5 hour. He takes 90ml each feed at 3 weeks old.
Hi augbaby,
I can understand how u feel. I also had this feeling when bb cry when latch on and cry for milk again after 1 hour or so, even though already latch on for about 1 hour.. and the pain only we know it ourselves. Tat's y i normally pump out and feed. When he first born, he dun reject nipple, but tat time problem was he fall asleep very quickly after latching awhile (because of jaundice - hence sleepy and too comfy carrying him). As he needs alot of fluid to clear his jaundice, so i pumped out and feed him (he won't fall asleep by bottle feeding). After which, i dunno if it's nipple confusion, he seems to take bottle better and will refuse direct latch when i try (spit out my nipple!! so sad
). But if i insist, he will still take it.
Hi Noe,

oh dear.. so painful.. Btw, how did u know u had blocked ducts?

Anyone know how to stop breastfeeding later on? By not letting bb latch on or pumping out the milk? then the breasts will burst i guess..
can share wif me how ur CL cook e papaya fish soup? i took augustmum's receipe 2 cook but didnt cook for 4hrs 2 achieve e creamy effect. i also used threadfin fish (ngor hu). my MIL said 2 use fishbones. wat's ur CL's method?

no worries...i'll try 2 help wherever possible. if i cant help u, do call BMSG 4 advice or check wif any mummy here. BMSG have professional BFg counsellors who can answer ur queries too. there r also experienced BFg mummies here like Noe.

in ur instance when ur BM ss is abundant, u'll need 2 take medication 2 stop ur BM. my GF who wanted 2 stop BFg, tried 2 pump every 6-7hrs instead of 4-5hrs, her breasts got very engorged n she even fell sick (i tik she also suffered fr mastitis a few times). betta seek ur gynae or GP's advice when u seriously intend 2 stop ur BM ss.

ur son is refusing ur nipple now bcos he has 2 work hard for ur BM when he suckles. unlike drinking fr a bottle, lesser effort is required. he dun need 2 suckle much n milk will flow out evenly for him. when he suckles fr ur breasts, he probably knows tat he'll get a gush of BM initially but after tat he has 2 work harder 2 get e hindmilk.
(mummies, correct me if i'm wrong. i learned fr a LC in MAH)

babies are smart, dun underestimate them.

btw, r u feeling betta? i'm surprised e doc in KKH didnt say u r suffering fr mastitis. i didnt have a fever when i 1st saw my gynae (my high fever came after i saw my gynae) n she diagnosed me as having mastitis. ya, i did say tat u can get ur bb 2 latch at e affected breasts but up 2 each mummy's preference, i chose not to, juz in case e milk is infected.

IMO, all FM are gd. u juz need 2 go study e FM n decide wat u like ur son 2 drink. e more popular FMs are similac, enfalac, mamil gold, nan ha, friso

PD clinics are not allowed 2 give out FM samples for bbs <6mths. if they r caught doing so, they can lose their medical license (tat's wat my GF who works in a PD clinic told me lah).
ouch! a needle 2 poke ur nipple...i'll never allow any1 2 do such stuff 2 me. yikes, so painful. e tot of it sends chills down my spine.

i 4get 2 add tat i'm giving my son Enfalac A+. my elder boy used 2 drink it so i very fair, give e same FM 2 my 2nd boy.

white lady,
when ed saw e PD again on 20jul, he did another round of blood test.
Congrats Piyo!


my mum used fish bones and half-riped papaya to make the soup. i tink i helps cos' after i drank twice during confinement, supply increased. But the smell... buay tahan, very fishy for me!
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

have to use needle to poke nipple ?? isnt it very painful ? i pump my breast , pump till my nipple got a small part kind of going to drop off ! the flesh going to peel off like that =(<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Yeah White Lady,
It felt like an injection except it's on our nipples!

I guess the wait time for my LC to take the disposable needle, look for the correct blocked opening heighten the level of pain.

Oh? Did your nipple bleed?
I experienced that with #1 too as he was not correctly latched on.
Remember to use your nipple cream to soothe the wound. Expressing a little breastmilk &amp; smear it over the areola and air will bring some relief too.

Our nipples will toughen up as baby latches on more.
However, during the inital weeks for first time mothers especially, it will feel tender &amp; sore as it's the first time our nipples are exposed to hours of suckling!
Hi Augbaby,
If you feel that the lumps are lesser, that means your baby is doing a good job emptying the breasts!

When you are breastfeeding, feel for the lumps &amp; press them outwards towards the openings as your baby suckles.
That's what my LC does when I had blocked milk ducts.
It takes some practices to do it ourselves though.

Don't worry &amp; stressed out ya ... It will hinder your milk supply.
Have you been resting &amp; eating well?

Take one day at a time &amp; let tomorrow worry for itself.
The more baby latches on, the more milk will come. Supply = Demand mah ...
Drink more fluids, try to rest more &amp; eat well k.
Hi White Lady,
Did you pump straight after you latch him on?
If you do, then BM volume will not be alot.

I used to latch my newborns on one breast and pump out from the other breast so at each time, I will empty both breasts!
This way, I was sending cues to my body that my baby needed a lot of milk.
But ... Got to pre-empt you that it's gonna take some effort ya.
Dear all,

Saw some nice ruched tube bras and matching panties from Impressions at People's Park OG yes'day. New arrival. In white with pink trimmings, cyan with yellow trimmings, black with I-don't-remember-what-color trimmings. Bra is $14.90. Comes with detachable halter neck strap in the same color as trimmings. V pretty... and definitely a lot prettier than their regular tube bras. Just FYI.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

my BM kicked in on 5th night and breast started to feel like solid rock. luckily CL used hot towel to massage for me as i pump.
my bb suckle very slowly too and feeding time is oso very long. my nipples were oso sore and painful wen he sucks. but no choice, i m afraid supply will drop so i still let him suck or i pump out. now slightly better n BM supply seems improved.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hi CJ,
Solid Rock rocks!
That means your milk's kicking in and you have lots of them!
Hind Side - The engorgement hurts lah ...
It's great that your CL is able to provide breastfeeding support. Bravo!
Remember your cold cabbage leaves hor.
The enzymes provide relief for engorged breasts.

Our bb tends to get lazy with suckling at our breasts.
We can encourage them to suck (after they seem to fall asleep at our breasts while suckling) by caressing upwards on their lower jaws.

Another method to encourage bb to suckle -
Once bb stop suckling, break the suction by
1) Inserting our last finger gently between their mouth and our nipple
2) Pulling the side of our newborn's lips gently with our finger

If bb expresses hunger after we do that, then we latch them on again.
If not, we burp them &amp; put them back to their cot to sleep.
This is a conditioning method BUT it does require effort on our part.
I'm counting down to delivery day....but still no signs yet.spent 2 boring days shopping. Still thinking of where to go today.....really bored. 4 more days to EDD.
Ooooh lovely Leia!
Urm ... Does it come with sizes ah?
Ha ha Celine,
I know what you mean!
I was walking at CK Tang yesterday and I find that boring as we have gotten our babies' necessities already.
Hi Chrys &amp; Kelly,
I had the lumps in my left breast but can't seem to get rid of them regardless how I latch bb on or pump.
It was the 3rd day already so I knew that fever was coming.

I visited my LC and found out that the blockage was at the areola area near the opening so she had to poke it to clear the blockage as we couldn't clear it by pumping.

Ya Kelly,
Now I can laugh over it. But when I WAS THERE, I was wincing in pain.

Must tahan through lor ... If not, the blockage can lead to abccess which is lagi worse as we most likely be on antibotics and we can't BF baby till the pus is cleared.
One of my friends experienced that lately.

Ay Chrys,
You are stopping breastfeeding soon?

Ruched tube bras from Impressions is free size. But I think it's more stretchable than their regular tube bras cos of the ruched material. Tot it's v pretty to wear under low neckline tops for nursing. Bought the white one. 10% off with OG card.

FOX is also having 50% storewide now. They have some nice overlap spag tops in white/black/brown that ties around the waist. Great as nursing tops, I thought. Under $10 per pc after discount.

Any other options for ordering full mth cake as the Choz Confectionery has closed order for this friday?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks Leia,
Another reason to walk around if Jul's still not out by this weekend. Ke ke ke ...

Hi White Lady,
The volume of EBM varies from mother to mother.
I have friends who pump BM their way through till their babies turned 6 months too.

One thing about EBM, once we get lazy with pumping (instead of pumping 3 hourly, we pump 4 hourly the next day), the volume does drop or rather it remains the same.
That is to say that 3 hourly we can get 200ml and if we pump 4 hourly, it is also 200ml.
It doesn't mean that the longer the hour our breasts are engorged, the greater the volume.

I think the key is to cue the body that bb needs more milk.
That could require more effort out of you as you need to pump more frequently despite the discouraging volume you might see in the bottle initially.
Hi Noe, whitelady,

I know wat u meant - the milk supply will increase if pump more frequent even though volume in each pump will be less initially, but will increase subsequently. But In fact i am doing the reverse method hehe.. i was trying to extend the pumping time to 4hour/5hour and so on hopefully the milk ss will drop (as i dun wish to stock up too many bottles in freezer, i prefer fresh milk) When i pump 3hourly, i got 90ml from each breast, when i pump 4hourly, i stop pumping after i get 90ml from each breast, when i pump 5 hourly, i also stop at 90 or 100ml each breast. But then i feel tat my breast getting harder with lump, because i dun clear/empty my breast, end up with fever.. hmm.. Now i know it's quite impossible to force my breasts to produce less during confinement period (with fish and all those soup in every meal), so i resume to pumping when my breasts are full before become too engorge (normally 4hourly).

Hi noe ,

i so lazy to pump every few hours =P

anyway , i realise that if we have a hot shower , the breast milk will be more ...
