(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

by the way, mucous plug came off, labour nt really will start very soon. My mucous plug was out on saturday nite, but i give birth on Thursday. About 5 days later

Hi everyone,
Have been MIA... cuz me delivered on 15 Aug at 6pm. Baby boy weighs exactly 3kg.

Had naturel + epi and was home already on Thurs.
Have been feeding on demand and only just have chance to log on.

Wish everyone else a smooth delivery too and hope to come back online soon so share story (short one) and pix

Take care!
Hi mummies,
for e convenience of piyo, u may 1 2 PM piyo ur bb's details such as name, DOB, weight, etc so she can update e table in her free time while she's on ML.

wif e updated table, mayb we can organise a gathering once e last mummy in tis thread finishes her confinement.
thanks mummies,

i was in pain so was unable to sit on chair too long. so mostly i bed rest.

I guess i am having postnatal blues. I really keep crying and crying,
Its not my baby who make me cry its my MIL.
She keep hugging on to my ger i don't even have chance to breast feed her. I got to pump out and secretly add into the formula milk.

Luckily this is going to be over soon i moving back to my mum hs for confinement. I still baring with my mil.
told hubby i will go mad with my mil do confinement for me.

How can mother and daugther been separated.
Just now my ger was crying non stop i trying to get chance to comfort my ger but she don;t let me carry her at all. once i carried she will carry it back.

haiz just feel more hours to endure.........gambadeh.
Catherine: Oh dear...hope u are feeling better soon. Just endure a bit, u have some rest first, when u get back to your mum's place, u will be able to bond with your ger

Do tok things out when u dun feel good. I had the blues during my 2nd week and 3rd week too..

dont worry , dont think so much , u will have lots of time to bond with ur gal , dont worry =P sometime when lot of people keep carring my BB , and i got no chance to carry BB at all , i also think alot , scare BB not close to me in future , but dont worry , we will have lot of time to Bond with them ok ! just do ur confinment first =)
Congratulations Celine & Butter8!
Have a speedy recovery ya!
Hi Cat,
I understand what you mean.
Some of our folks are really traditional.
They wanted the new mothers to really rest well during the confinement & take charge of the caring of the newborns.
Top of that, they may think that we don't really know much about taking care of newborn so they take over lor ...
However, they forgot that we are just equally concerned over our newborns too.
I experienced this yucky feeling before.

Hang in there ay!
Ya White Lady,
Most of the mummies have delivered their darlings already.
Surprisingly Jul is very comfy in my womb and is not showing much signs of arrival.
Today's the start of my 39th week and I will be visiting my GY tomorrow.
I delivered my #1 and #2 in my 38th week leh ...
Heh heh White Lady ...
I am 2cm dilated, lost my mucous plug, experienced Braxton Hicks as well as some occasional painful contractions and did my squats.
However, Jul still shows no signs of arriving.
I think he knows that Daddy's very busy.
DH has been returning to work these days till late at night to rush a shipment.
Hmm ... Perhaps Jul will arrive real soon once he hears his Daddy has finished this urgent assignment.
hey every1

quick one, been so bz, plus my home no internet.. going to move to new plc in 3 weeks time ..

popped on 14aug, we all doing well. was initially q depressed but Noe was v helpful. baby had to stay longer in hospital cos of high thyroid level, i was so worried i did not sleep for4-5 days post delivery .. but results show all is good

bfeeding going well, got a lot of milk but also means im perpetually engorged

kelly - thks for the help, managed to buy the ameda direct from infantree - its good! i dunno wat to do w all the milk so ive jus been throwing it away



this link is valid for 7 days, was taken about an hour after leon entered the world we were still in delivery ward
Welcome back Pups!
Leon is so adorable!
So glad that you are feeling much better already.

Heh heh ... You are going to be SAHM right?
So it's okay to pump & dump lah ...
I did that too.
Remember the cabbage leaves, it helps relieve engorgement.
hey Noe

if u look at the video u'll notice he has dimples too, esp on the right.

Thanks for the help, you were a life saver, believe me, I was jus feeling so miserable and helpless in the hospital, sobbing at my 5 bedder when my hubby had to go back to work

All is better now with the support of my family, and i jus feel so much better at home

started my massage with Mona, into my 4th session tomorrow! its vvv good and effective. guess what? mona and me are fortunately neigbours! her condo is jus a few blocks away from mine, so she comes to my plc at 8am every morning and can hopefully do more than 5 sessions with me.

i love bebe leon vvvv much! i am overwhelmed by motherhood and what it does to me. now i understand fully wat it means when pp say that a mother's love is the greatest love.

hope u pop soon, and im looking forward to seeing all the mommies here v soon!

havent been using cabbage leaves yet .. so far i jus pump n throw seems effective. i want to introduce the bottle v soon, but vv scared he'll get nipple confusion. right now he latches on v well, but v slow feeder and likes to 'snack' drink milk, which is so tiring for me ...

he sleeps well during the day but not night ... guess all this is part of mommy hood. gee - - really need to invest in a good eye cream, my eyebags r ridiculous ...
congrats pupsandcups, celine, catherine and cynthia!

hi pupsandcups,
ur baby had high thyroid levels. mine too and had to be discharged a few days after me. was initially stressed and worried too. luckily managed to clear the 2nd thyroid test. do u have to bring baby back for another thyroid test? I have to. hopefully, my baby will not get thyroid due to me otherwise I'll be feeling very bad about it.

Hi cat,
me also crying for the 1st 2 wks. think hormones went berserk. very sensitive. mil also kept asking me to go and rest. know she meant well but i was just very upset that i din have much opportunity to carry and bond with my baby. Now things are slightly better cos my confinement lady will be leaving in 2 weeks time so I told them I need to learn and practice feeding and changing my baby.

anyway, u going back to ur mum's house for confinement so things shd get better. be more positive and if need be, can post in this thread or call us. we'll lend a listening ear. i feel so much better after talking to kelly and a few friends.

hi noe,
wow, ur baby's really comfortable in ur womb. dun want to see the world so soon rite?
perhaps u deliver within the week's out.

I saw your vid. Leon's so cute when he yawns, and you look well too!

Have a good confinement and God bless.
Hi Pups,
Don't mention. I didn't do much actually.
Oh yes ... Home support is definitely a blessing.

I saw Leon's dimple! Quite a deep one too.
Heh heh ... Yeah, can see the mummy's love & contentment when you were carrying Leon.
It's really amazing huh, finally holding the life that we have carried for almost 40 weeks.

Yeah, it can be very tiring the initial weeks especially as babies have no sense of day & night.
Hang in there girl! You can one! Heh heh ...

Wah ha ha ... I am having panda eyes too and I am not even doing confinement yet! Aiyoo ...
Mona's staying that near you? That's great!
I will have to wait for some time before I experienced Mona's massage skills.
Oh When? Oh When?
Hi Erin!
Yeah ... I was wondering too.
Perhaps that's what they meant by each pregnancy is different. Not only the pregnancy symptoms but the weeks of gestation as well.

Nonetheless, most importantly baby's well and healthy & not too big for natural delivery.
I told my GY that I don't want Episiotomy.
She said it shouldn't be a problem since this is my #3 already.
Visiting her later in the morning, let's see how we have progress then.
Hi Mummies,
Cynthia has delivered Baby Natalie this morning at 1.52am.
Both Mummy and baby are doing well!

Let's wait for her to share her birth experience when she's back.
Hi Noe,
still have me, my EDD is around 28-30th too
my gal is still moving actively inside my tummy, seems quite comfy inside too.

I am still working in the office - Thur will be my last working day. Thereafter will take leave & MC to rest at home until I pop. Hopefully can pop over the weekend. My GY visit is Fri.
Hi Noe,
still have me, my EDD is around 28-30th too my gal is still moving actively inside my tummy, seems quite comfy inside too.

I am still working in the office - Thur will be my last working day. Thereafter will take leave & MC to rest at home until I pop. Hopefully can pop over the weekend. My GY visit is Fri.

Ya Noe,
I got the sms too.. keke.. she say, had irregular contractions, baby wasn't moving much.. was 3cm dilated when checked by gyane.. and admited to hospital where the gynae broke her water bag.. delivered within 3hrs, even her gynae was shocked.. keke

she will update us when backie, but think she damn alert leh.. can reply my sms asap somemore.. keke

sigh.. i feel like this waiting game is soo... long.. but on the other hand, trying to grab all the sleep i can get.. keke...
Hi Jas,
when's your next GY visit ? I hope my gal will pop on this Fri or Sat. Waiting game is no fun..
so anxious to see how she looks like
Hi Ladies,
Just came back from my GY.
Looks like my case similar to Cynthia.
I am 3cm dilated already and having inconsistent contractions.

My GY is going on leave this week.
I will be meeting my GY Mt A at 1pm.
Will update you ladies when I am back ya.

Yeah Lala,
Heh heh ... Our babies very comfy in our wombs indeed.
Hi Augbaby and other Aug mummies

Am a Nov MTB here, would like to check with those who have confinement lady now with them, if they are good.. can you give me their contact nos, so I can check if they are avail. in Nov?

Or other good CL you know, can also recommend me...

THanks a lot!
Hi Lala & Leia...

Looks like left the few of us liaoz.. my next GY visit is on Wed. Nite.. my gynae seems to take it easy.. say dun push bb to pop lah.. seems like my amnio fluid is sdequate.. and GY says, probably can "tong" until week 42 max.. before need to induce..

I also hope can pop by this week... sigh..but i might go into Sept...
sori for the delay in posting peddie's bb photo. seems like i hav a problem due to too large file size, not allowed to post e photo even one by one. eh, anyone can help me out? can i email to u n help me to adjust the size n post?
hi erin

yep yep we have the same thing going on for our babies. if i remb correctly, u're with KK too right? i have a follow up in a months time, with a snr consultant called Sam .. even tho results normal.

i was upset too, but now ok.

oops gotta tend to bb

Jasmine and lala:

Yes, I'm still here and my gut feeling tells me I'll get past this weekend... *cross fingers*... and perhaps even past 28/8 EDD.

Had my appt this afternoon and nothing seems to be happening yet. CTG shows NO contractions. Gynae also didn't do VE check (heng ah!).

Going on ML from Fri onwards. Getting sick and tired of work and I just need some time to myself to do the things I wanna do before the imminent delivery. Then again, if it's not happening until the 42nd week, then I'd have "wasted" 3 weeks of ML! Oh dear! :p

Noe delivered already?
your GY never suggest to induce?? how to dahan till week 42?? I can't imagine! I will only start my ML from the day I deliver. During my GY visit on this friday, if nothing really happens, I will request GY to give me MC. hehe.. so as not to waste my annual leave or ML.

really really pray pray my gal will pop on Fri or Sat or Sun !!! cant wait anymore !!
Hi Leia,

Yah.. same thing leh.. NO CONTRACTIONS when i was strapped to CTG.. the only thing is, i haven't started my ML.. keke.. so not wasting it..
hello all,

just dropping in for a quick one... having my massage soon

Noe, Lala, and jasmine, wish u a smooth delivery.

sory to hear u wat u are going thru.. i also got a bit emotional, easy to tear, was wondering whats wrong with me, but after reading here, seems its normal.
but hope things get better for u n u can move back with your own mum... sounds sad u cant even breastfeed..

why some of your mils dun allow u to carry baby? issit becuz they want u to rest and heal faster?

i tend to walk around the house a lot or sit up, at times i bleed a bit more if i am to active i think...

wow 42 weeks? my dr would have induce leh... in fact mine was induce early i dun think I can wait till week 39/40 even...

i started my ML on the day i give birth..cuz i didnt know i would decide to go in early, was aiming for 18 aug... but baby ready on 15/8.. got o/s stuff at work and didnt even get to bring my notebook back...

ok gotta go... life now revolves around pump and feed...

take care gals!
hi hi,

long time no come in.. Just come in and say hi!
Also wanna inform you gers that Noe sms me last night that she has popped yesterday afternoon! Let's wait for her to share her details with you

Today is exactly 1week after the csec... My birth story very short.

Tue 15th Aug:

12midnight: Check-in ward, shaved a bit, rested but could not sleep coz baby kicked the hardest the whole night thru, think she knows she is coming out very soon..

5.00am: Nurse gave edema, clear stools.

7.30am: Wheeled into ops theatre

7.45am: Anasthetican came and gave epidural

8.00am: Anasthetican tested if I can feel numb from waist down

8.10am: Gynae commenced ops.

8.25am: Heard baby Megan's 1st cry.

8.45am: Ops completed and brought to recovery ward. I felt the stitching up process was worse than recovering after. I can feel my tummy being tugged here and there. yucks!

10am: wheeled back to my own ward.

I was discharged on Friday morning. There were 2 rounds of cord ard Megan's neck which was the main reason that she was not growing well in my tummy for the past few weeks. She weighs only 2.255kg when borned.

Like what Kelly prepared me (thanks Kelly!), PD advised me to supplement her after latching for the week I was in hospital till my milk kicks in as her weight would drop by the time she is discharged. I am back home and she is on TBF. Like butter8, spending all the time latching and pumping. Today brot her back to PD for check up, she now weighs 2.44kg

can I ask how long does your baby latch each time? Mine keeps falling asleep on 1 breast after 10-15mins. But she can sleep very long, like 2-3hours each time. I can't guage how much she is drinking within that short span of time. Now I pumped out after latching so that i can give her EBM as well. Anyone doing the same like me?

If I get a chance, will post Megan's pic soon.

I have missed out quite a bit of postings and would take some time to read. Can you pm me your details when you popped so that I can continue to collate and post later?

Holding baby in our arms is indeed a joyful experience! Those who have not popped, good luck and enjoy the moment!!!
*piyo* ,

ya , i agree with u , stitching up process was worse than the whole Op , haahaa , i could also feel that i am being pull here n there ! so scarey , just that i cant feel pain , thats all ! haahaa ... But i find the whole op very interesting n exciting =P
any news fr bottle or peachsorbet or any other mummies who MIA recently?

congrats! did megan's weight drop when she was discharged? she's doing well, gained a lil weight. well done! juz 2 share wif u, my GF's daughter was 2.3kg at birth, 1 wk later 2.5kg. at 5wks+, she weighs 4.2kg. e girl is mostly on 70-80% FM, e remaining is EBM or latching. u use it as a gauge.

u stopped giving megan FM? how much EBM is she drinking now? it's normal for bb 2 fall asleep while latching, it's gd tat megan sleeps 4 2-3hrs cos it means she's getting enuff milk n is resting well. edward also latches for average 8-10mins n he can KO for 2-3hrs. if he nurses fr both breasts, he can even KO for 4-5hrs (5hrs is rarely lah)

does she have any jaundice? if no, stick wif TBF. if u pump out after latching, how much EBM do u get?

white lady,
do post pics of ur bb too when u r posting peddie's bb pics.

noe, cynthia
congrats! rest well during ur confinement.

lala, leia, jasmine
hope u3 pop soon. have a safe & smooth delivery.
Hi mummies,
I am May mummy. I wonder who is the one whose intend to order 2 cans of similac formula milk for stage 1 (0-6mths)?
Are you interested? I am helping my girlfriend to order, so no need min 6 cans (cos bulk order). still at $26 per tin.
You have to self collect @ my hse @ Sengkang and do make payment first, in case, back out last mintue. I already had 6tins from my recent order will last 2.5mths.
Do email me again. Thanks
so scary 2 read abt megan's cord being wound up around her neck. luckily not life threatening. how come ur gynae couldnt detect it during ur ultrasound scans?

no worries...i help wherever possible. me very envious when u r dumping milk away. do u latch or u pump OR u latch & pump? for me, i lazy 2 pump. i merely latch edward every 2-3hrs n tat's it. my BM ss enuff 4 edward n i dun 1 2 pump after i latch - me lazy n also afraid tat if i may not hv enuff (eg. latch at 1pm, pump at 130pm, skarly my boy 1 2 drink milk at 3pm n he not getting enuff, then i need 2 give EBM - aiya, e whole process very leh chey so i juz latch & latch) i love 2 pump out any extra BM 2 feed my elder boy but i know my BM ss not tat abundant like urs, chrys, etc.

be strong n u'll do fine once u r wif ur mum for ur confinement. u mentioned abt adding FM 2 ur EBM? i tot u mentioned at we cant do tat? y do u need 2 add FM 2 ur EBM?
Hi IM BACKpost my sotry short n fast.. wait my mum nag at mi don rest n bb need to be BF

20/8 830pm
Admit to Mt Alvernia. Irregular contractions & bb less movement.

Was on CTG monitoring.

Gynae arrive. Check im 3cm dilated. Burst water bag. On drip to make contraction intense.

Dilated 5cm. Use laughing gas. Not bad esp u use it right hehehe. E nurses are v good & patient. I still joking n talking to nurses & Gynae.

21/8 12.30am
More intense. Contraction n pain abt every 1-2min last longer. Got feeling bb wanna come out n poo.Gynae check n say tat my cervix v soft n bb coming out fast!

Gynae check dilated 9cm! V fast cos he predict to give birth between 3-5am. All equipment prepared etc i stand by. Hb anxious faster go poo n come back hmm.

Start pushing!
In abt 5 pushes....

Weigh 3.3kg
Length 49cm
Head 32.5cm
hi all mummies,
so long never post le....congrats to all who've delivered, and jia you to those still waiting.

Here's my birth story;

Seen GY on 15th and was told BB will be on the big side, so suggested induction or else wait till my EDD on 22nd, by then BB may be 3.5kg. Finally decided to go in for induction on 18th before my GY goes abroad on Sat.

On 18th,
1+am : Admitted into MAH, got strapped onto CTG to do baseline monitoring.

2+am: Prostin pessary inserted to start induction. Contraction was painful but bearable.

8.45am: I was only dilated 1cm and cervix still very stubborn. Seen by GY, contraction was regular so I was started on Oxytoxin drip to further induce.

10.08am: Contraction was really painful so started on Epidural, so my lower half all numbed. But during the process, vomitted twice.

4pm: Only managed to dilate 2cm, was very sad. GY said he expected me to dilate till 6cm by 8pm or else may have to stop induction. He was very encouraging, called me on my mobile at 6pm to boost my morale...hee

8pm: To everyone's surprise, I've dilated to 8cm. Everybody rushing to get things ready for my delivery.

10pm: GY arrives and getting ready to deliver my BB. Was told my BB's head already crowning, hubby can see top of the head too. Felt weak after so many hours of induction but everyone including hubby was so encouraging, telling me to push whenever contraction comes.

Finally at 10+ (sori I pantang abt the timing), Denise was borned with the help of forceps bcos her shoulder was stuck. And she weighs a hefty 3.68kg.

When she was put on me, I cried with so much joy! Had a hard time but it's all worth it!
Hi all,

Long time didnt login and post. A lot of mummies have popped! I am with Mona, the massage lady which chrys recommend. She'
s friendly and quite good. I have lost 1 inch in just 2days.
Here's my baby boy's picture when he is a 10 days old. His eyes didn't open big enough.hehe
Hi all mummies,
Gave birth on 16th. BB gal and her weight 2.975kg. now still trying on bf as bb dun wan to latch. So have to pump out. Will post her pic soon.

hi white lady,
Hmmm... so I am not the only one who felt this way... cos pple tell me it;s after the ops that's super pain but I felt that part is the worst! It's not too bad an experience. Think the next time I may got for epi csec again

hi kelly,

some told me not all such cord cases can be detected via the ultrascans... i also dunno leh... gynae mentioned heng I opt for epi-csec else i would end up with emer c due to the cord case. Btw, my baby pooed inside liao before taking her out. The water and placenta were green..

Ya, her wt dropped from 2.255 to 2.19kg when discharged. Today we brot her back to PD, she gained wt now is 2.44kg! PD asked me continue to give TBF/EBM.

I stopped giving Megan FM since Friday morning. She now latches about 10-15mins on 1breast then KO off for anout 2-3hrs. 10-15mins can drink alot ah? somemore only 1 breast leh.. so after that I continue with about 50mlEBM. I asked PD the amt ok, he says that's good enuf for babies her wt..

She no jaundice when discharged. Today PD says very slight but it's okie
so can continue give TBF. Ask you ah, give EBM is also considered TBF?

After latching, I can get about 60-100ml depending on different times of the day. I tend to get more in the morning. Is that the usual case?
