(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Yeah Chrys,
We will continue BFg the best we can for our babies.

Ahh ... I see. You are conditioning your body on the milk supply is it?
Are you latching on your baby?

I hardly pump when I had #2. Like yourself, I prefer baby to get fresh breastmilk. Since I quitted so I latched him on all the time.
It was really supply on demand.

If you are returning to work hor, then you may like to keep up your pumping routine. If not, it will be just like what I did, feed on demand instead of pumping lor.

Should you really want to cue your body to reduce milk supply, try hand-expressing milk for comfort instead of pumping when engorged. Feel for the lumps and express them outwards. Remember to roll the nippples & areolas as sometimes blockage can occur there.
A word of warning - It takes time, strength & effort though.

Oh yes White Lady,
The heat from the hot showers does help!
Alternatively, we can also use heat pad on our breasts prior to pumping to encourage milk flow.

wow.. noe!

update us ah?? keke.. tonight better sleep with a pad.. incase waterbag burst..

heard that most of the time.. babies decide they wanna pop in the middle of the night.. keke

me still hanging around.. heng i never take early leave.. no signs yet leh..
Heh heh Leia,
I am hoping too. Still no sign of consistent contractions. I have informed my GY already though.

Ya White Lady,
Looking forward to baby's arrival.
However, it can be as far as a few days away though.

Really Jas?
OK, Noted!
Maybe Jul wants to take me by surprise.
Hi, Augbaby

i also faced the same problem as u... having low milk supply, & had tired pumping but only abt 20-30ml which is not enough for baby... so i had been drinking alot of longan water, green papaya soup, more fish & drink milk that is for breast feeding... & milk supply is able to increase & baby is able to sleep for 1-3 hrs after each feed... me too had been giving baby formula too but will let her latch whenever she awake.

u also need to rest more & dont give yourself stress & with enough rest, your milk supply will sure increase... dont be discourage, i am also very depressed when my milk supply was low & cried alot but now, my milk supply is slowly increasing although not much but at least baby is enjoying it....
hi sierra,
sorry to hear that ur babies and u were down with chicken pox. glad that u all are recovering now. take care and have a good rest.

hi whitelady,
my baby also has jaundice. i din tan my boy these few days too. u can get some herbs from chinese medical hall to bathe ur boy. heard it'll help in bringing down jaundice. if i can still remember, i think someone(kelly?) mentioned not taking ginger if u are breastfeeding for these 2 weeks until baby recovers from jaundice.
Hi piyo,

hi whitelady,
ur baby's jaundice shd be ok if u dun have to go back everyday for blood test. My boy has to go everyday until his jaundice level starts to drop. still have to go this fri again.
hi chrys,
i was suffering from fever and bouts of shivers previously. yup, have to be careful of infection. but dun be like me. My breasts hardened very fast (every hrly) and I tried to express whenever it hardens (even pumping up to abt 1 hr). When the lactation consultant called up and gave me advice, I found out that I have been over stimulating my milk supply. Do not ever pump for too long. It will make engorgement worse.

This is wat she advised:
1) put cold cabbage to soften ur breasts until the cabbage softens.
2) use warm towel and massage ur breasts.
3) latch or express out ur milk at every 3 hrs intervals (5mins each side. max 30mins for 2 sides)
4) put cold cabbage for a while again.

Hi augbaby,
can get massage lady to massage ur breasts for u. mine did and the lumps cleared. Don't ever give up bfing ok unless really no choice. seek professional help if necessary. don't be like me only learnt of all these issues on breastfeeding after everything ended. really regretted it.
hi all,
i checked wif CL about the papaya soup cooking style as follows: ( but it's not the creamy type, soup is still quite clear )

put the following:
- small piece of dried mandarin orange skin( can get fr medical shop)
- peanuts ( already pre soaked for 2 hrs )
- fish bones ( wif a bit of meat is ok but no need to eat the meat )
- 1 or 2 slices of papaya ( slightly turn yellowish, not too green )
- a piece of ginger
into slow cooker and cook for 3 hours.

hope it helps.
haha, now u on standby?

ya, they say drinking water will hav water retention, so i try to cut down but not totally. any mummies feel body aches? after delivery, seems like my body aches very easily, even hooking my bras, my shoulders ache.
oh ya,
btw, remember the fenugreek pills to increase BM supply? anybody hav tried?
haha jasmine,
i hav not tried any yet as BM supply seems sufficient for now.
Cj ,

i will try not to drink so much water then , drink more longan tea lor =)

And my body no ache , but leg ache easily ! cos too much air con i guess =P
hi this is pups (husband) here, half of pupsandcups. cups has delivered a very lovely little boy. I'm sure she will share more once she has the chance to be back at the PC.

Ok, baby came early, so we need a breast pump. Looking for the Ameda pump. Any one has the number to the distributor? Pls post asap!


me back from gynae visit last nite.. b is now 2.8kg.. was put on ctg monitoring.. bb heartbeat is fine.. ~150bpm on average.. totally no contractions seen... so not likely to pop..

no strep B, so cleared of that.. only mild yeast, which if i continue to take yogurt, will be fine..

Now, the sad thing is, bb still in OP position.. head down, but facing outwards.. gyane say, still ok, but labour will be longer, with more backaches cos bb head diameter is bigger in this direction.. gotta wait for her to turn around during labour..

no wonder my bb not engaged yet.. now, i am not allowed to do squats and risk bb being engaged in posterier position and gynae ask me to go on my knees and hands for min 1/2 hr every nite.. also to sit with my tummy leaning forward in office....so that gravity can swing my bb's backbone to the front..

I have to try to avoid sitting too long too.. looks like i will go beyond my EDD.. sigh.. and have to endure long labour/ assisted delivery.. hope all will be fine..

Just happen to pop in Aug thread and also Oct thread. Found out someone posted this on Oct thread and perhaps could be useful to what you r looking for.

Taka BB Fair
Was at Taka BB Fair yesterday and saw Ameda Pump. There's a change in distributor from Euramedics to Infantree. It is selling at $350 at Taka BB Fair. Talked to the sales, Infrantree (new agent) will be distributing Ameda Pump to retailers soon. That means Ameda Pump will soon be in the market.
Currently, there's a BP for Ameda Pump from Infantree at the price of $290. However, self collection at their office. Here's the URL if anyone is interested.

Hi Jasmine,
When is your EDD? mine around 28th to 30th.. Tmw is my checkup. So far I have no symtoms for early delivery too.
Hi lala,

my edd is 31st Aug 2006... my tummy is very high & pointed & aunties on the streets keep asking me if i am delivering soon and if it is a boy... but it is a girl lah..

Why my tummy so high is cos bb is facing outwards.. and her kicks very visible as her knees and toes and facing outwards mah.. also, she not engaged yet.. naughty girl.. think i will have a hard time with her next time.. been telling her to turn around and facing my spine liaoz since last week... sigh..

tonight onwards, i will go on my knees and hands for 1/2 hour, with a cold compress on my tummy and a hot compress on my back.. maybe she will turn..keke

i got the same comment from ppl around me too .. tummy is pointed and high ... then they start to question my bb's gender. some asked what if bb really turns out to be a boy ? heheh
Yeah CJ,
I have my dh on standby.
However still no sign of consistent contractions.

Hee ...Jesline,
Your baby is so adorable & contented looking!
Dear Mummies,
thanks for all the encouragement...i am trying to keep my +ve thoughts up...
I am now trying to pump like every 3hrs if possible..however this morn i latch my boy at abt 7am+ and abt 11am plus, i tried pumping and the BM is so v little. Yest i pump got quite a lot and bb drink already sleep for 3hrs...so happy..but today like that..so sad..n my boy only latch on this morning for a while and after that abt 1hr plus later he wants his milk alr and i got to feed him formula..

Reali envy u alot that u have alot of BM..me reali trying my best..drink milk, longan drink, papaya soup and all but still the same leh..sigh..

wat type of milk is good to drink for BFing, u mentioned??

White lady,
me usually wif alternative bet latching my boy and pumping in between lor..but at night i try to latch him on in the earlier part of the night and the later part, he usually scream for his milk and hubby will hence make formula for him lor...trying to latch him on as much as possible during the day..

Mummies, if i happen to say pump at a certain time and less than an hr later my boy wants his feed, shld i stil latch him on despite knowing that most likely my breasts wont have much BM already? Also check wif u all, did anyone buy any slimming binder? i am thinking of buying one as my massage will finish tom and thou i lost quite a bit from my tummy but i feel that it is stil loose and not toned..anyone got good recommendations?? Heard from piyo the osim slimming belt is good...Btw also heard that mona the massage lady is good...N the $30 per massage is it must be a package kind or anytime we wan her to massage, it juz cost $30?? Is she a malay lady and how good is she really??
Helo Mummies,

Back from my gynae appt this morning.
Ok bb doing fine. Sleeping soundly inside n don wanna come out! This round hb accompany mi there n he is more excited than mi cos seems a long time he last went there n see bb.

Gynae estimated my EDD from 25-27Aug. If she doesnt wanna pop I have a 2 options. To wait till 42weeks OR Induce.
At e moment bb weight is abt 3kg & for me this 1 week I lose abt 1kg again.. Maybe lost of appetite which I think shld be normal lo.

Ok so now jus start e guessing waiting game again! See who is gonna to POP! yeah!
hi all. peddie has emailed me & ask me to help post her birth story n bb pictures. first the email as follows :

hi magna.. is it possible for u to help me post this on e forum.. i'm not supposed to go back tha.. it might make me feel worse.. pls? and there are photos to upload as well.. pls pls pls??

Hi all.. Heres the birth story of Joshua..

I didnt feel pain on 31 july.. I was still doing housework and walking a lot as normal.. I could sleep tat night..


6:00am I woke up with a lil pain at my lower ab.. think it was contraction but it wasnt tat strong so I went back to slp.. didnt really bother abt the pain..

8:00am I woke up again to get ready for my 9.30am appt at kkh(clinic c).. while I was getting ready, I saw the show.. but not much contraction.. so I juz told my mom and she said to get the hospital bag ready coz I might be hospitalized tat day.. I told her tat my contractions were abt 20-30mins.. she said it cant be.. it should be abt an hr.. well.. I had a shower and got everything ready to leave.. my dad said to juz go for the appt 1st and see what the doctor says.. coz when my mom had me (the 1st child), she had the show on 1 day and deliver the next day.. so we werent too sure.. she was really scared tat I might not tahan and told me to ask for the epidural.. and she will b praying for me.. well anyway..

9:00am left home

9:30am reached kkh and did the routine tests..

10.30am saw the doc.. she asked if I had contractions.. I told her I had a show in the morning and contractions were abt 20-30mins.. but not strong.. at ard this time, she told me I was 5cm dilated already.. I was shocked!!! My dad too.. it was so fast.. and I didnt feel any strong pain.. my dad said tat I must have been v strong.. the doctor said by right I should have gone to the labour ward.. they called some ppl for the labour bed but it was fully booked.. I had to go to the after-delivery ward itself.. my dad n I were like ok.. we went to the cashier and they did some paper work 1st.. I was just sitting at the waiting area.. it was a long wait.. and suddenly the contractions became stronger and stronger.. I asked for a wheel chair coz we had to do some papers at the admission side.. I then informed my bf, my gf, my mom n evelyn..

11:30am we were at the administration tha.. my dad did the papers and stuff.. I juz sat behind waiting with pain.. it was stronger.. ard 10mins interval now.. but I could tahan.. not sure if I could later.. we then had to wait for some1 to bring us to the ward.. very long wait..

12:00nn I was at ward 81 bed 26.. I was on CTG.. my contractions were abt 60 then.. my dad told me.. could still tahan.. so I was there for abt n hour.. when they finally had a labour ward ready, I went down..

1:15pm I was in bed at the labour ward 30.. it seems tat my dad cant be with me in the room.. only my partner or a gal.. I really wanted my bf to b tha.. we both we already planning for tat.. well.. my dad had to wait outside.. he was really scared.. the pain really got stronger.. I couldnt see anything clearly.. I juz asked for epidural again.. at tat time they checked and I was already 7cm dilated.. they said no point coz the baby might come out very soon.. I keep asking for any painkiller.. anything.. I was juz on gas.. I couldnt see the time.. my eyes were close.. they were all blurry.. my dad came in for a while.. his hands were really cold.. freezing.. he was scared.. I didnt want my mom or dad to be there.. I wanted my bf.. really.. but they said better not.. I was upset.. well.. anyway.. the pain was really strong now.. senior nurse lily was there.. I felt tat she was a bit ego.. but I didnt care much abt her.. it was the baby.. she told me to look at the lights in front and not scream.. and push as though Im in the toilet.. (knw wat I mean??)

2:37pm the baby was out!! I took a peek coz Im scared I will never see him again.. hes so cute.. the nurse didnt know abt me giving for adoption.. so she let me hold him.. I was like wow!! at tat moment.. I dont know how to explain.. I had mixed feelings.. part of me was like glad tat Im a mother.. part of me will miss him so much coz I might not see him anymore.. anyway.. I think I had an episiotomy.. coz aft I gave birth, a doc came and I saw her with a needle and tread.. I didnt feel any pain.. I was so tired..

5:00pm went up to the ward with my dad and gf with me.. my mom came later and said tat Joshua looks a lot like me.. his features and all.. when my parents left, my gf n i took alot of pics..

Joshua was born at 1437 on 1st August 2006 at KKH. He was 3.085kg, 49cm tall and 34cm head circumference..

thank u all for all the support tat u have given me these past few months.. and all ur prayers.. thank u all.. sorry for taking such a long time.. juz last weekend, I juz recovered from high fever.. Im much better now.. my mom says Im recovering quite fast.. well anyway, here are some pictures of Joshua..

will try post pic later, bb calling me...
Hi Jasmine,
mine is also a girl. but my tummy is very rounded. I can feel my gal is quite low now coz I can feel pain below my tummy whenever I walk. I still hope that I can deliver in one week's time, closer to the due date. See what my gynae says tmw.
Glad to hear from peddie... thanks CJ...

Hey lala,
envy you.. i now very scared i will have such a long labour that starts as a normal delivery with epidural, then kanna assisted delivery with vacuum/ forceps, and if bb still stuck, kanna emergency c-section..

will that happen? what will the hospital bills be like? will i be charged for all 3?? also, cos is emergency c-section, will MAH charge me me last minute booking of OT?
Hi Jas,
yah.. I think the bills will definitely come up to be more expensive if you really need to go thru all the procedures... dont scare yourself now.. be strong & pray for smooth delivery yah

frankly im also quite scare cos im still working now. so many pple in this thread has popped earlier than EDD dates. I am always looking out for symtoms like contraction, water bag burst, mucous plug etc.. paranoid oredi..
Think both of us will be the last few to give birth in Aug.
white lady
i only pumped for 15mins max (as advised by e lactation consultant fr MAH), in 3 sets of 5mins per set.

(me scrolling thru e posts very quickly...will come back 2nite 2 reply)
kelly ,

only 15 minutes max ?? if 15 minute , i dont think i can get muck milk leh ... but 15 minute is each breast issit ?
Hi White lady,
I spent 15-20min for both breasts. In my first week after gave birth, i spent 45 min for both breasts using Avent single manual pump, very messy, because milk will keep dripping from right breast when i pump left breast.. err.. u can imagine it.. then i bought Ameda Purely Yours dual electric pump, life's easier after tat. I pump both breasts at the same time for 5 min, then switch off 1 side, and concentrate on one breast with another hand massaging the breast. Then switch to another breast. Shouldn't pump for too long, like wat erin said, will over stimulate the breasts.
Hi augbaby,
dun envy me lah.. we r bound to face problems.. if supply too much also headche, less supply also headache, no supply at all also will be headache when come to choosing FM.. U try taking balance diet with alot of fatty fish, not once in a week, but try in each meal to let ur supply kick in first. Take hot shower, drink hot milo and cover and massage ur breasts with hot towel before pumping help alot.. Having said so, though, if u still dun have enough to feed bb, just supplement with FM lor.. dun stress urself..

Reg bb cry for milk after 1 hour u pumped out milk, i think u can still let bb latch on (if bb dun reject), u can hear if he takes in (by the fluid swallowing sound). If u can see he doesn't take in much, then give FM lor. The action to latch will send signal to ur brain to produce more milk in ur breasts.
Hi Jesline,
Ur bb so chubby n cute..

Hi cj,
thanks for posting on behalf of peddie..

For those who r waiting to pop, jiao you!! Soon it'll be ur turn joining this busy life.. hehe..
A question here:
Those of u giving TBF and PBF to ur bb, how many times ur bb poo poo and in a day? Mine many many times leh.. unable to count.. basically poo after each feed (for sure, sometimes 2 times in each feed), in between poo, there are some urine and poo also.. so change alot of cloth diapers.. Poo is yellowish, sometimes a bit greenish, waterly, look oily (dunno if it feels oily too as i haven't hands on washing cloth yet), no smell.

I told the nanny who may take care of my bb after my mat leave tat he poo 8 times (discounted), scared her away.. Is my bb poo not normal??

BF babies pooed a lot esp. in the first month. Sometimes during a feed, sometimes after a feed. Yeap...got to change diapers many times. I have used up 3 pkts of pampers and 2 packets of mamy poko and my baby is not even 3 weeks old.

Poo is greenish the first few days cos transition...on the fifth day or so...it should be golden yellow...
Hi Kelly/Jesline/white_lady/Noe/Chrys and other BF mummies,

when you mentioned to pump out, are you guys giving the pumped milk to your baby? how? I mean by bottle or cup feed? I heard that if baby get used to the bottle then they will not suck nipple as bottle tend to be much easier to suck. Therefore I dare not pump out for my baby. Even sometimes after he suck I tried to pump but only very little (maybe about 20-30ml), wanna keep also cannot. Wonder how ppl pumped pack by pack to store in frizer??!!

For mummies having TBF, are you guys pump out extra milk? what did you do on those extra? estimate how much extra you pumped?

As this is my first kid and I m having TBF. I have not much knowleadge on BF so... paiseh if I have asked stupid qn. hee. . .

My bebe also poo a lot, sometimes juz put on new diaper he poo again. . . Doc said it's normal esp for BF bebe ;p

Are you having TBF? I am and really tired!!! almost cannot take it already. Every nite average I only sleep about 2-3 hours.
hi cocomo ,

for my case , i pump in the bottle and bottle feed my baby , as baby hard to latch on =)

and if baby get use to bottle feed , they wont want to suck nipple , cos nipple harder to uck =)
