(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Erin,
So glad to hear that you are feeling better already.
Kayden's next thyriod test is 12 Sep?
That's a month away right?
You have a good rest yourself too k.

Congratulations White Lady!
Welcome back & have a good confinement & speedy recovery ay.

Dear Mummies,
Finally got the time to log on..But no time to read all the previous threads..life has been all about feeding, changing diapers and stealing sleep whenever i can which is not a lot..

Here is my birth story..

Aug 5: We went to catch a 11pm show at Eng Wah. Show finish at close to 1am and we went home. Hubby slept and i was reading as i waited for my med to take effect...
Aug 6 1+am: Felt something dripping out..Felt weird..but not sure wat it is..went to toilet to check n saw the panties liner was wet but still not sure if it is waterbag burst..Went to lie down again..again felt water dripping out feeling..went to toilet again and when sitting down can feel water dripping...was quite sure that it shld be my waterbag burst...went to wake hubby up...started feeling nervous alr..Hubby call gynae and was told to go to tmc. Hubby ask me to go take a shower and wash my hair..after that we pack and took out stuffs and drove to tmc.
3+am: Reach tmc, check in and went to observation ward and told to change out into hospi gown..was given a pad to put but cant wear panties...lie on bed and feeling gross and wet coz of the water dripping..nurse came and ask me if i got contractions and i say none at all..
4+am: Hubby went to eat breakfast and i continue lying there and trying to sleep but i cant..
6+am to abt 7+am: Started to feel mild contractions..nurse called gynae and told me gynae will only be here in the morning...Contractions still bearable so tried sleeping. Nurse check and i am only abt 2cm dilated...
To continued..hee hee..My MIL ask me to eat dinner...

7+am: Contractions started coming in more painful and closer...but i am still trying my best to bear it....getting more desperate...but i wan to see my doc b4 deciding if i shld take epi coz i wan her to check if how many cm more to go for me to dilate..
8+am: Nurse push me to the labour room as i waited for my gynae to come in...pain is unbearable n i requested for gas...but after a while, gas does not help...slowly getting so painful that i cant tehan anyway...hubby see me also worried coz i was in destress...but hubby requested for epi on my behalf...at that time me also in so much pain n gas does not help anyway..gynae came and ask felt i needed epi coz i am in destress already..waited n waited for doc to come inject me wif epi...at that point, i am conscious of the things around me but cant reply coz too weak alr...finally epi was injected...i only managed to push for half an hr bec doc says suggested assisted delivery coz i dun seems to have energy to continue pushing and she used forcesteps to help me..

12+pm...Baby Jayden is finally out in this world...
i am so happy and relieved..he is 2.8kg+...

Here are some pics of him...


me also having problems BFing..sigh..
milk flow still v v little and i still continue latching bb on but sometimes after abt 5min each breasts, he will cry like mad and wan his feed..n i got no choice but to feed him wif formula..since we got discharged from hospital, jayden is actually on formula milk....been trying reali hard but how do i know when my BM wil be eno for him? will he want formula milk instead of BM next time even if my BM do come in eno for him...i feel so lost n blues at time...milk is begining to come in but like v little..plus i started my massage wif madam inah and she will use binder on my tummy and my session is in the evening n i feel like it is v dirty to let bb latch on when i am tie wif the binder and herbs and hence i dun latch him on for 2 feeds...only after i took off my binder after 4hrs n wipe myself off then i try to latch him on at nite too...moreover i stil cant bathe..sigh...feel so sad..
STress too...dun noe wat else to do...love my son so much but dun have eno BM..i decide to put off losing weight faster thru the binder by only putting the binder for 4 hr instead of the min 8 hrs...but one thing for sure, madam inah is reali v good...she push my uterus up n not painful at all and jus after 1 day, my tummy went down so much and each time, can see results..today is my 3rd day wif her...Reali hope my BM will be eno soon...Well gotta go now..bb need his feed again...will try to log on again hopefully tom..

Congrats to those mummies who have delivered and jiayou for those still waiting for their...all be worth it when u hold the little one in yr hands...take care mummies..
hi augbaby,
don't worry. just continue to latch on. the ss will come in soon. all the best for ur bfing efforts.

hi pupsandcups,
waiting to hear ur bb's birth story.
hi mummies,
now my turn to share my labour story.

2nd aug (wed) - went for gynae checkup. was told to induce before weekend is up as amniotic fluid level is low and dangerous for bb.
4nd aug (fri) 1.30am - check in kkh.
1.48am - strapped to CTG machine. showed contractions are irregular. midwive did v-check.
she's v. experienced. taught me ways to reduce pain during v-check. really not painful. not dilated at all. inserted in 1st prostin pill.
3am - CTG showed contractions are more intense liao but still irregular. did another v-check. still not dilated yet.
3+am - was sent to ward. slept at the ward.
8+am - gynae came. did another v-check. only 1 cm dilated. she instructed the nurse regarding the timing of 2nd and 3rd prostin tablet. she also advised me to walk around to help in dilation. went window shopping with hb.
9.45am - nurse called hb and told us to get back.
10am - sent to delivery suite. strapped to CTG machine again. contractions still not regular. did another v-check. this time, by a nurse. ouch! it's painful. only 1cm dilated.
same procedures as the insertion of 1st prostin however, contractions are getting painful even though they are irregular.
2+pm - still only 1cm dilated. sent back to ward.
4+pm - gynae came. did another v-check. 2cm dilated. she helped me to stretch cervix to 3cm but it was painful.
5+pm - was sent to delivery suite. told gynae that i want enema to help clear my bowels. enema was given but i passed out nothing. guess nothing in my system.
strapped to CTG machine.
gynae broke water bag. not much water flowing out. gynae commented that my labour might be longer cos not much fluid and she was glad i decided to induce earlier.
contractions getting very painful liao even though they were of the same level as before gynae broke the water bag. oxytocin was given to hasten the process.
6+pm - contractions were v. painful now. still trying to bear with the pain. was 5cm dilated.
nurse advised me to use epi. with hb's encouragement, i decided to opt for epi.
nurse realised that I have thyroid and asked me if i have taken my med. i realised that I've forgotten and hb had to go back to ward to get the med. took the med.
around 7pm - anesthetist came and epi was given. am in heaven liao. no more pain. slept for a while before the side effects (itch and shivers) set in. the side effects went off after a while.
continuation of my long labour story.

10+pm - start to feel pain on the lower right abdomen. thought epi going off. change sides hoping that epi will work.
gynae came. only 6cm dilated. oxytocin level was increased beyond max liao cos it doesn't seem to have a lot of effect on me.
5th aug @ 12.30am - told nurse abt the pain. she told me that's the bb's head descending. ai yah, shd have told her earlier. she did v-check. now 9cm dilated liao. told me if i want to push, must call her. epi was reduced.
1.50am - couldn't stand the waiting liao. started to push. nurse came. i was having blocked nose so couldn't really push well. nurse told me that i must push until bb's head could be seen before she'll page for doc. hb and i were worried that i will deliver before doc is there and we told the nurse our concern.
1.56am - continue to push again cos the pain is getting worse.
2.15am to 2.20am - gynae came. told me to break through my barrier (i always stop when i couldn't breathe). I tried pushing again when the pain comes in.
2.26am - managed to push kayden's head out. heard his cry. was thinking huh just the head out after pushing for so long. don't know have the energy to push the rest of him out. keke... little did i know, the doc actually took him out. the rest of him just gushed out. held him in my arms before nurse took him away to clean up.
after 2.26am - delivering the placenta and latching bb on. bb suckle for a while b4 he fell asleep again. i nearly vomitted on my boy during latching. nurse quickly took my boy away. thank goodness.
stayed for about 3hrs for monitoring. was giddy, running a high fever and couldn't breathe. hb was worried sick and kept asking the nurse for some med to relieve my fever. nurse din give cos she says it's the effect of epi. but in the end, she gave in and gave me med cos my fever was really high.
was given milo and sent to ward.
I'm also waiting for my turn...getting impatient....dun know when baby when to come out. Think she really want to stay until week 40.
you are not alone, me aldo waiting ahaha i still can happily change the bedsheet during the weekends and go taka for shopping.

guess my girl also waiting till 40 weeks then come out.
Hi Mummies,

pupsandcups delivered her 2.68kg baby boy naturally at 1215am today!
16 hours of labour.
Her waterbag burst at 8am yesterday.
She said baby is latching on well and she's too excited to sleep.
Looking forward to hear more from her.
Welcome back Augbaby!
Jayden is such a charming baby boy!

Yeah, hang in there with BFing.
Don't be discouraged okay.
You are a great mummy regardless.
Heh heh Ladies,
So we are the concluding factors to the August 2006 MTB!

Likewise, Jul is very comfy in my womb.
I will be seeing my GY this coming Wednesday.
Morning everyone...

seem like more mummies have pop ! And some who pop , no come online already , maybe too busy with baby !

Augbaby ,

you have problem in breast feeding , me too , so i use pump to pump out and feed my baby =P maybe u can try this way also ...
haha, ya lor Noe,

my girl seems pretty comfy inside leh.. no BH, not much pain anywhere.. seeing my GY this wednesday also..

'til now, i haven't done any cervix dilation check leh..... iz that unusual??

I go to bed everynight expected to be woken up by pain or a wet sensation between my legs.. but hor.. hehe.. when i do wake up at night.. it is to go to the toilet and baby is happily kicking away leh..

my tummy like still quite high.. think she isn't engaged yet? when baby is engaged, what is the feeling like?

pupsandcups didn't use epidural? Well done!

- - -

Going for 38th wk chkup this aftn. I'm in no hurry for boy to be out. A lot of things not prepared. Busy with clearing work in the office, unpacking (just shifted), and I'm sitting for exam this saturday. My EDD is 28/8, so I hope he'll stay inside till 28/8. *cross fingers*

Congrates Pupsand! Though 16hrs of labor bt all worthwhile! Lets wait for her to post her story!

Piyo gg for c sect tmr.. wow fast.. she be next to carry her bb in her arms.

How many of us is still waiting ah? Too bad piyo is not in to update e list. Shld have ask her for a soft copy den could help in updating.

Think my gal also wanna wait till 40weeks den pop. Im now in 38weeks liao.. waiting n waiting. Though it seems a long wait & gettin more n more scare hahaha, wondering water bag burst or ??? If v messy how to manage! Gosh!

Cant wait for e next arrival of bb in our thread! Lets JIA YOU & go to another phase of our life!!!!
Heh heh Jas,
No lah ... Think your GY doesn't want to disturb the cervix.
Most likely he/she will do a VE this Wed for you as it's our 38th week already.
Ha ha ... I know what you mean!
I have been imagining different scenarios of baby's arrival every day!
From waterbag bursting in the night to having consistent contractions when picking my #1 back from school.
(I have to travel for about 40 minutes to get home)
I would think he's most likely to arrive this week though as I delivered both my boys in their 38th week.

When baby's engaged, you will feel less of her head as it's heading towards the birth canal already. The bump may look lower.
More pelvic & butt muscles aches, more frequent visits to the loo though we won't pee as much.
For myself, I feel tender & sore down there too.
Jul's only slightly engaged which is very common for subsequent pregnancies.
Hee ...
Heh heh Leia,
She had Epidural in the end as most likely she's on oxytocin drip.
The drip's no joke, alot more painful as I have experienced for #1.

Wow! Ya taking exam this Sat?
All the best to your papers ya.
i'm already into my week 40th this week. but baby still not engaged, despite the many many squating i have done....sigh....no sign of labour at all. have already started taking maternity leave.
Hi celine,

WAt did ur gynae advise?
Don worry. Bb can be inside us till 42weeks!

Just SMS Honeyhaven!We all was curious y she didnt came on posting lo..
She give birth on 8/8 Morning. BB weight 3.69kg. Natural without Epi bt end up GA cos BB too big n pelvic bone small. She n bb doing fine.. NOW resting.. when time allow she will come online to POST her story n pics!

Congrats to all mummies who have popped! Me so envious, don't know when is my turn.

Went for my check up last Sat, GY told me baby seems comfortable in there, water level is good, placenta still healthy. Celine, I'm into my 40th week this weekend too, I believe we have the same EDD 20th Aug. My GY told me that if baby still don't want to come out, she will meet me directly at the hospital on 21st to induce, hope won't have to go to that stage. I'm also on maternity leave already, feel like I'm wasting my time at home, nothing much to do, so boring...
Hi ladies,
Thank you for your concern. I have given birth on 08/08/06 - morning. He is big in size and weighs 3.69kg (8.1 pounds) and 53 cm length.

My birth story -
On 7/08/06 2.30pm- last minute went to gynae after feeling less movement from baby. Already dilated 1 cm. Ask to admit at Thomson at 4.30pm.
5pm- Inserted in prostin pill and asked to rest at my own ward.
11.30pm - Did another VE check. 2 to 3 cm dilated and broke my water bag.
4.30 am - I was already 6 cm dilated. I was bearing the pain from 11.30 am to 4.30 am w/o epi. Just breathing the lauging gas. Gynae told me I should be able to give birth on 6 am+ at this rate.
5.30 am - VE check I am still 6 cm dilated.
6.30 am - VE check I am still 6 cm dilated.
7 am - VE check still 6 cm dilated. Gynae asked me do I still want to wait. I was disappointed when he told me very high chance to go for emergency c-section, especially tahan the pain for so long. He told me the reason maybe baby trying hard to push himself down and mummy trying hard to push him down too. However, baby too big and mummy's pelvic bone too small. I told him I want to wait for another 1 hr.
8 am - Still 6 cm dilated. Push to emergency c-section.
8.35am - baby is out.

Gynae mentioned to hubby both mummy and baby tried hard during the delivery. Baby's head was swollen due to knocking on mummy's pelvic bone and mummy never take epi. Gynae said although end up GA can see that at least both of them try and hubby was very encauraging throughout and said very proud with both of us for trying so hard. Will try to upload baby's photos.

To all mummy who has pop,
Congrats to all of u.

38th wk must do VE? Oh no! I was hoping that it won't be necessary. Gynae say will do CTG though...

Thanks for the wishes for my exams.
honeyhaven ,

congrats to you ! so u give birth on 8/8 at TMC ! Me too ! So we are staying in the same hospital and our babies are room mate too !
take care of ur c section wound !
Congrats to pups, white lady & honeyhaven!

WOW! ur labour is more than 24hrs!

Hi mummies who r breastfeeding,
what's the fastest way to increase milk flow besides eating alot of fish & green papaya. What else can we eat? i think my milk flow is decreasing coz my boy seems to be always hungry.

You mean he still cry for milk immediately after feeding on the breast?? When he feeding on your breast can see him swallow boh? If got, means, you have milk lah...

Can you nurse him longer on one breast? he needs the hindmilk to feel fuller...so, if you interrupt him and switch breasts.. he is getting more fluid in the BM concentration then the hindmilk which is more filling...
this is what i read lah...

for yourself, heard should drink hot milo, more fluids, think about baby when bf & pumping.. some mummies are trying out fernugreek, a herb pill we can get from GNC.. to produce more milk... before BF, a massage + warm towel supposed to help..
Congratulations Honeyhaven & welcome back!

Hi Leia,
Heh heh ... I think it depends on our GY too?
If you don't want, can tell GY not to lor.
I dread CTG really.
Just lying down for 30 - 45 minutes and I have to pay $36.75 each time. Urgh!
Heh heh Jas,
You are well read up.
Bravo! You have won half the battle already.

Yeah Ningyo, what Jas has shared are helpful and also don't stress hor.
Milk supply does diminish when we are stressed up.
Top of that, feel for lumps, sometimes it could be the blocked milk ducts especially around the aereola area that could hinder milk flow.
pupsandcups, white lady, honeyhaven, ningyo
congrats! rest well during ur confinement

i almost named my son 'yongjie' too. he's named yi jie instead. ur son very chubbily cute.

i dun tik there's a fastest way 2 increase BM ss. like wat jasmine & noe has advised, dun b stressed & kan cheong.

wow, ur labour really very long. i'm sure i would have peng san n ask my gynae 4 e easiest & fastest method 2 pop.
wow...so many ppl have delivered...congrats to all the mummies!

mi and the twins just got discharged from the hospital today...was admitted for chicken pox...all 3 of us...now doing ok, the spots are drying up already. wat luck....sigh...
HI White_lady
Congrats to u too. You also gave birth on 08/08/06. I like the date. hehehe. Btw, do u know Fandi Ahmad's wife also staying at thomson at that time. She was staying at the luxury suite. I heard she was giving birth to her 5th child.
Hi Cynthia, HoneyB,

my next gynae visit will be this thursday. Previous check he say still got time, so can wait for baby to come out on her own. My EDD is 20th. I intend to induce baby on friday, think will ask gynae for opinion on thursday.

these few days I got alot of 'stringy', 'slimy' discharge. Got a bit of blood. That should be the mucous plug thingy i guess?

But until now still no other signs...no contractions etc.
its a long wait. I have been doing alot of walking. Today went shopping, shop until my legs tired, but still no sign of labour. now thinking of going where shop tomolo.

another boring day.

I didn't know CTG must pay one!!! I thought all in the package!

Mine even worse! 20 mins lie there charge me $40!!! Goodness gracious! And I didn't bring enuff $ some more!

Gynae showed me the graph - 1 contraction was detected in the 20 mins interval. So what does that mean? I asked him if I can survive past this saturday. He said maybe, maybe not.

Wahrao!!! *grimace*
Haiz Leia ...
Mine definitely not in the package (only consultation)!
My GY in private practice at Tanglin Shopping Centre so you can imagine the charges.

I know what you mean.
For me, the lab tests are to be paid in cash or nets. I had to check with my GY for any test before I visit her so that I have enough cash for the lab tests.

Hee ... Usually, we are advised to go to the hospital when we have consistent contractions 5 minutes apart & each contraction lasting for about 40 seconds and above.

So most likely the CTG had detected your BH.
I had 3 mild contractions per 40 minutes last week recorded on the CTG.
And I am still here!!! Ha ha ...

DH asked me to bring my GY visit to this morning.
Let's see what my GY say now.
Will update you ladies again.
Honeyhaven ,

I think i saw ur son before ! ha ha , in the nursery ! so cute !

His wife also staying there ? i didnt know =P

So how is ur baby doing ? My baby have jaundice n thre is no son this few days , so sad , dont know what i should do ~ ~ ~

check with all mummies ,

my baby have jaundice and have to sun tan , but this few days no sun at all , what should i do ? i am so worry =S
hi mummies,
check with you all i have been having slight pain on my lower tummy since morning i wake up the pain is like menses cramp but very mild its that contraction?
Morning Catherine,

Contractions should be wrap around the tummy area. Try monitor how long is e pain & cramp.
Sometime we have pain at lower tummy could be we stressing too much in walking that cause it.
If still doubtful beta to ask Gynae as dueing soon okie.. Do take care..
thanks, still monitoring cos the pain is on and off maybe due to i am seating down. when am walking i don't feel any pain.

Ya if e pain can go off by walking or lay on side, don think will be contractions. Cos wat i noe contraction pain can nv go off! yucks haiz!!!

Hehehe try to talk bb asking pls give an exact sign.. this is wat i been doing.. hate guessing n waiting leh.
