(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Wanli,

This is Gingercat here... Congrates on ur new born. Ur daughter looks so lovely. Dr Wong told me last week, my bb will be due in mid Oct.
Take care!!

actually jaundice is not due to food we take that cause baby to be yellow this is just old wives tales.

Jaundice is a yellowish discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes. It is caused by too much bilirubin in the body (hyperbilirubinemia). Bilirubin is produced by the normal breakdown of red blood cells and is removed from the bloodstream by the liver.

Types of jaundice
Physiological (normal) jaundice. This occurs in more than half of all babies. An immaturity of the liver leads to a slower processing of bilirubin. The jaundice first appears at 2 to 4 days of age and should disappear by 2 weeks of age.
Breast milk jaundice. This occurs later at 4 to 7 days of age and may last from 3 to 10 weeks.
Blood group incompatibility (Rhesus or ABO problems). This type of jaundice usually begins during the first 24 hours of life, and your paediatrician would be able to diagnose it early.
Treatment of severe jaundice
High levels of bilirubin (usually above 350 umol/L) can cause deafness, cerebral palsy or brain damage in some babies. These complications can be prevented by phototherapy (shining special light rays onto the skin). In rare cases, a blood exchange transfusion may be used.

Treatment of breast milk jaundice
Giving water or glucose feeds will not lower the jaundice. Since bilirubin is carried out of the body in the stools, frequent nursing of your baby and passing frequent bowel movement is useful. Avoid taking Chinese medication, Malay "jamu", ginger and alcohol if you are breastfeeding. Sunbathing is not helpful as your baby may develop high fever or sunburn in our hot weather.

See a doctor if
Your baby develops jaundice during the first 48 hours of life, if the colour deepens or the jaundice is not gone by day 14.
Your baby is not gaining weight.
Your baby's stools turn cream-beige or chalky-white or if the urine is the colour of tea.
Your baby has fever.
Hello babies

<table border=1><tr><td>MTB</TD><TD>Age</TD><TD>EDDate</TD><TD>Arrival</TD><TD>B/G</TD><TD>Weight</TD><TD>Baby</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chrys</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD>23-Jul</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>2.96kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jfong</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>7-Aug</TD><TD>6-Jul</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>2.68kg</TD><TD>Reanne</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kelly</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD>13-Jul</TD><TD>BOY</TD><TD>3.23kg</TD><TD>Edward</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wanli</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD>19-Jul</TD><TD>GIRL</TD><TD>2.77kg</TD><TD>Melody Ho</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hi, nurbates

my baby's head is also very low but there is still no signs of going to pop soon &amp; cervix is not dilated yet...

what other signs do u experience other than baby head is very low???
Hi Kelly/Cat,
If baby has jaundice, and frequent nursing of your baby and passing frequent bowel movement is useful, as long as we give them fluids (be it FM, glucose water etc) to aid in bowel movement, would it help?
Thanks for the info. In fact I took a lot of carrot during my first trimester then my fren said cannot eat and I stopped since then. Anyway, I think it's quite common for baby to kena jaundice, as long as it's not too high shd be ok right? I will try to read more on this! I am first time mother, know very little thing on birth and baby, so always anxious to know everything abt the baby ;p

Thanks, I will go to the two places you mentioned for the gowns this weekend. Shop more, walk more and hope my bebe can engage faster also! Hee..
cocomo, thanks for sharing the things our bb will get @ TMC.. coz my MIL was worried tat whether bb will hv things to "use" anot there.. hee... now i can tell her to leave the bb's bag at home tat we hv packed all things bb can use during the hospital stay liao! =P
btw, i think we can bring back the bathtub too, rite? coz each bb will hv their own individual tray trolley, and their things are placed at the lower part of the trolley. i was told tat we can bring back the whole bathtub with all the remaining things tat our bb used there. if not, the nurse will clear them anyway. coz each bb will be given NEW set again..

my EDD is 7 Aug...quite close to yours hor! =) i really hope i can pop next week!! let's see wat my gynae says this Friday!
Not sure abt the bathtub and remaining stuff le, if really can take then sapu lo since they will not give to others also. Hee. . .

WK Tan also arranged for me to visit Dr TC Chang for fetus scan this Friday afternoon le! Then I will be able to know what to do next, whether natural birth or c-sect. Very gang qiong now. Skali we POP the same day! Ha. . .
as wat i read i guess so but its say Giving water or glucose feeds will not lower the jaundice. Breastmilk or FM is the best to help baby remove bowl. And FM actually would shorten the jaundice, otherwise breast feeding the jaundice will last slightly longer.
thx for above info on jaundice. good to noe dat can eat more papaya.. help prevent constipation for me. hehe...

np. hope u find sth u like.
hi augbaby,
u might wanna try Medela purelan for nipple cream. i used it during breastfeeding my firstborn. and going to use this again, hv bought it during sale to standby. not sure if u could get samples from ur gynae.

How do we calculate the duration of our labour? From the time we have contraction or show?

For my first born, I had show at about 10am and delivered at 5am the next day. However, my contraction only came at 2am the next day. So, was my labour 19 hours or 3 hours?
Btw Kelly,

Re. the baby bonus, do we need to get the endorsement from the bank if we want to settle the application in the hospital?

Can tell me more abt how to apply for it at the hospital?

me starts my leave today.
doing nothing at home... so bored...
still no signs of labour yet.

in fact, my crampiness has gone since yesterday
wah so good rain you resting liao
me just applied for my maternity leave yesterday and I placed it as my EDD date 23rd Aug still long way to go hehe
hi cat

now that u mention loose stools, i have that too, quite often blood stained, even tho i don have hard constipated tools. i read its v normal in 3rd tri, any of u gals suffer the same thing?

1st n 2nd tri, i was how constipated, now loose stools ..
hi piyo,

I have loose stools for a couple of days last week. I think maybe becoz of our diet?

looking forward to y gynae visit this sat. My baby not engaged yet. still waiting. At week 36 is 2.3kg.
Hi Cat,
me also dunno lei cos I recently go toilet do big business like a few times a day so farni... you lei?

Hi Kelly,
how do we apply for the baby bonus if we wanna do it b4 we leave the hospital? how long the whole process take?
feeling tired everyday. Have to drag myself to work. really hope to give birth earlier. now i climb a bit of stairs, my legs start to ache.
Hi celine/pupsandcups/cat,
my loose stools are yellowish brownish in colour easy to come out no blood but like must go toilet a few times... r real contraction pains something like those stomach pains when we go toilet ah?

Hi Celine,
me also looking forward to seeing gynae this week, my 36th week... not sure if my baby is continuing to grow...
Hi Piyo,

my EDD on 1st Aug mah. so I rest first. office so stress. not a good environment to relax at this moment....

I hope she will be out this week. but still not sign yet... no show, no contraction/tightening, nothing
my leg joints esp near the pelvic area also aching esp when I walk too much or up the stairs too... anyone still going massage?
and I wake up a few times in the middle of the nights, like 1plus, 2plus, 5 plus... I am getting eyebags liao and so sleepy when I am in office...guess is normal during last tri huh?
celine, piyo,
yes i tik stool type depends on diet. this last mth hav been eating more during meals n sometimes hav sudden need to poo.. more than once a day. but certain days if insufficient fibre, i need to wait patiently...
Hi rain,
talk ALOT to baby I think it works... ask her to choose her own birthdate and quick come out and meet mummy and daddy and the rest of the world!

meantime you walk more and like wanli, do more squats?
hi CJ,
me still taking oatmeal every morning so dun think it;s due to the oatmeal that i took... I suspect it's the milk that I drink... and each time I go toilet it's like not a lot of stools just a little bit but stomach super pain...

what have you been eating recently?
Hi, piyo

i also wake up a few times in the middle of the nights, like 12plus, 2 plus, 4 plus... been getting up so frequently until my hubby cant get sleep too

going to washroom more often &amp; getting back ache that is so pain until i had to keep still for some time before the pain will go off....

ya, think it is normal for us at the last trim...
hi rain,
me too started leave. seems like contractions will come n go. y'day i din feel tightening but back was so pain at night cldn't sleep.

anybody got back pain? i was asking a massage lady y'day n she she said at dis stage not suitable to do massage.
dun think! talk to her! me can't sleep these few nights cos difficult to toss and turn but I am physically so tired so it's quite frustrating when I can't get to sleep and sleep liao have weird dreams then wake up in the middle of the nights... this will go on for a few more weeks leh...
hi piyo

i am from the sept thread. read abt your post. I too encountered on the same thing .. freq visit to the toilets and end up with stomachache.

My gynae told me it's the ANMUM milk that I have been taking cos I am lactose intolerant. Once I switched to MEIJI LOW FAT milk, the problem does not occurs again. In fact I cant take DAISY or HL milk also. My 2 cents worth.
Hi Jes,
aiyo.. left one week only.. hang on there...

Hi Piyo,
we are talking alot to our bb already. still no effect. i let her choose her own bd, but she seems no response... regarding the squats, I just squat there for 5 mins for i have to do squating up and down for 5 mins?
Hi Jesline and CJ,
me so far no backache yet but pelvic area above the V and the joints and my calves and ankles super pain... I think I got pig trotters now
anyone having also?

I hate the moment that I have to bring myself up from the bed to go toilet... I will lie still and pause for a while then cannot "ren" liao then crawl up to go.... comical huh
piyo/ pups / Celine,
mine is normal dark brown colors and my timing are regular every morning once i wake up.
piyo maybe you monitor your tools cos might be diarrhea.
cos that time i took milk the next day i get diarrhea.
Hi CJ,
at else u hv some signs.. me totally nothing lei.haha

Hi piyo,
got talk to her... already 1 wk, still no acknowledgemnt from her. haha
i eat more of wat's available for meals. eg, bread for breakfast, chicken rice for meals, beef noodles, watever ther is. but sunday night gor craving for peking duck n lobster n went wif my family n stuffed myself silly. scared dat during confinement no chance to eat. (But usually i only drink 1 glass of milk per day.:p)
Hi Cat,
mine is regular times like morning and usually that's it... now is go office in the late morning and 1-2 more times in the afternoon and I have ALOT of gas also...
Hi all,
I also have loose stools problem esp during 3rd trim. I tot I am the only one having this coz never heard anyone mentioned b4!
Hi CJ,
I used to drink 1 glass of milk per day till last week onwards when i found out my baby is super small! talking about chicken rice! I feel like eating chicken rice today haha!later c can find not...

Hi rain,
maybe baby dun wanna come out so early she too comfy in your womb! walk more!!!
btw if you felt that you keep having to visit toilet very frequant better so drinking milk cos not all pregnant mummies can take milk. And doctor told me b4 most mummies cannot tolerate lactose during pregnancy.

B4 i pregnant i love to drink milk but now i totally cannot drink a single drop.
Maybe you can change to soya milk or continue drinking oat or cereal.actually milk is just giving baby calcuim.if you taking calcuim pills its ok not to drink milk.
Does loose stools mean we may pop anytime?

Hi cat,
me was experimenting with milk etc to see if baby grows last week... and so far it did... so I trying out this week again... cos if it helps in baby growth then I would continue to take else I will stop cos I cannot tolerate milk after I become pregnant also....
Hi, rain

1 more week seems so far away.... having swollen legs &amp; hands ... &amp; is so painful when walking.... just hope can rest at home :0

hahaha... u r jus like me. wen i awake, i now i need to go toilet. but will lie in bed till cannot tahan den slowly turn sideways to get up den sit up den walk. but i noe if i dun go, i wont go back to sleep too.

not really signs bah. but my feet super swell n my colleagues exclaim i gonna deliver soon. i hav problem doing squats n going down steps is oso a bit painful.
