(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Kelly,
I bought the Impression Nursing Bras you were sharing with us yesterday. Finally.
They are great for homewear.
Thanks for the great recommendation!

How's Ed doing now? Wow! He's 2 weeks old already.
Is Gabe in school or home with you during your confinement?

so interesting! your baby so smart! I worry if we do feed FM and via bottle, later get nipple confusion or can;t get baby back on direct latching how?
Hi celine,
maybe you should do more squats then your dream may come true? hehe I also have farni dreams like seeing the whole pad red when I went to the toilet!
Hi piyo,

really hope that labour will be smooth. And I also hope to give birth earlier. tired of waiting. now baby is 2.3kg.

Dr Ang say the best baby weigh for me for natural birth will be 2.5/2.6kg. Anything more than that will be difficult for me becoz i am very petite. less than 1.5m in height.

If baby can come out next week, maybe the weight willjust be nice for natural birth. But i can't control it.......
meaning it's a risk we may have to take if we got no choice but to give FM?

guess you are those petite kind... talk more to baby then you will see your baby soon!
Hi, celine

u seeing Dr Ang also... look like quite a number of mummies r seeing Dr Ang....

Dr Ang also mentioned to me that if i wanted normal delivery, it is best that baby weight dont exceed 3kg....

So when is yr EDD?
Hi mummies,
wow..so many post today...i read till blur...me have apply for ML leave yet..think i will take 1 wk b4 my edd of 23 aug..hee hee..now v busy at work, trying to clear my stuffs b4 i go on leave...today is my 36wks..so can i start drinking coconut water already? Hubby say start drinking in my 37wk instead coz scare wait if induce birth n bb is still premmie then how..So guess next wed then i shall start drining coconut water...

As for me, i don't reali have loose stools but more like sometimes i got tummy ache n go toilet n splash kind..haha..but hor my stools r more like very dark colour..think i am too heaty..so i am going to be taking more fruits...

Hi smlow,
how much did u buy the medela purelan nipple cream and where can i find it ah??

N from next week onwards, i am going to do my walking n squatting...so hopefully bb will be engage soon..or better still when i see my gynae on 31july, maybe my bb be engage..been v tired lately n suffering from pelvis pain liao..
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hi Noe, where did u get the Impression nursing bra n how much?<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hi smlow,
Yeah, as Celine has shared, I got them from Seiyu - Bishan @ $9.90 each.
They have 3 colours - Nude, Beige &amp; Peach
hi celine, thanks for info. i was wearing mothercare nursing bra for my 1st born, but with this 2nd pregnancy, my breast has grown much bigger (really feel like a sagging cow now!!), and realised i cant really fit into the old ones. so gotta get some new ones, but don wanna spend on mothercare ones anymore even though i like it and quality is good, coz it's expensive and i'm not working anymore. only need to tie me over the first 2 or 3 months, and hopefully breast will down one size, that's what happened to me the last time, then hopefully can wear back the old ones....
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

impression nursing bras can be bought from seiyu. I bought mine from seiyu. I think got $9.90 kind and also $11 plus kind:)<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hi Celine,
They have another design too?
I was asking the sales person if there is any other designs but she replied that's the only one (at least over at Seiyu - Bishan).
hi augbaby,
the medela purelan 100 cream comes in 2 sizes, buy the bigger one more worth it. 37g, retail is $18.55, i got mine when there was a discount of 20% at Isetan (15% +5% for members). this was recommended to me by my gynae. I can also get it from him, but no discount lah. so this time i buy myself at dept store .... haha. 1 tube could last me a few months, coz i didn't use a lot. really help to soothe my cracked nipple the first few days, my nipples cracked till bleed.... everytime my son latches on, i'll be in tears coz it's very painful, lucky only for the first week, after that it was ok. You dont hv to remove the cream b4 breastfeeding if u've applied some on ur breast.
can also get the cream at Robinsons.
Hi Noe,

There's only 1 design for the nursing bra. But the tube bra is very comfortable to wear also. I bought 3 tube bras and 5 nursing bras. damn kiasu.....haha
i find a good way to do squat as and when. if your home is like mine those toilet which are squating one. Each time want to go visit toilet visit the squating one.. of cos don't squat 4 too long if not cannot stand up. :p
celine, augbb,
so seletar hills n chong pang hav the big green coconut? me hunting high n low. usually the ones being sold at supermarkets r the thai ones. cant find the big ones so no choice hav drank the thai ones 2 times. supposed to be sweeter but not original species, i was told.
Noe &amp; celine,
hehe i oso got that one... but only 1

i only have 3 pc in total all diff brand. the tube i also had 1... use pretty long already.

Hey mums,
do any of you have pain ankles?
do u try soakin feet in hot water? works?

wah my maternity pants now oso tight... dunno how man.. still got few more weeks to go... i scared squeezing the baby at my pelvic area.. hehehe cuz mine the low cut type, but now i think hips expanded some more..

maybe i better not wear anymore?
but less n less work wear...
can oso get the small tube 7g ( or 10g ?) from Unity healthcare. selling about $8. to try first if u not sure u like.

keke... i oso bought 6 nursing bras. but not the tube ones cos i tot too tight since free size.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

thanks noe :)<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Pleasure smlow!
Talking about saggy breasts, mine are definitely not the same anymore after nursing both my boys.
Our bust line kinda expand during pregnancy aye.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Hi Noe,
There's only 1 design for the nursing bra. But the tube bra is very comfortable to wear also. I bought 3 tube bras and 5 nursing bras. damn kiasu.....haha<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Heh heh Celine,
Then you are very blessed with slim bust line liao.
Free size usually go from 32 - 38" right?
That can be tight for me ... I am already wearing an 85B now leh ...
hi cj,

Its sembawang hill, not seletar hill

I guess some bigger hawker centre will sell the big coconut also. just that got to keep a look out for them.
hi leobbsmum,
coconut to stop at week 36? I tot supposed to start taking at week 36?

hi Augbaby,
me like you, today into 36 weeks, going for coconut juice this weekend but will do the squatting and walking from next week

Hi Cat,
my toilet been upgraded so no mor sqatting ones

hi butter,
i have!esp at night after a day's work although I sit at my desk most of the time... end of the day my ankles side swollen and pain.. sometimes foot of the feet and the feet itself is painful too...
morning is better... I tried soaking in whot water...for me is no use but you can try?

I only wear that few maternity pants under belly ones now. Always interchange between those few cos the rest too tight liao
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Noe &amp; celine,
hehe i oso got that one... but only 1 :)
i only have 3 pc in total all diff brand. the tube i also had 1... use pretty long already.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hee hee ... Butter8,
I like the Nude colour but they run out of it for my size. Seen any at Seiyu - Bugis?

Hmm ... Tube bras that run in sizes do cost more though.
hi Noe,

I'm those XS size one. So the free size ok for me. got extra spzce also.....haha

I'm those cup A type. Now i buy 32B or 34B.
no shen1 cai2 type...haha
Hi Jasmine &amp; Piyo,
Thanks much for the recommendation &amp; referral for the Family Studio Portraits Promotion!
Benjamin is a patient man when comes to taking the shots with the boys.
Wah ha ha ... He bribed them with Smarties chocolates!
Thought of sharing them with all of you -> http://community.webshots.com/album/552567336DMmsoU

Hee hee ... Their $98 Family Studio Portraits Promotion lasts till end of September in case you would like to have your shots done.
All in all we have 187 images including NGs of course lah ...
But it was a fun time for us though distracting too as we were trying to keep the boys away from the studio lights!!!
ya, typo mistake but i do go dat hawker centre for lunch previously. q familiar but din patronise the sugar cane stall cos i dun like sugar cane. i like the popiah ther.

haha, i A-cupper oso before pregnant. but change to B cup during 2nd trimester, was hoping to go to C cup but.... din leh. not sure whether can maintain after birth??
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Hi Noe,
you mean bust line expand but not the bust itself huh?<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hi Piyo,
Yes yes ... Our bust size does increase!
Especially during the initial weeks of breastfeeding.
I went from Cup B to Cup C.

They will return to the usual size gradually though urm ... not as perk as before.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

haha, i A-cupper oso before pregnant. but change to B cup during 2nd trimester, was hoping to go to C cup but.... din leh. not sure whether can maintain after birth??<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Wah ha ha CJ, you so funny.
Hmm ... They do return to our normal size leh after birth gradually. Any mummies experience otherwise?

Is the tube bra for nursing too?

damn...should have done my homework first...I bought triumph ones...$40++ per piece...somemore bought four...Ouch...
Hi CJ/Noe,
Can maintain size after birth good liao1 what happens if it shrinks to less than b4 birth?

Hi Noe,
you so slim and young looking! and your 2 bois so cute!!!
piyo, i drank for strengthening the bb's skull, so i started earlier, when the development was going on.. for your case, i think u wanna drink coz when bb comes out, he/she wont be so bloody, rite?

coz i started earlier for different reasons, so i hv to stop at week 36, just in case it's too cooling for bb...

also i started earlier, coz 2nd trim is the period where all mommies will experience constipation n heatiness, rmb??

for me, i dun mind bb being bloody when she comes out, so i opt for the skull strengthening period to drink my coconut drink...like i shared when i started drinking mah...not sure if u ladies rmb reading it... =)

my colleague's bb's head is so nice n sturdy, u can tell once u look at his head!! i like it so much! haha...=P
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

I think nude colour bishan seiyu should have? think i seen it when i bought my tube bra 2 weeks ago.:)<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hi Celine,
I went there yesterday (just to buy the nursing bras).
They run out of it. Urmm ... Nude to me is the brown base leh not the Beige colour series.
aiyah, so disappointed dat it will reduce back in size later... but a consolation is dat dun hav to waste money to buy new bras n can still wear the old ones.

hi mummies,
apart from drinking coconuts for cooling effect, any other food/drinks we can take to make our body less heaty? I am worried baby will be too heaty when comes out of our womb. Any idea?

hi leobbsmum,
Ya.. me drinking so that baby dun come out so bloody and hopefully can cool down the baby also...
