(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi, Rain & cj

my mum also said that my legs & hands had swell... & she also mentioned that once the swelling came off, it is a sign that going to give birth already...
I am wondering would it happen a case like we squat then halfway squating then the water gushed out?:p I have not tried yet so just imagining...

Hi CJ,
Ya normally I sleep on my left, then when I am awake I will lie on my back wait a while and think and think can dun go not... then think cannot lie on back too long not good for baby then like you, know I won't get to sleep so will look at the clock and push myself get up... so goon huh
hi rain, jesline,
1 more week is not dat long lah. dis is the precious moment dat bb still inside our protection. must cherish dis moment too.
cat/piyo, i also got ALOT of gas since yesterday! wonder why... and my stools hv been loose too lately..

i usually only hv loose stools when i take prunes.. which i did take alot during 2nd trimester coz of constipation.
talking about swelling of hands... my arms and hands like swell also.. super ugly
then when pressed the colour like comes back very slowly...

me go lunch come back then chat again
For my case, i dun have the trouble of swelling foot n hand so far <touch> (mayb bcos my edd still far, end august or bcos of my low salt diet). But i find it to cut down ur salt level in ur food n try to walk more, definitely help alot....
ya q silly. i jus lie ther cos i dread sitting on the toilet bowl. recently i got sudden muscle cramps on my right thigh wen sitting on the bowl or just got up fr it, sometimes even wen walking. really a sharp pain.

my mum super funny. wen i told her the gynae said the swelling is expected in 3rd tri, she said last time she din get it n said nowadays gynaes r not as good as olden days... but my is really bad swelling lar.
hi gals

hmm ok so quite a few of u have soft stools as well, but seems like none of u have blood like me
i drink a lot of milk too

die la, it dsnt bother me at all so i forgot to tell my doc in my last visit, will tell him next monday.
For me I think it's the milk that causing the loose stools coz weekend normally I will take less milk (weekdays usually will take milk b4 going to work and weekend wake up late so already noon mah) so less loose stools but sometime even constipation. But weekday coz I taking 2 grasses of milk per day so almost everyday just feel like going to toilet few times. However most of the time just 'feel' but nothing out le. Dunno if it's normal?
piyo, augustmum
u shld receive a package abt bb bonus (i dunno how/where my husband got it). fill up e forms &amp; submit it at the hospital b4 u discharge (of course u MUST do ur bb's birth cert 1st b4 u can submit the bb bonus forms)

u NEED NOT get ur bank's endorsement if u r submitting at the hospital. just make sure u show e lady ur a/c bank book or latest statement of a/c.

shucks! i missed u then. i got 2 dr ang abt 1130am. ya, i heard abt e 6 deliveries...4 natural &amp; 2 scheduled c-sect.

for me, i count labour duration fr the time u r started on e drip. some mummies count fr the time they have "show" or their water bag burst. for me, no "show" &amp; water bag didnt burst in tis 2nd pregnancy. i merely had contractions every 15mins starting fr 12pm. dr ang burst my water bag at 445pm, drip was administered at 530pm (tat's when my contractions really felt stronger) so i counted fr when e drip was administered, hence my 2nd labour is abt 4hrs.

yikes! 28hrs...how do u consider when ur labour started then?
If you feel unwell taking milk better discontinue taking. Like vomiting diarrhea. You can also drink milo soya milk and cereal instead. Meanwhile you just monitor see how it goes, if you continue the same better to stop taking milk.

btw if your stool is yellowish and very watery or just water only it could be diarrhea.
That time i took milk immediately in the morning i feel indisgested and stomachaches.

Those green ones.. hmm tot to drink those thai coconut will be beta? DONO.. don dare to drink now till maybe 1-2weeks before i due..

So how frequent shld we drink? Daily or ???
hi, piyo

me too.. when i pressed on my legs or hands, the color will come back slowly...

nowsaday, too lazy to walk far to buy my lunch.... tend to lunch in as it is very crowded outside...


think not every mums will get swelling ....think also depend on our diets.... i guess...

heard from some that walking more actually tend to worsen the swelling but not sure... me trying not to walk too much as it is very painful to walk cos of the swelling....

just hope that the swelling will go off soon
walking more won't worsen the swelling, but actually if you are like me seating in office for the whole day is more likely to have swelling maybe can lift up your leg put something to support your legs under your table it will help with swelling.. and at 3rd trim swelling will hardly goes off until we give birth.
Hi, Catherine

ya, think i am just like u, seating in the office for the whole day facing the computer.....

will try your method &amp; hope that it works for me... :0
Wah.. so much discussion ongoing!!

Me having normal stool still leh.. no loose stool.. is it a sign of late 3rd tri?? My edd end 31st Aug.. so, unlike Rain, my ML starts much later!! But i trying to finish up my projects liaoz.. so next 2 weeks is standby time..

Sleeping is really a pain (LITERALLY!!) especially when i sleep on my sides.. i get lower back pain still, from my uterus/ womb pulling on my back muscles when i lie on my sides.. plus pelvic aches, even with a pillow between my legs..it makes getting up in the middle of the nite super noisy lor.. LOTS OF GROANING and WINCING from the pain.. and the 1st few steps after getting up from bed is a torture!! Like no strength to walk, cos of the hip ache!

Mummies, i heard some discouraging stories leh... from recent mummies.. they say, some babies even if fed 1st milk (colostrum), will keep screaming &amp; yelling in the 1st few days...and will cry non-stop like super cham like that.. so stressful, how to insist on BF, even if i want to? I afraid my girl will be like this, &amp; nurses @ MAH will try to persuade me to feed bb formula milk leh..

Any advice on how to start off right if i want to latch on successfully?? especially if u have a baby that is super impatient type.. I don't want to give up halfway due to pressure from others..
don't worry baby get hungry easily so i guess you got to feed your baby often as in every two hours if not of cos he / she will keep crying if you don't feed them.
Hi Jasmine,

BF is e main concern for everyone here... worrying bb wont be able to latch properly etc...
MY frd whom she had a 1 yr old son, mention to mi initially her son wont be able to latch till 2weeks later. SHE receive alot discouragement from IL n own parents n wanted to give up. BT HER HB was v supportive throughout which made her go through it.

She do pump out milk n feed him through bottle BT also try to latch him as n when.. so she was totally worn out for e 1st mth just to BF.

I felt patience is v impt. I not sure i will be able to do it.. BT im mentally prepared n standing by.. IF bb realli cant latch, i will pump it out.. Though may not be able to get from breast BT at least.. she is also enjoying e pump out BM.

I believe there is no bb which is patience cos when they wanna to drink n hunger drove them they will jus cry n cry n scream... maybe we shld have some contigency plannings too... like pump out milk &amp; also stand by any formula milk jus in case...
jasmine, my fren advised me to latch bb on after she comes out during delivery.. after the midwife cleans(b4 bathing) and carries the bb to us, we can let her latch on immediately.

this is to let her feel your warmth and love shortly after she comes into this world, let her know u are her mummy.. even if she doesnt suck the nipple, it's ok. just put it into her mouth.

then let the midwife carry the bb for cleaning/bathing... i tell u, the bb and mommy bond is bridged!!

the reason for this latching, is to let u be the first one to let her feel warmth and love.. not the midwife or nurse who will bathe and cleanse her as routine duty..

i'm going to do juz tat on my delivery day!! =P
Hi CJ,
occasionally, I will feel sharp pains at my joints when sitting down or even walking... so at least now I know I am not alone

Hi pupsandsups,
How long have you been having blood in your stools? is it alot? did you tell your gynae about it?

hi cocomo,
I will go monitor myself during the weekends cos like you weekends I tend to drink lesser milk cos not at home or at office mah...

Hi Kelly,
I got the bonus pack envelope when I did my pre admission a few weeks ago... have not looked at it in details... but must bring bank statment ah? so mafan!

btw, did you manage to speak to your friend on the AXA insurance plan? If you have can ask her send a brochure to me? super thank you!

Hi cat,
I don't feel unwell after drinking milk just that I frquent the toilet more... the yellowish brownish stools are not watery though... so is it ok?

Hi Cyn,
those big green ones are those so call young coconuts right? who else drinking, maybe can advise?

Hi Jesline,
Guess we both got water retention liao... anyway I looked super ugly now

The big green coconuts are supposed tobe more cooling. Thats why start drinking only one month b4 due date. I start drinking 2 weeks ago. I drink once per week only, during weekends.

will drink again this coming saturday.

Breastfeeding is actually quite tough in the first two months, esp. if one has no support from those around them.

For my firstborn, I am fortunate cos my mum, mil, sis and sis-in-law and pd all very pro breastfeeding. Was rather discouraged in the first month when baby was down with jaundice and had to feed FM for a while. However, with the permission of my pd, I bf the baby at night and pumped out my milk so that my milk supply will be maintained.

I found the second month the toughest actually when baby was always crying and seemed forever hungry. Fortunately, my sil told me it was due to grow spurt. With this in mind, I was less stressed.And, my sil was rite indeed...

In my own opinion, get the right info. If those around you are ignorant about breastfeeding, turn to those who are.
Now I thinking how can I slim downafter all this?
so so ugly!

Hi Celine,
So those big green coconuts are the ones right? where acn we normally find them? I am going to start drinking this weekend
You finished one big one yourself?
hi piyo

on and off, for i dunno a month or so already. but it really dsnt bother me at all leh .. hmm shd i b worried? i surf hte net they say its normal
Hi Augustmum,
how long did you feed your baby with FM during the 1st month? and you feed by bottle?

hi leobbsmum,
would drinking coconut during 2nd tri also help strengthen baby's skull?
Jesline, it was my obgyn who said tt I might likely deliver this week since she predicted most 2nd mtbs get the show faster.

Other than baby being engaged, my tightening and pelvic cramps have intensified. I'm getting the vibes tt labour is anytime now as for my first pregnancy I had similar pains when cevix starts to dilate. The tightening is pretty regular too but since there isn't any show like blood, mucus plug or waterbag bursting..I'm holding on my trip to the hospital.

My hubby and mom want me to be induced this Sat..I don't mindlah but prefer to pop naturally
These two kins of mine are used to the planned deliverylah, it's the first time they have to be on the alert 24/7 haaaa.....haaaaa...haaa....I guess everyone in my family especially my maternal grandma, (who calls often to check if I've popped) are more of the kan cheong spider than I am...heeee...heee...

Kelly, labour starts as soon as contractions begin to be regular and increase in its intensity/frequency.
Hi Piyo,

I'm living north side of singapore. So nomally will go upper thomson road. (along upper thomson rd, next to spc petrol station) There is this Sembawang Hill Food Centre.The stall selling sugarcane juice sells the big green coconut as well.

I think some pple go east coast if living east side.

Normally I finish one coconut all by myself. I eat alot. normally drink with a normal meal.

But recently think stomach got less space, becoz baby have not engaged. so got a bit of heartburn, cannot eat too much. eat too much will wan to puke. really hope baby will engage hersel soon
Hi leobbsmom,

I read somewhere b4 on that. But din try to drink during 2nd trim. scare that too cooling, early labour. But i start drinking week 35 when i know baby over 2kg
Hi Celine,
maybe this weekend will pop by east coast to drink.. wah like a lot leh... you know I don't drink coconut juice at all so this is the 1st time I am trying it ... hope it's a good drinking experience...
hi piyo,

actually the big coconut juice taste very plain. Like no taste like that. I just drink for the sake of drinking. Big green coconut dun taste sweet like the small thai coconut. Maybe thats why more healthy?
Hi, piyo

true.... also worrying how to lose the 20++kg that i had gained?

think will have to work extra hard in the 2nd month onwards as during confinement sure need to eat lot of confinement food that will cause weight to increase....

Hi, nurbates

thanks for yr reply! my gynae did not mentioned any thing of giving birth anytime but had been doing VE &amp; CTG check everytime i visit him... appointment is also closer &amp; closer....
Hi nurbates
I also think either u or rain will be the next to pop. So good. When should be yr EDD??
I am now wk 37+ and baby still not engaged yet.

Hi ladies,
If by wk 39+ or wk 40, baby still not engaged. How??
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

thanks noelle
i jus got your PM :) i jus realised our EDD is the same day! how r u coping?<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Heh heh pupsandcups ...
Butter8 &amp; Jasmine's EDDs are close to ours too.
That's great. We have one another for company.

Just went for my 35th week GY visit &amp; took my Grp B Strep test. We will know the results later I guess.
Julien's about 2.4kg now.
My GY was telling me that it will be good he gains more weight as my pregnancy weight gain so far is about 9kg.
I am not dilated but my GY did share that the cervix is soft and tell me not to strain myself.
It will be good to have the baby till 38th week.
Meantime, just waiting and experiencing the butt &amp; pelvic muscles pain.
Hmm ... Not sure about you, but I think I flare up more easily lately. All thanks to pregnancy hormones aye ...
i think its ok unless you really feel unwell other then that just monitor yourself
don't worry too much..

If I remembered correctly, I gave baby FM for a week. However, during this week, I kept expressing so that I would have milk when my son recovered. I also bf my son at night so that he would still know how to latch on.

Anyway, I think another reason why I could bf for a year is that my son refused bottles...
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Hi Noe,
:) thanks. Life like changing so much, sometimes I may think am I dreaming??!! hahaha....my life now is so much different from last week. Especially mother in law started staying with us for confinement, suddenly my house become so many people. really need some time to get used to it.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Heh heh Wanli,
Yeah we are now being fussed over by quite a lot of people.
Treasure it hor ... with my #2, I experienced lesser visitors, lesser fussing BUT more liberation!!!
I kept sneaking out of the house to rent VCDs/DVDs to watch during my confinement!
Hi honeyhaven,

From what i read, even if baby not engaged, we can also go into labour. baby engage will only means a more smooth labour if contraction starts.

If water bag burst, not choice, even if baby not engaged, also have to get her out. If induce, maybe baby will be pushed down when contraction happened.

But with baby head engaged, labour will be more smooth, probably faster?
good that it tastes plain else wait I dun like then cham!

I just went toilet again just now but although loose stools they are like normal business...

my appt also by weekly now... and nurse did mention that they would be doing VE every week from this sat onwards...

I used the NUK bottle but not very successful if I was the one feeding him. Ended up, when feeding bottles in that week, mil or hubby had to do the job. Cannot be nearby cos baby an smell me

I think most of us are having more vivid dreams? Dreamt a few times that I am in labour....haha

my hubby yest also dreamt that i give birth liao. The way he describle is very funni. saying we were crossing the road, half way i squat down, and the baby is borth. haha.....if only the real labour is so fast....
