(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

YB i work opposite UE Square lo...! yeh next wed boss on hoilday..can go for longer break..hahaha

i also didnt feel leh...


yeah i continuing with BJG for another term... i told them i only want shihui as teacher... timing not so impt.. i think this sat shihui will confirm with me what timing for next term.
zita - Yah, they called me ytd afternoon. I also said i want 4pm.. the later the better.

ylc - i didnt feel the tremors this morning, but E did.. He cried, i think he scared coz he was alone in his room sleeping in the morning.
wow... u gals in love with shihui huh?

so shd be in walkers class already rite? feedback to me wat's the difference ok
yup I will carry on the class for this term. I also wan shihui as teacher as I dun want to take the risk. But timing is a problem lei, Ryan's nap time has now changed to 2 to 4 plus, difficult to make him sleep in the mornng. Now waiting for Shi hui's schedule to be out and decide.
Not sure if hb will join tis sun. Cos Pooh's hse very near to mine. Think I may just walk over. Then mostly likely hb nua at home. Haha
Bring yr hb along lor, the most i set up MJ table for daddies only to help them pass time..if not ask them to la kopi at the kopi shops near my place
ooh.. not much daddy going ah?? i scare i cant handle my baby during the trip (cos he is very playful) as i stay at jurong west and travel to hougang will take abt half an hour or so...
no worries abt the hubbies...can ask them along...they can eitehr help to carry/entertain babies (including ours) hehe while mummies enjoy themselves hehehe....(for me i enjoy chatting and makan-ing)wahaha...hb mot joining..but still will just 'throw' ian and let him entertain himself..hahahaa
ya... no worries lah...

u can actually bring anyone u like...
maids, helper, bros, siss etc. all are welcome one.

if they bored, there is always TV there. hahhaa :p
haha..u so funnt...dunno where to throw hb...my hb will be delighted if i throw him out of my gathering..hahahaha....
YB..y post so big? hahaha

BJG...i only wan sat, 4pm onward slot & teacher shi hui..hahaha, hopefully we can make it as a class together.

Gathering..hubby are welcome..i bring my mum, hahaha
haha..mtdt..ya loh...if i said im going out with ian..and u dun hv to go..he will be..so DELIGHTED..hahahaa..but to me oso gd..cos i dun hv to rush...as in i dun hv to see his impatient fast..as if telling me..what time are u leaving?? or how long do u intend to stay?? haha..i can rest n relax...till i shiok then i go back..wahahaa
KLCC, I tired to make it. May be hubby not coming, he need to work so i will take cab with my two kids. Hopefully can handle.
wow... someone hear Mahjong suddenly appear huh! :p

so KLCC - how many tables u going to setup at ur plc? scarely kenna sue "illegal gambling"! :p
Date: 19th Sept 2007 (WED)
Time: 12noon
Place: Somewhere in Orchard.

2) Zita
3) YB
4) Angi & Seth [can we join? but late la, u start 1st dont wait thx..]
Hello, I'm from Mar 06 thread.

Need help. Anyone uses Mac Book with Seagate 80 gigabyte harddisk? Or knows anybody who does?

Willing to trade in the disk drive for a higher capacity drive. No worries cos warranty will not be void but will be assured. Will transfer all the data and systems to your new drive. Also throw in a 6 months data recovery warranty as well.

Please PM me if able to help me. Thanks!
I never knew that. Thanks for the info. ;-) Don't worry if your hb just accompanies you on the journey there and go downstairs la kopi. There will be other mums around, quite easy to throw the bbs in like dsii say I usually do that also.
at Old Airport Rd. U wanna give me a lift ah.. hahaha.. Not on the way lah.

Why trade in? Just use the 80 HDD as ur backup HDD lor. HDD is so cheap now. I dun think anyone want a 80GB HDD.
Hong... wah....

sound very foreign place to me... sorry, i am unfamiliar with east side... i thot if west side i can lobang you along...
hello mummies,

havent chked the forum for some time. hope everyone's fine. was just chking the overseas spree section, really must wait until member for 1 year then can post in there? i am really keen on some clothes for my towkay at jshopper leh.
ahsoh...wah..really very long nvr online ah? or bz with some BP thread?? hahahaha

huh? really got such rules ah? hmm..nvr notice too...
a few times tried to get in but dunno something wrong with website or the pc, cannot get in, then sian liao...

i just tried to post my order, cannot leh.
MA, my hse always 2 tbls le dont send cops 2 my hse wor hahhaa...

Zita huat ah!
i oso itchy ord but muz wait till tml hahhaha...
ahsoh - wat u can do is PM the organiser directly to order. alot of organiser dun mind taking orders in this way.

or where do u stay? I might be ordering Jshopper again :p I can pass to u at somerset, punggol or TPY.

i am staying at amk leh. TPY is toa payoh, is it? when u are ordering, let me know PLEASE..THANK YOU IN ADVANCE. i think the jshopper clothes look quite worth it, less than S$10 for 1 piece.
ahsoh - u can give me ur shopping list...
see if can meet the 12000yen for foc shipping.

once met, i will order.
I only have one item. Got to let HB chk quality first. If this one pass then can consider buying others on my wishlist.

Item Name: 5-piece set(For boys)
Item No.: A65501
Colour: A-Blue
Size: 90
Qty: 01
Unit Price: 2,240 YEN
If out of stock, then dun need to order.

Thanks again.
ahsoh - chey!!! hahaah
aiyoh... then must get another 10000yen leh. :p

anyone want to order from jshopper again?? :p
No choice leh. I see so many nice things there, I also want to buy. But got to first pass my financial controller's stringent quality test. And then must consider our dwindling bank account. sigh..

ur choice is a GOOD Choice...
I hv the same set... V V NICE!!

now i thinking wan to buy the green set or not. :p
