(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

mtdt..haha...whlau...gd stuff must share share mah...

ya...can feel smooth n matt..no joke...but of cos after half a day can feel abit oily cos my skin oily mah...but still 'matt' compared to last time..hehe...ok ok...will bring this weekend when we meet lah..then u all try a bit loh...

pm...the fring clip u try see gd bo leh...if gd maybe i wanna order leh..hehehe...

wah...so ur hb said ok bo? wwanna us to 'educate ' him? but hor..dun say like that osos..sekali ur hb dun want to go liao then jialat..hehe

mamaanne...how abt u??? tell ur hb this sunday u got date liao buay??

wow... now all into "ai mei" for mummy!!

PM - when u going salon? Just try first lah... if not BP close liao! hahah

Zita - the priddy books only at orchard... TPY dun hv. if u come orchard for lunch, can meet me too.

can also get this:

I bought the boy version.... but of cos zav only like to press to hear the flushing sound! haha
lego..i bought liao..dont but the big wan, cause my gal drag on floor leh...

MT..where is the popular at order? i meet u lunch tomm? i wan go buy

wah, so envy that you all going to have fun this sunday trying out beauty stuff. Me can't go cos Arin naps from 3-5+ in the afternoon when she's with me. By the time she wakes up, it's time for dinner at my mom's place.

btw, I haven;t bought any lantern for Arin yet..any recommedation for places to buy the cute battery operated ones around Tiong Bahru/Redhill area?
Morning Mummies!!

Hi Dsii,

We will try our best to make it for this sun.. if we really go, we cant stay long cos need to go to my MIL place, hope you all dun mind... wait kena chop head...
Morning ladies

I have send my addy to all..pls check yr email..
For your infor, my living room dun hv air-con, do wear something comfy & light...my hse is a old 5-rm flat, so pls bear with my lousy ID (in fact no ID) :p
Any mommies interested to order from ELF? They have 50% for 2nd items but only for 3 days. I got the mail yesterday so i need to place order today or latest tmr.

Give me some feedback
hong, can i order this too? my fren wants this...

Natural Radiance Blusher
colour : shy / innocence
code : #2301 / #2306
Qty : 1 pc each..

Blushing, Bronzing and Blending Brush
Code : #1805
Qty : 1 pc

No need to give me the link. give me the product code will do.

Anyone wanna order, order more and even out the delivery fee else bo hua.
hong, then nvrmind..the other 2 colours i dun like leh...i wait till got stock then see anyone wanna order..hehehe....thks ah...
Wah! Suddenly all so ai mei arh? Hahaha...

Can help me get the toilet for gal book? Thx! I can get from u all tis sun @ Pooh's hse.

lego mum,
I bought my hello kitty for $5 only nia. Ur side increase price arh?

U wanna cut ur fringe arh? Can bring along the comb tis sun? Then we try try before the BP ends. Keke...

Dunno leh. The man told me it's going for $5.90 for the hello kitty lantern. I asked $5 can anot, he said buay sai, fixed price. Maciam like shopping centre like that.
YB - ok.. will look out for the book.

Sorry to ask again... JG hol prog - anyone from jul thread? trying to get 4 pax to qualify for the 20% discount.
pls advise soon as registration start liao.
dsii - ok...
so 1 boy and 1 gal potty books

Yenny - hahaha...
all the beauty things we say here are MAGIC stuff. it will just make all of us BEAUTIFUL!!! ahahaha :p
oic. very interesting. PM, do a demo this sun leh. if really so magical then we can do a bulk purchase. anyone got lobang for those scissors that can cut and layer fringe one? then no need to go salon just to cut fringe liao, can cut for my gal.
think for short fringe lah, long one (same length as behind) cannot lor..i saw Yi Nei Jin demo...swap the comb with the fringe towards the side, and will form nice "liu hai"..but tin need to spray something onto the styled fringe, if not sure back to square one ba..
Yenny- Can buy the scssiors from Kidy palace, the farlin one got 2 types for scissors, 1 for cutting layered another for cutting straight hair....

Dsii - think KLCC is right, cant use for long fringe, that's why i cant use now mah.
pm..haha...but u never intend to cut short fringe in the 1st place..then y buy?? hehehee..me got short fringe now..can try on me...wahahahaha
My cut short fringe is those still can comb to the side de.. not like liu hai like that.. I think maybe will go perm my hair then the clip can be put into good use...
dsii, 5-8 oct result will be out by this Fri..
12-15 oct on next Fri..

wait cannot get then how hah, u guys will b disappointed or not...or shall i cont to bid for every weekend after the 1st 2 bids?
Wah! forum finally up! I was so lost & bored when I the forum was DOWN yesterday.

Went to Globetrotters wif ylc yesterday.

Kay had SOoooo much fun! Kept wanting to climb up the slide & slide down again & again. Aiyoh...my back so tired.:p Luckily there's a carer inside the game room & helped out wif Kay while I nua in 1 corner & watch. Haha...

Food-wise is okay. Not bad. Yesterday the whole plc was empty except for 1-2 tables occupied. So me & ylc really take our own sweet time to eat, chat & let the kids play.

A waiter also kept coming over to play wif the bbs. Kep tickling them. Haha...Caitz definitely enjoy his attention! Free balloons too, except we didn't take them along when we leave. Too troublesome.
Next time we ALL shld definitely go there again! Nice plc!

Some pixs to share.


Hee...hee...mummy says I look like Princess Leia from Star Wars..
Wah! forum finally up! I was so lost & bored when the forum was DOWN yesterday.

Went to Globetrotters wif ylc yesterday.

Kay had SOoooo much fun! Kept wanting to climb up the slide & slide down again & again. Aiyoh...my back so tired.:p Luckily there's a carer inside the game room & helped out wif Kay while I nua in 1 corner & watch. Haha...

Food-wise is okay. Not bad. Yesterday the whole plc was empty except for 1-2 tables occupied. So me & ylc really take our own sweet time to eat, chat & let the kids play.

A waiter also kept coming over to play wif the bbs. Kep tickling them. Haha...Caitz definitely enjoy his attention! Free balloons too, except we didn't take them along when we leave. Too troublesome.
Next time we ALL shld definitely go there again! Nice plc!
