(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

<font color="ff6000">Something to share</font>
There is one Italian cafe @ Blk 185 Toa Payoh Central #01-324 (near to Toa Payoh Library). Highly recommended! Price reasonable. Price are NETT. No GST and Service charges.






Big kiss from Dylan boy
Since I can't make it on Wed, then every Thurs also not free (cos PT cleaner coming), then mayb Mon? Tomorrow? haha. Else next week instead?

Haha..but tis time survery is longer. 3hrs. But earn more $$. $150. Will ask either my mum or mil to help jagar Kay for 3hrs then must quickly rush back liao.

Thx for the info abt the Italian rest. Wat's the name?

Come..come..join us for our gathering next time.
CG - then next week ok?

tomolo and tues - I am working from home... or zita, CG & YB meet up also can. :p

then next week meet again! hahah
klcc...thks for everything ah!!!

zita, wahlau..not ian nia hor...xavier leh...oso switched off the fan...hehhee...*arrow pointing at yenny*

legomum..nice to meet u n ur ger n ur hb...haha..he not scared when we said we wanna edcuate him ah?? hahahaha...must email us the pics that he took ah...hahaha...come..next time we got gathering or ouitng..pls join us!!!! btw, next time hor...come early...so paiseh u came all the way from CCK..then a while hv to go off liao...

mamaanne...WHERE ARE U??? how come nvr see u leh...
opps.. i forgot abt the gathering.. haha. was out with the kids viewing some renovation in the units near my new flat, and brought the kids to carrefour to walk ard.

zita, your new haircut is very nice!

from the pic, it looks like all the babies are all so grown up now... but germayn still looks like a baby, cos she's still quite hairless. hai. ya, and up till now, still got ppl ask me if she's a boy or a gal.
when u r talking to Legomum abt educating her hb, I happened to glance ur way & saw her hb like not very happy leh. Oops.

Thx. Wah! Will get addicted or not.
aiyo..issit? the bo bian liao..hahaha..but ending part he ok mah..so shld be ok bah...

legomum...so sorry leh!!! paiseh ah!!!
wah seh, why all of u come so late. I din know the gathering was so late nowsaday.

thanks for opening ur place. My Julian is very happy walking ard. Hubby said MIL reported that he kept crying after his nap. I said he din seem to play "overdose" leh.

Nice talking to ur mother too.
cos iw as sitting comfortably outside the cave mah..u see...even too lazy to get up to adjust the fan..hahahaha....
sad...my unit # striked again but I did not buy..shit..my best fren striked $500..
My mum said yesterday so many bbs came should buy mah..she should hv reminded me earlier..
My unit number always strike. But I seldom buy 4D. Then everytime when it strikes, mil will call and blame us for not buying the number. So irritating!
yeah hor, all of us shld have pooled money to buy then we can use the winning money to have a big feast. COme to think of it, so many babies so be very 'wang'. aiya, miss one chance to 'huat' ah...
ya..one or some of the bbs are lucky bb that brought luck..but we missed it..
CG..my unit # also leh..fr the time i shifted in till now missed at least 6x BIG prizes & numerous small prizes..but i nvr strike..and funny thing my fren & collic can strike my nos leh..angry..even my malay neighbour cannot believe it that we nvr strike..
My mum always commented I dun hv "chai"..somemore nvr buy since it was my BD yesterday..
Dear all and KLCC (host),

thousands of apologises for not joining you all on sun.. cos my PIL came over and left only at 9 plus.... i wanted to go... I even bought the lantern for him... see you all so enjoyed.....
sob sob...

PM & Dsii,
very sorry.... din know the last min thingy... they came down and thought they will leave early but they didnt... they left rather late...
Hello Mummies!!!

Thanks for having us at your hse yesterday. Sorry we came late yesterday cos got to wait for Heidi to wake up from her nap but luckily still managed to make it to yr place.

YB, Dsii,

Aiyo, my hubby really dun seem happy huh? Sorry leh mummies if he appeared that way but after the gathering I asked him "How's the gathering?", his answer was "Quite fun leh. When's the next one?"
I think he enjoyed being the photographer lor, heheheheheh... But last nite, when he reached home he had a bit of flu n upset stomach. Think he caught the virus from my in-law's place. Haiz... But despite that, he managed to create this link to the photos


Heidi enjoyed the gathering v much. When she reached my inlaws place after, she cannot stop babbling n finished her half bowl of rice with some egg yolk, fish, potato and carrot. Appetite v gd!

V happy to meet u nice mummies, So now I know who is who liao, heheheeheheh....
Wah! Ur b'day yesterday arh? Y nvr tell us? We sing u b'day song. Haha. Yah lor..yesterday ur lucky day shld have buy. Ur # very easy to buy leh..24 permuatation very cheap.

glad tat ur hb & Heidi had fun at the gathering yesterday. Haha..next time ur hb becomes the professional photographer liao hor. Zita, then u can R&R liao. Keke...

R u SAHM? Do join us PTTs (the rest of the SAHMs) during the weekdays too. Sometimes we'll go out together or nua at each other's home.
hehe...so he think is fun>??? hahaha..ok ok..next round must join ah..

ya ya..wow..ur hb so pro leh...even got different angle leh..hahaha...and somemore hor...got the ian's tu-tu mouth one..so cute!!!!

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">THANKS LEGODAD!!! see u next time!!!</font></font>

aiyo!!!! Pooh...happy belated bday!!!!! shld tell us..then the cake legomum brought can hv candles for u to blow mah....haiz....
i dun dare to say ah..cos we talk already so loud till YB can hear fr dnstair, wait say song hor, my whole neighbourhood will koe ah..kekeke..joking nia..old liao lah..no need to blow candle to remind me of my age..

haha,I like that. "legodad"...hehhehehe...

Ya, I'm a SAHM. "Rotting" myself most of the time now... renting vcds to watch even... going to become "old auntie" liao.


Wah So loud leh. No prob la
Legodad v fascinated with yr lao ban. Keeps saying he's v cute and looks "tough".


ya lor, we shld have sang Happy Birthday to you yesterday leh......
oh..not YB hah...then who hah who said can hear us fr downstair??

legomum..told u liao leh..must remove my picture leh..i look like a haggard Pooh in the pics..spoilt the photo album
wow... LEGODAD - u really can be appointed to be the new PHOTOGRAPHER!!! Thanks leh... so many Zav pics too. :p

hmm.. Legomum - photographer got duty to do one hor... so next gathering hv to come early. best is 1st to reach, last to go!!! hahaha :p

aiyo, no la. We the mummies are the most beautiful one hor, somemore you birthday girl yesterday, the prettiest one mah, hhehehehehehe.....
YB - same!!!!

me and PM walk down the blk, climb up the wrong staircase then walk back up the blk then reach.

wow... carrying a 10kg+kid and all the barangs barangs... no joke man!! haha
ur bday.. how come never tell us. Give us a hint if u are shy mah.

Aiyo number came out. hahaha... yah who is the lucky one that brings the luck.
