(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Today went to Kenny Rogers for lunch. Both me & ylc were craving for it. Missed the muffin & macaroni cheese.

I didn't bring lunch for Kay, so I ordered the baked rice + some of my food.

Kay & Caitz LOVES the baked rice. Kay finished half bowl of the rice. Kay also like the macaroni cheese. But strangely, they both reject the muffins. Thought everyone will like the muffins?

dsii - super bored !!!!
tat's why went to play with the yahoo groups! hahah :p

YB - so Kaylyn still low intake on solid huh?
Nope..Kay is eating more solid now. Much more than last time. But she only drinks FM twice a day. Once in morn after she wakes up & once before bedtime. The rest all solid liao.
YB - u and ylc keep going out huh...
so tomolo lunch at orchard? :p

yes.. i love the muffins!! :p
now, if I am lazy to bring zav's food out, i will buy bread for him. tat day he ate 1 whole waffle for lunch! hahha :p
YB = good mah.... eat more solid and drink more milk also.
no wonder growing so wonderfully.
No lah..only yesterday & today go out nia. Tomorrow my PT cleaner is coming, so kena stuck at home. Then Fri go bowling. Keke...

Mayb next wk can lunch @ orchard lor. U wan? I wanna go Far East to walk walk. Today managed to buy 1 top while slinging Kay. Haha..the sales staff helped me to carry Kay while I try out the clothes.

Yah..sometimes I will just feed Kay bread. But if we happens to eat rice, then I'll feed her too. Cos Kay simply LOVES rice.
Fixed on next wed lah..can? Cos Fri, orchard rd traffic jam start in afternoon. A bit mafan. Where do u suggest to eat?

Any mummies wanna join us too? The more the merrier!!
Kay dun have tea time lor..her meals timing very strange one. Morn wake up at 9am, but I will tu until 10am then give her FM + a bit bread + cheese. Then after shower, she'll nap till abt 3pm. Then late lunch will be porridge or cereal. Then dinner at abt 7pm, porridge again. Until 9pm before bed will be FM. So she doesn't have time for tea break. hahaha...
mummies, is ian fat har? or too big size...? that day one auntie commented ian must go on diet liao..alamak..1st time a mummy said ian must on diet leh...pengz...i tot his size ok mah..somemore ian so young still...siet wat?? funny leh
star cruise having 1 for 1 promotion.. anyone interested to go? anyone been on cruise?? any gd to bring our toddlers?
YLC/ YB - Haiyo, shld have asked me along, I was so bored at home today... Went to CP alone..

ep - I dont really like cruise, coz i think quite bored..

Dsii - Ian no need to go diet arh.. He's just on the bigger size than other babies but no prob one lo, coz thwy will lose their baby fats in no time..
aiyo..go CP never jio me?? hahha...today dunno y so tired...nap when ian nap..hahaha..lazy mum..

ya loh..i oso tot when they start running ard..will lose weight mah..like isaac...that tiem oso chubby one..but now see...so skinny liao..aiyo..dunno wat make that auntie said so..hahaha...so young must diet..cham liao..how come she nvr say the mummy must diet...hehehe
dsii - Dont know if Emerson is starting to lose his baby fats or becuase he on strike, that's why lose weight.

Anyone experience the earth quake today?
Sorry leh. U aren't on MSN last night so we forgot. paisey...Earthquake? No leh...

Ian is not fat lah..just bigger size..but he's been like tat since birth wat. So no need to worry too much.
Orchard lunch? count me in..hahaha
YB go GT call me lah? next time go US rem me k? i walk over..haha but wifout v lah
ya loh..i oso nbr feel and 'shake'..hahaha...just told PM..with me in pasir ris...safe..cos 'wen ru tai shan' hahaha

I felt the earthquake at my parent's house at west coast, both my maid and I looked at each other when it happened cos we felt giddy suddenly. I never experience it before.
I don't think Ian is fat either. Just big sized, which is good cos he's a boy. D lost weight. No more little tummy cos lao sai from Sat till today. Poor thing, prob wondering why I'm starving him cos I feed him very plain stuff and diluted, watery porridge. But he must be glad I don't try to feed him formula. Ha.
thks thks...i oso dun think he is fat loh..but i must say he is growing slowly..cos he was 4.8at birth..and those who were lighter than him during birth all now abt the same weight or even heavier than him...and i think i prefer him to me'meaty' now...if not..my mil sure said i eat all the gd stuff n starve ian..haha...
Ya, kids will catch up. Lifetime is so long, they're so very very young. Many more growing years, many more meals to fatten them up with.
dsii, u looking for me?? what's up?? nvr mia, js that busy surfing bulk purchase thread n looking at nu ren wo zui da - niu er's product...

dsii - oh pls!!! Ian dun need to go on diet lah! infact no kids need to go on diet... when they start running... sure lose wt one! that auntie boh liao... nothing better to say! :p

YB - ooh... ok ok... becos little kaylyn is a sleeping beauty! haha :p

Zita - lunch tomolo is fine... or u wan to wait till next wed together with YB & gang!

zoe - ooh, is D better now?

eeyore - haha... buying lots of "magic" beauty products? :p

beauty products: new BP
KLCC - hv the eyebrow thingy tat dsii bought.
Date: 19th Sept 2007 (WED)
Time: 12noon
Place: Somewhere in Orchard.

2) Zita
3) YB

come come... the more the merrier!
Thanks...in fact i order liao yesterday nite..kekeke..

btw, on my way to work tis am..i saw this stall at chinatown that sell lanterns hor, got sell a size that is ideal for our tots..abt 20cm..the usual ones r abt 30cm (i find too long)..the price = $4.50..got hello kitty, pooh etc design..i m going to buy during lunch..anyone interested?
Wa lucky u stay pasir ris so last night i didnt feel d earthquake too...heheh...with u around feel so secure :p

Wah d pdts all look so interesting, feel like ordering too!
anyone bought the polo raulph shirts from the bp before? are they authentic? feel like buying but scared they are imitations.
Some recipes to share for our bbs:

Toddler Won Tons
<font color="ff0000">Ingredients:</font>
Won ton wrappers (available leading supermarkets)
<font color="ff0000">Filling options:</font>
Mashed pumpkin and cheese
Mashed banana and sultanas
Mince meat, peas and carrot
170g Heinz Mums Recipe Alphabet Pasta, Tomato and Beef

<font color="ff0000">Method:</font>
1. Make filling and mash into smooth or soft lump consistency.

2. Spoon mixture into won ton wrapper and pinch shut.

3. Place on baking sheet and cook for 15 minutes on 180c. Cook for less time to make softer for younger toddlers.
U also bought the smaller size one hah? how much hah? i bought 2 js now, 1 for mtdt..the aunty say cannot give disc, fix at $4.50..

sure u can collect fr me..u got my addy mah..js pop by lor
Hi mummies,

Did you all felt the tremors this morning? I felt it... it actually woke me n caitz up at 750am in the morning! She was sleeping so soundly n the tremors actually woke her up! I think she must be wonder who on earth woke her up! hahaha
